/** * \file math_nestinset.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "math_nestinset.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "debug.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "math_data.h" #include "math_mathmlstream.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "undo.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" MathNestInset::MathNestInset(idx_type nargs) : cells_(nargs), lock_(false) {} MathInset::idx_type MathNestInset::nargs() const { return cells_.size(); } MathArray & MathNestInset::cell(idx_type i) { return cells_[i]; } MathArray const & MathNestInset::cell(idx_type i) const { return cells_[i]; } void MathNestInset::getScreenPos(idx_type idx, pos_type pos, int & x, int & y) const { MathArray const & ar = cell(idx); x = ar.xo() + ar.pos2x(pos); y = ar.yo(); // move cursor visually into empty cells ("blue rectangles"); if (cell(idx).empty()) x += 2; } void MathNestInset::substitute(MathMacro const & m) { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) cell(i).substitute(m); } void MathNestInset::metrics(MetricsInfo const & mi) const { MetricsInfo m = mi; for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) cell(i).metrics(m); } bool MathNestInset::idxNext(LCursor & cur) const { if (cur.idx() + 1 >= nargs()) return false; ++cur.idx(); cur.pos() = 0; return true; } bool MathNestInset::idxRight(LCursor & cur) const { return idxNext(cur); } bool MathNestInset::idxPrev(LCursor & cur) const { if (cur.idx() == 0) return false; --cur.idx(); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return true; } bool MathNestInset::idxLeft(LCursor & cur) const { return idxPrev(cur); } bool MathNestInset::idxFirst(LCursor & cur) const { if (nargs() == 0) return false; cur.idx() = 0; cur.pos() = 0; return true; } bool MathNestInset::idxLast(LCursor & cur) const { if (nargs() == 0) return false; cur.idx() = nargs() - 1; cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return true; } bool MathNestInset::idxHome(LCursor & cur) const { if (cur.pos() == 0) return false; cur.pos() = 0; return true; } bool MathNestInset::idxEnd(LCursor & cur) const { if (cur.lastpos() == cur.lastpos()) return false; cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return true; } void MathNestInset::dump() const { WriteStream os(lyxerr); os << "---------------------------------------------\n"; write(os); os << "\n"; for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) os << cell(i) << "\n"; os << "---------------------------------------------\n"; } //void MathNestInset::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const void MathNestInset::draw(PainterInfo &, int, int) const { #if 0 if (lock_) pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y - ascent(), width(), height(), LColor::mathlockbg); #endif } void MathNestInset::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, idx_type idx1, pos_type pos1, idx_type idx2, pos_type pos2) const { if (idx1 == idx2) { MathArray const & c = cell(idx1); int x1 = c.xo() + c.pos2x(pos1); int y1 = c.yo() - c.ascent(); int x2 = c.xo() + c.pos2x(pos2); int y2 = c.yo() + c.descent(); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, LColor::selection); } else { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) { if (idxBetween(i, idx1, idx2)) { MathArray const & c = cell(i); int x1 = c.xo(); int y1 = c.yo() - c.ascent(); int x2 = c.xo() + c.width(); int y2 = c.yo() + c.descent(); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, LColor::selection); } } } } void MathNestInset::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) cell(i).validate(features); } void MathNestInset::replace(ReplaceData & rep) { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) cell(i).replace(rep); } bool MathNestInset::contains(MathArray const & ar) const { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) if (cell(i).contains(ar)) return true; return false; } bool MathNestInset::editing(BufferView * bv) const { return bv->cursor().isInside(this); } bool MathNestInset::lock() const { return lock_; } void MathNestInset::lock(bool l) { lock_ = l; } bool MathNestInset::isActive() const { return nargs() > 0; } MathArray MathNestInset::glue() const { MathArray ar; for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) ar.append(cell(i)); return ar; } void MathNestInset::write(WriteStream & os) const { os << '\\' << name().c_str(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) os << '{' << cell(i) << '}'; if (nargs() == 0) os.pendingSpace(true); if (lock_ && !os.latex()) { os << "\\lyxlock"; os.pendingSpace(true); } } void MathNestInset::normalize(NormalStream & os) const { os << '[' << name().c_str(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) os << ' ' << cell(i); os << ']'; } void MathNestInset::notifyCursorLeaves(idx_type idx) { cell(idx).notifyCursorLeaves(); } DispatchResult MathNestInset::priv_dispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { //lyxerr << "InsetFormulaBase::localDispatch: act: " << cmd.action // << " arg: '" << cmd.argument // << "' x: '" << cmd.x // << " y: '" << cmd.y // << "' button: " << cmd.button() << endl; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_PASTE: { MathArray ar; mathed_parse_cell(ar, cmd.argument); cur.cell().insert(cur.pos(), ar); cur.pos() += ar.size(); return DispatchResult(true, true); } case LFUN_PASTESELECTION: return dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_PASTE, cur.bv().getClipboard())); case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button2) return priv_dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_PASTESELECTION)); return DispatchResult(false); case LFUN_RIGHTSEL: cur.selection() = true; // fall through... case LFUN_RIGHT: return cur.right() ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); //lyxerr << "calling scroll 20" << endl; //scroll(&cur.bv(), 20); // write something to the minibuffer //cur.bv().owner()->message(cur.info()); case LFUN_LEFTSEL: cur.selection() = true; // fall through case LFUN_LEFT: return cur.left() ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(false, FINISHED); case LFUN_UPSEL: cur.selection() = true; // fall through case LFUN_UP: return cur.up() ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_UP); case LFUN_DOWNSEL: cur.selection() = true; // fall through case LFUN_DOWN: return cur.down() ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_DOWN); case LFUN_WORDSEL: cur.home(); cur.selection() = true; cur.end(); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_UP_PARAGRAPHSEL: case LFUN_UP_PARAGRAPH: case LFUN_DOWN_PARAGRAPHSEL: case LFUN_DOWN_PARAGRAPH: return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); case LFUN_HOMESEL: case LFUN_WORDLEFTSEL: cur.selection() = true; // fall through case LFUN_HOME: case LFUN_WORDLEFT: return cur.home() ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); case LFUN_ENDSEL: case LFUN_WORDRIGHTSEL: cur.selection() = true; // fall through case LFUN_END: case LFUN_WORDRIGHT: return cur.end() ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); case LFUN_PRIORSEL: case LFUN_PRIOR: case LFUN_BEGINNINGBUFSEL: case LFUN_BEGINNINGBUF: return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); case LFUN_NEXTSEL: case LFUN_NEXT: case LFUN_ENDBUFSEL: case LFUN_ENDBUF: return DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); case LFUN_CELL_FORWARD: cur.inset()->idxNext(cur); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_CELL_BACKWARD: cur.inset()->idxPrev(cur); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_DELETE_WORD_BACKWARD: case LFUN_BACKSPACE: recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.backspace(); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_DELETE_WORD_FORWARD: case LFUN_DELETE: recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.erase(); return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); case LFUN_ESCAPE: if (!cur.selection()) return DispatchResult(true, true); cur.selClear(); return DispatchResult(false); case LFUN_INSET_TOGGLE: cur.lockToggle(); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_SELFINSERT: if (!cmd.argument.empty()) { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); if (cmd.argument.size() == 1) { if (cur.interpret(cmd.argument[0])) return DispatchResult(true, true); else return DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); } cur.insert(cmd.argument); } return DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); #if 0 // // this needs to bee incorporated // //lyxerr << "InsetFormulaBase::localDispatch: act: " << cmd.action // << " arg: '" << cmd.argument // << "' x: '" << cmd.x // << " y: '" << cmd.y // << "' button: " << cmd.button() << endl; // delete empty mathbox (LFUN_BACKSPACE and LFUN_DELETE) bool remove_inset = false; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: //lyxerr << "Mouse single press" << endl; return lfunMousePress(cur, cmd); case LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION: //lyxerr << "Mouse motion" << endl; return lfunMouseMotion(cur, cmd); case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: //lyxerr << "Mouse single release" << endl; return lfunMouseRelease(cur, cmd); case LFUN_MOUSE_DOUBLE: //lyxerr << "Mouse double" << endl; return dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_WORDSEL)); default: break; } DispatchResult result(true); string argument = cmd.argument; bool was_macro = cur.inMacroMode(); cur.normalize(); cur.touch(); switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_MATH_MUTATE: case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: case LFUN_MATH_NUMBER: case LFUN_MATH_NONUMBER: case LFUN_CELL_SPLIT: case LFUN_BREAKLINE: case LFUN_DELETE_LINE_FORWARD: case LFUN_INSERT_LABEL: case LFUN_MATH_EXTERN: case LFUN_TABULAR_FEATURE: case LFUN_PASTESELECTION: case LFUN_MATH_LIMITS: recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.dispatch(cmd); break; // case LFUN_GETXY: // sprintf(dispatch_buffer, "%d %d",); // DispatchResult= dispatch_buffer; // break; case LFUN_SETXY: { lyxerr << "LFUN_SETXY broken!" << endl; int x = 0; int y = 0; istringstream is(cmd.argument.c_str()); is >> x >> y; cur.setScreenPos(x, y); break; } case LFUN_PASTE: { size_t n = 0; istringstream is(cmd.argument.c_str()); is >> n; if (was_macro) cur.macroModeClose(); recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.selPaste(n); break; } case LFUN_CUT: recordUndo(cur, Undo::DELETE); cur.selCut(); break; case LFUN_COPY: cur.selCopy(); break; // Special casing for superscript in case of LyX handling // dead-keys: case LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX: if (cmd.argument.empty()) { // do superscript if LyX handles // deadkeys recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.script(true); } break; case LFUN_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACUTE: case LFUN_GRAVE: case LFUN_BREVE: case LFUN_DOT: case LFUN_MACRON: case LFUN_CARON: case LFUN_TILDE: case LFUN_CEDILLA: case LFUN_CIRCLE: case LFUN_UNDERDOT: case LFUN_TIE: case LFUN_OGONEK: case LFUN_HUNG_UMLAUT: break; // Math fonts case LFUN_FREEFONT_APPLY: case LFUN_FREEFONT_UPDATE: handleFont2(cur, cmd.argument); break; case LFUN_BOLD: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathbf"); break; case LFUN_SANS: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathsf"); break; case LFUN_EMPH: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathcal"); break; case LFUN_ROMAN: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathrm"); break; case LFUN_CODE: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "texttt"); break; case LFUN_FRAK: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathfrak"); break; case LFUN_ITAL: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathit"); break; case LFUN_NOUN: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "mathbb"); break; //case LFUN_FREEFONT_APPLY: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "textrm"); break; case LFUN_DEFAULT: handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "textnormal"); break; case LFUN_MATH_MODE: if (cur.currentMode() == InsetBase::TEXT_MODE) cur.niceInsert(MathAtom(new MathHullInset("simple"))); else handleFont(cur, cmd.argument, "textrm"); //cur.owner()->message(_("math text mode toggled")); break; case LFUN_MATH_SIZE: #if 0 if (!arg.empty()) { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.setSize(arg); } #endif break; case LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX: { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); unsigned int m = 1; unsigned int n = 1; string v_align; string h_align; istringstream is(argument); is >> m >> n >> v_align >> h_align; m = max(1u, m); n = max(1u, n); v_align += 'c'; cur.niceInsert( MathAtom(new MathArrayInset("array", m, n, v_align[0], h_align))); break; } case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: { //lyxerr << "formulabase::LFUN_MATH_DELIM, arg: '" << arg << "'" << endl; string ls; string rs = split(cmd.argument, ls, ' '); // Reasonable default values if (ls.empty()) ls = '('; if (rs.empty()) rs = ')'; recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.handleNest(MathAtom(new MathDelimInset(ls, rs))); break; } case LFUN_SPACE_INSERT: case LFUN_MATH_SPACE: recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.insert(MathAtom(new MathSpaceInset(","))); break; case LFUN_UNDO: cur.bv().owner()->message(_("Invalid action in math mode!")); break; case LFUN_EXEC_COMMAND: result = DispatchResult(false); break; case LFUN_INSET_ERT: // interpret this as if a backslash was typed recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.interpret('\\'); break; case LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPH: case LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPHKEEPLAYOUT: case LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPH_SKIP: argument = "\n"; // fall through // FIXME: We probably should swap parts of "math-insert" and "self-insert" // handling such that "self-insert" works on "arbitrary stuff" too, and // math-insert only handles special math things like "matrix". case LFUN_INSERT_MATH: recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.niceInsert(argument); break; case LFUN_INSET_TOGGLE: cur.lockToggle(); break; case LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW: result = DispatchResult(false); break; case LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW_NEW_INSET: { string const & name = argument; string data; if (name == "ref") { RefInset tmp(name); data = tmp.createDialogStr(name); } if (data.empty()) result = DispatchResult(false); else cur.bv().owner()->getDialogs().show(name, data, 0); break; } case LFUN_INSET_APPLY: { string const name = cmd.getArg(0); InsetBase * base = cur.bv().owner()->getDialogs().getOpenInset(name); if (base) { FuncRequest fr(LFUN_INSET_MODIFY, cmd.argument); result = base->dispatch(cur, fr); } else { MathArray ar; if (createMathInset_fromDialogStr(cmd.argument, ar)) { cur.insert(ar); result = DispatchResult(true, true); } else { result = DispatchResult(false); } } break; } case LFUN_WORD_REPLACE: case LFUN_WORD_FIND: { result = searchForward(&cur.bv(), cmd.getArg(0), false, false) ? DispatchResult(true, true) : DispatchResult(false); break; } case LFUN_INSERT_MATH: case LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX: case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: { MathHullInset * f = new MathHullInset; if (openNewInset(cur, f)) { cur.inset()->dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_MUTATE, "simple")); cur.inset()->dispatch(cur, cmd); } break; } default: result = DispatchResult(false); } if (result == DispatchResult(true, true)) cur.bv().update(); cur.normalize(); cur.touch(); BOOST_ASSERT(cur.inMathed()); if (result.dispatched()) { revealCodes(cur); cur.bv().stuffClipboard(cur.grabSelection()); } else { cur.releaseMathCursor(); if (remove_inset) cur.bv().owner()->dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_DELETE)); } return result; // original version #endif default: return MathInset::priv_dispatch(cur, cmd); } } void MathNestInset::metricsMarkers(int) const { dim_.wid += 2; dim_.asc += 1; } void MathNestInset::metricsMarkers2(int) const { dim_.wid += 2; dim_.asc += 1; dim_.des += 1; } void MathNestInset::drawMarkers(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { if (!editing(pi.base.bv)) return; int t = x + dim_.width() - 1; int d = y + dim_.descent(); pi.pain.line(x, d - 3, x, d, LColor::mathframe); pi.pain.line(t, d - 3, t, d, LColor::mathframe); pi.pain.line(x, d, x + 3, d, LColor::mathframe); pi.pain.line(t - 3, d, t, d, LColor::mathframe); } void MathNestInset::drawMarkers2(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { if (!editing(pi.base.bv)) return; drawMarkers(pi, x, y); int t = x + dim_.width() - 1; int a = y - dim_.ascent(); pi.pain.line(x, a + 3, x, a, LColor::mathframe); pi.pain.line(t, a + 3, t, a, LColor::mathframe); pi.pain.line(x, a, x + 3, a, LColor::mathframe); pi.pain.line(t - 3, a, t, a, LColor::mathframe); }