]> git.lyx.org Git - lyx.git/commitdiff
lib/unicodesymbols tests and fixes: Block Dingbats.
authorGünter Milde <milde@lyx.org>
Sun, 18 Sep 2016 15:08:56 +0000 (17:08 +0200)
committerGünter Milde <milde@lyx.org>
Sun, 18 Sep 2016 15:08:56 +0000 (17:08 +0200)
autotests/export/latex/Unicode-characters/084-misc-symbols-utf8.lyx [new file with mode: 0644]
autotests/export/latex/Unicode-characters/084-misc-symbols.lyx [new file with mode: 0644]
autotests/export/latex/Unicode-characters/085-dingbats-utf8.lyx [new file with mode: 0644]
autotests/export/latex/Unicode-characters/085-dingbats.lyx [new file with mode: 0644]
autotests/export/latex/Unicode-characters/84-misc-symbols-utf8.lyx [deleted file]
autotests/export/latex/Unicode-characters/84-misc-symbols.lyx [deleted file]

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index 043e0a1ebfd56b898ab88fff03c250a898a92cd1..eb9cfff3fd05f22bc5f7a09c312d0585d2108ce4 100644 (file)
 #0x2425 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SYMBOL FOR DELETE FORM TWO
 #0x2426 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SYMBOL FOR SUBSTITUTE FORM TWO
+# 80 Enclosed Alphanumerics
+0x2460 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT ONE
+0x2461 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT TWO
+0x2462 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT THREE
+0x2463 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR
+0x2464 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE
+0x2465 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT SIX
+0x2466 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN
+0x2467 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT
+0x2468 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT NINE
+0x2469 "\ding{172}"               "pifont" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER TEN
+#0x246a ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER ELEVEN
+#0x246b ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER TWELVE
+#0x246c ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTEEN
+#0x246d ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER FOURTEEN
+#0x246e ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTEEN
+#0x246f ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER SIXTEEN
+#0x2470 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER SEVENTEEN
+#0x2471 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER EIGHTEEN
+#0x2472 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER NINETEEN
+#0x2473 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY
+#0x2474 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT ONE
+#0x2475 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT TWO
+#0x2476 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT THREE
+#0x2477 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT FOUR
+#0x2478 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT FIVE
+#0x2479 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT SIX
+#0x247a ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT SEVEN
+#0x247b ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT EIGHT
+#0x247c ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT NINE
+#0x247d ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER TEN
+#0x247e ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER ELEVEN
+#0x247f ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER TWELVE
+#0x2480 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER THIRTEEN
+#0x2481 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER FOURTEEN
+#0x2482 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER FIFTEEN
+#0x2483 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER SIXTEEN
+#0x2484 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER SEVENTEEN
+#0x2485 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER EIGHTEEN
+#0x2486 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER NINETEEN
+#0x2487 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER TWENTY
+#0x2488 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT ONE FULL STOP
+#0x2489 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT TWO FULL STOP
+#0x248a ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT THREE FULL STOP
+#0x248b ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT FOUR FULL STOP
+#0x248c ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT FIVE FULL STOP
+#0x248d ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT SIX FULL STOP
+#0x248e ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT SEVEN FULL STOP
+#0x248f ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT EIGHT FULL STOP
+#0x2490 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGIT NINE FULL STOP
+#0x2491 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER TEN FULL STOP
+#0x2492 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER ELEVEN FULL STOP
+#0x2493 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER TWELVE FULL STOP
+#0x2494 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER THIRTEEN FULL STOP
+#0x2495 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER FOURTEEN FULL STOP
+#0x2496 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER FIFTEEN FULL STOP
+#0x2497 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER SIXTEEN FULL STOP
+#0x2498 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER SEVENTEEN FULL STOP
+#0x2499 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER EIGHTEEN FULL STOP
+#0x249a ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER NINETEEN FULL STOP
+#0x249b ""                         "" "" "" "" # NUMBER TWENTY FULL STOP
+#0x249c ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+#0x249d ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+#0x249e ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+#0x249f ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+#0x24a0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+#0x24a1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+#0x24a2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+#0x24a3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+#0x24a4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+#0x24a5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+#0x24a6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+#0x24a7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+#0x24a8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+#0x24a9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+#0x24aa ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+#0x24ab ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+#0x24ac ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+#0x24ad ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+#0x24ae ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+#0x24af ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+#0x24b0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+#0x24b1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+#0x24b2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+#0x24b3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+#0x24b4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+#0x24b5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+#0x24b6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+#0x24b7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+#0x24b8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
+#0x24b9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
+#0x24ba ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
+#0x24bb ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
+#0x24bc ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
+#0x24bd ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
+#0x24be ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
+#0x24bf ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
+#0x24c0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
+#0x24c1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
+#0x24c2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
+#0x24c3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
+#0x24c4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
+#0x24c5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+#0x24c6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+#0x24c7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
+#0x24c8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
+#0x24c9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
+#0x24ca ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
+#0x24cb ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
+#0x24cc ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
+#0x24cd ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
+#0x24ce ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+#0x24cf ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
+#0x24d0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+#0x24d1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+#0x24d2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+#0x24d3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+#0x24d4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+#0x24d5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+#0x24d6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+#0x24d7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+#0x24d8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+#0x24d9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+#0x24da ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+#0x24db ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+#0x24dc ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+#0x24dd ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+#0x24de ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+#0x24df ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+#0x24e0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+#0x24e1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+#0x24e2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+#0x24e3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+#0x24e4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+#0x24e5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+#0x24e6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+#0x24e7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+#0x24e8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+#0x24e9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+#0x24ea ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED DIGIT ZERO
+#0x24eb ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER ELEVEN
+#0x24ec ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TWELVE
+#0x24ed ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTEEN
+#0x24ee ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER FOURTEEN
+#0x24ef ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTEEN
+#0x24f0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER SIXTEEN
+#0x24f1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER SEVENTEEN
+#0x24f2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER EIGHTEEN
+#0x24f3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER NINETEEN
+#0x24f4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY
+#0x24f5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE
+#0x24f6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO
+#0x24f7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE
+#0x24f8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR
+#0x24f9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE
+#0x24fa ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX
+#0x24fb ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN
+#0x24fc ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT
+#0x24fd ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE
+#0x24fe ""                         "" "" "" "" # DOUBLE CIRCLED NUMBER TEN
+#0x24ff ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ZERO
 # 82 Box Drawing
 0x2500 "\\textSFx"                "pmboxdraw" "" # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL
 0x25fb "\\textifsymbol[ifgeo]{48}" "ifsym" "force=utf8" "\\square" "amssymb" # WHITE MEDIUM SQUARE
 0x25fc "\\textifsymbol[ifgeo]{96}" "ifsym" "force=utf8" "\\blacksquare" "amssymb" # BLACK MEDIUM SQUARE
-# miscellaneous symbols
+# 84 Miscellaneous Symbols
+#0x2600 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK SUN WITH RAYS
+#0x2601 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CLOUD
+#0x2602 ""                         "" "" "" "" # UMBRELLA
+#0x2603 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SNOWMAN
+#0x2604 ""                         "" "" "" "" # COMET
 0x2605 "\\FiveStar"               "bbding" "force=utf8" "\\bigstar" "amssymb" # BLACK STAR
 0x2606 "\\FiveStarOpen"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE STAR
+#0x2607 ""                         "" "" "" "" # LIGHTNING
+#0x2608 ""                         "" "" "" "" # THUNDERSTORM
+#0x2609 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SUN
+#0x260a ""                         "" "" "" "" # ASCENDING NODE
+#0x260b ""                         "" "" "" "" # DESCENDING NODE
 0x260c "\\conjunction"            "wasysym" "force=utf8" # CONJUNCTION = alchemical symbol for day
 0x260d "\\opposition"             "wasysym" "force=utf8" #OPPOSITION
 0x260e "\\Telefon"                "marvosym" "force=utf8" # BLACK TELEPHON
+#0x260f ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE TELEPHONE
 0x2610 "\\Square"                 "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\Square" "wasysym" # BALLOT BOX
 0x2611 "\\CheckedBox"             "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\CheckedBox" "wasysym" # BALLOT BOX WITH CHECK
 0x2612 "\\XBox"                   "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\XBox" "wasysym" # BALLOT BOX WITH X
 0x261a "\\HandCuffLeft"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX
 0x261b "\\HandCuffRight"          "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK RIGHT POINTING INDEX
 0x261c "\\HandLeft"               "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE LEFT POINTING INDEX
+#0x261d ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE UP POINTING INDEX
 0x261e "\\HandRight"              "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX
+#0x261f ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE DOWN POINTING INDEX
+#0x2620 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SKULL AND CROSSBONES
+#0x2621 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CAUTION SIGN
 0x2622 "\\Radioactivity"          "marvosym" "force=utf8" # RADIOACTIVE SIGN
 0x2623 "\\Biohazard"              "marvosym" "force=utf8" # BIOHAZARD SIGN
+#0x2624 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CADUCEUS
 0x2625 "\\Ankh"                   "marvosym" "force=utf8" # ANKH
+#0x2626 ""                         "" "" "" "" # ORTHODOX CROSS
+#0x2627 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CHI RHO
+#0x2628 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CROSS OF LORRAINE
+#0x2629 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CROSS OF JERUSALEM
+#0x262a ""                         "" "" "" "" # STAR AND CRESCENT
+#0x262b ""                         "" "" "" "" # FARSI SYMBOL
+#0x262c ""                         "" "" "" "" # ADI SHAKTI
+#0x262d ""                         "" "" "" "" # HAMMER AND SICKLE
+#0x262e ""                         "" "" "" "" # PEACE SYMBOL
 0x262f "\\Yinyang"                "marvosym" "force=utf8" # YIN YANG
+#0x2630 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR HEAVEN
+#0x2631 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR LAKE
+#0x2632 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR FIRE
+#0x2633 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR THUNDER
+#0x2634 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR WIND
+#0x2635 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR WATER
+#0x2636 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR MOUNTAIN
+#0x2637 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TRIGRAM FOR EARTH
+#0x2638 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHEEL OF DHARMA
 0x2639 "\\frownie"                "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\frownie" "wasysym" # WHITE FROWNING FACE
 0x263a "\\smiley"                 "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\smiley" "wasysym" # WHITE SMILING FACE
 0x263b "\\blacksmiley"            "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\blacksmiley" "wasysym" # BLACK SMILING FACE
 0x2651 "\\capricornus"            "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\capricornus" "wasysym" # CAPRICORNUS
 0x2652 "\\aquarius"               "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\aquarius" "wasysym" # AQUARIUS
 0x2653 "\\pisces"                 "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\pisces" "wasysym" # PISCES
+#0x2654 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CHESS KING
+#0x2655 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CHESS QUEEN
+#0x2656 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CHESS ROOK
+#0x2657 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CHESS BISHOP
+#0x2658 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CHESS KNIGHT
+#0x2659 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CHESS PAWN
+#0x265a ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CHESS KING
+#0x265b ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CHESS QUEEN
+#0x265c ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CHESS ROOK
+#0x265d ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CHESS BISHOP
+#0x265e ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CHESS KNIGHT
+#0x265f ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CHESS PAWN
 0x2660 "\\ding{171}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "\\spadesuit" # BLACK SPADE SUIT
 0x2661 ""                         "" "force=utf8" "\\heartsuit" # WHITE HEART SUIT
 0x2662 ""                         "" "force=utf8" "\\diamondsuit" # WHITE DIAMOND SUIT
 0x266d ""                         "" "force=utf8" "\\flat" "" # MUSIC FLAT SIGN
 0x266e ""                         "" "force=utf8" "\\natural" "" # MUSIC NATURAL SIGN
 0x266f ""                         "" "force=utf8" "\\sharp" "" # MUSIC SHARP SIGN
+#0x2670 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WEST SYRIAC CROSS
+#0x2671 ""                         "" "" "" "" # EAST SYRIAC CROSS
+#0x2672 ""                         "" "" "" "" # UNIVERSAL RECYCLING SYMBOL
+#0x2673 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-1 PLASTICS
+#0x2674 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-2 PLASTICS
+#0x2675 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-3 PLASTICS
+#0x2676 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-4 PLASTICS
+#0x2677 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-5 PLASTICS
+#0x2678 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-6 PLASTICS
+#0x2679 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-7 PLASTICS
+#0x267a ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR GENERIC MATERIALS
+#0x267b ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK UNIVERSAL RECYCLING SYMBOL
+#0x267c ""                         "" "" "" "" # RECYCLED PAPER SYMBOL
+#0x267d ""                         "" "" "" "" # PARTIALLY-RECYCLED PAPER SYMBOL
+#0x267e ""                         "" "" "" "" # PERMANENT PAPER SIGN
 0x267f "\\Wheelchair"             "marvosym" "force=utf8" "" "" # WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL (marvosym wheelchair looks left but there is only one wheelchair in Unicode)
+#0x2680 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIE FACE-1
+#0x2681 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIE FACE-2
+#0x2682 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIE FACE-3
+#0x2683 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIE FACE-4
+#0x2684 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIE FACE-5
+#0x2685 ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIE FACE-6
+#0x2686 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CIRCLE WITH DOT RIGHT
+#0x2687 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE CIRCLE WITH TWO DOTS
+#0x2688 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CIRCLE WITH WHITE DOT RIGHT
+#0x2689 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CIRCLE WITH TWO WHITE DOTS
+#0x268a ""                         "" "" "" "" # MONOGRAM FOR YANG
+#0x268b ""                         "" "" "" "" # MONOGRAM FOR YIN
+#0x268c ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGRAM FOR GREATER YANG
+#0x268d ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGRAM FOR LESSER YIN
+#0x268e ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGRAM FOR LESSER YANG
+#0x268f ""                         "" "" "" "" # DIGRAM FOR GREATER YIN
+#0x2690 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE FLAG
+#0x2691 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK FLAG
+#0x2692 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HAMMER AND PICK
+#0x2693 ""                         "" "" "" "" # ANCHOR
+#0x2694 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CROSSED SWORDS
+#0x2695 ""                         "" "" "" "" # STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS
+#0x2696 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SCALES
+#0x2697 ""                         "" "" "" "" # ALEMBIC
+#0x2698 ""                         "" "" "" "" # FLOWER
+#0x2699 ""                         "" "" "" "" # GEAR
+#0x269a ""                         "" "" "" "" # STAFF OF HERMES
+#0x269b ""                         "" "" "" "" # ATOM SYMBOL
+#0x269c ""                         "" "" "" "" # FLEUR-DE-LIS
+#0x269d ""                         "" "" "" "" # OUTLINED WHITE STAR
+#0x269e ""                         "" "" "" "" # THREE LINES CONVERGING RIGHT
+#0x269f ""                         "" "" "" "" # THREE LINES CONVERGING LEFT
+#0x26a0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WARNING SIGN
+#0x26a1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HIGH VOLTAGE SIGN
 0x26a2 "\\FemaleFemale"           "marvosym" "force=utf8" # DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN
 0x26a3 "\\MaleMale"               "marvosym" "force=utf8" # DOUBLED MALE SIGN
 0x26a4 "\\FemaleMale"             "marvosym" "force=utf8" # INTERLOCKED FEMALE AND MALE SIGN
 0x26ad "\\textmarried"            "textcomp" "force=utf8" # MARRIAGE SYMBOL
 0x26ae "\\textdivorced"           "textcomp" "force=utf8" # DIVORCE SYMBOL
 #0x26af ""                         "" "" "" "" # UNMARRIED PARTNERSHIP SYMBOL
+#0x26b0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # COFFIN
+#0x26b1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # FUNERAL URN
+#0x26b2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NEUTER
+#0x26b3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CERES
+#0x26b4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PALLAS
+#0x26b5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # JUNO
+#0x26b6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # VESTA
+#0x26b7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CHIRON
+#0x26b8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK MOON LILITH
+#0x26b9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SEXTILE
+#0x26ba ""                         "" "" "" "" # SEMISEXTILE
+#0x26bb ""                         "" "" "" "" # QUINCUNX
+#0x26bc ""                         "" "" "" "" # SESQUIQUADRATE
+#0x26bd ""                         "" "" "" "" # SOCCER BALL
+#0x26be ""                         "" "" "" "" # BASEBALL
+#0x26bf ""                         "" "" "" "" # SQUARED KEY
+#0x26c0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE DRAUGHTS MAN
+#0x26c1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE DRAUGHTS KING
+#0x26c2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK DRAUGHTS MAN
+#0x26c3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK DRAUGHTS KING
+#0x26c4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SNOWMAN WITHOUT SNOW
+#0x26c5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SUN BEHIND CLOUD
+#0x26c6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RAIN
+#0x26c7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK SNOWMAN
+#0x26c8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # THUNDER CLOUD AND RAIN
+#0x26c9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # TURNED WHITE SHOGI PIECE
+#0x26ca ""                         "" "" "" "" # TURNED BLACK SHOGI PIECE
+#0x26cb ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE DIAMOND IN SQUARE
+#0x26cc ""                         "" "" "" "" # CROSSING LANES
+#0x26cd ""                         "" "" "" "" # DISABLED CAR
+#0x26cf ""                         "" "" "" "" # PICK
+#0x26d0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CAR SLIDING
+#0x26d1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HELMET WITH WHITE CROSS
+#0x26d2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CIRCLED CROSSING LANES
+#0x26d3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # CHAINS
+#0x26d4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # NO ENTRY
+#0x26d5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # ALTERNATE ONE-WAY LEFT WAY TRAFFIC
+#0x26d6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK TWO-WAY LEFT WAY TRAFFIC
+#0x26d7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE TWO-WAY LEFT WAY TRAFFIC
+#0x26d8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK LEFT LANE MERGE
+#0x26d9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE LEFT LANE MERGE
+#0x26da ""                         "" "" "" "" # DRIVE SLOW SIGN
+#0x26db ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
+#0x26dc ""                         "" "" "" "" # LEFT CLOSED ENTRY
+#0x26dd ""                         "" "" "" "" # SQUARED SALTIRE
+#0x26de ""                         "" "" "" "" # FALLING DIAGONAL IN WHITE CIRCLE IN BLACK SQUARE
+#0x26df ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK TRUCK
+#0x26e0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RESTRICTED LEFT ENTRY-1
+#0x26e1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # RESTRICTED LEFT ENTRY-2
+#0x26e3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY CIRCLE WITH STROKE AND TWO DOTS ABOVE
+#0x26e8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK CROSS ON SHIELD
+#0x26e9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SHINTO SHRINE
+#0x26ea ""                         "" "" "" "" # CHURCH
+#0x26eb ""                         "" "" "" "" # CASTLE
+#0x26ec ""                         "" "" "" "" # HISTORIC SITE
+#0x26ed ""                         "" "" "" "" # GEAR WITHOUT HUB
+#0x26ee ""                         "" "" "" "" # GEAR WITH HANDLES
+#0x26ef ""                         "" "" "" "" # MAP SYMBOL FOR LIGHTHOUSE
+#0x26f0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # MOUNTAIN
+#0x26f1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # UMBRELLA ON GROUND
+#0x26f2 ""                         "" "" "" "" # FOUNTAIN
+#0x26f3 ""                         "" "" "" "" # FLAG IN HOLE
+#0x26f4 ""                         "" "" "" "" # FERRY
+#0x26f5 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SAILBOAT
+#0x26f6 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SQUARE FOUR CORNERS
+#0x26f7 ""                         "" "" "" "" # SKIER
+#0x26f8 ""                         "" "" "" "" # ICE SKATE
+#0x26f9 ""                         "" "" "" "" # PERSON WITH BALL
+#0x26fa ""                         "" "" "" "" # TENT
+#0x26fb ""                         "" "" "" "" # JAPANESE BANK SYMBOL
+#0x26fc ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEADSTONE GRAVEYARD SYMBOL
+#0x26fd ""                         "" "" "" "" # FUEL PUMP
+#0x26fe ""                         "" "" "" "" # CUP ON BLACK SQUARE
+#0x26ff ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE FLAG WITH HORIZONTAL MIDDLE BLACK STRIPE
+# 85 Dingbats
+#0x2700 ""                         "" "" "" "" # BLACK SAFETY SCISSORS
+0x2701 "\\ScissorRightBrokenBottom" "bbding" "force=utf8" # UPPER BLADE SCISSORS
+0x2702 "\\ScissorRight"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK SCISSORS
+0x2703 "\\ScissorRightBrokenTop"  "bbding" "force=utf8" # LOWER BLADE SCISSORS
+0x2704 "\\ScissorHollowRight"     "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE SCISSORS
+#0x2705 ""                        "" "" # WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK
+0x2706 "\\PhoneHandset"           "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # TELEPHONE LOCATION SIGN
+0x2707 "\\Tape"                   "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # TAPE DRIVE
+0x2708 "\\Plane"                  "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # AIRPLANE
+0x2709 "\\Envelope"               "bbding" "force=utf8" # ENVELOPE
+#0x270A        # RAISED FIST
+#0x270B        # RAISED HAND
+0x270c "\\Peace"                  "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # VICTORY HAND
+0x270d "\\HandPencilLeft"         "bbding" "force=utf8" # WRITING HAND
+0x270e "\\PencilRightDown"        "bbding" "force=utf8" # LOWER RIGHT PENCIL
+0x270f "\\PencilRight"            "bbding" "force=utf8" # PENCIL
+0x2710 "\\PencilRightUp"          "bbding" "force=utf8" # UPPER RIGHT PENCIL
+0x2711 "\\NibRight"               "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE NIB
+0x2712 "\\NibSolidRight"          "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK NIB
+0x2713 "\\Checkmark"              "bbding" "force=utf8" "\\checkmark" "amssymb" # CHECK MARK
+0x2714 "\\CheckmarkBold"          "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY CHECK MARK
+0x2715 "\\XSolid"                 "bbding" "force=utf8" # MULTIPLICATION X
+0x2716 "\\XSolidBold"             "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X
+0x2717 "\\XSolidBrush"            "bbding" "force=utf8" # BALLOT X
+0x2718 "\\ding{56}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BALLOT X
+0x2719 "\\PlusOutline"            "bbding" "force=utf8" # OUTLINED GREEK CROSS
+0x271a "\\Plus"                   "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY GREEK CROSS
+0x271b "\\PlusThinCenterOpen"     "bbding" "force=utf8" # OPEN CENTRE CROSS
+0x271c "\\PlusCenterOpen"         "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY OPEN CENTRE CROSS
+0x271d "\\Cross"                  "bbding|marvosym" "force=utf8" "" "" # LATIN CROSS
+0x271e "\\CrossOpenShadow"        "bbding" "force=utf8" # SHADOWED WHITE LATIN CROSS
+0x271f "\\CrossOutline"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # OUTLINED LATIN CROSS
+0x2720 "\\CrossMaltese"           "bbding" "force=utf8" "\\maltese" "amssymb" # MALTESE CROSS
+0x2721 "\\DavidStar"              "bbding" "force=utf8" # STAR OF DAVID
+0x2722 "\\FourAsterisk"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # FOUR TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x2723 "\\JackStar"               "bbding" "force=utf8" # FOUR BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x2724 "\\JackStarBold"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY FOUR BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x2725 "\\CrossClowerTips"       "bbding" "force=utf8" # FOUR CLUB-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x2726 "\\FourStar"               "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK FOUR POINTED STAR
+0x2727 "\\FourStarOpen"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE FOUR POINTED STAR
+#0x2728 ""                         "" ""      # SPARKLES
+0x2729 "\\FiveStarOpen"           "bbding" "force=utf8" #      STRESS OUTLINED WHITE STAR
+0x272a "\\FiveStarOpenCircled"    "bbding" "force=utf8" # CIRCLED WHITE STAR
+0x272b "\\FiveStarCenterOpen"     "bbding" "force=utf8" # OPEN CENTRE BLACK STAR
+0x272c "\\FiveStarOpenDotted"     "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK CENTRE WHITE STAR
+0x272d "\\FiveStarOutline"        "bbding" "force=utf8" # OUTLINED BLACK STAR
+0x272e "\\FiveStarOutlineHeavy"   "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY OUTLINED BLACK STAR
+0x272f "\\FiveStarConvex"         "bbding" "force=utf8" # PINWHEEL STAR
+0x2730 "\\FiveStarShadow"         "bbding" "force=utf8" # SHADOWED WHITE STAR
+0x2731 "\\AsteriskBold"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY ASTERISK
+0x2732 "\\AsteriskCenterOpen"     "bbding" "force=utf8" # OPEN CENTRE ASTERISK
+0x2733 "\\ding{83}"               "pifont" "force=utf8" #      EIGHT SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x2734 "\\EightStarTaper"         "bbding" "force=utf8" # EIGHT POINTED BLACK STAR
+0x2735 "\\EightStarConvex"        "bbding" "force=utf8" # EIGHT POINTED PINWHEEL STAR
+0x2736 "\\SixStar"                "bbding" "force=utf8" # SIX POINTED BLACK STAR
+0x2737 "\\EightStar"              "bbding" "force=utf8" # EIGHT POINTED RECTILINEAR BLACK STAR
+0x2738 "\\EightStarBold"          "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY EIGHT POINTED RECTILINEAR BLACK STAR
+0x2739 "\\TwelweStar"             "bbding" "force=utf8" # TWELVE POINTED BLACK STAR
+0x273a "\\SixteenStarLight"       "bbding" "force=utf8" # SIXTEEN POINTED ASTERISK
+0x273b "\\SixFlowerPetalRemoved"  "bbding" "force=utf8" # TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x273c "\\SixFlowerOpenCenter"    "bbding" "force=utf8" #      OPEN CENTRE TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x273d "\\Asterisk"               "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x273e "\\SixFlowerAlternate"     "bbding" "force=utf8" # SIX PETALLED BLACK AND WHITE FLORETTE
+0x273f "\\FiveFlowerPetal"        "bbding" "force=utf8" # BLACK FLORETTE
+0x2740 "\\FiveFlowerOpen"         "bbding" "force=utf8" # WHITE FLORETTE
+0x2741 "\\EightFlowerPetal"       "bbding" "force=utf8" # EIGHT PETALLED OUTLINED BLACK FLORETTE
+0x2742 "\\SunshineOpenCircled"    "bbding" "force=utf8" #      CIRCLED OPEN CENTRE EIGHT POINTED STAR
+0x2743 "\\SixFlowerAltPetal"      "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY TEARDROP-SPOKED PINWHEEL ASTERISK
+0x2744 "\\SnowflakeChevron"       "bbding" "force=utf8" # SNOWFLAKE
+0x2745 "\\Snowflake"              "bbding" "force=utf8" # TIGHT TRIFOLIATE SNOWFLAKE
+0x2746 "\\SnowflakeChevronBold"   "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY CHEVRON SNOWFLAKE
+0x2747 "\\Sparkle"                "bbding" "force=utf8" # SPARKLE
+0x2748 "\\SparkleBold"            "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY SPARKLE
+0x2749 "\\AsteriskRoundedEnds"    "bbding" "force=utf8" # BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK
+0x274a "\\EightFlowerPetalRemoved" "bbding" "force=utf8" # EIGHT TEARDROP-SPOKED PROPELLER ASTERISK
+0x274b "\\EightAsterisk"           "bbding" "force=utf8" # HEAVY EIGHT TEARDROP-SPOKED PROPELLER ASTERISK
+0x274d "\\CircleShadow"            "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # SHADOWED WHITE CIRCLE
+0x274f "\\SquareShadowBottomRight" "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # LOWER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+0x2750 "\\SquareShadowTopRight"    "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # UPPER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+0x2751 "\\SquareCastShadowBottomRight" "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # LOWER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+0x2752 "\\SquareCastShadowTopRight" "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # UPPER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+0x2756 "\\OrnamentDiamondSolid"   "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # BLACK DIAMOND MINUS WHITE X
+#0x2757 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK SYMBOL
+0x2758 "\\RectangleThin"          "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # LIGHT VERTICAL BAR
+0x2759 "\\Rectangle"              "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # MEDIUM VERTICAL BAR
+0x275a "\\RectangleBold"          "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY VERTICAL BAR
+0x275b "\\ding{123}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY SINGLE TURNED COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+0x275c "\\ding{124}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY SINGLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+0x275d "\\ding{125}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY DOUBLE TURNED COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+0x275e "\\ding{126}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY DOUBLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+#0x275f ""                       "" "" # HEAVY LOW SINGLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+#0x2760        ""                        "" "" # HEAVY LOW DOUBLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+0x2761 "\\ding{161}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # CURVED STEM PARAGRAPH SIGN ORNAMENT
+0x2762 "\\ding{162}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK ORNAMENT
+0x2763 "\\ding{163}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY HEART EXCLAMATION MARK ORNAMENT
+0x2764 "\\ding{164}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK HEART
+0x2765 "\\ding{165}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # ROTATED HEAVY BLACK HEART BULLET
+0x2766 "\\ding{166}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # FLORAL HEART
+0x2767 "\\ding{167}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET
+#0x2768 ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM LEFT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT
+#0x2769 ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM RIGHT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT
+#0x276a ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM FLATTENED LEFT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT
+#0x276b ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM FLATTENED RIGHT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT
+#0x276c ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x276d ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x276e ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+#0x276f ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+#0x2770 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x2771 ""                         "" "" "" "" # HEAVY RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x2772 ""                         "" "" "" "" # LIGHT LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x2773 ""                         "" "" "" "" # LIGHT RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x2774 ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM LEFT CURLY BRACKET ORNAMENT
+#0x2775 ""                         "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM RIGHT CURLY BRACKET ORNAMENT
+0x2776 "\\ding{182}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE
+0x2777 "\\ding{183}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO
+0x2778 "\\ding{184}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE
+0x2779 "\\ding{185}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR
+0x277a "\\ding{186}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE
+0x277b "\\ding{187}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX
+0x277c "\\ding{188}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN
+0x277d "\\ding{189}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT
+0x277e "\\ding{190}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE
+0x277f "\\ding{191}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TEN
+0x2780 "\\ding{192}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE
+0x2781 "\\ding{193}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TWO
+0x2782 "\\ding{194}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF THREE
+0x2783 "\\ding{195}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FOUR
+0x2784 "\\ding{196}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FIVE
+0x2785 "\\ding{197}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SIX
+0x2786 "\\ding{198}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SEVEN
+0x2787 "\\ding{199}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF EIGHT
+0x2788 "\\ding{200}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NINE
+0x2789 "\\ding{201}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TEN
+0x278a "\\ding{202}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE
+0x278b "\\ding{203}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TWO
+0x278c "\\ding{204}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF THREE
+0x278d "\\ding{205}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FOUR
+0x278e "\\ding{206}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FIVE
+0x278f "\\ding{207}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SIX
+0x2790 "\\ding{208}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SEVEN
+0x2791 "\\ding{209}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF EIGHT
+0x2792 "\\ding{210}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NINE
+0x2793 "\\ding{211}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TEN
+0x2794 "\\ding{212}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
-# dingbats
-0x2701 "\\ScissorRightBrokenBottom" "bbding" "" # UPPER BLADE SCISSORS
-0x2702 "\\ScissorRight"           "bbding" "" # BLACK SCISSORS
-0x2703 "\\ScissorRightBrokenTop"  "bbding" "" # LOWER BLADE SCISSORS
-0x2704 "\\ScissorHollowRight"     "bbding" "" # WHITE SCISSORS
-0x2709 "\\Letter"                 "marvosym" "" # ENVELOPE
-0x270d "\\HandPencilLeft"         "bbding" "" # WRITING HAND
-0x270e "\\PencilRightDown"        "bbding" "" # LOWER RIGHT PENCIL
-0x270f "\\PencilRight"            "bbding" "" # PENCIL
-0x2710 "\\PencilRightUp"          "bbding" "" # UPPER RIGHT PENCIL
-0x2711 "\\NibRight"               "bbding" "" # WHITE NIB
-0x2712 "\\NibSolidRight"          "bbding" "" # BLACK NIB
-0x2713 "\\Checkmark"              "bbding" "" "\\checkmark" "amssymb" # CHECK MARK
-0x2714 "\\CheckmarkBold"          "bbding" "" # HEAVY CHECK MARK
-0x2715 "\\XSolid"                 "bbding" "" # MULTIPLICATION X
-0x2716 "\\XSolidBold"             "bbding" "" # HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X
-0x2717 "\\XSolidBrush"            "bbding" "" # BALLOT X
-0x2719 "\\PlusOutline"            "bbding" "" # OUTLINED GREEK CROSS
-0x271a "\\Plus"                   "bbding" "" # HEAVY GREEK CROSS
-0x271b "\\PlusThinCenterOpen"     "bbding" "" # OPEN CENTRE CROSS
-0x271c "\\PlusCenterOpen"         "bbding" "" # HEAVY OPEN CENTRE CROSS
-0x271d "\\Cross"                  "bbding|marvosym" "" "" "" # LATIN CROSS
-0x271e "\\CrossOpenShadow"        "bbding" "" # SHADOWED WHITE LATIN CROSS
-0x271f "\\CrossOutline"           "bbding" "" # OUTLINED LATIN CROSS
-0x2720 "\\CrossMaltese"           "bbding" "" "\\maltese" "amssymb" # MALTESE CROSS
-0x2721 "\\DavidStar"              "bbding" "" # STAR OF DAVID
-0x2722 "\\FourAsterisk"           "bbding" "" # too lazy to add the follwing unicode names
-0x2723 "\\JackStar"               "bbding" "" # 
-0x2724 "\\JackStarBold"           "bbding" "" # 
-#0x2725 ""                         "" "" # 
-0x2726 "\\FourStar"               "bbding" "" # 
-0x2727 "\\FourStarOpen"           "bbding" "" # 
-#0x2728 ""                         "" "" # 
-#0x2729 ""                         "" "" # 
-0x272a "\\FiveStarOpenCircled"    "bbding" "" # 
-0x272b "\\FiveStarCenterOpen"     "bbding" "" # 
-0x272c "\\FiveStarOpenDotted"     "bbding" "" # 
-0x272d "\\FiveStarOutline"        "bbding" "" # 
-0x272e "\\FiveStarOutlineHeavy"   "bbding" "" # 
-0x272f "\\FiveStarConvex"         "bbding" "" # 
-0x2730 "\\FiveStarShadow"         "bbding" "" # 
-0x2731 "\\AsteriskBold"           "bbding" "" # 
-0x2732 "\\AsteriskCenterOpen"     "bbding" "" # 
-#0x2733 ""                         "" "" # 
-0x2734 "\\EightStarTaper"         "bbding" "" # 
-0x2735 "\\EightStarConvex"        "bbding" "" # 
-0x2736 "\\SixStar"                "bbding" "" # 
-0x2737 "\\EightStar"              "bbding" "" # 
-0x2738 "\\EightStarBold"          "bbding" "" # 
-0x2739 "\\TwelweStar"             "bbding" "" # 
-0x273a "\\SixteenStarLight"       "bbding" "" # 
-0x273b "\\SixFlowerPetalRemoved"  "bbding" "" # 
-0x273c "\\SixFlowerOpenCenter"    "bbding" "" #
-0x273d "\\Asterisk"               "bbding" "" # 
-0x273e "\\SixFlowerAlternate"     "bbding" "" # 
-0x273f "\\FiveFlowerPetal"        "bbding" "" # 
-0x2740 "\\FiveFlowerOpen"         "bbding" "" # 
-0x2741 "\\EightFlowerPetal"       "bbding" "" # 
-#0x2742 ""                         "" "" #  
-0x2743 "\\SixFlowerAltPetal"      "bbding" "" # 
-0x2744 "\\SnowflakeChevron"       "bbding" "" # 
-0x2745 "\\Snowflake"              "bbding" "" # 
-0x2746 "\\SnowflakeChevronBold"   "bbding" "" # 
-0x2747 "\\Sparkle"                "bbding" "" # 
-0x2748 "\\SparkleBold"            "bbding" "" # 
-0x2749 "\\AsteriskRoundedEnds"    "bbding" "" # 
-0x274a "\\EightFlowerPetalRemoved" "bbding" "" # 
-0x274b "\\EightAsterisk"          "bbding" "" # 
-0x2776 "\\ding{182}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE
-0x2777 "\\ding{183}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO
-0x2778 "\\ding{184}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE
-0x2779 "\\ding{185}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR
-0x277a "\\ding{186}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE
-0x277b "\\ding{187}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX
-0x277c "\\ding{188}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN
-0x277d "\\ding{189}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT
-0x277e "\\ding{190}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE
-0x277f "\\ding{191}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TEN
-0x2780 "\\ding{192}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE
-0x2781 "\\ding{193}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TWO
-0x2782 "\\ding{194}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF THREE
-0x2783 "\\ding{195}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FOUR
-0x2784 "\\ding{196}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FIVE
-0x2785 "\\ding{197}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SIX
-0x2786 "\\ding{198}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SEVEN
-0x2787 "\\ding{199}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF EIGHT
-0x2788 "\\ding{200}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NINE
-0x2789 "\\ding{201}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TEN
-0x278a "\\ding{202}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE
-0x278b "\\ding{203}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TWO
-0x278c "\\ding{204}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF THREE
-0x278d "\\ding{205}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FOUR
-0x278e "\\ding{206}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF FIVE
-0x278f "\\ding{207}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SIX
-0x2790 "\\ding{208}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF SEVEN
-0x2791 "\\ding{209}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF EIGHT
-0x2792 "\\ding{210}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NINE
-0x2793 "\\ding{211}"              "pifont" "" # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF TEN
+0x2798 "\\ding{216}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY SOUTH EAST ARROW
+0x2799 "\\ding{217}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x279a "\\ding{218}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY NORTH EAST ARROW
+0x279b "\\ding{219}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # DRAFTING POINT RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x279c "\\ding{220}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x279d "\\ding{221}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x279e "\\ding{222}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x279f "\\ding{223}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a0 "\\ding{224}"             "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+#0x27a0 "\\ArrowBoldRightStrobe"   "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a1 "\\ding{225}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a2 "\\ding{226}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # THREE-D TOP-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD
+0x27a3 "\\ding{227}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # THREE-D BOTTOM-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD
+0x27a4 "\\ding{228}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD
+0x27a5 "\\ding{229}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK CURVED DOWNWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a6 "\\ding{230}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK CURVED UPWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a7 "\\ding{231}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+# 0x27a5 "\\ArrowBoldDownRight"     "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK CURVED DOWNWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+# 0x27a6 "\\ArrowBoldUpRight"       "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK CURVED UPWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+# 0x27a7 "\\ArrowBoldRightShort"    "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a8 "\\ding{232}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY CONCAVE-POINTED BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27a9 "\\ding{233}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # RIGHT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27aa "\\ding{234}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # LEFT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27ab "\\ding{235}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # BACK-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27ac "\\ding{236}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # FRONT-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27ad "\\ding{237}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27ae "\\ding{238}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27af "\\ding{239}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # NOTCHED LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27b1 "\\ding{241}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # NOTCHED UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27b2 "\\ding{242}"             "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # CIRCLED HEAVY WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+#0x27b2 "\\ArrowBoldRightCircled"  "bbding" "force=utf8" "" "" # CIRCLED HEAVY WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27b3 "\\ding{243}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # WHITE-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27b4 "\\ding{244}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # BLACK-FEATHERED SOUTH EAST ARROW
+0x27b5 "\\ding{245}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27b6 "\\ding{246}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # BLACK-FEATHERED NORTH EAST ARROW
+0x27b7 "\\ding{247}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED SOUTH EAST ARROW
+0x27b8 "\\ding{248}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27b9 "\\ding{249}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED NORTH EAST ARROW
+0x27ba "\\ding{250}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # TEARDROP-BARBED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27bb "\\ding{251}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY TEARDROP-SHANKED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27bc "\\ding{252}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27bd "\\ding{253}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # HEAVY WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+0x27be "\\ding{254}"              "pifont" "force=utf8" "" "" # OPEN-OUTLINED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+#0x27bf ""                         "" "" # DOUBLE CURLY LOOP
 # miscellaneous mathematical symbols-A
+#0x27c0 ""                         "" "" "" "" # THREE DIMENSIONAL ANGLE
+#0x27c1 ""                         "" "" "" "" # WHITE TRIANGLE CONTAINING SMALL WHITE TRIANGLE
 0x27c2 ""                         "" "" "\\perp" "" # PERPENDICULAR
 0x27e6 ""                         "" "" "\\llbracket" "stmaryrd" # MATHEMATICAL LEFT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET
 0x27e7 ""                         "" "" "\\rrbracket" "stmaryrd" # MATHEMATICAL RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET