#ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "math_inset.h" #include "math_charinset.h" #include "math_scriptinset.h" #include "debug.h" #include "array.h" #include "mathed/support.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" using std::ostream; using std::endl; MathArray::MathArray() {} MathArray::MathArray(MathArray const & array, size_type from, size_type to) : bf_(array.begin() + from, array.begin() + to) {} void MathArray::substitute(MathMacro const & m) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) it->nucleus()->substitute(m); } MathScriptInset const * MathArray::asScript(const_iterator it) const { if (it->nucleus()->asScriptInset()) return 0; const_iterator jt = it + 1; if (jt == end()) return 0; return jt->nucleus()->asScriptInset(); } MathAtom & MathArray::at(size_type pos) { lyx::Assert(pos < size()); return bf_[pos]; } MathAtom const & MathArray::at(size_type pos) const { lyx::Assert(pos < size()); return bf_[pos]; } void MathArray::insert(size_type pos, MathAtom const & t) { bf_.insert(begin() + pos, t); } void MathArray::insert(size_type pos, MathArray const & array) { bf_.insert(begin() + pos, array.begin(), array.end()); } void MathArray::push_back(MathAtom const & t) { bf_.push_back(t); } void MathArray::push_back(MathArray const & array) { insert(size(), array); } void MathArray::clear() { erase(); } void MathArray::swap(MathArray & array) { if (this != &array) bf_.swap(array.bf_); } bool MathArray::empty() const { return bf_.empty(); } MathArray::size_type MathArray::size() const { return bf_.size(); } void MathArray::erase() { erase(0, size()); } void MathArray::erase(size_type pos) { if (pos < size()) erase(pos, pos + 1); } void MathArray::erase(size_type pos1, size_type pos2) { bf_.erase(begin() + pos1, begin() + pos2); } MathAtom & MathArray::back() { return bf_.back(); } void MathArray::dump2(ostream & os) const { for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) os << it->nucleus() << ' '; } void MathArray::dump(ostream & os) const { for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) os << "<" << it->nucleus() << ">"; } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, MathArray const & ar) { ar.dump2(os); return os; } // returns sequence of char with same code starting at it up to end // it might be less, though... string charSequence(MathArray::const_iterator it, MathArray::const_iterator end) { string s; MathCharInset const * p = it->nucleus()->asCharInset(); if (!p) return s; for (MathTextCodes c = p->code(); it != end; ++it) { if (!it->nucleus()) break; p = it->nucleus()->asCharInset(); if (!p || p->code() != c) break; s += p->getChar(); } return s; } void MathArray::write(MathWriteInfo & wi) const { for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { MathInset * p = it->nucleus(); if (!p) continue; /* if (p->asCharInset()) { MathCharInset const * c = p->asCharInset(); // special handling for character sequences with the same code string s = charSequence(it, end()); c->writeHeader(os); os << s; c->writeTrailer(os); it += s.size() - 1; } else */ if (MathScriptInset const * q = asScript(it)) { q->write(p, wi); ++it; } else { p->write(wi); } } } void MathArray::writeNormal(ostream & os) const { for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { MathInset * p = it->nucleus(); if (!p) continue; if (MathScriptInset const * q = asScript(it)) { q->writeNormal(p, os); ++it; } else { p->writeNormal(os); } } } void MathArray::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) it->nucleus()->validate(features); } void MathArray::pop_back() { if (!size()) { lyxerr << "pop_back from empty array!\n"; return; } bf_.pop_back(); } MathArray::const_iterator MathArray::begin() const { return bf_.begin(); } MathArray::const_iterator MathArray::end() const { return bf_.end(); } MathArray::iterator MathArray::begin() { return bf_.begin(); } MathArray::iterator MathArray::end() { return bf_.end(); }