From d041e61c219b5872556ad44d5618f6e39f043d85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kornel Benko Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 10:11:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Cmake build: Files already removed, but in 'git status' still present. This is a try to really remove them. --- development/batchtests/beamer_test.tex.orig | 810 ------------------- development/cmake/modules/FindEnchant.cmake | 22 - development/cmake/modules/FindHunspell.cmake | 21 - 3 files changed, 853 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 development/batchtests/beamer_test.tex.orig delete mode 100644 development/cmake/modules/FindEnchant.cmake delete mode 100644 development/cmake/modules/FindHunspell.cmake diff --git a/development/batchtests/beamer_test.tex.orig b/development/batchtests/beamer_test.tex.orig deleted file mode 100644 index 410e4dc87f..0000000000 --- a/development/batchtests/beamer_test.tex.orig +++ /dev/null @@ -1,810 +0,0 @@ -%% LyX 2.4.0dev created this file. For more info, see -%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. -\documentclass[english]{beamer} -\usepackage{lmodern} -\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{lmss} -\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt} -\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} -\usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} -\geometry{verbose} -\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} -\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} -\usepackage{babel} -\usepackage{url} -\ifx\hypersetup\undefined - \AtBeginDocument{% - \hypersetup{unicode=true} - } -\else - \hypersetup{unicode=true} -\fi - -\makeatletter - -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. -\providecommand{\LyX}{\texorpdfstring{\ensureascii{% - L\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{Y}\kern-.125emX\@}}{LyX}} -\DeclareRobustCommand*{\lyxarrow}{% -\@ifstar -{\leavevmode\,$\triangleleft$\,\allowbreak} -{\leavevmode\,$\triangleright$\,\allowbreak}} - -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands. -% this default might be overridden by plain title style -\newcommand\makebeamertitle{\frame{\maketitle}}% -% (ERT) argument for the TOC -\AtBeginDocument{% - \let\origtableofcontents=\tableofcontents - \def\tableofcontents{\@ifnextchar[{\origtableofcontents}{\gobbletableofcontents}} - \def\gobbletableofcontents#1{\origtableofcontents} -} -\providecommand{\shortcut}[1]{\mbox{\textsf{#1}}} - -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands. -% We use the "Berkeley" theme with a 3.45em-wide side bar on the left -\usetheme[left,width=3.45em]{Berkeley} - -\makeatother - -\begin{document} -\begin{frame} - -\frametitle{Contents} - -\tableofcontents{} -\end{frame} -% - -\section{Purposes} -\begin{frame}[<+->]{Purpose of the Beamer class} - -With the \structure{Beamer} class, you can produce presentation slides, -which -\begin{itemize} -\item are visually highly customizable -\item can be very well structured -\item can be constructed step-by-step (``overlay'' concept) -\item may contain different navigation paths (note that the slides contain -all sorts of hyperlinks) -\item use \LaTeX 's superb output quality -\item might embed multimedia content (audio, video) -\item can easily be transformed to accompanying material (such as an article-like -handout) -\item and much more \ldots{} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Purpose of this presentation} - -This presentation -\begin{itemize} -\item describes some basic features of \structure{Beamer} -\item especially how they can be used with \LyX{} -\end{itemize} -For more general and comprehensive information on \structure{Beamer} -itself, please refer to the extensive class manual \cite{beamer-ug} -\end{frame} -% - -\section{Segments of a presentation} -\begin{frame}{The global structure} - -A presentation usually consists of -\begin{itemize} -\item a title page -\item slides that might be grouped to sections/parts -\item an appendix with additional information, such as a bibliography -\end{itemize} -We describe these global segments in what follows. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{The title page} - -Within \LyX , a title page is constructed by the layouts \structure{Title}, -\structure{Subtitle}, \structure{Author}, \structure{Institute}, -\structure{Date} and \structure{TitleGraphic}. -\begin{itemize} -\item None of these elements is mandatory, but at least one must be given -\item The order of insertion does not matter (the real order is defined -in the \structure{Beamer} theme) -\item For \structure{Title}, \structure{Subtitle}, \structure{Author}, -\structure{Institute} and \structure{Date}, you can define ``short'' -forms via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Short Title\slash Date\slash\ldots} -These are used in the sidebar\slash heading (given the theme actually -provides a sidebar\slash heading) -\item If you select \structure{Title (Plain Frame)} instead of \structure{Title}, -the title page will have no sidebar or heading -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Slides/Frames} - -Slides are called ``frames'' in \structure{Beamer}. Everything -inside a frame is put on one slide (which itself might consist of -sub-slides). -\begin{itemize} -\item Select the \structure{Frame} style to start a frame -\item The frame title is to be inserted in the ``Frame title'' inset, -which is automatically inserted for new frames or can be manually -inserted via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Frame Title} -\item Alternatively, you can also use the \structure{FrameTitle} layout, -which additionally offers a (rarely used) short frame title option, -and, more importantly, overlay options -\item A subtitle can be added via the \structure{FrameSubtitle} layout -\item Frame options (see \cite{beamer-ug} for the diverse options) are -inserted via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Frame Options}, overlay options -via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Overlay Specifications} and \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Default Overlay Specifications} -(we explain later what this is) -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}<1-2>[label=myframe]{Frames can be repeated} - -Frames can be repeated fully or only in terms of selected sub-slides, -multiple times at any later point of the presentation. - -You just need to give the respective frame a label name via the frame -option ``label'' (as done here). - -\pause{} - -Then you can repeat this frame by means of the \structure{AgainFrame} -layout later in the presentation. Just enter the label name in the -\structure{AgainFrame} layout and specify, if required, which sub-slides -you want to be repeated via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Overlay Specifications} -(again, see below for the concept of ``overlays''). -\begin{proof}<3> -\alert{Here's the proof!} (This text is only shown on sub-slide -3 which is itself only shown when this frame is repeated later on) -\end{proof} - -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Keeping frames together} - -\framesubtitle{Use nesting!} -\begin{itemize} -\item Note that all frame content, if the style is not \structure{Frame}, -must be nested to the frame environment (via \alert{Edit\lyxarrow Increase List Depth} -or \shortcut{Alt+Shift+Right}). This is done automatically if you -insert new frame paragraphs. -\item Nested content is marked by a red bar in the margin of the \LyX{} workarea -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -\begin{itemize} -\item Non-nested content (such as this) will also be displayed in the presentation -(on a separate slide), but not properly aligned -\item So please avoid this -\end{itemize} -% -\begin{frame}{Separating frames} - -\noindent Consecutive frames have to be separated from each other. -This is done by means of the \structure{Separator} inset, which can -be produced by hitting return in an empty Standard paragraph right -below the frame (see UserGuide, sec.~3.4.6). -\begin{block}{Tip} - -There is a simple and much more convenient way to start a new frame: -Issue \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Separated Frame Below} (\shortcut{undefined} -if you are in a non-nested \structure{Frame} paragraph, or \shortcut{Alt+P Shift+Return}, -respectively, if you are in a nested paragraph within the frame). -If you are in the frame heading, \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Separated Frame Above} -inserts a new, properly separated frame above the current one! -\end{block} -\end{frame} -% - -\againframe<3>{myframe} - -\begin{frame}[plain]{Special frame types} - -\LyX{} provides two special frame types: -\begin{enumerate} -\item \structure{Frame (plain)} is a frame without a sidebar/header (such -as this one). This is useful for slides with much content\slash wide -tables -\item \structure{Frame (fragile)} is to be used if the frame consists of -``fragile'' content, especially verbatim stuff such as program listings -\end{enumerate} -If you want a fragile plain frame, pass the option ``plain'' to -a fragile frame or the option ``fragile'' to a plain frame. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Sectioning a presentation} -\begin{itemize} -\item To group frames, you can use the usual sectioning commands (\structure{Section}, -\structure{Subsection} etc.) -\item These are shown in the table of contents, the sidebar\slash header -(depending on the theme) and the article output (for ``article'' -see below, the section on ``modes'') -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Parts have special meaning} -\begin{itemize} -\item You can also divide your presentation into \structure{Parts}. Note, -however, that parts behave differently in \structure{Beamer} than -in other document classes: a part is considered to be ``a little -`talk of its own' with its own table of contents, its own navigation -bars, and so on.'' \cite[sec.~10.3]{beamer-ug} -\item This means, for instance, that if you use parts, the table of contents -will only list the sections and subsections of the part that contains -this table of contents, and the sidebar\slash header will also only -show the sections of the current part. -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Re-arranging frames} -\begin{block}{Tip} - -Did you know that you can easily move and re-arrange whole frames -via the outliner (\alert{View\lyxarrow Outline Pane})? - -Also, you can navigate to a specific frame via the \alert{Navigate} -menu! -\end{block} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{The appendix} -\begin{itemize} -\item Appendices might be useful for additional\slash reserve material. -The appendix is part of the presentation, but not shown in the table -of contents\slash sidebar\slash header -\item An appendix is inserted as usual in \LyX : -\begin{itemize} -\item Use \alert{Document\lyxarrow Start Appendix Here} at the position -where the appendix should begin -\end{itemize} -\item Typical content of the appendix is the bibliography -\begin{itemize} -\item You insert it as in all other \LyX{} classes, via the \structure{Bibliography} -style (see the bibliography at the end of this presentation as an -example) -\item Note that you can also use Bib\TeX , although not all Bib\TeX{} styles -are prepared to work with \structure{Beamer} -\end{itemize} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% - -\section{The overlay concept} -\begin{frame}{What are overlays?} - -Basically, the overlay concept allows to change the slide content -dynamically. You can uncover things/text piecewise, fade out content, -highlight things, replace text, images etc. - -\pause{} -\begin{itemize}[<+->] -\item Overlays are useful to build up slides as you speak -\item They help you to shift your audience's focus on specific things -\item And they help your audience to follow you -\item So use overlays! \alert<6>{Really, use them!} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Overlay types} - -\structure{Beamer} provides many different overlay types. The most -important ones are: -\begin{description} -\item [{Hidden~content:}] Stuff that is completely invisible up to a point -\item [{Covered~content:}] Stuff that is faded out (not completely invisible) -\item [{Highlighted~content:}] Stuff that is somehow emphasized at a certain -point -\end{description} -We give examples for these types in what follows, but begin with some -general remarks on overlay possibilities -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{General overlay/action possibilities} - -Many \structure{Beamer} elements provide overlay settings. Basically, -you can define on which sub-slide(s) a given content appears (``2'', -``2-4'', ``3-'', ``1,3'' etc.), or in which output mode (``presentation'', -``article'' etc.) -\begin{itemize} -\item In \LyX , these settings are generally accessible via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Overlay Specifications} -or \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Action Specifications} -\end{itemize} -\begin{overprint} -\onslide<2> -\begin{definition} -``Action'' is a more general concept, which does not only include -what we have called ``overlays'' (``on which sub-slide{[}s{]} is -this to be shown\slash hidden\slash highlighted''), but also tasks -such as ``only show this in the presentation, not on the handout'' -or ``show this on the second screen only'' (so-called ``modes''). -\end{definition} - -\onslide<3> -\begin{alertblock}{Note to the \LaTeX{} aficionados} - -The mentioned overlay/action settings conform to those command/environment -options embraced by\alert{\ <\ldots >} and \alert{{[}<\ldots >{]}} -in the \LaTeX{} output. - -Note that \LyX{} adds those braces on export, so you must not enter -them yourself. In other words, enter ``1'' or ``+-'' to the overlay/action -insets, not ``<1>'' or ``{[}<+->{]}''! -\end{alertblock} -\end{overprint} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{An example} - -Take for example a quote. In a \structure{Quote} environment, you -can specify the overlay settings via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Overlay Specifications}. -If you do this and enter ``2'', the quote will only appear on (sub-)slide -2: -\begin{quote}<2> -Fear no more the heat o\textquoteright{} the sun - -Nor the furious winter\textquoteright s rages - -Thou thy worldly task hast done - -Home art gone, and ta\textquoteright en thy wages -\end{quote} -This is how the concept works, basically. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Covering vs. hiding} - -The difference between ``covering'' and ``hiding'' is that hidden -content is treated as if it isn't there, while covered content is -just covered (and the space is reserved). If we would have hidden -the quote on the last slide and not covered, it would only have taken -space on appearance: -\begin{quote} -Fear no more the heat o\textquoteright{} the sun - -Nor the furious winter\textquoteright s rages - -Thou thy worldly task hast done - -Home art gone, and ta\textquoteright en thy wages -\end{quote} - -You can see how this text moves when the quote is un-hidden. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Coverage degrees} - -\setbeamercovered{transparent} - -\structure{Beamer} offers several degrees of ``coverage'', which -can be set via the command \alert{\textbackslash setbeamercovered} -either globally (for the whole presentation) or locally (e.\,g. for -a single frame, as here). By default, content is completely covered. -In ``transparent'' mode, you can see covered text greyed-out: -\begin{quote}<2> -Fear no more the heat o\textquoteright{} the sun - -Nor the furious winter\textquoteright s rages - -Thou thy worldly task hast done - -Home art gone, and ta\textquoteright en thy wages -\end{quote} -Check the \structure{Beamer} manual for more possibilities. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Default overlay/action specifications vs.\\ -(normal) overlay/action specifications} -\begin{itemize} -\item For some environments (such as lists and also frames), you can set -``default specifications'' additionally to normal overlay/action -specifications (or in the case of lists: ``overlay specifications'' -for the whole list and ``item overlay specifications'' for singular -items) -\item Default specifications apply to all content of the given environment, -if not individually specified otherwise -\item They use a placeholder syntax. E.\,g., ``+(1)-'' will uncover all -items in a list step by step (with a start offset of 1) if they have -no individual item specification: -\begin{itemize}[<+(1)->] -\item One -\item Two -\item Three -\item<1-> Always -\end{itemize} -\end{itemize} -Please consult the \structure{Beamer} manual for details on this -syntax. - -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}[<+->]{Default overlay/action specifications vs.\\ -(normal) overlay/action specifications} - -\noindent This frame uses a specific default overlay specification - -which causes each overlay-aware paragraph \ldots{} -\begin{itemize} -\item \ldots{} or list item \ldots{} -\item \ldots{} to appear \ldots{} -\item \ldots{} on a subsequent sub-slide \ldots{} -\end{itemize} -\begin{block}{A block} - -\ldots{} one after the other -\end{block} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}[]{Default overlay/action specifications vs.\\ -(normal) overlay/action specifications} - -\noindent And this frame uses a specific default overlay specification -\ldots{} -\begin{itemize} -\item \ldots{} which causes each overlay-aware list item \ldots{} -\item \ldots{} to be highlighted \ldots{} -\item \ldots{} on respective sub-slides -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Pause} - -The \structure{Pause} layout lets you mark a point where all following -content will be covered (by default for one slide, with regard to -the content preceding the pause): - -\pause{} - -After first pause - -\pause{} - -After second pause - -\pause[2]{} - -By default, consecutive pauses also end consecutively. - -Via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Pause Number}, however, you can specify -a specific sub-slide at which the given pause ends, independent from -the number of pauses inserted before this one. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Paragraph-wide overlays} - -\structure{Beamer} and \LyX{} provide you with paragraph layouts whose -purpose it is to show/hide whole paragraphs or sequences of paragraphs -on specific slides. These are particularly: -\begin{uncoverenv}<2-> - -The \structure{Uncovered} layout which uncovers all content on the -specified slides \ldots{} -\begin{itemize} -\item \ldots{} including nested paragraphs of other layout. -\end{itemize} -\end{uncoverenv} - -\begin{onlyenv}<3-> - -The \structure{Only} layout which un-hides content (note again how -the surrounding text ``moves'' when this gets visible). -\end{onlyenv} - -\begin{overprint} -\onslide<4> - -And the \structure{Overprint} environment which lets you enter \ldots{} -\onslide<5> - -\ldots{} alternative text taking a specific space on specified slides. - -\end{overprint} -as demonstrated here. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Inline overlays} - -\setbeamercovered{transparent} - -\structure{Beamer} also supports inline overlays for text parts (as -opposed to whole paragraphs), which are accessible via \alert{Edit\lyxarrow Text Style} -in \LyX : -\begin{itemize} -\item You can \structure{uncover} \uncover<2->{text} on specific slides -\item You can make \visible<3->{text} \structure{visible} (which makes -a difference to ``uncover'' only with ``transparent'' coverage -setting, as used locally on this slide) -\item You can show \only<4->{text }\structure{only} on specific slides -\item You can make \invisible<5->{text} \structure{invisible} -\item And you can show \alt<6->{different}{\structure{alternative}} text -\end{itemize} -As for the paragraph layouts, the overlay settings can be accessed -via the \alert{Insert} menu. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Overlay-aware commands} - -Many ``inline'' commands (also to be found at \alert{Edit\lyxarrow Text Style}) -are overlay-aware. -\begin{itemize} -\item Thus, you can make for instance text on specific slides \emph<2>{emphasized}, -\textbf<3>{bold}, shown in \alert<4>{alert} or \structure<5>{structure} -color. -\end{itemize} -\begin{block}<6>{Tip} - -Use these Emphasize and Bold insets (instead of the usual respective -font settings) also if you do not need overlay specifications. Due -to the way emphasized and bold is defined in \structure{Beamer}, -normal emphasizing and boldface can lead to \LaTeX{} errors, e.\,g. -when used in section headings. -\end{block} -\end{frame} -% - -\section{Specific environments} -\begin{frame}{Specific environments} - -Specific environments, particularly suited for presentations are: -\begin{itemize} -\item Diverse ``blocks'' -\item Theorem-style environments -\item Columns -\end{itemize} -We sketch them briefly in what follows. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Blocks} - -Blocks can contain all sorts of information. We used them here for -``tips'' and ``hints''. The class provides 3 pre-defined blocks -with different look: -\begin{block}<2->{Block} - -A general-purpose block -\end{block} -\begin{exampleblock}<3->{Example Block} - -A block for ``examples'' -\end{exampleblock} -\begin{alertblock}<4->{Alert Block} - -And an ``alert'' block for important remarks. -\end{alertblock} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Handling Blocks} -\begin{itemize} -\item In \LyX , blocks have a similar user interface to frames, which means -that -\begin{itemize} -\item Content inside blocks needs to be nested (if the paragraph layout -is not \structure{Block}) -\item Consecutive blocks of the same type must be separated by the \structure{Separator} -paragraph style -\begin{block}{Tip} - -Use \alert{Edit\lyxarrow Start New Environment} (\shortcut{undefined}) -to quickly start a new block from within a previous block! -\end{block} -\end{itemize} -\item Blocks are overlay-aware -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Theorem-style environments} - -\framesubtitle{(Theorem, Corollary, Definition, Definitions, Example, Examples, -Fact, Proof)} - -Theorems look similar to blocks in the output, but they have a fixed -title (depending on the type). -\begin{theorem} -This is a theorem! -\end{theorem} - -\begin{fact} -This is a fact! -\end{fact} - - -\pause{} - -Via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Additional Theorem Text}, you can add -some extra text to this fixed title -\begin{example}[a bad one!] - -An example with additional text (brackets added automatically) -\end{example} - -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Columns} - -Sometimes it is useful to divide a presentation into columns -\begin{columns}[t] - -\column{.4\textwidth} - -To do this, first select \structure{Columns} (note the plural) to -start the columns - -\pause{} - -\column{.4\textwidth} - -And then, in the following paragraph, select \structure{Column} (singular) -to start a specific column -\end{columns} - - -\pause{} - -\medskip{} - -Note: -\begin{itemize} -\item In the \structure{Column} (singular) environment, you need to specify -the width using \LaTeX{} syntax (but also something like ``3.5cm'' -will work) -\item Any (singular) \structure{Column} must be nested to the (plural) -\structure{Columns}. Likewise, column content can be any paragraph -style that is nested to a singular \structure{Column} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% - -\section{Short remarks on modes} -\begin{frame}{Modes} - -In \structure{Beamer} terms, a ``mode'' is a specific output route. -There are several modes for different purposes. We just want to highlight -three: -\begin{enumerate} -\item The ``beamer'' mode -\item The ``presentation'' mode -\item The ``article'' mode -\end{enumerate} -The beamer mode is the default. Unless explicitly specified otherwise, -your \structure{Beamer} document is in ``beamer'' mode. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Switching Modes} - -However, you can switch document parts, frames, headings and all ``action''-aware -environments to a different mode. For instance, we have switched this -frame to ``presentation'' mode. -\begin{itemize} -\item What does this mean? -\begin{itemize} -\item It means that this frame will only be visible in the presentation, -not in the accompanying ``article'', if you produce such an article -(we will elaborate on this a bit below) -\end{itemize} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}
{Switching Modes} - -This frame will not be visible in the presentation, but only in the -article, since it is in ``article'' mode. -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{So what?} - -This is actually pretty useful! You can set up a single document and -produce both a presentation and \textendash{} using the article mode -\textendash{} a handout. -\begin{itemize} -\item And we mean a \emph{real}, useful handout, not one of those scaled -slide printouts that are so common nowadays (but if you insist, you -can produce one of those as well) -\item Modes allow you to add extra text to the handout or hide parts from -it -\item You can use for instance different graphics for the presentation and -the handout -\item and so on \ldots{} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Examples} - -As said, many elements are mode-aware. -\begin{itemize} -\item You can show particular text \only{only in the presentation}\only
{only in the article} -via \alert{Edit\lyxarrow Text Style\lyxarrow Only} -\end{itemize} -\mode
{\begin{itemize} -\item Or put all sorts of complex contents via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Custom Insets\lyxarrow ArticleMode} -in an inset that will only be output in article mode -\end{itemize} -}\mode{\begin{itemize} -\item Or put all sorts of complex contents via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow Custom Insets\lyxarrow PresentationMode} -in an inset that will only be output in presentation mode -\end{itemize} -} -\begin{itemize} -\item Or you can define that an \emph{emphasizing} should -only apply to the presentation, \textbf
{a bold face} only -to article -\item You can also show section headings or frame titles\slash subtitles -only in the presentation\slash article (like we do for the ``Contents'' -and ``References'' frame titles in this presentation) -\item And much more of this sort \ldots{} -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Setting up an article} - -Setting up a beamer article with \LyX{} is easy. -\begin{itemize} -\item Just create a new document with the class \structure{Beamer Article (Standard Class)} -or \structure{Beamer Article (KOMA-Script)} -\item Then add the presentation to this document as a child (via \alert{Insert\lyxarrow File\lyxarrow Child Document\ldots}) -\item And that's it. Now you can produce the handout and the presentation -by compiling one of these two documents, while you only need to edit -one, namely the presentation -\end{itemize} -Check out the accompanying beamer-article example document for this -presentation. You can find it in the same folder as this document. -\end{frame} -% - -\section{Changing the look} -\begin{frame}{Themes} -\begin{itemize} -\item \structure{Beamer} presentations are themeable. Themes determine -the colors used, the macro structure (use of sidebars, headlines etc.), -the fonts, the look of list items, blocks and in general the whole -look and feel of a presentation -\item \structure{Beamer} itself ships a number of different-looking themes -to chose from (we use the ``Berkeley'' theme in this presentation; -see \alert{Document\lyxarrow Settings\lyxarrow\LaTeX{} Preamble} -for how we activated and slightly tweaked the theme) -\item In addition to this standard set, you can get more themes from \href{}{CTAN} -and other places at the Internet -\item If you still are not satisified or if you need a theme matching to -your University's or company's corporate design, the \structure{Beamer} -manual \cite{beamer-ug} explains how you can setup your own theme -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% -\begin{frame}{Themes can be modified} - -But you do not need to write a theme from scratch if you want to alter -the look. -\begin{itemize} -\item Existing themes can be modified both in details and in major areas -(such as the coloring) -\item Consult the \structure{Beamer} manual \cite{beamer-ug} for details -\end{itemize} -\end{frame} -% - -\section{And more \ldots} -\begin{frame}{\ldots{} much more!} - -Note that \structure{Beamer} can do much more than we have described -here. The \structure{Beamer} manual \cite{beamer-ug} provides a -comprehensive documentation. - -Also, have a look at the \structure{Beamer} examples and templates -shipped with \LyX ! -\end{frame} -% - -\appendix - -\section{Appendix} - -\begin{frame} - -\frametitle{References} - -\end{frame} -% -\begin{thebibliography}{1} -\bibitem{beamer-ug}Tantau, Till et al.:\newblock The beamer class. -\url{}. -\end{thebibliography} -% - -\end{document} diff --git a/development/cmake/modules/FindEnchant.cmake b/development/cmake/modules/FindEnchant.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index d7548a84fc..0000000000 --- a/development/cmake/modules/FindEnchant.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -if(WIN32) - find_library(ENCHANT_LIBRARY "libenchant") - find_path(ENCHANT_INCLUDE_DIR "enchant++.h") -else() - find_library(ENCHANT_LIBRARY "enchant" - "/usr/local/lib" - ${SYSTEM_LIB_DIRS} - "/opt/local/lib") - find_path(ENCHANT_INCLUDE_DIR "enchant++.h" PATHS - /usr/local/include - /usr/local/include/enchant - /usr/include - /usr/include/enchant - /opt/local/include/enchant) -endif() - -# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and -# set ENCHANT_FOUND to TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE -include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) -find_package_handle_standard_args(ENCHANT DEFAULT_MSG ENCHANT_LIBRARY ENCHANT_INCLUDE_DIR) - -mark_as_advanced(ENCHANT_LIBRARY ENCHANT_INCLUDE_DIR) diff --git a/development/cmake/modules/FindHunspell.cmake b/development/cmake/modules/FindHunspell.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index ad08ad6045..0000000000 --- a/development/cmake/modules/FindHunspell.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - -if(WIN32) - find_library(HUNSPELL_LIBRARY "libhunspell") -else() - find_library(HUNSPELL_LIBRARY NAMES "hunspell" "hunspell-1.2" PATHS "/usr/local/lib" ${SYSTEM_LIB_DIRS} "/usr/lib64") -endif() - -FIND_PATH(HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR "hunspell.hxx") -if (NOT HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR) - FIND_PATH(HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR "hunspell/hunspell.hxx") - if (HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR) - set(HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR "${HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR}/hunspell") - endif() -endif() - -# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and -# set HUNSPELL_FOUND to TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE -include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) -find_package_handle_standard_args(HUNSPELL DEFAULT_MSG HUNSPELL_LIBRARY HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR) - -mark_as_advanced(HUNSPELL_LIBRARY HUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR) -- 2.39.5