/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 2000-2002 The LyX Team. * * @author: Jürgen Vigna * * ====================================================== */ #include // temporary until verified (08/08/2001 Jug) #define SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING 1 #include "tabular.h" #include "debug.h" #include "vspace.h" #include "layout.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "insets/insettabular.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxmanip.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "frontends/Alert.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "tabular_funcs.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include #include using std::abs; using std::ostream; using std::istream; using std::getline; using std::max; using std::endl; using std::vector; #ifndef CXX_GLOBAL_CSTD using std::strlen; #endif namespace { int const WIDTH_OF_LINE = 5; } // namespace /// Define a few methods for the inner structs LyXTabular::cellstruct::cellstruct(BufferParams const & bg) : inset(bg) { cellno = 0; width_of_cell = 0; multicolumn = LyXTabular::CELL_NORMAL; alignment = LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; valignment = LYX_VALIGN_TOP; top_line = true; bottom_line = false; left_line = true; right_line = false; usebox = BOX_NONE; rotate = false; } LyXTabular::rowstruct::rowstruct() { top_line = true; bottom_line = false; ascent_of_row = 0; descent_of_row = 0; endhead = false; endfirsthead = false; endfoot = false; endlastfoot = false; newpage = false; } LyXTabular::columnstruct::columnstruct() { left_line = true; right_line = false; alignment = LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; valignment = LYX_VALIGN_TOP; width_of_column = 0; } LyXTabular::ltType::ltType() { topDL = false; bottomDL = false; empty = false; } /* konstruktor */ LyXTabular::LyXTabular(BufferParams const & bp, InsetTabular * inset, int rows_arg, int columns_arg) { owner_ = inset; cur_cell = -1; Init(bp, rows_arg, columns_arg); } LyXTabular::LyXTabular(BufferParams const & bp, InsetTabular * inset, LyXTabular const & lt, bool same_id) { owner_ = inset; cur_cell = -1; Init(bp, lt.rows_, lt.columns_, <); // we really should change again to have InsetText as a pointer // and allocate it then we would not have to do this stuff all // double! if (same_id) { for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { cell_info[i][j].inset.id(lt.cell_info[i][j].inset.id()); cell_info[i][j].inset.setParagraphData(lt.cell_info[i][j].inset.paragraph(),true); } } } #if 0 #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning Jürgen, can you make it the other way round. So that copy assignment depends on the copy constructor and not the other way. (Lgb) #endif operator=(lt); #endif } LyXTabular::LyXTabular(Buffer const * buf, InsetTabular * inset, LyXLex & lex) { owner_ = inset; cur_cell = -1; Read(buf, lex); } LyXTabular & LyXTabular::operator=(LyXTabular const & lt) { #if 0 #warning This whole method should look like this: (Lgb) LyXTabular tmp(lt); tmp.swap(*this); #else // If this and lt is not of the same size we have a serious bug // So then it is ok to throw an exception, or for now // call abort() lyx::Assert(rows_ == lt.rows_ && columns_ == lt.columns_); cur_cell = -1; cell_info = lt.cell_info; row_info = lt.row_info; column_info = lt.column_info; SetLongTabular(lt.is_long_tabular); rotate = lt.rotate; Reinit(); #endif return *this; } LyXTabular * LyXTabular::clone(BufferParams const & bp, InsetTabular * inset, bool same_id) { LyXTabular * result = new LyXTabular(bp, inset, *this, same_id); #if 0 // don't know if this is good but I need to Clone also // the text-insets here, this is for the Undo-facility! for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { result->cell_info[i][j].inset = cell_info[i][j].inset; result->cell_info[i][j].inset.setOwner(inset); } } #endif return result; } /* activates all lines and sets all widths to 0 */ void LyXTabular::Init(BufferParams const & bp, int rows_arg, int columns_arg, LyXTabular const * lt) { rows_ = rows_arg; columns_ = columns_arg; row_info = row_vector(rows_, rowstruct()); column_info = column_vector(columns_, columnstruct()); cell_info = cell_vvector(rows_, cell_vector(columns_, cellstruct(bp))); if (lt) { operator=(*lt); return; } int cellno = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { cell_info[i][j].inset.setOwner(owner_); cell_info[i][j].inset.setDrawFrame(0, InsetText::LOCKED); cell_info[i][j].cellno = cellno++; } cell_info[i].back().right_line = true; } row_info.back().bottom_line = true; row_info.front().bottom_line = true; for (int i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { calculate_width_of_column(i); } column_info.back().right_line = true; calculate_width_of_tabular(); rowofcell = vector(); columnofcell = vector(); set_row_column_number_info(); is_long_tabular = false; rotate = false; } void LyXTabular::AppendRow(BufferParams const & bp, int cell) { ++rows_; int row = row_of_cell(cell); row_vector::iterator rit = row_info.begin() + row; row_info.insert(rit, rowstruct()); // now set the values of the row before row_info[row] = row_info[row + 1]; #if 0 cell_vvector::iterator cit = cell_info.begin() + row; cell_info.insert(cit, vector(columns_, cellstruct(bp))); #else cell_vvector c_info = cell_vvector(rows_, cell_vector(columns_, cellstruct(bp))); for (int i = 0; i <= row; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { c_info[i][j] = cell_info[i][j]; } } for (int i = row + 1; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { c_info[i][j] = cell_info[i-1][j]; } } cell_info = c_info; ++row; for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { cell_info[row][j].inset.clear(false); if (bp.tracking_changes) cell_info[row][j].inset.markNew(true); } #endif Reinit(); } void LyXTabular::DeleteRow(int row) { if (rows_ == 1) return; // Not allowed to delete last row row_info.erase(row_info.begin() + row); //&row_info[row]); cell_info.erase(cell_info.begin() + row); //&cell_info[row]); --rows_; Reinit(); } void LyXTabular::AppendColumn(BufferParams const & bp, int cell) { ++columns_; cell_vvector c_info = cell_vvector(rows_, cell_vector(columns_, cellstruct(bp))); int const column = column_of_cell(cell); column_vector::iterator cit = column_info.begin() + column + 1; column_info.insert(cit, columnstruct()); // set the column values of the column before column_info[column + 1] = column_info[column]; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= column; ++j) { c_info[i][j] = cell_info[i][j]; } for (int j = column + 1; j < columns_; ++j) { c_info[i][j] = cell_info[i][j - 1]; } // care about multicolumns if (c_info[i][column + 1].multicolumn==CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN) { c_info[i][column + 1].multicolumn = CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN; } if ((column + 2) >= columns_ || c_info[i][column + 2].multicolumn != CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN) { c_info[i][column + 1].multicolumn = LyXTabular::CELL_NORMAL; } } cell_info = c_info; //++column; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { cell_info[i][column + 1].inset.clear(false); if (bp.tracking_changes) cell_info[i][column + 1].inset.markNew(true); } Reinit(); } void LyXTabular::DeleteColumn(int column) { // Similar to DeleteRow //if (!(columns_ - 1)) //return; if (columns_ == 1) return; // Not allowed to delete last column column_info.erase(column_info.begin() + column); for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { cell_info[i].erase(cell_info[i].begin() + column); } --columns_; Reinit(); } void LyXTabular::reinit() { Reinit(false); } void LyXTabular::Reinit(bool reset_widths) { if (reset_widths) { for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { cell_info[i][j].width_of_cell = 0; cell_info[i][j].inset.setOwner(owner_); } } } for (int i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { calculate_width_of_column(i); } calculate_width_of_tabular(); set_row_column_number_info(); } void LyXTabular::set_row_column_number_info(bool oldformat) { numberofcells = -1; for (int row = 0; row < rows_; ++row) { for (int column = 0; columntop_line; return row_info[row].top_line; } bool LyXTabular::BottomLine(int cell, bool onlycolumn) const { // no bottom line underneath non-existent cells if you please // Isn't that a programming error? Is so this should // be an Assert instead. (Lgb) if (cell >= numberofcells) return false; if (!onlycolumn && IsMultiColumn(cell)) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->bottom_line; return row_info[row_of_cell(cell)].bottom_line; } bool LyXTabular::LeftLine(int cell, bool onlycolumn) const { if (!onlycolumn && IsMultiColumn(cell) && (IsFirstCellInRow(cell) || IsMultiColumn(cell-1))) { #ifdef SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING if (cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special.empty()) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->left_line; return prefixIs(ltrim(cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special), "|"); #else return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->left_line; #endif } #ifdef SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING if (column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].align_special.empty()) return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].left_line; return prefixIs(ltrim(column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].align_special), "|"); #else return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].left_line; #endif } bool LyXTabular::RightLine(int cell, bool onlycolumn) const { if (!onlycolumn && IsMultiColumn(cell) && (IsLastCellInRow(cell) || IsMultiColumn(cell+1))) { #ifdef SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING if (cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special.empty()) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->right_line; return suffixIs(rtrim(cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special), "|"); #else return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->right_line; #endif } #ifdef SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING if (column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].align_special.empty()) return column_info[right_column_of_cell(cell)].right_line; return suffixIs(rtrim(column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].align_special), "|"); #else return column_info[right_column_of_cell(cell)].right_line; #endif } bool LyXTabular::topAlreadyDrawn(int cell) const { int row = row_of_cell(cell); if ((row > 0) && !GetAdditionalHeight(row)) { int column = column_of_cell(cell); --row; while (column && cell_info[row][column].multicolumn == LyXTabular::CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN) --column; if (cell_info[row][column].multicolumn == LyXTabular::CELL_NORMAL) return row_info[row].bottom_line; else return cell_info[row][column].bottom_line; } return false; } bool LyXTabular::leftAlreadyDrawn(int cell) const { int column = column_of_cell(cell); if (column > 0) { int row = row_of_cell(cell); while (--column && (cell_info[row][column].multicolumn == LyXTabular::CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN)); if (GetAdditionalWidth(cell_info[row][column].cellno)) return false; #ifdef SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING return RightLine(cell_info[row][column].cellno); #else return RightLine(cell_info[row][column].cellno, true); #endif } return false; } bool LyXTabular::IsLastRow(int cell) const { return (row_of_cell(cell) == rows_ - 1); } int LyXTabular::GetAdditionalHeight(int row) const { if (!row || row >= rows_) return 0; bool top = true; bool bottom = true; for (int column = 0; column < columns_ && bottom; ++column) { switch (cell_info[row - 1][column].multicolumn) { case LyXTabular::CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN: bottom = cell_info[row - 1][column].bottom_line; break; case LyXTabular::CELL_NORMAL: bottom = row_info[row - 1].bottom_line; } } for (int column = 0; column < columns_ && top; ++column) { switch (cell_info[row][column].multicolumn) { case LyXTabular::CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN: top = cell_info[row][column].top_line; break; case LyXTabular::CELL_NORMAL: top = row_info[row].top_line; } } if (top && bottom) return WIDTH_OF_LINE; return 0; } int LyXTabular::GetAdditionalWidth(int cell) const { // internally already set in SetWidthOfCell // used to get it back in text.C int const col = right_column_of_cell(cell); int const row = row_of_cell(cell); if (col < columns_ - 1 && RightLine(cell) && LeftLine(cell_info[row][col+1].cellno)) // column_info[col+1].left_line) { return WIDTH_OF_LINE; } else { return 0; } } // returns the maximum over all rows int LyXTabular::GetWidthOfColumn(int cell) const { int const column1 = column_of_cell(cell); int const column2 = right_column_of_cell(cell); int result = 0; for (int i = column1; i <= column2; ++i) { result += column_info[i].width_of_column; } return result; } int LyXTabular::GetWidthOfTabular() const { return width_of_tabular; } /* returns 1 if a complete update is necessary, otherwise 0 */ bool LyXTabular::SetWidthOfMulticolCell(int cell, int new_width) { if (!IsMultiColumn(cell)) return false; int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int const column1 = column_of_cell(cell); int const column2 = right_column_of_cell(cell); int const old_val = cell_info[row][column2].width_of_cell; // first set columns to 0 so we can calculate the right width for (int i = column1; i <= column2; ++i) { cell_info[row][i].width_of_cell = 0; } // set the width to MAX_WIDTH until width > 0 int width = (new_width + 2 * WIDTH_OF_LINE); int i = column1; for (; i < column2 && width > column_info[i].width_of_column; ++i) { cell_info[row][i].width_of_cell = column_info[i].width_of_column; width -= column_info[i].width_of_column; } if (width > 0) { cell_info[row][i].width_of_cell = width; } if (old_val != cell_info[row][column2].width_of_cell) { // in this case we have to recalculate all multicolumn cells which // have this column as one of theirs but not as last one calculate_width_of_column_NMC(i); recalculateMulticolumnsOfColumn(i); calculate_width_of_column(i); } return true; } void LyXTabular::recalculateMulticolumnsOfColumn(int column) { // the last column does not have to be recalculated because all // multicolumns will have here there last multicolumn cell which // always will have the whole rest of the width of the cell. if (column > (columns_ - 2)) return; for(int row = 0; row < rows_; ++row) { int mc = cell_info[row][column].multicolumn; int nmc = cell_info[row][column+1].multicolumn; // we only have to update multicolumns which do not have this // column as their last column! if (mc == CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN || ((mc == CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN) && (nmc == CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN))) { int const cellno = cell_info[row][column].cellno; SetWidthOfMulticolCell(cellno, GetWidthOfCell(cellno)-(2 * WIDTH_OF_LINE)); } } } /* returns 1 if a complete update is necessary, otherwise 0 */ bool LyXTabular::SetWidthOfCell(int cell, int new_width) { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int const column1 = column_of_cell(cell); bool tmp = false; int width = 0; int add_width = 0; #ifdef SPECIAL_COLUM_HANDLING if (RightLine(cell_info[row][column1].cellno, true) && (column1 < columns_-1) && LeftLine(cell_info[row][column1+1].cellno, true)) #else if (column_info[column1].right_line && (column1 < columns_-1) && column_info[column1+1].left_line) // additional width #endif { // additional width add_width = WIDTH_OF_LINE; } if (GetWidthOfCell(cell) == (new_width+2*WIDTH_OF_LINE+add_width)) { return false; } if (IsMultiColumn(cell, true)) { tmp = SetWidthOfMulticolCell(cell, new_width); } else { width = (new_width + 2*WIDTH_OF_LINE + add_width); cell_info[row][column1].width_of_cell = width; tmp = calculate_width_of_column_NMC(column1); if (tmp) recalculateMulticolumnsOfColumn(column1); } if (tmp) { for (int i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) calculate_width_of_column(i); calculate_width_of_tabular(); return true; } return false; } bool LyXTabular::SetAlignment(int cell, LyXAlignment align, bool onlycolumn) { if (!IsMultiColumn(cell) || onlycolumn) column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].alignment = align; if (!onlycolumn) cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->alignment = align; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetVAlignment(int cell, VAlignment align, bool onlycolumn) { if (!IsMultiColumn(cell) || onlycolumn) column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].valignment = align; if (!onlycolumn) cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->valignment = align; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetColumnPWidth(int cell, LyXLength const & width) { bool flag = !width.zero(); int const j = column_of_cell(cell); column_info[j].p_width = width; // This should not ne necessary anymore // if (flag) // do this only if there is a width // SetAlignment(cell, LYX_ALIGN_LEFT); for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { int c = GetCellNumber(i, j); flag = !GetPWidth(c).zero(); // because of multicolumns! GetCellInset(c)->setAutoBreakRows(flag); } return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetMColumnPWidth(int cell, LyXLength const & width) { bool const flag = !width.zero(); cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->p_width = width; if (IsMultiColumn(cell)) { GetCellInset(cell)->setAutoBreakRows(flag); return true; } return false; } bool LyXTabular::SetAlignSpecial(int cell, string const & special, LyXTabular::Feature what) { if (what == SET_SPECIAL_MULTI) cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special = special; else column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].align_special = special; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetAllLines(int cell, bool line) { SetTopLine(cell, line); SetBottomLine(cell, line); SetRightLine(cell, line); SetLeftLine(cell, line); return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetTopLine(int cell, bool line, bool onlycolumn) { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); if (onlycolumn || !IsMultiColumn(cell)) row_info[row].top_line = line; else cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->top_line = line; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetBottomLine(int cell, bool line, bool onlycolumn) { if (onlycolumn || !IsMultiColumn(cell)) row_info[row_of_cell(cell)].bottom_line = line; else cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->bottom_line = line; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetLeftLine(int cell, bool line, bool onlycolumn) { if (onlycolumn || !IsMultiColumn(cell)) column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].left_line = line; else cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->left_line = line; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetRightLine(int cell, bool line, bool onlycolumn) { if (onlycolumn || !IsMultiColumn(cell)) column_info[right_column_of_cell(cell)].right_line = line; else cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->right_line = line; return true; } LyXAlignment LyXTabular::GetAlignment(int cell, bool onlycolumn) const { if (!onlycolumn && IsMultiColumn(cell)) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->alignment; else return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].alignment; } LyXTabular::VAlignment LyXTabular::GetVAlignment(int cell, bool onlycolumn) const { if (!onlycolumn && IsMultiColumn(cell)) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->valignment; else return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].valignment; } LyXLength const LyXTabular::GetPWidth(int cell) const { if (IsMultiColumn(cell)) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->p_width; return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].p_width; } LyXLength const LyXTabular::GetColumnPWidth(int cell) const { return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].p_width; } LyXLength const LyXTabular::GetMColumnPWidth(int cell) const { if (IsMultiColumn(cell)) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->p_width; return LyXLength(); } string const LyXTabular::GetAlignSpecial(int cell, int what) const { if (what == SET_SPECIAL_MULTI) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special; return column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].align_special; } int LyXTabular::GetWidthOfCell(int cell) const { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int const column1 = column_of_cell(cell); int const column2 = right_column_of_cell(cell); int result = 0; for (int i = column1; i <= column2; ++i) { result += cell_info[row][i].width_of_cell; } return result; } int LyXTabular::GetBeginningOfTextInCell(int cell) const { int x = 0; switch (GetAlignment(cell)) { case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: x += (GetWidthOfColumn(cell) - GetWidthOfCell(cell)) / 2; break; case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: x += GetWidthOfColumn(cell) - GetWidthOfCell(cell); // + GetAdditionalWidth(cell); break; default: /* LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: nothing :-) */ break; } // the LaTeX Way :-( x += WIDTH_OF_LINE; return x; } bool LyXTabular::IsFirstCellInRow(int cell) const { return column_of_cell(cell) == 0; } int LyXTabular::GetFirstCellInRow(int row) const { if (row > (rows_-1)) row = rows_ - 1; return cell_info[row][0].cellno; } bool LyXTabular::IsLastCellInRow(int cell) const { return (right_column_of_cell(cell) == (columns_ - 1)); } int LyXTabular::GetLastCellInRow(int row) const { if (row > (rows_-1)) row = rows_ - 1; return cell_info[row][columns_-1].cellno; } bool LyXTabular::calculate_width_of_column(int column) { int const old_column_width = column_info[column].width_of_column; int maximum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { maximum = max(cell_info[i][column].width_of_cell, maximum); } column_info[column].width_of_column = maximum; return (column_info[column].width_of_column != old_column_width); } // // Calculate the columns regarding ONLY the normal cells and if this // column is inside a multicolumn cell then use it only if its the last // column of this multicolumn cell as this gives an added with to the // column, all the rest should be adapted! // bool LyXTabular::calculate_width_of_column_NMC(int column) { int const old_column_width = column_info[column].width_of_column; int max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { int cell = GetCellNumber(i, column); bool ismulti = IsMultiColumn(cell, true); if ((!ismulti || (column == right_column_of_cell(cell))) && (cell_info[i][column].width_of_cell > max)) { max = cell_info[i][column].width_of_cell; } } column_info[column].width_of_column = max; return (column_info[column].width_of_column != old_column_width); } void LyXTabular::calculate_width_of_tabular() { width_of_tabular = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { width_of_tabular += column_info[i].width_of_column; } } int LyXTabular::row_of_cell(int cell) const { if (cell >= numberofcells) return rows_ - 1; else if (cell < 0) return 0; return rowofcell[cell]; } int LyXTabular::column_of_cell(int cell) const { if (cell >= numberofcells) return columns_ - 1; else if (cell < 0) return 0; return columnofcell[cell]; } int LyXTabular::right_column_of_cell(int cell) const { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int column = column_of_cell(cell); while (column < (columns_ - 1) && cell_info[row][column + 1].multicolumn == LyXTabular::CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN) ++column; return column; } void LyXTabular::Write(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { // header line os << "\n"; // global longtable options os << "\n"; for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { os << "\n"; } for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { os << "\n"; for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { os << "\n"; os << "\\begin_inset "; cell_info[i][j].inset.write(buf, os); os << "\n\\end_inset \n" << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } void LyXTabular::Read(Buffer const * buf, LyXLex & lex) { string line; istream & is = lex.getStream(); l_getline(is, line); if (!prefixIs(line, "params, lex, line); return; } int version; if (!getTokenValue(line, "version", version)) return; if (version == 1) ReadOld(buf, is, lex, line); else if (version >= 2) ReadNew(buf, is, lex, line, version); } void LyXTabular::setHeaderFooterRows(int hr, int fhr, int fr, int lfr) { // set header info while(hr > 0) { row_info[--hr].endhead = true; } // set firstheader info if (fhr && (fhr < rows_)) { if (row_info[fhr].endhead) { while(fhr > 0) { row_info[--fhr].endfirsthead = true; row_info[fhr].endhead = false; } } else if (row_info[fhr - 1].endhead) { endfirsthead.empty = true; } else { while((fhr > 0) && !row_info[--fhr].endhead) { row_info[fhr].endfirsthead = true; } } } // set footer info if (fr && (fr < rows_)) { if (row_info[fr].endhead && row_info[fr-1].endhead) { while((fr > 0) && !row_info[--fr].endhead) { row_info[fr].endfoot = true; row_info[fr].endhead = false; } } else if (row_info[fr].endfirsthead && row_info[fr-1].endfirsthead) { while((fr > 0) && !row_info[--fr].endfirsthead) { row_info[fr].endfoot = true; row_info[fr].endfirsthead = false; } } else if (!row_info[fr - 1].endhead && !row_info[fr - 1].endfirsthead) { while((fr > 0) && !row_info[--fr].endhead && !row_info[fr].endfirsthead) { row_info[fr].endfoot = true; } } } // set lastfooter info if (lfr && (lfr < rows_)) { if (row_info[lfr].endhead && row_info[lfr - 1].endhead) { while((lfr > 0) && !row_info[--lfr].endhead) { row_info[lfr].endlastfoot = true; row_info[lfr].endhead = false; } } else if (row_info[lfr].endfirsthead && row_info[lfr - 1].endfirsthead) { while((lfr > 0) && !row_info[--lfr].endfirsthead) { row_info[lfr].endlastfoot = true; row_info[lfr].endfirsthead = false; } } else if (row_info[lfr].endfoot && row_info[lfr - 1].endfoot) { while((lfr > 0) && !row_info[--lfr].endfoot) { row_info[lfr].endlastfoot = true; row_info[lfr].endfoot = false; } } else if (!row_info[fr - 1].endhead && !row_info[fr - 1].endfirsthead && !row_info[fr - 1].endfoot) { while((lfr > 0) && !row_info[--lfr].endhead && !row_info[lfr].endfirsthead && !row_info[lfr].endfoot) { row_info[lfr].endlastfoot = true; } } else if (haveLTFoot()) { endlastfoot.empty = true; } } } void LyXTabular::ReadNew(Buffer const * buf, istream & is, LyXLex & lex, string const & l, int const version) { string line(l); int rows_arg; if (!getTokenValue(line, "rows", rows_arg)) return; int columns_arg; if (!getTokenValue(line, "columns", columns_arg)) return; Init(buf->params, rows_arg, columns_arg); l_getline(is, line); if (!prefixIs(line, " got" << line << ')' << endl; return; } getTokenValue(line, "rotate", rotate); getTokenValue(line, "islongtable", is_long_tabular); // compatibility read for old longtable options. Now we can make any // row part of the header/footer type we want before it was strict // sequential from the first row down (as LaTeX does it!). So now when // we find a header/footer line we have to go up the rows and set it // on all preceding rows till the first or one with already a h/f option // set. If we find a firstheader on the same line as a header or a // lastfooter on the same line as a footer then this should be set empty. // (Jug 20011220) if (version < 3) { int hrow; int fhrow; int frow; int lfrow; getTokenValue(line, "endhead", hrow); getTokenValue(line, "endfirsthead", fhrow); getTokenValue(line, "endfoot", frow); getTokenValue(line, "endlastfoot", lfrow); setHeaderFooterRows(abs(hrow), abs(fhrow), abs(frow), abs(lfrow)); } else { getTokenValue(line, "firstHeadTopDL", endfirsthead.topDL); getTokenValue(line, "firstHeadBottomDL", endfirsthead.bottomDL); getTokenValue(line, "firstHeadEmpty", endfirsthead.empty); getTokenValue(line, "headTopDL", endhead.topDL); getTokenValue(line, "headBottomDL", endhead.bottomDL); getTokenValue(line, "footTopDL", endfoot.topDL); getTokenValue(line, "footBottomDL", endfoot.bottomDL); getTokenValue(line, "lastFootTopDL", endlastfoot.topDL); getTokenValue(line, "lastFootBottomDL", endlastfoot.bottomDL); getTokenValue(line, "lastFootEmpty", endlastfoot.empty); } for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { l_getline(is,line); if (!prefixIs(line," got" << line << ')' << endl; return; } getTokenValue(line, "alignment", column_info[j].alignment); getTokenValue(line, "valignment", column_info[j].valignment); getTokenValue(line, "leftline", column_info[j].left_line); getTokenValue(line, "rightline", column_info[j].right_line); getTokenValue(line, "width", column_info[j].p_width); getTokenValue(line, "special", column_info[j].align_special); } for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { l_getline(is, line); if (!prefixIs(line, " got" << line << ')' << endl; return; } getTokenValue(line, "topline", row_info[i].top_line); getTokenValue(line, "bottomline", row_info[i].bottom_line); getTokenValue(line, "endfirsthead", row_info[i].endfirsthead); getTokenValue(line, "endhead", row_info[i].endhead); getTokenValue(line, "endfoot", row_info[i].endfoot); getTokenValue(line, "endlastfoot", row_info[i].endlastfoot); getTokenValue(line, "newpage", row_info[i].newpage); for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { l_getline(is, line); if (!prefixIs(line, " got" << line << ')' << endl; return; } getTokenValue(line, "multicolumn", cell_info[i][j].multicolumn); getTokenValue(line, "alignment", cell_info[i][j].alignment); getTokenValue(line, "valignment", cell_info[i][j].valignment); getTokenValue(line, "topline", cell_info[i][j].top_line); getTokenValue(line, "bottomline", cell_info[i][j].bottom_line); getTokenValue(line, "leftline", cell_info[i][j].left_line); getTokenValue(line, "rightline", cell_info[i][j].right_line); getTokenValue(line, "rotate", cell_info[i][j].rotate); getTokenValue(line, "usebox", cell_info[i][j].usebox); getTokenValue(line, "width", cell_info[i][j].p_width); getTokenValue(line, "special", cell_info[i][j].align_special); l_getline(is, line); if (prefixIs(line, "\\begin_inset")) { cell_info[i][j].inset.read(buf, lex); l_getline(is, line); } if (!prefixIs(line, "")) { lyxerr << "Wrong tabular format (expected got" << line << ')' << endl; return; } } l_getline(is, line); if (!prefixIs(line, "")) { lyxerr << "Wrong tabular format (expected got" << line << ')' << endl; return; } } while (!prefixIs(line, "")) { l_getline(is, line); } set_row_column_number_info(); } void LyXTabular::OldFormatRead(BufferParams const & bp, LyXLex & lex, string const & fl) { int version; int i; int j; int rows_arg = 0; int columns_arg = 0; int is_long_tabular_arg = false; int rotate_arg = false; int a = -1; int b = -1; int c = -1; int d = -1; int e = 0; int f = 0; int g = 0; istream & is = lex.getStream(); string s(fl); if (s.length() > 8) version = lyx::atoi(s.substr(8, string::npos)); else version = 1; vector cont_row_info; if (version < 5) { lyxerr << "Tabular format < 5 is not supported anymore\n" "Get an older version of LyX (< 1.1.x) for conversion!" << endl; Alert::alert(_("Warning:"), _("Tabular format < 5 is not supported anymore\n"), _("Get an older version of LyX (< 1.1.x) for conversion!")); if (version > 2) { is >> rows_arg >> columns_arg >> is_long_tabular_arg >> rotate_arg >> a >> b >> c >> d; } else is >> rows_arg >> columns_arg; Init(bp, rows_arg, columns_arg); cont_row_info = vector(rows_arg); SetLongTabular(is_long_tabular_arg); SetRotateTabular(rotate_arg); string tmp; for (i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { getline(is, tmp); cont_row_info[i] = false; } for (i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { getline(is, tmp); } for (i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { getline(is, tmp); } } } else { is >> rows_arg >> columns_arg >> is_long_tabular_arg >> rotate_arg >> a >> b >> c >> d; Init(bp, rows_arg, columns_arg); cont_row_info = vector(rows_arg); SetLongTabular(is_long_tabular_arg); SetRotateTabular(rotate_arg); setHeaderFooterRows(a+1, b+1 , c+1, d+1); for (i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { a = b = c = d = e = f = g = 0; is >> a >> b >> c >> d; row_info[i].top_line = a; row_info[i].bottom_line = b; cont_row_info[i] = c; row_info[i].newpage = d; } for (i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { string s1; string s2; is >> a >> b >> c; #if 1 char ch; // skip '"' is >> ch; #else // ignore is buggy but we will use it later (Lgb) is.ignore(); // skip '"' #endif getline(is, s1, '"'); #if 1 is >> ch; // skip '"' #else // ignore is buggy but we will use it later (Lgb) is.ignore(); // skip '"' #endif getline(is, s2, '"'); column_info[i].alignment = static_cast(a); column_info[i].left_line = b; column_info[i].right_line = c; column_info[i].p_width = LyXLength(s1); column_info[i].align_special = s2; } for (i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { string s1; string s2; is >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e >> f >> g; #if 1 char ch; is >> ch; // skip '"' #else // ignore is buggy but we will use it later (Lgb) is.ignore(); // skip '"' #endif getline(is, s1, '"'); #if 1 is >> ch; // skip '"' #else // ignore is buggy but we will use it later (Lgb) is.ignore(); // skip '"' #endif getline(is, s2, '"'); cell_info[i][j].multicolumn = static_cast(a); cell_info[i][j].alignment = static_cast(b); cell_info[i][j].top_line = static_cast(c); cell_info[i][j].bottom_line = static_cast(d); cell_info[i][j].left_line = column_info[j].left_line; cell_info[i][j].right_line = column_info[j].right_line; cell_info[i][j].rotate = static_cast(f); cell_info[i][j].usebox = static_cast(g); cell_info[i][j].align_special = s1; cell_info[i][j].p_width = LyXLength(s2); } } } set_row_column_number_info(true); string tmptok; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; ParagraphList parlist; ParagraphList::iterator pit = parlist.begin(); while (lex.isOK()) { lex.nextToken(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token.empty()) continue; if (token == "\\layout" || token == "\\end_float" // this should not exist anymore || token == "\\end_inset" // as it is substituted by this || token == "\\end_deeper") { lex.pushToken(token); break; } if (token == "\\the_end") { lex.pushToken(token); break; } owner_->bufferOwner()->readParagraph(lex, token, parlist, pit, depth); } Paragraph * par = &(*parlist.begin()); // now we have the par we should fill the insets with this! int cell = 0; InsetText * inset = GetCellInset(cell); int row; for (int i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) { if (par->isNewline(i)) { ++cell; if (cell > numberofcells) { lyxerr << "Some error in reading old table format occured!" << endl << "Terminating when reading cell[" << cell << "]!" << endl; delete par; return; } row = row_of_cell(cell); if (cont_row_info[row]) { DeleteRow(row); cont_row_info.erase(cont_row_info.begin() + row); //&cont_row_info[row]); while (!IsFirstCellInRow(--cell)); } else { inset = GetCellInset(cell); continue; } inset = GetCellInset(cell); row = row_of_cell(cell); if (!cell_info[row_of_cell(cell)][column_of_cell(cell)].usebox) { // insert a space instead par->erase(i); par->insertChar(i, ' '); } } par->copyIntoMinibuffer(*owner_->bufferOwner(), i); inset->paragraph()->insertFromMinibuffer(inset->paragraph()->size()); } delete par; Reinit(); } bool LyXTabular::IsMultiColumn(int cell, bool real) const { return ((!real || (column_of_cell(cell) != right_column_of_cell(cell))) && (cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->multicolumn != LyXTabular::CELL_NORMAL)); } LyXTabular::cellstruct * LyXTabular::cellinfo_of_cell(int cell) const { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int const column = column_of_cell(cell); return &cell_info[row][column]; } void LyXTabular::SetMultiColumn(Buffer * buffer, int cell, int number) { cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->multicolumn = CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN; cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->alignment = column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].alignment; cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->top_line = row_info[row_of_cell(cell)].top_line; cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->bottom_line = row_info[row_of_cell(cell)].bottom_line; cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->right_line = column_info[column_of_cell(cell+number-1)].right_line; #if 1 for (int i = 1; i < number; ++i) { cellinfo_of_cell(cell+i)->multicolumn = CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN; cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->inset.appendParagraphs(buffer, cellinfo_of_cell(cell+i)->inset.paragraph()); cellinfo_of_cell(cell+i)->inset.clear(false); } #else for (number--; number > 0; --number) { cellinfo_of_cell(cell+number)->multicolumn = CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN; } #endif set_row_column_number_info(); } int LyXTabular::cells_in_multicolumn(int cell) const { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int column = column_of_cell(cell); int result = 1; ++column; while ((column < columns_) && cell_info[row][column].multicolumn == CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN) { ++result; ++column; } return result; } int LyXTabular::UnsetMultiColumn(int cell) { int const row = row_of_cell(cell); int column = column_of_cell(cell); int result = 0; if (cell_info[row][column].multicolumn == CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN) { cell_info[row][column].multicolumn = CELL_NORMAL; ++column; while ((column < columns_) && (cell_info[row][column].multicolumn ==CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN)) { cell_info[row][column].multicolumn = CELL_NORMAL; ++column; ++result; } } set_row_column_number_info(); return result; } void LyXTabular::SetLongTabular(bool what) { is_long_tabular = what; } bool LyXTabular::IsLongTabular() const { return is_long_tabular; } void LyXTabular::SetRotateTabular(bool flag) { rotate = flag; } bool LyXTabular::GetRotateTabular() const { return rotate; } void LyXTabular::SetRotateCell(int cell, bool flag) { cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->rotate = flag; } bool LyXTabular::GetRotateCell(int cell) const { return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->rotate; } bool LyXTabular::NeedRotating() const { if (rotate) return true; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { if (cell_info[i][j].rotate) return true; } } return false; } bool LyXTabular::IsLastCell(int cell) const { if ((cell + 1) < numberofcells) return false; return true; } int LyXTabular::GetCellAbove(int cell) const { if (row_of_cell(cell) > 0) return cell_info[row_of_cell(cell)-1][column_of_cell(cell)].cellno; return cell; } int LyXTabular::GetCellBelow(int cell) const { if (row_of_cell(cell) + 1 < rows_) return cell_info[row_of_cell(cell)+1][column_of_cell(cell)].cellno; return cell; } int LyXTabular::GetLastCellAbove(int cell) const { if (row_of_cell(cell) <= 0) return cell; if (!IsMultiColumn(cell)) return GetCellAbove(cell); return cell_info[row_of_cell(cell) - 1][right_column_of_cell(cell)].cellno; } int LyXTabular::GetLastCellBelow(int cell) const { if (row_of_cell(cell) + 1 >= rows_) return cell; if (!IsMultiColumn(cell)) return GetCellBelow(cell); return cell_info[row_of_cell(cell) + 1][right_column_of_cell(cell)].cellno; } int LyXTabular::GetCellNumber(int row, int column) const { #if 0 if (column >= columns_) column = columns_ - 1; else if (column < 0) column = 0; if (row >= rows_) row = rows_ - 1; else if (row < 0) row = 0; #else lyx::Assert(column >= 0 || column < columns_ || row >= 0 || row < rows_); #endif return cell_info[row][column].cellno; } void LyXTabular::SetUsebox(int cell, BoxType type) { cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->usebox = type; } LyXTabular::BoxType LyXTabular::GetUsebox(int cell) const { if (column_info[column_of_cell(cell)].p_width.zero() && !(IsMultiColumn(cell) && !cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->p_width.zero())) return BOX_NONE; if (cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->usebox > 1) return cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->usebox; return UseParbox(cell); } /// // This are functions used for the longtable support /// void LyXTabular::SetLTHead(int row, bool flag, ltType const & hd, bool first) { if (first) { endfirsthead = hd; if (hd.set) row_info[row].endfirsthead = flag; } else { endhead = hd; if (hd.set) row_info[row].endhead = flag; } } bool LyXTabular::GetRowOfLTHead(int row, ltType & hd) const { hd = endhead; hd.set = haveLTHead(); return row_info[row].endhead; } bool LyXTabular::GetRowOfLTFirstHead(int row, ltType & hd) const { hd = endfirsthead; hd.set = haveLTFirstHead(); return row_info[row].endfirsthead; } void LyXTabular::SetLTFoot(int row, bool flag, ltType const & fd, bool last) { if (last) { endlastfoot = fd; if (fd.set) row_info[row].endlastfoot = flag; } else { endfoot = fd; if (fd.set) row_info[row].endfoot = flag; } } bool LyXTabular::GetRowOfLTFoot(int row, ltType & fd) const { fd = endfoot; fd.set = haveLTFoot(); return row_info[row].endfoot; } bool LyXTabular::GetRowOfLTLastFoot(int row, ltType & fd) const { fd = endlastfoot; fd.set = haveLTLastFoot(); return row_info[row].endlastfoot; } void LyXTabular::SetLTNewPage(int row, bool what) { row_info[row].newpage = what; } bool LyXTabular::GetLTNewPage(int row) const { return row_info[row].newpage; } bool LyXTabular::haveLTHead() const { for(int i=0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endhead) return true; } return false; } bool LyXTabular::haveLTFirstHead() const { if (endfirsthead.empty) return false; for(int i=0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endfirsthead) return true; } return false; } bool LyXTabular::haveLTFoot() const { for(int i=0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endfoot) return true; } return false; } bool LyXTabular::haveLTLastFoot() const { if (endlastfoot.empty) return false; for(int i=0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endlastfoot) return true; } return false; } // end longtable support functions bool LyXTabular::SetAscentOfRow(int row, int height) { if ((row >= rows_) || (row_info[row].ascent_of_row == height)) return false; row_info[row].ascent_of_row = height; return true; } bool LyXTabular::SetDescentOfRow(int row, int height) { if ((row >= rows_) || (row_info[row].descent_of_row == height)) return false; row_info[row].descent_of_row = height; return true; } int LyXTabular::GetAscentOfRow(int row) const { if (row >= rows_) return 0; return row_info[row].ascent_of_row; } int LyXTabular::GetDescentOfRow(int row) const { if (row >= rows_) return 0; return row_info[row].descent_of_row; } int LyXTabular::GetHeightOfTabular() const { int height = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows_; ++row) height += GetAscentOfRow(row) + GetDescentOfRow(row) + GetAdditionalHeight(row); return height; } bool LyXTabular::IsPartOfMultiColumn(int row, int column) const { if ((row >= rows_) || (column >= columns_)) return false; return (cell_info[row][column].multicolumn == CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN); } int LyXTabular::TeXTopHLine(ostream & os, int row) const { if ((row < 0) || (row >= rows_)) return 0; int const fcell = GetFirstCellInRow(row); int const n = NumberOfCellsInRow(fcell) + fcell; int tmp = 0; for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (TopLine(i)) ++tmp; } if (tmp == (n - fcell)) { os << "\\hline "; } else if (tmp) { for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (TopLine(i)) { os << "\\cline{" << column_of_cell(i) + 1 << '-' << right_column_of_cell(i) + 1 << "} "; } } } else { return 0; } os << "\n"; return 1; } int LyXTabular::TeXBottomHLine(ostream & os, int row) const { if ((row < 0) || (row >= rows_)) return 0; int const fcell = GetFirstCellInRow(row); int const n = NumberOfCellsInRow(fcell) + fcell; int tmp = 0; for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (BottomLine(i)) ++tmp; } if (tmp == (n - fcell)) { os << "\\hline"; } else if (tmp) { for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (BottomLine(i)) { os << "\\cline{" << column_of_cell(i) + 1 << '-' << right_column_of_cell(i) + 1 << "} "; } } } else { return 0; } os << "\n"; return 1; } int LyXTabular::TeXCellPreamble(ostream & os, int cell) const { int ret = 0; if (GetRotateCell(cell)) { os << "\\begin{sideways}\n"; ++ret; } if (IsMultiColumn(cell)) { os << "\\multicolumn{" << cells_in_multicolumn(cell) << "}{"; if (!cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special.empty()) { os << cellinfo_of_cell(cell)->align_special << "}{"; } else { if (LeftLine(cell) && (IsFirstCellInRow(cell) || (!IsMultiColumn(cell-1) && !LeftLine(cell, true) && !RightLine(cell-1, true)))) { os << '|'; } if (!GetPWidth(cell).zero()) { switch (GetVAlignment(cell)) { case LYX_VALIGN_TOP: os << 'p'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_CENTER: os << 'm'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM: os << 'b'; break; } os << '{' << GetPWidth(cell).asLatexString() << '}'; } else { switch (GetAlignment(cell)) { case LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: os << 'l'; break; case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: os << 'r'; break; default: os << 'c'; break; } } if (RightLine(cell)) os << '|'; if (((cell + 1) < numberofcells) && !IsFirstCellInRow(cell+1) && LeftLine(cell+1)) os << '|'; os << "}{"; } } if (GetUsebox(cell) == BOX_PARBOX) { os << "\\parbox["; switch (GetVAlignment(cell)) { case LYX_VALIGN_TOP: os << 't'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_CENTER: os << 'c'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM: os << 'b'; break; } os << "]{" << GetPWidth(cell).asLatexString() << "}{"; } else if (GetUsebox(cell) == BOX_MINIPAGE) { os << "\\begin{minipage}["; switch (GetVAlignment(cell)) { case LYX_VALIGN_TOP: os << 't'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_CENTER: os << 'm'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM: os << 'b'; break; } os << "]{" << GetPWidth(cell).asLatexString() << "}\n"; ++ret; } return ret; } int LyXTabular::TeXCellPostamble(ostream & os, int cell) const { int ret = 0; // usual cells if (GetUsebox(cell) == BOX_PARBOX) os << '}'; else if (GetUsebox(cell) == BOX_MINIPAGE) { os << "%\n\\end{minipage}"; ret += 2; } if (IsMultiColumn(cell)) { os << '}'; } if (GetRotateCell(cell)) { os << "%\n\\end{sideways}"; ++ret; } return ret; } int LyXTabular::TeXLongtableHeaderFooter(ostream & os, Buffer const * buf, bool fragile, bool fp) const { if (!is_long_tabular) return 0; int ret = 0; // output header info if (haveLTHead()) { if (endhead.topDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endhead) { ret += TeXRow(os, i, buf, fragile, fp); } } if (endhead.bottomDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } os << "\\endhead\n"; ++ret; if (endfirsthead.empty) { os << "\\endfirsthead\n"; ++ret; } } // output firstheader info if (haveLTFirstHead()) { if (endfirsthead.topDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endfirsthead) { ret += TeXRow(os, i, buf, fragile, fp); } } if (endfirsthead.bottomDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } os << "\\endfirsthead\n"; ++ret; } // output footer info if (haveLTFoot()) { if (endfoot.topDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endfoot) { ret += TeXRow(os, i, buf, fragile, fp); } } if (endfoot.bottomDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } os << "\\endfoot\n"; ++ret; if (endlastfoot.empty) { os << "\\endlastfoot\n"; ++ret; } } // output lastfooter info if (haveLTLastFoot()) { if (endlastfoot.topDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endlastfoot) { ret += TeXRow(os, i, buf, fragile, fp); } } if (endlastfoot.bottomDL) { os << "\\hline\n"; ++ret; } os << "\\endlastfoot\n"; ++ret; } return ret; } bool LyXTabular::isValidRow(int const row) const { if (!is_long_tabular) return true; return (!row_info[row].endhead && !row_info[row].endfirsthead && !row_info[row].endfoot && !row_info[row].endlastfoot); } int LyXTabular::TeXRow(ostream & os, int const i, Buffer const * buf, bool fragile, bool fp) const { int ret = 0; int cell = GetCellNumber(i, 0); ret += TeXTopHLine(os, i); for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { if (IsPartOfMultiColumn(i,j)) continue; ret += TeXCellPreamble(os, cell); InsetText * inset = GetCellInset(cell); bool rtl = inset->paragraph()->isRightToLeftPar(buf->params) && !inset->paragraph()->empty() && GetPWidth(cell).zero(); if (rtl) os << "\\R{"; ret += inset->latex(buf, os, fragile, fp); if (rtl) os << '}'; ret += TeXCellPostamble(os, cell); if (!IsLastCellInRow(cell)) { // not last cell in row os << "&\n"; ++ret; } ++cell; } os << "\\tabularnewline\n"; ++ret; ret += TeXBottomHLine(os, i); return ret; } int LyXTabular::latex(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool fragile, bool fp) const { int ret = 0; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ first the opening preamble + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (rotate) { os << "\\begin{sideways}\n"; ++ret; } if (is_long_tabular) os << "\\begin{longtable}{"; else os << "\\begin{tabular}{"; for (int i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { if (!column_info[i].align_special.empty()) { os << column_info[i].align_special; } else { if (column_info[i].left_line) os << '|'; if (!column_info[i].p_width.zero()) { switch (column_info[i].alignment) { case LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: os << ">{\\raggedright}"; break; case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: os << ">{\\raggedleft}"; break; case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: os << ">{\\centering}"; break; case LYX_ALIGN_NONE: case LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK: case LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT: case LYX_ALIGN_SPECIAL: break; } switch (column_info[i].valignment) { case LYX_VALIGN_TOP: os << 'p'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_CENTER: os << 'm'; break; case LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM: os << 'b'; break; } os << '{' << column_info[i].p_width.asLatexString() << '}'; } else { switch (column_info[i].alignment) { case LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: os << 'l'; break; case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: os << 'r'; break; default: os << 'c'; break; } } if (column_info[i].right_line) os << '|'; } } os << "}\n"; ++ret; ret += TeXLongtableHeaderFooter(os, buf, fragile, fp); //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ the single row and columns (cells) + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (isValidRow(i)) { ret += TeXRow(os, i, buf, fragile, fp); if (is_long_tabular && row_info[i].newpage) { os << "\\newpage\n"; ++ret; } } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ the closing of the tabular + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (is_long_tabular) os << "\\end{longtable}"; else os << "\\end{tabular}"; if (rotate) { os << "\n\\end{sideways}"; ++ret; } return ret; } int LyXTabular::docbookRow(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, int row) const { int ret = 0; int cell = GetFirstCellInRow(row); os << "\n"; for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { if (IsPartOfMultiColumn(row, j)) continue; os << "'; ret += GetCellInset(cell)->docbook(buf, os, true); os << "\n"; ++cell; } os << "\n"; return ret; } int LyXTabular::docbook(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool /*mixcont*/) const { int ret = 0; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ first the opening preamble + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- os << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < columns_; ++i) { os << "\n"; ++ret; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ Long Tabular case + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // output header info if (haveLTHead() || haveLTFirstHead()) { os << "\n"; ++ret; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endhead || row_info[i].endfirsthead) { ret += docbookRow(buf, os, i); } } os << "\n"; ++ret; } // output footer info if (haveLTFoot() || haveLTLastFoot()) { os << "\n"; ++ret; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (row_info[i].endfoot || row_info[i].endlastfoot) { ret += docbookRow(buf, os, i); } } os << "\n"; ++ret; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ the single row and columns (cells) + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- os << "\n"; ++ret; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (isValidRow(i)) { ret += docbookRow(buf, os, i); } } os << "\n"; ++ret; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ the closing of the tabular + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- os << ""; ++ret; return ret; } //-- // ASCII export function and helpers //-- int LyXTabular::asciiTopHLine(ostream & os, int row, vector const & clen) const { int const fcell = GetFirstCellInRow(row); int const n = NumberOfCellsInRow(fcell) + fcell; int tmp = 0; for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (TopLine(i)) { ++tmp; break; } } if (!tmp) return 0; unsigned char ch; for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (TopLine(i)) { if (LeftLine(i)) os << "+-"; else os << "--"; ch = '-'; } else { os << " "; ch = ' '; } int column = column_of_cell(i); int len = clen[column]; while (IsPartOfMultiColumn(row, ++column)) len += clen[column] + 4; os << string(len, ch); if (TopLine(i)) { if (RightLine(i)) os << "-+"; else os << "--"; } else { os << " "; } } os << endl; return 1; } int LyXTabular::asciiBottomHLine(ostream & os, int row, vector const & clen) const { int const fcell = GetFirstCellInRow(row); int const n = NumberOfCellsInRow(fcell) + fcell; int tmp = 0; for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (BottomLine(i)) { ++tmp; break; } } if (!tmp) return 0; unsigned char ch; for (int i = fcell; i < n; ++i) { if (BottomLine(i)) { if (LeftLine(i)) os << "+-"; else os << "--"; ch = '-'; } else { os << " "; ch = ' '; } int column = column_of_cell(i); int len = clen[column]; while (IsPartOfMultiColumn(row, ++column)) len += clen[column] + 4; os << string(len, ch); if (BottomLine(i)) { if (RightLine(i)) os << "-+"; else os << "--"; } else { os << " "; } } os << endl; return 1; } int LyXTabular::asciiPrintCell(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, int cell, int row, int column, vector const & clen, bool onlydata) const { ostringstream sstr; int ret = GetCellInset(cell)->ascii(buf, sstr, 0); if (onlydata) { os << sstr.str(); return ret; } if (LeftLine(cell)) os << "| "; else os << " "; unsigned int len1 = sstr.str().length(); unsigned int len2 = clen[column]; while (IsPartOfMultiColumn(row, ++column)) len2 += clen[column] + 4; len2 -= len1; switch (GetAlignment(cell)) { default: case LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: len1 = 0; break; case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: len1 = len2; len2 = 0; break; case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: len1 = len2 / 2; len2 -= len1; break; } os << string(len1, ' ') << sstr.str() << string(len2, ' '); if (RightLine(cell)) os << " |"; else os << " "; return ret; } int LyXTabular::ascii(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, int const depth, bool onlydata, unsigned char delim) const { int ret = 0; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- //+ first calculate the width of the single columns + //+--------------------------------------------------------------------- vector clen(columns_); if (!onlydata) { // first all non (real) multicolumn cells! for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { clen[j] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { int cell = GetCellNumber(i, j); if (IsMultiColumn(cell, true)) continue; ostringstream sstr; GetCellInset(cell)->ascii(buf, sstr, 0); if (clen[j] < sstr.str().length()) clen[j] = sstr.str().length(); } } // then all (real) multicolumn cells! for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { int cell = GetCellNumber(i, j); if (!IsMultiColumn(cell, true) || IsPartOfMultiColumn(i, j)) continue; ostringstream sstr; GetCellInset(cell)->ascii(buf, sstr, 0); int len = int(sstr.str().length()); int const n = cells_in_multicolumn(cell); for (int k = j; (len > 0) && (k < (j + n - 1)); ++k) len -= clen[k]; if (len > int(clen[j + n - 1])) clen[j + n - 1] = len; } } } int cell = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) { if (!onlydata) { if (asciiTopHLine(os, i, clen)) { for (int j = 0; j < depth; ++j) os << " "; } } for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { if (IsPartOfMultiColumn(i,j)) continue; if (onlydata && j > 0) os << delim; ret += asciiPrintCell(buf, os, cell, i, j, clen, onlydata); ++cell; } os << endl; if (!onlydata) { for (int j = 0; j < depth; ++j) os << " "; if (asciiBottomHLine(os, i, clen)) { for (int j = 0; j < depth; ++j) os << " "; } } } return ret; } //-- // end ascii export //-- InsetText * LyXTabular::GetCellInset(int cell) const { cur_cell = cell; return & cell_info[row_of_cell(cell)][column_of_cell(cell)].inset; } InsetText * LyXTabular::GetCellInset(int row, int column) const { cur_cell = GetCellNumber(row, column); return & cell_info[row][column].inset; } int LyXTabular::GetCellFromInset(Inset const * inset, int maybe_cell) const { // is this inset part of the tabular? if (!inset || inset->owner() != owner_) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETTEXT] << "this is not a cell of the tabular!" << endl; return -1; } const int save_cur_cell = cur_cell; int cell = cur_cell; if (GetCellInset(cell) != inset) { cell = maybe_cell; if (cell == -1 || GetCellInset(cell) != inset) { cell = -1; } } if (cell == -1) { for (cell = GetNumberOfCells(); cell >= 0; --cell) { if (GetCellInset(cell) == inset) break; } lyxerr[Debug::INSETTEXT] << "LyXTabular::GetCellFromInset: " << "cell=" << cell << ", cur_cell=" << save_cur_cell << ", maybe_cell=" << maybe_cell << endl; // We should have found a cell at this point if (cell == -1) { lyxerr << "LyXTabular::GetCellFromInset: " << "Cell not found!" << endl; } } return cell; } void LyXTabular::Validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.require("NeedTabularnewline"); if (IsLongTabular()) features.require("longtable"); if (NeedRotating()) features.require("rotating"); for (int cell = 0; cell < numberofcells; ++cell) { if ( (GetVAlignment(cell) != LYX_VALIGN_TOP) || ( !(GetPWidth(cell).zero())&&!(IsMultiColumn(cell)) ) ) features.require("array"); GetCellInset(cell)->validate(features); } } vector const LyXTabular::getLabelList() const { vector label_list; for (int i = 0; i < rows_; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < columns_; ++j) { vector const l = GetCellInset(i, j)->getLabelList(); label_list.insert(label_list.end(), l.begin(), l.end()); } return label_list; } LyXTabular::BoxType LyXTabular::UseParbox(int cell) const { ParagraphList const & parlist = GetCellInset(cell)->paragraphs; ParagraphList::iterator cit = parlist.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = parlist.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) { for (int i = 0; i < cit->size(); ++i) { if (cit->getChar(i) == Paragraph::META_NEWLINE) return BOX_PARBOX; } } return BOX_NONE; }