From: Thibaut Cuvelier Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2022 00:47:37 +0000 (+0100) Subject: New Theorems Module. Contributed by Udicoudco on the mailing... X-Git-Url:;h=42c2a25fb873727d87ce753b3a3ac4e913e36fe0;p=features.git New Theorems Module. Contributed by Udicoudco on the mailing list. Rebased on top of master. I've modified all the non-AMS theorem modules so they would be independent of packages. currently the code support \theoremstyle, but only with definition, plain and remark. I'v added a new theorem module that support the thmtools \listoftheorems. I've modified the syntax of all theorem modules, such that it would be easier to create a new one, or maintaining the ones that exists. Instead of using \newtheorem in the preamble of a lyaout, I wrote \lyx@newtheorem, and in each module I've defiened \lyx@newtheorem as fitted. This way, there is only need in the files thorems-base, and theorems-extended, instead of an .inc file for each module. I've added, a file that suppose to be included in a "Numbered by type" module, to change the Label and the LabelCounter of the layouts in Note that in this configuration, all non-AMS modules will clash with the AMS ones, and so as the proof versions. suppose to be in the non-AMS while should be included only in AMS variants. --- diff --git a/autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.lyx b/autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.lyx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a713a1bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.lyx @@ -0,0 +1,624 @@ +#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see +\lyxformat 609 +\begin_document +\begin_header +\save_transient_properties true +\origin unavailable +\textclass article +\begin_preamble +% Added by lyx2lyx +\setlength{\parskip}{\smallskipamount} +\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} +\end_preamble +\use_default_options true +\begin_modules +theorems-thmtools +\end_modules +\maintain_unincluded_children no +\language english +\language_package default +\inputencoding auto-legacy +\fontencoding auto +\font_roman "default" "default" +\font_sans "default" "default" +\font_typewriter "default" "default" +\font_math "auto" "auto" +\font_default_family default +\use_non_tex_fonts false +\font_sc false +\font_roman_osf false +\font_sans_osf false +\font_typewriter_osf false +\font_sf_scale 100 100 +\font_tt_scale 100 100 +\use_microtype false +\use_dash_ligatures true +\graphics default +\default_output_format default +\output_sync 1 +\bibtex_command default +\index_command default +\float_placement class +\float_alignment class 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Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Conjecture +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Conjecture* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Corollary +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Corollary* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Definition +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Definition* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Example +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Example* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Exercise +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Exercise* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Fact +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Fact* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Lemma +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Lemma* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Problem +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Problem* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Proposition +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Proposition* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Remark +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Theorem +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Theorem* +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dummy Note +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Case +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Proof +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Separator plain +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex List of Theorems +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_body +\end_document \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.xml b/autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc700bb0cd --- /dev/null +++ b/autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.xml @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ + + +
+Untitled Document +
+Claim 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Claim. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Conjecture 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Conjecture. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Corollary 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Corollary. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Definition 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Definition. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+ +Example 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. + + +Example. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. + +
+Exercise 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Exercise. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Fact 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Fact. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Lemma 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Lemma. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Problem 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Problem. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Proposition 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Proposition. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Remark 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Theorem 0.1. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Theorem. +Dummy Note +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
+Proof. +Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text, Dummy Text. +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5e0d10b759..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,364 +0,0 @@ -# Original Author : David L. Johnson -# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes -# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN -# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin -# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck -# Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters - -# The environments defined are : -# - Theorem -# - Corollary -# - Lemma -# - Proposition -# - Conjecture -# - Fact -# - Definition -# - Example -# - Problem -# - Exercise -# - Solution -# - Remark -# - Claim -# - Case (by inclusion) - -Format 99 - -Input - -OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" - -Style Theorem - Category Reasoning - Margin First_Dynamic - LatexType Environment - LatexName thm - NextNoIndent 1 - ResetArgs 1 - AddToToc thm - IsTocCaption 1 - Argument 1 - LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" - Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" - IsTocCaption 1 - EndArgument - LabelSep xx - ParIndent MMM - ParSkip 0.4 - ItemSep 0.2 - TopSep 0.7 - BottomSep 0.7 - ParSep 0.3 - Align Block - AlignPossible Left - LabelType Static - LabelCounter theorem - LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." - Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - Requires amsthm - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Corollary - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName cor - LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname} - EndPreamble - LabelCounter corollary - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Lemma - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName lem - LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter lemma - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Proposition - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName prop - LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter proposition - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Conjecture - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName conjecture - LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter conjecture - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Fact - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName fact - LabelString "Fact \thefact." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter fact - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Definition - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName defn - LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." - Font - Shape Up - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter definition - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Example - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName example - LabelString "Example \theexample." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter example - DocBookWrapperTag informalexample - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr "" -End - - -Style Problem - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName problem - LabelString "Problem \theproblem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter problem - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Exercise - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName xca - LabelString "Exercise \theexercise." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter exercise - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Solution - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName sol - LabelString "Solution \thesolution." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{sol}{\protect\solutionname} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter solution - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Remark - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName rem - LabelString "Remark \theremark." - Font - Shape Up - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter remark - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Claim - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName claim - LabelString "Claim \theclaim." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter claim - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - -Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module index 13276fc14b..d3229381fc 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #The numbering's scope is the whole document. For chapter- and section-wide numbering, #use one of the 'within Sections'/'within Chapters' modules, respectively. #DescriptionEnd -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-starred | theorems-ams | theorems-bytype +#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams | theorems-bytype # Original Author : David L. Johnson # Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes @@ -17,12 +17,25 @@ # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck # Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Requires amsmath,amsthm - -Input -Input -Input +Input +Input +Input Input + +Style Theorem + Preamble + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\newtheorem*}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} + \theoremstyle{plain} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + EndPreamble + Requires amsthm +End + +Style Theorem* + Requires amsthm +End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index acb5300bb0..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,459 +0,0 @@ -# Original Author : David L. Johnson -# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes -# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN -# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin -# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck -# Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters -# Chapter dependence added Oct '16 by Andrew Parsloe - -# The environments defined are : -# - Theorem -# - Corollary -# - Lemma -# - Proposition -# - Conjecture -# - Fact -# - Definition -# - Example -# - Problem -# - Exercise -# - Solution -# - Remark -# - Claim -# - Case (by inclusion) - - -Format 99 - -Input - -Counter theorem - Within chapter -End -Counter corollary - Within chapter -End -Counter lemma - Within chapter -End -Counter proposition - Within chapter -End -Counter conjecture - Within chapter -End -Counter fact - Within chapter -End -Counter definition - Within chapter -End -Counter example - Within chapter -End -Counter problem - Within chapter -End -Counter exercise - Within chapter -End -Counter solution - Within chapter -End -Counter remark - Within chapter -End -Counter claim - Within chapter -End - -OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" - -Style Theorem - Category Reasoning - Margin First_Dynamic - LatexType Environment - LatexName thm - NextNoIndent 1 - ResetArgs 1 - AddToToc thm - IsTocCaption 1 - Argument 1 - LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" - Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" - IsTocCaption 1 - EndArgument - LabelSep xx - ParIndent MMM - ParSkip 0.4 - ItemSep 0.2 - TopSep 0.7 - BottomSep 0.7 - ParSep 0.3 - Align Block - AlignPossible Left - LabelType Static - LabelCounter theorem - LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." - Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} - \else - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - Requires amsthm - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Corollary - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName cor - LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname} - \else - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LabelCounter corollary - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Lemma - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName lem - LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname} - \else - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter lemma - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Proposition - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName prop - LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname} - \else - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter proposition - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Conjecture - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName conjecture - LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename} - \else - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter conjecture - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Fact - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName fact - LabelString "Fact \thefact." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname} - \else - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter fact - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Definition - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName defn - LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." - Font - Shape Up - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname} - \else - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter definition - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Example - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName example - LabelString "Example \theexample." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename} - \else - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter example - DocBookWrapperTag informalexample - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr "" -End - - -Style Problem - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName problem - LabelString "Problem \theproblem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname} - \else - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter problem - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Exercise - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName xca - LabelString "Exercise \theexercise." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename} - \else - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter exercise - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Solution - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName sol - LabelString "Solution \thesolution." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{sol}{\protect\solutionname} - \else - \newtheorem{sol}{\protect\solutionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter solution - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Remark - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName rem - LabelString "Remark \theremark." - Font - Shape Up - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname} - \else - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter remark - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Claim - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName claim - LabelString "Claim \theclaim." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname} - \else - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter claim - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-chap-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-chap-bytype.module index 20c21e035b..9a29fcf396 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-chap-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-chap-bytype.module @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ #proposition 4, ...). The numbering restarts for each chapter: theorem 1.1, #theorem 2.1, ... #DescriptionEnd -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-starred | theorems-ams | theorems-bytype +#Requires: theorems-ams-bytype +#Excludes: theorems-ams-extended-bytype # Original Author : David L. Johnson # Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes @@ -18,12 +19,27 @@ # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck # Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters # Chapter dependence added Oct '16 by Andrew Parsloe +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 Requires amsmath,amsthm -Input -Input -Input -Input +Style Theorem + Preamble + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\newtheorem*}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} + \theoremstyle{plain} + \ifcsname c@chapter\endcsname + \ifx\c@chapter\relax + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \else + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}[chapter]} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[chapter] + \fi + \else + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \fi + EndPreamble +End diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module index cbf088c7da..e08c3df57b 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module @@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck # Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Requires amsmath - # The environnements defined (regular and starred) are : # - Criterion # - Algorithm @@ -37,451 +36,5 @@ Requires amsmath # - Question Input - -Style Criterion - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName criterion - LabelString "Criterion \thecriterion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{criterion}{\protect\criterionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter criterion - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='criterion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Criterion* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName criterion* - LabelString "Criterion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{criterion*}{\protect\criterionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='criterion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Algorithm - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName lyxalgorithm - LabelString "Algorithm \thealgorithm." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lyxalgorithm}{\protect\algorithmname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter algorithm - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='algorithm' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Algorithm* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName lyxalgorithm* - LabelString "Algorithm." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{lyxalgorithm*}{\protect\algorithmname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='algorithm' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Axiom - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName ax - LabelString "Axiom \theaxiom." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{ax}{\protect\axiomname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter axiom - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='axiom' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Axiom* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName ax* - LabelString "Axiom." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{ax*}{\protect\axiomname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='axiom' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Condition - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName condition - LabelString "Condition \thecondition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{condition}{\protect\conditionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter condition - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='condition' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Condition* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName condition* - LabelString "Condition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{condition*}{\protect\conditionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='condition' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Note - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName note - LabelString "Note \thenote." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{note}{\protect\notename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter note - DocBookTag note - DocBookItemTag para -End - - -Style Note* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName note* - LabelString "Note." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{note*}{\protect\notename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag note - DocBookItemTag para -End - - -Style Notation - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName notation - LabelString "Notation \thenotation." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{notation}{\protect\notationname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter notation - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='notation' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Notation* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName notation* - LabelString "Notation." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{notation*}{\protect\notationname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='notation' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Summary - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName summary - LabelString "Summary \thesummary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{summary}{\protect\summaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter summary - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='summary' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Summary* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName summary* - LabelString "Summary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{summary*}{\protect\summaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='summary' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Acknowledgement - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName acknowledgement - LabelString "Acknowledgement \theacknowledgement." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{acknowledgement}{\protect\acknowledgementname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter acknowledgement - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='acknowledgement' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Acknowledgement* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName acknowledgement* - LabelString "Acknowledgement." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{acknowledgement*}{\protect\acknowledgementname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='acknowledgement' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Conclusion - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName conclusion - LabelString "Conclusion \theconclusion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{conclusion}{\protect\conclusionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter conclusion - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='conclusion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Conclusion* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName conclusion* - LabelString "Conclusion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{conclusion*}{\protect\conclusionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='conclusion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Assumption - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName assumption - LabelString "Assumption \theassumption." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{assumption}{\protect\assumptionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter assumption - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='assumption' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Assumption* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName assumption* - LabelString "Assumption." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{assumption*}{\protect\assumptionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='assumption' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Question - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName question - LabelString "Question \thequestion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{question}{\protect\questionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter question - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='question' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Question* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName question* - LabelString "Question." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{question*}{\protect\questionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='question' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Input +Input +Input \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-chap-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-chap-bytype.module index f124aeb0e5..5d5bbaed4e 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-chap-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-chap-bytype.module @@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck # Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters # Chapter dependence added Oct '16 by Andrew Parsloe +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Requires amsmath - # The environnements defined (regular and starred) are : # - Criterion # - Algorithm @@ -37,534 +36,5 @@ Requires amsmath # - Assumption # - Question -Input -Counter criterion - Within chapter -End -Counter algorithm - Within chapter -End -Counter axiom - Within chapter -End -Counter condition - Within chapter -End -Counter note - Within chapter -End -Counter notation - Within chapter -End -Counter summary - Within chapter -End -Counter acknowledgement - Within chapter -End -Counter conclusion - Within chapter -End -Counter assumption - Within chapter -End -Counter question - Within chapter -End - - -# additional (AMS-extended) environments - -Style Criterion - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName criterion - LabelString "Criterion \thecriterion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{criterion}{\protect\criterionname} - \else - \newtheorem{criterion}{\protect\criterionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter criterion - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='criterion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Criterion* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName criterion* - LabelString "Criterion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{criterion*}{\protect\criterionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='criterion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Algorithm - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName lyxalgorithm - LabelString "Algorithm \thealgorithm." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{lyxalgorithm}{\protect\algorithmname} - \else - \newtheorem{lyxalgorithm}{\protect\algorithmname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter algorithm - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='algorithm' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Algorithm* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName lyxalgorithm* - LabelString "Algorithm." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{lyxalgorithm*}{\protect\algorithmname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='algorithm' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Axiom - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName ax - LabelString "Axiom \theaxiom." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{ax}{\protect\axiomname} - \else - \newtheorem{ax}{\protect\axiomname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter axiom - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='axiom' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Axiom* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName ax* - LabelString "Axiom." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{ax*}{\protect\axiomname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='axiom' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Condition - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName condition - LabelString "Condition \thecondition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{condition}{\protect\conditionname} - \else - \newtheorem{condition}{\protect\conditionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter condition - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='condition' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Condition* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName condition* - LabelString "Condition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{condition*}{\protect\conditionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='condition' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Note - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName note - LabelString "Note \thenote." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{note}{\protect\notename} - \else - \newtheorem{note}{\protect\notename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter note - DocBookTag note - DocBookItemTag para -End - - -Style Note* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName note* - LabelString "Note." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{note*}{\protect\notename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag note - DocBookItemTag para -End - - -Style Notation - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName notation - LabelString "Notation \thenotation." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{notation}{\protect\notationname} - \else - \newtheorem{notation}{\protect\notationname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter notation - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='notation' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Notation* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName notation* - LabelString "Notation." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{notation*}{\protect\notationname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='notation' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Summary - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName summary - LabelString "Summary \thesummary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{summary}{\protect\summaryname} - \fi - \else - \newtheorem{summary}{\protect\summaryname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter summary - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='summary' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Summary* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName summary* - LabelString "Summary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{summary*}{\protect\summaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='summary' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Acknowledgement - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName acknowledgement - LabelString "Acknowledgement \theacknowledgement." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{acknowledgement}{\protect\acknowledgementname} - \else - \newtheorem{acknowledgement}{\protect\acknowledgementname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter acknowledgement - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='acknowledgement' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Acknowledgement* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName acknowledgement* - LabelString "Acknowledgement." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{acknowledgement*}{\protect\acknowledgementname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='acknowledgement' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Conclusion - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName conclusion - LabelString "Conclusion \theconclusion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{conclusion}{\protect\conclusionname} - \else - \newtheorem{conclusion}{\protect\conclusionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter conclusion - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='conclusion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Conclusion* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName conclusion* - LabelString "Conclusion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{conclusion*}{\protect\conclusionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='conclusion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Assumption - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName assumption - LabelString "Assumption \theassumption." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{assumption}{\protect\assumptionname} - \else - \newtheorem{assumption}{\protect\assumptionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter assumption - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='assumption' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Assumption* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName assumption* - LabelString "Assumption." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{assumption*}{\protect\assumptionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='assumption' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Question - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName question - LabelString "Question \thequestion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{question}{\protect\questionname} - \else - \newtheorem{question}{\protect\questionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter question - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='question' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Question* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName question* - LabelString "Question." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{question*}{\protect\questionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='question' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Input +Input +Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module index c6dde06105..ba119e414c 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module @@ -14,11 +14,10 @@ # modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Requires amsmath - # The environments defined (regular and starred) are : # - Criterion # - Algorithm @@ -33,443 +32,5 @@ Requires amsmath # - Assumption # - Question -Style Criterion - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName criterion - LabelString "Criterion \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{criterion}[thm]{\protect\criterionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='criterion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Criterion* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName criterion* - LabelString "Criterion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{criterion*}{\protect\criterionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='criterion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Algorithm - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName lyxalgorithm - LabelString "Algorithm \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lyxalgorithm}[thm]{\protect\algorithmname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='algorithm' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Algorithm* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName lyxalgorithm* - LabelString "Algorithm." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{lyxalgorithm*}{\protect\algorithmname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='algorithm' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Axiom - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName ax - LabelString "Axiom \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{ax}[thm]{\protect\axiomname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='axiom' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Axiom* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName ax* - LabelString "Axiom." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{ax*}{\protect\axiomname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='axiom' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Condition - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName condition - LabelString "Condition \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{condition}[thm]{\protect\conditionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='condition' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Condition* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName condition* - LabelString "Condition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{condition*}{\protect\conditionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='condition' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Note - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName note - LabelString "Note \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{note}[thm]{\protect\notename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag note - DocBookItemTag para -End - - -Style Note* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName note* - LabelString "Note." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{note*}{\protect\notename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag note - DocBookItemTag para -End - - -Style Notation - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName notation - LabelString "Notation \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{notation}[thm]{\protect\notationname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='notation' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Notation* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName notation* - LabelString "Notation." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{notation*}{\protect\notationname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='notation' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Summary - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName summary - LabelString "Summary \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{summary}[thm]{\protect\summaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='summary' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Summary* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName summary* - LabelString "Summary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{summary*}{\protect\summaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='summary' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Acknowledgement - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName acknowledgement - LabelString "Acknowledgement \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{acknowledgement}[thm]{\protect\acknowledgementname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='acknowledgement' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Acknowledgement* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName acknowledgement* - LabelString "Acknowledgement." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{acknowledgement*}{\protect\acknowledgementname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='acknowledgement' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Conclusion - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName conclusion - LabelString "Conclusion \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{conclusion}[thm]{\protect\conclusionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='conclusion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Conclusion* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName conclusion* - LabelString "Conclusion." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{conclusion*}{\protect\conclusionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='conclusion' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Assumption - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName assumption - LabelString "Assumption \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{assumption}[thm]{\protect\assumptionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='assumption' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - - -Style Assumption* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName assumption* - LabelString "Assumption." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{assumption*}{\protect\assumptionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='assumption' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Question - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName question - LabelString "Question \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{question}[thm]{\protect\questionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='question' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Style Question* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName question* - LabelString "Question." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{question*}{\protect\questionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='question' - DocBookItemTag "" -End - -Input +Input theorems-counters-extended-bytype +Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c306d25bdd..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ -# Original Author : David L. Johnson -# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes -# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN -# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin -# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck - -# The environments defined are : -# - Theorem -# - Corollary -# - Lemma -# - Proposition -# - Conjecture -# - Definition -# - Example -# - Problem -# - Exercise -# - Solution -# - Remark -# - Claim -# - Proof -# - Case (by inclusion) - -Format 99 - -OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" - -Style Theorem - Category Reasoning - Margin First_Dynamic - LatexType Environment - LatexName thm - NextNoIndent 0 - ResetArgs 1 - AddToToc thm - IsTocCaption 1 - Argument 1 - LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" - Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" - IsTocCaption 1 - EndArgument - LabelSep xx - ParIndent MMM - ParSkip 0.4 - ItemSep 0.2 - TopSep 0.7 - BottomSep 0.7 - ParSep 0.3 - Align Block - AlignPossible Left - LabelType Static - LabelCounter theorem - LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." - Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - Requires amsthm - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Corollary - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName cor - LabelString "Corollary \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{cor}[thm]{\protect\corollaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Lemma - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName lem - LabelString "Lemma \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{\protect\lemmaname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Proposition - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName prop - LabelString "Proposition \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{prop}[thm]{\protect\propositionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Conjecture - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName conjecture - LabelString "Conjecture \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{conjecture}[thm]{\protect\conjecturename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Fact - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName fact - LabelString "Fact \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{fact}[thm]{\protect\factname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Definition - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName defn - LabelString "Definition \thetheorem." - Font - Shape Up - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{defn}[thm]{\protect\definitionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Example - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName example - LabelString "Example \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{example}[thm]{\protect\examplename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag informalexample - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr "" -End - - -Style Problem - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName problem - LabelString "Problem \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{problem}[thm]{\protect\problemname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Exercise - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName xca - LabelString "Exercise \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{xca}[thm]{\protect\exercisename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Solution - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName sol - LabelString "Solution \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{sol}[thm]{\protect\solutionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Remark - CopyStyle Theorem - DependsOn Theorem - LatexName rem - LabelString "Remark \thetheorem." - Font - Shape Up - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{rem}[thm]{\protect\remarkname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Claim - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName claim - LabelString "Claim \thetheorem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{claim}[thm]{\protect\claimname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - -Input -Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module index 99337f556a..261b19383e 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module @@ -6,24 +6,29 @@ #the theorems are numbered consecutively throughout the document. This can be #changed by loading one of the 'Theorems (Numbered by ...)' modules. #DescriptionEnd -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-starred +#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-bytype | theorems-ams-bytype # Original Author : David L. Johnson # Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Requires amsmath,amsthm - Counter theorem GuiName Theorem LaTeXName thm End -Input -Input -Input +Input Input + +Style Theorem + Requires amsthm +End + +Style Theorem* + Requires amsthm +End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 416bf5bee5..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,359 +0,0 @@ -# Original Author : David L. Johnson -# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes -# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN -# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin -# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck -# Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin to use separate counters - -# The environments defined are : -# - Theorem -# - Corollary -# - Lemma -# - Proposition -# - Conjecture -# - Fact -# - Definition -# - Example -# - Problem -# - Exercise -# - Solution -# - Remark -# - Claim -# - Proof -# - Case (by inclusion) - -Format 99 - -Style Theorem - Category Reasoning - Margin First_Dynamic - LatexType Environment - LatexName thm - NextNoIndent 1 - ResetArgs 1 - Argument 1 - LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" - Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" - EndArgument - LabelSep xx - ParIndent MMM - ParSkip 0.4 - ItemSep 0.2 - TopSep 0.7 - BottomSep 0.7 - ParSep 0.3 - Align Block - AlignPossible Left - LabelType Static - LabelCounter theorem - LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." - Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - Requires amsthm - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Corollary - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName cor - LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter corollary - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Lemma - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName lem - LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter lemma - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Proposition - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName prop - LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter proposition - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Conjecture - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName conjecture - LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter conjecture - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Fact - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName fact - LabelString "Fact \thefact." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter fact - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Definition - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName defn - LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." - Font - Shape Up - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter definition - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Example - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName example - LabelString "Example \theexample." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter example - DocBookWrapperTag informalexample - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr "" -End - - -Style Problem - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName problem - LabelString "Problem \theproblem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter problem - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Exercise - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName xca - LabelString "Exercise \theexercise." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter exercise - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Solution - CopyStyle Definition - LatexName sol - LabelString "Solution \thesolution." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{sol}{\protect\solutionname} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter solution - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Remark - CopyStyle Theorem - LatexName rem - LabelString "Remark \theremark." - Font - Shape Up - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter remark - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Claim - CopyStyle Remark - LatexName claim - LabelString "Claim \theclaim." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname} - EndPreamble - Requires amsthm - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} - EndBabelPreamble - LabelCounter claim - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - -Input -Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module index e0ad3464da..f414fd55af 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module @@ -8,32 +8,57 @@ #The numbering's scope is the whole document. For chapter- and section-wide numbering, #use one of the 'within Sections'/'within Chapters' modules, respectively. #DescriptionEnd -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams | theorems-starred | theorems-ams-bytype +#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams | theorems-ams-bytype # Author: Paul Rubin (hacked from Richard Kimberly Heck's theorems-std.module) +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 Input -Input -Input +Input +Input +Input -#This is just a hacked version of the AMS proof environment -Style Proof - Preamble - \ifx\proof\undefined\ - \newenvironment{proof}[1][\proofname]{\par - \normalfont\topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax - \trivlist - \itemindent\parindent - \item[\hskip\labelsep - \scshape - #1]\ignorespaces - }{% - \endtrivlist\@endpefalse - } - \providecommand{\proofname}{Proof} - \fi - EndPreamble -# No LangPreamble or BabelPreamble, since babel knows \proofname already. +Style Theorem + Preamble + \def\lyx@reverse@two#1#2{#2#1} + \def\lyx@plain{plain} + \def\lyx@definition{definition} + \def\lyx@remark{remark} + \newcommand\theoremstyle[1]{% + \def\lyx@style{#1}% + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@plain + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\itshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@definition + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@remark + \def\lyx@headfont{\itshape}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + } + \def\@xthm#1#2{% + \@begintheorem{\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}{\begingroup\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup.}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% + \@opargbegintheorem{\normalfont{\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}}{\begingroup\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup}{#3\lyx@reverse@two{\begingroup\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname.\endgroup}}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\lyx@othm#1[#2]#3{\@othm{#1}[#2]{{#1}{#3}}} + \def\lyx@nthm#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}{\@ynthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}} + \renewcommand\newtheorem[1]{% + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@headfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@headfont + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@bodyfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@bodyfont + \@ifnextchar[{\lyx@othm{#1}}{\lyx@nthm{#1}}} + \newcommand\lyx@starred@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{\unskip}} + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\lyx@starred@newtheorem}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} + \theoremstyle{plain} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + EndPreamble End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ index 687319ceb2..223af7cf5d 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ b/lib/layouts/ @@ -10,83 +10,85 @@ Format 99 Counter casei GuiName "Case (Level 1)" - LabelString "Case \arabic{casei}." + LabelString "Case \arabic{casei}." End Counter caseii GuiName "Case (Level 2)" - Within casei - LabelString "Case \roman{caseii}." + Within casei + LabelString "Case \roman{caseii}." End Counter caseiii GuiName "Case (Level 3)" - Within caseii - LabelString "Case \alph{caseiii}." + Within caseii + LabelString "Case \alph{caseiii}." End Counter caseiv GuiName "Case (Level 4)" - Within caseiii - LabelString "Case \arabic{caseiv}." + Within caseiii + LabelString "Case \arabic{caseiv}." End Style Case - Category Reasoning - Margin Static - LatexType Item_Environment - LatexName casenv - LabelType Enumerate - LeftMargin "Case ###." - LabelSep xx - ParSkip 0.0 - ItemSep 0.2 - TopSep 0.7 - BottomSep 0.7 - ParSep 0.3 - Align Block - AlignPossible Block, Left - LabelCounter case - LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic - EndFont - HTMLTag ol - HTMLItem li - HTMLLabel NONE - HTMLClass lyxcase - RefPrefix enu - Argument listpreamble:1 - LabelString "List preamble" - MenuString "List Preamble" - Tooltip "LaTeX code to be inserted before the first item" - PassThru 1 - Font - Family typewriter - Color latex + Category Reasoning + Margin Static + LatexType Item_Environment + LatexName casenv + LabelType Enumerate + LeftMargin "Case ###." + LabelSep xx + ParSkip 0.0 + ItemSep 0.2 + TopSep 0.7 + BottomSep 0.7 + ParSep 0.3 + Align Block + AlignPossible Block, Left + LabelCounter case + LabelFont + Series Medium + Shape Italic EndFont - EndArgument - Argument item:1 - LabelString "Custom Item|s" - Tooltip "A customized item string" - EndArgument - NextNoIndent 1 - Requires enumitem - # It'd be easier to use \setlist[caseenv] here, but that causes problems - # if you nest an ordinary list inside a case environment. See discussion - # at bug #7611. - Preamble - \newlist{casenv}{enumerate}{4} - \setlist[casenv]{leftmargin=*,align=left,widest={iiii}} - \setlist[casenv,1]{label={{\itshape\ \casename} \arabic*.},ref=\arabic*} - \setlist[casenv,2]{label={{\itshape\ \casename} \roman*.},ref=\roman*} - \setlist[casenv,3]{label={{\itshape\ \casename\ \alph*.}},ref=\alph*} - \setlist[casenv,4]{label={{\itshape\ \casename} \arabic*.},ref=\arabic*} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\casename}{_(Case)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\casename}{_(Case)}} - EndBabelPreamble - RefPrefix OFF - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='cases' + HTMLTag ol + HTMLItem li + HTMLLabel NONE + HTMLClass lyxcase + RefPrefix enu + Argument listpreamble:1 + LabelString "List preamble" + MenuString "List Preamble" + Tooltip "LaTeX code to be inserted before the first item" + PassThru 1 + Font + Family typewriter + Color latex + EndFont + EndArgument + Argument item:1 + LabelString "Custom Item|s" + Tooltip "A customized item string" + EndArgument + NextNoIndent 1 + Requires enumitem + # It'd be easier to use \setlist[caseenv] here, but that causes problems + # if you nest an ordinary list inside a case environment. See discussion + # at bug #7611. + Preamble + \newlist{casenv}{enumerate}{4} + \setlist[casenv]{leftmargin=*,align=left,widest={iiii}} + \setlist[casenv,1]{label={{\itshape\ \casename} \arabic*.},ref=\arabic*} + \setlist[casenv,2]{label={{\itshape\ \casename} \roman*.},ref=\roman*} + \setlist[casenv,3]{label={{\itshape\ \casename\ \alph*.}},ref=\alph*} + \setlist[casenv,4]{label={{\itshape\ \casename} \arabic*.},ref=\arabic*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\casename}{_(Case)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\casename}{_(Case)}} + EndBabelPreamble + RefPrefix OFF + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='cases' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true End diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module index fe98e03b2e..80b5b65275 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module @@ -7,15 +7,14 @@ #as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). The numbering is reset #at each chapter start. #DescriptionEnd -#Requires: theorems-bytype | theorems-ams-bytype -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams | theorems-starred | theorems-sec | theorems-sec-bytype +#Requires: theorems-bytype +#Excludes: theorems-sec-bytype # Author: Paul Rubin (hacked from Richard Kimberly Heck's various modules) +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Input - Counter theorem Within chapter End @@ -55,143 +54,53 @@ End Style Theorem Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} - \else - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Corollary - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname} - \else - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Lemma - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname} - \else - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Proposition - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname} - \else - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Conjecture - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename} - \else - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Fact - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname} - \else - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Definition - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname} - \else - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Example - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename} - \else - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Problem - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname} - \else - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Exercise - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename} - \else - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Remark - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname} - \else - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname}[chapter] - \fi - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Claim - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname} - \else - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname}[chapter] - \fi + \def\lyx@reverse@two#1#2{#2#1} + \def\lyx@plain{plain} + \def\lyx@definition{definition} + \def\lyx@remark{remark} + \newcommand\theoremstyle[1]{% + \def\lyx@style{#1}% + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@plain + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\itshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@definition + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@remark + \def\lyx@headfont{\itshape}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + } + \def\@xthm#1#2{% + \@begintheorem{\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}{\begingroup\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup.}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% + \@opargbegintheorem{\normalfont{\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}}{\begingroup\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup}{#3\lyx@reverse@two{\begingroup\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname.\endgroup}}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\lyx@othm#1[#2]#3{\@othm{#1}[#2]{{#1}{#3}}} + \def\lyx@nthm#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}{\@ynthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}} + \renewcommand\newtheorem[1]{% + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@headfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@headfont + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@bodyfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@bodyfont + \@ifnextchar[{\lyx@othm{#1}}{\lyx@nthm{#1}}} + \newcommand\lyx@starred@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{\unskip}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\lyx@starred@newtheorem}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} + \theoremstyle{plain} + \ifcsname c@chapter\endcsname + \ifx\c@chapter\relax + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \else + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}[chapter]} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[chapter] + \fi + \else + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \fi EndPreamble End diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module index 804be2631a..1775ce9d87 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module @@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ #each chapter start). Use this module only with document classes that provide a chapter #environment. #DescriptionEnd -#Requires: theorems-std | theorems-ams +#Requires: theorems-std #Excludes: theorems-sec # Author: Richard Kimberly Heck +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 @@ -20,11 +21,51 @@ End Style Theorem Preamble + \def\lyx@reverse@two#1#2{#2#1} + \def\lyx@plain{plain} + \def\lyx@definition{definition} + \def\lyx@remark{remark} + \newcommand\theoremstyle[1]{% + \def\lyx@style{#1}% + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@plain + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\itshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@definition + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@remark + \def\lyx@headfont{\itshape}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + } + \def\@xthm#1#2{% + \@begintheorem{\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}{\begingroup\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup.}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% + \@opargbegintheorem{\normalfont{\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}}{\begingroup\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup}{#3\lyx@reverse@two{\begingroup\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname.\endgroup}}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\lyx@othm#1[#2]#3{\@othm{#1}[#2]{{#1}{#3}}} + \def\lyx@nthm#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}{\@ynthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}} + \renewcommand\newtheorem[1]{% + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@headfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@headfont + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@bodyfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@bodyfont + \@ifnextchar[{\lyx@othm{#1}}{\lyx@nthm{#1}}} + \newcommand\lyx@starred@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{\unskip}} + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}[thm]{#2}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\lyx@starred@newtheorem}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} \theoremstyle{plain} - \ifx\thechapter\undefined - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \ifcsname c@chapter\endcsname + \ifx\c@chapter\relax + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \else + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[chapter] + \fi \else - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[chapter] + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} \fi EndPreamble End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f72bcc4473 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/layouts/ @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +# theorem environments for the extended theorem modules + +Style Criterion + CopyStyle Theorem + DependsOn Theorem + LatexName criterion + LabelString "Criterion \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem{criterion}{\protect\criterionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='criterion' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + +Style Criterion* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName criterion* + LabelString "Criterion." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{criterion*}{\protect\criterionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\criterionname}{_(Criterion)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='criterion' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Algorithm + CopyStyle Theorem + DependsOn Theorem + LatexName lyxalgorithm + LabelString "Algorithm \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem{lyxalgorithm}{\protect\algorithmname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='algorithm' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Algorithm* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName lyxalgorithm* + LabelString "Algorithm." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{lyxalgorithm*}{\protect\algorithmname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{_(Algorithm)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='algorithm' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Axiom + CopyStyle Theorem + DependsOn Theorem + LatexName ax + LabelString "Axiom \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem{ax}{\protect\axiomname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='axiom' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Axiom* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName ax* + LabelString "Axiom." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{ax*}{\protect\axiomname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\axiomname}{_(Axiom)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='axiom' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Condition + CopyStyle Definition + LatexName condition + LabelString "Condition \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem{condition}{\protect\conditionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='condition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Condition* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName condition* + LabelString "Condition." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem*{condition*}{\protect\conditionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conditionname}{_(Condition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='condition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Note + CopyStyle Remark + LatexName note + LabelString "Note \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem{note}{\protect\notename} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='note' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Note* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName note* + LabelString "Note." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{note*}{\protect\notename} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='note' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Notation + CopyStyle Remark + LatexName notation + LabelString "Notation \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem{notation}{\protect\notationname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='notation' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Notation* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName notation* + LabelString "Notation." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{notation*}{\protect\notationname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notationname}{_(Notation)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='notation' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Summary + CopyStyle Remark + LatexName summary + LabelString "Summary \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem{summary}{\protect\summaryname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='summary' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Summary* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName summary* + LabelString "Summary." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{summary*}{\protect\summaryname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\summaryname}{_(Summary)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='summary' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Acknowledgement + CopyStyle Remark + LatexName acknowledgement + LabelString "Acknowledgement \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem{acknowledgement}{\protect\acknowledgementname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='acknowledgement' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Acknowledgement* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName acknowledgement* + LabelString "Acknowledgement." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{acknowledgement*}{\protect\acknowledgementname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\acknowledgementname}{_(Acknowledgement)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='acknowledgement' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Conclusion + CopyStyle Remark + LatexName conclusion + LabelString "Conclusion \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem{conclusion}{\protect\conclusionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='conclusion' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Conclusion* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName conclusion* + LabelString "Conclusion." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{conclusion*}{\protect\conclusionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conclusionname}{_(Conclusion)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='conclusion' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Assumption + CopyStyle Theorem + DependsOn Theorem + LatexName assumption + LabelString "Assumption \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem{assumption}{\protect\assumptionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='assumption' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Assumption* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName assumption* + LabelString "Assumption." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{assumption*}{\protect\assumptionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\assumptionname}{_(Assumption)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='assumption' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + +Style Question + CopyStyle Theorem + DependsOn Theorem + LatexName question + LabelString "Question \thetheorem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem{question}{\protect\questionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='question' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + +Style Question* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName question* + LabelString "Question." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{question*}{\protect\questionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='question' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + +Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afa46b9192 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/layouts/ @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +# Independent label counters for "Numbered By Type" theorem modules + +ModifyStyle Corollary + LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." + LabelCounter corollary +End + + +ModifyStyle Lemma + LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." + LabelCounter lemma +End + + +ModifyStyle Proposition + LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." + LabelCounter proposition +End + + +ModifyStyle Conjecture + LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." + LabelCounter conjecture +End + + +ModifyStyle Fact + LabelString "Fact \thefact." + LabelCounter fact +End + + +ModifyStyle Definition + LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." + LabelCounter definition +End + + +ModifyStyle Example + LabelString "Example \theexample." + LabelCounter example +End + + +ModifyStyle Problem + LabelString "Problem \theproblem." + LabelCounter problem +End + + +ModifyStyle Exercise + LabelString "Exercise \theexercise." + LabelCounter exercise +End + + +ModifyStyle Solution + LabelString "Solution \thesolution." + LabelCounter solution +End + + +ModifyStyle Remark + LabelString "Remark \theremark." + LabelCounter remark +End + + +ModifyStyle Claim + LabelString "Claim \theclaim." + LabelCounter claim +End + +ModifyStyle Criterion + LabelString "Criterion \thecriterion." + LabelCounter criterion +End + +ModifyStyle Algorithm + LabelString "Algorithm \thealgorithm." + LabelCounter algorithm +End + + +ModifyStyle Axiom + LabelString "Axiom \theaxiom." + LabelCounter axiom +End + + +ModifyStyle Condition + LabelString "Condition \thecondition." + LabelCounter condition +End + + +ModifyStyle Note + LabelString "Note \thenote." + LabelCounter note +End + + +ModifyStyle Notation + LabelString "Notation \thenotation." + LabelCounter notation +End + + +ModifyStyle Summary + LabelString "Summary \thesummary." + LabelCounter summary +End + + +ModifyStyle Acknowledgement + LabelString "Acknowledgement \theacknowledgement." + LabelCounter acknowledgement +End + + +ModifyStyle Conclusion + LabelString "Conclusion \theconclusion." + LabelCounter conclusion +End + + +ModifyStyle Assumption + LabelString "Assumption \theassumption." + LabelCounter assumption +End + + +ModifyStyle Question + LabelString "Question \thequestion." + LabelCounter question +End \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-named.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-named.module index 73dc10fb10..3a874b255e 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-named.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-named.module @@ -6,23 +6,30 @@ # goes into the 'Additional Theorem Text' argument. #DescriptionEnd #Original Author: John Perry +#Edited by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -ProvideStyle Theorem* - Category Reasoning - LatexType Environment +OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" + +Style "Named Theorem" + CopyStyle Theorem* + Category Reasoning Margin First_Dynamic - LatexName thm* LabelType Static - LabelString "Theorem." - NextNoIndent 1 - ResetArgs 1 + AddToToc thm + IsTocCaption 0 + LatexType Environment + LabelString "" + LatexName namedthm + AddToToc thm Argument 1 - LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" - Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" + LabelString "Theorem Title" + Tooltip "Theorem Title" + AutoInsert 1 + IsTocCaption 1 + PassThru 1 EndArgument - LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0.2 @@ -32,43 +39,30 @@ ProvideStyle Theorem* Align Block AlignPossible Left Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal + Shape Italic + Size Normal EndFont LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold + Shape Up + Series Bold EndFont Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{thm*}{\protect\theoremname} + \newcommand\thmsname\namedthmname + \newtheorem*{namedtheorem}{\protect\thmsname} + \newenvironment{namedthm}[1][]{% + \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax + \begin{namedtheorem} + \else + \renewcommand\thmsname{#1}% + \begin{namedtheorem}% + \fi + }{\end{namedtheorem}} EndPreamble LangPreamble - \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} + \providecommand\namedthmname{_(Theorem)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\namedthmname}{_(Theorem)}} EndBabelPreamble Requires amsthm End - - -Style "Named Theorem" - CopyStyle Theorem* - Category Reasoning - LabelString "Named Theorem." - LatexName namedthm - Preamble - \newcommand\thmsname{\protect\theoremname} - \newcommand\nm@thmtype{theorem} - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{namedtheorem}{\thmsname} - \newenvironment{namedthm}[1][Undefined Theorem Name]{ - \ifx{#1}{Undefined Theorem Name}\renewcommand\nm@thmtype{theorem*} - \else\renewcommand\thmsname{#1}\renewcommand\nm@thmtype{namedtheorem} - \fi - \begin{\nm@thmtype}} - {\end{\nm@thmtype}} - EndPreamble -End - diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 603101db60..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -# Sets the order of the main theorem environments -# Author: Richard Kimberly Heck - -Format 99 - -#Get the order right -Style Theorem -End - -Style Theorem* -End - -Style Corollary -End - -Style Corollary* -End - -Style Lemma -End - -Style Lemma* -End - -Style Proposition -End - -Style Proposition* -End - -Style Conjecture -End - -Style Conjecture* -End - -Style Definition -End - -Style Definition* -End - -Style Example -End - -Style Example* -End - -Style Problem -End - -Style Problem* -End - -Style Exercise -End - -Style Exercise* -End - -Style Solution -End - -Style Solution* -End - -Style Remark -End - -Style Remark* -End - -Style Claim -End - -Style Claim* -End - -Style Case -End - -Style Proof -End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ index 1c68ee66c3..61ce3acf4b 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ b/lib/layouts/ @@ -1,24 +1,65 @@ # Moved here by rikiheck. Original author cloudy. +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel (more similar version to the amsthm one) Format 99 -#This is just a hacked version of the AMS proof environment +# This is just a hacked version of the AMS proof environment Style Proof + Category Reasoning + Margin First_Dynamic + LatexType Environment + LatexName proof + NextNoIndent 1 + ResetArgs 1 + Argument 1 + LabelString "Alternative Proof String" + Tooltip "Alternative proof string" + EndArgument + LabelSep xx + ParIndent MMM + ParSkip 0.4 + ItemSep 0.2 + TopSep 0.7 + BottomSep 0.7 + ParSep 0.3 + Align Block + AlignPossible Block, Left + LabelType Static + LabelString "Proof." + EndLabelType Box + Font + Shape Up + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Italic + EndFont Preamble - \ifx\proof\undefined - \newenvironment{proof}[1][\protect\proofname]{\par - \normalfont\topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax - \trivlist - \itemindent\parindent - \item[\hskip\labelsep\scshape #1]\ignorespaces - }{% - \endtrivlist\@endpefalse - } - \providecommand{\proofname}{Proof} + \ifcsname proof\endcsname\else + \DeclareRobustCommand{\lyx@qed}{% + \ifmmode + \else \leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill + \fi + \quad\hbox{\lyx@qedsymbol}} + \newcommand{\lyx@openbox}{\leavevmode + \hbox to.77778em{% + \hfil\vrule + \vbox to.675em{\hrule width.6em\vfil\hrule}% + \vrule\hfil}} + \newcommand{\lyx@qedsymbol}{\lyx@openbox} + \newenvironment{proof}[1][\proofname]{\par + \normalfont + \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@ \trivlist + \item[\hskip\labelsep\itshape + #1.]\ignorespaces + }{% + \lyx@qed\endtrivlist + } \fi EndPreamble - EndLabelType No_Label -# No LangPreamble or BabelPreamble, since babel knows \proofname already. + # No LangPreamble or BabelPreamble, since babel knows \proofname already. + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='proof' DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='proof' + DocBookGenerateTitle true End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ index 64d9fe3905..6cd1ac1961 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ b/lib/layouts/ @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Style Proof NextNoIndent 1 ResetArgs 1 Argument 1 - LabelString "Alternative Proof String" - Tooltip "Alternative proof string" + LabelString "Alternative Proof String" + Tooltip "Alternative proof string" EndArgument LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM @@ -34,13 +34,16 @@ Style Proof LabelString "Proof." EndLabelType Box Font - Shape Up - Size Normal + Shape Up + Size Normal EndFont LabelFont - Shape Italic + Shape Italic EndFont + Requires amsthm + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='proof' DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr role='proof' + DocBookGenerateTitle true End diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module index 0b187fb48e..a4884ab5ff 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module @@ -7,15 +7,14 @@ #as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). The numbering is reset #at each section start. #DescriptionEnd -#Requires: theorems-bytype | theorems-ams-bytype -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams | theorems-starred | theorems-chap | theorems-chap-bytype +#Requires: theorems-bytype +#Excludes: theorems-chap-bytype # Author: Paul Rubin (hacked from Richard Kimberly Heck's various modules) +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 -Input - Counter theorem Within section End @@ -55,95 +54,53 @@ End Style Theorem Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Corollary - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Lemma - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Proposition - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Conjecture - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Fact - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Definition - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Example - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Problem - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Exercise - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Remark - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname}[section] - EndPreamble -End - - -Style Claim - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname}[section] + \def\lyx@reverse@two#1#2{#2#1} + \def\lyx@plain{plain} + \def\lyx@definition{definition} + \def\lyx@remark{remark} + \newcommand\theoremstyle[1]{% + \def\lyx@style{#1}% + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@plain + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\itshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@definition + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@remark + \def\lyx@headfont{\itshape}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + } + \def\@xthm#1#2{% + \@begintheorem{\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}{\begingroup\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup.}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% + \@opargbegintheorem{\normalfont{\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}}{\begingroup\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup}{#3\lyx@reverse@two{\begingroup\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname.\endgroup}}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\lyx@othm#1[#2]#3{\@othm{#1}[#2]{{#1}{#3}}} + \def\lyx@nthm#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}{\@ynthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}} + \renewcommand\newtheorem[1]{% + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@headfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@headfont + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@bodyfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@bodyfont + \@ifnextchar[{\lyx@othm{#1}}{\lyx@nthm{#1}}} + \newcommand\lyx@starred@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{\unskip}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\lyx@starred@newtheorem}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} + \theoremstyle{plain} + \ifcsname c@section\endcsname + \ifx\c@section\relax + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \else + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}[section]} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[section] + \fi + \else + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \fi EndPreamble End diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module index abd9967995..b65c9a83a6 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module @@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ #Numbers theorems and the like by section (i.e., the counter is reset at #each section start). #DescriptionEnd -#Requires: theorems-std | theorems-ams +#Requires: theorems-std #Excludes: theorems-chap # Author: Richard Kimberly Heck +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 @@ -19,7 +20,51 @@ End Style Theorem Preamble + \def\lyx@reverse@two#1#2{#2#1} + \def\lyx@plain{plain} + \def\lyx@definition{definition} + \def\lyx@remark{remark} + \newcommand\theoremstyle[1]{% + \def\lyx@style{#1}% + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@plain + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\itshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@definition + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@remark + \def\lyx@headfont{\itshape}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + } + \def\@xthm#1#2{% + \@begintheorem{\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}{\begingroup\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup.}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% + \@opargbegintheorem{\normalfont{\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}}{\begingroup\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup}{#3\lyx@reverse@two{\begingroup\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname.\endgroup}}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\lyx@othm#1[#2]#3{\@othm{#1}[#2]{{#1}{#3}}} + \def\lyx@nthm#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}{\@ynthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}} + \renewcommand\newtheorem[1]{% + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@headfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@headfont + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@bodyfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@bodyfont + \@ifnextchar[{\lyx@othm{#1}}{\lyx@nthm{#1}}} + \newcommand\lyx@starred@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{\unskip}} + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}[thm]{#2}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\lyx@starred@newtheorem}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[section] + \ifcsname c@section\endcsname + \ifx\c@section\relax + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \else + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname}[section] + \fi + \else + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + \fi EndPreamble End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 55ac7d18da..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -# Sets the order of the main theorem environments -# Author: Richard Kimberly Heck - -Format 99 - -Style Theorem - CopyStyle Theorem* - DependsOn Theorem* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Corollary - CopyStyle Corollary* - DependsOn Corollary* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Lemma - CopyStyle Lemma* - DependsOn Lemma* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Proposition - CopyStyle Proposition* - DependsOn Proposition* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Conjecture - CopyStyle Conjecture* - DependsOn Conjecture* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Definition - CopyStyle Definition* - DependsOn Definition* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Example - CopyStyle Example* - DependsOn Example* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Solution - CopyStyle Solution* - DependsOn Solution* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Problem - CopyStyle Problem* - DependsOn Problem* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Exercise - CopyStyle Exercise* - DependsOn Exercise* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Remark - CopyStyle Remark* - DependsOn Remark* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End - -Style Claim - CopyStyle Claim* - DependsOn Claim* - Preamble - EndPreamble -End diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b8644131df..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,345 +0,0 @@ -# Original Author : David L. Johnson -# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes -# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN -# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin -# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck - -# The starred environments defined are : -# - Theorem -# - Corollary -# - Lemma -# - Proposition -# - Conjecture -# - Definition -# - Example -# - Problem -# - Exercise -# - Solution -# - Remark -# - Claim -# - Proof - -# TODO: for DocBook, there is no difference with standard (not starred) environments. -# How to encode the subtlety? - -Format 99 - -OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" - -Style Theorem* - Category Reasoning - LatexType Environment - Margin First_Dynamic - LatexName thm* - LabelType Static - LabelString "Theorem." - NextNoIndent 1 - ResetArgs 1 - AddToToc thm - IsTocCaption 1 - Argument 1 - LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" - Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" - IsTocCaption 1 - EndArgument - LabelSep xx - ParIndent MMM - ParSkip 0.4 - ItemSep 0.2 - TopSep 0.7 - BottomSep 0.7 - ParSep 0.3 - Align Block - AlignPossible Left - Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{thm*}{\protect\theoremname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - Requires amsthm - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Corollary* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName cor* - LabelString "Corollary." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{cor*}{\protect\corollaryname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Lemma* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName lem* - LabelString "Lemma." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{lem*}{\protect\lemmaname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Proposition* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName prop* - LabelString "Proposition." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{prop*}{\protect\propositionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Conjecture* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName conjecture* - LabelString "Conjecture." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{conjecture*}{\protect\conjecturename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Fact* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName fact* - LabelString "Fact." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem*{fact*}{\protect\factname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Definition* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName defn* -#LabelType Static - LabelString "Definition." - Font - Shape Up - EndFont - LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{defn*}{\protect\definitionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Example* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName example* - LabelString "Example." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{example*}{\protect\examplename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag informalexample - DocBookTag para - DocBookAttr "" -End - - -Style Problem* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName problem* - LabelString "Problem." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{problem*}{\protect\problemname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Exercise* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName xca* - LabelString "Exercise." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{xca*}{\protect\exercisename} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Solution* - CopyStyle Definition* - LatexName sol* - LabelString "Solution." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem*{sol*}{\protect\solutionname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Remark* - CopyStyle Theorem* - LatexName rem* - LabelString "Remark." - Font - Shape Up - Size Normal - EndFont - LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic - EndFont - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{rem*}{\protect\remarkname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - - -Style Claim* - CopyStyle Remark* - LatexName claim* - LabelString "Claim." - Preamble - \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem*{claim*}{\protect\claimname} - EndPreamble - LangPreamble - \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} - EndLangPreamble - BabelPreamble - \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} - EndBabelPreamble - DocBookWrapperTag figure - DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' - DocBookTag para - DocBookGenerateTitle true -End - diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module deleted file mode 100644 index bb3fe6f850..0000000000 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#\DeclareLyXModule{Standard Theorems (Unnumbered)} -#\DeclareCategory{Maths} -#DescriptionBegin -#Defines only unnumbered theorem environments, and the proof environment, using -#the extended AMS machinery. -#DescriptionEnd -#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams - -# Author: Richard Kimberly Heck - -Format 99 - -Input -Input -Input -Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-std.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-std.module index c1076b01a6..20124e218a 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/theorems-std.module +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-std.module @@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ #the theorems are numbered consecutively throughout the document. This can be #changed by loading one of the 'Theorems (Numbered by ...)' modules. #DescriptionEnd -#Excludes: theorems-ams | theorems-starred +#Excludes: theorems-ams | theorems-ams-bytype | theorems-bytype # Author: Richard Kimberly Heck +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel Format 99 @@ -17,5 +18,47 @@ Counter theorem End Input -Input Input + +Style Theorem + Preamble + \def\lyx@reverse@two#1#2{#2#1} + \def\lyx@plain{plain} + \def\lyx@definition{definition} + \def\lyx@remark{remark} + \newcommand\theoremstyle[1]{% + \def\lyx@style{#1}% + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@plain + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\itshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@definition + \def\lyx@headfont{\bfseries}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \else + \ifx\lyx@style\lyx@remark + \def\lyx@headfont{\itshape}% + \def\lyx@bodyfont{\upshape}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + } + \def\@xthm#1#2{% + \@begintheorem{\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}{\begingroup\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup.}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% + \@opargbegintheorem{\normalfont{\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname \@secondoftwo#2}}{\begingroup\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname\upshape\csname the#1\endcsname\endgroup}{#3\lyx@reverse@two{\begingroup\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@headfont\endcsname.\endgroup}}\normalfont\csname lyx@\@firstoftwo#2@bodyfont\endcsname\ignorespaces + } + \def\lyx@othm#1[#2]#3{\@othm{#1}[#2]{{#1}{#3}}} + \def\lyx@nthm#1#2{\@ifnextchar[{\@xnthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}{\@ynthm{#1}{{#1}{#2}}}} + \renewcommand\newtheorem[1]{% + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@headfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@headfont + \expandafter\let\csname lyx@#1@bodyfont\expandafter\endcsname\lyx@bodyfont + \@ifnextchar[{\lyx@othm{#1}}{\lyx@nthm{#1}}} + \newcommand\lyx@starred@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}{#2}\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{\unskip}} + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}[thm]{#2}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\lyx@starred@newtheorem}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} + \theoremstyle{plain} + \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} + EndPreamble +End diff --git a/lib/layouts/theorems-thmtools.module b/lib/layouts/theorems-thmtools.module new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f32a7d5775 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/layouts/theorems-thmtools.module @@ -0,0 +1,852 @@ +#\DeclareLyXModule{Theorems (thmtools, Numbered by Type)} +#\DeclareCategory{Maths} +#DescriptionBegin +#Defines the theorem environments defined in the AMS-Theorem modules using the +#thmtools machinery. Both numbered and unnumbered types are provided. In Addition, +#one can use the \listoftheorems command provided by the thmtools.sty package. +#DescriptionEnd +#Excludes: theorems-std | theorems-ams | theorems-bytype | theorems-ams-bytype + +# Original Author: Udi Fogiel + + +Format 99 + +# The environments defined are: +# - Theorem +# - Corollary +# - Lemma +# - Proposition +# - Conjecture +# - Fact +# - Definition +# - Example +# - Problem +# - Exercise +# - Solution +# - Remark +# - Claim +# - Theorem* +# - Corollary* +# - Lemma* +# - Proposition* +# - Conjecture* +# - Fact* +# - Definition* +# - Example* +# - Problem* +# - Exercise* +# - Solution* +# - Remark* +# - Claim* + +# We need separate counters for each theorem-like style. + +Counter theorem + Within section +End +Counter corollary + Within section +End +Counter lemma + Within section +End +Counter proposition + Within section +End +Counter conjecture + Within section +End +Counter fact + Within section +End +Counter definition + Within section +End +Counter example + Within section +End +Counter problem + Within section +End +Counter exercise + Within section +End +Counter remark + Within section +End +Counter claim + Within section +End + +OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" + +Style Theorem + Category Reasoning + Margin First_Dynamic + LatexType Environment + LatexName thm + NextNoIndent 1 + ResetArgs 1 + AddToToc thm + IsTocCaption 1 + Argument 1 + LabelString "Theorem Name" + Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" + IsTocCaption 1 + EndArgument + LabelSep xx + ParIndent MMM + ParSkip 0.4 + ItemSep 0.2 + TopSep 0.7 + BottomSep 0.7 + ParSep 0.3 + Align Block + AlignPossible Left + LabelType Static + LabelCounter theorem + LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." + Font + Shape Italic + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Up + Series Bold + EndFont + Preamble + \usepackage{thmtools} + \renewcommand{\thmt@mklistcmd}{% + \ifcsname lyx\csname thmt@envname\endcsname name\endcsname + \thmtlo@newentry + \ifthmt@isstarred + \@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% + \protect\ifthmt@listswap + \protect\else + \protect\numberline{\protect\let\protect\autodot\protect\@empty}% + \protect\fi + \csname lyx\csname thmt@envname\endcsname name\endcsname + \ifx\@empty\thmt@shortoptarg\else\protect\thmtformatoptarg{\thmt@shortoptarg}\fi + }% + \else + \@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% + \protect\ifthmt@listswap + \csname lyx\csname thmt@envname\endcsname name\endcsname~\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname + \protect\else + \protect\numberline{\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname}% + \csname lyx\csname thmt@envname\endcsname name\endcsname + \protect\fi + \ifx\@empty\thmt@shortoptarg\else\protect\thmtformatoptarg{\thmt@shortoptarg}\fi + }% + \fi + \@xa\gdef\csname thmt@contentsline@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% + \thmt@contentslineShow + }% + \else + \thmtlo@newentry + \ifthmt@isstarred + \@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% + \protect\ifthmt@listswap + \protect\else + \protect\numberline{\protect\let\protect\autodot\protect\@empty}% + \protect\fi + \thmt@thmname + \ifx\@empty\thmt@shortoptarg\else\protect\thmtformatoptarg{\thmt@shortoptarg}\fi + }% + \else + \@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% + \protect\ifthmt@listswap + \thmt@thmname~\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname + \protect\else + \protect\numberline{\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname}% + \thmt@thmname + \protect\fi + \ifx\@empty\thmt@shortoptarg\else\protect\thmtformatoptarg{\thmt@shortoptarg}\fi + }% + \fi + \@xa\gdef\csname thmt@contentsline@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% + \thmt@contentslineShow + }% + \fi + } + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxthmname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxthmname\endcsname]{thm} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxthmname\endcsname{_(Theorem)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxthmname\endcsname{_(Theorem)}} + EndBabelPreamble + Requires amsthm + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Theorem* + Category Reasoning + LatexType Environment + Margin First_Dynamic + LatexName thm* + LabelType Static + LabelString "Theorem." + NextNoIndent 1 + ResetArgs 1 + AddToToc thm + IsTocCaption 1 + Argument 1 + LabelString "Theorem Name" + Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" + IsTocCaption 1 + EndArgument + LabelSep xx + ParIndent MMM + ParSkip 0.4 + ItemSep 0.2 + TopSep 0.7 + BottomSep 0.7 + ParSep 0.3 + Align Block + AlignPossible Left + Font + Shape Italic + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Up + Series Bold + EndFont + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxthm*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxthm*name\endcsname]{thm*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxthm*name\endcsname{_(Theorem)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxthm*name\endcsname{_(Theorem)}} + EndBabelPreamble + Requires amsthm + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Corollary + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName cor + LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxcorname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxcorname\endcsname]{cor} + EndPreamble + LabelCounter corollary + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxcorname\endcsname{_(Corollary)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxcorname\endcsname{_(Corollary)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Corollary* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName cor* + LabelString "Corollary." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxcor*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxcorname\endcsname]{cor*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxcor*name\endcsname{_(Corollary)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxcor*name\endcsname{_(Corollary)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Lemma + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName lem + LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxlemname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxlemname\endcsname]{lem} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxlemname\endcsname{_(Lemma)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxlemname\endcsname{_(Lemma)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter lemma + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Lemma* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName lem* + LabelString "Lemma." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxlem*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxlem*name\endcsname]{lem*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxlem*name\endcsname{_(Lemma)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxlem*name\endcsname{_(Lemma)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Proposition + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName prop + LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxpropname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxpropname\endcsname]{prop} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxpropname\endcsname{_(Proposition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxpropname\endcsname{_(Proposition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter proposition + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Proposition* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName prop* + LabelString "Proposition." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxprop*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxprop*name\endcsname]{prop*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxprop*name\endcsname{_(Proposition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxprop*name\endcsname{_(Proposition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter proposition + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Conjecture + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName conjecture + LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxconjecturename\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxconjecturename\endcsname]{conjecture} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxconjecturename\endcsname{_(Conjecture)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxconjecturename\endcsname{_(Conjecture)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter conjecture + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Conjecture* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName conjecture* + LabelString "Conjecture." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxconjecture*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxconjecture*name\endcsname]{conjecture*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxconjecture*name\endcsname{_(Conjecture)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxconjecture*name\endcsname{_(Conjecture)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + + +Style Fact + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName fact + LabelString "Fact \thefact." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxfactname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxfactname\endcsname]{fact} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxfactname\endcsname{_(Fact)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxfactname\endcsname{_(Fact)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter fact + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Fact* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName fact* + LabelString "Fact." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxfact*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxfact*name\endcsname]{fact*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxfact*name\endcsname{_(Fact)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxfact*name\endcsname{_(Fact)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + + +Style Definition + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName defn + LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." + Font + Shape Up + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Up + Series Bold + EndFont + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxdefnname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxdefnname\endcsname,style=definition]{defn} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxdefnname\endcsname{_(Definition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxdefnname\endcsname{_(Definition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter definition + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Definition* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName defn* + LabelType Static + LabelString "Definition." + Font + Shape Up + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Up + Series Bold + EndFont + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxdefn*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxdefn*name\endcsname,style=definition]{defn*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxdefn*name\endcsname{_(Definition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxdefn*name\endcsname{_(Definition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Example + CopyStyle Definition + LatexName example + LabelString "Example \theexample." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxexamplename\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxexamplename\endcsname,style=definition]{example} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxexamplename\endcsname{_(Example)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxexamplename\endcsname{_(Example)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter example + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag example + DocBookTag para + DocBookAttr "" + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Example* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName example* + LabelString "Example." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxexample*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxexample*name\endcsname,style=definition]{example*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxexample*name\endcsname{_(Example)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxexample*name\endcsname{_(Example)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag informalexample + DocBookTag para + DocBookAttr "" +End + + + +Style Problem + CopyStyle Definition + LatexName problem + LabelString "Problem \theproblem." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxproblemname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxproblemname\endcsname,style=definition]{problem} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxproblemname\endcsname{_(Problem)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxproblemname\endcsname{_(Problem)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter problem + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Problem* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName problem* + LabelString "Problem." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxproblem*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxproblem*name\endcsname,style=definition]{problem*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxproblem*name\endcsname{_(Problem)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxproblem*name\endcsname{_(Problem)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Exercise + CopyStyle Definition + LatexName xca + LabelString "Exercise \theexercise." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxxcaname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxxcaname\endcsname,style=definition]{xca} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxxcaname\endcsname{_(Exercise)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxxcaname\endcsname{_(Exercise)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter exercise + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Exercise* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName xca* + LabelString "Exercise." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxxca*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxxca*name\endcsname,style=definition]{xca*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxxca*name\endcsname{_(Exercise)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxxca*name\endcsname{_(Exercise)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Solution + CopyStyle Definition + LatexName sol + LabelString "Solution \thesolution." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxsolname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxsolname\endcsname,style=definition]{sol} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxsolname\endcsname{_(Solution)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxsolname\endcsname{_(Solution)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter solution + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Solution* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName sol* + LabelString "Solution." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxsol*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxsol*name\endcsname,style=definition]{sol*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxsol*name\endcsname{_(Solution)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxsol*name\endcsname{_(Solution)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Remark + CopyStyle Theorem + LatexName rem + LabelString "Remark \theremark." + Font + Shape Up + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Series Medium + Shape Italic + EndFont + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxremname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxremname\endcsname,style=remark]{rem} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxremname\endcsname{_(Remark)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxremname\endcsname{_(Remark)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter remark + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Remark* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName rem* + LabelString "Remark." + Font + Shape Up + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Series Medium + Shape Italic + EndFont + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxrem*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxrem*name\endcsname,style=remark]{rem*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxrem*name\endcsname{_(Remark)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxrem*name\endcsname{_(Remark)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Claim + CopyStyle Remark + LatexName claim + LabelString "Claim \theclaim." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxclaimname\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numberwithin=section,name=\protect\csname lyxclaimname\endcsname,style=remark]{claim} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxclaimname\endcsname{_(Claim)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxclaimname\endcsname{_(Claim)}} + EndBabelPreamble + LabelCounter claim + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Claim* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName claim* + LabelString "Claim." + Preamble + \expandafter\providecommand\csname lyxclaim*name\endcsname{} + \declaretheorem[numbered=no,name=\protect\csname lyxclaim*name\endcsname,style=remark]{claim*} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxclaim*name\endcsname{_(Claim)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname lyxclaim*name\endcsname{_(Claim)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DependsOn Theorem + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +InsetLayout "Flex:List of Theorems" + LyXType custom + LatexType command + Decoration classic + LatexName listoftheorems + LabelString "List of theorems" + Argument 1 + LabelString "keys" + Tooltip "Insert wanted keys here" + PassThru 1 + Mandatory 0 + AutoInsert 1 + EndArgument + Font + Color latex + Family typewriter + EndFont + LabelFont + Color latex + Size Small + EndFont + MultiPar true + CustomPars false + ForcePlain true + PassThru true + ParbreakIsNewline true + KeepEmpty true + FreeSpacing true + Preamble + \usepackage{thmtools} + \declaretheorem{lyxdummytheorem} + EndPreamble +End + +Input +Input +Input diff --git a/lib/layouts/ b/lib/layouts/ index acf06de535..506106b647 100644 --- a/lib/layouts/ +++ b/lib/layouts/ @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Kimberly Heck +# Edited sep '22 by Udi Fogiel # The environments defined are : # - Theorem @@ -26,10 +27,11 @@ OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems" Style Theorem Category Reasoning + DependsOn Udi Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName thm - NextNoIndent 1 + NextNoIndent 0 ResetArgs 1 AddToToc thm IsTocCaption 1 @@ -51,14 +53,16 @@ Style Theorem LabelCounter theorem LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." Font - Shape Italic - Size Normal + Shape Italic + Size Normal EndFont LabelFont - Shape Up - Series Bold + Shape Up + Series Bold EndFont Preamble + \newcommand\lyx@reg@newtheorem[2]{\newtheorem{#1}[thm]{#2}} + \newcommand\lyx@newtheorem{\@ifstar{\newtheorem*}{\lyx@reg@newtheorem}} \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{thm}{\protect\theoremname} EndPreamble @@ -76,6 +80,57 @@ Style Theorem End +Style Theorem* + DependsOn Theorem + Category Reasoning + LatexType Environment + Margin First_Dynamic + LatexName thm* + LabelType Static + LabelString "Theorem." + NextNoIndent 1 + ResetArgs 1 + AddToToc thm + IsTocCaption 1 + Argument 1 + LabelString "Additional Theorem Text" + Tooltip "Additional text appended to the theorem header" + IsTocCaption 1 + EndArgument + LabelSep xx + ParIndent MMM + ParSkip 0.4 + ItemSep 0.2 + TopSep 0.7 + BottomSep 0.7 + ParSep 0.3 + Align Block + AlignPossible Left + Font + Shape Italic + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Up + Series Bold + EndFont + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{thm*}{\protect\theoremname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='theorem' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Corollary CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem @@ -83,7 +138,7 @@ Style Corollary LabelString "Corollary \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{cor}[thm]{\protect\corollaryname} + \lyx@newtheorem{cor}{\protect\corollaryname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} @@ -98,6 +153,27 @@ Style Corollary End +Style Corollary* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName cor* + LabelString "Corollary." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{cor*}{\protect\corollaryname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='corollary' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Lemma CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem @@ -105,7 +181,7 @@ Style Lemma LabelString "Lemma \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{\protect\lemmaname} + \lyx@newtheorem{lem}{\protect\lemmaname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} @@ -120,6 +196,27 @@ Style Lemma End +Style Lemma* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName lem* + LabelString "Lemma." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{lem*}{\protect\lemmaname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='lemma' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Proposition CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem @@ -127,7 +224,7 @@ Style Proposition LabelString "Proposition \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{prop}[thm]{\protect\propositionname} + \lyx@newtheorem{prop}{\protect\propositionname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} @@ -142,6 +239,27 @@ Style Proposition End +Style Proposition* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName prop* + LabelString "Proposition." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{prop*}{\protect\propositionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='proposition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Conjecture CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem @@ -149,7 +267,7 @@ Style Conjecture LabelString "Conjecture \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{conjecture}[thm]{\protect\conjecturename} + \lyx@newtheorem{conjecture}{\protect\conjecturename} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} @@ -164,6 +282,27 @@ Style Conjecture End +Style Conjecture* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName conjecture* + LabelString "Conjecture." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{conjecture*}{\protect\conjecturename} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='conjecture' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Fact CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem @@ -171,7 +310,7 @@ Style Fact LabelString "Fact \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{plain} - \newtheorem{fact}[thm]{\protect\factname} + \lyx@newtheorem{fact}{\protect\factname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} @@ -186,6 +325,27 @@ Style Fact End +Style Fact* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName fact* + LabelString "Fact." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{plain} + \lyx@newtheorem*{fact*}{\protect\factname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='fact' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Definition CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem @@ -200,7 +360,7 @@ Style Definition EndFont Preamble \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{defn}[thm]{\protect\definitionname} + \lyx@newtheorem{defn}{\protect\definitionname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} @@ -215,13 +375,41 @@ Style Definition End +Style Definition* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName defn* + LabelString "Definition." + Font + Shape Up + EndFont + LabelFont + Shape Up + Series Bold + EndFont + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem*{defn*}{\protect\definitionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='definition' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Example CopyStyle Definition LatexName example LabelString "Example \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{example}[thm]{\protect\examplename} + \lyx@newtheorem{example}{\protect\examplename} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} @@ -229,9 +417,31 @@ Style Example BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag example + DocBookTag para + DocBookAttr "" + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + +Style Example* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName example* + LabelString "Example." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem*{example*}{\protect\examplename} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} + EndBabelPreamble DocBookWrapperTag informalexample DocBookTag para DocBookAttr "" + DocBookGenerateTitle true End @@ -241,7 +451,7 @@ Style Problem LabelString "Problem \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{problem}[thm]{\protect\problemname} + \lyx@newtheorem{problem}{\protect\problemname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} @@ -256,13 +466,34 @@ Style Problem End +Style Problem* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName problem* + LabelString "Problem." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem*{problem*}{\protect\problemname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='problem' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Exercise CopyStyle Definition LatexName xca LabelString "Exercise \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{xca}[thm]{\protect\exercisename} + \lyx@newtheorem{xca}{\protect\exercisename} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} @@ -277,13 +508,34 @@ Style Exercise End +Style Exercise* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName xca* + LabelString "Exercise." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem*{xca*}{\protect\exercisename} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='exercise' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Solution CopyStyle Definition LatexName sol LabelString "Solution \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{definition} - \newtheorem{sol}[thm]{\protect\solutionname} + \lyx@newtheorem{sol}{\protect\solutionname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} @@ -298,22 +550,43 @@ Style Solution End +Style Solution* + CopyStyle Definition* + LatexName sol* + LabelString "Solution." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{definition} + \lyx@newtheorem*{sol*}{\protect\solutionname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='solution' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Remark CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem LatexName rem LabelString "Remark \thetheorem." Font - Shape Up - Size Normal + Shape Up + Size Normal EndFont LabelFont - Series Medium - Shape Italic + Series Medium + Shape Italic EndFont Preamble \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{rem}[thm]{\protect\remarkname} + \lyx@newtheorem{rem}{\protect\remarkname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} @@ -328,13 +601,42 @@ Style Remark End +Style Remark* + CopyStyle Theorem* + LatexName rem* + LabelString "Remark." + Font + Shape Up + Size Normal + EndFont + LabelFont + Series Medium + Shape Italic + EndFont + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{rem*}{\protect\remarkname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='remark' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Style Claim CopyStyle Remark LatexName claim LabelString "Claim \thetheorem." Preamble \theoremstyle{remark} - \newtheorem{claim}[thm]{\protect\claimname} + \lyx@newtheorem{claim}{\protect\claimname} EndPreamble LangPreamble \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} @@ -348,5 +650,27 @@ Style Claim DocBookGenerateTitle true End + +Style Claim* + CopyStyle Remark* + LatexName claim* + LabelString "Claim." + Preamble + \theoremstyle{remark} + \lyx@newtheorem*{claim*}{\protect\claimname} + EndPreamble + LangPreamble + \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} + EndLangPreamble + BabelPreamble + \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} + EndBabelPreamble + DocBookWrapperTag figure + DocBookWrapperAttr role='claim' + DocBookTag para + DocBookGenerateTitle true +End + + Input Input