/* * File: math_symbols.C * Purpose: User interface to math symbols * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: November 1995 * Version: 0.8 28/03/96 * Description: Provides a GUI to introduce mathematical * symbols in lyx. * * Dependencies: Xlib, XForms, Lyx * * Copyright: 1995, 1996, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * You are free to use and modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #include #include XPM_H_LOCATION #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "math_panel.h" #endif #include #include "lyx_main.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "formula.h" #include "math_panel.h" #include "math_parser.h" using std::max; using std::endl; using std::ostream; extern int greek_kb_flag; extern BufferView * current_view; /* Bitmaps */ #include "greek.xbm" #include "arrows.xbm" #include "brel.xbm" #include "bop.xbm" #include "misc.xbm" #include "varsz.xbm" #include "dots.xbm" /* Latex code for those bitmaps */ static char const * latex_greek[] = { "Gamma", "Delta", "Theta", "Lambda", "Xi", "Pi", "Sigma", "Upsilon", "Phi", "Psi", "Omega", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "varepsilon", "zeta", "eta", "theta", "vartheta", "iota", "kappa", "lambda", "mu", "nu", "xi", "pi", "varpi", "rho", "sigma", "varsigma", "tau", "upsilon", "phi", "varphi", "chi", "psi", "omega", "" }; static char const * latex_brel[] = { "leq", "geq", "equiv", "models", "prec", "succ", "sim", "perp", "preceq", "succeq", "simeq", "mid", "ll", "gg", "asymp", "parallel", "subset", "supset", "approx", "smile", "subseteq", "supseteq", "cong", "frown", "sqsubseteq", "sqsupseteq", "doteq", "neq", "in", "ni", "propto", "notin", "vdash", "dashv", "bowtie", "" }; static char const * latex_arrow[] = { "downarrow", "leftarrow", "Downarrow", "Leftarrow", "hookleftarrow", "rightarrow", "uparrow", "Rightarrow", "Uparrow", "hookrightarrow", "updownarrow", "Leftrightarrow", "leftharpoonup", "rightharpoonup", "rightleftharpoons", "leftrightarrow", "Updownarrow", "leftharpoondown", "rightharpoondown", "mapsto", "Longleftarrow", "Longrightarrow", "Longleftrightarrow", "longleftrightarrow", "longleftarrow", "longrightarrow", "longmapsto", "nwarrow", "nearrow", "swarrow", "searrow", "", }; char const * latex_varsz[] = { "sum", "int", "oint", "prod", "coprod", "bigsqcup", "bigotimes", "bigodot", "bigoplus", "bigcap", "bigcup", "biguplus", "bigvee", "bigwedge", "" }; static char const * latex_bop[] = { "pm", "cap", "diamond", "oplus", "mp", "cup", "bigtriangleup", "ominus", "times", "uplus", "bigtriangledown", "otimes", "div", "sqcap", "triangleright", "oslash", "cdot", "sqcup", "triangleleft", "odot", "star", "vee", "amalg", "bigcirc", "setminus", "wedge", "dagger", "circ", "bullet", "wr", "ddagger", "" }; static char const * latex_misc[] = { "nabla", "partial", "infty", "prime", "ell", "emptyset", "exists", "forall", "imath", "jmath", "Re", "Im", "aleph", "wp", "hbar", "angle", "top", "bot", "Vert", "neg", "flat", "natural", "sharp", "surd", "triangle", "diamondsuit", "heartsuit", "clubsuit", "spadesuit", "" }; static char const * latex_dots[] = { "ldots", "cdots", "vdots", "ddots" }; extern char const ** mathed_get_pixmap_from_icon(int d); extern "C" void math_cb(FL_OBJECT*, long); static char const ** pixmapFromBitmapData(char const *, int, int); void math_insert_symbol(char const * s); bool math_insert_greek(char c); BitmapMenu * BitmapMenu::active = 0; BitmapMenu::BitmapMenu(int n, FL_OBJECT * bt, BitmapMenu * prevx) : current_(0), bitmaps_(n) { w = h = 0; form = 0; ww = 2 * FL_abs(FL_BOUND_WIDTH); x = y = ww; y += 8; button = bt; button->u_vdata = this; prev = prevx; next = 0; if (prev) prev->next = this; } BitmapMenu::~BitmapMenu() { delete next; if (form->visible) Hide(); fl_free_form(form); } void BitmapMenu::Hide() { fl_hide_form(form); fl_set_button(button, 0); active = 0; } void BitmapMenu::Show() { if (active) active->Hide(); active = this; // int x = button->form->x + button->x, y = button->form->y + button->y; // fl_set_form_position(form, x, y + button->h); fl_set_button(button, 1); fl_show_form(form, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_NOBORDER, ""); } FL_OBJECT * BitmapMenu::AddBitmap(int id, int nx, int ny, int bw, int bh, unsigned char const * data, Bool vert) { if (current_ >= bitmaps_.size()) return 0; int wx = bw+ww/2, wy = bh+ww/2; wx += (wx % nx); wy += (wy % ny); FL_OBJECT * obj = fl_create_bmtable(1, x, y, wx, wy, ""); fl_set_object_callback(obj, math_cb, id); fl_set_object_lcol(obj, FL_BLUE); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_UP_BOX); fl_set_bmtable_data(obj, nx, ny, bw, bh, data); if (vert) { y += wy + 8; h = max(y, h); w = max(x + wx + ww, w); } else { x += wx + 8; w = max(x, w); h = max(y + wy + ww, h); } bitmaps_[current_++] = obj; return obj; } void BitmapMenu::Create() { if (current_ < bitmaps_.size()) { lyxerr << "Error: Bitmaps not created!" << endl; return; } form = fl_bgn_form(FL_UP_BOX, w, h); for (current_ = 0; current_ < bitmaps_.size(); ++current_) { fl_add_object(form, bitmaps_[current_]); bitmaps_[current_]->u_vdata = this; } fl_end_form(); fl_register_raw_callback(form, KeyPressMask, C_peek_event); } int BitmapMenu::GetIndex(FL_OBJECT* ob) { if (active == this) { int k = 0; for (current_ = 0; current_ < bitmaps_.size(); ++current_) { if (bitmaps_[current_] == ob) return k+fl_get_bmtable(ob); k += fl_get_bmtable_maxitems(bitmaps_[current_]); } } return -1; } int peek_event(FL_FORM * /*form*/, void *xev) { if (BitmapMenu::active == 0) return 0; if (static_cast(xev)->type == ButtonPress) { BitmapMenu::active->Hide(); return 1; } if (static_cast(xev)->type == KeyPress) { char c[5]; KeySym keysym; XLookupString(&static_cast(xev)->xkey, &c[0], 5, &keysym, 0); if (keysym == XK_Left) BitmapMenu::active->Prev(); else if (keysym == XK_Right) BitmapMenu::active->Next(); else BitmapMenu::active->Hide(); return 1; } return 0; } // This is just a wrapper. extern "C" int C_peek_event(FL_FORM *form, void *ptr) { return peek_event(form, ptr); } extern "C" void math_cb(FL_OBJECT* ob, long data) { BitmapMenu * menu = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); int i = menu->GetIndex(ob); char const *s = 0; // lyxerr << "data[" << data << "]"; if (i<0) return; switch (data) { case MM_GREEK: s = latex_greek[i]; break; case MM_ARROW: s = latex_arrow[i]; break; case MM_BRELATS: s = latex_brel[i]; break; case MM_BOP: s = latex_bop[i]; break; case MM_VARSIZE: s = latex_varsz[i]; break; case MM_MISC: s = latex_misc[i]; break; case MM_DOTS: // lyxerr << "dots[" << latex_dots[i] << " " << i << "]"; s = latex_dots[i-29]; break; } if (s) { if (current_view->available() && lyxrc.display_shortcuts) { current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set("Inserting symbol ", s); } current_view->owner()->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_INSERT_MATH, s); } if (menu) menu->Hide(); } char const ** get_pixmap_from_symbol(char const * arg, int wx, int hx) { char const ** data = 0; latexkeys * l = in_word_set (arg, strlen(arg)); if (!l) return 0; switch (l->token) { case LM_TK_FRAC: data = mathed_get_pixmap_from_icon(MM_FRAC); break; case LM_TK_SQRT: data = mathed_get_pixmap_from_icon(MM_SQRT); break; case LM_TK_BIGSYM: case LM_TK_SYM: // I have to use directly the bitmap data since the // bitmap tables are not yet created when this // function is called. data = pixmapFromBitmapData(arg, wx, hx); break; } return data; } bool math_insert_greek(BufferView * bv, char c) { if (bv->available() && (('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a'<= c && c<= 'z'))) { string tmp; tmp = c; if (!bv->theLockingInset() || bv->theLockingInset()->IsTextInset()) { int greek_kb_flag_save = greek_kb_flag; InsetFormula * new_inset = new InsetFormula(); bv->beforeChange(); if (!bv->insertInset(new_inset)) { delete new_inset; return false; } // Update(1);//BUG new_inset->Edit(bv, 0, 0, 0); new_inset->LocalDispatch(bv, LFUN_SELFINSERT, tmp); if (greek_kb_flag_save < 2) { bv->unlockInset(new_inset); // bv->theLockingInset()); bv->text->CursorRight(bv, true); } } else if (bv->theLockingInset()->LyxCode() == Inset::MATH_CODE || bv->theLockingInset()->LyxCode() == Inset::MATHMACRO_CODE) static_cast(bv->theLockingInset())->LocalDispatch(bv, LFUN_SELFINSERT, tmp); else lyxerr << "Math error: attempt to write on a wrong " "class of inset." << endl; return true; } return false; } void math_insert_symbol(BufferView * bv, string const & s) { if (bv->available()) { if (!bv->theLockingInset() || bv->theLockingInset()->IsTextInset()) { InsetFormula * new_inset = new InsetFormula(); bv->beforeChange(); if (!bv->insertInset(new_inset)) { delete new_inset; return; } // Update(1);//BUG new_inset->Edit(bv, 0, 0, 0); new_inset->InsertSymbol(bv, s); } else if (bv->theLockingInset()->LyxCode() == Inset::MATH_CODE || bv->theLockingInset()->LyxCode() == Inset::MATHMACRO_CODE) static_cast(bv->theLockingInset())->InsertSymbol(bv, s); else lyxerr << "Math error: attempt to write on a wrong " "class of inset." << endl; } } BitmapMenu * sym_menu= 0; void create_symbol_menues(FD_panel * symb_form) { FL_OBJECT * obj; BitmapMenu * menu; sym_menu = menu = new BitmapMenu(2, symb_form->greek); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_GREEK, 6, 2, Greek_width, Greek_height, Greek_bits); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, 11); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_GREEK, 7, 4, greek_width, greek_height, greek_bits); menu->Create(); menu = new BitmapMenu(1, symb_form->boperator, menu); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_BOP, 4, 8, bop_width, bop_height, bop_bits); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, 31); menu->Create(); menu = new BitmapMenu(1, symb_form->brelats, menu); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_BRELATS, 4, 9, brel_width, brel_height, brel_bits); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, 35); menu->Create(); menu = new BitmapMenu(3, symb_form->arrow, menu); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_ARROW, 5, 4, arrow_width, arrow_height, arrow_bits); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_ARROW, 2, 4, larrow_width, larrow_height, larrow_bits, False); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, 7); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_ARROW, 2, 2, darrow_width, darrow_height, darrow_bits); menu->Create(); menu = new BitmapMenu(1, symb_form->varsize, menu); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_VARSIZE, 3, 5, varsz_width, varsz_height, varsz_bits); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, 14); menu->Create(); menu = new BitmapMenu(2, symb_form->misc, menu); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_MISC, 5, 6, misc_width, misc_height, misc_bits); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, 29); obj = menu->AddBitmap(MM_DOTS, 4, 1, dots_width, dots_height, dots_bits); menu->Create(); } static char const ** pixmapFromBitmapData(char const * s, int wx, int hx) { int i; char const ** data = 0; int id = -1; for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { char const ** latex_str = 0; switch (i) { case 0: latex_str = latex_greek; break; case 1: latex_str = latex_bop; break; case 2: latex_str = latex_brel; break; case 3: latex_str = latex_arrow; break; case 4: latex_str = latex_varsz; break; case 5: latex_str = latex_misc; break; } for (int k = 0; latex_str[k][0] > ' '; ++k) { if (strcmp(latex_str[k], s) == 0) { id = k; break; } } if (id >= 0) break; } if (i < 6 && id >= 0) { unsigned char const * bdata = 0; int w = 0, h = 0, dw = 0, dh = 0; lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Imando " << i << ", " << id << endl; switch (i) { case 0: if (id<= 10) { w = Greek_width; h = Greek_height; bdata = Greek_bits; dw = 6; dh = 2; } else { w = greek_width; h = greek_height; bdata = greek_bits; dw = 7; dh = 4; id -= 11; } break; case 1: w = bop_width; h = bop_height; bdata = bop_bits; dw = 4; dh = 8; break; case 2: w = brel_width; h = brel_height; bdata = brel_bits; dw = 4; dh = 9; break; case 3: if (id<20) { w = arrow_width; h = arrow_height; bdata = arrow_bits; dw = 5; dh = 4; } else if (id>28) { w = darrow_width; h = darrow_height; bdata = darrow_bits; dw = 2; dh = 2; id -= 29; } else { w = larrow_width; h = larrow_height; bdata = larrow_bits; dw = 2; dh = 4; id -= 20; } break; case 4: w = varsz_width; h = varsz_height; bdata = varsz_bits; dw = 3; dh = 5; break; case 5: w = misc_width; h = misc_height; bdata = misc_bits; dw = 5; dh = 6; break; } int ww = w/dw, hh = h/dh, x, y; XImage * xima = XCreateImage(fl_get_display(), 0, 1, XYBitmap, 0, const_cast(reinterpret_cast(bdata)), w, h, 8, 0); xima->byte_order = LSBFirst; xima->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; x = (id % dw)*ww; y = (id/dw)*hh; if (ww > wx) ww = wx; if (hh > hx) hh = hx; XImage * sbima = XSubImage(xima, x, y, ww, hh); XpmCreateDataFromImage(fl_get_display(), const_cast(&data), sbima, sbima, 0); // Dirty hack to get blue symbols quickly char * sx = const_cast(strstr(data[2], "FFFFFFFF")); if (sx) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) sx[k] = '0'; } // XDestroyImage(xima); } return data; }