]> git.lyx.org Git - features.git/commitdiff
Support for the JLReq class, by Koji Yokota (#12657)
authorJuergen Spitzmueller <spitz@lyx.org>
Wed, 8 Feb 2023 10:19:11 +0000 (11:19 +0100)
committerJuergen Spitzmueller <spitz@lyx.org>
Wed, 8 Feb 2023 10:19:11 +0000 (11:19 +0100)
lib/examples/ja/Articles/Japanese_Article_%28JLReq_Class%29.lyx [new file with mode: 0755]
lib/layouts/jlreq-article.layout [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/layouts/jlreq-book.layout [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/layouts/jlreq-common.inc [new file with mode: 0755]
lib/layouts/jlreq-report.layout [new file with mode: 0644]

index c8e1ffffdeed8f8ad92e0004f8e76f5b37c30051..aab5b42212b80c1b2b2bf33f691da923845a41d5 100644 (file)
@@ -235,6 +235,10 @@ dist_jaexamples_DATA = \
        examples/ja/Multilingual_Typesetting_with_platex.lyx \
+jaarticleexamplesdir = $(pkgdatadir)/examples/ja/Articles
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+       examples/ja/Articles/Japanese_Article_%28JLReq_Class%29.lyx
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        examples/ja/Graphics_and_Insets/Feynman_Diagrams.lyx \
@@ -2549,6 +2553,10 @@ dist_layouts_DATA =\
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        layouts/jbook.layout \
        layouts/jgrga.layout \
+       layouts/jlreq-article.layout \
+       layouts/jlreq-book.layout \
+       layouts/jlreq-common.inc \
+       layouts/jlreq-report.layout \
        layouts/jreport.layout \
        layouts/jsarticle.layout \
        layouts/jsbook.layout \
@@ -3202,6 +3210,7 @@ exampleandtemplate_files = \
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                           $(dist_itinsetexamples_DATA) \
                           $(dist_jaexamples_DATA) \
+                          $(dist_jaarticleexamples_DATA) \
                           $(dist_jainsetexamples_DATA) \
                           $(dist_jamoduleexamples_DATA) \
                           $(dist_japresentationexamples_DATA) \
diff --git a/lib/examples/ja/Articles/Japanese_Article_%28JLReq_Class%29.lyx b/lib/examples/ja/Articles/Japanese_Article_%28JLReq_Class%29.lyx
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..0ce8185
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+The jlreq class is a document class which faithfully traces the standard of 
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+Requirements for Japanese Text Layout
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+ set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
+ It can be used with LuaTeX as well as pLaTeX and upLaTeX.
+ The default output of this document is via LuaTeX.
+ The class includes equivalents of article,
+ report and book classes as a subset which is specified as a class option.
+ English documentation is available at 
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+This document is typeset in the traditional vertical writing form to exemplify the salient features of the class.
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+Since this example file is not of much use in other languages than Japanese,
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+ 環境を使用すると,
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+ book,
+ reportクラス相当の出力を選択することができます.文書内の各種設定は,
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+文字間に2mmの空きが入っています.これはLua\SpecialChar LaTeX
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+付録 文書設定関連のオプション
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+を指定できます.B列はISO B列です.JIS B列を指定する場合は,
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+status collapsed
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+欧文フォントと和文フォントの比(和文 / 欧文).
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+ the=<コード>,
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+# Author : Koji Yokota (yokota6@gmail.com)
+# This class internally loads following packages:
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+# Japanese JLReq book textclass definition file.
+# Author : Koji Yokota (yokota6@gmail.com)
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+# Any time:            l3keys2e, lmodern
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+# Japanese jlreq textclass definition file.
+# Author : Koji Yokota (yokota6@gmail.com)
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+       Argument 1
+               LabelString             "Length"
+               MenuString              "Jidori Length|L"
+               Tooltip                 "Length of Jidori. Contents is fit to this length."
+               Mandatory               1
+               AutoInsert              1
+       EndArgument
+InsetLayout Flex:Akigumi
+       CopyStyle                       Flex:Tatechuyoko
+       LatexName                       akigumi
+       LabelString                     "Akigumi"
+       MenuString                      "Akigumi (LuaLaTeX)"
+       Argument 1
+               LabelString             "Char Space"
+               MenuString              "Char Space|D"
+               Tooltip                 "Distance between chars is set to this length."
+               Mandatory               1
+               AutoInsert              1
+       EndArgument
diff --git a/lib/layouts/jlreq-report.layout b/lib/layouts/jlreq-report.layout
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d710743
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
+#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[jlreq,l3keys2e.sty,lmodern.sty,everyhook.sty,luatexja.sty,luatexja-adjust.sty]{Japanese Report (JLReq Class)}
+#  \DeclareCategory{Reports}
+# Japanese JLReq report textclass definition file.
+# Author : Koji Yokota (yokota6@gmail.com)
+# This class internally loads following packages:
+# Any time:            l3keys2e, lmodern
+# With non-LuaLaTeX:   everyhook
+# With LuaLaTeX:       luatexja, luatexja-adjust
+Format 99
+# Input general definitions
+Input report.layout
+# Input common settings for jlreq layouts
+Input jlreq-common.inc
+       Other   report