/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "bufferparams.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "debug.h" #include "intl.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "frontends/font_metrics.h" #include "frontends/screen.h" #include "frontends/WorkArea.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "language.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "undo_funcs.h" #include "text_funcs.h" #include "WordLangTuple.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "rowpainter.h" #include "lyxrow_funcs.h" #include "metricsinfo.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include using namespace lyx::support; using std::max; using std::min; using std::endl; using std::pair; using lyx::pos_type; using lyx::word_location; using namespace bv_funcs; /// top, right, bottom pixel margin extern int const PAPER_MARGIN = 20; /// margin for changebar extern int const CHANGEBAR_MARGIN = 10; /// left margin extern int const LEFT_MARGIN = PAPER_MARGIN + CHANGEBAR_MARGIN; int bibitemMaxWidth(BufferView *, LyXFont const &); BufferView * LyXText::bv() { Assert(bv_owner != 0); return bv_owner; } BufferView * LyXText::bv() const { Assert(bv_owner != 0); return bv_owner; } void LyXText::updateRowPositions() { RowList::iterator rit = rows().begin(); RowList::iterator rend = rows().end(); for (int y = 0; rit != rend ; ++rit) { rit->y(y); y += rit->height(); } } int LyXText::top_y() const { if (anchor_row_ == rowlist_.end()) return 0; return anchor_row_->y() + anchor_row_offset_; } void LyXText::top_y(int newy) { if (rows().empty()) return; if (isInInset()) { anchor_row_ = rows().begin(); anchor_row_offset_ = newy; return; } lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "setting top y = " << newy << endl; int y = newy; RowList::iterator rit = getRowNearY(y); if (rit == anchor_row_ && anchor_row_offset_ == newy - y) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "top_y to same value, skipping update" << endl; return; } anchor_row_ = rit; anchor_row_offset_ = newy - y; lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "changing reference to row: " << &*anchor_row_ << " offset: " << anchor_row_offset_ << endl; postPaint(); } void LyXText::anchor_row(RowList::iterator rit) { int old_y = top_y(); anchor_row_offset_ = 0; anchor_row_ = rit; anchor_row_offset_ = old_y - top_y(); lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "anchor_row(): changing reference to row: " << &*anchor_row_ << " offset: " << anchor_row_offset_ << endl; } int LyXText::workWidth() const { return inset_owner ? inset_owner->textWidth() : bv()->workWidth(); } int LyXText::workWidth(InsetOld const * inset) const { ParagraphList::iterator par = ownerParagraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = ownerParagraphs().end(); for ( ; par != end; ++par) if (&*par == inset->parOwner()) break; if (par == ownerParagraphs().end()) { lyxerr << "LyXText::workWidth: unexpected\n"; return -1; } pos_type pos = par->getPositionOfInset(inset); Assert(pos != -1); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par->layout(); if (layout->margintype != MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX) { // Optimization here: in most cases, the real row is // not needed, but only the par/pos values. So we just // construct a dummy row for leftMargin. (JMarc) return workWidth() - leftMargin(Row(par, pos)); } RowList::iterator row = getRow(par, pos); RowList::iterator frow = row; RowList::iterator beg = rowlist_.begin(); while (frow != beg && frow->par() == boost::prior(frow)->par()) --frow; // FIXME: I don't understand this code - jbl unsigned int maxw = 0; while (!isParEnd(*this, frow)) { if (frow != row && maxw < frow->width()) maxw = frow->width(); ++frow; } return maxw ? maxw : workWidth(); } int LyXText::getRealCursorX() const { int x = cursor.x(); if (the_locking_inset && (the_locking_inset->getLyXText(bv())!= this)) x = the_locking_inset->getLyXText(bv())->getRealCursorX(); return x; } #warning FIXME This function seems to belong outside of LyxText. unsigned char LyXText::transformChar(unsigned char c, Paragraph const & par, pos_type pos) const { if (!Encodings::is_arabic(c)) if (lyxrc.font_norm_type == LyXRC::ISO_8859_6_8 && IsDigit(c)) return c + (0xb0 - '0'); else return c; unsigned char const prev_char = pos > 0 ? par.getChar(pos - 1) : ' '; unsigned char next_char = ' '; pos_type const par_size = par.size(); for (pos_type i = pos + 1; i < par_size; ++i) { unsigned char const par_char = par.getChar(i); if (!Encodings::IsComposeChar_arabic(par_char)) { next_char = par_char; break; } } if (Encodings::is_arabic(next_char)) { if (Encodings::is_arabic(prev_char) && !Encodings::is_arabic_special(prev_char)) return Encodings::TransformChar(c, Encodings::FORM_MEDIAL); else return Encodings::TransformChar(c, Encodings::FORM_INITIAL); } else { if (Encodings::is_arabic(prev_char) && !Encodings::is_arabic_special(prev_char)) return Encodings::TransformChar(c, Encodings::FORM_FINAL); else return Encodings::TransformChar(c, Encodings::FORM_ISOLATED); } } // This is the comments that some of the warnings below refers to. // There are some issues in this file and I don't think they are // really related to the FIX_DOUBLE_SPACE patch. I'd rather think that // this is a problem that has been here almost from day one and that a // larger userbase with differenct access patters triggers the bad // behaviour. (segfaults.) What I think happen is: In several places // we store the paragraph in the current cursor and then moves the // cursor. This movement of the cursor will delete paragraph at the // old position if it is now empty. This will make the temporary // pointer to the old cursor paragraph invalid and dangerous to use. // And is some cases this will trigger a segfault. I have marked some // of the cases where this happens with a warning, but I am sure there // are others in this file and in text2.C. There is also a note in // Delete() that you should read. In Delete I store the paragraph->id // instead of a pointer to the paragraph. I am pretty sure this faulty // use of temporary pointers to paragraphs that might have gotten // invalidated (through a cursor movement) before they are used, are // the cause of the strange crashes we get reported often. // // It is very tiresom to change this code, especially when it is as // hard to read as it is. Help to fix all the cases where this is done // would be greately appreciated. // // Lgb int LyXText::singleWidth(ParagraphList::iterator pit, pos_type pos) const { if (pos >= pit->size()) return 0; char const c = pit->getChar(pos); return singleWidth(pit, pos, c); } int LyXText::singleWidth(ParagraphList::iterator pit, pos_type pos, char c) const { if (pos >= pit->size()) return 0; LyXFont const & font = getFont(pit, pos); // The most common case is handled first (Asger) if (IsPrintable(c)) { if (font.language()->RightToLeft()) { if ((lyxrc.font_norm_type == LyXRC::ISO_8859_6_8 || lyxrc.font_norm_type == LyXRC::ISO_10646_1) && font.language()->lang() == "arabic") { if (Encodings::IsComposeChar_arabic(c)) return 0; else c = transformChar(c, *pit, pos); } else if (font.language()->lang() == "hebrew" && Encodings::IsComposeChar_hebrew(c)) return 0; } return font_metrics::width(c, font); } if (c == Paragraph::META_INSET) { InsetOld * tmpinset = pit->getInset(pos); if (tmpinset) { if (tmpinset->lyxCode() == InsetOld::HFILL_CODE) { // Because of the representation as vertical lines return 3; } #if 0 #warning enabling this fixes the 'insets of width 0 on load' problem // this IS needed otherwise on initialitation we don't get the fill // of the row right (ONLY on initialization if we read a file!) // should be changed! (Jug 20011204) //tmpinset->update(bv()); Dimension dim; MetricsInfo mi(bv(), font, workWidth()); tmpinset->metrics(mi, dim); return dim.wid; #else return tmpinset->width(); #endif } return 0; } if (IsSeparatorChar(c)) c = ' '; return font_metrics::width(c, font); } lyx::pos_type LyXText::log2vis(lyx::pos_type pos) const { if (bidi_start == -1) return pos; else return log2vis_list[pos - bidi_start]; } lyx::pos_type LyXText::vis2log(lyx::pos_type pos) const { if (bidi_start == -1) return pos; else return vis2log_list[pos - bidi_start]; } lyx::pos_type LyXText::bidi_level(lyx::pos_type pos) const { if (bidi_start == -1) return 0; else return bidi_levels[pos - bidi_start]; } bool LyXText::bidi_InRange(lyx::pos_type pos) const { return bidi_start == -1 || (bidi_start <= pos && pos <= bidi_end); } void LyXText::computeBidiTables(Buffer const * buf, RowList::iterator row) const { bidi_same_direction = true; if (!lyxrc.rtl_support) { bidi_start = -1; return; } ParagraphList::iterator row_par = row->par(); InsetOld * inset = row_par->inInset(); if (inset && inset->owner() && inset->owner()->lyxCode() == InsetOld::ERT_CODE) { bidi_start = -1; return; } bidi_start = row->pos(); bidi_end = lastPrintablePos(*this, row); if (bidi_start > bidi_end) { bidi_start = -1; return; } if (bidi_end + 2 - bidi_start > static_cast(log2vis_list.size())) { pos_type new_size = (bidi_end + 2 - bidi_start < 500) ? 500 : 2 * (bidi_end + 2 - bidi_start); log2vis_list.resize(new_size); vis2log_list.resize(new_size); bidi_levels.resize(new_size); } vis2log_list[bidi_end + 1 - bidi_start] = -1; log2vis_list[bidi_end + 1 - bidi_start] = -1; pos_type stack[2]; bool const rtl_par = row_par->isRightToLeftPar(buf->params); int level = 0; bool rtl = false; bool rtl0 = false; pos_type const body_pos = row_par->beginningOfBody(); for (pos_type lpos = bidi_start; lpos <= bidi_end; ++lpos) { bool is_space = row_par->isLineSeparator(lpos); pos_type const pos = (is_space && lpos + 1 <= bidi_end && !row_par->isLineSeparator(lpos + 1) && !row_par->isNewline(lpos + 1)) ? lpos + 1 : lpos; LyXFont font = row_par->getFontSettings(buf->params, pos); if (pos != lpos && 0 < lpos && rtl0 && font.isRightToLeft() && font.number() == LyXFont::ON && row_par->getFontSettings(buf->params, lpos - 1).number() == LyXFont::ON) { font = row_par->getFontSettings(buf->params, lpos); is_space = false; } bool new_rtl = font.isVisibleRightToLeft(); bool new_rtl0 = font.isRightToLeft(); int new_level; if (lpos == body_pos - 1 && row->pos() < body_pos - 1 && is_space) { new_level = (rtl_par) ? 1 : 0; new_rtl = new_rtl0 = rtl_par; } else if (new_rtl0) new_level = (new_rtl) ? 1 : 2; else new_level = (rtl_par) ? 2 : 0; if (is_space && new_level >= level) { new_level = level; new_rtl = rtl; new_rtl0 = rtl0; } int new_level2 = new_level; if (level == new_level && rtl0 != new_rtl0) { --new_level2; log2vis_list[lpos - bidi_start] = (rtl) ? 1 : -1; } else if (level < new_level) { log2vis_list[lpos - bidi_start] = (rtl) ? -1 : 1; if (new_level > rtl_par) bidi_same_direction = false; } else log2vis_list[lpos - bidi_start] = (new_rtl) ? -1 : 1; rtl = new_rtl; rtl0 = new_rtl0; bidi_levels[lpos - bidi_start] = new_level; while (level > new_level2) { pos_type old_lpos = stack[--level]; int delta = lpos - old_lpos - 1; if (level % 2) delta = -delta; log2vis_list[lpos - bidi_start] += delta; log2vis_list[old_lpos - bidi_start] += delta; } while (level < new_level) stack[level++] = lpos; } while (level > 0) { pos_type const old_lpos = stack[--level]; int delta = bidi_end - old_lpos; if (level % 2) delta = -delta; log2vis_list[old_lpos - bidi_start] += delta; } pos_type vpos = bidi_start - 1; for (pos_type lpos = bidi_start; lpos <= bidi_end; ++lpos) { vpos += log2vis_list[lpos - bidi_start]; vis2log_list[vpos - bidi_start] = lpos; log2vis_list[lpos - bidi_start] = vpos; } } // This method requires a previous call to ComputeBidiTables() bool LyXText::isBoundary(Buffer const * buf, Paragraph const & par, pos_type pos) const { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support || pos == 0) return false; if (!bidi_InRange(pos - 1)) { /// This can happen if pos is the first char of a row. /// Returning false in this case is incorrect! return false; } bool const rtl = bidi_level(pos - 1) % 2; bool const rtl2 = bidi_InRange(pos) ? bidi_level(pos) % 2 : par.isRightToLeftPar(buf->params); return rtl != rtl2; } bool LyXText::isBoundary(Buffer const * buf, Paragraph const & par, pos_type pos, LyXFont const & font) const { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support) return false; // This is just for speedup bool const rtl = font.isVisibleRightToLeft(); bool const rtl2 = bidi_InRange(pos) ? bidi_level(pos) % 2 : par.isRightToLeftPar(buf->params); return rtl != rtl2; } int LyXText::leftMargin(Row const & row) const { InsetOld * ins; if (row.pos() < row.par()->size()) if ((row.par()->getChar(row.pos()) == Paragraph::META_INSET) && (ins = row.par()->getInset(row.pos())) && (ins->needFullRow() || ins->display())) return LEFT_MARGIN; LyXTextClass const & tclass = bv()->buffer()->params.getLyXTextClass(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = row.par()->layout(); string parindent = layout->parindent; int x = LEFT_MARGIN; x += font_metrics::signedWidth(tclass.leftmargin(), tclass.defaultfont()); // this is the way, LyX handles the LaTeX-Environments. // I have had this idea very late, so it seems to be a // later added hack and this is true if (!row.par()->getDepth()) { if (row.par()->layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()) { // find the previous same level paragraph if (row.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { ParagraphList::iterator newpit = depthHook(row.par(), ownerParagraphs(), row.par()->getDepth()); if (newpit == row.par() && newpit->layout()->nextnoindent) parindent.erase(); } } } else { // find the next level paragraph ParagraphList::iterator newpar = outerHook(row.par(), ownerParagraphs()); // make a corresponding row. Needed to call leftMargin() // check wether it is a sufficent paragraph if (newpar != ownerParagraphs().end() && newpar->layout()->isEnvironment()) { Row dummyrow; dummyrow.par(newpar); dummyrow.pos(newpar->size()); x = leftMargin(dummyrow); } if (newpar != ownerParagraphs().end() && row.par()->layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()) { if (newpar->params().noindent()) parindent.erase(); else { parindent = newpar->layout()->parindent; } } } LyXFont const labelfont = getLabelFont(row.par()); switch (layout->margintype) { case MARGIN_DYNAMIC: if (!layout->leftmargin.empty()) { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->leftmargin, tclass.defaultfont()); } if (!row.par()->getLabelstring().empty()) { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->labelindent, labelfont); x += font_metrics::width(row.par()->getLabelstring(), labelfont); x += font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, labelfont); } break; case MARGIN_MANUAL: x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->labelindent, labelfont); // The width of an empty par, even with manual label, should be 0 if (!row.par()->empty() && row.pos() >= row.par()->beginningOfBody()) { if (!row.par()->getLabelWidthString().empty()) { x += font_metrics::width(row.par()->getLabelWidthString(), labelfont); x += font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, labelfont); } } break; case MARGIN_STATIC: x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->leftmargin, tclass.defaultfont()) * 4 / (row.par()->getDepth() + 4); break; case MARGIN_FIRST_DYNAMIC: if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) { if (row.pos() >= row.par()->beginningOfBody()) { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->leftmargin, labelfont); } else { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->labelindent, labelfont); } } else if (row.pos() // Special case to fix problems with // theorems (JMarc) || (layout->labeltype == LABEL_STATIC && layout->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT && !isFirstInSequence(row.par(), ownerParagraphs()))) { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->leftmargin, labelfont); } else if (layout->labeltype != LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT && layout->labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO && layout->labeltype != LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT) { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->labelindent, labelfont); x += font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, labelfont); x += font_metrics::width(row.par()->getLabelstring(), labelfont); } break; case MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX: { // ok, a terrible hack. The left margin depends on the widest // row in this paragraph. Do not care about footnotes, they // are *NOT* allowed in the LaTeX realisation of this layout. // find the first row of this paragraph RowList::iterator tmprit = rowlist_.begin(); while (tmprit != rowlist_.end() && tmprit->par() != row.par()) ++tmprit; int minfill = tmprit->fill(); while (boost::next(tmprit) != rowlist_.end() && boost::next(tmprit)->par() == row.par()) { ++tmprit; if (tmprit->fill() < minfill) minfill = tmprit->fill(); } x += font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->leftmargin, tclass.defaultfont()); x += minfill; } break; } if ((workWidth() > 0) && !row.par()->params().leftIndent().zero()) { LyXLength const len = row.par()->params().leftIndent(); int const tw = inset_owner ? inset_owner->latexTextWidth(bv()) : workWidth(); x += len.inPixels(tw); } LyXAlignment align; if (row.par()->params().align() == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT) align = layout->align; else align = row.par()->params().align(); // set the correct parindent if (row.pos() == 0) { if ((layout->labeltype == LABEL_NO_LABEL || layout->labeltype == LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || (layout->labeltype == LABEL_STATIC && layout->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT && !isFirstInSequence(row.par(), ownerParagraphs()))) && align == LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK && !row.par()->params().noindent() // in tabulars and ert paragraphs are never indented! && (!row.par()->inInset() || !row.par()->inInset()->owner() || (row.par()->inInset()->owner()->lyxCode() != InsetOld::TABULAR_CODE && row.par()->inInset()->owner()->lyxCode() != InsetOld::ERT_CODE)) && (row.par()->layout() != tclass.defaultLayout() || bv()->buffer()->params.paragraph_separation == BufferParams::PARSEP_INDENT)) { x += font_metrics::signedWidth(parindent, tclass.defaultfont()); } else if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_BIBLIO) { // ale970405 Right width for bibitems x += bibitemMaxWidth(bv(), tclass.defaultfont()); } } return x; } int LyXText::rightMargin(Buffer const & buf, Row const & row) const { InsetOld * ins; if (row.pos() < row.par()->size()) if ((row.par()->getChar(row.pos()) == Paragraph::META_INSET) && (ins = row.par()->getInset(row.pos())) && (ins->needFullRow() || ins->display())) return PAPER_MARGIN; LyXTextClass const & tclass = buf.params.getLyXTextClass(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = row.par()->layout(); return PAPER_MARGIN + font_metrics::signedWidth(tclass.rightmargin(), tclass.defaultfont()); + font_metrics::signedWidth(layout->rightmargin, tclass.defaultfont()) * 4 / (row.par()->getDepth() + 4); } int LyXText::labelEnd(Row const & row) const { if (row.par()->layout()->margintype == MARGIN_MANUAL) { Row tmprow = row; tmprow.pos(row.par()->size()); // return the beginning of the body return leftMargin(tmprow); } // LabelEnd is only needed if the layout // fills a flushleft label. return 0; } namespace { // this needs special handling - only newlines count as a break point pos_type addressBreakPoint(pos_type i, Paragraph const & par) { for (; i < par.size(); ++i) { if (par.isNewline(i)) return i; } return par.size(); } }; pos_type LyXText::rowBreakPoint(Row const & row) const { ParagraphList::iterator pit = row.par(); // maximum pixel width of a row. int width = workWidth() - rightMargin(*bv()->buffer(), row); // inset->textWidth() returns -1 via workWidth(), // but why ? if (width < 0) return pit->size(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = pit->layout(); if (layout->margintype == MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX) return addressBreakPoint(row.pos(), *pit); pos_type const pos = row.pos(); pos_type const body_pos = pit->beginningOfBody(); pos_type const last = pit->size(); pos_type point = last; if (pos == last) return last; // Now we iterate through until we reach the right margin // or the end of the par, then choose the possible break // nearest that. int const left = leftMargin(row); int x = left; // pixel width since last breakpoint int chunkwidth = 0; bool fullrow = false; pos_type i = pos; // We re-use the font resolution for the entire font span when possible LyXFont font = getFont(pit, i); lyx::pos_type endPosOfFontSpan = pit->getEndPosOfFontSpan(i); for (; i < last; ++i) { if (pit->isNewline(i)) { point = i; break; } char const c = pit->getChar(i); int thiswidth; // add the auto-hfill from label end to the body if (body_pos && i == body_pos) { thiswidth = font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, getLabelFont(pit)); if (pit->isLineSeparator(i - 1)) thiswidth -= singleWidth(pit, i - 1); int left_margin = labelEnd(row); if (thiswidth + x < left_margin) thiswidth = left_margin - x; thiswidth += singleWidth(pit, i, c); } else { // Manual inlined optimised version of common case of "thiswidth = singleWidth(pit, i, c);" if (IsPrintable(c)) { if (pos > endPosOfFontSpan) { // We need to get the next font font = getFont(pit, i); endPosOfFontSpan = pit->getEndPosOfFontSpan(i); } if (! font.language()->RightToLeft()) { thiswidth = font_metrics::width(c, font); } else { // Fall-back to normal case thiswidth = singleWidth(pit, i, c); // And flush font cache endPosOfFontSpan = 0; } } else { // Fall-back to normal case thiswidth = singleWidth(pit, i, c); // And flush font cache endPosOfFontSpan = 0; } } x += thiswidth; chunkwidth += thiswidth; InsetOld * in = pit->isInset(i) ? pit->getInset(i) : 0; fullrow = in && (in->display() || in->needFullRow()); // break before a character that will fall off // the right of the row if (x >= width) { // if no break before or we are at an inset // that will take up a row, break here if (point == last || fullrow || chunkwidth >= (width - left)) { if (pos < i) point = i - 1; else point = i; } break; } if (!in || in->isChar()) { // some insets are line separators too if (pit->isLineSeparator(i)) { point = i; chunkwidth = 0; } continue; } if (!fullrow) continue; // full row insets start at a new row if (i == pos) { if (pos < last - 1) { point = i; if (pit->isLineSeparator(i + 1)) ++point; } else { // to avoid extra rows point = last; } } else { point = i - 1; } return point; } if (point == last && x >= width) { // didn't find one, break at the point we reached the edge point = i; } else if (i == last && x < width) { // found one, but we fell off the end of the par, so prefer // that. point = last; } // manual labels cannot be broken in LaTeX. But we // want to make our on-screen rendering of footnotes // etc. still break if (!fullrow && body_pos && point < body_pos) point = body_pos - 1; return point; } // returns the minimum space a row needs on the screen in pixel int LyXText::fill(RowList::iterator row, int paper_width) const { if (paper_width < 0) return 0; int w; // get the pure distance pos_type const last = lastPrintablePos(*this, row); ParagraphList::iterator pit = row->par(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = pit->layout(); // special handling of the right address boxes if (layout->margintype == MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX) { int const tmpfill = row->fill(); row->fill(0); // the minfill in MarginLeft() w = leftMargin(*row); row->fill(tmpfill); } else w = leftMargin(*row); pos_type const body_pos = pit->beginningOfBody(); pos_type i = row->pos(); if (! pit->empty() && i <= last) { // We re-use the font resolution for the entire span when possible LyXFont font = getFont(pit, i); lyx::pos_type endPosOfFontSpan = pit->getEndPosOfFontSpan(i); while (i <= last) { if (body_pos > 0 && i == body_pos) { w += font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, getLabelFont(pit)); if (pit->isLineSeparator(i - 1)) w -= singleWidth(pit, i - 1); int left_margin = labelEnd(*row); if (w < left_margin) w = left_margin; } { // Manual inlined an optimised version of the common case of "w += singleWidth(pit, i);" char const c = pit->getChar(i); if (IsPrintable(c)) { if (i > endPosOfFontSpan) { // We need to get the next font font = getFont(pit, i); endPosOfFontSpan = pit->getEndPosOfFontSpan(i); } if (!font.language()->RightToLeft()) { w += font_metrics::width(c, font); } else { // Fall-back to the normal case w += singleWidth(pit, i, c); // And flush font cache endPosOfFontSpan = 0; } } else { // Fall-back to the normal case w += singleWidth(pit, i, c); // And flush font cache endPosOfFontSpan = 0; } } ++i; } } if (body_pos > 0 && body_pos > last) { w += font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, getLabelFont(pit)); if (last >= 0 && pit->isLineSeparator(last)) w -= singleWidth(pit, last); int const left_margin = labelEnd(*row); if (w < left_margin) w = left_margin; } int const fill = paper_width - w - rightMargin(*bv()->buffer(), *row); // If this case happens, it means that our calculation // of the widths of the chars when we do rowBreakPoint() // went wrong for some reason. Typically in list bodies. // Things just about hobble on anyway, though you'll end // up with a "fill_separator" less than zero, which corresponds // to inter-word spacing being too small. Hopefully this problem // will die when the label hacks die. if (lyxerr.debugging() && fill < 0) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Eek, fill() was < 0: " << fill << " w " << w << " paper_width " << paper_width << " right margin " << rightMargin(*bv()->buffer(), *row) << endl; } return fill; } // returns the minimum space a manual label needs on the screen in pixel int LyXText::labelFill(Row const & row) const { ParagraphList::iterator pit = row.par(); pos_type last = pit->beginningOfBody(); Assert(last > 0); // -1 because a label ends either with a space that is in the label, // or with the beginning of a footnote that is outside the label. --last; // a separator at this end does not count if (pit->isLineSeparator(last)) --last; int w = 0; pos_type i = row.pos(); while (i <= last) { w += singleWidth(pit, i); ++i; } int fill = 0; string const & labwidstr = pit->params().labelWidthString(); if (!labwidstr.empty()) { LyXFont const labfont = getLabelFont(pit); int const labwidth = font_metrics::width(labwidstr, labfont); fill = max(labwidth - w, 0); } return fill; } LColor::color LyXText::backgroundColor() const { if (inset_owner) return inset_owner->backgroundColor(); else return LColor::background; } void LyXText::setHeightOfRow(RowList::iterator rit) { Assert(rit != rows().end()); // get the maximum ascent and the maximum descent double layoutasc = 0; double layoutdesc = 0; double tmptop = 0; // ok, let us initialize the maxasc and maxdesc value. // Only the fontsize count. The other properties // are taken from the layoutfont. Nicer on the screen :) ParagraphList::iterator pit = rit->par(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = pit->layout(); // as max get the first character of this row then it can increase but not // decrease the height. Just some point to start with so we don't have to // do the assignment below too often. LyXFont font = getFont(pit, rit->pos()); LyXFont::FONT_SIZE const tmpsize = font.size(); font = getLayoutFont(pit); LyXFont::FONT_SIZE const size = font.size(); font.setSize(tmpsize); LyXFont labelfont = getLabelFont(pit); double spacing_val = 1.0; if (!pit->params().spacing().isDefault()) spacing_val = pit->params().spacing().getValue(); else spacing_val = bv()->buffer()->params.spacing.getValue(); //lyxerr << "spacing_val = " << spacing_val << endl; int maxasc = int(font_metrics::maxAscent(font) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val); int maxdesc = int(font_metrics::maxDescent(font) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val); pos_type const pos_end = lastPos(*this, rit); int labeladdon = 0; int maxwidth = 0; if (!pit->empty()) { // We re-use the font resolution for the entire font span when possible LyXFont font = getFont(pit, rit->pos()); lyx::pos_type endPosOfFontSpan = pit->getEndPosOfFontSpan(rit->pos()); // Optimisation Paragraph const & par = *pit; // Check if any insets are larger for (pos_type pos = rit->pos(); pos <= pos_end; ++pos) { // Manual inlined optimised version of common case of // "maxwidth += singleWidth(pit, pos);" char const c = par.getChar(pos); if (IsPrintable(c)) { if (pos > endPosOfFontSpan) { // We need to get the next font font = getFont(pit, pos); endPosOfFontSpan = par.getEndPosOfFontSpan(pos); } if (! font.language()->RightToLeft()) { maxwidth += font_metrics::width(c, font); } else { // Fall-back to normal case maxwidth += singleWidth(pit, pos, c); // And flush font cache endPosOfFontSpan = 0; } } else { // Special handling of insets - are any larger? if (par.isInset(pos)) { LyXFont const tmpfont = getFont(pit, pos); InsetOld const * tmpinset = par.getInset(pos); if (tmpinset) { #if 1 // this is needed for deep update on initialitation #warning inset->update FIXME //tmpinset->update(bv()); Dimension dim; MetricsInfo mi(bv(), tmpfont, workWidth()); tmpinset->metrics(mi, dim); maxwidth += dim.wid; maxasc = max(maxasc, dim.asc); maxdesc = max(maxdesc, dim.des); #else maxwidth += tmpinset->width(); maxasc = max(maxasc, tmpinset->ascent()); maxdesc = max(maxdesc, tmpinset->descent()); #endif } } else { // Fall-back to normal case maxwidth += singleWidth(pit, pos, c); // And flush font cache endPosOfFontSpan = 0; } } } } // Check if any custom fonts are larger (Asger) // This is not completely correct, but we can live with the small, // cosmetic error for now. LyXFont::FONT_SIZE maxsize = pit->highestFontInRange(rit->pos(), pos_end, size); if (maxsize > font.size()) { font.setSize(maxsize); maxasc = max(maxasc, font_metrics::maxAscent(font)); maxdesc = max(maxdesc, font_metrics::maxDescent(font)); } // This is nicer with box insets: ++maxasc; ++maxdesc; rit->ascent_of_text(maxasc); // is it a top line? if (!rit->pos()) { // some parksips VERY EASY IMPLEMENTATION if (bv()->buffer()->params.paragraph_separation == BufferParams::PARSEP_SKIP) { if (layout->isParagraph() && pit->getDepth() == 0 && pit != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { maxasc += bv()->buffer()->params.getDefSkip().inPixels(*bv()); } else if (pit != ownerParagraphs().begin() && boost::prior(pit)->layout()->isParagraph() && boost::prior(pit)->getDepth() == 0) { // is it right to use defskip here too? (AS) maxasc += bv()->buffer()->params.getDefSkip().inPixels(*bv()); } } // the top margin if (pit == ownerParagraphs().begin() && !isInInset()) maxasc += PAPER_MARGIN; // add the vertical spaces, that the user added maxasc += getLengthMarkerHeight(*bv(), pit->params().spaceTop()); // do not forget the DTP-lines! // there height depends on the font of the nearest character if (pit->params().lineTop()) maxasc += 2 * font_metrics::ascent('x', getFont(pit, 0)); // and now the pagebreaks if (pit->params().pagebreakTop()) maxasc += 3 * defaultRowHeight(); if (pit->params().startOfAppendix()) maxasc += 3 * defaultRowHeight(); // This is special code for the chapter, since the label of this // layout is printed in an extra row if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER && bv()->buffer()->params.secnumdepth >= 0) { float spacing_val = 1.0; if (!pit->params().spacing().isDefault()) { spacing_val = pit->params().spacing().getValue(); } else { spacing_val = bv()->buffer()->params.spacing.getValue(); } labeladdon = int(font_metrics::maxDescent(labelfont) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val) + int(font_metrics::maxAscent(labelfont) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val); } // special code for the top label if ((layout->labeltype == LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || layout->labeltype == LABEL_BIBLIO || layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT) && isFirstInSequence(pit, ownerParagraphs()) && !pit->getLabelstring().empty()) { float spacing_val = 1.0; if (!pit->params().spacing().isDefault()) { spacing_val = pit->params().spacing().getValue(); } else { spacing_val = bv()->buffer()->params.spacing.getValue(); } labeladdon = int( (font_metrics::maxAscent(labelfont) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val) +(font_metrics::maxDescent(labelfont) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val) + layout->topsep * defaultRowHeight() + layout->labelbottomsep * defaultRowHeight()); } // And now the layout spaces, for example before and after // a section, or between the items of a itemize or enumerate // environment. if (!pit->params().pagebreakTop()) { ParagraphList::iterator prev = depthHook(pit, ownerParagraphs(), pit->getDepth()); if (prev != pit && prev->layout() == layout && prev->getDepth() == pit->getDepth() && prev->getLabelWidthString() == pit->getLabelWidthString()) { layoutasc = (layout->itemsep * defaultRowHeight()); } else if (rit != rows().begin()) { tmptop = layout->topsep; if (boost::prior(pit)->getDepth() >= pit->getDepth()) tmptop -= boost::prior(rit)->par()->layout()->bottomsep; if (tmptop > 0) layoutasc = (tmptop * defaultRowHeight()); } else if (pit->params().lineTop()) { tmptop = layout->topsep; if (tmptop > 0) layoutasc = (tmptop * defaultRowHeight()); } prev = outerHook(pit, ownerParagraphs()); if (prev != ownerParagraphs().end()) { maxasc += int(prev->layout()->parsep * defaultRowHeight()); } else if (pit != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { ParagraphList::iterator prior_pit = boost::prior(pit); if (prior_pit->getDepth() != 0 || prior_pit->layout() == layout) { maxasc += int(layout->parsep * defaultRowHeight()); } } } } // is it a bottom line? RowList::iterator next_rit = boost::next(rit); if (next_rit == rows().end() || next_rit->par() != pit) { // the bottom margin ParagraphList::iterator nextpit = boost::next(pit); if (nextpit == ownerParagraphs().end() && !isInInset()) maxdesc += PAPER_MARGIN; // add the vertical spaces, that the user added maxdesc += getLengthMarkerHeight(*bv(), pit->params().spaceBottom()); // do not forget the DTP-lines! // there height depends on the font of the nearest character if (pit->params().lineBottom()) maxdesc += 2 * font_metrics::ascent('x', getFont(pit, max(pos_type(0), pit->size() - 1))); // and now the pagebreaks if (pit->params().pagebreakBottom()) maxdesc += 3 * defaultRowHeight(); // and now the layout spaces, for example before and after // a section, or between the items of a itemize or enumerate // environment if (!pit->params().pagebreakBottom() && nextpit != ownerParagraphs().end()) { ParagraphList::iterator comparepit = pit; float usual = 0; float unusual = 0; if (comparepit->getDepth() > nextpit->getDepth()) { usual = (comparepit->layout()->bottomsep * defaultRowHeight()); comparepit = depthHook(comparepit, ownerParagraphs(), nextpit->getDepth()); if (comparepit->layout()!= nextpit->layout() || nextpit->getLabelWidthString() != comparepit->getLabelWidthString()) { unusual = (comparepit->layout()->bottomsep * defaultRowHeight()); } if (unusual > usual) layoutdesc = unusual; else layoutdesc = usual; } else if (comparepit->getDepth() == nextpit->getDepth()) { if (comparepit->layout() != nextpit->layout() || nextpit->getLabelWidthString() != comparepit->getLabelWidthString()) layoutdesc = int(comparepit->layout()->bottomsep * defaultRowHeight()); } } } // incalculate the layout spaces maxasc += int(layoutasc * 2 / (2 + pit->getDepth())); maxdesc += int(layoutdesc * 2 / (2 + pit->getDepth())); // calculate the new height of the text height -= rit->height(); rit->height(maxasc + maxdesc + labeladdon); rit->baseline(maxasc + labeladdon); height += rit->height(); rit->top_of_text(rit->baseline() - font_metrics::maxAscent(font)); double x = 0; if (layout->margintype != MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX) { // this IS needed rit->width(maxwidth); double dummy; prepareToPrint(rit, x, dummy, dummy, dummy, false); } rit->width(int(maxwidth + x)); if (inset_owner) { width = max(0, workWidth()); RowList::iterator it = rows().begin(); RowList::iterator end = rows().end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if (it->width() > width) width = it->width(); } } // Appends the implicit specified paragraph before the specified row, // start at the implicit given position void LyXText::appendParagraph(RowList::iterator rowit) { Assert(rowit != rowlist_.end()); pos_type const last = rowit->par()->size(); bool done = false; do { pos_type z = rowBreakPoint(*rowit); RowList::iterator tmprow = rowit; if (z < last) { ++z; Row newrow(rowit->par(), z); rowit = rowlist_.insert(boost::next(rowit), newrow); } else { done = true; } // Set the dimensions of the row // fixed fill setting now by calling inset->update() in // SingleWidth when needed! tmprow->fill(fill(tmprow, workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(tmprow); } while (!done); } void LyXText::breakAgain(RowList::iterator rit) { Assert(rit != rows().end()); bool not_ready = true; do { pos_type z = rowBreakPoint(*rit); RowList::iterator tmprit = rit; RowList::iterator end = rows().end(); if (z < rit->par()->size()) { RowList::iterator next_rit = boost::next(rit); if (next_rit == end || (next_rit != end && next_rit->par() != rit->par())) { // insert a new row ++z; Row newrow(rit->par(), z); rit = rowlist_.insert(next_rit, newrow); } else { ++rit; ++z; if (rit->pos() == z) not_ready = false; // the rest will not change else { rit->pos(z); } } } else { // if there are some rows too much, delete them // only if you broke the whole paragraph! RowList::iterator tmprit2 = rit; while (boost::next(tmprit2) != end && boost::next(tmprit2)->par() == rit->par()) { ++tmprit2; } while (tmprit2 != rit) { --tmprit2; removeRow(boost::next(tmprit2)); } not_ready = false; } // set the dimensions of the row tmprit->fill(fill(tmprit, workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(tmprit); } while (not_ready); } // this is just a little changed version of break again void LyXText::breakAgainOneRow(RowList::iterator rit) { Assert(rit != rows().end()); pos_type z = rowBreakPoint(*rit); RowList::iterator tmprit = rit; RowList::iterator end = rows().end(); if (z < rit->par()->size()) { RowList::iterator next_rit = boost::next(rit); if (next_rit == end || (next_rit != end && next_rit->par() != rit->par())) { // insert a new row ++z; Row newrow(rit->par(), z); rit = rowlist_.insert(next_rit, newrow); } else { ++rit; ++z; if (rit->pos() != z) rit->pos(z); } } else { // if there are some rows too much, delete them // only if you broke the whole paragraph! RowList::iterator tmprit2 = rit; while (boost::next(tmprit2) != end && boost::next(tmprit2)->par() == rit->par()) { ++tmprit2; } while (tmprit2 != rit) { --tmprit2; removeRow(boost::next(tmprit2)); } } // set the dimensions of the row tmprit->fill(fill(tmprit, workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(tmprit); } void LyXText::breakParagraph(ParagraphList & paragraphs, char keep_layout) { // allow only if at start or end, or all previous is new text if (cursor.pos() && cursor.pos() != cursor.par()->size() && cursor.par()->isChangeEdited(0, cursor.pos())) return; LyXTextClass const & tclass = bv()->buffer()->params.getLyXTextClass(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = cursor.par()->layout(); // this is only allowed, if the current paragraph is not empty or caption // and if it has not the keepempty flag active if (cursor.par()->empty() && !cursor.par()->allowEmpty() && layout->labeltype != LABEL_SENSITIVE) return; recordUndo(bv(), Undo::ATOMIC, cursor.par()); // Always break behind a space // // It is better to erase the space (Dekel) if (cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && cursor.par()->isLineSeparator(cursor.pos())) cursor.par()->erase(cursor.pos()); // cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); // break the paragraph if (keep_layout) keep_layout = 2; else keep_layout = layout->isEnvironment(); // we need to set this before we insert the paragraph. IMO the // breakParagraph call should return a bool if it inserts the // paragraph before or behind and we should react on that one // but we can fix this in 1.3.0 (Jug 20020509) bool const isempty = (cursor.par()->allowEmpty() && cursor.par()->empty()); ::breakParagraph(bv()->buffer()->params, paragraphs, cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), keep_layout); // well this is the caption hack since one caption is really enough if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_SENSITIVE) { if (!cursor.pos()) // set to standard-layout cursor.par()->applyLayout(tclass.defaultLayout()); else // set to standard-layout boost::next(cursor.par())->applyLayout(tclass.defaultLayout()); } // if the cursor is at the beginning of a row without prior newline, // move one row up! // This touches only the screen-update. Otherwise we would may have // an empty row on the screen if (cursor.pos() && cursorRow()->pos() == cursor.pos() && !cursorRow()->par()->isNewline(cursor.pos() - 1)) { cursorLeft(bv()); } postPaint(); removeParagraph(cursorRow()); // set the dimensions of the cursor row cursorRow()->fill(fill(cursorRow(), workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(cursorRow()); #warning Trouble Point! (Lgb) // When ::breakParagraph is called from within an inset we must // ensure that the correct ParagraphList is used. Today that is not // the case and the Buffer::paragraphs is used. Not good. (Lgb) ParagraphList::iterator next_par = boost::next(cursor.par()); while (!next_par->empty() && next_par->isNewline(0)) next_par->erase(0); insertParagraph(next_par, boost::next(cursorRow())); updateCounters(); // This check is necessary. Otherwise the new empty paragraph will // be deleted automatically. And it is more friendly for the user! if (cursor.pos() || isempty) setCursor(next_par, 0); else setCursor(cursor.par(), 0); if (boost::next(cursorRow()) != rows().end()) breakAgain(boost::next(cursorRow())); } // Just a macro to make some thing easier. void LyXText::redoParagraph() { clearSelection(); redoParagraphs(cursor, boost::next(cursor.par())); setCursorIntern(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()); } // insert a character, moves all the following breaks in the // same Paragraph one to the right and make a rebreak void LyXText::insertChar(char c) { recordUndo(bv(), Undo::INSERT, cursor.par()); // When the free-spacing option is set for the current layout, // disable the double-space checking bool const freeSpacing = cursorRow()->par()->layout()->free_spacing || cursorRow()->par()->isFreeSpacing(); if (lyxrc.auto_number) { static string const number_operators = "+-/*"; static string const number_unary_operators = "+-"; static string const number_seperators = ".,:"; if (current_font.number() == LyXFont::ON) { if (!IsDigit(c) && !contains(number_operators, c) && !(contains(number_seperators, c) && cursor.pos() >= 1 && cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && getFont(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()).number() == LyXFont::ON && getFont(cursor.par(), cursor.pos() - 1).number() == LyXFont::ON) ) number(bv()); // Set current_font.number to OFF } else if (IsDigit(c) && real_current_font.isVisibleRightToLeft()) { number(bv()); // Set current_font.number to ON if (cursor.pos() > 0) { char const c = cursor.par()->getChar(cursor.pos() - 1); if (contains(number_unary_operators, c) && (cursor.pos() == 1 || cursor.par()->isSeparator(cursor.pos() - 2) || cursor.par()->isNewline(cursor.pos() - 2)) ) { setCharFont( cursor.par(), cursor.pos() - 1, current_font); } else if (contains(number_seperators, c) && cursor.pos() >= 2 && getFont( cursor.par(), cursor.pos() - 2).number() == LyXFont::ON) { setCharFont( cursor.par(), cursor.pos() - 1, current_font); } } } } // First check, if there will be two blanks together or a blank at // the beginning of a paragraph. // I decided to handle blanks like normal characters, the main // difference are the special checks when calculating the row.fill // (blank does not count at the end of a row) and the check here // The bug is triggered when we type in a description environment: // The current_font is not changed when we go from label to main text // and it should (along with realtmpfont) when we type the space. // CHECK There is a bug here! (Asger) LyXFont realtmpfont = real_current_font; LyXFont rawtmpfont = current_font; // store the current font. This is because of the use of cursor // movements. The moving cursor would refresh the current font // Get the font that is used to calculate the baselineskip pos_type const lastpos = cursor.par()->size(); LyXFont rawparfont = cursor.par()->getFontSettings(bv()->buffer()->params, lastpos - 1); bool jumped_over_space = false; if (!freeSpacing && IsLineSeparatorChar(c)) { if ((cursor.pos() > 0 && cursor.par()->isLineSeparator(cursor.pos() - 1)) || (cursor.pos() > 0 && cursor.par()->isNewline(cursor.pos() - 1)) || (cursor.pos() == 0)) { static bool sent_space_message = false; if (!sent_space_message) { if (cursor.pos() == 0) bv()->owner()->message(_("You cannot insert a space at the beginning of a paragraph. Please read the Tutorial.")); else bv()->owner()->message(_("You cannot type two spaces this way. Please read the Tutorial.")); sent_space_message = true; } charInserted(); return; } } // the display inset stuff if (cursorRow()->pos() < cursorRow()->par()->size() && cursorRow()->par()->isInset(cursorRow()->pos())) { InsetOld * inset = cursorRow()->par()->getInset(cursorRow()->pos()); if (inset && (inset->display() || inset->needFullRow())) { // force a new break cursorRow()->fill(-1); // to force a new break } } // get the cursor row fist RowList::iterator row = cursorRow(); if (c != Paragraph::META_INSET) { // Here case LyXText::InsertInset already inserted the character cursor.par()->insertChar(cursor.pos(), c); } setCharFont(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), rawtmpfont); if (!jumped_over_space) { // refresh the positions RowList::iterator tmprow = row; while (boost::next(tmprow) != rows().end() && boost::next(tmprow)->par() == row->par()) { ++tmprow; tmprow->pos(tmprow->pos() + 1); } } // Is there a break one row above if (row != rows().begin() && boost::prior(row)->par() == row->par() && (cursor.par()->isLineSeparator(cursor.pos()) || cursor.par()->isNewline(cursor.pos()) || ((cursor.pos() + 1 < cursor.par()->size()) && cursor.par()->isInset(cursor.pos() + 1)) || cursorRow()->fill() == -1)) { pos_type z = rowBreakPoint(*boost::prior(row)); if (z >= row->pos()) { row->pos(z + 1); // set the dimensions of the row above boost::prior(row)->fill(fill( boost::prior(row), workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(boost::prior(row)); postPaint(); breakAgainOneRow(row); current_font = rawtmpfont; real_current_font = realtmpfont; setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos() + 1, false, cursor.boundary()); // cursor MUST be in row now. // check, wether the last characters font has changed. if (cursor.pos() && cursor.pos() == cursor.par()->size() && rawparfont != rawtmpfont) redoHeightOfParagraph(); charInserted(); return; } } // recalculate the fill of the row if (row->fill() >= 0) { // needed because a newline will set fill to -1. Otherwise // we would not get a rebreak! row->fill(fill(row, workWidth())); } if (c == Paragraph::META_INSET || row->fill() < 0) { postPaint(); breakAgainOneRow(row); RowList::iterator next_row = boost::next(row); // will the cursor be in another row now? if (lastPos(*this, row) <= cursor.pos() + 1 && next_row != rows().end()) { if (next_row != rows().end() && next_row->par() == row->par()) { // this should always be true ++row; } breakAgainOneRow(row); } current_font = rawtmpfont; real_current_font = realtmpfont; setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos() + 1, false, cursor.boundary()); if (isBoundary(bv()->buffer(), *cursor.par(), cursor.pos()) != cursor.boundary()) setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), false, !cursor.boundary()); } else { // FIXME: similar code is duplicated all over - make resetHeightOfRow setHeightOfRow(row); postPaint(); current_font = rawtmpfont; real_current_font = realtmpfont; setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos() + 1, false, cursor.boundary()); } // check, wether the last characters font has changed. if (cursor.pos() && cursor.pos() == cursor.par()->size() && rawparfont != rawtmpfont) { redoHeightOfParagraph(); } charInserted(); } void LyXText::charInserted() { // Here we could call FinishUndo for every 20 characters inserted. // This is from my experience how emacs does it. (Lgb) static unsigned int counter; if (counter < 20) { ++counter; } else { finishUndo(); counter = 0; } } void LyXText::prepareToPrint(RowList::iterator rit, double & x, double & fill_separator, double & fill_hfill, double & fill_label_hfill, bool bidi) const { double w = rit->fill(); fill_hfill = 0; fill_label_hfill = 0; fill_separator = 0; fill_label_hfill = 0; ParagraphList::iterator pit = rit->par(); bool const is_rtl = pit->isRightToLeftPar(bv()->buffer()->params); if (is_rtl) x = workWidth() > 0 ? rightMargin(*bv()->buffer(), *rit) : 0; else x = workWidth() > 0 ? leftMargin(*rit) : 0; // is there a manual margin with a manual label LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = pit->layout(); if (layout->margintype == MARGIN_MANUAL && layout->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) { /// We might have real hfills in the label part int nlh = numberOfLabelHfills(*this, rit); // A manual label par (e.g. List) has an auto-hfill // between the label text and the body of the // paragraph too. // But we don't want to do this auto hfill if the par // is empty. if (!pit->empty()) ++nlh; if (nlh && !pit->getLabelWidthString().empty()) { fill_label_hfill = labelFill(*rit) / double(nlh); } } // are there any hfills in the row? int const nh = numberOfHfills(*this, rit); if (nh) { if (w > 0) fill_hfill = w / nh; // we don't have to look at the alignment if it is ALIGN_LEFT and // if the row is already larger then the permitted width as then // we force the LEFT_ALIGN'edness! } else if (int(rit->width()) < workWidth()) { // is it block, flushleft or flushright? // set x how you need it int align; if (pit->params().align() == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT) { align = layout->align; } else { align = pit->params().align(); } // center displayed insets InsetOld * inset = 0; if (rit->pos() < pit->size() && pit->isInset(rit->pos()) && (inset = pit->getInset(rit->pos())) && (inset->display())) // || (inset->scroll() < 0))) align = (inset->lyxCode() == InsetOld::MATHMACRO_CODE) ? LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK : LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; // ERT insets should always be LEFT ALIGNED on screen inset = pit->inInset(); if (inset && inset->owner() && inset->owner()->lyxCode() == InsetOld::ERT_CODE) { align = LYX_ALIGN_LEFT; } switch (align) { case LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK: { int const ns = numberOfSeparators(*this, rit); RowList::iterator next_row = boost::next(rit); ParagraphList::iterator next_pit = next_row->par(); if (ns && next_row != rowlist_.end() && next_pit == pit && !(next_pit->isNewline(next_row->pos() - 1)) && !(next_pit->isInset(next_row->pos()) && next_pit->getInset(next_row->pos()) && next_pit->getInset(next_row->pos())->display()) ) { fill_separator = w / ns; } else if (is_rtl) { x += w; } break; } case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: x += w; break; case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: x += w / 2; break; } } if (!bidi) return; computeBidiTables(bv()->buffer(), rit); if (is_rtl) { pos_type body_pos = pit->beginningOfBody(); pos_type last = lastPos(*this, rit); if (body_pos > 0 && (body_pos - 1 > last || !pit->isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1))) { x += font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, getLabelFont(pit)); if (body_pos - 1 <= last) x += fill_label_hfill; } } } // important for the screen // the cursor set functions have a special mechanism. When they // realize, that you left an empty paragraph, they will delete it. // They also delete the corresponding row void LyXText::cursorRightOneWord() { ::cursorRightOneWord(cursor, ownerParagraphs()); setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()); } // Skip initial whitespace at end of word and move cursor to *start* // of prior word, not to end of next prior word. void LyXText::cursorLeftOneWord() { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; ::cursorLeftOneWord(tmpcursor, ownerParagraphs()); setCursor(tmpcursor.par(), tmpcursor.pos()); } void LyXText::selectWord(word_location loc) { LyXCursor from = cursor; LyXCursor to; ::getWord(from, to, loc, ownerParagraphs()); if (cursor != from) setCursor(from.par(), from.pos()); if (to == from) return; selection.cursor = cursor; setCursor(to.par(), to.pos()); setSelection(); } // Select the word currently under the cursor when no // selection is currently set bool LyXText::selectWordWhenUnderCursor(word_location loc) { if (!selection.set()) { selectWord(loc); return selection.set(); } return false; } void LyXText::acceptChange() { if (!selection.set() && cursor.par()->size()) return; if (selection.start.par() == selection.end.par()) { LyXCursor & startc = selection.start; LyXCursor & endc = selection.end; recordUndo(bv(), Undo::INSERT, startc.par()); startc.par()->acceptChange(startc.pos(), endc.pos()); finishUndo(); clearSelection(); redoParagraphs(startc, boost::next(startc.par())); setCursorIntern(startc.par(), 0); } #warning handle multi par selection } void LyXText::rejectChange() { if (!selection.set() && cursor.par()->size()) return; if (selection.start.par() == selection.end.par()) { LyXCursor & startc = selection.start; LyXCursor & endc = selection.end; recordUndo(bv(), Undo::INSERT, startc.par()); startc.par()->rejectChange(startc.pos(), endc.pos()); finishUndo(); clearSelection(); redoParagraphs(startc, boost::next(startc.par())); setCursorIntern(startc.par(), 0); } #warning handle multi par selection } // This function is only used by the spellchecker for NextWord(). // It doesn't handle LYX_ACCENTs and probably never will. WordLangTuple const LyXText::selectNextWordToSpellcheck(float & value) { if (the_locking_inset) { WordLangTuple word = the_locking_inset->selectNextWordToSpellcheck(bv(), value); if (!word.word().empty()) { value += float(cursor.y()); value /= float(height); return word; } // we have to go on checking so move cursor to the next char if (cursor.pos() == cursor.par()->size()) { if (boost::next(cursor.par()) == ownerParagraphs().end()) return word; cursor.par(boost::next(cursor.par())); cursor.pos(0); } else cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); } ParagraphList::iterator tmppit = cursor.par(); // If this is not the very first word, skip rest of // current word because we are probably in the middle // of a word if there is text here. if (cursor.pos() || cursor.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { while (cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && cursor.par()->isLetter(cursor.pos())) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); } // Now, skip until we have real text (will jump paragraphs) while (true) { ParagraphList::iterator cpit = cursor.par(); pos_type const cpos(cursor.pos()); if (cpos == cpit->size()) { if (boost::next(cpit) != ownerParagraphs().end()) { cursor.par(boost::next(cpit)); cursor.pos(0); continue; } break; } bool const is_good_inset = cpit->isInset(cpos) && cpit->getInset(cpos)->allowSpellcheck(); if (!isDeletedText(*cpit, cpos) && (is_good_inset || cpit->isLetter(cpos))) break; cursor.pos(cpos + 1); } // now check if we hit an inset so it has to be a inset containing text! if (cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && cursor.par()->isInset(cursor.pos())) { // lock the inset! FuncRequest cmd(bv(), LFUN_INSET_EDIT, "left"); cursor.par()->getInset(cursor.pos())->localDispatch(cmd); // now call us again to do the above trick // but obviously we have to start from down below ;) return bv()->text->selectNextWordToSpellcheck(value); } // Update the value if we changed paragraphs if (cursor.par() != tmppit) { setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()); value = float(cursor.y())/float(height); } // Start the selection from here selection.cursor = cursor; string lang_code = getFont(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()).language()->code(); // and find the end of the word (insets like optional hyphens // and ligature break are part of a word) while (cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && cursor.par()->isLetter(cursor.pos()) && !isDeletedText(*cursor.par(), cursor.pos())) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); // Finally, we copy the word to a string and return it string str; if (selection.cursor.pos() < cursor.pos()) { pos_type i; for (i = selection.cursor.pos(); i < cursor.pos(); ++i) { if (!cursor.par()->isInset(i)) str += cursor.par()->getChar(i); } } return WordLangTuple(str, lang_code); } // This one is also only for the spellchecker void LyXText::selectSelectedWord() { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->selectSelectedWord(bv()); return; } // move cursor to the beginning setCursor(selection.cursor.par(), selection.cursor.pos()); // set the sel cursor selection.cursor = cursor; // now find the end of the word while (cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && (cursor.par()->isLetter(cursor.pos()))) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()); // finally set the selection setSelection(); } // Delete from cursor up to the end of the current or next word. void LyXText::deleteWordForward() { if (cursor.par()->empty()) cursorRight(bv()); else { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; selection.set(true); // to avoid deletion cursorRightOneWord(); setCursor(tmpcursor, tmpcursor.par(), tmpcursor.pos()); selection.cursor = cursor; cursor = tmpcursor; setSelection(); // Great, CutSelection() gets rid of multiple spaces. cutSelection(true, false); } } // Delete from cursor to start of current or prior word. void LyXText::deleteWordBackward() { if (cursor.par()->empty()) cursorLeft(bv()); else { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; selection.set(true); // to avoid deletion cursorLeftOneWord(); setCursor(tmpcursor, tmpcursor.par(), tmpcursor.pos()); selection.cursor = cursor; cursor = tmpcursor; setSelection(); cutSelection(true, false); } } // Kill to end of line. void LyXText::deleteLineForward() { if (cursor.par()->empty()) // Paragraph is empty, so we just go to the right cursorRight(bv()); else { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; // We can't store the row over a regular setCursor // so we set it to 0 and reset it afterwards. selection.set(true); // to avoid deletion cursorEnd(); setCursor(tmpcursor, tmpcursor.par(), tmpcursor.pos()); selection.cursor = cursor; cursor = tmpcursor; setSelection(); // What is this test for ??? (JMarc) if (!selection.set()) { deleteWordForward(); } else { cutSelection(true, false); } } } void LyXText::changeCase(LyXText::TextCase action) { LyXCursor from; LyXCursor to; if (selection.set()) { from = selection.start; to = selection.end; } else { from = cursor; ::getWord(from, to, lyx::PARTIAL_WORD, ownerParagraphs()); setCursor(to.par(), to.pos() + 1); } recordUndo(bv(), Undo::ATOMIC, from.par(), to.par()); pos_type pos = from.pos(); ParagraphList::iterator pit = from.par(); while (pit != ownerParagraphs().end() && (pos != to.pos() || pit != to.par())) { if (pos == pit->size()) { ++pit; pos = 0; continue; } unsigned char c = pit->getChar(pos); if (!IsInsetChar(c)) { switch (action) { case text_lowercase: c = lowercase(c); break; case text_capitalization: c = uppercase(c); action = text_lowercase; break; case text_uppercase: c = uppercase(c); break; } } #warning changes pit->setChar(pos, c); checkParagraph(pit, pos); ++pos; } if (getRow(to) != getRow(from)) postPaint(); } void LyXText::Delete() { // this is a very easy implementation LyXCursor old_cursor = cursor; int const old_cur_par_id = old_cursor.par()->id(); int const old_cur_par_prev_id = (old_cursor.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin() ? boost::prior(old_cursor.par())->id() : -1); // just move to the right cursorRight(bv()); // CHECK Look at the comment here. // This check is not very good... // The cursorRightIntern calls DeleteEmptyParagrapgMechanism // and that can very well delete the par or par->previous in // old_cursor. Will a solution where we compare paragraph id's //work better? if ((cursor.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin() ? boost::prior(cursor.par())->id() : -1) == old_cur_par_prev_id && cursor.par()->id() != old_cur_par_id) { // delete-empty-paragraph-mechanism has done it return; } // if you had success make a backspace if (old_cursor.par() != cursor.par() || old_cursor.pos() != cursor.pos()) { LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; // to make sure undo gets the right cursor position cursor = old_cursor; recordUndo(bv(), Undo::DELETE, cursor.par()); cursor = tmpcursor; backspace(); } } void LyXText::backspace() { // Get the font that is used to calculate the baselineskip pos_type lastpos = cursor.par()->size(); LyXFont rawparfont = cursor.par()->getFontSettings(bv()->buffer()->params, lastpos - 1); if (cursor.pos() == 0) { // The cursor is at the beginning of a paragraph, // so the the backspace will collapse two paragraphs into one. // but it's not allowed unless it's new if (cursor.par()->isChangeEdited(0, cursor.par()->size())) return; // we may paste some paragraphs // is it an empty paragraph? if ((lastpos == 0 || (lastpos == 1 && cursor.par()->isSeparator(0)))) { // This is an empty paragraph and we delete it just by moving the cursor one step // left and let the DeleteEmptyParagraphMechanism handle the actual deletion // of the paragraph. if (cursor.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { ParagraphList::iterator tmppit = boost::prior(cursor.par()); if (cursor.par()->layout() == tmppit->layout() && cursor.par()->getAlign() == tmppit->getAlign()) { // Inherit bottom DTD from the paragraph below. // (the one we are deleting) tmppit->params().lineBottom(cursor.par()->params().lineBottom()); tmppit->params().spaceBottom(cursor.par()->params().spaceBottom()); tmppit->params().pagebreakBottom(cursor.par()->params().pagebreakBottom()); } cursorLeft(bv()); // the layout things can change the height of a row ! int const tmpheight = cursorRow()->height(); setHeightOfRow(cursorRow()); if (cursorRow()->height() != tmpheight) postPaint(); return; } } if (cursor.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { recordUndo(bv(), Undo::DELETE, boost::prior(cursor.par()), cursor.par()); } ParagraphList::iterator tmppit = cursor.par(); RowList::iterator tmprow = cursorRow(); // We used to do cursorLeftIntern() here, but it is // not a good idea since it triggers the auto-delete // mechanism. So we do a cursorLeftIntern()-lite, // without the dreaded mechanism. (JMarc) if (cursor.par() != ownerParagraphs().begin()) { // steps into the above paragraph. setCursorIntern(boost::prior(cursor.par()), boost::prior(cursor.par())->size(), false); } // Pasting is not allowed, if the paragraphs have different // layout. I think it is a real bug of all other // word processors to allow it. It confuses the user. // Even so with a footnote paragraph and a non-footnote // paragraph. I will not allow pasting in this case, // because the user would be confused if the footnote behaves // different wether it is open or closed. // Correction: Pasting is always allowed with standard-layout LyXTextClass const & tclass = bv()->buffer()->params.getLyXTextClass(); if (cursor.par() != tmppit && (cursor.par()->layout() == tmppit->layout() || tmppit->layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()) && cursor.par()->getAlign() == tmppit->getAlign()) { removeParagraph(tmprow); removeRow(tmprow); mergeParagraph(bv()->buffer()->params, bv()->buffer()->paragraphs, cursor.par()); if (!cursor.pos() || !cursor.par()->isSeparator(cursor.pos() - 1)) ; //cursor.par()->insertChar(cursor.pos(), ' '); // strangely enough it seems that commenting out the line above removes // most or all of the segfaults. I will however also try to move the // two Remove... lines in front of the PasteParagraph too. else if (cursor.pos()) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); postPaint(); // remove the lost paragraph // This one is not safe, since the paragraph that the tmprow and the // following rows belong to has been deleted by the PasteParagraph // above. The question is... could this be moved in front of the // PasteParagraph? //RemoveParagraph(tmprow); //RemoveRow(tmprow); // This rebuilds the rows. appendParagraph(cursorRow()); updateCounters(); // the row may have changed, block, hfills etc. setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), false); } } else { // this is the code for a normal backspace, not pasting // any paragraphs recordUndo(bv(), Undo::DELETE, cursor.par()); // We used to do cursorLeftIntern() here, but it is // not a good idea since it triggers the auto-delete // mechanism. So we do a cursorLeftIntern()-lite, // without the dreaded mechanism. (JMarc) setCursorIntern(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()- 1, false, cursor.boundary()); if (cursor.par()->isInset(cursor.pos())) { // force complete redo when erasing display insets // this is a cruel method but safe..... Matthias if (cursor.par()->getInset(cursor.pos())->display() || cursor.par()->getInset(cursor.pos())->needFullRow()) { cursor.par()->erase(cursor.pos()); redoParagraph(); return; } } RowList::iterator row = cursorRow(); int y = cursor.y() - row->baseline(); pos_type z; // remember that a space at the end of a row doesnt count // when calculating the fill if (cursor.pos() < lastPos(*this, row) || !cursor.par()->isLineSeparator(cursor.pos())) { row->fill(row->fill() + singleWidth( cursor.par(), cursor.pos())); } // some special code when deleting a newline. This is similar // to the behavior when pasting paragraphs if (cursor.pos() && cursor.par()->isNewline(cursor.pos())) { cursor.par()->erase(cursor.pos()); // refresh the positions RowList::iterator tmprow = row; while (boost::next(tmprow) != rows().end() && boost::next(tmprow)->par() == row->par()) { ++tmprow; tmprow->pos(tmprow->pos() - 1); } if (cursor.par()->isLineSeparator(cursor.pos() - 1)) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); if (cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && !cursor.par()->isSeparator(cursor.pos())) { cursor.par()->insertChar(cursor.pos(), ' '); setCharFont(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), current_font); // refresh the positions tmprow = row; while (boost::next(tmprow) != rows().end() && boost::next(tmprow)->par() == row->par()) { ++tmprow; tmprow->pos(tmprow->pos() + 1); } } } else { cursor.par()->erase(cursor.pos()); // refresh the positions RowList::iterator tmprow = row; while (boost::next(tmprow) != rows().end() && boost::next(tmprow)->par() == row->par()) { ++tmprow; tmprow->pos(tmprow->pos() - 1); } // delete newlines at the beginning of paragraphs while (!cursor.par()->empty() && cursor.pos() < cursor.par()->size() && cursor.par()->isNewline(cursor.pos()) && cursor.pos() == cursor.par()->beginningOfBody()) { cursor.par()->erase(cursor.pos()); // refresh the positions tmprow = row; while (boost::next(tmprow) != rows().end() && boost::next(tmprow)->par() == row->par()) { ++tmprow; tmprow->pos(tmprow->pos() - 1); } } } // is there a break one row above if (row != rows().begin() && boost::prior(row)->par() == row->par()) { z = rowBreakPoint(*boost::prior(row)); if (z >= row->pos()) { row->pos(z + 1); RowList::iterator tmprow = boost::prior(row); // maybe the current row is now empty if (row->pos() >= row->par()->size()) { // remove it removeRow(row); } else { breakAgainOneRow(row); } // set the dimensions of the row above y -= tmprow->height(); tmprow->fill(fill(tmprow, workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(tmprow); postPaint(); setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), false, cursor.boundary()); //current_font = rawtmpfont; //real_current_font = realtmpfont; // check, whether the last character's font has changed. if (rawparfont != cursor.par()->getFontSettings(bv()->buffer()->params, cursor.par()->size() - 1)) redoHeightOfParagraph(); return; } } // break the cursor row again if (boost::next(row) != rows().end() && boost::next(row)->par() == row->par() && (lastPos(*this, row) == row->par()->size() - 1 || rowBreakPoint(*row) != lastPos(*this, row))) { // it can happen that a paragraph loses one row // without a real breakup. This is when a word // is to long to be broken. Well, I don t care this // hack ;-) if (lastPos(*this, row) == row->par()->size() - 1) removeRow(boost::next(row)); postPaint(); breakAgainOneRow(row); // will the cursor be in another row now? if (boost::next(row) != rows().end() && boost::next(row)->par() == row->par() && lastPos(*this, row) <= cursor.pos()) { ++row; breakAgainOneRow(row); } setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), false, cursor.boundary()); } else { // set the dimensions of the row row->fill(fill(row, workWidth())); setHeightOfRow(row); postPaint(); setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), false, cursor.boundary()); } } // current_font = rawtmpfont; // real_current_font = realtmpfont; if (isBoundary(bv()->buffer(), *cursor.par(), cursor.pos()) != cursor.boundary()) setCursor(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), false, !cursor.boundary()); lastpos = cursor.par()->size(); if (cursor.pos() == lastpos) setCurrentFont(); // check, whether the last characters font has changed. if (rawparfont != cursor.par()->getFontSettings(bv()->buffer()->params, lastpos - 1)) { redoHeightOfParagraph(); } } RowList::iterator LyXText::cursorRow() const { return getRow(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()); } RowList::iterator LyXText::getRow(LyXCursor const & cur) const { return getRow(cur.par(), cur.pos()); } RowList::iterator LyXText::getRow(ParagraphList::iterator pit, pos_type pos) const { if (rows().empty()) return rowlist_.end(); // find the first row of the specified paragraph RowList::iterator rit = rowlist_.begin(); RowList::iterator end = rowlist_.end(); while (boost::next(rit) != end && rit->par() != pit) { ++rit; } // now find the wanted row while (rit->pos() < pos && boost::next(rit) != end && boost::next(rit)->par() == pit && boost::next(rit)->pos() <= pos) { ++rit; } return rit; } // returns pointer to a specified row RowList::iterator LyXText::getRow(ParagraphList::iterator pit, pos_type pos, int & y) const { y = 0; if (rows().empty()) return rowlist_.end(); // find the first row of the specified paragraph RowList::iterator rit = rowlist_.begin(); RowList::iterator end = rowlist_.end(); while (boost::next(rit) != end && rit->par() != pit) { y += rit->height(); ++rit; } // now find the wanted row while (rit->pos() < pos && boost::next(rit) != end && boost::next(rit)->par() == pit && boost::next(rit)->pos() <= pos) { y += rit->height(); ++rit; } return rit; } // returns pointer to some fancy row 'below' specified row RowList::iterator LyXText::cursorIRow() const { int y = 0; return getRow(cursor.par(), cursor.pos(), y); } RowList::iterator LyXText::getRowNearY(int & y) const { RowList::iterator rit = anchor_row_; RowList::iterator const beg = rows().begin(); RowList::iterator const end = rows().end(); if (rows().empty()) { y = 0; return end; } if (rit == end) rit = beg; int tmpy = rit->y(); if (tmpy <= y) { while (rit != end && tmpy <= y) { tmpy += rit->height(); ++rit; } if (rit != beg) { --rit; tmpy -= rit->height(); } } else { while (rit != beg && tmpy > y) { --rit; tmpy -= rit->height(); } } if (tmpy < 0 || rit == end) { tmpy = 0; rit = beg; } // return the rel y y = tmpy; return rit; } int LyXText::getDepth() const { return cursor.par()->getDepth(); }