/* * File: math_parser.C * Purpose: Parser for mathed * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: Parse LaTeX2e math mode code. * * Dependencies: Xlib, XForms * * Copyright: 1996, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.8beta. * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "math_parser.h" #include "array.h" #include "math_inset.h" #include "math_macro.h" #include "math_macrotable.h" #include "math_macrotemplate.h" #include "math_root.h" #include "math_arrayinset.h" #include "math_sqrtinset.h" #include "math_matrixinset.h" #include "math_accentinset.h" #include "math_bigopinset.h" #include "math_funcinset.h" #include "math_spaceinset.h" #include "math_sizeinset.h" #include "math_dotsinset.h" #include "math_fracinset.h" #include "math_deliminset.h" #include "math_decorationinset.h" #include "debug.h" #include "mathed/support.h" #include "lyxlex.h" using std::istream; using std::endl; // These are lexical codes, not semantic enum lexcode_enum { LexNone, LexESC, LexAlpha, LexDigit, LexBOP, // Binary operators or relations LexMathSpace, LexOpen, LexClose, LexComment, LexArgument, LexSpace, LexNewLine, LexOther, LexSelf }; lexcode_enum lexcode[256]; char const * latex_special_chars = "#$%&_{}"; /// Read TeX into data, flags give stop conditions void mathed_parse(MathArray & data, unsigned flags); namespace { unsigned char getuchar(std::istream * is) { char c; is->get(c); return static_cast(c); } const unsigned char LM_TK_OPEN = '{'; const unsigned char LM_TK_CLOSE = '}'; enum { FLAG_BRACE = 1 << 0, // A { needed //} FLAG_BRACE_OPT = 1 << 2, // Optional { FLAG_BRACE_LAST = 1 << 3, // Last } ends the parsing process FLAG_BRACK_ARG = 1 << 4, // Optional [ FLAG_RIGHT = 1 << 5, // Next right ends the parsing process FLAG_END = 1 << 6, // Next end ends the parsing process FLAG_BRACE_FONT = 1 << 7, // Next } closes a font FLAG_BRACK_END = 1 << 9, // Next ] ends the parsing process FLAG_AMPERSAND = 1 << 10, // Next & ends the parsing process FLAG_NEWLINE = 1 << 11 // Next \\ ends the parsing process }; /// union { /// int i; /// latexkeys const * l; } yylval; string yytext; int yylineno; istream * yyis; MathTextCodes yyvarcode; struct latex_mathenv_type { char const * name; char const * basename; MathInsetTypes typ; bool numbered; bool ams; }; latex_mathenv_type latex_mathenv[] = { {"math", "math", LM_OT_SIMPLE, 0, 0}, {"equation*", "equation", LM_OT_EQUATION, 0, 0}, {"equation", "equation", LM_OT_EQUATION, 1, 0}, {"eqnarray*", "eqnarray", LM_OT_EQNARRAY, 0, 0}, {"eqnarray", "eqnarray", LM_OT_EQNARRAY, 1, 0}, {"align*", "align", LM_OT_ALIGN, 0, 1}, {"align", "align", LM_OT_ALIGN, 1, 1}, {"alignat*", "alignat", LM_OT_ALIGNAT, 0, 1}, {"alignat", "alignat", LM_OT_ALIGNAT, 1, 1}, {"multline*", "multline", LM_OT_MULTLINE, 0, 1}, {"multline", "multline", LM_OT_MULTLINE, 1, 1}, {"array", "array", LM_OT_MATRIX, 0, 1} }; int const latex_mathenv_num = sizeof(latex_mathenv)/sizeof(latex_mathenv[0]); void mathPrintError(string const & msg) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Line ~" << yylineno << ": Math parse error: " << msg << endl; } void LexInitCodes() { for (int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i) { if (isdigit(i)) lexcode[i] = LexDigit; else if (isspace(i)) lexcode[i] = LexSpace; else lexcode[i] = LexAlpha; } lexcode['\t'] = lexcode['\f'] = lexcode[' '] = LexSpace; lexcode['\n'] = LexNewLine; lexcode['%'] = LexComment; lexcode['#'] = LexArgument; lexcode['+'] = lexcode['-'] = lexcode['*'] = lexcode['/'] = lexcode['<'] = lexcode['>'] = lexcode['='] = LexBOP; lexcode['!'] = lexcode[','] = lexcode[':'] = lexcode[';'] = LexMathSpace; lexcode['('] = lexcode[')'] = lexcode['|'] = lexcode['.'] = lexcode['?'] = LexOther; lexcode['\''] = lexcode['@'] = LexAlpha; lexcode['['] = lexcode[']'] = lexcode['^'] = lexcode['_'] = lexcode['&'] = LexSelf; lexcode['\\'] = LexESC; lexcode['{'] = LexOpen; lexcode['}'] = LexClose; } unsigned char LexGetArg(unsigned char lf, bool accept_spaces = false) { while (yyis->good()) { unsigned char c = getuchar(yyis); if (c > ' ') { if (!lf) lf = c; else if (c != lf) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Math parse error: unexpected '" << c << "'" << endl; return '\0'; } break; } } unsigned char rg = 0; if (lf == '{') rg = '}'; if (lf == '[') rg = ']'; if (lf == '(') rg = ')'; if (!rg) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Math parse error: unknown bracket '" << lf << "'" << endl; return '\0'; } yytext.erase(); int bcnt = 1; do { unsigned char c = getuchar(yyis); if (c == lf) ++bcnt; if (c == rg) --bcnt; if ((c > ' ' || (c == ' ' && accept_spaces)) && bcnt > 0) yytext += c; } while (bcnt > 0 && yyis->good()); return rg; } int yylex() { static int init_done; if (!init_done) LexInitCodes(); while (yyis->good()) { unsigned char c = getuchar(yyis); //lyxerr << "reading byte: '" << c << "' code: " << lexcode[c] << endl; if (yyvarcode == LM_TC_TEXTRM && c == ' ') { yylval.i = ' '; return LM_TK_ALPHA; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexNewLine) { ++yylineno; continue; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexComment) { do { c = getuchar(yyis); } while (c != '\n' && yyis->good()); // eat comments } else if (lexcode[c] == LexDigit || lexcode[c] == LexOther || lexcode[c] == LexMathSpace) { yylval.i = c; return LM_TK_STR; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexAlpha) { yylval.i = c; return LM_TK_ALPHA; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexBOP) { yylval.i = c; return LM_TK_BOP; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexSelf) { return c; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexArgument) { c = getuchar(yyis); yylval.i = c - '0'; return LM_TK_ARGUMENT; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexOpen) { return LM_TK_OPEN; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexClose) { return LM_TK_CLOSE; } else if (lexcode[c] == LexESC) { c = getuchar(yyis); if (c == '\\') { yylval.i = -1; return LM_TK_NEWLINE; } if (c == '(') { yylval.i = LM_OT_SIMPLE; return LM_TK_BEGIN; } if (c == ')') { yylval.i = LM_OT_SIMPLE; return LM_TK_END; } if (c == '[') { yylval.i = LM_OT_EQUATION; return LM_TK_BEGIN; } if (c == ']') { yylval.i = LM_OT_EQUATION; return LM_TK_END; } if (contains(latex_special_chars, c)) { yylval.i = c; return LM_TK_SPECIAL; } if (lexcode[c] == LexMathSpace) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4 && static_cast(c) != latex_mathspace[i][0]; ++i) ; yylval.i = (i < 4) ? i : 0; return LM_TK_SPACE; } if (lexcode[c] == LexAlpha || lexcode[c] == LexDigit) { yytext.erase(); while (lexcode[c] == LexAlpha || lexcode[c] == LexDigit) { yytext += c; c = getuchar(yyis); } if (yyis->good()) yyis->putback(c); lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "reading: text '" << yytext << "'\n"; latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(yytext); if (!l) return LM_TK_UNDEF; if (l->token == LM_TK_BEGIN || l->token == LM_TK_END) { LexGetArg('{'); int i = 0; while (i < latex_mathenv_num && yytext != latex_mathenv[i].name) ++i; yylval.i = i; } else if (l->token == LM_TK_SPACE) yylval.i = l->id; else yylval.l = l; return l->token; } } } return 0; } // Accent hacks only for 0.12. Stolen from Cursor. int accent = 0; int nestaccent[8]; void setAccent(int ac) { if (ac > 0 && accent < 8) nestaccent[accent++] = ac; else accent = 0; // consumed! } MathInset * doAccent(unsigned char c, MathTextCodes t) { MathInset * ac = 0; for (int i = accent - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == accent - 1) ac = new MathAccentInset(c, t, nestaccent[i]); else ac = new MathAccentInset(ac, nestaccent[i]); } accent = 0; // consumed! return ac; } MathInset * doAccent(MathInset * p) { MathInset * ac = 0; for (int i = accent - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == accent - 1) ac = new MathAccentInset(p, nestaccent[i]); else ac = new MathAccentInset(ac, nestaccent[i]); } accent = 0; // consumed! return ac; } void do_insert(MathArray & dat, MathInset * m) { if (accent) dat.push_back(doAccent(m)); else dat.push_back(m); } void do_insert(MathArray & dat, unsigned char ch, MathTextCodes fcode) { if (accent) dat.push_back(doAccent(ch, fcode)); else dat.push_back(ch, fcode); } void handle_frac(MathArray & dat, MathInsetTypes t) { MathFracInset * p = new MathFracInset(t); mathed_parse(p->cell(0), FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); mathed_parse(p->cell(1), FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); dat.push_back(p); } MathScriptInset * lastScriptInset(MathArray & array) { MathInset * p = array.back_inset(); if (!p || !p->isScriptInset()) { p = new MathScriptInset; array.push_back(p); } return static_cast(p); } } static bool curr_num; static string curr_label; void mathed_parse_lines(MathInset * inset, int col, bool numbered, bool outmost) { // save global variables bool saved_num = curr_num; string saved_label = curr_label; MathGridInset * p = static_cast(inset); for (int row = 0; true; ++row) { // reset global variables curr_num = numbered; curr_label = string(); // reading a row int idx = p->nargs() - p->ncols(); for (int i = 0; i < col - 1; ++i, ++idx) mathed_parse(p->cell(idx), FLAG_AMPERSAND); mathed_parse(p->cell(idx), FLAG_NEWLINE | FLAG_END); if (outmost) { MathMatrixInset * m = static_cast(p); m->numbered(row, curr_num); m->label(row, curr_label); } // Hack! // no newline if (yylval.i != -1) break; p->appendRow(); } // restore global variables curr_num = saved_num; curr_label = saved_label; } MathInset * mathed_parse() { MathInset * p = 0; int t = yylex(); switch (t) { case LM_TK_NEWCOMMAND: { LexGetArg('{'); string name = yytext.substr(1); int na = 0; unsigned char const c = yyis->peek(); if (c == '[') { LexGetArg('['); na = atoi(yytext.c_str()); } p = new MathMacroTemplate(name, na); mathed_parse(p->cell(0), FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "LM_TK_NEWCOMMAND: name: " << name << " na: " << na << "\n"; break; } case LM_TK_BEGIN: { int i = yylval.i; lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "reading math environment " << i << " " << latex_mathenv[i].name << "\n"; MathInsetTypes typ = latex_mathenv[i].typ; p = new MathMatrixInset(typ); switch (typ) { case LM_OT_SIMPLE: { curr_num = latex_mathenv[i].numbered; curr_label = string(); mathed_parse(p->cell(0), 0); MathMatrixInset * m = static_cast(p); m->numbered(0, curr_num); m->label(0, curr_label); break; } case LM_OT_EQUATION: { curr_num = latex_mathenv[i].numbered; curr_label = string(); mathed_parse(p->cell(0), FLAG_END); MathMatrixInset * m = static_cast(p); m->numbered(0, curr_num); m->label(0, curr_label); break; } case LM_OT_EQNARRAY: { mathed_parse_lines(p, 3, latex_mathenv[i].numbered, true); break; } case LM_OT_ALIGNAT: { LexGetArg('{'); //int c = atoi(yytext.c_str()); lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "LM_OT_ALIGNAT: not implemented\n"; mathed_parse_lines(p, 2, latex_mathenv[i].numbered, true); lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "LM_OT_ALIGNAT: par: " << *p << "\n"; break; } default: lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "1: unknown math environment: " << typ << "\n"; } p->SetName(latex_mathenv[i].basename); break; } default: lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "2 unknown math environment: " << t << "\n"; } return p; } void mathed_parse(MathArray & array, unsigned flags) { int t = yylex(); int tprev = 0; bool panic = false; static int plevel = -1; yyvarcode = LM_TC_VAR; int brace = 0; int acc_brace = 0; int acc_braces[8]; ++plevel; while (t) { //lyxerr << "t: " << t << " flags: " << flags; //array.dump(lyxerr); //lyxerr << "\n"; if ((flags & FLAG_BRACE) && t != LM_TK_OPEN) { if (!(flags & FLAG_BRACK_ARG) || t != '[') { mathPrintError( "Expected {. Maybe you forgot to enclose an argument in {}"); panic = true; break; } } switch (t) { case LM_TK_ALPHA: do_insert(array, yylval.i, yyvarcode); break; case LM_TK_ARGUMENT: array.push_back(new MathMacroArgument(yylval.i)); break; case LM_TK_SPECIAL: array.push_back(yylval.i, LM_TC_SPECIAL); break; case LM_TK_STR: do_insert(array, yylval.i, LM_TC_CONST); break; case LM_TK_OPEN: ++brace; if (accent && tprev == LM_TK_ACCENT) { acc_braces[acc_brace++] = brace; break; } if (flags & FLAG_BRACE_OPT) { flags &= ~FLAG_BRACE_OPT; flags |= FLAG_BRACE; } if (flags & FLAG_BRACE) flags &= ~FLAG_BRACE; else array.push_back('{', LM_TC_TEX); break; case LM_TK_CLOSE: --brace; if (brace < 0) { mathPrintError("Unmatching braces"); panic = true; break; } if (acc_brace && brace == acc_braces[acc_brace - 1] - 1) { --acc_brace; break; } if (flags & FLAG_BRACE_FONT) { yyvarcode = LM_TC_VAR; flags &= ~FLAG_BRACE_FONT; break; } if (brace == 0 && (flags & FLAG_BRACE_LAST)) { --plevel; return; } array.push_back('}', LM_TC_TEX); break; case '[': if (flags & FLAG_BRACK_ARG) { flags &= ~FLAG_BRACK_ARG; unsigned char const rg = LexGetArg('['); if (rg != ']') { mathPrintError("Expected ']'"); panic = true; break; } } else array.push_back('[', LM_TC_CONST); break; case ']': if (flags & FLAG_BRACK_END) { --plevel; return; } array.push_back(']', LM_TC_CONST); break; case '^': { MathArray ar; mathed_parse(ar, FLAG_BRACE_OPT | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); MathScriptInset * p = lastScriptInset(array); p->setData(ar, 0); p->up(true); break; } case '_': { MathArray ar; mathed_parse(ar, FLAG_BRACE_OPT | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); MathScriptInset * p = lastScriptInset(array); p->setData(ar, 1); p->down(true); break; } case LM_TK_LIMIT: { MathScriptInset * p = lastScriptInset(array); if (p) p->limits(yylval.l->id ? 1 : -1); break; } case '&': { if (flags & FLAG_AMPERSAND) { flags &= ~FLAG_AMPERSAND; --plevel; return; } lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "found tab unexpectedly, array: '" << array << "'\n"; break; } case LM_TK_NEWLINE: { if (flags & FLAG_NEWLINE) { flags &= ~FLAG_NEWLINE; --plevel; return; } lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "found newline unexpectedly, array: '" << array << "'\n"; break; } case LM_TK_BIGSYM: { array.push_back(new MathBigopInset(yylval.l->name, yylval.l->id)); break; } case LM_TK_SYM: if (yylval.l->id < 256) { MathTextCodes tc = MathIsBOPS(yylval.l->id) ? LM_TC_BOPS: LM_TC_SYMB; do_insert(array, yylval.l->id, tc); } else do_insert(array, new MathFuncInset(yylval.l->name)); break; case LM_TK_BOP: do_insert(array, yylval.i, LM_TC_BOP); break; case LM_TK_SPACE: if (yylval.i >= 0) array.push_back(new MathSpaceInset(yylval.i)); break; case LM_TK_DOTS: array.push_back(new MathDotsInset(yylval.l->name, yylval.l->id)); break; case LM_TK_CHOOSE: handle_frac(array, LM_OT_ATOP); break; case LM_TK_STACK: handle_frac(array, LM_OT_STACKREL); break; case LM_TK_FRAC: handle_frac(array, LM_OT_FRAC); break; case LM_TK_SQRT: { unsigned char c = getuchar(yyis); if (c == '[') { MathRootInset * rt = new MathRootInset; mathed_parse(rt->cell(0), FLAG_BRACK_END); mathed_parse(rt->cell(1), FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); array.push_back(rt); } else { yyis->putback(c); MathSqrtInset * sq = new MathSqrtInset; mathed_parse(sq->cell(0), FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); array.push_back(sq); } break; } case LM_TK_LEFT: { int ld = yylex(); if (ld == LM_TK_SYM) ld = yylval.l->id; else if (ld == LM_TK_STR || ld == LM_TK_BOP || ld == LM_TK_SPECIAL) ld = yylval.i; MathArray ar; mathed_parse(ar, FLAG_RIGHT); int rd = yylex(); if (rd == LM_TK_SYM) rd = yylval.l->id; else if (rd == LM_TK_STR || rd == LM_TK_BOP || rd == LM_TK_SPECIAL) rd = yylval.i; MathDelimInset * dl = new MathDelimInset(ld, rd); dl->setData(ar, 0); array.push_back(dl); break; } case LM_TK_RIGHT: if (flags & FLAG_RIGHT) { --plevel; return; } mathPrintError("Unmatched right delimiter"); // panic = true; break; case LM_TK_FONT: yyvarcode = static_cast(yylval.l->id); flags |= (FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_FONT); break; case LM_TK_STY: { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "LM_TK_STY not implemented\n"; //MathArray tmp = array; //MathSizeInset * p = new MathSizeInset(MathStyles(yylval.l->id)); //array.push_back(p); //mathed_parse(p->cell(0), FLAG_BRACE_FONT); break; } case LM_TK_WIDE: { MathDecorationInset * sq = new MathDecorationInset(yylval.l->id); mathed_parse(sq->cell(0), FLAG_BRACE | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); array.push_back(sq); break; } case LM_TK_ACCENT: setAccent(yylval.l->id); break; case LM_TK_NONUM: curr_num = false; break; case LM_TK_PMOD: case LM_TK_FUNC: if (accent) array.push_back(t, LM_TC_CONST); else array.push_back(new MathFuncInset(yylval.l->name)); break; case LM_TK_FUNCLIM: array.push_back(new MathFuncInset(yylval.l->name, LM_OT_FUNCLIM)); break; case LM_TK_UNDEF: if (MathMacroTable::hasTemplate(yytext)) { MathMacro * m = MathMacroTable::cloneTemplate(yytext); for (int i = 0; i < m->nargs(); ++i) mathed_parse(m->cell(i), FLAG_BRACE_OPT | FLAG_BRACE_LAST); do_insert(array, m); m->Metrics(LM_ST_TEXT); } else do_insert(array, new MathFuncInset(yytext, LM_OT_UNDEF)); break; case LM_TK_END: --plevel; return; case LM_TK_BEGIN: { int i = yylval.i; MathInsetTypes typ = latex_mathenv[i].typ; if (typ == LM_OT_MATRIX) { string valign = "\0"; unsigned char rg = LexGetArg(0); if (rg == ']') { valign = yytext; rg = LexGetArg('{'); } string halign = yytext; MathArrayInset * mm = new MathArrayInset(halign.size(), 1); valign += 'c'; mm->valign(valign[0]); mm->halign(halign); mathed_parse_lines(mm, halign.size(), latex_mathenv[i].numbered, false); do_insert(array, mm); //lyxerr << "read matrix " << *mm << "\n"; break; } else lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "unknow math inset " << typ << "\n"; break; } case LM_TK_MACRO: do_insert(array, MathMacroTable::cloneTemplate(yylval.l->name)); break; case LM_TK_LABEL: { unsigned char const rg = LexGetArg('\0', true); if (rg != '}') { mathPrintError("Expected '{'"); // debug info lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "[" << yytext << "]" << endl; panic = true; break; } //lyxerr << " setting label to " << yytext << "\n"; curr_label = yytext; break; } default: mathPrintError("Unrecognized token"); lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "[" << t << " " << yytext << "]" << endl; break; } // end of big switch tprev = t; if (panic) { lyxerr << " Math Panic, expect problems!" << endl; // Search for the end command. do { t = yylex(); } while (t != LM_TK_END && t); } else t = yylex(); if (flags & FLAG_BRACE_OPT) { flags &= ~FLAG_BRACE_OPT; break; } } --plevel; } MathInset * mathed_parse(istream & is) { yyis = &is; yylineno = 0; return mathed_parse(); } MathInset * mathed_parse(LyXLex & lex) { yyis = &lex.getStream(); yylineno = lex.GetLineNo(); MathInset * p = mathed_parse(); // Update line number lex.setLineNo(yylineno); // reading of end_inset while (lex.IsOK()) { lex.nextToken(); if (lex.GetString() == "\\end_inset") break; lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "InsetFormula::Read: Garbage before \\end_inset," " or missing \\end_inset!" << endl; } return p; }