/* * File: formula.C * Purpose: Implementation of formula inset * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: Allows the edition of math paragraphs inside Lyx. * * Copyright: 1996-1998 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.4, Lyx project. * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #include #include #include "Lsstream.h" #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "formula.h" #include "formulamacro.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "math_cursor.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "debug.h" #include "support/LOstream.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "Painter.h" #include "font.h" #include "math_arrayinset.h" #include "math_spaceinset.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "mathed/support.h" #include "undo_funcs.h" using std::endl; using std::ostream; using std::vector; extern char const * latex_special_chars; int greek_kb_flag = 0; extern char const * latex_mathenv[]; MathCursor * mathcursor = 0; namespace { // local global int sel_x; int sel_y; bool sel_flag; void mathed_init_fonts(); string nicelabel(string const & label) { return "(" + (label.empty() ? "#" : label) + ")"; } void handleFont(BufferView * bv, MathTextCodes t) { if (mathcursor->Selection()) bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::EDIT); mathcursor->handleFont(t); } void handleAccent(BufferView * bv, string const & name, int code) { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::EDIT); mathcursor->handleAccent(name, code); } void handleDelim(BufferView * bv, int l, int r) { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::EDIT); mathcursor->handleDelim(l, r); } bool openNewInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * new_inset) { LyXText * lt = bv->getLyXText(); bv->beforeChange(lt); finishUndo(); if (!bv->insertInset(new_inset)) { delete new_inset; return false; } new_inset->edit(bv, 0, 0, 0); return true; } } // namespaces namespace { // returns the nearest enclosing matrix MathArrayInset * matrixpar(int & idx) { idx = 0; return static_cast (mathcursor ? mathcursor->enclosing(LM_OT_MATRIX, idx) : 0); } } // namespace anon InsetFormulaBase::InsetFormulaBase(MathInset * par) : par_(par) {} InsetFormulaBase::InsetFormulaBase(InsetFormulaBase const & f) : UpdatableInset(f), par_(static_cast(f.par_->clone())) {} InsetFormulaBase::~InsetFormulaBase() { #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning leak this for a while... #endif //delete par_; } void InsetFormulaBase::read(Buffer const *, LyXLex & lex) { read(lex); } void InsetFormulaBase::write(Buffer const *, ostream & os) const { write(os); } int InsetFormulaBase::latex(Buffer const *, ostream & os, bool fragile, bool spacing) const { return latex(os, fragile, spacing); } int InsetFormulaBase::ascii(Buffer const *, ostream & os, int spacing) const { return ascii(os, spacing); } int InsetFormulaBase::linuxdoc(Buffer const *, ostream & os) const { return linuxdoc(os); } int InsetFormulaBase::docBook(Buffer const *, ostream & os) const { return docBook(os); } // Check if uses AMS macros void InsetFormulaBase::validate(LaTeXFeatures &) const {} string const InsetFormulaBase::editMessage() const { return _("Math editor mode"); } void InsetFormulaBase::edit(BufferView * bv, int x, int /*y*/, unsigned int) { mathcursor = new MathCursor(this); if (!bv->lockInset(this)) lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Cannot lock inset!!!" << endl; Metrics(); //bv->updateInset(this, false); if (x == 0) mathcursor->first(); else mathcursor->last(); sel_x = 0; sel_y = 0; sel_flag = false; } void InsetFormulaBase::edit(BufferView * bv, bool front) { #warning Please have a look if this is right (Jug) edit(bv, front ? 0 : 1, 0, 0); } void InsetFormulaBase::insetUnlock(BufferView * bv) { if (mathcursor) { if (mathcursor->InMacroMode()) { mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); updateLocal(bv, true); } delete mathcursor; mathcursor = 0; } bv->updateInset(this, false); } void InsetFormulaBase::getCursorPos(BufferView *, int & x, int & y) const { mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); x -= par_->xo(); y -= par_->yo(); } void InsetFormulaBase::toggleInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (!mathcursor) return; if (isCursorVisible()) bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); else { int x; int y; mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); //x -= par_->xo(); y -= par_->yo(); int asc; int desc; math_font_max_dim(LM_TC_TEXTRM, LM_ST_TEXT, asc, desc); bv->showLockedInsetCursor(x, y, asc, desc); } toggleCursorVisible(); } void InsetFormulaBase::showInsetCursor(BufferView * bv, bool) { if (!isCursorVisible()) { if (mathcursor) { int x; int y; mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); x -= par_->xo(); y -= par_->yo(); int asc; int desc; math_font_max_dim(LM_TC_TEXTRM, LM_ST_TEXT, asc, desc); bv->fitLockedInsetCursor(x, y, asc, desc); } toggleInsetCursor(bv); } } void InsetFormulaBase::hideInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (isCursorVisible()) toggleInsetCursor(bv); } void InsetFormulaBase::toggleInsetSelection(BufferView * bv) { if (mathcursor) bv->updateInset(this, false); } vector const InsetFormulaBase::getLabelList() const { return std::vector(); } void InsetFormulaBase::updateLocal(BufferView * bv, bool dirty) { Metrics(); bv->updateInset(this, dirty); } void InsetFormulaBase::Metrics() const { const_cast(par_)->Metrics(LM_ST_TEXT); } void InsetFormulaBase::insetButtonRelease(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int /*button*/) { if (mathcursor) { hideInsetCursor(bv); x += par_->xo(); y += par_->yo(); mathcursor->SetPos(x, y); showInsetCursor(bv); if (sel_flag) { sel_flag = false; sel_x = 0; sel_y = 0; } bv->updateInset(this, false); } } void InsetFormulaBase::insetButtonPress(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int /*button*/) { sel_flag = false; sel_x = x; sel_y = y; if (mathcursor && mathcursor->Selection()) { mathcursor->SelClear(); bv->updateInset(this, false); } } void InsetFormulaBase::insetMotionNotify(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int /*button*/) { if (sel_x && sel_y && abs(x-sel_x) > 4 && !sel_flag) { sel_flag = true; hideInsetCursor(bv); mathcursor->SetPos(sel_x + par_->xo(), sel_y + par_->yo()); mathcursor->SelStart(); showInsetCursor(bv); mathcursor->GetPos(sel_x, sel_y); } else if (sel_flag) { hideInsetCursor(bv); x += par_->xo(); y += par_->yo(); mathcursor->SetPos(x, y); showInsetCursor(bv); mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); if (sel_x != x || sel_y != y) bv->updateInset(this, false); sel_x = x; sel_y = y; } } void InsetFormulaBase::insetKeyPress(XKeyEvent *) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Used InsetFormulaBase::InsetKeyPress." << endl; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetFormulaBase::localDispatch(BufferView * bv, kb_action action, string const & arg) { //lyxerr << "InsetFormulaBase::LocalDispatch: act: " << action // << " arg: '" << arg << "' cursor: " << mathcursor << "\n"; if (!mathcursor) return UNDISPATCHED; MathTextCodes varcode = LM_TC_MIN; bool was_macro = mathcursor->InMacroMode(); bool sel = false; bool was_selection = mathcursor->Selection(); RESULT result = DISPATCHED; hideInsetCursor(bv); if (mathcursor->getLastCode() == LM_TC_TEX) varcode = LM_TC_TEX; mathcursor->normalize(); switch (action) { // --- Cursor Movements --------------------------------------------- case LFUN_RIGHTSEL: sel = true; // fall through... case LFUN_RIGHT: result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Right(sel)); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_LEFTSEL: sel = true; // fall through case LFUN_LEFT: result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Left(sel)); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_UPSEL: sel = true; case LFUN_UP: result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Up(sel)); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_DOWNSEL: sel = true; case LFUN_DOWN: result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Down(sel)); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_HOME: mathcursor->Home(); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_END: mathcursor->End(); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_DELETE_LINE_FORWARD: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); mathcursor->DelLine(); updateLocal(bv, true); break; case LFUN_TAB: mathcursor->idxNext(); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_SHIFT_TAB: mathcursor->idxPrev(); updateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_TABINSERT: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::EDIT); mathcursor->splitCell(); updateLocal(bv, true); break; case LFUN_BACKSPACE: // if (!mathcursor->InMacroMode() && mathcursor->pos() == 0) if (mathcursor->pos() == 0) { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); mathcursor->pullArg(false); bv->updateInset(this, true); break; } if (mathcursor->InMacroMode()) mathcursor->Left(); else mathcursor->plainLeft(); // fall through... case LFUN_DELETE: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); if (mathcursor->pos() == mathcursor->array().size()) mathcursor->pullArg(true); else mathcursor->Delete(); bv->updateInset(this, true); break; // case LFUN_GETXY: // sprintf(dispatch_buffer, "%d %d",); // dispatch_result = dispatch_buffer; // break; case LFUN_SETXY: { lyxerr << "LFUN_SETXY broken!\n"; int x; int y; int x1; int y1; istringstream is(arg.c_str()); is >> x >> y; par_->GetXY(x1, y1); mathcursor->SetPos(x1 + x, y1 + y); updateLocal(bv, false); } break; // cursor selection ---------------------------- case LFUN_PASTE: if (was_macro) mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->SelPaste(); updateLocal(bv, true); break; case LFUN_CUT: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); mathcursor->SelCut(); updateLocal(bv, true); break; case LFUN_COPY: mathcursor->SelCopy(); break; case LFUN_HOMESEL: case LFUN_ENDSEL: case LFUN_WORDRIGHTSEL: case LFUN_WORDLEFTSEL: break; // --- accented characters ------------------------------ case LFUN_UMLAUT: handleAccent(bv, "ddot", LM_ddot); break; case LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX: handleAccent(bv, "hat", LM_hat); break; case LFUN_GRAVE: handleAccent(bv, "grave", LM_grave); break; case LFUN_ACUTE: handleAccent(bv, "acute", LM_acute); break; case LFUN_TILDE: handleAccent(bv, "tilde", LM_tilde); break; case LFUN_MACRON: handleAccent(bv, "bar", LM_bar); break; case LFUN_DOT: handleAccent(bv, "dot", LM_dot); break; case LFUN_CARON: handleAccent(bv, "check", LM_check); break; case LFUN_BREVE: handleAccent(bv, "breve", LM_breve); break; case LFUN_VECTOR: handleAccent(bv, "vec", LM_vec); break; // Greek mode case LFUN_GREEK: if (!greek_kb_flag) { greek_kb_flag = 1; bv->owner()->message(_("Math greek mode on")); } else greek_kb_flag = 0; break; // Greek keyboard case LFUN_GREEK_TOGGLE: greek_kb_flag = greek_kb_flag ? 0 : 2; if (greek_kb_flag) bv->owner()->message(_("Math greek keyboard on")); else bv->owner()->message(_("Math greek keyboard off")); break; // Math fonts case LFUN_BOLD: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_BF); break; case LFUN_SANS: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_SF); break; case LFUN_EMPH: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_CAL); break; case LFUN_ROMAN: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_RM); break; case LFUN_CODE: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_TT); break; case LFUN_DEFAULT: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_VAR); break; case LFUN_MATH_MODE: handleFont(bv, LM_TC_TEXTRM); //bv->owner()->message(_("math text mode toggled")); break; #ifndef NO_LATEX case LFUN_TEX: if (!mathcursor->Selection()) { mathcursor->handleFont(LM_TC_TEX); //bv->owner()->message(_("TeX mode toggled")); } break; #endif case LFUN_MATH_LIMITS: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); if (mathcursor->toggleLimits()) updateLocal(bv, true); break; case LFUN_MATH_SIZE: if (!arg.empty()) { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(arg); mathcursor->SetSize(MathStyles(l ? l->id : static_cast(-1))); updateLocal(bv, true); } break; case LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX: if (!arg.empty()) { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->Interpret("matrix " + arg); updateLocal(bv, true); } break; case LFUN_INSERT_MATH: if (!arg.empty()) { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->Interpret(arg); updateLocal(bv, true); } break; case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); int ilt = '('; int irt = '.'; static const string vdelim("(){}[]./|"); //lyxerr << "formulabase::LFUN_MATH_DELIM, arg: '" << arg << "'\n"; if (arg.empty()) break; istringstream is(arg.c_str()); string lt; string rt; is >> lt >> rt; //lyxerr << "formulabase::LFUN_MATH_DELIM, lt: '" << lt << "'\n"; //lyxerr << "formulabase::LFUN_MATH_DELIM, rt: '" << rt << "'\n"; if (lt.size() > 1) { latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(lt); if (l) ilt = l->id; } else if (vdelim.find(lt[0]) != string::npos) ilt = lt[0]; if (rt.size() > 1) { latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(rt); if (l) irt = l->id; } else if (vdelim.find(rt[0]) != string::npos) irt = rt[0]; handleDelim(bv, ilt, irt); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_PROTECTEDSPACE: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->insert(new MathSpaceInset(1)); updateLocal(bv, true); break; case LFUN_UNDO: bv->owner()->message(_("Invalid action in math mode!")); break; case LFUN_MATH_HALIGN: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); lyxerr << "handling halign '" << arg << "'\n"; int idx; MathArrayInset * p = matrixpar(idx); if (!p) break; p->halign(arg.size() ? arg[0] : 'c', p->col(idx)); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_MATH_VALIGN: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); lyxerr << "handling valign '" << arg << "'\n"; int idx; MathArrayInset * p = matrixpar(idx); if (!p) break; p->valign(arg.size() ? arg[0] : 'c'); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_MATH_ROW_INSERT: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); int idx; MathArrayInset * p = matrixpar(idx); lyxerr << " calling LFUN_MATH_ROW_INSERT on " << p << endl; if (!p) break; p->addRow(p->row(idx)); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_MATH_ROW_DELETE: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); int idx; MathArrayInset * p = matrixpar(idx); lyxerr << " calling LFUN_MATH_ROW_DELETE on " << p << endl; if (!p) break; p->delRow(p->row(idx)); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_MATH_COLUMN_INSERT: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); int idx; MathArrayInset * p = matrixpar(idx); if (!p) break; p->addCol(p->col(idx)); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_MATH_COLUMN_DELETE: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); int idx; MathArrayInset * p = matrixpar(idx); if (!p) break; p->delCol(p->col(idx)); updateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LFUN_EXEC_COMMAND: result = UNDISPATCHED; break; default: if ((action == -1 || action == LFUN_SELFINSERT) && !arg.empty()) { unsigned char c = arg[0]; lyxerr << "Action: " << action << endl; lyxerr << "char: '" << c << "' int: " << int(c) << endl; //owner_->getIntl()->getTrans().TranslateAndInsert(c, lt); //lyxerr << "trans: '" << c << "' int: " << int(c) << endl; bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); if (c == 0) { // Dead key, do nothing //lyxerr << "deadkey" << endl; break; } if (isalpha(c)) { if (mathcursor->getLastCode() == LM_TC_TEX) { mathcursor->MacroModeOpen(); mathcursor->clearLastCode(); varcode = LM_TC_MIN; } else if (!varcode) { MathTextCodes f = mathcursor->getLastCode() ? mathcursor->getLastCode() : mathcursor->nextCode(); varcode = MathIsAlphaFont(f) ? static_cast(f) : LM_TC_VAR; } // lyxerr << "Varcode << vardoce; MathTextCodes char_code = varcode; if (greek_kb_flag) { char greek[26] = {'A', 'B', 'X', 0 , 'E', 0 , 0 , 'H', 'I', 0 , 'K', 0 , 'M', 'N', 'O', 0 , 0 , 'P', 0 , 'T', 'Y', 0, 0, 0, 0 , 'Z' }; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z' && greek[c - 'A']) { char_code = LM_TC_RM; c = greek[c - 'A']; } else char_code = LM_TC_SYMB; } mathcursor->insert(c, char_code); if (greek_kb_flag && char_code == LM_TC_RM ) mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_VAR); varcode = LM_TC_MIN; if (greek_kb_flag < 2) greek_kb_flag = 0; } else if (strchr("!,:;{}", c) && (varcode == LM_TC_TEX||was_macro)) { mathcursor->insert(c, LM_TC_TEX); if (c == '{') { mathcursor->insert('}', LM_TC_TEX); mathcursor->Left(); } mathcursor->clearLastCode(); // varcode = LM_TC_MIN; } else if (c == '_' && varcode == LM_TC_TEX) { mathcursor->insert(c, LM_TC_SPECIAL); mathcursor->clearLastCode(); // varcode = LM_TC_MIN; } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9' && (varcode == LM_TC_TEX||was_macro)) { mathcursor->MacroModeOpen(); mathcursor->clearLastCode(); mathcursor->insert(c, LM_TC_MIN); } else if (('0' <= c && c <= '9') || strchr(";:!|[]().,?", c)) { MathTextCodes code = mathcursor->getLastCode(); if (code != LM_TC_TEXTRM) code = LM_TC_CONST; mathcursor->insert(c, code); } else if (strchr("+/-*<>=", c)) { MathTextCodes code = mathcursor->getLastCode(); if (code != LM_TC_TEXTRM) code = LM_TC_BOP; mathcursor->insert(c, code); } else if (strchr(latex_special_chars, c) && c != '_') { MathTextCodes code = mathcursor->getLastCode(); if (code != LM_TC_TEXTRM) code = LM_TC_SPECIAL; mathcursor->insert(c, code); } else if (c == '_' || c == '^') { char s[2]; s[0] = c; s[1] = 0; mathcursor->Interpret(s); } else if (c == ' ') { if (!varcode) { MathTextCodes f = (mathcursor->getLastCode()) ? mathcursor->getLastCode() : mathcursor->nextCode(); varcode = MathIsAlphaFont(f) ? f : LM_TC_VAR; } if (varcode == LM_TC_TEXTRM) mathcursor->insert(c, LM_TC_TEXTRM); else if (was_macro) mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); else if (mathcursor->pop()) mathcursor->plainRight(); else { // this would not work if the inset is in an table! //bv->text->cursorRight(bv, true); result = FINISHED; } } else if (c == '\'' || c == '@') { mathcursor->insert(c, LM_TC_VAR); } else if (c == '\\') { if (was_macro) mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); bv->owner()->message(_("TeX mode")); mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_TEX); } updateLocal(bv, true); } else if (action == LFUN_MATH_PANEL) { result = UNDISPATCHED; } else { lyxerr << "Closed by action " << action << endl; result = FINISHED; } } mathcursor->normalize(); if (was_macro != mathcursor->InMacroMode() && action >= 0 && action != LFUN_BACKSPACE) updateLocal(bv, true); if (mathcursor->Selection() || was_selection) toggleInsetSelection(bv); if (result == DISPATCHED || result == DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE || result == UNDISPATCHED) showInsetCursor(bv); else bv->unlockInset(this); return result; // original version } /* FIXME: math-greek-toggle seems to work OK, but math-greek doesn't turn * on greek mode */ bool math_insert_greek(BufferView * bv, char c) { if (!bv->available()) return false; if (!isalpha(c)) return false; string tmp; tmp = c; if (!bv->theLockingInset() || bv->theLockingInset()->isTextInset()) { int greek_kb_flag_save = greek_kb_flag; InsetFormula * new_inset = new InsetFormula(); bv->beforeChange(bv->text); if (!bv->insertInset(new_inset)) { delete new_inset; return false; } //Update(1);//BUG new_inset->edit(bv, 0, 0, 0); new_inset->localDispatch(bv, LFUN_SELFINSERT, tmp); if (greek_kb_flag_save < 2) { bv->unlockInset(new_inset); // bv->theLockingInset()); bv->text->cursorRight(bv, true); } } else if (bv->theLockingInset()->lyxCode() == Inset::MATH_CODE || bv->theLockingInset()->lyxCode() == Inset::MATHMACRO_CODE) static_cast(bv->theLockingInset())->localDispatch(bv, LFUN_SELFINSERT, tmp); else lyxerr << "Math error: attempt to write on a wrong " "class of inset." << endl; return true; } Inset::Code InsetFormulaBase::lyxCode() const { return Inset::MATH_CODE; } LyXFont const InsetFormulaBase::convertFont(LyXFont const & f) const { // We have already discussed what was here LyXFont font(f); #ifndef NO_LATEX font.setLatex(LyXFont::OFF); #endif return font; } MathInset * InsetFormulaBase::par() const { return par_; } void mathDispatchCreation(BufferView * bv, string const & arg, bool display) { if (bv->available()) { // Feature "Read math inset from selection" disabled. // // use selection if available.. // string sel; // if (action == LFUN_MATH_IMPORT_SELECTION) // sel = ""; // else // sel = bv->getLyXText()->selectionAsString(bv->buffer()); InsetFormula * f; // if (sel.empty()) { f = new InsetFormula; if (openNewInset(bv, f)) { // don't do that also for LFUN_MATH_MODE unless you want end up with // always changing to mathrm when opening an inlined inset // -- I really hate "LyXfunc overloading"... if (display) f->localDispatch(bv, LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY, string()); f->localDispatch(bv, LFUN_INSERT_MATH, arg); } // } else { // f = new InsetFormula(sel); // bv->getLyXText()->cutSelection(bv); // openNewInset(bv, f); // } } bv->owner()->getLyXFunc()->setMessage(N_("Math editor mode")); } void mathDispatchMathDisplay(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { mathDispatchCreation(bv, arg, true); } void mathDispatchMathMode(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { mathDispatchCreation(bv, arg, false); } void mathDispatchMathImportSelection(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { mathDispatchCreation(bv, arg, true); } void mathDispatchMathMacro(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { if (bv->available()) { if (arg.empty()) bv->owner()->getLyXFunc()->setErrorMessage(N_("Missing argument")); else { string s(arg); string const s1 = token(s, ' ', 1); int const na = s1.empty() ? 0 : lyx::atoi(s1); openNewInset(bv, new InsetFormulaMacro(token(s, ' ', 0), na)); } } } void mathDispatchMathDelim(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { if (bv->available()) { if (openNewInset(bv, new InsetFormula)) bv->theLockingInset()->localDispatch(bv, LFUN_MATH_DELIM, arg); } } void mathDispatchInsertMatrix(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { if (bv->available()) { if (openNewInset(bv, new InsetFormula)) bv->theLockingInset()->localDispatch(bv, LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX, arg); } } void mathDispatchInsertMath(BufferView * bv, string const & arg) { if (bv->available()) { if (arg.size() && arg[0] == '\\') openNewInset(bv, new InsetFormula(arg)); else mathDispatchMathMode(bv, arg); } }