#ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "math_scriptinset.h" #include "math_support.h" #include "math_symbolinset.h" #include "math_mathmlstream.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "debug.h" using std::max; MathScriptInset::MathScriptInset() : MathNestInset(2), limits_(0) { script_[0] = false; script_[1] = false; } MathScriptInset::MathScriptInset(bool up) : MathNestInset(2), limits_(0) { script_[0] = !up; script_[1] = up; } MathInset * MathScriptInset::clone() const { return new MathScriptInset(*this); } MathScriptInset const * MathScriptInset::asScriptInset() const { return this; } MathScriptInset * MathScriptInset::asScriptInset() { return this; } MathXArray const & MathScriptInset::up() const { return xcell(1); } MathXArray const & MathScriptInset::down() const { return xcell(0); } MathXArray & MathScriptInset::up() { return xcell(1); } MathXArray & MathScriptInset::down() { return xcell(0); } void MathScriptInset::ensure(bool up) { script_[up] = true; } int MathScriptInset::dy0(MathInset const * nuc) const { int nd = ndes(nuc); if (!hasDown()) return nd; int des = down().ascent(); if (hasLimits(nuc)) des += nd + 2; else des = max(des, nd); return des; } int MathScriptInset::dy1(MathInset const * nuc) const { int na = nasc(nuc); if (!hasUp()) return na; int asc = up().descent(); if (hasLimits(nuc)) asc += na + 2; else asc = max(asc, na); asc = max(asc, mathed_char_ascent(font_, 'I')); return asc; } int MathScriptInset::dx0(MathInset const * nuc) const { lyx::Assert(hasDown()); return hasLimits(nuc) ? (width2(nuc) - down().width()) / 2 : nwid(nuc); } int MathScriptInset::dx1(MathInset const * nuc) const { lyx::Assert(hasUp()); return hasLimits(nuc) ? (width2(nuc) - up().width()) / 2 : nwid(nuc); } int MathScriptInset::dxx(MathInset const * nuc) const { //lyx::Assert(nuc()); return hasLimits(nuc) ? (width2(nuc) - nwid(nuc)) / 2 : 0; } int MathScriptInset::ascent2(MathInset const * nuc) const { return dy1(nuc) + (hasUp() ? up().ascent() : 0); } int MathScriptInset::descent2(MathInset const * nuc) const { return dy0(nuc) + (hasDown() ? down().descent() : 0); } int MathScriptInset::width2(MathInset const * nuc) const { int wid = 0; if (hasLimits(nuc)) { wid = nwid(nuc); if (hasUp()) wid = max(wid, up().width()); if (hasDown()) wid = max(wid, down().width()); } else { if (hasUp()) wid = max(wid, up().width()); if (hasDown()) wid = max(wid, down().width()); wid += nwid(nuc); } return wid; } int MathScriptInset::nwid(MathInset const * nuc) const { return nuc ? nuc->width() : mathed_char_width(font_, '.'); } int MathScriptInset::nasc(MathInset const * nuc) const { return nuc ? nuc->ascent() : mathed_char_ascent(font_, 'I'); } int MathScriptInset::ndes(MathInset const * nuc) const { return nuc ? nuc->descent() : mathed_char_descent(font_, 'I'); } void MathScriptInset::metrics(MathMetricsInfo & mi) const { metrics(0, mi); } void MathScriptInset::metrics(MathInset const * nuc, MathMetricsInfo & mi) const { if (nuc) nuc->metrics(mi); MathNestInset::metrics(mi); MathScriptChanger dummy(mi.base); ascent_ = ascent2(nuc); descent_ = descent2(nuc); width_ = width2(nuc); } void MathScriptInset::draw(MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { //lyxerr << "unexpected call to MathScriptInset::draw()\n"; draw(0, pi, x, y); } void MathScriptInset::draw(MathInset const * nuc, MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { if (nuc) nuc->draw(pi, x + dxx(nuc), y); else if (editing()) drawStr(pi, font_, x + dxx(nuc), y, "."); MathScriptChanger dummy(pi.base); if (hasUp()) up().draw(pi, x + dx1(nuc), y - dy1(nuc)); if (hasDown()) down().draw(pi, x + dx0(nuc), y + dy0(nuc)); } void MathScriptInset::metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi) const { metricsT(0, mi); } void MathScriptInset::metricsT(MathInset const * nuc, TextMetricsInfo const & mi) const { if (hasUp()) up().metricsT(mi); if (hasDown()) down().metricsT(mi); if (nuc) nuc->metricsT(mi); //ascent_ = ascent2(nuc); //descent_ = descent2(nuc); //width_ = width2(nuc); } void MathScriptInset::drawT(TextPainter & pain, int x, int y) const { //lyxerr << "unexpected call to MathScriptInset::draw()\n"; drawT(0, pain, x, y); } void MathScriptInset::drawT(MathInset const * nuc, TextPainter & pain, int x, int y) const { if (nuc) nuc->drawT(pain, x + dxx(nuc), y); if (hasUp()) up().drawT(pain, x + dx1(nuc), y - dy1(nuc)); if (hasDown()) down().drawT(pain, x + dx0(nuc), y + dy0(nuc)); } bool MathScriptInset::hasLimits(MathInset const * nuc) const { // obvious cases if (limits_ == 1) return true; if (limits_ == -1) return false; // we can only display limits if the nucleus wants some if (!nuc) return false; if (!nuc->isScriptable()) return false; // per default \int has limits beside the \int even in displayed formulas if (nuc->asSymbolInset()) if (nuc->asSymbolInset()->name().find("int") != string::npos) return false; // assume "real" limits for everything else return true; } void MathScriptInset::removeEmptyScripts() { for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) if (script_[i] && cell(i).size() == 0) { cell(i).clear(); script_[i] = false; } } void MathScriptInset::removeScript(bool up) { cell(up).clear(); script_[up] = false; } bool MathScriptInset::has(bool up) const { return script_[up]; } bool MathScriptInset::empty() const { return !script_[0] && !script_[1]; } bool MathScriptInset::hasUp() const { return script_[1]; } bool MathScriptInset::hasDown() const { return script_[0]; } bool MathScriptInset::idxRight(MathInset::idx_type &, MathInset::pos_type &) const { return false; } bool MathScriptInset::idxLeft(MathInset::idx_type &, MathInset::pos_type &) const { return false; } void MathScriptInset::write(WriteStream & os) const { //lyxerr << "unexpected call to MathScriptInset::write()\n"; write2(0, os); } void MathScriptInset::write2(MathInset const * nuc, WriteStream & os) const { if (nuc) { os << nuc; if (nuc->takesLimits()) { if (limits_ == -1) os << "\\nolimits "; if (limits_ == 1) os << "\\limits "; } } else if (os.firstitem()) lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "suppressing {} when writing\n"; else os << "{}"; if (hasDown() && down().data().size()) os << "_{" << down().data() << '}'; if (hasUp() && up().data().size()) os << "^{" << up().data() << '}'; } void MathScriptInset::normalize(NormalStream & os) const { //lyxerr << "unexpected call to MathScriptInset::normalize()\n"; normalize2(0, os); } void MathScriptInset::normalize2(MathInset const * nuc, NormalStream & os) const { bool d = hasDown() && down().data().size(); bool u = hasUp() && up().data().size(); if (u) os << "[sup "; if (d) os << "[sub "; if (nuc) os << nuc << ' '; else os << "[par]"; if (d) os << down().data() << ']'; if (u) os << up().data() << ']'; } void MathScriptInset::maplize2(MathInset const * nuc, MapleStream & os) const { if (nuc) os << nuc; if (hasDown() && down().data().size()) os << '[' << down().data() << ']'; if (hasUp() && up().data().size()) os << "^(" << up().data() << ')'; } void MathScriptInset::mathematicize2(MathInset const * nuc, MathematicaStream & os) const { bool d = hasDown() && down().data().size(); bool u = hasUp() && up().data().size(); if (nuc) if (d) //subscript only if nuc ! os << "Subscript[" << nuc; else os << nuc; if (u) os << "^(" << up().data() << ")"; if (nuc) if (d) os << "," << down().data() << "]"; } void MathScriptInset::mathmlize2(MathInset const * nuc, MathMLStream & os) const { bool d = hasDown() && down().data().size(); bool u = hasUp() && up().data().size(); if (u && d) os << MTag("msubsup"); else if (u) os << MTag("msup"); else if (d) os << MTag("msub"); if (nuc) os << nuc; else os << ""; if (u && d) os << down().data() << up().data() << ETag("msubsup"); else if (u) os << up().data() << ETag("msup"); else if (d) os << down().data() << ETag("msub"); } void MathScriptInset::octavize2(MathInset const * nuc, OctaveStream & os) const { if (nuc) os << nuc; if (hasDown() && down().data().size()) os << '[' << down().data() << ']'; if (hasUp() && up().data().size()) os << "^(" << up().data() << ')'; } void MathScriptInset::infoize(std::ostream & os) const { if (limits_) os << (limits_ == 1 ? "Displayed limits " : "Inlined limits "); }