This file lists features that are supported by LyX but not yet converted (or not converted completely) by tex2lyx. Currently, (all?) features up to the current file format are listed. The table is organized in three columns: Format: First file format that supports the feature. In some cases the feature may habe been revised in later file formats. LaTeX feature: LaTeX package, command or environment LyX feature: LyX inset or document setting Format LaTeX feature LyX feature 224 external insets defined in InsetExternal lib/external_templates. (Date and RasterImage cannot be supported (Chess diagram, PDF pages and Spreadsheet are supported) (Xfig figure, Lilypond, Dia diagram can be supported by looking at the file extension) 226 nothing (impossible to import) InsetBranch, \branch...\end_branch 226 transformations InsetExternal 228 draft InsetExternal 232 bibtopic InsetBibTeX 254 esint.sty \use_esint 267 XeTeX utf8 encoding 269 listings.sty (inline, with args) InsetListings 270 \alert, \structure (beamer) layout 281 ? modules 293 ? InsetInfo 309 \nocite InsetCitation 310 \nocite{*} InsetBibtex 322 ? local layout 326 PDFLaTeX for external insets InsetExternal 329 master documents \master 332 ? InsetGraphics groupId 343 ? \use_default_options 353 \printsubindex InsetIndex 354 \printindex*, \printsubindex* InsetIndex 358 custom bibtex command \bibtex_command 358 custom makeindex command \index_command 363 horizontal longtable alignment InsetTabular 364 branch file name suffix \filename_suffix 366 relative lengths for parskip \defskip 367 relative lengths for h and v space InsetSpace, InsetVSpace 368 glue lengths InsetSpace 371 automatic mhchem loading \use_mhchem 375 \includeonly \{begin,end}_includeonly 376 update .aux of unincluded children \maintain_unincluded_children 377 multirow.sty InsetTabular 378 revision info InsetInfo 380 ? InsetPreview 381 \xymatrix@!{0,R,C} InsetMathXYMatrix 386 LyX version InsetInfo 390 forward/reverse search \forward_search, \forward_macro 391 decimal alignment in tables InsetTabular 392 new beamer format InsetLayout 396 nameref.sty InsetRef 399 automatic mathdots loading \use_mathdots 401 feyn.sty InsetMathDiagram 402 \addcontentsline InsetBibtex bibtotoc option 404 refstyle.sty InsetRef 407 vertical offset for multirows InsetTabular 411 support for polyglossia \language_package (the cases of no package, of babel and of custom package is supported) 415 undertilde.sty fonts 427 tipa.sty \begin{IPA}, \textipa InsetTIPA 434 libertine-type1, libertine.sty, \font_osf, \font_roman libertine-legacy.sty 435 txtt LaTeX font \font_typewriter 436 mathdesign.sty \font_roman 437 TeX Gyre LaTeX fonts \font_* 438 \tone{51}, \tone{15}, \tone{45}, InsetTIPA \tone{12}, \tone{454}, \toptiebar, \bottomtiebar 439 MinionPro.sty \font_roman, \font_osf 440 MinionPro.sty, eulervm.sty \font_math 442 newtxmath.sty, \font_math 443 unicode-math.sty InsetMath* 444 biolinum-type1.sty, libertine.sty, \font_osf, \font_sans libertine-legacy.sty 445 URW Classico LaTeX font \font_sans uop \renewcommand{\sffamily}{uop} 446 Optional and required arguments InsetArgument now numbered by order 447 448 449 \item[] \begin_inset Argument item: 450 garamondx.sty, ugm LaTeX font, \font_roman, \font_osf, [garamondx]{newtxmath} \font_math 451 beamer overlay arguments InsetArgument \command, \begin{env} 452 beamer block arguments InsetArgument \begin{block}{title} 453 automatic stmaryrd loading \use_package stmaryrd 454 beamer overprint environment InsetArgument, layout Overprint \begin{overprint}[maxlength] \onslide text ... \end{overprint} 455 beamer frametitle command \begin_layout FrameTitle \frametitle[short}{long} 456 memoir: \epigraph{text}{source} layout Epigraph, InsetArgument 457 automatic stackrel loading \use_package stackrel 458 Extended InsetCaption syntax InsetCaption 459 beamer: \begin{frame}, \begin_layout Frame \begin{frame}[plain], \begin_layout PlainFrame \begin{frame}[fragile] \begin_layout FragileFrame General * Use the language information provided by Language.cpp and the languages file (for babel/lyx/polyglossia name, quote style etc.) instead of hardcoding this information in Preamble.cpp.