/* * File: formula.h * Purpose: Implementation of formula inset * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: Allows the edition of math paragraphs inside Lyx. * * Copyright: 1996-1998 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.4, Lyx project. * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #include #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM #include using std::istringstream; #else #include #endif #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "formula.h" #endif #include "formula.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "math_cursor.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "lyx_main.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "support/LOstream.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "Painter.h" #include "font.h" using std::ostream; using std::istream; using std::pair; using std::endl; extern char * mathed_label; extern char const * latex_special_chars; short greek_kb_flag = 0; LyXFont * Math_Fonts = 0; // this is only used by Whichfont and mathed_init_fonts (Lgb) static LyXFont::FONT_SIZE lfont_size = LyXFont::SIZE_NORMAL; // local global static int sel_x, sel_y; static bool sel_flag; MathedCursor * InsetFormula::mathcursor = 0; int MathedInset::df_asc; int MathedInset::df_des; int MathedInset::df_width; inline bool IsMacro(short token, int id) { return (token != LM_TK_FRAC && token != LM_TK_SQRT && !((token == LM_TK_SYM || token == LM_TC_BSYM) && id < 255)); } static void mathedValidate(LaTeXFeatures & features, MathParInset * par); LyXFont WhichFont(short type, int size) { LyXFont f; if (!Math_Fonts) mathed_init_fonts(); switch (type) { case LM_TC_SYMB: f = Math_Fonts[2]; break; case LM_TC_BSYM: f = Math_Fonts[2]; break; case LM_TC_VAR: case LM_TC_IT: f = Math_Fonts[0]; break; case LM_TC_BF: f = Math_Fonts[3]; break; case LM_TC_SF: f = Math_Fonts[7]; break; case LM_TC_CAL: f = Math_Fonts[4]; break; case LM_TC_TT: f = Math_Fonts[5]; break; case LM_TC_SPECIAL: //f = Math_Fonts[0]; break; case LM_TC_TEXTRM: case LM_TC_RM: f = Math_Fonts[6]; break; default: f = Math_Fonts[1]; break; } f.setSize(lfont_size); switch (size) { case LM_ST_DISPLAY: if (type == LM_TC_BSYM) { f.incSize(); f.incSize(); } break; case LM_ST_TEXT: break; case LM_ST_SCRIPT: f.decSize(); break; case LM_ST_SCRIPTSCRIPT: f.decSize(); f.decSize(); break; default: lyxerr << "Mathed Error: wrong font size: " << size << endl; break; } if (type != LM_TC_TEXTRM) f.setColor(LColor::math); return f; } void mathed_init_fonts() //removed 'static' because DEC cxx does not //like it (JMarc) // Probably because this func is declared as a friend in math_defs.h // Lgb { Math_Fonts = new LyXFont[8]; //DEC cxx cannot initialize all fonts //at once (JMarc) rc for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; ++i) { Math_Fonts[i] = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); } Math_Fonts[0].setShape(LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE); Math_Fonts[1].setFamily(LyXFont::SYMBOL_FAMILY); Math_Fonts[2].setFamily(LyXFont::SYMBOL_FAMILY); Math_Fonts[2].setShape(LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE); Math_Fonts[3].setSeries(LyXFont::BOLD_SERIES); Math_Fonts[4].setFamily(LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY); Math_Fonts[4].setShape(LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE); Math_Fonts[5].setFamily(LyXFont::TYPEWRITER_FAMILY); Math_Fonts[6].setFamily(LyXFont::ROMAN_FAMILY); Math_Fonts[7].setFamily(LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY); LyXFont f = WhichFont(LM_TC_VAR, LM_ST_TEXT); MathedInset::df_asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(f); MathedInset::df_des = lyxfont::maxDescent(f); MathedInset::df_width = lyxfont::width('I', f); } LyXFont mathed_get_font(short type, int size) { LyXFont f = WhichFont(type, size); if (type == LM_TC_TEX) { f.setLatex(LyXFont::ON); } return f; } int mathed_string_width(short type, int size, byte const * s, int ls) { LyXFont f = WhichFont(type, size); byte sx[80]; if (MathIsBinary(type)) { byte * ps = &sx[0]; for (int i = 0; i < ls && i < 75; ++i) { *(ps++) = ' '; *(ps++) = s[i]; *(ps++) = ' '; } *(ps++) = '\0'; ls *= 3; s = &sx[0]; } return lyxfont::width(reinterpret_cast(s), ls, f); } int mathed_char_width(short type, int size, byte c) { int t = (MathIsBinary(type)) ? mathed_string_width(type, size, &c, 1) : lyxfont::width(c, WhichFont(type, size)); return t; } int mathed_string_height(short type, int size, byte const * s, int ls, int & asc, int & des) { LyXFont font = WhichFont(type, size); asc = des = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ls; ++i) { if (lyxfont::descent(s[i], font) > des) des = lyxfont::descent(s[i], font); if (lyxfont::ascent(s[i], font) > asc) asc = lyxfont::ascent(s[i], font); } return asc + des; } int mathed_char_height(short type, int size, byte c, int & asc, int & des) { LyXFont font = WhichFont(type, size); asc = des = 0; des = lyxfont::descent(c, font); asc = lyxfont::ascent(c, font); return asc + des; } // In a near future maybe we use a better fonts renderer void MathedInset::drawStr(Painter & pain, short type, int size, int x, int y, byte const * s, int ls) { string st; if (MathIsBinary(type)) { for (int i = 0; i < ls; ++i) { st += string(" ") + char(s[i]) + ' '; } } else { st = string(reinterpret_cast(s), ls); } LyXFont mf = mathed_get_font(type, size); pain.text(x, y, st, mf); } InsetFormula::InsetFormula(bool display) { par = new MathParInset; // this leaks // mathcursor = 0; disp_flag = display; //label = 0; if (disp_flag) { par->SetType(LM_OT_PAR); par->SetStyle(LM_ST_DISPLAY); } } InsetFormula::InsetFormula(MathParInset * p) { par = (p->GetType()>= LM_OT_MPAR) ? new MathMatrixInset(static_cast(p)): new MathParInset(p); // mathcursor = 0; disp_flag = (par->GetType()>0); //label = 0; } InsetFormula::~InsetFormula() { delete par; } Inset * InsetFormula::Clone() const { InsetFormula * f = new InsetFormula(par); f->label = label; return f; } void InsetFormula::Write(ostream & os) const { os << "Formula "; Latex(os, false, false); } int InsetFormula::Latex(ostream & os, bool fragile, bool) const { int ret = 0; //#warning Alejandro, the number of lines is not returned in this case // This problem will disapear at 0.13. if (fragile) // this is where fragile != 0 was used (Lgb) par->Write(os, fragile); else mathed_write(par, os, &ret, fragile, label.c_str()); return ret; } int InsetFormula::Linuxdoc(ostream &) const { return 0; } int InsetFormula::DocBook(ostream&) const { return 0; } // Check if uses AMS macros void InsetFormula::Validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { // Validation only necesary if not using an AMS Style if (!features.amsstyle) mathedValidate(features, par); } void InsetFormula::Read(LyXLex & lex) { istream & is = lex.getStream(); mathed_parser_file(is, lex.GetLineNo()); // Silly hack to read labels. mathed_label = 0; mathed_parse(0, 0, &par); par->Metrics(); disp_flag = (par->GetType() > 0); // Update line number lex.setLineNo(mathed_parser_lineno()); if (mathed_label) { label = mathed_label; mathed_label = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG Write(lyxerr); #endif } int InsetFormula::ascent(Painter &, LyXFont const &) const { return par->Ascent() + ((disp_flag) ? 8 : 1); } int InsetFormula::descent(Painter &, LyXFont const &) const { return par->Descent() + ((disp_flag) ? 8 : 1); } int InsetFormula::width(Painter &, LyXFont const & f) const { lfont_size = f.size(); par->Metrics(); return par->Width(); //+2; } void InsetFormula::draw(Painter & pain, LyXFont const & f, int baseline, float & x) const { // Seems commenting out solves a problem. LyXFont font = mathed_get_font(LM_TC_TEXTRM, LM_ST_TEXT); font.setSize(f.size()); lfont_size = font.size(); /// Let's try to wait a bit with this... (Lgb) //UpdatableInset::draw(pain, font, baseline, x); // otherwise a segfault could occur // in some XDrawRectangles (i.e. matrix) (Matthias) if (mathcursor && mathcursor->GetPar() == par) { if (mathcursor->Selection()) { int n; int * xp = 0; int * yp = 0; mathcursor->SelGetArea(&xp, &yp, n); pain.fillPolygon(xp, yp, n, LColor::selection); } mathcursor->draw(pain, int(x), baseline); } else { par->draw(pain, int(x), baseline); } x += float(width(pain, font)); if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_PARN || par->GetType() == LM_OT_MPARN) { LyXFont font = WhichFont(LM_TC_BF, par->size); font.setLatex(LyXFont::OFF); if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_PARN) { string str; if (!label.empty()) str = string("(") + label + ")"; else str = string("(#)"); pain.text(int(x + 20), baseline, str, font); } else if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_MPARN) { MathMatrixInset * mt = static_cast(par); int y; MathedRowSt const * crow = mt->getRowSt(); while (crow) { y = baseline + crow->getBaseline(); if (crow->isNumbered()) { string str; if (crow->getLabel()) str = string("(") + crow->getLabel() + ")"; else str = "(#)"; pain.text(int(x + 20), y, str, font); } crow = crow->getNext(); } } } cursor_visible = false; } char const * InsetFormula::EditMessage() const { return _("Math editor mode"); } void InsetFormula::Edit(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, unsigned int) { mathcursor = new MathedCursor(par); bv->lockInset(this); par->Metrics(); bv->updateInset(this, false); x += par->xo; y += par->yo; mathcursor->SetPos(x, y); sel_x = sel_y = 0; sel_flag = false; } void InsetFormula::InsetUnlock(BufferView * bv) { if (mathcursor) { if (mathcursor->InMacroMode()) { mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); UpdateLocal(bv); } delete mathcursor; } mathcursor = 0; bv->updateInset(this, false); } // Now a symbol can be inserted only if the inset is locked void InsetFormula::InsertSymbol(BufferView * bv, char const * s) { if (!s || !mathcursor) return; mathcursor->Interpret(s); UpdateLocal(bv); } void InsetFormula::GetCursorPos(int& x, int& y) const { mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); x -= par->xo; y -= par->yo; } void InsetFormula::ToggleInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (!mathcursor) return; int x, y; mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); // x -= par->xo; y -= par->yo; LyXFont font = WhichFont(LM_TC_TEXTRM, LM_ST_TEXT); int asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(font); int desc = lyxfont::maxDescent(font); if (cursor_visible) bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); else bv->showLockedInsetCursor(x, y, asc, desc); cursor_visible = !cursor_visible; } void InsetFormula::ShowInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (!cursor_visible) { if (mathcursor) { int x, y; mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); // x -= par->xo; y -= par->yo; LyXFont font = WhichFont(LM_TC_TEXTRM, LM_ST_TEXT); int asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(font); int desc = lyxfont::maxDescent(font); bv->fitLockedInsetCursor(x, y, asc, desc); } ToggleInsetCursor(bv); } } void InsetFormula::HideInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (cursor_visible) ToggleInsetCursor(bv); } void InsetFormula::ToggleInsetSelection(BufferView * bv) { if (!mathcursor) return; // int x, y, w, h; //int n; //XPoint * p = //mathcursor->SelGetArea(n); // XFillPolygon(fl_display, pm, LyXGetSelectionGC(), p, n, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin); // x -= par->xo; // y -= par->yo; bv->updateInset(this, false); } void InsetFormula::display(bool dspf) { if (dspf != disp_flag) { if (dspf) { par->SetType(LM_OT_PAR); par->SetStyle(LM_ST_DISPLAY); } else { if (par->GetType() >= LM_OT_MPAR) { MathParInset * p = new MathParInset(par); delete par; par = p; if (mathcursor) mathcursor->SetPar(par); } par->SetType(LM_OT_MIN); par->SetStyle(LM_ST_TEXT); if (!label.empty() && par->GetType() != LM_OT_MPARN) { label.clear(); } } disp_flag = dspf; } } int InsetFormula::GetNumberOfLabels() const { // This is dirty, I know. I'll clean it at 0.13 if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_MPARN) { MathMatrixInset * mt = static_cast(par); int nl = 0; MathedRowSt const * crow = mt->getRowSt(); while (crow) { if (crow->getLabel()) ++nl; crow = crow->getNext(); } return nl; } else if (!label.empty()) return 1; else return 0; } string InsetFormula::getLabel(int il) const { //#warning This is dirty, I know. Ill clean it at 0.11 // Correction, the only way to clean this is with a new kernel: 0.13. if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_MPARN) { string lab; MathMatrixInset * mt = static_cast(par); int nl = 0; MathedRowSt const * crow = mt->getRowSt(); while (crow) { if (crow->getLabel()) { if (nl == il) { lab = crow->getLabel(); break; } ++nl; } crow = crow->getNext(); } return lab; } return label; } void InsetFormula::UpdateLocal(BufferView * bv) { par->Metrics(); // To inform lyx kernel the exact size // (there were problems with arrays). bv->updateInset(this, true); } void InsetFormula::InsetButtonRelease(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int /*button*/) { if (mathcursor) { HideInsetCursor(bv); x += par->xo; y += par->yo; mathcursor->SetPos(x, y); ShowInsetCursor(bv); if (sel_flag) { sel_flag = false; sel_x = sel_y = 0; bv->updateInset(this, false); } } } void InsetFormula::InsetButtonPress(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int /*button*/) { sel_flag = false; sel_x = x; sel_y = y; if (mathcursor && mathcursor->Selection()) { mathcursor->SelClear(); bv->updateInset(this, false); } } void InsetFormula::InsetMotionNotify(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int /*button*/) { if (sel_x && sel_y && abs(x-sel_x) > 4 && !sel_flag) { sel_flag = true; HideInsetCursor(bv); mathcursor->SetPos(sel_x + par->xo, sel_y + par->yo); mathcursor->SelStart(); ShowInsetCursor(bv); mathcursor->GetPos(sel_x, sel_y); } else if (sel_flag) { HideInsetCursor(bv); x += par->xo; y += par->yo; mathcursor->SetPos(x, y); ShowInsetCursor(bv); mathcursor->GetPos(x, y); if (sel_x!= x || sel_y!= y) bv->updateInset(this, false); sel_x = x; sel_y = y; } } void InsetFormula::InsetKeyPress(XKeyEvent *) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Used InsetFormula::InsetKeyPress." << endl; } // Special Mathed functions bool InsetFormula::SetNumber(bool numbf) { if (disp_flag) { short type = par->GetType(); bool oldf = (type == LM_OT_PARN || type == LM_OT_MPARN); if (numbf && !oldf) ++type; if (!numbf && oldf) --type; par->SetType(type); return oldf; } else return false; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetFormula::LocalDispatch(BufferView * bv, int action, string const & arg) { // extern char *dispatch_result; MathedTextCodes varcode = LM_TC_MIN; bool was_macro = mathcursor->InMacroMode(); bool sel = false; bool space_on = false; bool was_selection = mathcursor->Selection(); RESULT result = DISPATCHED; static MathSpaceInset * sp= 0; HideInsetCursor(bv); if (mathcursor->getLastCode() == LM_TC_TEX) { varcode = LM_TC_TEX; } switch (action) { // --- Cursor Movements --------------------------------------------- case LFUN_RIGHTSEL: sel = true; case LFUN_RIGHT: { result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Right(sel)); break; } case LFUN_LEFTSEL: sel = true; case LFUN_LEFT: { result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Left(sel)); break; } case LFUN_UPSEL: sel = true; case LFUN_UP: result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Up(sel)); break; case LFUN_DOWNSEL: sel = true; case LFUN_DOWN: result = DISPATCH_RESULT(mathcursor->Down(sel)); break; case LFUN_HOME: mathcursor->Home(); break; case LFUN_END: mathcursor->End(); break; case LFUN_DELETE_LINE_FORWARD: //current_view->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); mathcursor->DelLine(); UpdateLocal(bv); break; case LFUN_BREAKLINE: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->Insert(' ', LM_TC_CR); par = mathcursor->GetPar(); UpdateLocal(bv); break; case LFUN_TAB: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->Insert(0, LM_TC_TAB); //UpdateInset(this); break; case LFUN_TABINSERT: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->Insert('T', LM_TC_TAB); UpdateLocal(bv); break; case LFUN_BACKSPACE: if (!mathcursor->Left()) break; if (!mathcursor->InMacroMode() && mathcursor->pullArg()) { bv->updateInset(this, true); break; } case LFUN_DELETE: //current_view->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); mathcursor->Delete(); bv->updateInset(this, true); break; // case LFUN_GETXY: // sprintf(dispatch_buffer, "%d %d",); // dispatch_result = dispatch_buffer; // break; case LFUN_SETXY: { int x, y, x1, y1; #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM istringstream ist(arg.c_str()); #else istrstream ist(arg.c_str()); #endif ist >> x >> y; par->GetXY(x1, y1); mathcursor->SetPos(x1 + x, y1 + y); } break; /* cursor selection ---------------------------- */ case LFUN_PASTE: if (was_macro) mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); mathcursor->SelPaste(); UpdateLocal(bv); break; case LFUN_CUT: bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::DELETE); mathcursor->SelCut(); UpdateLocal(bv); break; case LFUN_COPY: mathcursor->SelCopy(); break; case LFUN_HOMESEL: case LFUN_ENDSEL: case LFUN_WORDRIGHTSEL: case LFUN_WORDLEFTSEL: break; // --- accented characters ------------------------------ case LFUN_UMLAUT: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_ddot); break; case LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_hat); break; case LFUN_GRAVE: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_grave); break; case LFUN_ACUTE: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_acute); break; case LFUN_TILDE: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_tilde); break; case LFUN_MACRON: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_bar); break; case LFUN_DOT: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_dot); break; case LFUN_CARON: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_check); break; case LFUN_BREVE: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_breve); break; case LFUN_VECTOR: mathcursor->setAccent(LM_vec); break; // Greek mode case LFUN_GREEK: { if (!greek_kb_flag) { greek_kb_flag = 1; bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Math greek mode on")); } else greek_kb_flag = 0; break; } // Greek keyboard case LFUN_GREEK_TOGGLE: { greek_kb_flag = (greek_kb_flag) ? 0 : 2; if (greek_kb_flag) bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Math greek keyboard on")); else bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Math greek keyboard off")); break; } // Math fonts case LFUN_BOLD: mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_BF); break; case LFUN_SANS: mathcursor->setLastCode( LM_TC_SF); break; case LFUN_EMPH: mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_CAL); break; case LFUN_ROMAN: mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_RM); break; case LFUN_CODE: mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_TT); break; case LFUN_DEFAULT: mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_VAR ) ; break; case LFUN_TEX: { // varcode = LM_TC_TEX; mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_TEX); bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("TeX mode")); break; } case LFUN_MATH_NUMBER: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); if (disp_flag) { short type = par->GetType(); bool oldf = (type == LM_OT_PARN || type == LM_OT_MPARN); if (oldf) { --type; if (!label.empty()) { label.clear(); } bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("No number")); } else { ++type; bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Number")); } par->SetType(type); UpdateLocal(bv); } break; } case LFUN_MATH_NONUMBER: { if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_MPARN) { // MathMatrixInset *mt = (MathMatrixInset*)par; //BUG // mt->SetNumbered(!mt->IsNumbered()); mathcursor->setNumbered(); UpdateLocal(bv); } break; } case LFUN_MATH_LIMITS: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); if (mathcursor->Limits()) UpdateLocal(bv); } case LFUN_MATH_SIZE: if (!arg.empty()) { latexkeys * l = in_word_set (arg.c_str(), strlen(arg.c_str())); int sz = (l) ? l->id: -1; mathcursor->SetSize(sz); UpdateLocal(bv); break; } case LFUN_INSERT_MATH: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); InsertSymbol(bv, arg.c_str()); break; } case LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); int k, m, n; char s[80], arg2[80]; // This is just so that too long args won't ooze out of s. strncpy(arg2, arg.c_str(), 80); arg2[79]= '\0'; k = sscanf(arg2, "%d %d %s", &m, &n, s); s[79] = '\0'; if (k < 1) { m = n = 1; } else if (k == 1) { n = 1; } MathMatrixInset * p = new MathMatrixInset(m, n); if (mathcursor && p) { if (k > 2 && int(strlen(s)) > m) p->SetAlign(s[0], &s[1]); mathcursor->Insert(p, LM_TC_ACTIVE_INSET); UpdateLocal(bv); } break; } case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); char lf[40], rg[40], arg2[40]; int ilf = '(', irg = '.'; latexkeys * l; string vdelim("(){}[]./|"); if (arg.empty()) break; strncpy(arg2, arg.c_str(), 40); arg2[39]= '\0'; int n = sscanf(arg2, "%s %s", lf, rg); lf[39] = '\0'; rg[39] = '\0'; if (n > 0) { if (isdigit(lf[0])) ilf = atoi(lf); else if (lf[1]) { l = in_word_set(lf, strlen(lf)); // Long words will cause l == 0; so check. if(l) ilf = l->id; } else if (vdelim.find(lf[0]) != string::npos) ilf = lf[0]; if (n > 1) { if (isdigit(rg[0])) irg = atoi(rg); else if (rg[1]) { l = in_word_set(rg, strlen(rg)); if(l) irg = l->id; } else if (vdelim.find(rg[0]) != string::npos) irg = rg[0]; } } MathDelimInset * p = new MathDelimInset(ilf, irg); mathcursor->Insert(p, LM_TC_ACTIVE_INSET); UpdateLocal(bv); break; } case LFUN_PROTECTEDSPACE: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); sp = new MathSpaceInset(1); mathcursor->Insert(sp); space_on = true; UpdateLocal(bv); break; } case LFUN_INSERT_LABEL: { bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); if (par->GetType() < LM_OT_PAR) break; string lb = arg; if (lb.empty()) { pair result = askForText(_("Enter new label to insert:")); if (result.first) { lb = result.second; } } if (!lb.empty() && lb[0] > ' ') { SetNumber(true); if (par->GetType() == LM_OT_MPARN) { mathcursor->setLabel(lb.c_str()); // MathMatrixInset *mt = (MathMatrixInset*)par; // mt->SetLabel(lb); } else { //if (label.notEmpty()) delete label; label = lb; } UpdateLocal(bv); } else label.clear(); break; } case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: //current_view->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::EDIT); display(!disp_flag); UpdateLocal(bv); break; // Invalid actions under math mode case LFUN_MATH_MODE: { if (mathcursor->getLastCode()!= LM_TC_TEXTRM) { bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("math text mode")); varcode = LM_TC_TEXTRM; } else { varcode = LM_TC_VAR; } mathcursor->setLastCode(varcode); break; } case LFUN_UNDO: bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Invalid action in math mode!")); break; //------- dummy actions case LFUN_EXEC_COMMAND: bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->ExecCommand(); break; default: if ((action == -1 || action == LFUN_SELFINSERT) && !arg.empty()) { unsigned char c = arg[0]; bv->lockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::INSERT); if (c == ' ' && mathcursor->getAccent() == LM_hat) { c = '^'; mathcursor->setAccent(0); } if (c == 0) { // Dead key, do nothing //lyxerr << "deadkey" << endl; break; } if (isalpha(c)) { if (mathcursor->getLastCode() == LM_TC_TEX) { mathcursor->MacroModeOpen(); mathcursor->clearLastCode(); varcode = LM_TC_MIN; } else if (!varcode) { short f = (mathcursor->getLastCode()) ? mathcursor->getLastCode() : static_cast(mathcursor->GetFCode()); varcode = MathIsAlphaFont(f) ? static_cast(f) : LM_TC_VAR; } // lyxerr << "Varcode << vardoce; mathcursor->Insert(c, (greek_kb_flag) ? LM_TC_SYMB: varcode); varcode = LM_TC_MIN; if (greek_kb_flag<2) greek_kb_flag = 0; } else if (strchr("!,:;{}", c) && (varcode == LM_TC_TEX||was_macro)) { mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_TEX); if (c == '{') { mathcursor->Insert('}', LM_TC_TEX); mathcursor->Left(); } mathcursor->clearLastCode(); // varcode = LM_TC_MIN; } else if (c == '_' && varcode == LM_TC_TEX) { mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_SPECIAL); mathcursor->clearLastCode(); // varcode = LM_TC_MIN; } else if (('0'<= c && c<= '9') && (varcode == LM_TC_TEX||was_macro)) { mathcursor->MacroModeOpen(); mathcursor->clearLastCode(); mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_MIN); } else if (('0'<= c && c<= '9') || strchr(";:!|[]().,?", c)) mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_CONST); else if (strchr("+/-*<>=", c)) mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_BOP); else if (strchr(latex_special_chars, c) && c!= '_') mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_SPECIAL); else if (c == '_' || c == '^') { char s[2]; s[0] = c; s[1] = 0; mathcursor->Interpret (s); } else if (c == ' ') { if (!varcode) { short f = (mathcursor->getLastCode()) ? mathcursor->getLastCode() : static_cast(mathcursor->GetFCode()); varcode = MathIsAlphaFont(f) ? static_cast(f) : LM_TC_VAR; } if (varcode == LM_TC_TEXTRM) { mathcursor->Insert(c, LM_TC_TEXTRM); } else if (was_macro) mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); else if (sp) { int isp = (sp->GetSpace()<5) ? sp->GetSpace()+1: 0; sp->SetSpace(isp); space_on = true; } else { if (!mathcursor->Pop() && mathcursor->IsEnd()) result = FINISHED; } } else if (c == '\'') { mathcursor->Insert (c, LM_TC_VAR); } else if (c == '\\') { if (was_macro) mathcursor->MacroModeClose(); bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("TeX mode")); mathcursor->setLastCode(LM_TC_TEX); } UpdateLocal(bv); } else { // lyxerr << "Closed by action " << action << endl; result = FINISHED; } } if (was_macro != mathcursor->InMacroMode() && action >= 0 && action != LFUN_BACKSPACE) UpdateLocal(bv); if (sp && !space_on) sp = 0; if (mathcursor->Selection() || was_selection) ToggleInsetSelection(bv); if (result == DISPATCHED) ShowInsetCursor(bv); else bv->unlockInset(this); return result; } void MathFuncInset::draw(Painter & pain, int x, int y) { if (name && name[0] > ' ') { LyXFont font = WhichFont(LM_TC_TEXTRM, size); font.setLatex(LyXFont::ON); x += (lyxfont::width('I', font) + 3) / 4; pain.text(x, y, name, font); } } void MathFuncInset::Metrics() { ln = (name) ? strlen(name): 0; LyXFont font = WhichFont(LM_TC_TEXTRM, size); font.setLatex(LyXFont::ON); width = lyxfont::width(name, ln, font) + lyxfont::width('I', font) / 2; mathed_string_height(LM_TC_TEXTRM, size, reinterpret_cast(name), strlen(name), ascent, descent); } static void mathedValidate(LaTeXFeatures & features, MathParInset * par) { MathedIter it(par->GetData()); while (it.OK() && !(features.binom && features.boldsymbol)) { if (it.IsInset()) { if(it.IsActive()) { MathParInset * p = it.GetActiveInset(); if (!features.binom && p->GetType() == LM_OT_MACRO && strcmp(p->GetName(), "binom") == 0) { features.binom = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i <= p->getMaxArgumentIdx(); ++i) { p->setArgumentIdx(i); mathedValidate(features, p); } } } else { MathedInset* p = it.GetInset(); if (!features.boldsymbol && p->GetName() && strcmp(p->GetName(), "boldsymbol") == 0) { features.boldsymbol = true; } } } it.Next(); } }