/** * \file math_extern.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ // This file contains most of the magic that extracts "context // information" from the unstructered layout-oriented stuff in an // MathArray. #include #include "math_extern.h" #include "math_arrayinset.h" #include "math_charinset.h" #include "math_deliminset.h" #include "math_data.h" #include "math_diffinset.h" #include "math_exfuncinset.h" #include "math_exintinset.h" #include "math_fracinset.h" #include "math_liminset.h" #include "math_matrixinset.h" #include "math_mathmlstream.h" #include "math_numberinset.h" #include "math_scriptinset.h" #include "math_stringinset.h" #include "math_symbolinset.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "support/std_sstream.h" #include "debug.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include using namespace lyx::support; using std::ostream; using std::istringstream; using std::ostringstream; using std::find_if; using std::endl; ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, MathArray const & ar) { NormalStream ns(os); ns << ar; return os; } // define a function for tests typedef bool TestItemFunc(MathAtom const &); // define a function for replacing subexpressions typedef MathAtom ReplaceArgumentFunc(const MathArray & ar); // try to extract a super/subscript // modify iterator position to point behind the thing bool extractScript(MathArray & ar, MathArray::iterator & pos, MathArray::iterator last) { // nothing to get here if (pos == last) return false; // is this a scriptinset? if (!(*pos)->asScriptInset()) return false; // it is a scriptinset, use it. ar.push_back(*pos); ++pos; return true; } // try to extract an "argument" to some function. // returns position behind the argument MathArray::iterator extractArgument(MathArray & ar, MathArray::iterator pos, MathArray::iterator last, string const & = "") { // nothing to get here if (pos == last) return pos; // something deliminited _is_ an argument if ((*pos)->asDelimInset()) { ar.push_back(*pos); return pos + 1; } // always take the first thing, no matter what it is ar.push_back(*pos); // go ahead if possible ++pos; if (pos == last) return pos; // if the next item is a subscript, it most certainly belongs to the // thing we have extractScript(ar, pos, last); if (pos == last) return pos; // but it might be more than that. // FIXME: not implemented //for (MathArray::iterator it = pos + 1; it != last; ++it) { // // always take the first thing, no matter // if (it == pos) { // ar.push_back(*it); // continue; // } //} return pos; } // returns sequence of char with same code starting at it up to end // it might be less, though... string charSequence (MathArray::const_iterator it, MathArray::const_iterator end) { string s; for (; it != end && (*it)->asCharInset(); ++it) s += (*it)->getChar(); return s; } void extractStrings(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nStrings from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) { if (!ar[i]->asCharInset()) continue; string s = charSequence(ar.begin() + i, ar.end()); ar[i] = MathAtom(new MathStringInset(s)); ar.erase(i + 1, i + s.size()); } //lyxerr << "\nStrings to: " << ar << endl; } void extractMatrices(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nMatrices from: " << ar << endl; // first pass for explicitly delimited stuff for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) { if (!ar[i]->asDelimInset()) continue; MathArray const & arr = ar[i]->asDelimInset()->cell(0); if (arr.size() != 1) continue; if (!arr.front()->asGridInset()) continue; ar[i] = MathAtom(new MathMatrixInset(*(arr.front()->asGridInset()))); } // second pass for AMS "pmatrix" etc for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) if (ar[i]->asAMSArrayInset()) ar[i] = MathAtom(new MathMatrixInset(*(ar[i]->asGridInset()))); //lyxerr << "\nMatrices to: " << ar << endl; } // convert this inset somehow to a string bool extractString(MathAtom const & at, string & str) { if (at->getChar()) { str = string(1, at->getChar()); return true; } if (at->asStringInset()) { str = at->asStringInset()->str(); return true; } return false; } // convert this inset somehow to a number bool extractNumber(MathArray const & ar, int & i) { istringstream is(charSequence(ar.begin(), ar.end()).c_str()); is >> i; return is; } bool extractNumber(MathArray const & ar, double & d) { istringstream is(charSequence(ar.begin(), ar.end()).c_str()); is >> d; return is; } bool testString(MathAtom const & at, string const & str) { string s; return extractString(at, s) && str == s; } // search end of nested sequence MathArray::iterator endNestSearch( MathArray::iterator it, MathArray::iterator last, TestItemFunc testOpen, TestItemFunc testClose ) { for (int level = 0; it != last; ++it) { if (testOpen(*it)) ++level; if (testClose(*it)) --level; if (level == 0) break; } return it; } // replace nested sequences by a real Insets void replaceNested( MathArray & ar, TestItemFunc testOpen, TestItemFunc testClose, ReplaceArgumentFunc replaceArg ) { // use indices rather than iterators for the loop because we are going // to modify the array. for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) { // check whether this is the begin of the sequence if (!testOpen(ar[i])) continue; // search end of sequence MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin() + i; MathArray::iterator jt = endNestSearch(it, ar.end(), testOpen, testClose); if (jt == ar.end()) continue; // replace the original stuff by the new inset ar[i] = replaceArg(MathArray(it + 1, jt)); ar.erase(it + 1, jt + 1); } } // // split scripts into seperate super- and subscript insets. sub goes in // front of super... // void splitScripts(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nScripts from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) { // is this script inset? if (!ar[i]->asScriptInset()) continue; // no problem if we don't have both... if (!ar[i]->asScriptInset()->hasUp()) continue; if (!ar[i]->asScriptInset()->hasDown()) continue; // create extra script inset and move superscript over MathScriptInset * p = ar[i].nucleus()->asScriptInset(); MathScriptInset * q = new MathScriptInset(true); std::swap(q->up(), p->up()); p->removeScript(true); // insert new inset behind ++i; ar.insert(i, MathAtom(q)); } //lyxerr << "\nScripts to: " << ar << endl; } // // extract exp(...) // void extractExps(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nExps from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i + 1 < ar.size(); ++i) { // is this 'e'? if (ar[i]->getChar() != 'e') continue; // we need an exponent but no subscript MathScriptInset const * sup = ar[i + 1]->asScriptInset(); if (!sup || sup->hasDown()) continue; // create a proper exp-inset as replacement ar[i] = MathAtom(new MathExFuncInset("exp", sup->cell(1))); ar.erase(i + 1); } //lyxerr << "\nExps to: " << ar << endl; } // // extract det(...) from |matrix| // void extractDets(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\ndet from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) { MathDelimInset const * del = (*it)->asDelimInset(); if (!del) continue; if (!del->isAbs()) continue; *it = MathAtom(new MathExFuncInset("det", del->cell(0))); } //lyxerr << "\ndet to: " << ar << endl; } // // search numbers // bool isDigitOrSimilar(char c) { return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || c == '.'; } // returns sequence of digits string digitSequence (MathArray::const_iterator it, MathArray::const_iterator end) { string s; for (; it != end && (*it)->asCharInset(); ++it) { if (!isDigitOrSimilar((*it)->getChar())) break; s += (*it)->getChar(); } return s; } void extractNumbers(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nNumbers from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) { if (!ar[i]->asCharInset()) continue; if (!isDigitOrSimilar(ar[i]->asCharInset()->getChar())) continue; string s = digitSequence(ar.begin() + i, ar.end()); ar[i] = MathAtom(new MathNumberInset(s)); ar.erase(i + 1, i + s.size()); } //lyxerr << "\nNumbers to: " << ar << endl; } // // search deliminiters // bool testOpenParan(MathAtom const & at) { return testString(at, "("); } bool testCloseParan(MathAtom const & at) { return testString(at, ")"); } MathAtom replaceDelims(const MathArray & ar) { return MathAtom(new MathDelimInset("(", ")", ar)); } // replace '('...')' sequences by a real MathDelimInset void extractDelims(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nDelims from: " << ar << endl; replaceNested(ar, testOpenParan, testCloseParan, replaceDelims); //lyxerr << "\nDelims to: " << ar << endl; } // // search well-known functions // // replace 'f' '(...)' and 'f' '^n' '(...)' sequences by a real MathExFuncInset // assume 'extractDelims' ran before void extractFunctions(MathArray & ar) { // we need at least two items... if (ar.size() < 2) return; //lyxerr << "\nFunctions from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i + 1 < ar.size(); ++i) { MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin() + i; MathArray::iterator jt = it + 1; string name; // is it a function? if ((*it)->asUnknownInset()) { // it certainly is if it is well known... name = (*it)->name(); } else { // is this a user defined function? // it it probably not, if it doesn't have a name. if (!extractString(*it, name)) continue; // it is not if it has no argument if (jt == ar.end()) continue; // guess so, if this is followed by // a DelimInset with a single item in the cell MathDelimInset const * del = (*jt)->asDelimInset(); if (!del || del->cell(0).size() != 1) continue; // fall trough into main branch } // do we have an exponent like in // 'sin' '^2' 'x' -> 'sin(x)' '^2' MathArray exp; extractScript(exp, jt, ar.end()); // create a proper inset as replacement MathExFuncInset * p = new MathExFuncInset(name); // jt points to the "argument". Get hold of this. MathArray::iterator st = extractArgument(p->cell(0), jt, ar.end()); // replace the function name by a real function inset *it = MathAtom(p); // remove the source of the argument from the array ar.erase(it + 1, st); // re-insert exponent ar.insert(i + 1, exp); //lyxerr << "\nFunctions to: " << ar << endl; } } // // search integrals // bool testSymbol(MathAtom const & at, string const & name) { return at->asSymbolInset() && at->asSymbolInset()->name() == name; } bool testIntSymbol(MathAtom const & at) { return testSymbol(at, "int"); } bool testIntegral(MathAtom const & at) { return testIntSymbol(at) || ( at->asScriptInset() && at->asScriptInset()->nuc().size() && testIntSymbol(at->asScriptInset()->nuc().back()) ); } bool testIntDiff(MathAtom const & at) { return testString(at, "d"); } // replace '\int' ['_^'] x 'd''x'(...)' sequences by a real MathExIntInset // assume 'extractDelims' ran before void extractIntegrals(MathArray & ar) { // we need at least three items... if (ar.size() < 3) return; //lyxerr << "\nIntegrals from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i + 1 < ar.size(); ++i) { MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin() + i; // search 'd' MathArray::iterator jt = endNestSearch(it, ar.end(), testIntegral, testIntDiff); // something sensible found? if (jt == ar.end()) continue; // is this a integral name? if (!testIntegral(*it)) continue; // core ist part from behind the scripts to the 'd' MathExIntInset * p = new MathExIntInset("int"); // handle scripts if available if (!testIntSymbol(*it)) { p->cell(2) = (*it)->asScriptInset()->down(); p->cell(3) = (*it)->asScriptInset()->up(); } p->cell(0) = MathArray(it + 1, jt); // use the "thing" behind the 'd' as differential MathArray::iterator tt = extractArgument(p->cell(1), jt + 1, ar.end()); // remove used parts ar.erase(it + 1, tt); *it = MathAtom(p); } //lyxerr << "\nIntegrals to: " << ar << endl; } // // search sums // bool testEqualSign(MathAtom const & at) { return testString(at, "="); } bool testSumSymbol(MathAtom const & p) { return testSymbol(p, "sum"); } bool testSum(MathAtom const & at) { return testSumSymbol(at) || ( at->asScriptInset() && at->asScriptInset()->nuc().size() && testSumSymbol(at->asScriptInset()->nuc().back()) ); } // replace '\sum' ['_^'] f(x) sequences by a real MathExIntInset // assume 'extractDelims' ran before void extractSums(MathArray & ar) { // we need at least two items... if (ar.size() < 2) return; //lyxerr << "\nSums from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i + 1 < ar.size(); ++i) { MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin() + i; // is this a sum name? if (!testSum(ar[i])) continue; // create a proper inset as replacement MathExIntInset * p = new MathExIntInset("sum"); // collect lower bound and summation index MathScriptInset const * sub = ar[i]->asScriptInset(); if (sub && sub->hasDown()) { // try to figure out the summation index from the subscript MathArray const & ar = sub->down(); MathArray::const_iterator xt = find_if(ar.begin(), ar.end(), &testEqualSign); if (xt != ar.end()) { // we found a '=', use everything in front of that as index, // and everything behind as lower index p->cell(1) = MathArray(ar.begin(), xt); p->cell(2) = MathArray(xt + 1, ar.end()); } else { // use everything as summation index, don't use scripts. p->cell(1) = ar; } } // collect upper bound if (sub && sub->hasUp()) p->cell(3) = sub->up(); // use something behind the script as core MathArray::iterator tt = extractArgument(p->cell(0), it + 1, ar.end()); // cleanup ar.erase(it + 1, tt); *it = MathAtom(p); } //lyxerr << "\nSums to: " << ar << endl; } // // search differential stuff // // tests for 'd' or '\partial' bool testDiffItem(MathAtom const & at) { return testString(at, "d"); } bool testDiffArray(MathArray const & ar) { return ar.size() && testDiffItem(ar.front()); } bool testDiffFrac(MathAtom const & at) { return at->asFracInset() && testDiffArray(at->asFracInset()->cell(0)) && testDiffArray(at->asFracInset()->cell(1)); } void extractDiff(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nDiffs from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) { MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin() + i; // is this a "differential fraction"? if (!testDiffFrac(*it)) continue; MathFracInset const * f = (*it)->asFracInset(); if (!f) { lyxerr << "should not happen" << endl; continue; } // create a proper diff inset MathDiffInset * diff = new MathDiffInset; // collect function, let jt point behind last used item MathArray::iterator jt = it + 1; //int n = 1; MathArray const & numer = f->cell(0); if (numer.size() > 1 && numer[1]->asScriptInset()) { // this is something like d^n f(x) / d... or d^n / d... // FIXME //n = 1; if (numer.size() > 2) diff->cell(0) = MathArray(numer.begin() + 2, numer.end()); else jt = extractArgument(diff->cell(0), jt, ar.end()); } else { // simply d f(x) / d... or d/d... if (numer.size() > 1) diff->cell(0) = MathArray(numer.begin() + 1, numer.end()); else jt = extractArgument(diff->cell(0), jt, ar.end()); } // collect denominator parts MathArray const & denom = f->cell(1); for (MathArray::const_iterator dt = denom.begin(); dt != denom.end();) { // find the next 'd' MathArray::const_iterator et = find_if(dt + 1, denom.end(), &testDiffItem); // point before this MathArray::const_iterator st = et - 1; MathScriptInset const * script = (*st)->asScriptInset(); if (script && script->hasUp()) { // things like d.../dx^n int mult = 1; if (extractNumber(script->up(), mult)) { //lyxerr << "mult: " << mult << endl; for (int i = 0; i < mult; ++i) diff->addDer(MathArray(dt + 1, st)); } } else { // just d.../dx diff->addDer(MathArray(dt + 1, et)); } dt = et; } // cleanup ar.erase(it + 1, jt); *it = MathAtom(diff); } //lyxerr << "\nDiffs to: " << ar << endl; } // // search limits // bool testRightArrow(MathAtom const & at) { return testSymbol(at, "to") || testSymbol(at, "rightarrow"); } // replace '\lim_{x->x0} f(x)' sequences by a real MathLimInset // assume 'extractDelims' ran before void extractLims(MathArray & ar) { // we need at least three items... if (ar.size() < 3) return; //lyxerr << "\nLimits from: " << ar << endl; for (MathArray::size_type i = 0; i + 2 < ar.size(); ++i) { MathArray::iterator it = ar.begin() + i; // is this a limit function? if (!testSymbol(*it, "lim")) continue; // the next one must be a subscript (without superscript) MathScriptInset const * sub = (*(it + 1))->asScriptInset(); if (!sub || !sub->hasDown() || sub->hasUp()) continue; // and it must contain a -> symbol MathArray const & s = sub->down(); MathArray::const_iterator st = find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), &testRightArrow); if (st == s.end()) continue; // the -> splits the subscript int x and x0 MathArray x = MathArray(s.begin(), st); MathArray x0 = MathArray(st + 1, s.end()); // use something behind the script as core MathArray f; MathArray::iterator tt = extractArgument(f, it + 2, ar.end()); // cleanup ar.erase(it + 1, tt); // create a proper inset as replacement *it = MathAtom(new MathLimInset(f, x, x0)); } //lyxerr << "\nLimits to: " << ar << endl; } // // combine searches // void extractStructure(MathArray & ar) { //lyxerr << "\nStructure from: " << ar << endl; extractIntegrals(ar); extractSums(ar); splitScripts(ar); extractNumbers(ar); extractMatrices(ar); extractDelims(ar); extractFunctions(ar); extractDets(ar); extractDiff(ar); extractExps(ar); extractLims(ar); extractStrings(ar); //lyxerr << "\nStructure to: " << ar << endl; } void write(MathArray const & dat, WriteStream & wi) { MathArray ar = dat; extractStrings(ar); wi.firstitem() = true; for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) { (*it)->write(wi); wi.firstitem() = false; } } void normalize(MathArray const & ar, NormalStream & os) { for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) (*it)->normalize(os); } void octave(MathArray const & dat, OctaveStream & os) { MathArray ar = dat; extractStructure(ar); for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) (*it)->octave(os); } void maple(MathArray const & dat, MapleStream & os) { MathArray ar = dat; extractStructure(ar); for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) (*it)->maple(os); } void maxima(MathArray const & dat, MaximaStream & os) { MathArray ar = dat; extractStructure(ar); for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) (*it)->maxima(os); } void mathematica(MathArray const & dat, MathematicaStream & os) { MathArray ar = dat; extractStructure(ar); for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) (*it)->mathematica(os); } void mathmlize(MathArray const & dat, MathMLStream & os) { MathArray ar = dat; extractStructure(ar); if (ar.size() == 0) os << ""; else if (ar.size() == 1) os << ar.front(); else { os << MTag("mrow"); for (MathArray::const_iterator it = ar.begin(); it != ar.end(); ++it) (*it)->mathmlize(os); os << ETag("mrow"); } } namespace { string captureOutput(string const & cmd, string const & data) { string command = "echo '" + data + "' | " + cmd; lyxerr << "calling: " << command << endl; cmd_ret const ret = RunCommand(command); return ret.second; } string::size_type get_matching_brace(string const & str, string::size_type i) { int count = 1; string::size_type n = str.size(); while (i < n) { i = str.find_first_of("{}", i+1); if (i == string::npos) return i; if (str[i] == '{') ++count; else --count; if (count == 0) return i; } return string::npos; } string::size_type get_matching_brace_back(string const & str, string::size_type i) { int count = 1; while (i > 0) { i = str.find_last_of("{}", i-1); if (i == string::npos) return i; if (str[i] == '}') ++count; else --count; if (count == 0) return i; } return string::npos; } MathArray pipeThroughMaxima(string const &, MathArray const & ar) { ostringstream os; MaximaStream ms(os); ms << ar; string expr = STRCONV(os.str()); string const header = "SIMPSUM:true;"; string out; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { // at most 100 attempts // try to fix missing '*' the hard way // // > echo "2x;" | maxima // ... // (C1) Incorrect syntax: x is not an infix operator // 2x; // ^ // lyxerr << "checking expr: '" << expr << "'" << endl; string full = header + "tex(" + expr + ");"; out = captureOutput("maxima", full); // leave loop if expression syntax is probably ok if (out.find("Incorrect syntax") == string::npos) break; // search line with "Incorrect syntax" istringstream is(out.c_str()); string line; while (is) { getline(is, line); if (line.find("Incorrect syntax") != string::npos) break; } // 2nd next line is the one with caret getline(is, line); getline(is, line); string::size_type pos = line.find('^'); lyxerr << "found caret at pos: '" << pos << "'" << endl; if (pos == string::npos || pos < 4) break; // caret position not found pos -= 4; // skip the "tex(" part if (expr[pos] == '*') break; // two '*' in a row are definitely bad expr.insert(pos, "*"); } std::vector tmp = getVectorFromString(out, "$$"); if (tmp.size() < 2) return MathArray(); out = subst(tmp[1],"\\>", ""); lyxerr << "out: '" << out << "'" << endl; // Ugly code that tries to make the result prettier string::size_type i = out.find("\\mathchoice"); while (i != string::npos) { string::size_type j = get_matching_brace(out, i + 12); string::size_type k = get_matching_brace(out, j + 1); k = get_matching_brace(out, k + 1); k = get_matching_brace(out, k + 1); string mid = out.substr(i + 13,j - i - 13); if (mid.find("\\over") != string::npos) mid = '{' + mid + '}'; out = out.substr(0,i) + mid + out.substr(k + 1); //lyxerr << "out: " << out << endl; i = out.find("\\mathchoice", i); break; } i = out.find("\\over"); while (i != string::npos) { string::size_type j = get_matching_brace_back(out, i - 1); if (j == string::npos || j == 0) break; string::size_type k = get_matching_brace(out, i + 5); if (k == string::npos || k + 1 == out.size()) break; out = out.substr(0,j - 1) + "\\frac" + out.substr(j,i - j) + out.substr(i + 5,k - i - 4) + out.substr(k + 2); //lyxerr << "out: " << out << endl; i = out.find("\\over", i + 4); } MathArray res; mathed_parse_cell(res, out); return res; } MathArray pipeThroughMaple(string const & extra, MathArray const & ar) { string header = "readlib(latex):\n"; // remove the \\it for variable names //"#`latex/csname_font` := `\\it `:" header += "`latex/csname_font` := ``:\n"; // export matrices in (...) instead of [...] header += "`latex/latex/matrix` := " "subs(`[`=`(`, `]`=`)`," "eval(`latex/latex/matrix`)):\n"; // replace \\cdots with proper '*' header += "`latex/latex/*` := " "subs(`\\,`=`\\cdot `," "eval(`latex/latex/*`)):\n"; // remove spurious \\noalign{\\medskip} in matrix output header += "`latex/latex/matrix`:= " "subs(`\\\\\\\\\\\\noalign{\\\\medskip}` = `\\\\\\\\`," "eval(`latex/latex/matrix`)):\n"; //"#`latex/latex/symbol` " // " := subs((\\'_\\' = \\'`\\_`\\',eval(`latex/latex/symbol`)): "; string trailer = "quit;"; ostringstream os; MapleStream ms(os); ms << ar; string expr = STRCONV(os.str()); lyxerr << "ar: '" << ar << "'\n" << "ms: '" << os.str() << "'" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { // at most 100 attempts // try to fix missing '*' the hard way by using mint // // ... > echo "1A;" | mint -i 1 -S -s -q // on line 1: 1A; // ^ syntax error - // Probably missing an operator such as * p // lyxerr << "checking expr: '" << expr << "'" << endl; string out = captureOutput("mint -i 1 -S -s -q -q", expr + ';'); if (out.empty()) break; // expression syntax is ok istringstream is(out.c_str()); string line; getline(is, line); if (line.find("on line") != 0) break; // error message not identified getline(is, line); string::size_type pos = line.find('^'); if (pos == string::npos || pos < 15) break; // caret position not found pos -= 15; // skip the "on line ..." part if (expr[pos] == '*' || (pos > 0 && expr[pos - 1] == '*')) break; // two '*' in a row are definitely bad expr.insert(pos, 1, '*'); } string full = "latex(" + extra + '(' + expr + "));"; string out = captureOutput("maple -q", header + full + trailer); // change \_ into _ // MathArray res; mathed_parse_cell(res, out); return res; } MathArray pipeThroughOctave(string const &, MathArray const & ar) { ostringstream os; OctaveStream vs(os); vs << ar; string expr = STRCONV(os.str()); string out; lyxerr << "pipe: ar: '" << ar << "'\n" << "pipe: expr: '" << expr << "'" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { // at most 100 attempts // // try to fix missing '*' the hard way // parse error: // >>> ([[1 2 3 ];[2 3 1 ];[3 1 2 ]])([[1 2 3 ];[2 3 1 ];[3 1 2 ]]) // ^ // lyxerr << "checking expr: '" << expr << "'" << endl; out = captureOutput("octave -q 2>&1", expr); lyxerr << "checking out: '" << out << "'" << endl; // leave loop if expression syntax is probably ok if (out.find("parse error:") == string::npos) break; // search line with single caret istringstream is(out.c_str()); string line; while (is) { getline(is, line); lyxerr << "skipping line: '" << line << "'" << endl; if (line.find(">>> ") != string::npos) break; } // found line with error, next line is the one with caret getline(is, line); string::size_type pos = line.find('^'); lyxerr << "caret line: '" << line << "'" << endl; lyxerr << "found caret at pos: '" << pos << "'" << endl; if (pos == string::npos || pos < 4) break; // caret position not found pos -= 4; // skip the ">>> " part if (expr[pos] == '*') break; // two '*' in a row are definitely bad expr.insert(pos, 1, '*'); } if (out.size() < 6) return MathArray(); // remove 'ans = ' out = out.substr(6); // parse output as matrix or single number MathAtom at(new MathArrayInset("array", out)); MathArrayInset const * mat = at->asArrayInset(); MathArray res; if (mat->ncols() == 1 && mat->nrows() == 1) res.append(mat->cell(0)); else { res.push_back(MathAtom(new MathDelimInset("(", ")"))); res.back().nucleus()->cell(0).push_back(at); } return res; } } MathArray pipeThroughExtern(string const & lang, string const & extra, MathArray const & ar) { if (lang == "octave") return pipeThroughOctave(extra, ar); if (lang == "maxima") return pipeThroughMaxima(extra, ar); if (lang == "maple") return pipeThroughMaple(extra, ar); // create normalized expression ostringstream os; NormalStream ns(os); os << '[' << extra << ' '; ns << ar; os << ']'; string data = STRCONV(os.str()); // search external script string file = LibFileSearch("mathed", "extern_" + lang); if (file.empty()) { lyxerr << "converter to '" << lang << "' not found" << endl; return MathArray(); } // run external sript string out = captureOutput(file, data); MathArray res; mathed_parse_cell(res, out); return res; }