X-Git-Url: https://git.lyx.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=lib%2Fexamples%2Fserial_letter2.lyx;h=4e33d7117a8ee485d4292d1d95582831a82833fc;hb=21ccd006ee7d407c95aa0909cdd93880a84893ca;hp=6b9ba5dcabb314bf009bfcd3b0799a6cf41df26d;hpb=886db92f822ad4b346a15204e84abd9aa8fc040b;p=lyx.git diff --git a/lib/examples/serial_letter2.lyx b/lib/examples/serial_letter2.lyx index 6b9ba5dcab..4e33d7117a 100644 --- a/lib/examples/serial_letter2.lyx +++ b/lib/examples/serial_letter2.lyx @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ -#LyX 1.6.0svn created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ -\lyxformat 314 +#LyX 2.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ +\lyxformat 508 \begin_document \begin_header +\save_transient_properties true +\origin /systemlyxdir/examples/ \textclass scrlttr2 \begin_preamble %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -60,27 +62,64 @@ fromurl=true% print sender URL %\setkomafont{subject}{} %\setkomafont{title}{} \end_preamble +\use_default_options false +\maintain_unincluded_children false \language english +\language_package default \inputencoding auto -\font_roman palatino -\font_sans default -\font_typewriter default +\fontencoding global +\font_roman "palatino" "default" +\font_sans "default" "default" +\font_typewriter "default" "default" +\font_math "auto" "auto" \font_default_family default +\use_non_tex_fonts false \font_sc false \font_osf false -\font_sf_scale 100 -\font_tt_scale 100 +\font_sf_scale 100 100 +\font_tt_scale 100 100 \graphics default +\default_output_format default +\output_sync 0 +\bibtex_command default +\index_command default \paperfontsize 11 \spacing other 1.15 -\use_hyperref false +\use_hyperref true +\pdf_bookmarks false +\pdf_bookmarksnumbered false +\pdf_bookmarksopen false +\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel 1 +\pdf_breaklinks false +\pdf_pdfborder true +\pdf_colorlinks false +\pdf_backref false +\pdf_pdfusetitle false \papersize default \use_geometry false -\use_amsmath 0 -\use_esint 0 +\use_package amsmath 0 +\use_package amssymb 0 +\use_package cancel 0 +\use_package esint 0 +\use_package mathdots 1 +\use_package mathtools 0 +\use_package mhchem 1 +\use_package stackrel 0 +\use_package stmaryrd 0 +\use_package undertilde 0 \cite_engine basic +\cite_engine_type default +\biblio_style plain \use_bibtopic false +\use_indices false \paperorientation portrait +\suppress_date false +\justification true +\use_refstyle 0 +\index Index +\shortcut idx +\color #008000 +\end_index \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation skip @@ -91,24 +130,31 @@ fromurl=true% print sender URL \paperpagestyle default \tracking_changes false \output_changes false -\author "" -\author "" +\html_math_output 0 +\html_css_as_file 0 +\html_be_strict false \end_header \begin_body \begin_layout Name -The LyX Developers Team +The \SpecialChar LyX + Developers Team \end_layout \begin_layout SenderAddress 140 Map Road -\newline +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + SVN City \end_layout \begin_layout Telephone -0011/222\InsetSpace \thinspace{} +0011/222 +\begin_inset space \thinspace{} +\end_inset + 333 \end_layout @@ -121,19 +167,25 @@ www.lyx.org \end_layout \begin_layout Backaddress -The LyX Developers Team -\newline +The \SpecialChar LyX + Developers Team +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + 140 Map Road -\newline +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + SVN City \end_layout \begin_layout Signature -The LyX Team +The \SpecialChar LyX + Team \end_layout \begin_layout Subject -New KOMA letter layout +New KOMA letter layout \end_layout \begin_layout Place @@ -144,7 +196,8 @@ The Internet \begin_inset ERT status collapsed -\begin_layout Standard +\begin_layout Plain Layout + \backslash today @@ -169,7 +222,8 @@ filename "addressExample.adr" \begin_inset ERT status collapsed -\begin_layout Standard +\begin_layout Plain Layout + \backslash WILBOE @@ -201,8 +255,8 @@ This template illustrates the use of the new scrlttr2 class (introduced This letter class is very flexible. Have a look at \family sans -Layout\SpecialChar \menuseparator -Document\SpecialChar \menuseparator +Layout\SpecialChar menuseparator +Document\SpecialChar menuseparator Preamble \family default for the most common parameters. @@ -210,13 +264,18 @@ Preamble \begin_inset Foot status collapsed -\begin_layout Standard -http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/koma-script/scrguien.pdf -\end_layout +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +target "http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/doc/scrguien.pdf" \end_inset +\end_layout + +\end_inset + for a detailed description. \end_layout @@ -225,20 +284,24 @@ Have fun with it, \end_layout \begin_layout PS -p.\InsetSpace \thinspace{} +p. +\begin_inset space \thinspace{} +\end_inset + s.: The blue colored items have to be before the address, the magenta colored after it. \end_layout \begin_layout CC -The LyX Users +The \SpecialChar LyX + Users \end_layout \begin_layout EndLetter \begin_inset Note Note status collapsed -\begin_layout Standard +\begin_layout Plain Layout keep this environment empty \end_layout