/** * \file math_hullinset.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "math_charinset.h" #include "math_data.h" #include "math_extern.h" #include "math_hullinset.h" #include "math_mathmlstream.h" #include "math_streamstr.h" #include "math_support.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "debug.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "outputparams.h" #include "textpainter.h" #include "frontends/Alert.h" #include "support/std_sstream.h" using lyx::support::trim; using std::endl; using std::max; using std::string; using std::ostream; using std::auto_ptr; using std::istringstream; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::pair; using std::swap; using std::vector; namespace { int getCols(string const & type) { if (type == "eqnarray") return 3; if (type == "align") return 2; if (type == "flalign") return 2; if (type == "alignat") return 2; if (type == "xalignat") return 2; if (type == "xxalignat") return 2; return 1; } // returns position of first relation operator in the array // used for "intelligent splitting" size_t firstRelOp(MathArray const & ar) { for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) if ((*it)->isRelOp()) return it - ar.begin(); return ar.size(); } char const * star(bool numbered) { return numbered ? "" : "*"; } int typecode(string const & s) { if (s == "none") return 0; if (s == "simple") return 1; if (s == "equation") return 2; if (s == "eqnarray") return 3; if (s == "align") return 4; if (s == "alignat") return 5; if (s == "xalignat") return 6; if (s == "xxalignat") return 7; if (s == "multline") return 8; if (s == "gather") return 9; if (s == "flalign") return 10; lyxerr << "unknown hull type '" << s << "'" << endl; return 0; } bool smaller(string const & s, string const & t) { return typecode(s) < typecode(t); } } // end anon namespace MathHullInset::MathHullInset() : MathGridInset(1, 1), type_("none"), nonum_(1), label_(1) { // This is needed as long the math parser is not re-entrant initMath(); //lyxerr << "sizeof MathInset: " << sizeof(MathInset) << endl; //lyxerr << "sizeof MetricsInfo: " << sizeof(MetricsInfo) << endl; //lyxerr << "sizeof MathCharInset: " << sizeof(MathCharInset) << endl; //lyxerr << "sizeof LyXFont: " << sizeof(LyXFont) << endl; setDefaults(); } MathHullInset::MathHullInset(string const & type) : MathGridInset(getCols(type), 1), type_(type), nonum_(1), label_(1) { setDefaults(); } auto_ptr MathHullInset::clone() const { return auto_ptr(new MathHullInset(*this)); } MathInset::mode_type MathHullInset::currentMode() const { if (type_ == "none") return UNDECIDED_MODE; // definitely math mode ... return MATH_MODE; } bool MathHullInset::idxFirst(LCursor & cur) const { cur.idx() = 0; cur.pos() = 0; return true; } bool MathHullInset::idxLast(LCursor & cur) const { cur.idx() = nargs() - 1; cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return true; } char MathHullInset::defaultColAlign(col_type col) { if (type_ == "eqnarray") return "rcl"[col]; if (typecode(type_) >= typecode("align")) return "rl"[col & 1]; return 'c'; } int MathHullInset::defaultColSpace(col_type col) { if (type_ == "align" || type_ == "alignat") return 0; if (type_ == "xalignat") return (col & 1) ? 20 : 0; if (type_ == "xxalignat" || type_ == "flalign") return (col & 1) ? 40 : 0; return 0; } char const * MathHullInset::standardFont() const { if (type_ == "none") return "lyxnochange"; return "mathnormal"; } void MathHullInset::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { FontSetChanger dummy1(mi.base, standardFont()); StyleChanger dummy2(mi.base, display() ? LM_ST_DISPLAY : LM_ST_TEXT); // let the cells adjust themselves MathGridInset::metrics(mi, dim); if (display()) { dim.asc += 12; dim.des += 12; } if (numberedType()) { FontSetChanger dummy(mi.base, "mathbf"); int l = 0; for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) l = max(l, mathed_string_width(mi.base.font, nicelabel(row))); if (l) dim.wid += 30 + l; } // make it at least as high as the current font int asc = 0; int des = 0; math_font_max_dim(mi.base.font, asc, des); dim.asc = max(dim.asc, asc); dim.des = max(dim.des, des); // for markers metricsMarkers2(dim); dim_ = dim; } void MathHullInset::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { FontSetChanger dummy1(pi.base, standardFont()); StyleChanger dummy2(pi.base, display() ? LM_ST_DISPLAY : LM_ST_TEXT); MathGridInset::draw(pi, x + 1, y); if (numberedType()) { int const xx = x + colinfo_.back().offset_ + colinfo_.back().width_ + 20; for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { int const yy = y + rowinfo_[row].offset_; FontSetChanger dummy(pi.base, "mathrm"); drawStr(pi, pi.base.font, xx, yy, nicelabel(row)); } } drawMarkers2(pi, x, y); } void MathHullInset::metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi, Dimension & dim) const { if (display()) { MathGridInset::metricsT(mi, dim); } else { ostringstream os; WriteStream wi(os, false, true); write(wi); dim.wid = os.str().size(); dim.asc = 1; dim.des = 0; } } void MathHullInset::drawT(TextPainter & pain, int x, int y) const { if (display()) { MathGridInset::drawT(pain, x, y); } else { ostringstream os; WriteStream wi(os, false, true); write(wi); pain.draw(x, y, os.str().c_str()); } } string MathHullInset::label(row_type row) const { row_type n = nrows(); BOOST_ASSERT(row < n); return label_[row]; } void MathHullInset::label(row_type row, string const & label) { //lyxerr << "setting label '" << label << "' for row " << row << endl; label_[row] = label; } void MathHullInset::numbered(row_type row, bool num) { nonum_[row] = !num; } bool MathHullInset::numbered(row_type row) const { return !nonum_[row]; } bool MathHullInset::ams() const { return type_ == "align" || type_ == "flalign" || type_ == "multline" || type_ == "gather" || type_ == "alignat" || type_ == "xalignat" || type_ == "xxalignat"; } bool MathHullInset::display() const { return type_ != "simple" && type_ != "none"; } void MathHullInset::getLabelList(Buffer const &, vector & labels) const { for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) if (!label_[row].empty() && nonum_[row] != 1) labels.push_back(label_[row]); } bool MathHullInset::numberedType() const { if (type_ == "none") return false; if (type_ == "simple") return false; if (type_ == "xxalignat") return false; for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) if (!nonum_[row]) return true; return false; } void MathHullInset::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { if (ams()) features.require("amsmath"); // Validation is necessary only if not using AMS math. // To be safe, we will always run mathedvalidate. //if (features.amsstyle) // return; features.require("boldsymbol"); //features.binom = true; MathGridInset::validate(features); } void MathHullInset::header_write(WriteStream & os) const { bool n = numberedType(); if (type_ == "none") ; else if (type_ == "simple") { os << '$'; if (cell(0).empty()) os << ' '; } else if (type_ == "equation") { if (n) os << "\\begin{equation" << star(n) << "}\n"; else os << "\\[\n"; } else if (type_ == "eqnarray" || type_ == "align" || type_ == "flalign" || type_ == "gather" || type_ == "multline") os << "\\begin{" << type_ << star(n) << "}\n"; else if (type_ == "alignat" || type_ == "xalignat") os << "\\begin{" << type_ << star(n) << '}' << '{' << static_cast((ncols() + 1)/2) << "}\n"; else if (type_ == "xxalignat") os << "\\begin{" << type_ << '}' << '{' << static_cast((ncols() + 1)/2) << "}\n"; else os << "\\begin{unknown" << star(n) << '}'; } void MathHullInset::footer_write(WriteStream & os) const { bool n = numberedType(); if (type_ == "none") os << "\n"; else if (type_ == "simple") os << '$'; else if (type_ == "equation") if (n) os << "\\end{equation" << star(n) << "}\n"; else os << "\\]\n"; else if (type_ == "eqnarray" || type_ == "align" || type_ == "flalign" || type_ == "alignat" || type_ == "xalignat" || type_ == "gather" || type_ == "multline") os << "\\end{" << type_ << star(n) << "}\n"; else if (type_ == "xxalignat") os << "\\end{" << type_ << "}\n"; else os << "\\end{unknown" << star(n) << '}'; } bool MathHullInset::colChangeOK() const { return type_ == "align" || type_ == "flalign" ||type_ == "alignat" || type_ == "xalignat" || type_ == "xxalignat"; } void MathHullInset::addRow(row_type row) { nonum_.insert(nonum_.begin() + row + 1, !numberedType()); label_.insert(label_.begin() + row + 1, string()); MathGridInset::addRow(row); } void MathHullInset::swapRow(row_type row) { if (nrows() == 1) return; if (row + 1 == nrows()) --row; swap(nonum_[row], nonum_[row + 1]); swap(label_[row], label_[row + 1]); MathGridInset::swapRow(row); } void MathHullInset::delRow(row_type row) { if (nrows() <= 1) return; MathGridInset::delRow(row); nonum_.erase(nonum_.begin() + row); label_.erase(label_.begin() + row); } void MathHullInset::addCol(col_type col) { if (colChangeOK()) MathGridInset::addCol(col); else lyxerr << "Can't change number of columns in '" << type_ << "'" << endl; } void MathHullInset::delCol(col_type col) { if (colChangeOK()) MathGridInset::delCol(col); else lyxerr << "Can't change number of columns in '" << type_ << "'" << endl; } string MathHullInset::nicelabel(row_type row) const { if (nonum_[row]) return string(); if (label_[row].empty()) return string("(#)"); return '(' + label_[row] + ')'; } void MathHullInset::glueall() { MathArray ar; for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) ar.append(cell(i)); *this = MathHullInset("simple"); cell(0) = ar; setDefaults(); } string const & MathHullInset::getType() const { return type_; } void MathHullInset::setType(string const & type) { type_ = type; setDefaults(); } void MathHullInset::mutate(string const & newtype) { lyxerr << "mutating from '" << type_ << "' to '" << newtype << "'" << endl; // we try to move along the chain // none <-> simple <-> equation <-> eqnarray if (newtype == "dump") { dump(); } else if (newtype == type_) { // done } else if (type_ == "none") { setType("simple"); numbered(0, false); mutate(newtype); } else if (type_ == "simple") { if (newtype == "none") { setType("none"); } else { setType("equation"); numbered(0, false); mutate(newtype); } } else if (type_ == "equation") { if (smaller(newtype, type_)) { setType("simple"); mutate(newtype); } else if (newtype == "eqnarray") { MathGridInset::addCol(1); MathGridInset::addCol(1); // split it "nicely" on the firest relop pos_type pos = firstRelOp(cell(0)); cell(1) = MathArray(cell(0).begin() + pos, cell(0).end()); cell(0).erase(pos, cell(0).size()); if (cell(1).size()) { cell(2) = MathArray(cell(1).begin() + 1, cell(1).end()); cell(1).erase(1, cell(1).size()); } setType("eqnarray"); mutate(newtype); } else if (newtype == "multline" || newtype == "gather") { setType(newtype); numbered(0, false); } else { MathGridInset::addCol(1); // split it "nicely" pos_type pos = firstRelOp(cell(0)); cell(1) = cell(0); cell(0).erase(pos, cell(0).size()); cell(1).erase(0, pos); setType("align"); mutate(newtype); } } else if (type_ == "eqnarray") { if (smaller(newtype, type_)) { // set correct (no)numbering bool allnonum = true; for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) if (!nonum_[row]) allnonum = false; // set first non-empty label string label; for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { if (!label_[row].empty()) { label = label_[row]; break; } } glueall(); nonum_[0] = allnonum; label_[0] = label; mutate(newtype); } else { // align & Co. for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { idx_type c = 3 * row + 1; cell(c).append(cell(c + 1)); } MathGridInset::delCol(2); setType("align"); mutate(newtype); } } else if (type_ == "align") { if (smaller(newtype, type_)) { MathGridInset::addCol(1); setType("eqnarray"); mutate(newtype); } else { setType(newtype); } } else if (type_ == "multline") { if (newtype == "gather" || newtype == "align" || newtype == "xalignat" || newtype == "xxalignat" || newtype == "flalign") setType(newtype); else if (newtype == "eqnarray") { MathGridInset::addCol(1); MathGridInset::addCol(1); setType("eqnarray"); } else { lyxerr << "mutation from '" << type_ << "' to '" << newtype << "' not implemented" << endl; } } else if (type_ == "gather") { if (newtype == "multline") { setType("multline"); } else { lyxerr << "mutation from '" << type_ << "' to '" << newtype << "' not implemented" << endl; } } else { lyxerr << "mutation from '" << type_ << "' to '" << newtype << "' not implemented" << endl; } } string MathHullInset::eolString(row_type row, bool fragile) const { string res; if (numberedType()) { if (!label_[row].empty() && !nonum_[row]) res += "\\label{" + label_[row] + '}'; if (nonum_[row] && (type_ != "multline")) res += "\\nonumber "; } return res + MathGridInset::eolString(row, fragile); } void MathHullInset::write(WriteStream & os) const { header_write(os); MathGridInset::write(os); footer_write(os); } void MathHullInset::normalize(NormalStream & os) const { os << "[formula " << type_ << ' '; MathGridInset::normalize(os); os << "] "; } void MathHullInset::mathmlize(MathMLStream & os) const { MathGridInset::mathmlize(os); } void MathHullInset::infoize(ostream & os) const { os << "Type: " << type_; } void MathHullInset::check() const { BOOST_ASSERT(nonum_.size() == nrows()); BOOST_ASSERT(label_.size() == nrows()); } void MathHullInset::doExtern(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & func) { string lang; string extra; istringstream iss(func.argument.c_str()); iss >> lang >> extra; if (extra.empty()) extra = "noextra"; #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning temporarily disabled //if (cur.selection()) { // MathArray ar; // selGet(cur.ar); // lyxerr << "use selection: " << ar << endl; // insert(pipeThroughExtern(lang, extra, ar)); // return; //} #endif MathArray eq; eq.push_back(MathAtom(new MathCharInset('='))); // go to first item in line cur.idx() -= cur.idx() % ncols(); cur.pos() = 0; if (getType() == "simple") { size_type pos = cur.cell().find_last(eq); MathArray ar; if (cur.inMathed() && cur.selection()) { asArray(cur.grabAndEraseSelection(), ar); } else if (pos == cur.cell().size()) { ar = cur.cell(); lyxerr << "use whole cell: " << ar << endl; } else { ar = MathArray(cur.cell().begin() + pos + 1, cur.cell().end()); lyxerr << "use partial cell form pos: " << pos << endl; } cur.cell().append(eq); cur.cell().append(pipeThroughExtern(lang, extra, ar)); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return; } if (getType() == "equation") { lyxerr << "use equation inset" << endl; mutate("eqnarray"); MathArray & ar = cur.cell(); lyxerr << "use cell: " << ar << endl; ++cur.idx(); cur.cell() = eq; ++cur.idx(); cur.cell() = pipeThroughExtern(lang, extra, ar); // move to end of line cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return; } { lyxerr << "use eqnarray" << endl; cur.idx() += 2 - cur.idx() % ncols(); cur.pos() = 0; MathArray ar = cur.cell(); lyxerr << "use cell: " << ar << endl; #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning temporarily disabled #endif addRow(cur.row()); ++cur.idx(); ++cur.idx(); cur.cell() = eq; ++cur.idx(); cur.cell() = pipeThroughExtern(lang, extra, ar); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); } } DispatchResult MathHullInset::priv_dispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { lyxerr << "*** MathHullInset: request: " << cmd << endl; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_BREAKLINE: if (type_ == "simple" || type_ == "equation") { mutate("eqnarray"); cur.idx() = 1; cur.pos() = 0; return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); } return MathGridInset::priv_dispatch(cur, cmd); case LFUN_MATH_NUMBER: //lyxerr << "toggling all numbers" << endl; if (display()) { ////recordUndo(cur, Undo::INSERT); bool old = numberedType(); if (type_ == "multline") numbered(nrows() - 1, !old); else for (row_type row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) numbered(row, !old); cur.message(old ? _("No number") : _("Number")); } return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_MATH_NONUMBER: if (display()) { row_type r = (type_ == "multline") ? nrows() - 1 : cur.row(); ////recordUndo(cur, Undo::INSERT); bool old = numbered(r); cur.message(old ? _("No number") : _("Number")); numbered(r, !old); } return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_INSERT_LABEL: { row_type r = (type_ == "multline") ? nrows() - 1 : cur.row(); string old_label = label(r); string new_label = cmd.argument; if (new_label.empty()) { string const default_label = (lyxrc.label_init_length >= 0) ? "eq:" : ""; pair const res = old_label.empty() ? Alert::askForText(_("Enter new label to insert:"), default_label) : Alert::askForText(_("Enter label:"), old_label); if (!res.first) return DispatchResult(false); new_label = trim(res.second); } //if (new_label == old_label) // break; // Nothing to do if (!new_label.empty()) numbered(r, true); label(r, new_label); return DispatchResult(true, true); } case LFUN_MATH_EXTERN: doExtern(cur, cmd); return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); case LFUN_MATH_MUTATE: { lyxerr << "Hull: MUTATE: " << cmd.argument << endl; row_type r = cur.row(); col_type c = cur.col(); mutate(cmd.argument); cur.idx() = r * ncols() + c; if (cur.idx() >= nargs()) cur.idx() = nargs() - 1; if (cur.pos() > cur.lastpos()) cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); } case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: { mutate(type_ == "simple" ? "equation" : "simple"); cur.idx() = 0; cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return DispatchResult(true, FINISHED); } default: return MathGridInset::priv_dispatch(cur, cmd); } } string MathHullInset::fileInsetLabel() const { return "Formula"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "formulamacro.h" #include "math_arrayinset.h" #include "math_deliminset.h" #include "math_factory.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "math_spaceinset.h" #include "ref_inset.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "undo.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" #include "support/std_sstream.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" namespace { // local global int first_x; int first_y; } // namespace anon int MathHullInset::ylow() const { return yo_ - dim_.asc; } int MathHullInset::yhigh() const { return yo_ + dim_.des; } int MathHullInset::xlow() const { return xo_; } int MathHullInset::xhigh() const { return xo_ + dim_.wid; } // simply scrap this function if you want void MathHullInset::mutateToText() { #if 0 // translate to latex ostringstream os; latex(NULL, os, false, false); string str = os.str(); // insert this text LyXText * lt = view_->getLyXText(); string::const_iterator cit = str.begin(); string::const_iterator end = str.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) view_->owner()->getIntl()->getTransManager().TranslateAndInsert(*cit, lt); // remove ourselves //view_->owner()->dispatch(LFUN_ESCAPE); #endif } void MathHullInset::handleFont (LCursor & cur, string const & arg, string const & font) { // this whole function is a hack and won't work for incremental font // changes... //recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); if (cur.inset()->asMathInset()->name() == font) cur.handleFont(font); else { cur.handleNest(createMathInset(font)); cur.insert(arg); } } void MathHullInset::handleFont2(LCursor & cur, string const & arg) { //recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); LyXFont font; bool b; bv_funcs::string2font(arg, font, b); if (font.color() != LColor::inherit) { MathAtom at = createMathInset("color"); asArray(lcolor.getGUIName(font.color()), at.nucleus()->cell(0)); cur.handleNest(at, 1); } } string const MathHullInset::editMessage() const { return _("Math editor mode"); } void MathHullInset::insetUnlock(BufferView & bv) { if (bv.cursor().inMathed()) { if (bv.cursor().inMacroMode()) bv.cursor().macroModeClose(); bv.cursor().releaseMathCursor(); } if (bv.buffer()) generatePreview(*bv.buffer()); bv.update(); } void MathHullInset::getCursorDim(int & asc, int & desc) const { asc = 10; desc = 2; //math_font_max_dim(font_, asc, des); } DispatchResult MathHullInset::lfunMouseRelease(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { if (!cur.inMathed()) return DispatchResult(false); cur.bv().update(); //lyxerr << "lfunMouseRelease: buttons: " << cmd.button() << endl; if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button3) { // try to dispatch to enclosed insets first if (!cur.dispatch(cmd).dispatched()) { // launch math panel for right mouse button lyxerr << "lfunMouseRelease: undispatched: " << cmd.button() << endl; cur.bv().owner()->getDialogs().show("mathpanel"); } return DispatchResult(true, true); } if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button2) { MathArray ar; asArray(cur.bv().getClipboard(), ar); cur.selClear(); cur.setScreenPos(cmd.x, cmd.y); cur.insert(ar); cur.bv().update(); return DispatchResult(true, true); } if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { // try to dispatch to enclosed insets first cur.dispatch(cmd); cur.bv().stuffClipboard(cur.grabSelection()); return DispatchResult(true, true); } return DispatchResult(false); } DispatchResult MathHullInset::lfunMousePress(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { //lyxerr << "lfunMousePress: buttons: " << cmd.button() << endl; if (!cur.inMathed() || cur.formula() != this) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "re-create cursor" << endl; cur.releaseMathCursor(); cur.idx() = 0; //metrics(bv); cur.setScreenPos(cmd.x + xo_, cmd.y + yo_); } if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button3) { cur.dispatch(cmd); return DispatchResult(true, true); } if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { first_x = cmd.x; first_y = cmd.y; cur.selClear(); cur.setScreenPos(cmd.x + xo_, cmd.y + yo_); cur.dispatch(cmd); return DispatchResult(true, true); } cur.bv().update(); return DispatchResult(true, true); } DispatchResult MathHullInset::lfunMouseMotion(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { if (!cur.inMathed()) return DispatchResult(true, true); if (cur.dispatch(FuncRequest(cmd)).dispatched()) return DispatchResult(true, true); // only select with button 1 if (cmd.button() != mouse_button::button1) return DispatchResult(true, true); if (abs(cmd.x - first_x) < 2 && abs(cmd.y - first_y) < 2) return DispatchResult(true, true); first_x = cmd.x; first_y = cmd.y; if (!cur.selection()) cur.selBegin(); cur.setScreenPos(cmd.x + xo_, cmd.y + yo_); cur.bv().update(); return DispatchResult(true, true); } void MathHullInset::edit(LCursor & cur, bool left) { lyxerr << "Called FormulaBase::edit" << endl; cur.push(this); cur.idx() = left ? 0 : cur.lastidx(); cur.pos() = left ? 0 : cur.lastpos(); cur.resetAnchor(); } /* void MathHullInset::edit(LCursor & cur, int x, int y) { lyxerr << "Called MathHullInset::edit with '" << x << ' ' << y << "'" << endl; cur.push(this); //cur.idx() = left ? 0 : cur.lastidx(); cur.idx() = 0; cur.pos() = 0; cur.setScreenPos(x + xo_, y + yo_); // if that is removed, we won't get the magenta box when entering an // inset for the first time cur.bv().update(); } */ void MathHullInset::revealCodes(LCursor & cur) const { if (!cur.inMathed()) return; ostringstream os; cur.info(os); cur.message(os.str()); /* // write something to the minibuffer // translate to latex cur.markInsert(bv); ostringstream os; write(NULL, os); string str = os.str(); cur.markErase(bv); string::size_type pos = 0; string res; for (string::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { if (*it == '\n') res += ' '; else if (*it == '\0') { res += " -X- "; pos = it - str.begin(); } else res += *it; } if (pos > 30) res = res.substr(pos - 30); if (res.size() > 60) res = res.substr(0, 60); cur.message(res); */ } InsetBase::Code MathHullInset::lyxCode() const { return MATH_CODE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 1 bool MathHullInset::searchForward(BufferView *, string const &, bool, bool) { return false; } #else bool MathHullInset::searchForward(BufferView * bv, string const & str, bool, bool) { return false; #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning pretty ugly #endif static MathHullInset * lastformula = 0; static CursorBase current = CursorBase(ibegin(nucleus())); static MathArray ar; static string laststr; if (lastformula != this || laststr != str) { //lyxerr << "reset lastformula to " << this << endl; lastformula = this; laststr = str; current = ibegin(nucleus()); ar.clear(); mathed_parse_cell(ar, str); } else { increment(current); } //lyxerr << "searching '" << str << "' in " << this << ar << endl; for (CursorBase it = current; it != iend(nucleus()); increment(it)) { CursorSlice & top = it.back(); MathArray const & a = top.asMathInset()->cell(top.idx_); if (a.matchpart(ar, top.pos_)) { bv->cursor().setSelection(it, ar.size()); current = it; top.pos_ += ar.size(); bv->update(); return true; } } //lyxerr << "not found!" << endl; lastformula = 0; return false; } #endif bool MathHullInset::searchBackward(BufferView * bv, string const & what, bool a, bool b) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "searching backward not implemented in mathed" << endl; return searchForward(bv, what, a, b); } void MathHullInset::write(Buffer const &, std::ostream & os) const { WriteStream wi(os, false, false); os << fileInsetLabel() << ' '; write(wi); } void MathHullInset::read(Buffer const &, LyXLex & lex) { MathAtom at; mathed_parse_normal(at, lex); operator=(*at->asHullInset()); } int MathHullInset::latex(Buffer const &, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { WriteStream wi(os, runparams.moving_arg, true); write(wi); return wi.line(); } int MathHullInset::plaintext(Buffer const &, ostream & os, OutputParams const &) const { if (0 && display()) { Dimension dim; TextMetricsInfo mi; metricsT(mi, dim); TextPainter tpain(dim.width(), dim.height()); drawT(tpain, 0, dim.ascent()); tpain.show(os, 3); // reset metrics cache to "real" values //metrics(); return tpain.textheight(); } else { WriteStream wi(os, false, true); wi << ' ' << cell(0) << ' '; return wi.line(); } } int MathHullInset::linuxdoc(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return docbook(buf, os, runparams); } int MathHullInset::docbook(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { MathMLStream ms(os); ms << MTag("equation"); ms << MTag("alt"); ms << "<[CDATA["; int res = plaintext(buf, ms.os(), runparams); ms << "]]>"; ms << ETag("alt"); ms << MTag("math"); MathGridInset::mathmlize(ms); ms << ETag("math"); ms << ETag("equation"); return ms.line() + res; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { bool openNewInset(LCursor & cur, InsetBase * inset) { cur.bv().getLyXText()->insertInset(inset); inset->edit(cur, true); return true; } void mathDispatchCreation(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, bool display) { // use selection if available.. //string sel; //if (action == LFUN_MATH_IMPORT_SELECTION) // sel = ""; //else string sel = cur.bv().getLyXText()->selectionAsString(*cur.bv().buffer(), false); if (sel.empty()) { InsetBase * f = new MathHullInset; if (openNewInset(cur, f)) { cur.inset()->dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_MUTATE, "simple")); // don't do that also for LFUN_MATH_MODE unless you want end up with // always changing to mathrm when opening an inlined inset // -- I really hate "LyXfunc overloading"... if (display) f->dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY)); f->dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_INSERT_MATH, cmd.argument)); } } else { // create a macro if we see "\\newcommand" somewhere, and an ordinary // formula otherwise InsetBase * f; if (sel.find("\\newcommand") == string::npos && sel.find("\\def") == string::npos) f = new MathHullInset(sel); else f = new InsetFormulaMacro(sel); cur.bv().getLyXText()->cutSelection(true, false); openNewInset(cur, f); } cur.message(N_("Math editor mode")); } } // namespace anon void mathDispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { if (!cur.bv().available()) return; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: mathDispatchCreation(cur, cmd, true); break; case LFUN_MATH_MODE: mathDispatchCreation(cur, cmd, false); break; case LFUN_MATH_IMPORT_SELECTION: mathDispatchCreation(cur, cmd, false); break; /* case LFUN_MATH_MACRO: if (cmd.argument.empty()) cmd.errorMessage(N_("Missing argument")); else { string s = cmd.argument; string const s1 = token(s, ' ', 1); int const nargs = s1.empty() ? 0 : atoi(s1); string const s2 = token(s, ' ', 2); string const type = s2.empty() ? "newcommand" : s2; openNewInset(cur, new InsetFormulaMacro(token(s, ' ', 0), nargs, s2)); } break; case LFUN_INSERT_MATH: case LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX: case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: { MathHullInset * f = new MathHullInset; if (openNewInset(cur, f)) { cur.inset()->dispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_MUTATE, "simple")); cur.inset()->dispatch(cur, cmd); } break; } */ default: break; } }