/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "lyxtext.h" #endif #include "LString.h" #include "lyxparagraph.h" #include "insets/inseterror.h" #include "insets/insetbib.h" #include "insets/insetspecialchar.h" #include "layout.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "undo.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "bufferparams.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "tracer.h" #define FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE 1 using std::copy; LyXText::LyXText(BufferView * bv, int pw, Buffer * p) { owner_ = bv; firstrow = 0; lastrow = 0; currentrow = 0; currentrow_y = 0; paperwidth = pw; parameters = &p->params; params = p; number_of_rows = 0; refresh_y = 0; status = LyXText::UNCHANGED; LyXParagraph * par = p->paragraph; current_font = GetFont(par, 0); height = 0; while (par) { InsertParagraph(par, lastrow); par = par->Next(); } // set cursor at the very top position selection = true; /* these setting is necessary because of the delete-empty- paragraph mechanism in SetCursor */ SetCursor(firstrow->par, 0); sel_cursor = cursor; selection = false; mark_set = false; // no rebreak necessary need_break_row = 0; undo_finished = true; undo_frozen = false; // Default layouttype for copy environment type copylayouttype = 0; } LyXText::~LyXText() { // Delete all rows, this does not touch the paragraphs! Row * tmprow = firstrow; while (firstrow) { tmprow = firstrow->next; delete firstrow; firstrow = tmprow; } } void LyXText::owner(BufferView * bv) { if (owner_ && bv) lyxerr << "LyXText::owner_ already set!" << endl; owner_ = bv; } // Gets the fully instantiated font at a given position in a paragraph // Basically the same routine as LyXParagraph::getFont() in paragraph.C. // The difference is that this one is used for displaying, and thus we // are allowed to make cosmetic improvements. For instance make footnotes // smaller. (Asger) // If position is -1, we get the layout font of the paragraph. // If position is -2, we get the font of the manual label of the paragraph. LyXFont LyXText::GetFont(LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos) const { LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()); char par_depth = par->GetDepth(); // We specialize the 95% common case: if (par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && !par_depth) { if (pos >= 0){ // 95% goes here if (layout.labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL && pos < BeginningOfMainBody(par)) { // 1% goes here return par->GetFontSettings(pos). realize(layout.reslabelfont); } else return par->GetFontSettings(pos). realize(layout.resfont); } else { // 5% goes here. // process layoutfont for pos == -1 and labelfont for pos < -1 if (pos == -1) return layout.resfont; else return layout.reslabelfont; } } // The uncommon case need not be optimized as much LyXFont layoutfont, tmpfont; if (pos >= 0){ // 95% goes here if (pos < BeginningOfMainBody(par)) { // 1% goes here layoutfont = layout.labelfont; } else { // 99% goes here layoutfont = layout.font; } tmpfont = par->GetFontSettings(pos); tmpfont.realize(layoutfont); } else { // 5% goes here. // process layoutfont for pos == -1 and labelfont for pos < -1 if (pos == -1) tmpfont = layout.font; else tmpfont = layout.labelfont; } // Resolve against environment font information while (par && par_depth && !tmpfont.resolved()) { par = par->DepthHook(par_depth - 1); if (par) { tmpfont.realize(textclasslist. Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()).font); par_depth = par->GetDepth(); } } tmpfont.realize(textclasslist.TextClass(parameters->textclass).defaultfont()); // Cosmetic improvement: If this is an open footnote, make the font // smaller. if (par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE) { tmpfont.decSize(); } return tmpfont; } void LyXText::SetCharFont(LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos, LyXFont const & fnt) { LyXFont font(fnt); // Let the insets convert their font if (par->GetChar(pos) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { if (par->GetInset(pos)) font = par->GetInset(pos)->ConvertFont(font); } LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()); // Get concrete layout font to reduce against LyXFont layoutfont; if (pos < BeginningOfMainBody(par)) layoutfont = layout.labelfont; else layoutfont = layout.font; // Realize against environment font information if (par->GetDepth()){ LyXParagraph * tp = par; while (!layoutfont.resolved() && tp && tp->GetDepth()) { tp = tp->DepthHook(tp->GetDepth()-1); if (tp) layoutfont.realize(textclasslist. Style(parameters->textclass, tp->GetLayout()).font); } } layoutfont.realize(textclasslist.TextClass(parameters->textclass).defaultfont()); if (par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE) { layoutfont.decSize(); } // Now, reduce font against full layout font font.reduce(layoutfont); par->SetFont(pos, font); } /* inserts a new row behind the specified row, increments * the touched counters */ void LyXText::InsertRow(Row * row, LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos) const { Row * tmprow = new Row; if (!row) { tmprow->previous = 0; tmprow->next = firstrow; firstrow = tmprow; } else { tmprow->previous = row; tmprow->next = row->next; row->next = tmprow; } if (tmprow->next) tmprow->next->previous = tmprow; if (tmprow->previous) tmprow->previous->next = tmprow; tmprow->par = par; tmprow->pos = pos; if (row == lastrow) lastrow = tmprow; ++number_of_rows; // one more row } // removes the row and reset the touched counters void LyXText::RemoveRow(Row * row) const { /* this must not happen before the currentrow for clear reasons. so the trick is just to set the current row onto the previous row of this row */ long unused_y; GetRow(row->par, row->pos, unused_y); currentrow = currentrow->previous; if (currentrow) currentrow_y -= currentrow->height; else currentrow_y = 0; if (row->next) row->next->previous = row->previous; if (!row->previous) { firstrow = row->next; } else { row->previous->next = row->next; } if (row == lastrow) lastrow = row->previous; height -= row->height; // the text becomes smaller delete row; --number_of_rows; // one row less } // remove all following rows of the paragraph of the specified row. void LyXText::RemoveParagraph(Row * row) const { LyXParagraph * tmppar = row->par; row = row->next; Row * tmprow; while (row && row->par == tmppar) { tmprow = row->next; RemoveRow(row); row = tmprow; } } // insert the specified paragraph behind the specified row void LyXText::InsertParagraph(LyXParagraph * par, Row * row) const { InsertRow(row, par, 0); /* insert a new row, starting * at postition 0 */ SetCounter(par); // set the counters // and now append the whole paragraph behind the new row if (!row) { firstrow->height = 0; AppendParagraph(firstrow); } else { row->next->height = 0; AppendParagraph(row->next); } } void LyXText::ToggleFootnote() { LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos); if (par->next && par->next->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE) { OpenFootnote(); owner_->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Opened float")); } else { owner_->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Closed float")); CloseFootnote(); } } void LyXText::OpenStuff() { if (cursor.pos == 0 && cursor.par->bibkey){ cursor.par->bibkey->Edit(owner_, 0, 0, 0); } else if (cursor.pos < cursor.par->Last() && cursor.par->GetChar(cursor.pos) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos)->Editable()) { owner_->owner()->getMiniBuffer() ->Set(cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos)->EditMessage()); if (cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos)->Editable() != Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE) SetCursorParUndo(); cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos)->Edit(owner_, 0, 0, 0); } else { ToggleFootnote(); } } void LyXText::CloseFootnote() { LyXParagraph * tmppar; LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos); // if the cursor is not in an open footnote, or // there is no open footnote in this paragraph, just return. if (cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) { if (!par->next || par->next->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) { owner_->owner()->getMiniBuffer() ->Set(_("Nothing to do")); return; } // ok, move the cursor right before the footnote // just a little faster than using CursorRight() for (cursor.pos = 0; cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos) != par; cursor.pos++) {} // now the cursor is at the beginning of the physical par SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos + cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->size()); } else { /* we are in a footnote, so let us move at the beginning */ /* this is just faster than using just CursorLeft() */ tmppar = cursor.par; while (tmppar->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) { // just a little bit faster than movin the cursor tmppar = tmppar->Previous(); } SetCursor(tmppar, tmppar->Last()); } // the cursor must be exactly before the footnote par = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos); status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; refresh_row = cursor.row; refresh_y = cursor.y - cursor.row->baseline; tmppar = cursor.par; LyXParagraph * endpar = par->NextAfterFootnote()->Next(); Row * row = cursor.row; tmppar->CloseFootnote(cursor.pos); while (tmppar != endpar) { RemoveRow(row->next); if (row->next) tmppar = row->next->par; else tmppar = 0; } AppendParagraph(cursor.row); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; // just necessary if (cursor.row->next) SetHeightOfRow(cursor.row->next); } /* used in setlayout */ // Asger is not sure we want to do this... void LyXText::MakeFontEntriesLayoutSpecific(LyXParagraph * par) { LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()); LyXFont layoutfont, tmpfont; for (LyXParagraph::size_type pos = 0; pos < par->Last(); ++pos) { if (pos < BeginningOfMainBody(par)) layoutfont = layout.labelfont; else layoutfont = layout.font; tmpfont = par->GetFontSettings(pos); tmpfont.reduce(layoutfont); par->SetFont(pos, tmpfont); } } // set layout over selection and make a total rebreak of those paragraphs void LyXText::SetLayout(LyXTextClass::size_type layout) { LyXCursor tmpcursor; // if there is no selection just set the layout // of the current paragraph */ if (!selection) { sel_start_cursor = cursor; // dummy selection sel_end_cursor = cursor; } LyXParagraph * endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); LyXParagraph * undoendpar = endpar; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); undoendpar = endpar; } } else if (endpar) { endpar = endpar->Next(); // because of parindents etc. } SetUndo(Undo::EDIT, sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, undoendpar); tmpcursor = cursor; /* store the current cursor */ /* ok we have a selection. This is always between sel_start_cursor * and sel_end cursor */ cursor = sel_start_cursor; LyXLayout const & lyxlayout = textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, layout); while (cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par) { if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { cursor.par->SetLayout(layout); MakeFontEntriesLayoutSpecific(cursor.par); LyXParagraph* fppar = cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar(); fppar->added_space_top = lyxlayout.fill_top ? VSpace(VSpace::VFILL) : VSpace(VSpace::NONE); fppar->added_space_bottom = lyxlayout.fill_bottom ? VSpace(VSpace::VFILL) : VSpace(VSpace::NONE); if (lyxlayout.margintype == MARGIN_MANUAL) cursor.par->SetLabelWidthString(lyxlayout.labelstring()); if (lyxlayout.labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO && fppar->bibkey) { delete fppar->bibkey; fppar->bibkey = 0; } } cursor.par = cursor.par->Next(); } if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { cursor.par->SetLayout(layout); MakeFontEntriesLayoutSpecific(cursor.par); LyXParagraph* fppar = cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar(); fppar->added_space_top = lyxlayout.fill_top ? VSpace(VSpace::VFILL) : VSpace(VSpace::NONE); fppar->added_space_bottom = lyxlayout.fill_bottom ? VSpace(VSpace::VFILL) : VSpace(VSpace::NONE); if (lyxlayout.margintype == MARGIN_MANUAL) cursor.par->SetLabelWidthString(lyxlayout.labelstring()); if (lyxlayout.labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO && fppar->bibkey) { delete fppar->bibkey; fppar->bibkey = 0; } } RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, endpar); // we have to reset the selection, because the // geometry could have changed */ SetCursor(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); UpdateCounters(cursor.row); ClearSelection(); SetSelection(); SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); } // increment depth over selection and // make a total rebreak of those paragraphs void LyXText::IncDepth() { // If there is no selection, just use the current paragraph if (!selection) { sel_start_cursor = cursor; // dummy selection sel_end_cursor = cursor; } // We end at the next paragraph with depth 0 LyXParagraph * endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); LyXParagraph * undoendpar = endpar; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); undoendpar = endpar; } } else if (endpar) { endpar = endpar->Next(); // because of parindents etc. } SetUndo(Undo::EDIT, sel_start_cursor .par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, undoendpar); LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; // store the current cursor // ok we have a selection. This is always between sel_start_cursor // and sel_end cursor cursor = sel_start_cursor; bool anything_changed = false; while (true) { // NOTE: you can't change the depth of a bibliography entry if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag && textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, cursor.par->GetLayout() ).labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO) { LyXParagraph * prev = cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->Previous(); if (prev && (prev->GetDepth() - cursor.par->GetDepth() > 0 || (prev->GetDepth() == cursor.par->GetDepth() && textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, prev->GetLayout()).isEnvironment()))) { cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->depth++; anything_changed = true; } } if (cursor.par == sel_end_cursor.par) break; cursor.par = cursor.par->Next(); } // if nothing changed set all depth to 0 if (!anything_changed) { cursor = sel_start_cursor; while (cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par) { cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->depth = 0; cursor.par = cursor.par->Next(); } if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->depth = 0; } RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, endpar); // we have to reset the selection, because the // geometry could have changed SetCursor(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); UpdateCounters(cursor.row); ClearSelection(); SetSelection(); SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); } // decrement depth over selection and // make a total rebreak of those paragraphs void LyXText::DecDepth() { // if there is no selection just set the layout // of the current paragraph if (!selection) { sel_start_cursor = cursor; // dummy selection sel_end_cursor = cursor; } LyXParagraph * endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); LyXParagraph * undoendpar = endpar; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); undoendpar = endpar; } } else if (endpar) { endpar = endpar->Next(); // because of parindents etc. } SetUndo(Undo::EDIT, sel_start_cursor .par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, undoendpar); LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; // store the current cursor // ok we have a selection. This is always between sel_start_cursor // and sel_end cursor cursor = sel_start_cursor; while (true) { if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { if (cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->depth) cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->depth--; } if (cursor.par == sel_end_cursor.par) break; cursor.par = cursor.par->Next(); } RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, endpar); // we have to reset the selection, because the // geometry could have changed SetCursor(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); UpdateCounters(cursor.row); ClearSelection(); SetSelection(); SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); } // set font over selection and make a total rebreak of those paragraphs void LyXText::SetFont(LyXFont const & font, bool toggleall) { // if there is no selection just set the current_font if (!selection) { // Determine basis font LyXFont layoutfont; if (cursor.pos < BeginningOfMainBody(cursor.par)) layoutfont = GetFont(cursor.par, -2); else layoutfont = GetFont(cursor.par, -1); // Update current font real_current_font.update(font, parameters->language_info, toggleall); // Reduce to implicit settings current_font = real_current_font; current_font.reduce(layoutfont); // And resolve it completely real_current_font.realize(layoutfont); return; } LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; // store the current cursor // ok we have a selection. This is always between sel_start_cursor // and sel_end cursor SetUndo(Undo::EDIT, sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, sel_end_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_end_cursor.pos)->next); cursor = sel_start_cursor; while (cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par || (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag && cursor.pos < sel_end_cursor.pos)) { if (cursor.pos < cursor.par->Last() && cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { // an open footnote should behave // like a closed one LyXFont newfont = GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos); newfont.update(font, parameters->language_info, toggleall); SetCharFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos, newfont); cursor.pos++; } else { cursor.pos = 0; cursor.par = cursor.par->Next(); } } RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, sel_end_cursor.par->Next()); // we have to reset the selection, because the // geometry could have changed SetCursor(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); ClearSelection(); SetSelection(); SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); } void LyXText::RedoHeightOfParagraph(LyXCursor const & cur) { Row * tmprow = cur.row; long y = cur.y - tmprow->baseline; SetHeightOfRow(tmprow); LyXParagraph * first_phys_par = tmprow->par->FirstPhysicalPar(); // find the first row of the paragraph if (first_phys_par != tmprow->par) while (tmprow->previous && tmprow->previous->par != first_phys_par) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; y -= tmprow->height; SetHeightOfRow(tmprow); } while (tmprow->previous && tmprow->previous->par == first_phys_par) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; y -= tmprow->height; SetHeightOfRow(tmprow); } // we can set the refreshing parameters now status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; refresh_y = y; refresh_row = tmprow; SetCursor(cur.par, cur.pos); } void LyXText::RedoDrawingOfParagraph(LyXCursor const & cur) { Row * tmprow = cur.row; long y = cur.y - tmprow->baseline; SetHeightOfRow(tmprow); LyXParagraph * first_phys_par = tmprow->par->FirstPhysicalPar(); // find the first row of the paragraph if (first_phys_par != tmprow->par) while (tmprow->previous && tmprow->previous->par != first_phys_par) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; y -= tmprow->height; } while (tmprow->previous && tmprow->previous->par == first_phys_par) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; y -= tmprow->height; } // we can set the refreshing parameters now if (status == LyXText::UNCHANGED || y < refresh_y) { refresh_y = y; refresh_row = tmprow; } status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; SetCursor(cur.par, cur.pos); } /* deletes and inserts again all paragaphs between the cursor * and the specified par * This function is needed after SetLayout and SetFont etc. */ void LyXText::RedoParagraphs(LyXCursor const & cur, LyXParagraph const * endpar) const { Row * tmprow2; LyXParagraph * tmppar, * first_phys_par; Row * tmprow = cur.row; long y = cur.y - tmprow->baseline; if (!tmprow->previous){ first_phys_par = FirstParagraph(); // a trick/hack for UNDO } else { first_phys_par = tmprow->par->FirstPhysicalPar(); // find the first row of the paragraph if (first_phys_par != tmprow->par) while (tmprow->previous && (tmprow->previous->par != first_phys_par)) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; y -= tmprow->height; } while (tmprow->previous && tmprow->previous->par == first_phys_par) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; y -= tmprow->height; } } // we can set the refreshing parameters now status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; refresh_y = y; refresh_row = tmprow->previous; /* the real refresh row will be deleted, so I store the previous here */ // remove it if (tmprow->next) tmppar = tmprow->next->par; else tmppar = 0; while (tmppar != endpar) { RemoveRow(tmprow->next); if (tmprow->next) tmppar = tmprow->next->par; else tmppar = 0; } // remove the first one tmprow2 = tmprow; /* this is because tmprow->previous can be 0 */ tmprow = tmprow->previous; RemoveRow(tmprow2); tmppar = first_phys_par; do { if (tmppar) { InsertParagraph(tmppar, tmprow); if (!tmprow) tmprow = firstrow; while (tmprow->next && tmprow->next->par == tmppar) tmprow = tmprow->next; tmppar = tmppar->Next(); } } while (tmppar != endpar); // this is because of layout changes if (refresh_row) { refresh_y -= refresh_row->height; SetHeightOfRow(refresh_row); } else { refresh_row = firstrow; refresh_y = 0; SetHeightOfRow(refresh_row); } if (tmprow && tmprow->next) SetHeightOfRow(tmprow->next); } int LyXText::FullRebreak() { if (need_break_row) { BreakAgain(need_break_row); need_break_row = 0; return 1; } return 0; } /* important for the screen */ /* the cursor set functions have a special mechanism. When they * realize, that you left an empty paragraph, they will delete it. * They also delet the corresponding row */ // need the selection cursor: void LyXText::SetSelection() { if (!selection) { last_sel_cursor = sel_cursor; sel_start_cursor = sel_cursor; sel_end_cursor = sel_cursor; } selection = true; // first the toggling area if (cursor.y < last_sel_cursor.y || (cursor.y == last_sel_cursor.y && cursor.x < last_sel_cursor.x)) { toggle_end_cursor = last_sel_cursor; toggle_cursor = cursor; } else { toggle_end_cursor = cursor; toggle_cursor = last_sel_cursor; } last_sel_cursor = cursor; // and now the whole selection if (sel_cursor.par == cursor.par) if (sel_cursor.pos < cursor.pos) { sel_end_cursor = cursor; sel_start_cursor = sel_cursor; } else { sel_end_cursor = sel_cursor; sel_start_cursor = cursor; } else if (sel_cursor.y < cursor.y || (sel_cursor.y == cursor.y && sel_cursor.x < cursor.x)) { sel_end_cursor = cursor; sel_start_cursor = sel_cursor; } else { sel_end_cursor = sel_cursor; sel_start_cursor = cursor; } // a selection with no contents is not a selection if (sel_start_cursor.x == sel_end_cursor.x && sel_start_cursor.y == sel_end_cursor.y) selection = false; } void LyXText::ClearSelection() const { selection = false; mark_set = false; } void LyXText::CursorHome() const { SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.row->pos); } void LyXText::CursorEnd() const { if (!cursor.row->next || cursor.row->next->par != cursor.row->par) SetCursor(cursor.par, RowLast(cursor.row) + 1); else { if (cursor.par->Last() && (cursor.par->GetChar(RowLast(cursor.row)) == ' ' || cursor.par->IsNewline(RowLast(cursor.row)))) SetCursor(cursor.par, RowLast(cursor.row)); else SetCursor(cursor.par, RowLast(cursor.row) + 1); } if (cursor.par->table) { int cell = NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos); if (cursor.par->table->RowHasContRow(cell) && cursor.par->table->CellHasContRow(cell)<0) { if (!cursor.row->next || cursor.row->next->par != cursor.row->par) SetCursor(cursor.par, RowLast(cursor.row) + 1); else { if (cursor.par->Last() && (cursor.par->GetChar(RowLast(cursor.row)) == ' ' || cursor.par->IsNewline(RowLast(cursor.row)))) SetCursor(cursor.par, RowLast(cursor.row)); else SetCursor(cursor.par, RowLast(cursor.row) + 1); } } } } void LyXText::CursorTop() const { while (cursor.par->Previous()) cursor.par = cursor.par->Previous(); SetCursor(cursor.par, 0); } void LyXText::CursorBottom() const { while (cursor.par->Next()) cursor.par = cursor.par->Next(); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.par->Last()); } /* returns a pointer to the row near the specified y-coordinate * (relative to the whole text). y is set to the real beginning * of this row */ Row * LyXText::GetRowNearY(long & y) const { Row * tmprow; long tmpy; if (currentrow) { tmprow = currentrow; tmpy = currentrow_y; } else { tmprow = firstrow; tmpy = 0; } if (tmpy <= y) while (tmprow->next && tmpy + tmprow->height <= y) { tmpy += tmprow->height; tmprow = tmprow->next; } else while (tmprow->previous && tmpy > y) { tmprow = tmprow->previous; tmpy -= tmprow->height; } currentrow = tmprow; currentrow_y = tmpy; y = tmpy; // return the real y return tmprow; } void LyXText::ToggleFree(LyXFont const & font, bool toggleall) { // If the mask is completely neutral, tell user if (font == LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_IGNORE)) { // Could only happen with user style owner_->owner()->getMiniBuffer() ->Set(_("No font change defined. Use Character under" " the Layout menu to define font change.")); return; } // Try implicit word selection LyXCursor resetCursor = cursor; int implicitSelection = SelectWordWhenUnderCursor(); // Set font SetFont(font, toggleall); /* Implicit selections are cleared afterwards and cursor is set to the original position. */ if (implicitSelection) { ClearSelection(); cursor = resetCursor; SetCursor( cursor.par, cursor.pos ); sel_cursor = cursor; } } LyXParagraph::size_type LyXText::BeginningOfMainBody(LyXParagraph * par) const { if (textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()).labeltype != LABEL_MANUAL) return 0; else return par->BeginningOfMainBody(); } /* if there is a selection, reset every environment you can find * in the selection, otherwise just the environment you are in */ void LyXText::MeltFootnoteEnvironment() { LyXParagraph * tmppar, * firsttmppar; ClearSelection(); /* is is only allowed, if the cursor is IN an open footnote. * Otherwise it is too dangerous */ if (cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) return; SetUndo(Undo::FINISH, cursor.par->PreviousBeforeFootnote()->previous, cursor.par->NextAfterFootnote()->next); /* ok, move to the beginning of the footnote. */ while (cursor.par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) cursor.par = cursor.par->Previous(); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.par->Last()); /* this is just faster than using CursorLeft(); */ firsttmppar = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos); tmppar = firsttmppar; /* tmppar is now the paragraph right before the footnote */ bool first_footnote_par_is_not_empty = tmppar->next->size(); while (tmppar->next && tmppar->next->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) { tmppar = tmppar->next; /* I use next instead of Next(), * because there cannot be any * footnotes in a footnote * environment */ tmppar->footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; /* remember the captions and empty paragraphs */ if ((textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, tmppar->GetLayout()) .labeltype == LABEL_SENSITIVE) || !tmppar->Last()) tmppar->SetLayout(0); } // now we will paste the ex-footnote, if the layouts allow it // first restore the layout of the paragraph right behind // the footnote if (tmppar->next) tmppar->next->MakeSameLayout(cursor.par); // first the end if ((!tmppar->GetLayout() && !tmppar->table) || (tmppar->Next() && (!tmppar->Next()->Last() || tmppar->Next()->HasSameLayout(tmppar)))) { if (tmppar->Next()->Last() && tmppar->Next()->IsLineSeparator(0)) tmppar->Next()->Erase(0); tmppar->PasteParagraph(); } tmppar = tmppar->Next(); /* make sure tmppar cannot be touched * by the pasting of the beginning */ /* then the beginning */ /* if there is no space between the text and the footnote, so we insert * a blank * (only if the previous par and the footnotepar are not empty!) */ if ((!firsttmppar->next->GetLayout() && !firsttmppar->next->table) || firsttmppar->HasSameLayout(firsttmppar->next)) { if (firsttmppar->size() && !firsttmppar->IsSeparator(firsttmppar->size() - 1) && first_footnote_par_is_not_empty) { firsttmppar->next->InsertChar(0, ' '); } firsttmppar->PasteParagraph(); } /* now redo the paragaphs */ RedoParagraphs(cursor, tmppar); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); /* sometimes it can happen, that there is a counter change */ Row * row = cursor.row; while (row->next && row->par != tmppar && row->next->par != tmppar) row = row->next; UpdateCounters(row); ClearSelection(); } /* the DTP switches for paragraphs. LyX will store them in the * first physicla paragraph. When a paragraph is broken, the top settings * rest, the bottom settings are given to the new one. So I can make shure, * they do not duplicate themself and you cannnot make dirty things with * them! */ void LyXText::SetParagraph(bool line_top, bool line_bottom, bool pagebreak_top, bool pagebreak_bottom, VSpace const & space_top, VSpace const & space_bottom, LyXAlignment align, string labelwidthstring, bool noindent) { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; if (!selection) { sel_start_cursor = cursor; sel_end_cursor = cursor; } // make sure that the depth behind the selection are restored, too LyXParagraph * endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); LyXParagraph * undoendpar = endpar; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); undoendpar = endpar; } } else if (endpar) { endpar = endpar->Next(); // because of parindents etc. } SetUndo(Undo::EDIT, sel_start_cursor .par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, undoendpar); LyXParagraph * tmppar = sel_end_cursor.par; while (tmppar != sel_start_cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->Previous()) { SetCursor(tmppar->FirstPhysicalPar(), 0); status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; refresh_row = cursor.row; refresh_y = cursor.y - cursor.row->baseline; if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { cursor.par->line_top = line_top; cursor.par->line_bottom = line_bottom; cursor.par->pagebreak_top = pagebreak_top; cursor.par->pagebreak_bottom = pagebreak_bottom; cursor.par->added_space_top = space_top; cursor.par->added_space_bottom = space_bottom; // does the layout allow the new alignment? if (align == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT) align = textclasslist .Style(parameters->textclass, cursor.par->GetLayout()).align; if (align & textclasslist .Style(parameters->textclass, cursor.par->GetLayout()).alignpossible) { if (align == textclasslist .Style(parameters->textclass, cursor.par->GetLayout()).align) cursor.par->align = LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT; else cursor.par->align = align; } cursor.par->SetLabelWidthString(labelwidthstring); cursor.par->noindent = noindent; } tmppar = cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->Previous(); } RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, endpar); ClearSelection(); SetCursor(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); SetSelection(); SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); } void LyXText::SetParagraphExtraOpt(int type, char const * width, char const * widthp, int alignment, bool hfill, bool start_minipage) { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; LyXParagraph * tmppar; if (!selection) { sel_start_cursor = cursor; sel_end_cursor = cursor; } // make sure that the depth behind the selection are restored, too LyXParagraph * endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); LyXParagraph * undoendpar = endpar; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); undoendpar = endpar; } } else if (endpar) { endpar = endpar->Next(); // because of parindents etc. } SetUndo(Undo::EDIT, sel_start_cursor .par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, undoendpar); tmppar = sel_end_cursor.par; while(tmppar != sel_start_cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->Previous()) { SetCursor(tmppar->FirstPhysicalPar(), 0); status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; refresh_row = cursor.row; refresh_y = cursor.y - cursor.row->baseline; if (cursor.par->footnoteflag == sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { if (type == LyXParagraph::PEXTRA_NONE) { if (cursor.par->pextra_type != LyXParagraph::PEXTRA_NONE) { cursor.par->UnsetPExtraType(); cursor.par->pextra_type = LyXParagraph::PEXTRA_NONE; } } else { cursor.par->SetPExtraType(type, width, widthp); cursor.par->pextra_hfill = hfill; cursor.par->pextra_start_minipage = start_minipage; cursor.par->pextra_alignment = alignment; } } tmppar = cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->Previous(); } RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, endpar); ClearSelection(); SetCursor(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); SetSelection(); SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); } char loweralphaCounter(int n) { if (n < 1 || n > 26) return '?'; else return 'a' + n - 1; } char alphaCounter(int n) { if (n < 1 || n > 26) return '?'; else return 'A' + n - 1; } char hebrewCounter(int n) { static const char hebrew[22] = { 'à', 'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'æ', 'ç', 'è', 'é', 'ë', 'ì', 'î', 'ð', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ô', 'ö', '÷', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú' }; if (n < 1 || n > 22) return '?'; else return hebrew[n-1]; } static char const * romanCounter(int n) { static char const * roman[20] = { "i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "x", "xi", "xii", "xiii", "xiv", "xv", "xvi", "xvii", "xviii", "xix", "xx" }; if (n < 1 || n > 20) return "??"; else return roman[n-1]; } // set the counter of a paragraph. This includes the labels void LyXText::SetCounter(LyXParagraph * par) const { // this is only relevant for the beginning of paragraph par = par->FirstPhysicalPar(); LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()); LyXTextClass const & textclass = textclasslist.TextClass(parameters->textclass); /* copy the prev-counters to this one, unless this is the start of a footnote or of a bibliography or the very first paragraph */ if (par->Previous() && !(par->Previous()->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE) && !(textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->Previous()->GetLayout() ).labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO && layout.labeltype == LABEL_BIBLIO)) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { par->setCounter(i, par->Previous()->GetFirstCounter(i)); } par->appendix = par->Previous()->FirstPhysicalPar()->appendix; if (!par->appendix && par->start_of_appendix){ par->appendix = true; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { par->setCounter(i, 0); } } par->enumdepth = par->Previous()->FirstPhysicalPar()->enumdepth; par->itemdepth = par->Previous()->FirstPhysicalPar()->itemdepth; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { par->setCounter(i, 0); } par->appendix = par->start_of_appendix; par->enumdepth = 0; par->itemdepth = 0; } // if this is an open marginnote and this is the first // entry in the marginnote and the enclosing // environment is an enum/item then correct for the // LaTeX behaviour (ARRae) if(par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::MARGIN && par->Previous() && par->Previous()->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && (par->PreviousBeforeFootnote() && textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->PreviousBeforeFootnote()->GetLayout() ).labeltype >= LABEL_COUNTER_ENUMI)) { // Any itemize or enumerate environment in a marginnote // that is embedded in an itemize or enumerate // paragraph is seen by LaTeX as being at a deeper // level within that enclosing itemization/enumeration // even if there is a "standard" layout at the start of // the marginnote. par->enumdepth++; par->itemdepth++; } /* Maybe we have to increment the enumeration depth. * BUT, enumeration in a footnote is considered in isolation from its * surrounding paragraph so don't increment if this is the * first line of the footnote * AND, bibliographies can't have their depth changed ie. they * are always of depth 0 */ if (par->Previous() && par->Previous()->GetDepth() < par->GetDepth() && textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->Previous()->GetLayout() ).labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER_ENUMI && par->enumdepth < 3 && !(par->Previous()->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE) && layout.labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO) { par->enumdepth++; } /* Maybe we have to decrement the enumeration depth, see note above */ if (par->Previous() && par->Previous()->GetDepth() > par->GetDepth() && !(par->Previous()->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE) && layout.labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO) { par->enumdepth = par->DepthHook(par->GetDepth())->enumdepth; par->setCounter(6 + par->enumdepth, par->DepthHook(par->GetDepth())->getCounter(6 + par->enumdepth)); /* reset the counters. * A depth change is like a breaking layout */ for (int i = 6 + par->enumdepth + 1; i < 10; ++i) par->setCounter(i, 0); } if (!par->labelstring.empty()) { par->labelstring.clear(); } if (layout.margintype == MARGIN_MANUAL) { if (par->labelwidthstring.empty()) { par->SetLabelWidthString(layout.labelstring()); } } else { par->SetLabelWidthString(string()); } /* is it a layout that has an automatic label ? */ if (layout.labeltype >= LABEL_FIRST_COUNTER) { int i = layout.labeltype - LABEL_FIRST_COUNTER; if (i >= 0 && i<= parameters->secnumdepth) { par->incCounter(i); // increment the counter // Is there a label? Useful for Chapter layout if (!par->appendix){ if (!layout.labelstring().empty()) par->labelstring = layout.labelstring(); else par->labelstring.clear(); } else { if (!layout.labelstring_appendix().empty()) par->labelstring = layout.labelstring_appendix(); else par->labelstring.clear(); } #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM ostringstream s; #else ostrstream s; #endif if (!par->appendix) { switch (2 * LABEL_FIRST_COUNTER - textclass.maxcounter() + i) { case LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER: s << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SECTION: s << par->getCounter(i - 1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SUBSECTION: s << par->getCounter(i - 2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SUBSUBSECTION: s << par->getCounter(i - 3) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_PARAGRAPH: s << par->getCounter(i - 4) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 3) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SUBPARAGRAPH: s << par->getCounter(i - 5) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 4) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 3) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i - 1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; default: s << par->getCounter(i) << '.'; break; } } else { // appendix switch (2 * LABEL_FIRST_COUNTER - textclass.maxcounter() + i) { case LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(par->getCounter(i)); else s << hebrewCounter(par->getCounter(i)); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SECTION: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(par->getCounter(i - 1)); else s << hebrewCounter(par->getCounter(i - 1)); s << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SUBSECTION: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(par->getCounter(i - 2)); else s << hebrewCounter(par->getCounter(i - 2)); s << '.' << par->getCounter(i-1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SUBSUBSECTION: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(par->getCounter(i-3)); else s << hebrewCounter(par->getCounter(i-3)); s << '.' << par->getCounter(i-2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i-1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_PARAGRAPH: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(par->getCounter(i-4)); else s << hebrewCounter(par->getCounter(i-4)); s << '.' << par->getCounter(i-3) << '.' << par->getCounter(i-2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i-1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; case LABEL_COUNTER_SUBPARAGRAPH: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(par->getCounter(i-5)); else s << hebrewCounter(par->getCounter(i-5)); s << '.' << par->getCounter(i-4) << '.' << par->getCounter(i-3) << '.' << par->getCounter(i-2) << '.' << par->getCounter(i-1) << '.' << par->getCounter(i); break; default: // Can this ever be reached? And in the // case it is, how can this be correct? // (Lgb) s << static_cast(par->getCounter(i)) << '.'; break; } } #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM par->labelstring += s.str().c_str(); // We really want to remove the c_str as soon as // possible... #else s << '\0'; char * tmps = s.str(); par->labelstring += tmps; delete [] tmps; #endif for (i++; i < 10; ++i) { // reset the following counters par->setCounter(i, 0); } } else if (layout.labeltype < LABEL_COUNTER_ENUMI) { for (i++; i < 10; ++i) { // reset the following counters par->setCounter(i, 0); } } else if (layout.labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER_ENUMI) { par->incCounter(i + par->enumdepth); int number = par->getCounter(i + par->enumdepth); #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM ostringstream s; #else ostrstream s; #endif switch (par->enumdepth) { case 1: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << '(' << loweralphaCounter(number) << ')'; else s << '(' << hebrewCounter(number) << ')'; break; case 2: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << romanCounter(number) << '.'; else s << '.' << romanCounter(number); break; case 3: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << alphaCounter(number) << '.'; else s << '.' << alphaCounter(number); break; default: if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s << number << '.'; else s << '.' << number; break; } #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM par->labelstring = s.str().c_str(); // we really want to get rid of that c_str() #else s << '\0'; char * tmps = s.str(); par->labelstring = tmps; delete [] tmps; #endif for (i += par->enumdepth + 1; i < 10; ++i) par->setCounter(i, 0); /* reset the following counters */ } } else if (layout.labeltype == LABEL_BIBLIO) {// ale970302 int i = LABEL_COUNTER_ENUMI - LABEL_FIRST_COUNTER + par->enumdepth; par->incCounter(i); int number = par->getCounter(i); if (!par->bibkey) par->bibkey = new InsetBibKey(); par->bibkey->setCounter(number); par->labelstring = layout.labelstring(); // In biblio should't be following counters but... } else { string s = layout.labelstring(); // the caption hack: if (layout.labeltype == LABEL_SENSITIVE) { if (par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && (par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FIG || par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::WIDE_FIG)) if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s = "Figure:"; else s = ":øåéà"; else if (par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && (par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::TAB || par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::WIDE_TAB)) if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s = "Table:"; else s = ":äìáè"; else if (par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && par->footnotekind == LyXParagraph::ALGORITHM) if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s = "Algorithm:"; else s = ":íúéøåâìà"; else { /* par->SetLayout(0); s = layout->labelstring; */ if (par->getParDirection() == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) s = "Senseless: "; else s = " :úåòîùî øñç"; } } par->labelstring = s; /* reset the enumeration counter. They are always resetted * when there is any other layout between */ for (int i = 6 + par->enumdepth; i < 10; ++i) par->setCounter(i, 0); } } /* Updates all counters BEHIND the row. Changed paragraphs * with a dynamic left margin will be rebroken. */ void LyXText::UpdateCounters(Row * row) const { LyXParagraph * par; if (!row) { row = firstrow; par = row->par; } else { if (row->par->next && row->par->next->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) { par = row->par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } else { par = row->par->next; } } while (par) { while (row->par != par) row = row->next; SetCounter(par); /* now check for the headline layouts. remember that they * have a dynamic left margin */ if (!par->IsDummy() && ( textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->layout).margintype == MARGIN_DYNAMIC || textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->layout).labeltype == LABEL_SENSITIVE) ){ /* Rebreak the paragraph */ RemoveParagraph(row); AppendParagraph(row); /* think about the damned open footnotes! */ while (par->Next() && (par->Next()->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE || par->Next()->IsDummy())){ par = par->Next(); if (par->IsDummy()) { while (row->par != par) row = row->next; RemoveParagraph(row); AppendParagraph(row); } } } par = par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } } /* insets an inset. */ void LyXText::InsertInset(Inset *inset) { SetUndo(Undo::INSERT, cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->previous, cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next); cursor.par->InsertChar(cursor.pos, LyXParagraph::META_INSET); cursor.par->InsertInset(cursor.pos, inset); InsertChar(LyXParagraph::META_INSET); /* just to rebreak and refresh correctly. * The character will not be inserted a * second time */ } // this is for the simple cut and paste mechanism static LyXParagraph * simple_cut_buffer = 0; static char simple_cut_buffer_textclass = 0; void DeleteSimpleCutBuffer() { if (!simple_cut_buffer) return; LyXParagraph * tmppar; while (simple_cut_buffer) { tmppar = simple_cut_buffer; simple_cut_buffer = simple_cut_buffer->next; delete tmppar; } simple_cut_buffer = 0; } void LyXText::copyEnvironmentType() { copylayouttype = cursor.par->GetLayout(); } void LyXText::pasteEnvironmentType() { SetLayout(copylayouttype); } void LyXText::CutSelection(bool doclear) { // This doesn't make sense, if there is no selection if (!selection) return; // OK, we have a selection. This is always between sel_start_cursor // and sel_end cursor LyXParagraph * tmppar; // Check whether there are half footnotes in the selection if (sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE || sel_end_cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { tmppar = sel_start_cursor.par; while (tmppar != sel_end_cursor.par){ if (tmppar->footnoteflag != sel_end_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Don't know what to do with half floats."), _("sorry.")); return; } tmppar = tmppar->Next(); } } /* table stuff -- begin */ if (sel_start_cursor.par->table || sel_end_cursor.par->table) { if ( sel_start_cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Don't know what to do with half tables."), _("sorry.")); return; } sel_start_cursor.par->table->Reinit(); } /* table stuff -- end */ // make sure that the depth behind the selection are restored, too LyXParagraph * endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); LyXParagraph * undoendpar = endpar; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); undoendpar = endpar; } } else if (endpar) { endpar = endpar->Next(); // because of parindents etc. } SetUndo(Undo::DELETE, sel_start_cursor .par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->previous, undoendpar); // clear the simple_cut_buffer DeleteSimpleCutBuffer(); // set the textclass simple_cut_buffer_textclass = parameters->textclass; #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning Asger: Make cut more intelligent here. #endif /* White paper for "intelligent" cutting: Example: "This is our text." Using " our " as selection, cutting will give "This istext.". Using "our" as selection, cutting will give "This is text.". Using " our" as selection, cutting will give "This is text.". Using "our " as selection, cutting will give "This is text.". All those four selections will (however) paste identically: Pasting with the cursor right after the "is" will give the original text with all four selections. The rationale is to be intelligent such that words are copied, cut and pasted in a functional manner. This is not implemented yet. (Asger) The changes below sees to do a lot of what you want. However I have not verified that all cases work as they should: - cut in single row - cut in multiple row - cut with insets - cut across footnotes and paragraph My simplistic tests show that the idea are basically sound but there are some items to fix up...we only need to find them first. As do redo Asger's example above (with | beeing the cursor in the result after cutting.): Example: "This is our text." Using " our " as selection, cutting will give "This is|text.". Using "our" as selection, cutting will give "This is | text.". Using " our" as selection, cutting will give "This is| text.". Using "our " as selection, cutting will give "This is |text.". (Lgb) */ #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE bool space_wrapped = sel_end_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(sel_end_cursor.pos); if (sel_end_cursor.pos > 0 && sel_end_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(sel_end_cursor.pos - 1)) { // please break before a space at the end sel_end_cursor.pos--; space_wrapped = true; } // cut behind a space if there is one while (sel_start_cursor.par->Last() > sel_start_cursor.pos && sel_start_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos) && (sel_start_cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par || sel_start_cursor.pos < sel_end_cursor.pos)) sel_start_cursor.pos++; #endif // there are two cases: cut only within one paragraph or // more than one paragraph if (sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos) == sel_end_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_end_cursor.pos)) { // only within one paragraph simple_cut_buffer = new LyXParagraph; LyXParagraph::size_type i = sel_start_cursor.pos; for (; i < sel_end_cursor.pos; ++i) { /* table stuff -- begin */ if (sel_start_cursor.par->table && sel_start_cursor.par->IsNewline(sel_start_cursor.pos)) { sel_start_cursor.par->CopyIntoMinibuffer(sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_start_cursor.pos++; } else { /* table stuff -- end */ sel_start_cursor.par->CopyIntoMinibuffer(sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_start_cursor.par->Erase(sel_start_cursor.pos); } simple_cut_buffer->InsertFromMinibuffer(simple_cut_buffer->Last()); } #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // check for double spaces if (sel_start_cursor.pos && sel_start_cursor.par->Last() > sel_start_cursor.pos && sel_start_cursor.par ->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos - 1) && sel_start_cursor.par ->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos)) { sel_start_cursor.par->Erase(sel_start_cursor.pos); } if (space_wrapped) simple_cut_buffer->InsertChar(i - sel_start_cursor.pos, ' '); #endif endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->Next(); } else { // cut more than one paragraph sel_end_cursor.par ->BreakParagraphConservative(sel_end_cursor.pos); #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // insert a space at the end if there was one if (space_wrapped) sel_end_cursor.par ->InsertChar(sel_end_cursor.par->Last(), ' '); #endif sel_end_cursor.par = sel_end_cursor.par->Next(); sel_end_cursor.pos = 0; cursor = sel_end_cursor; #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // please break behind a space, if there is one. // The space should be copied too if (sel_start_cursor.par ->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos)) sel_start_cursor.pos++; #endif sel_start_cursor.par ->BreakParagraphConservative(sel_start_cursor.pos); #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE if (!sel_start_cursor.pos || sel_start_cursor.par ->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos - 1) || sel_start_cursor.par ->IsNewline(sel_start_cursor.pos - 1)) { sel_start_cursor.par->Next()->InsertChar(0, ' '); } #endif // store the endparagraph for redoing later endpar = sel_end_cursor.par->Next(); /* needed because the sel_end_ cursor.par will be pasted! */ // store the selection simple_cut_buffer = sel_start_cursor.par ->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->next; simple_cut_buffer->previous = 0; sel_end_cursor.par->previous->next = 0; // cut the selection sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->next = sel_end_cursor.par; sel_end_cursor.par->previous = sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos); // care about footnotes if (simple_cut_buffer->footnoteflag) { LyXParagraph * tmppar = simple_cut_buffer; while (tmppar){ tmppar->footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; tmppar = tmppar->next; } } // the cut selection should begin with standard layout simple_cut_buffer->Clear(); // paste the paragraphs again, if possible if (doclear) sel_start_cursor.par->Next()->ClearParagraph(); if (sel_start_cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->HasSameLayout(sel_start_cursor.par->Next()) || !sel_start_cursor.par->Next()->Last()) sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos)->PasteParagraph(); #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // maybe a forgotten blank if (sel_start_cursor.pos && sel_start_cursor.par ->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos) && sel_start_cursor.par ->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos - 1)) { sel_start_cursor.par->Erase(sel_start_cursor.pos); } #endif } // sometimes necessary if (doclear) sel_start_cursor.par->ClearParagraph(); RedoParagraphs(sel_start_cursor, endpar); ClearSelection(); cursor = sel_start_cursor; SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; UpdateCounters(cursor.row); } void LyXText::CopySelection() { // this doesnt make sense, if there is no selection if (!selection) return; // ok we have a selection. This is always between sel_start_cursor // and sel_end cursor LyXParagraph * tmppar; /* check wether there are half footnotes in the selection */ if (sel_start_cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE || sel_end_cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { tmppar = sel_start_cursor.par; while (tmppar != sel_end_cursor.par) { if (tmppar->footnoteflag != sel_end_cursor.par->footnoteflag) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Don't know what to do" " with half floats."), _("sorry.")); return; } tmppar = tmppar->Next(); } } /* table stuff -- begin */ if (sel_start_cursor.par->table || sel_end_cursor.par->table){ if ( sel_start_cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par){ WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Don't know what to do with half tables."), _("sorry.")); return; } } /* table stuff -- end */ // delete the simple_cut_buffer DeleteSimpleCutBuffer(); // set the textclass simple_cut_buffer_textclass = parameters->textclass; #ifdef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // copy behind a space if there is one while (sel_start_cursor.par->Last() > sel_start_cursor.pos && sel_start_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(sel_start_cursor.pos) && (sel_start_cursor.par != sel_end_cursor.par || sel_start_cursor.pos < sel_end_cursor.pos)) sel_start_cursor.pos++; #endif // there are two cases: copy only within one paragraph // or more than one paragraph if (sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos) == sel_end_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_end_cursor.pos)) { // only within one paragraph simple_cut_buffer = new LyXParagraph; LyXParagraph::size_type i = 0; for (i = sel_start_cursor.pos; i < sel_end_cursor.pos; ++i){ sel_start_cursor.par->CopyIntoMinibuffer(i); simple_cut_buffer->InsertFromMinibuffer(i - sel_start_cursor.pos); } } else { // copy more than one paragraph // clone the paragraphs within the selection tmppar = sel_start_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos); simple_cut_buffer = tmppar->Clone(); LyXParagraph *tmppar2 = simple_cut_buffer; while (tmppar != sel_end_cursor.par->ParFromPos(sel_end_cursor.pos) && tmppar->next) { tmppar = tmppar->next; tmppar2->next = tmppar->Clone(); tmppar2->next->previous = tmppar2; tmppar2 = tmppar2->next; } tmppar2->next = 0; // care about footnotes if (simple_cut_buffer->footnoteflag) { tmppar = simple_cut_buffer; while (tmppar){ tmppar->footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; tmppar = tmppar->next; } } // the simple_cut_buffer paragraph is too big LyXParagraph::size_type tmpi2 = sel_start_cursor.par->PositionInParFromPos(sel_start_cursor.pos); for (; tmpi2; --tmpi2) simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); // now tmppar 2 is too big, delete all after sel_end_cursor.pos tmpi2 = sel_end_cursor.par->PositionInParFromPos(sel_end_cursor.pos); while (tmppar2->size() > tmpi2) { tmppar2->Erase(tmppar2->size() - 1); } } } void LyXText::PasteSelection() { // this does not make sense, if there is nothing to paste if (!simple_cut_buffer) return; LyXParagraph * tmppar; LyXParagraph * endpar; LyXCursor tmpcursor; // be carefull with footnotes in footnotes if (cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { // check whether the cut_buffer includes a footnote tmppar = simple_cut_buffer; while (tmppar && tmppar->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) tmppar = tmppar->next; if (tmppar) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Can't paste float into float!"), _("Sorry.")); return; } } /* table stuff -- begin */ if (cursor.par->table) { if (simple_cut_buffer->next) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Table cell cannot include more than one paragraph!"), _("Sorry.")); return; } } /* table stuff -- end */ SetUndo(Undo::INSERT, cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->previous, cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next); tmpcursor = cursor; // There are two cases: cutbuffer only one paragraph or many if (!simple_cut_buffer->next) { // only within a paragraph #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // please break behind a space, if there is one while (tmpcursor.par->Last() > tmpcursor.pos && tmpcursor.par->IsLineSeparator(tmpcursor.pos)) tmpcursor.pos++; #endif tmppar = simple_cut_buffer->Clone(); /* table stuff -- begin */ bool table_too_small = false; if (tmpcursor.par->table) { while (simple_cut_buffer->size() && !table_too_small) { if (simple_cut_buffer->IsNewline(0)){ while(tmpcursor.pos < tmpcursor.par->Last() && !tmpcursor.par->IsNewline(tmpcursor.pos)) tmpcursor.pos++; simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); if (tmpcursor.pos < tmpcursor.par->Last()) tmpcursor.pos++; else table_too_small = true; } else { #ifdef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // This is an attempt to fix the // "never insert a space at the // beginning of a paragraph" problem. if (tmpcursor.pos == 0 && simple_cut_buffer->IsLineSeparator(0)) { simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); } else { simple_cut_buffer->CutIntoMinibuffer(0); simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); tmpcursor.par->InsertFromMinibuffer(tmpcursor.pos); tmpcursor.pos++; } #else simple_cut_buffer->CutIntoMinibuffer(0); simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); tmpcursor.par->InsertFromMinibuffer(tmpcursor.pos); tmpcursor.pos++; #endif } } } else { /* table stuff -- end */ // Some provisions should be done here for checking // if we are inserting at the beginning of a // paragraph. If there are a space at the beginning // of the text to insert and we are inserting at // the beginning of the paragraph the space should // be removed. while (simple_cut_buffer->size()) { #ifdef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // This is an attempt to fix the // "never insert a space at the // beginning of a paragraph" problem. if (tmpcursor.pos == 0 && simple_cut_buffer->IsLineSeparator(0)) { simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); } else { simple_cut_buffer->CutIntoMinibuffer(0); simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); tmpcursor.par->InsertFromMinibuffer(tmpcursor.pos); tmpcursor.pos++; } #else simple_cut_buffer->CutIntoMinibuffer(0); simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); tmpcursor.par->InsertFromMinibuffer(tmpcursor.pos); tmpcursor.pos++; #endif } } delete simple_cut_buffer; simple_cut_buffer = tmppar; endpar = tmpcursor.par->Next(); } else { // many paragraphs // make a copy of the simple cut_buffer tmppar = simple_cut_buffer; LyXParagraph * simple_cut_clone = tmppar->Clone(); LyXParagraph * tmppar2 = simple_cut_clone; if (cursor.par->footnoteflag){ tmppar->footnoteflag = cursor.par->footnoteflag; tmppar->footnotekind = cursor.par->footnotekind; } while (tmppar->next) { tmppar = tmppar->next; tmppar2->next = tmppar->Clone(); tmppar2->next->previous = tmppar2; tmppar2 = tmppar2->next; if (cursor.par->footnoteflag){ tmppar->footnoteflag = cursor.par->footnoteflag; tmppar->footnotekind = cursor.par->footnotekind; } } // make sure there is no class difference SwitchLayoutsBetweenClasses(simple_cut_buffer_textclass, parameters->textclass, simple_cut_buffer); // make the simple_cut_buffer exactly the same layout than // the cursor paragraph simple_cut_buffer->MakeSameLayout(cursor.par); // find the end of the buffer LyXParagraph * lastbuffer = simple_cut_buffer; while (lastbuffer->Next()) lastbuffer = lastbuffer->Next(); #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // Please break behind a space, if there is one. The space // should be copied too. if (cursor.par->Last() > cursor.pos && cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(cursor.pos)) cursor.pos++; #endif bool paste_the_end = false; // open the paragraph for inserting the simple_cut_buffer // if necessary if (cursor.par->Last() > cursor.pos || !cursor.par->Next()){ cursor.par->BreakParagraphConservative(cursor.pos); paste_the_end = true; } #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // be careful with double spaces if ((!cursor.par->Last() || cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(cursor.pos - 1) || cursor.par->IsNewline(cursor.pos - 1)) && simple_cut_buffer->text.size() && simple_cut_buffer->IsLineSeparator(0)) simple_cut_buffer->Erase(0); #endif // set the end for redoing later endpar = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next->Next(); // paste it! lastbuffer->ParFromPos(lastbuffer->Last())->next = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next; cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next->previous = lastbuffer->ParFromPos(lastbuffer->Last()); cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next = simple_cut_buffer; simple_cut_buffer->previous = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos); if (cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->Next() == lastbuffer) lastbuffer = cursor.par; cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->PasteParagraph(); // store the new cursor position tmpcursor.par = lastbuffer; tmpcursor.pos = lastbuffer->Last(); // maybe some pasting if (lastbuffer->Next() && paste_the_end) { if (lastbuffer->Next()->HasSameLayout(lastbuffer)) { #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // be careful with double spaces if ((!lastbuffer->Last() || lastbuffer->IsLineSeparator(lastbuffer->Last() - 1) || lastbuffer->IsNewline(lastbuffer->Last() - 1)) && lastbuffer->Next()->Last() && lastbuffer->Next()->IsLineSeparator(0)) lastbuffer->Next()->Erase(0); #endif lastbuffer->ParFromPos(lastbuffer->Last())->PasteParagraph(); } else if (!lastbuffer->Next()->Last()) { lastbuffer->Next()->MakeSameLayout(lastbuffer); #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // be careful witth double spaces if ((!lastbuffer->Last() || lastbuffer->IsLineSeparator(lastbuffer->Last() - 1) || lastbuffer->IsNewline(lastbuffer->Last() - 1)) && lastbuffer->Next()->Last() && lastbuffer->Next()->IsLineSeparator(0)) lastbuffer->Next()->Erase(0); #endif lastbuffer->ParFromPos(lastbuffer->Last())->PasteParagraph(); } else if (!lastbuffer->Last()) { lastbuffer->MakeSameLayout(lastbuffer->next); #ifndef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE // be careful witth double spaces if ((!lastbuffer->Last() || lastbuffer->IsLineSeparator(lastbuffer->Last() - 1) || lastbuffer->IsNewline(lastbuffer->Last() - 1)) && lastbuffer->Next()->Last() && lastbuffer->Next()->IsLineSeparator(0)) lastbuffer->Next()->Erase(0); #endif lastbuffer->ParFromPos(lastbuffer->Last())->PasteParagraph(); } else lastbuffer->Next()->ClearParagraph(); } // restore the simple cut buffer simple_cut_buffer = simple_cut_clone; } RedoParagraphs(cursor, endpar); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); ClearSelection(); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(tmpcursor.par, tmpcursor.pos); SetSelection(); UpdateCounters(cursor.row); } // returns a pointer to the very first LyXParagraph LyXParagraph * LyXText::FirstParagraph() const { return params->paragraph; } // returns true if the specified string is at the specified position bool LyXText::IsStringInText(LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos, char const * str) const { if (par) { int i = 0; while (pos + i < par->Last() && str[i] && str[i] == par->GetChar(pos + i)) { ++i; } if (!str[i]) return true; } return false; } // sets the selection over the number of characters of string, no check!! void LyXText::SetSelectionOverString(char const * string) { sel_cursor = cursor; for (int i = 0; string[i]; ++i) CursorRight(); SetSelection(); } // simple replacing. The font of the first selected character is used void LyXText::ReplaceSelectionWithString(char const * str) { SetCursorParUndo(); FreezeUndo(); if (!selection) { // create a dummy selection sel_end_cursor = cursor; sel_start_cursor = cursor; } // Get font setting before we cut LyXParagraph::size_type pos = sel_end_cursor.pos; LyXFont font = sel_start_cursor.par->GetFontSettings(sel_start_cursor.pos); // Insert the new string for (int i = 0; str[i]; ++i) { sel_end_cursor.par->InsertChar(pos, str[i]); sel_end_cursor.par->SetFont(pos, font); ++pos; } // Cut the selection CutSelection(); UnFreezeUndo(); } // if the string can be found: return true and set the cursor to // the new position bool LyXText::SearchForward(char const * str) const { LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par; LyXParagraph::size_type pos = cursor.pos; while (par && !IsStringInText(par, pos, str)) { if (pos < par->Last() - 1) ++pos; else { pos = 0; par = par->Next(); } } if (par) { SetCursor(par, pos); return true; } else return false; } bool LyXText::SearchBackward(char const * string) const { LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par; int pos = cursor.pos; do { if (pos > 0) --pos; else { // We skip empty paragraphs (Asger) do { par = par->Previous(); if (par) pos = par->Last() - 1; } while (par && pos < 0); } } while (par && !IsStringInText(par, pos, string)); if (par) { SetCursor(par, pos); return true; } else return false; } // needed to insert the selection void LyXText::InsertStringA(string const & str) { LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par; LyXParagraph::size_type pos = cursor.pos; LyXParagraph::size_type a = 0; int cell = 0; LyXParagraph * endpar = cursor.par->Next(); SetCursorParUndo(); bool flag = textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, cursor.par->GetLayout()).isEnvironment(); // only to be sure, should not be neccessary ClearSelection(); // insert the string, don't insert doublespace string::size_type i = 0; while (i < str.length()) { if (str[i] != '\n') { if (str[i] == ' ' && i + 1 < str.length() && str[i + 1] != ' ' && pos && par->GetChar(pos - 1)!= ' ') { par->InsertChar(pos,' '); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); ++pos; } else if (par->table) { if (str[i] == '\t') { while((pos < par->size()) && (par->GetChar(pos) != LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE)) ++pos; if (pos < par->size()) ++pos; else // no more fields to fill skip the rest break; } else if ((str[i] != 13) && ((str[i] & 127) >= ' ')) { par->InsertChar(pos, str[i]); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); ++pos; } } else if (str[i] == ' ') { #if 1 InsetSpecialChar * new_inset = new InsetSpecialChar(InsetSpecialChar::PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_INSET); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); par->InsertInset(pos, new_inset); #else par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); #endif ++pos; } else if (str[i] == '\t') { for (a = pos; a < (pos / 8 + 1) * 8 ; ++a) { #if 1 InsetSpecialChar * new_inset = new InsetSpecialChar(InsetSpecialChar::PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_INSET); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); par->InsertInset(pos, new_inset); #else par->InsertChar(a, LyXParagraph::META_PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->SetFont(a, current_font); #endif } pos = a; } else if (str[i] != 13 && // Ignore unprintables (str[i] & 127) >= ' ') { par->InsertChar(pos, str[i]); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); ++pos; } } else { if (par->table) { if (i + 1 >= str.length()) { ++pos; break; } while((pos < par->size()) && (par->GetChar(pos) != LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE)) ++pos; ++pos; cell = NumberOfCell(par, pos); while((pos < par->size()) && !(par->table->IsFirstCell(cell))) { while((pos < par->size()) && (par->GetChar(pos) != LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE)) ++pos; ++pos; cell = NumberOfCell(par, pos); } if (pos >= par->size()) // no more fields to fill skip the rest break; } else { if (!par->size()) { // par is empty #if 1 InsetSpecialChar * new_inset = new InsetSpecialChar(InsetSpecialChar::PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_INSET); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); par->InsertInset(pos, new_inset); #else par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->SetFont(pos, current_font); #endif ++pos; } par->BreakParagraph(pos, flag); par = par->Next(); pos = 0; } } ++i; } RedoParagraphs(cursor, endpar); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursor(par, pos); SetSelection(); } /* turns double-CR to single CR, others where converted into one blank and 13s * that are ignored .Double spaces are also converted into one. Spaces at * the beginning of a paragraph are forbidden. tabs are converted into one * space. then InsertStringA is called */ void LyXText::InsertStringB(string const & s) { string str(s); LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par; string::size_type i = 1; while (i < str.length()) { if (str[i] == '\t' && !par->table) str[i] = ' '; if (str[i] == ' ' && i + 1 < str.length() && str[i + 1] == ' ') str[i] = 13; if (str[i] == '\n' && i + 1 < str.length() && !par->table){ if (str[i + 1] != '\n') { if (str[i - 1] != ' ') str[i] = ' '; else str[i] = 13; } while (i + 1 < str.length() && (str[i + 1] == ' ' || str[i + 1] == '\t' || str[i + 1] == '\n' || str[i + 1] == 13)) { str[i + 1] = 13; ++i; } } ++i; } InsertStringA(str); } bool LyXText::GotoNextError() const { LyXCursor res = cursor; do { if (res.pos < res.par->Last() - 1) { res.pos++; } else { res.par = res.par->Next(); res.pos = 0; } } while (res.par && !(res.par->GetChar(res.pos) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET && res.par->GetInset(res.pos)->AutoDelete())); if (res.par) { SetCursor(res.par, res.pos); return true; } return false; } bool LyXText::GotoNextNote() const { LyXCursor res = cursor; do { if (res.pos < res.par->Last() - 1) { res.pos++; } else { res.par = res.par->Next(); res.pos = 0; } } while (res.par && !(res.par->GetChar(res.pos) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET && res.par->GetInset(res.pos)->LyxCode() == Inset::IGNORE_CODE)); if (res.par) { SetCursor(res.par, res.pos); return true; } return false; } int LyXText::SwitchLayoutsBetweenClasses(LyXTextClassList::size_type class1, LyXTextClassList::size_type class2, LyXParagraph * par) { int ret = 0; if (!par || class1 == class2) return ret; par = par->FirstPhysicalPar(); while (par) { string name = textclasslist.NameOfLayout(class1, par->layout); int lay = 0; pair pp = textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(class2, name); if (pp.first) { lay = pp.second; } else { // layout not found // use default layout "Standard" (0) lay = 0; } par->layout = lay; if (name != textclasslist.NameOfLayout(class2, par->layout)) { ++ret; string s = "Layout had to be changed from\n" + name + " to " + textclasslist.NameOfLayout(class2, par->layout) + "\nbecause of class conversion from\n" + textclasslist.NameOfClass(class1) + " to " + textclasslist.NameOfClass(class2); InsetError * new_inset = new InsetError(s); par->InsertChar(0, LyXParagraph::META_INSET); par->InsertInset(0, new_inset); } par = par->next; } return ret; } void LyXText::CheckParagraph(LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos) { LyXCursor tmpcursor; /* table stuff -- begin*/ if (par->table) { CheckParagraphInTable(par, pos); } else { /* table stuff -- end*/ long y = 0; LyXParagraph::size_type z; Row * row = GetRow(par, pos, y); // is there a break one row above if (row->previous && row->previous->par == row->par) { z = NextBreakPoint(row->previous, paperwidth); if ( z >= row->pos) { // set the dimensions of the row above y -= row->previous->height; refresh_y = y; refresh_row = row->previous; status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; BreakAgain(row->previous); // set the cursor again. Otherwise // dangling pointers are possible SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; return; } } int tmpheight = row->height; LyXParagraph::size_type tmplast = RowLast(row); refresh_y = y; refresh_row = row; BreakAgain(row); if (row->height == tmpheight && RowLast(row) == tmplast) status = LyXText::NEED_VERY_LITTLE_REFRESH; else status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; // check the special right address boxes if (textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, par->GetLayout()).margintype == MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX) { tmpcursor.par = par; tmpcursor.row = row; tmpcursor.y = y; tmpcursor.x = 0; tmpcursor.x_fix = 0; tmpcursor.pos = pos; RedoDrawingOfParagraph(tmpcursor); } } // set the cursor again. Otherwise dangling pointers are possible // also set the selection if (selection) { tmpcursor = cursor; SetCursorIntern(sel_cursor.par, sel_cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; SetCursorIntern(sel_start_cursor.par, sel_start_cursor.pos); sel_start_cursor = cursor; SetCursorIntern(sel_end_cursor.par, sel_end_cursor.pos); sel_end_cursor = cursor; SetCursorIntern(last_sel_cursor.par, last_sel_cursor.pos); last_sel_cursor = cursor; cursor = tmpcursor; } SetCursorIntern(cursor.par, cursor.pos); } // returns 0 if inset wasn't found int LyXText::UpdateInset(Inset * inset) { // first check the current paragraph int pos = cursor.par->GetPositionOfInset(inset); if (pos != -1){ CheckParagraph(cursor.par, pos); return 1; } // check every paragraph LyXParagraph * par = FirstParagraph(); do { // make sure the paragraph is open if (par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE){ pos = par->GetPositionOfInset(inset); if (pos != -1){ CheckParagraph(par, pos); return 1; } } par = par->Next(); } while (par); return 0; } void LyXText::SetCursor(LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos, bool setfont) const { LyXCursor old_cursor = cursor; SetCursorIntern(par, pos, setfont); DeleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(old_cursor); } void LyXText::SetCursorIntern(LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph::size_type pos, bool setfont) const { // correct the cursor position if impossible if (pos > par->Last()){ LyXParagraph * tmppar = par->ParFromPos(pos); pos = par->PositionInParFromPos(pos); par = tmppar; } if (par->IsDummy() && par->previous && par->previous->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE) { while (par->previous && ((par->previous->IsDummy() && par->previous->previous->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE) || (par->previous->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE))) { par = par->previous ; if (par->IsDummy() && par->previous->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE) pos += par->size() + 1; } if (par->previous) { par = par->previous; } pos += par->size() + 1; } cursor.par = par; cursor.pos = pos; if (setfont) if (cursor.pos && (cursor.pos == cursor.par->Last() || cursor.par->IsSeparator(cursor.pos) || (cursor.pos && cursor.pos == BeginningOfMainBody(cursor.par) && !cursor.par->IsSeparator(cursor.pos)) || (cursor.par->table && cursor.par->IsNewline(cursor.pos)) )) { current_font = cursor.par->GetFontSettings(cursor.pos - 1); real_current_font = GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos - 1); } else { current_font = cursor.par->GetFontSettings(cursor.pos); real_current_font = GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos); } /* get the cursor y position in text */ long y = 0; Row * row = GetRow(par, pos, y); /* y is now the beginning of the cursor row */ y += row->baseline; /* y is now the cursor baseline */ cursor.y = y; /* now get the cursors x position */ float x; float fill_separator, fill_hfill, fill_label_hfill; PrepareToPrint(row, x, fill_separator, fill_hfill, fill_label_hfill); LyXParagraph::size_type cursor_vpos; LyXParagraph::size_type last = RowLast(row); if (row->pos > last) cursor_vpos = 0; else if (pos > last) cursor_vpos = (row->par->getLetterDirection(last) == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? log2vis(last)+1 : log2vis(last); else { LyXDirection letter_direction = row->par->getLetterDirection(pos); LyXDirection font_direction = (real_current_font.isVisibleRightToLeft()) ? LYX_DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT : LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; if (letter_direction == font_direction || pos <= row->pos || (row->par->table && row->par->IsNewline(pos-1))) cursor_vpos = (letter_direction == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? log2vis(pos) : log2vis(pos) + 1; else cursor_vpos = (font_direction == LYX_DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? log2vis(pos-1) + 1 : log2vis(pos - 1); } /* table stuff -- begin*/ if (row->par->table) { int cell = NumberOfCell(row->par, row->pos); float x_old = x; x += row->par->table->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(cell); for (LyXParagraph::size_type vpos = row->pos; vpos < cursor_vpos; ++vpos) { pos = vis2log(vpos); if (row->par->IsNewline(pos)) { x = x_old + row->par->table->WidthOfColumn(cell); x_old = x; ++cell; x += row->par->table->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(cell); } else { x += SingleWidth(row->par, pos); } } } else { /* table stuff -- end*/ LyXParagraph::size_type main_body = BeginningOfMainBody(row->par); if (main_body > 0 && (main_body-1 > last || !row->par->IsLineSeparator(main_body-1))) main_body = 0; for (LyXParagraph::size_type vpos = row->pos; vpos < cursor_vpos; ++vpos) { pos = vis2log(vpos); if (main_body > 0 && pos == main_body-1) { x += fill_label_hfill + GetFont(row->par, -2).stringWidth( textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, row->par->GetLayout()).labelsep); if (row->par->IsLineSeparator(main_body-1)) x -= SingleWidth(row->par, main_body-1); } x += SingleWidth(row->par, pos); if (HfillExpansion(row, pos)) { if (pos >= main_body) x += fill_hfill; else x += fill_label_hfill; } else if (pos >= main_body && row->par->IsSeparator(pos)) { x+= fill_separator; } } } cursor.x = int(x); cursor.x_fix = cursor.x; cursor.row = row; } void LyXText::SetCursorFromCoordinates(int x, long y) const { LyXCursor old_cursor = cursor; /* get the row first */ Row * row = GetRowNearY(y); cursor.par = row->par; int column = GetColumnNearX(row, x); cursor.pos = row->pos + column; cursor.x = x; cursor.y = y + row->baseline; cursor.row = row; if (cursor.pos && (cursor.pos == cursor.par->Last() || cursor.par->IsSeparator(cursor.pos) || (cursor.pos && cursor.pos == BeginningOfMainBody(cursor.par) && !cursor.par->IsSeparator(cursor.pos)) || (cursor.par->table && cursor.par->IsNewline(cursor.pos)) )) { current_font = cursor.par->GetFontSettings(cursor.pos - 1); real_current_font = GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos - 1); } else { current_font = cursor.par->GetFontSettings(cursor.pos); real_current_font = GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos); } DeleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(old_cursor); } void LyXText::SetCursorFromCoordinates(LyXCursor & cur, int x, long y) const { /* get the row first */ Row * row = GetRowNearY(y); int column = GetColumnNearX(row, x); cur.par = row->par; cur.pos = row->pos + column; cur.x = x; cur.y = y + row->baseline; cur.row = row; } void LyXText::CursorLeft() const { CursorLeftIntern(); if (cursor.par->table) { int cell = NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos); if (cursor.par->table->IsContRow(cell) && cursor.par->table->CellHasContRow(cursor.par->table->GetCellAbove(cell))<0) { CursorUp(); } } } void LyXText::CursorLeftIntern() const { if (cursor.pos > 0) { SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos - 1); } else if (cursor.par->Previous()) { // steps into the above paragraph. SetCursor(cursor.par->Previous(), cursor.par->Previous()->Last()); } } void LyXText::CursorRight() const { CursorRightIntern(); if (cursor.par->table) { int cell = NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos); if (cursor.par->table->IsContRow(cell) && cursor.par->table->CellHasContRow(cursor.par->table->GetCellAbove(cell))<0) { CursorUp(); } } } void LyXText::CursorRightIntern() const { if (cursor.pos < cursor.par->Last()) { SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos + 1); } else if (cursor.par->Next()) { SetCursor(cursor.par->Next(), 0); } } void LyXText::CursorUp() const { SetCursorFromCoordinates(cursor.x_fix, cursor.y - cursor.row->baseline - 1); if (cursor.par->table) { int cell = NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos); if (cursor.par->table->IsContRow(cell) && cursor.par->table->CellHasContRow(cursor.par->table->GetCellAbove(cell))<0) { CursorUp(); } } } void LyXText::CursorDown() const { if (cursor.par->table && cursor.par->table->ShouldBeVeryLastRow(NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos)) && !cursor.par->next) return; SetCursorFromCoordinates(cursor.x_fix, cursor.y - cursor.row->baseline + cursor.row->height + 1); if (cursor.par->table) { int cell = NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos); int cell_above = cursor.par->table->GetCellAbove(cell); while(cursor.par->table && cursor.par->table->IsContRow(cell) && (cursor.par->table->CellHasContRow(cell_above)<0)) { SetCursorFromCoordinates(cursor.x_fix, cursor.y - cursor.row->baseline + cursor.row->height + 1); if (cursor.par->table) { cell = NumberOfCell(cursor.par, cursor.pos); cell_above = cursor.par->table->GetCellAbove(cell); } } } } void LyXText::CursorUpParagraph() const { if (cursor.pos > 0) { SetCursor(cursor.par, 0); } else if (cursor.par->Previous()) { SetCursor(cursor.par->Previous(), 0); } } void LyXText::CursorDownParagraph() const { if (cursor.par->Next()) { SetCursor(cursor.par->Next(), 0); } else { SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.par->Last()); } } void LyXText::DeleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(LyXCursor const & old_cursor) const { DebugTracer trc1("1"); // Would be wrong to delete anything if we have a selection. if (selection) return; // We allow all kinds of "mumbo-jumbo" when freespacing. if (textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, old_cursor.par->GetLayout()).free_spacing) return; bool deleted = false; #ifdef FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE /* Ok I'll put some comments here about what is missing. I have fixed BackSpace (and thus Delete) to not delete double-spaces automagically. I have also changed Cut, Copy and Paste to hopefully do some sensible things. There are still some small problems that can lead to double spaces stored in the document file or space at the beginning of paragraphs. This happens if you have the cursor betwenn to spaces and then save. Or if you cut and paste and the selection have a space at the beginning and then save right after the paste. I am sure none of these are very hard to fix, but I will put out 1.1.4pre2 with FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE defined so that I can get some feedback. (Lgb) */ // If old_cursor.pos == 0 and old_cursor.pos(1) == LineSeparator // delete the LineSeparator. // MISSING // If old_cursor.pos == 1 and old_cursor.pos(0) == LineSeparator // delete the LineSeparator. // MISSING // If the pos around the old_cursor were spaces, delete one of them. if (old_cursor.par != cursor.par || old_cursor.pos != cursor.pos) { // Only if the cursor has really moved DebugTracer trc2("2"); if (old_cursor.pos > 0 && old_cursor.pos < old_cursor.par->Last() && old_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(old_cursor.pos) && old_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(old_cursor.pos - 1)) { DebugTracer trc3("3"); lyxerr << "Old cursor pos: " << old_cursor.pos << endl; old_cursor.par->Erase(old_cursor.pos - 1); status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; // correct cursor if (old_cursor.par == cursor.par && cursor.pos > old_cursor.pos) { DebugTracer trc4("4"); //SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos - 1); cursor.pos--; } //else // SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); return; } } #endif #if 1 // Do not delete empty paragraphs with keepempty set. if ((textclasslist.Style(parameters->textclass, old_cursor.par->GetLayout())).keepempty) return; LyXCursor tmpcursor; if (old_cursor.par != cursor.par) { DebugTracer trc5("5"); if ( (old_cursor.par->Last() == 0 || (old_cursor.par->Last() == 1 && old_cursor.par->IsLineSeparator(0))) && old_cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar() == old_cursor.par->LastPhysicalPar()) { DebugTracer trc6("6"); // ok, we will delete anything // make sure that you do not delete any environments if ((old_cursor.par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && !(old_cursor.row->previous && old_cursor.row->previous->par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) && !(old_cursor.row->next && old_cursor.row->next->par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE)) || (old_cursor.par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && ((old_cursor.row->previous && old_cursor.row->previous->par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE) || (old_cursor.row->next && old_cursor.row->next->par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE)) )) { DebugTracer trc7("7"); status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; deleted = true; if (old_cursor.row->previous) { DebugTracer trc8("8"); refresh_row = old_cursor.row->previous; refresh_y = old_cursor.y - old_cursor.row->baseline - refresh_row->height; tmpcursor = cursor; cursor = old_cursor; // that undo can restore the right cursor position LyXParagraph * endpar = old_cursor.par->next; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { DebugTracer trc9("9"); while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } } SetUndo(Undo::DELETE, old_cursor.par->previous, endpar); cursor = tmpcursor; // delete old row RemoveRow(old_cursor.row); if (params->paragraph == old_cursor.par) { DebugTracer trc10("10"); params->paragraph = params->paragraph->next; } // delete old par delete old_cursor.par; /* Breakagain the next par. Needed * because of the parindent that * can occur or dissappear. The * next row can change its height, * if there is another layout before */ if (refresh_row->next) { DebugTracer trc11("11"); BreakAgain(refresh_row->next); UpdateCounters(refresh_row); } SetHeightOfRow(refresh_row); } else { DebugTracer trc12("12"); refresh_row = old_cursor.row->next; refresh_y = old_cursor.y - old_cursor.row->baseline; tmpcursor = cursor; cursor = old_cursor; // that undo can restore the right cursor position LyXParagraph *endpar = old_cursor.par->next; if (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { DebugTracer trc13("13"); while (endpar && endpar->GetDepth()) { endpar = endpar->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } } SetUndo(Undo::DELETE, old_cursor.par->previous, endpar); cursor = tmpcursor; // delete old row RemoveRow(old_cursor.row); // delete old par if (params->paragraph == old_cursor.par) { DebugTracer trc14("14"); params->paragraph = params->paragraph->next; } delete old_cursor.par; /* Breakagain the next par. Needed because of the parindent that can occur or dissappear. The next row can change its height, if there is another layout before */ if (refresh_row) { DebugTracer trc15("15"); BreakAgain(refresh_row); UpdateCounters(refresh_row->previous); } } // correct cursor y SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); /* if (cursor.y > old_cursor.y) cursor.y -= old_cursor.row->height; */ if (sel_cursor.par == old_cursor.par && sel_cursor.pos == sel_cursor.pos) { DebugTracer trc16("16"); // correct selection sel_cursor = cursor; } } } if (!deleted) { DebugTracer trc17("17"); if (old_cursor.par->ClearParagraph()){ DebugTracer trc18("18"); RedoParagraphs(old_cursor, old_cursor.par->Next()); // correct cursor y SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); sel_cursor = cursor; } } } #endif } LyXParagraph * LyXText::GetParFromID(int id) { LyXParagraph * result = FirstParagraph(); while (result && result->id() != id) result = result->next; return result; } // undo functions bool LyXText::TextUndo() { // returns false if no undo possible Undo * undo = params->undostack.pop(); if (undo) { FinishUndo(); if (!undo_frozen) params->redostack .push(CreateUndo(undo->kind, GetParFromID(undo->number_of_before_par), GetParFromID(undo->number_of_behind_par))); } return TextHandleUndo(undo); } bool LyXText::TextRedo() { // returns false if no redo possible Undo * undo = params->redostack.pop(); if (undo) { FinishUndo(); if (!undo_frozen) params->undostack .push(CreateUndo(undo->kind, GetParFromID(undo->number_of_before_par), GetParFromID(undo->number_of_behind_par))); } return TextHandleUndo(undo); } bool LyXText::TextHandleUndo(Undo * undo) { // returns false if no undo possible bool result = false; if (undo) { LyXParagraph * before = GetParFromID(undo->number_of_before_par); LyXParagraph * behind = GetParFromID(undo->number_of_behind_par); LyXParagraph * tmppar; LyXParagraph * tmppar2; LyXParagraph * endpar; LyXParagraph * tmppar5; // if there's no before take the beginning // of the document for redoing if (!before) SetCursorIntern(FirstParagraph(), 0); // replace the paragraphs with the undo informations LyXParagraph * tmppar3 = undo->par; undo->par = 0; // otherwise the undo destructor would delete the paragraph LyXParagraph * tmppar4 = tmppar3; if (tmppar4){ while (tmppar4->next) tmppar4 = tmppar4->next; } // get last undo par // now remove the old text if there is any if (before != behind || (!behind && !before)){ if (before) tmppar5 = before->next; else tmppar5 = params->paragraph; tmppar2 = tmppar3; while (tmppar5 && tmppar5 != behind){ tmppar = tmppar5; tmppar5 = tmppar5->next; // a memory optimization for edit: Only layout information // is stored in the undo. So restore the text informations. if (undo->kind == Undo::EDIT) { tmppar2->setContentsFromPar(tmppar); tmppar->clearContents(); //tmppar2->text = tmppar->text; //tmppar->text.clear(); tmppar2 = tmppar2->next; } if ( currentrow && currentrow->par == tmppar ) currentrow = currentrow -> previous; // Commenting out this might remove the error // reported by Purify, but it might also // introduce a memory leak. We need to // check this (Lgb) //delete tmppar; } } // put the new stuff in the list if there is one if (tmppar3){ if (before) before->next = tmppar3; else params->paragraph = tmppar3; tmppar3->previous = before; } else { if (!before) params->paragraph = behind; } if (tmppar4) { tmppar4->next = behind; if (behind) behind->previous = tmppar4; } // Set the cursor for redoing if (before) { SetCursorIntern(before->FirstSelfrowPar(), 0); // check wether before points to a closed float and open it if necessary if (before && before->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE && before->next && before->next->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE){ tmppar4 = before; while (tmppar4->previous && tmppar4->previous->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE) tmppar4 = tmppar4->previous; while (tmppar4 && tmppar4->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE){ tmppar4->footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE; tmppar4 = tmppar4->next; } } } // open a cosed footnote at the end if necessary if (behind && behind->previous && behind->previous->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE && behind->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE){ while (behind && behind->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE){ behind->footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE; behind = behind->next; } } // calculate the endpar for redoing the paragraphs. if (behind){ if (behind->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE) endpar = behind->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); else endpar = behind->NextAfterFootnote()->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } else endpar = behind; tmppar = GetParFromID(undo->number_of_cursor_par); RedoParagraphs(cursor, endpar); if (tmppar){ SetCursorIntern(tmppar, undo->cursor_pos); UpdateCounters(cursor.row); } result = true; delete undo; } FinishUndo(); return result; } void LyXText::FinishUndo() { // makes sure the next operation will be stored undo_finished = True; } void LyXText::FreezeUndo() { // this is dangerous and for internal use only undo_frozen = True; } void LyXText::UnFreezeUndo() { // this is dangerous and for internal use only undo_frozen = false; } void LyXText::SetUndo(Undo::undo_kind kind, LyXParagraph const * before, LyXParagraph const * behind) const { if (!undo_frozen) params->undostack.push(CreateUndo(kind, before, behind)); params->redostack.clear(); } void LyXText::SetRedo(Undo::undo_kind kind, LyXParagraph const * before, LyXParagraph const * behind) { params->redostack.push(CreateUndo(kind, before, behind)); } Undo * LyXText::CreateUndo(Undo::undo_kind kind, LyXParagraph const * before, LyXParagraph const * behind) const { int before_number = -1; int behind_number = -1; if (before) before_number = before->id(); if (behind) behind_number = behind->id(); // Undo::EDIT and Undo::FINISH are // always finished. (no overlapping there) // overlapping only with insert and delete inside one paragraph: // Nobody wants all removed character // appear one by one when undoing. // EDIT is special since only layout information, not the // contents of a paragaph are stored. if (!undo_finished && kind != Undo::EDIT && kind != Undo::FINISH){ // check wether storing is needed if (!params->undostack.empty() && params->undostack.top()->kind == kind && params->undostack.top()->number_of_before_par == before_number && params->undostack.top()->number_of_behind_par == behind_number ){ // no undo needed return 0; } } // create a new Undo LyXParagraph * undopar; LyXParagraph * tmppar; LyXParagraph * tmppar2; LyXParagraph * start = 0; LyXParagraph * end = 0; if (before) start = before->next; else start = FirstParagraph(); if (behind) end = behind->previous; else { end = FirstParagraph(); while (end->next) end = end->next; } if (start && end && start != end->next && (before != behind || (!before && !behind))) { tmppar = start; tmppar2 = tmppar->Clone(); tmppar2->id(tmppar->id()); // a memory optimization: Just store the layout information // when only edit if (kind == Undo::EDIT){ //tmppar2->text.clear(); tmppar2->clearContents(); } undopar = tmppar2; while (tmppar != end && tmppar->next) { tmppar = tmppar->next; tmppar2->next = tmppar->Clone(); tmppar2->next->id(tmppar->id()); // a memory optimization: Just store the layout // information when only edit if (kind == Undo::EDIT){ //tmppar2->next->text.clear(); tmppar2->clearContents(); } tmppar2->next->previous = tmppar2; tmppar2 = tmppar2->next; } tmppar2->next = 0; } else undopar = 0; // nothing to replace (undo of delete maybe) int cursor_par = cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->id(); int cursor_pos = cursor.par->PositionInParFromPos(cursor.pos); Undo * undo = new Undo(kind, before_number, behind_number, cursor_par, cursor_pos, undopar); undo_finished = false; return undo; } void LyXText::SetCursorParUndo() { SetUndo(Undo::FINISH, cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->previous, cursor.par->ParFromPos(cursor.pos)->next); } void LyXText::RemoveTableRow(LyXCursor * cur) const { int cell = -1; int cell_org = 0; int ocell = 0; // move to the previous row int cell_act = NumberOfCell(cur->par, cur->pos); if (cell < 0) cell = cell_act; while (cur->pos && !cur->par->IsNewline(cur->pos - 1)) cur->pos--; while (cur->pos && !cur->par->table->IsFirstCell(cell_act)) { cur->pos--; while (cur->pos && !cur->par->IsNewline(cur->pos - 1)) cur->pos--; --cell; --cell_act; } // now we have to pay attention if the actual table is the // main row of TableContRows and if yes to delete all of them if (!cell_org) cell_org = cell; do { ocell = cell; // delete up to the next row while (cur->pos < cur->par->Last() && (cell_act == ocell || !cur->par->table->IsFirstCell(cell_act))) { while (cur->pos < cur->par->Last() && !cur->par->IsNewline(cur->pos)) cur->par->Erase(cur->pos); ++cell; ++cell_act; if (cur->pos < cur->par->Last()) cur->par->Erase(cur->pos); } if (cur->pos && cur->pos == cur->par->Last()) { cur->pos--; cur->par->Erase(cur->pos); // no newline at very end! } } while (((cell + 1) < cur->par->table->GetNumberOfCells()) && !cur->par->table->IsContRow(cell_org) && cur->par->table->IsContRow(cell)); cur->par->table->DeleteRow(cell_org); return; } bool LyXText::IsEmptyTableCell() const { LyXParagraph::size_type pos = cursor.pos - 1; while (pos >= 0 && pos < cursor.par->Last() && !cursor.par->IsNewline(pos)) --pos; return cursor.par->IsNewline(pos + 1); } void LyXText::toggleAppendix(){ LyXParagraph * par = cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar(); bool start = !par->start_of_appendix; // ensure that we have only one start_of_appendix in this document LyXParagraph * tmp = FirstParagraph(); for (; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) tmp->start_of_appendix = 0; par->start_of_appendix = start; // we can set the refreshing parameters now status = LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH; refresh_y = 0; refresh_row = 0; // not needed for full update UpdateCounters(0); SetCursor(cursor.par, cursor.pos); }