/** The .tex to .lyx converter \author André Pönitz (2003) */ // {[( #include #include "tex2lyx.h" #include "layout.h" #include "lyxtextclass.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::getline; using std::istream; using std::istringstream; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::string; using std::vector; using lyx::support::LibFileSearch; // special columntypes extern std::map special_columns; namespace { const char * known_languages[] = { "austrian", "babel", "bahasa", "basque", "breton", "british", "bulgarian", "catalan", "croatian", "czech", "danish", "dutch", "english", "esperanto", "estonian", "finnish", "francais", "frenchb", "galician", "german", "germanb", "greek", "hebcal", "hebfont", "hebrew", "hebrew_newcode", "hebrew_oldcode", "hebrew_p", "hyphen", "icelandic", "irish", "italian", "latin", "lgrcmr", "lgrcmro", "lgrcmss", "lgrcmtt", "lgrenc", "lgrlcmss", "lgrlcmtt", "lheclas", "lhecmr", "lhecmss", "lhecmtt", "lhecrml", "lheenc", "lhefr", "lheredis", "lheshold", "lheshscr", "lheshstk", "lsorbian", "magyar", "naustrian", "ngermanb", "ngerman", "norsk", "polish", "portuges", "rlbabel", "romanian", "russianb", "samin", "scottish", "serbian", "slovak", "slovene", "spanish", "swedish", "turkish", "ukraineb", "usorbian", "welsh", 0}; char const * known_fontsizes[] = { "10pt", "11pt", "12pt", 0 }; // some ugly stuff ostringstream h_preamble; string h_textclass = "article"; string h_options = string(); string h_language = "english"; string h_inputencoding = "latin1"; string h_fontscheme = "default"; string h_graphics = "default"; string h_paperfontsize = "default"; string h_spacing = "single"; string h_papersize = "default"; string h_paperpackage = "default"; string h_use_geometry = "0"; string h_use_amsmath = "0"; string h_use_natbib = "0"; string h_use_numerical_citations = "0"; string h_paperorientation = "portrait"; string h_secnumdepth = "3"; string h_tocdepth = "3"; string h_paragraph_separation = "indent"; string h_defskip = "medskip"; string h_quotes_language = "english"; string h_quotes_times = "2"; string h_papercolumns = "1"; string h_papersides = "1"; string h_paperpagestyle = "default"; string h_tracking_changes = "0"; void handle_opt(vector & opts, char const ** what, string & target) { if (opts.empty()) return; for ( ; *what; ++what) { vector::iterator it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), *what); if (it != opts.end()) { //cerr << "### found option '" << *what << "'\n"; target = *what; opts.erase(it); return; } } } void handle_package(string const & name, string const & options) { //cerr << "handle_package: '" << name << "'\n"; if (name == "a4wide") { h_papersize = "a4paper"; h_paperpackage = "widemarginsa4"; } else if (name == "ae") h_fontscheme = "ae"; else if (name == "aecompl") h_fontscheme = "ae"; else if (name == "amsmath") h_use_amsmath = "1"; else if (name == "amssymb") h_use_amsmath = "1"; else if (name == "babel") ; // ignore this else if (name == "fontenc") ; // ignore this else if (name == "inputenc") h_inputencoding = options; else if (name == "makeidx") ; // ignore this else if (name == "verbatim") ; // ignore this else if (is_known(name, known_languages)) { h_language = name; h_quotes_language = name; } else { if (options.size()) h_preamble << "\\usepackage[" << options << "]{" << name << "}\n"; else h_preamble << "\\usepackage{" << name << "}\n"; } } void end_preamble(ostream & os, LyXTextClass const & /*textclass*/) { os << "# tex2lyx 0.1.0 created this file\n" << "\\lyxformat 225\n" << "\\textclass " << h_textclass << "\n" << "\\begin_preamble\n" << h_preamble.str() << "\n\\end_preamble\n"; if (h_options.size()) os << "\\options " << h_options << "\n"; os << "\\language " << h_language << "\n" << "\\inputencoding " << h_inputencoding << "\n" << "\\fontscheme " << h_fontscheme << "\n" << "\\graphics " << h_graphics << "\n" << "\\paperfontsize " << h_paperfontsize << "\n" << "\\spacing " << h_spacing << "\n" << "\\papersize " << h_papersize << "\n" << "\\paperpackage " << h_paperpackage << "\n" << "\\use_geometry " << h_use_geometry << "\n" << "\\use_amsmath " << h_use_amsmath << "\n" << "\\use_natbib " << h_use_natbib << "\n" << "\\use_numerical_citations " << h_use_numerical_citations << "\n" << "\\paperorientation " << h_paperorientation << "\n" << "\\secnumdepth " << h_secnumdepth << "\n" << "\\tocdepth " << h_tocdepth << "\n" << "\\paragraph_separation " << h_paragraph_separation << "\n" << "\\defskip " << h_defskip << "\n" << "\\quotes_language " << h_quotes_language << "\n" << "\\quotes_times " << h_quotes_times << "\n" << "\\papercolumns " << h_papercolumns << "\n" << "\\papersides " << h_papersides << "\n" << "\\paperpagestyle " << h_paperpagestyle << "\n" << "\\tracking_changes " << h_tracking_changes << "\n" << "\\end_header"; } } // anonymous namespace LyXTextClass const parse_preamble(Parser & p, ostream & os) { // initialize fixed types special_columns['D'] = 3; while (p.good()) { Token const & t = p.get_token(); #ifdef FILEDEBUG cerr << "t: " << t << " flags: " << flags << "\n"; //cell->dump(); #endif // // cat codes // if (t.cat() == catLetter || t.cat() == catSpace || t.cat() == catSuper || t.cat() == catSub || t.cat() == catOther || t.cat() == catMath || t.cat() == catActive || t.cat() == catBegin || t.cat() == catEnd || t.cat() == catAlign || t.cat() == catNewline || t.cat() == catParameter) h_preamble << t.character(); else if (t.cat() == catComment) handle_comment(p); else if (t.cs() == "pagestyle") h_paperpagestyle == p.verbatim_item(); else if (t.cs() == "makeatletter") { p.setCatCode('@', catLetter); h_preamble << "\\makeatletter\n"; } else if (t.cs() == "makeatother") { p.setCatCode('@', catOther); h_preamble << "\\makeatother\n"; } else if (t.cs() == "newcommand" || t.cs() == "renewcommand" || t.cs() == "providecommand") { bool star = false; if (p.next_token().character() == '*') { p.get_token(); star = true; } string const name = p.verbatim_item(); string const opts = p.getOpt(); string const body = p.verbatim_item(); // only non-lyxspecific stuff if (name != "\\noun " && name != "\\tabularnewline " && name != "\\LyX " && name != "\\lyxline " && name != "\\lyxaddress " && name != "\\lyxrightaddress " && name != "\\boldsymbol " && name != "\\lyxarrow ") { ostringstream ss; ss << '\\' << t.cs(); if (star) ss << '*'; ss << '{' << name << '}' << opts << '{' << body << "}\n"; h_preamble << ss.str(); /* ostream & out = in_preamble ? h_preamble : os; out << "\\" << t.cs() << "{" << name << "}" << opts << "{" << body << "}\n"; */ } } else if (t.cs() == "documentclass") { vector opts; split(p.getArg('[', ']'), opts, ','); handle_opt(opts, known_languages, h_language); handle_opt(opts, known_fontsizes, h_paperfontsize); h_quotes_language = h_language; h_options = join(opts, ","); h_textclass = p.getArg('{', '}'); } else if (t.cs() == "usepackage") { string const options = p.getArg('[', ']'); string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); if (options.empty() && name.find(',')) { vector vecnames; split(name, vecnames, ','); vector::const_iterator it = vecnames.begin(); vector::const_iterator end = vecnames.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) handle_package(trim(*it), string()); } else { handle_package(name, options); } } else if (t.cs() == "newenvironment") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); ostringstream ss; ss << "\\newenvironment{" << name << "}"; ss << p.getOpt(); ss << p.getOpt(); ss << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << '}'; ss << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << '}'; ss << '\n'; if (name != "lyxcode" && name != "lyxlist" && name != "lyxrightadress" && name != "lyxaddress") h_preamble << ss.str(); } else if (t.cs() == "def") { string name = p.get_token().cs(); while (p.next_token().cat() != catBegin) name += p.get_token().asString(); h_preamble << "\\def\\" << name << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << "}\n"; } else if (t.cs() == "newcolumntype") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); trim(name); int nargs = 0; string opts = p.getOpt(); if (opts.size()) { istringstream is(string(opts, 1)); //cerr << "opt: " << is.str() << "\n"; is >> nargs; } special_columns[name[0]] = nargs; h_preamble << "\\newcolumntype{" << name << "}"; if (nargs) h_preamble << "[" << nargs << "]"; h_preamble << "{" << p.verbatim_item() << "}\n"; } else if (t.cs() == "setcounter") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); string const content = p.getArg('{', '}'); if (name == "secnumdepth") h_secnumdepth = content; else if (name == "tocdepth") h_tocdepth = content; else h_preamble << "\\setcounter{" << name << "}{" << content << "}\n"; } else if (t.cs() == "setlength") { string const name = p.verbatim_item(); string const content = p.verbatim_item(); if (name == "parskip") h_paragraph_separation = "skip"; else if (name == "parindent") h_paragraph_separation = "skip"; else h_preamble << "\\setlength{" << name << "}{" << content << "}\n"; } else if (t.cs() == "par") h_preamble << '\n'; else if (t.cs() == "begin") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); if (name == "document") break; h_preamble << "\\begin{" << name << "}"; } else if (t.cs().size()) h_preamble << '\\' << t.cs() << ' '; } LyXTextClass textclass; textclass.Read(LibFileSearch("layouts", h_textclass, "layout")); end_preamble(os, textclass); return textclass; } // }])