/* * File: math_inset.C * Purpose: Implementation of insets for mathed * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: * * Dependencies: Xlib, XForms * * Copyright: (c) 1996, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.8beta. * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "math_iter.h" #endif #include "math_iter.h" #include "math_inset.h" #include "symbol_def.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "debug.h" const int SizeInset = sizeof(char*) + 2; const int SizeFont = 2; extern int mathed_char_width(short type, int style, byte c); extern int mathed_string_width(short type, int style, byte const* s, int ls); extern int mathed_char_height(short, int, byte, int&, int&); // the builtin memcpy() is broken in egcs and gcc 2.95.x on alpha // stations. We provide a hand-made version instead. inline void my_memcpy( void* ps_in, const void* pt_in, unsigned int n ) { char* ps = static_cast(ps_in); char* pt = static_cast(const_cast(pt_in)); for( int i = 0; i < n; i++) *ps++ = *pt++; } void MathedIter::Reset() { if (array->last>0 && MathIsFont(array->bf[0])) { fcode = array->bf[0]; pos = 1; } else { fcode = -1; pos = 0; } col = row = 0; } byte MathedIter::GetChar() { if (IsFont()) { fcode = array->bf[pos]; pos++; } return array->bf[pos]; } byte* MathedIter::GetString(int& len) { if (IsFont()) { fcode = array->bf[++pos]; pos++; } byte *s = &array->bf[pos]; len = pos; while (array->bf[pos]>= ' ' && poslast) pos++; len = pos-len; return s; } MathedInset* MathedIter::GetInset() { if (IsInset()) { MathedInset* p; my_memcpy(&p, &array->bf[pos+1], sizeof(p)); return p; } else { lyxerr << "Math Error: This is not an inset[" << array->bf[pos] << "]" << endl; return 0; } } // An active math inset MUST be derived from MathParInset because it // must have at least one paragraph to edit MathParInset* MathedIter::GetActiveInset() { if (IsActive()) { return (MathParInset*)GetInset(); } lyxerr << "Math Error: This is not an active inset" << endl; return 0; } bool MathedIter::Next() { if (!OK()) return false; if (array->bf[pos]<' ') { fcode = -1; if (IsTab()) col++; if (IsCR()) { col = 0; row++; } } if (IsInset()) pos += sizeof(char*) + 2; else pos++; if (IsFont()) { fcode = array->bf[pos++]; } return true; } bool MathedIter::goNextCode(MathedTextCodes code) { while (Next()) { if (array->bf[pos] == code) return true; } return false; } void MathedIter::goPosAbs(int p) { Reset(); while (pos

= ncols-1) return; // Never more than one space // array->bf[pos-1] gives error from purify: // Reading 1 byte from 0x47b857 in the heap. // Address 0x47b857 is 1 byte before start of malloc'd block at 0x47b858 of 16 bytes. if (c == ' ' && (array->bf[pos] == ' ' || array->bf[pos-1] == ' ')) return; if (IsFont() && array->bf[pos] == t) { fcode = t; pos++; } else if (t!= fcode && pos>0 && MathIsFont(array->bf[pos-1])) { pos--; int k; for (k= pos-1; k>= 0 && array->bf[k]>= ' '; k--); fcode = (k >= 0 && MathIsFont(array->bf[k])) ? array->bf[k]: -1; } short f = (array->bf[pos]<' ') ? 0: fcode; int shift = (t == fcode) ? 1: ((f) ? 3: 2); if (t == LM_TC_TAB || t == LM_TC_CR) { shift--; c = t; if (t == LM_TC_CR) { row++; col = 0; } else col++; } if (pos < array->last) array->Move(pos, shift); else { if (array->last+shift>= array->maxsize) { array->Resize(array->last+shift); } array->last += shift; array->bf[array->last] = '\0'; } if (t != fcode) { if (f) array->bf[pos+shift-1] = fcode; if (c>= ' ') { array->bf[pos++] = t; fcode = t; } else { fcode = 0; } } array->bf[pos++] = c; } // Prepare to insert a non-char object void MathedIter::split(int shift) { if (pos < array->last) { bool fg = false; if (array->bf[pos]>= ' ') { if (pos> 0 && MathIsFont(array->bf[pos-1])) pos--; else { fg = true; shift++; } } array->Move(pos, shift); if (fg) array->bf[pos+shift-1] = fcode; } else { if (array->last+shift>= array->maxsize) { array->Resize(array->last+shift); } array->last += shift; } array->bf[array->last] = '\0'; } // I assume that both pos and pos2 are legal positions void MathedIter::join(int pos2) { if (!OK() || pos2<= pos) return; short f= fcode; if (pos>0 && array->bf[pos]>= ' ' && MathIsFont(array->bf[pos-1])) pos--; if (MathIsFont(array->bf[pos2-1])) pos2--; if (array->bf[pos2]>= ' ') { for (int p= pos2; p>0; p--) if (MathIsFont(array->bf[p])) { f = array->bf[p]; break; } array->bf[pos++] = f; } array->Move(pos2, pos-pos2); } void MathedIter::Insert(MathedInset* p, int type) { int shift = SizeInset; if (!MathIsInset(type)) type = LM_TC_INSET; split(shift); array->bf[pos] = type; my_memcpy(&array->bf[pos+1], &p, sizeof(p)); pos += SizeInset; array->bf[pos-1] = type; array->bf[array->last] = '\0'; fcode = -1; } bool MathedIter::Delete() { if (!OK()) return false; int shift = 0; byte c = GetChar(); if (c>= ' ') { if (MathIsFont(array->bf[pos-1]) && array->bf[pos+1]<' ') { int i; shift = 2; pos--; for (i= pos-1; i>0 && !MathIsFont(array->bf[i]); i--); if (i>0 && MathIsFont(array->bf[i])) fcode = array->bf[i]; } else shift = 1; } else { if (MathIsInset(array->bf[pos])) shift = sizeof(char*) + 2; else if (c == LM_TC_TAB || c == LM_TC_CR) { shift++; // lyxerr <<"Es un tab."; } else { lyxerr << "Math Warning: expected inset." << endl; } } if (shift!= 0) { array->Move(pos+shift, -shift); if (pos>= array->last) pos = (array->last>0) ? array->last: 0; return true; } else return false; } LyxArrayBase *MathedIter::Copy(int pos1, int pos2) { if (!array) { // lyxerr << "Math error: Attempting to copy a void array." << endl; return 0; } // int posx = pos; ipush(); LyxArrayBase *t= array, *a; if (pos1>0 || pos2<= array->last) { short fc= 0; if (pos1>0 && array->bf[pos1]>' ') { for (int p= pos1; p>= 0; p--) if (MathIsFont(array->bf[p])) { if (p!= pos1-1) fc = array->bf[p]; else pos1--; break; } } if (pos2>0 && array->bf[pos2]>= ' ' && MathIsFont(array->bf[pos2-1])) pos2--; int dx = pos2 - pos1; a = new LyxArrayBase(dx+LyxArrayBase::ARRAY_MIN_SIZE); // lyxerr << "VA " << pos2 << " " << pos2 << " " << dx << endl; my_memcpy(&a->bf[(fc) ? 1: 0], &array->bf[pos1], dx); if (fc) { a->bf[0] = fc; dx++; } a->last = dx; a->bf[dx] = '\0'; } else a = new LyxArrayBase(*array); SetData(a); while (OK()) { if (IsInset()) { MathedInset* inset = GetInset(); inset = inset->Clone(); my_memcpy(&array->bf[pos+1], &inset, sizeof(inset)); } Next(); } // pos = posx; array = t; ipop(); return a; } void MathedIter::Clear() { if (!array) { lyxerr << "Math error: Attempting to clean a void array." << endl; return; } Reset(); while (OK()) { if (IsInset()) { MathedInset* inset = GetInset(); if (inset->GetType()!= LM_OT_MACRO_ARG) delete inset; Delete(); } else Next(); } } // Check consistency of tabs and crs void MathedIter::checkTabs() { ipush(); // MathedIter:Reset(); while (OK()) { if ((IsTab() && col>= ncols-1) || (IsCR() && !(MthIF_CR&flags))) { Delete(); continue; } if (IsCR() && colGetType()!= LM_OT_MACRO_ARG) delete inset; continue; } if (IsCR()) { if (crow) { MathedRowSt *r = crow->next; if (r) { crow->next = r->next; delete r; } } } Next(); } ipop(); if (pos2<= array->Last()) { pos = pos1; join(pos2); checkTabs(); } } void MathedXIter::Merge(LyxArrayBase *a0) { if (!a0) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Math error: Attempting to merge a void array." << endl; return; } // All insets must be clonned MathedIter it(a0); LyxArrayBase *a = it.Copy(); // make rom for the data split(a->Last()); array->MergeF(a, pos, a->Last()); int pos1= pos, pos2 = pos + a->Last(); // pos3= 0; goPosAbs(pos1); // Complete rows while (posPermit(LMPF_ALLOW_CR)) { MathedRowSt *r = new MathedRowSt(ncols+1); if (crow) { r->next = crow->next; crow->next = r; } else { r->next = 0; } crow = r; } else { Delete(); pos2--; } } Next(); } pos2 = getPos(); goPosAbs(pos1); checkTabs(); goPosAbs(pos2); delete a; } //----------- XIter MathedXIter::MathedXIter(MathParInset* pp): p(pp) { x = y = 0; sx = sw = 0; limits = false; s_type = 0; if (p) SetData(p); else { crow = 0; size = 0; } } void MathedXIter::SetData(MathParInset *pp) { p = pp; x = y = 0; array = p->GetData(); ncols = p->GetColumns(); crow = p->getRowSt(); if (p->Permit(LMPF_ALLOW_CR)) flags |= MthIF_CR; if (p->Permit(LMPF_ALLOW_TAB)) flags |= MthIF_Tabs; if (crow) { x = crow->getTab(0); y = crow->getBaseline(); } if (!array) { array = new LyxArrayBase; // this leaks p->SetData(array); } size = p->GetStyle(); Reset(); } byte* MathedXIter::GetString(int& ls) { static byte s[255]; byte const *sxs = MathedIter::GetString(ls); if (ls>0) { strncpy(reinterpret_cast(s), reinterpret_cast(sxs), ls); x += mathed_string_width(fcode, size, s, ls); return &s[0]; } return 0; } bool MathedXIter::Next() { // lyxerr << "Ne[" << pos << "]"; if (!OK()) return false; int w= 0; // lyxerr << "xt "; if (IsInset()) { MathedInset* px = GetInset(); w = px->Width(); if (px->GetType() == LM_OT_SCRIPT) { if (w>sw) sw = w; w = 0; } else sx = (px->GetLimits()) ? w: 0; } else { byte c = GetChar(); if (c>= ' ') { // lyxerr << "WD[" << fcode << " " << size << " " << c << endl; w = mathed_char_width(fcode, size, c); } else if (c == LM_TC_TAB && p) { // w = p->GetTab(col+1); w = (crow) ? crow->getTab(col+1): 0; //lyxerr << "WW[" << w << "]"; } else if (c == LM_TC_CR && p) { x = 0; if (crow && crow->next) { crow = crow->next; y = crow->getBaseline(); w = crow->getTab(0); } // lyxerr << "WW[" << col " " << row << "|" << w << "]"; } else lyxerr << "No hubo w[" << c << "]!"; } if (MathedIter::Next()) { // lyxerr <<"LNX " << pos << endl; // if (sw>0 && GetChar()!= LM_TC_UP && GetChar()!= LM_TC_DOWN) { // w = (sx>sw) ? 0: sw-sx; if ((sw>0 || sx>0) && GetChar()!= LM_TC_UP && GetChar()!= LM_TC_DOWN) { if (sw>0) w = (sx>sw) ? 0: sw-sx; sx = sw = 0; } x += w; return true; } else return false; } void MathedXIter::GoBegin() { Reset(); x = y = 0; sw = sx = 0; if (p) { crow = p->getRowSt(); if (crow) { x = crow->getTab(0); y = crow->getBaseline(); } } } void MathedXIter::GoLast() { while (Next()); } void MathedXIter::Adjust() { int posx = pos; GoBegin(); while (posx>pos && OK()) Next(); } bool MathedXIter::Prev() { if (pos == 0 || (pos == 1 && GetChar()>= ' ')) return false; int pos2 = pos; // pos1 GoBegin(); do { ipush(); Next(); } while (poscolp) // || (stck.col == colp && stck.x<= xp && x>xp)) ipop(); return true; } bool MathedXIter::Down() { int xp = x, colp= col; // , rowp = row bool res = (IsCR()) ? true: goNextCode(LM_TC_CR); if (res) { Next(); ipush(); while (xcolp || (stck.col == colp && stck.x<= xp && x>xp)) ipop(); return true; } return false; } void MathedXIter::addRow() { if (!crow) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "MathErr: Attempt to insert new" " line in a subparagraph. " << this << endl; return; } // Create new item for the structure MathedRowSt *r = new MathedRowSt(ncols+1); if (crow) { r->next = crow->next; crow->next = r; } else { crow = r; r->next = 0; } // Fill missed tabs in current row while (colnext; if (r) { crow->next = r->next; delete r; } join(p1); Delete(); } else Clean(p1); checkTabs(); } void MathedXIter::ipush() { MathedIter::ipush(); stck.x = x; stck.y = y; } void MathedXIter::ipop() { MathedIter::ipop(); x = stck.x; y = stck.y; if (p) { crow = p->getRowSt(); if (crow) for (int i= 0; inext; } } void MathedXIter::fitCoord(int /*xx*/, int yy) { int xo = 0, yo = 0; GoBegin(); if (p) p->GetXY(xo, yo); // first fit vertically while (crow && OK()) { if (yy>= yo+y-crow->asc && yy<= yo+y+crow->desc) break; goNextCode(LM_TC_CR); Next(); } // now horizontally // while (xw[tab] = tx; } else lyxerr << "MathErr: No tabs allowed here" << endl; } void MathedXIter::subMetrics(int a, int d) { if (!crow) { // lyxerr << "MathErr: Attempt to submetric a subparagraph." << endl; return; } crow->asc = a; crow->desc = d; } // This function is not recursive, as MathPar::Metrics is void MathedXIter::IMetrics(int pos2, int& width, int& ascent, int& descent) { byte cx, cxp= 0;// *s; int x1;// ls; int asc= 0, des= 0; bool limit = false; descent = ascent = width = 0; if (!array) return; if (array->empty()) return; // if (pos2 > array->last) return; x1 = x; while (pos= ' ') { mathed_char_height(FCode(), size, cx, asc, des); if (asc > ascent) ascent = asc; if (des > descent) descent = des; limit = false; } else if (MathIsInset(cx)) { MathedInset *pp = GetInset(); if (cx == LM_TC_UP) { if (!asc && p) { int xx, yy; p->GetXY(xx, yy); static_cast(pp)->GetXY(xx, asc); asc = yy - asc; } asc += ((limits) ? pp->Height()+4: pp->Ascent()); } else if (cx == LM_TC_DOWN) { if (!des && p) { int xx, yy; p->GetXY(xx, yy); static_cast(pp)->GetXY(xx, des); if (des-pp->Height()Height()); des -= yy; } des += (limit ? pp->Height()+4: pp->Height()-pp->Ascent()/2); } else { asc = pp->Ascent(); des = pp->Descent(); } if (asc > ascent) ascent = asc; if (des > descent) descent = des; if (cx!= LM_TC_UP && cx!= LM_TC_DOWN) limit = pp->GetLimits(); } else if (cx == LM_TC_TAB) { limit = false; } else { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Mathed Sel-Error: Unrecognized code[" << cx << ']' << endl; break; } if (pos < pos2) Next(); cxp = cx; } width = x - x1; } bool MathedXIter::setNumbered(bool numb) { if (crow) { crow->setNumbered(numb); return true; } return false; } bool MathedXIter::setLabel(char* label) { if (label && crow) { crow->setLabel(label); return true; } return false; } MathedRowSt *MathedXIter::adjustVerticalSt() { GoBegin(); if (!crow) { // lyxerr << " CRW" << ncols << " "; crow = new MathedRowSt(ncols+1); // this leaks } // lyxerr<< " CRW[" << crow << "] "; MathedRowSt *mrow = crow; while (OK()) { if (IsCR()) { if (col>= ncols) ncols = col+1; MathedRowSt *r = new MathedRowSt(ncols+1); // this leaks // r->next = crow->next; crow->next = r; crow = r; // lyxerr << " CX[" << crow << "]"; } Next(); } return mrow; }