/* * File: formula.h * Purpose: Implementation of formula inset * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: Allows the edition of math paragraphs inside Lyx. * * Copyright: (c) 1996, 1997 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.4, Lyx project. * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "formulamacro.h" #endif #include "formulamacro.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "math_cursor.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "math_macro.h" #include "lyx_main.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "lyx_cb.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "lyxscreen.h" #include "lyxdraw.h" #include "gettext.h" InsetFormulaMacro::InsetFormulaMacro(): InsetFormula(true) { tmacro = 0; opened = false; } InsetFormulaMacro::InsetFormulaMacro(string nm, int na, bool /*e*/): InsetFormula(true), name(nm) { tmacro = MathMacroTable::mathMTable.getTemplate(name.c_str()); if (!tmacro) { tmacro = new MathMacroTemplate(name.c_str(), na); MathMacroTable::mathMTable.addTemplate(tmacro); } opened = false; } InsetFormulaMacro::~InsetFormulaMacro() { par = 0; } InsetFormulaMacro * InsetFormulaMacro::Clone() const { return new InsetFormulaMacro(name); } void InsetFormulaMacro::Write(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "FormulaMacro "); Latex(file, 0); } int InsetFormulaMacro::Latex(FILE *file, signed char /*fragile*/) { int ret = 1; tmacro->WriteDef(file); return ret; } int InsetFormulaMacro::Latex(string &file, signed char /*fragile*/) { int ret = 1; tmacro->WriteDef(file); return ret; } int InsetFormulaMacro::Linuxdoc(string &/*file*/) { return 0; } int InsetFormulaMacro::DocBook(string &/*file*/) { return 0; } void InsetFormulaMacro::Read(LyXLex &lex) { FILE *file = lex.getFile(); mathed_parser_file(file, lex.GetLineNo()); mathed_parse(0, 0, (MathParInset **)&tmacro); // Update line number lex.setLineNo(mathed_parser_lineno()); MathMacroTable::mathMTable.addTemplate(tmacro); name = tmacro->GetName(); par = tmacro; } int InsetFormulaMacro::Ascent(LyXFont const &f) const { if (opened) { tmacro->update(); return InsetFormula::Ascent(f); } return f.maxAscent()+3; } int InsetFormulaMacro::Descent(LyXFont const &f) const { if (opened) { tmacro->update(); return InsetFormula::Descent(f); } return f.maxDescent()+1; } int InsetFormulaMacro::Width(LyXFont const &f) const { if (opened) { tmacro->update(); return InsetFormula::Width(f); } string ilabel(_("Macro: ")); ilabel += name; return 6 + f.stringWidth(ilabel); } void InsetFormulaMacro::Draw(LyXFont font, LyXScreen &scr, int baseline, float &x) { tmacro->update(); if (opened) { tmacro->setEditMode(true); InsetFormula::Draw(font, scr, baseline, x); tmacro->setEditMode(false); } else { font.setColor(LyXFont::MATH); int y= baseline - Ascent(font)+1; int w= Width(font) - 2, h= (Ascent(font)+Descent(font)-2); scr.fillRectangle(gc_lighted, int(x), y, w, h); scr.drawFrame(FL_UP_FRAME, int(x), y, w, h, FL_BLACK, -1); string s(_("Macro: ")); s += name; scr.drawString(font, s, baseline, int(x +2)); x += Width(font) - 1; } } void InsetFormulaMacro::Edit(int x, int y) { opened = true; par = (MathParInset*)tmacro->Clone(); InsetFormula::Edit(x, y); } void InsetFormulaMacro::InsetUnlock() { opened = false; LyxArrayBase *tarray = tmacro->GetData(); MathedIter it(tarray); it.Clear(); tmacro->SetData(par->GetData()); tmacro->setEditMode(false); InsetFormula::InsetUnlock(); } bool InsetFormulaMacro::LocalDispatch(int action, char const *arg) { if (action == LFUN_MATH_MACROARG) { int i = atoi(arg) - 1; if (i>= 0 && igetNoArgs()) { mathcursor->Insert(tmacro->getMacroPar(i), LM_TC_INSET); InsetFormula::UpdateLocal(); } return true; } tmacro->setEditMode(true); tmacro->Metrics(); bool result = InsetFormula::LocalDispatch(action, arg); tmacro->setEditMode(false); return result; }