/** * \file InsetMathNest.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetMathNest.h" #include "InsetMathArray.h" #include "InsetMathBig.h" #include "InsetMathBox.h" #include "InsetMathBrace.h" #include "InsetMathColor.h" #include "InsetMathComment.h" #include "MathData.h" #include "InsetMathDelim.h" #include "MathFactory.h" #include "InsetMathHull.h" #include "MathMLStream.h" #include "MathMacroArgument.h" //#include "InsetMathMBox.h" #include "MathParser.h" #include "InsetMathScript.h" #include "InsetMathSpace.h" #include "InsetMathSymbol.h" #include "MathSupport.h" #include "InsetMathUnknown.h" #include "InsetMathRef.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "coordcache.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "debug.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "outputparams.h" #include "undo.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "frontends/Selection.h" #include "frontends/nullpainter.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "lyxserver.h" #include "lyxsocket.h" #include using lyx::CoordCache; using lyx::docstring; using lyx::odocstream; using lyx::Point; using lyx::cap::copySelection; using lyx::cap::grabAndEraseSelection; using lyx::cap::cutSelection; using lyx::cap::replaceSelection; using lyx::cap::selClearOrDel; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::istringstream; InsetMathNest::InsetMathNest(idx_type nargs) : cells_(nargs), lock_(false) {} InsetMath::idx_type InsetMathNest::nargs() const { return cells_.size(); } MathArray & InsetMathNest::cell(idx_type i) { return cells_[i]; } MathArray const & InsetMathNest::cell(idx_type i) const { return cells_[i]; } void InsetMathNest::cursorPos(BufferView const & bv, CursorSlice const & sl, bool /*boundary*/, int & x, int & y) const { // FIXME: This is a hack. Ideally, the coord cache should not store // absolute positions, but relative ones. This would mean to call // setXY() not in MathArray::draw(), but in the parent insets' draw() // with the correctly adjusted x,y values. But this means that we'd have // to touch all (math)inset's draw() methods. Right now, we'll store // absolute value, and make them here relative, only to make them // absolute again when actually drawing the cursor. What a mess. BOOST_ASSERT(ptr_cmp(&sl.inset(), this)); MathArray const & ar = sl.cell(); CoordCache const & coord_cache = bv.coordCache(); if (!coord_cache.getArrays().has(&ar)) { // this can (semi-)legally happen if we just created this cell // and it never has been drawn before. So don't ASSERT. //lyxerr << "no cached data for array " << &ar << endl; x = 0; y = 0; return; } Point const pt = coord_cache.getArrays().xy(&ar); if (!coord_cache.getInsets().has(this)) { // same as above //lyxerr << "no cached data for inset " << this << endl; x = 0; y = 0; return; } Point const pt2 = coord_cache.getInsets().xy(this); //lyxerr << "retrieving position cache for MathArray " // << pt.x_ << ' ' << pt.y_ << std::endl; x = pt.x_ - pt2.x_ + ar.pos2x(sl.pos()); y = pt.y_ - pt2.y_; // lyxerr << "pt.y_ : " << pt.y_ << " pt2_.y_ : " << pt2.y_ // << " asc: " << ascent() << " des: " << descent() // << " ar.asc: " << ar.ascent() << " ar.des: " << ar.descent() << endl; // move cursor visually into empty cells ("blue rectangles"); if (ar.empty()) x += 2; } void InsetMathNest::metrics(MetricsInfo const & mi) const { MetricsInfo m = mi; for (idx_type i = 0, n = nargs(); i != n; ++i) cell(i).metrics(m); } bool InsetMathNest::idxNext(LCursor & cur) const { BOOST_ASSERT(ptr_cmp(&cur.inset(), this)); if (cur.idx() == cur.lastidx()) return false; ++cur.idx(); cur.pos() = 0; return true; } bool InsetMathNest::idxRight(LCursor & cur) const { return idxNext(cur); } bool InsetMathNest::idxPrev(LCursor & cur) const { BOOST_ASSERT(ptr_cmp(&cur.inset(), this)); if (cur.idx() == 0) return false; --cur.idx(); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return true; } bool InsetMathNest::idxLeft(LCursor & cur) const { return idxPrev(cur); } bool InsetMathNest::idxFirst(LCursor & cur) const { BOOST_ASSERT(ptr_cmp(&cur.inset(), this)); if (nargs() == 0) return false; cur.idx() = 0; cur.pos() = 0; return true; } bool InsetMathNest::idxLast(LCursor & cur) const { BOOST_ASSERT(ptr_cmp(&cur.inset(), this)); if (nargs() == 0) return false; cur.idx() = cur.lastidx(); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); return true; } void InsetMathNest::dump() const { lyx::odocstringstream oss; WriteStream os(oss); os << "---------------------------------------------\n"; write(os); os << "\n"; for (idx_type i = 0, n = nargs(); i != n; ++i) os << cell(i) << "\n"; os << "---------------------------------------------\n"; lyxerr << lyx::to_utf8(oss.str()); } void InsetMathNest::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { #if 0 if (lock_) pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y - ascent(), width(), height(), LColor::mathlockbg); #endif setPosCache(pi, x, y); } void InsetMathNest::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { BufferView & bv = *pi.base.bv; // this should use the x/y values given, not the cached values LCursor & cur = bv.cursor(); if (!cur.selection()) return; if (!ptr_cmp(&cur.inset(), this)) return; // FIXME: hack to get position cache warm static lyx::frontend::NullPainter nop; PainterInfo pinop(pi); pinop.pain = nop; draw(pinop, x, y); CursorSlice s1 = cur.selBegin(); CursorSlice s2 = cur.selEnd(); //lyxerr << "InsetMathNest::drawing selection: " // << " s1: " << s1 << " s2: " << s2 << endl; if (s1.idx() == s2.idx()) { MathArray const & c = cell(s1.idx()); int x1 = c.xo(bv) + c.pos2x(s1.pos()); int y1 = c.yo(bv) - c.ascent(); int x2 = c.xo(bv) + c.pos2x(s2.pos()); int y2 = c.yo(bv) + c.descent(); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, LColor::selection); //lyxerr << "InsetMathNest::drawing selection 3: " // << " x1: " << x1 << " x2: " << x2 // << " y1: " << y1 << " y2: " << y2 << endl; } else { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) { if (idxBetween(i, s1.idx(), s2.idx())) { MathArray const & c = cell(i); int x1 = c.xo(bv); int y1 = c.yo(bv) - c.ascent(); int x2 = c.xo(bv) + c.width(); int y2 = c.yo(bv) + c.descent(); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, LColor::selection); } } } } void InsetMathNest::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) cell(i).validate(features); } void InsetMathNest::replace(ReplaceData & rep) { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) cell(i).replace(rep); } bool InsetMathNest::contains(MathArray const & ar) const { for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) if (cell(i).contains(ar)) return true; return false; } bool InsetMathNest::lock() const { return lock_; } void InsetMathNest::lock(bool l) { lock_ = l; } bool InsetMathNest::isActive() const { return nargs() > 0; } MathArray InsetMathNest::glue() const { MathArray ar; for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) ar.append(cell(i)); return ar; } void InsetMathNest::write(WriteStream & os) const { os << '\\' << name().c_str(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) os << '{' << cell(i) << '}'; if (nargs() == 0) os.pendingSpace(true); if (lock_ && !os.latex()) { os << "\\lyxlock"; os.pendingSpace(true); } } void InsetMathNest::normalize(NormalStream & os) const { os << '[' << name().c_str(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) os << ' ' << cell(i); os << ']'; } int InsetMathNest::latex(Buffer const &, odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { WriteStream wi(os, runparams.moving_arg, true); write(wi); return wi.line(); } bool InsetMathNest::notifyCursorLeaves(LCursor & /*cur*/) { #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning look here #endif #if 0 MathArray & ar = cur.cell(); // remove base-only "scripts" for (pos_type i = 0; i + 1 < ar.size(); ++i) { InsetMathScript * p = operator[](i).nucleus()->asScriptInset(); if (p && p->nargs() == 1) { MathArray ar = p->nuc(); erase(i); insert(i, ar); cur.adjust(i, ar.size() - 1); } } // glue adjacent font insets of the same kind for (pos_type i = 0; i + 1 < size(); ++i) { InsetMathFont * p = operator[](i).nucleus()->asFontInset(); InsetMathFont const * q = operator[](i + 1)->asFontInset(); if (p && q && p->name() == q->name()) { p->cell(0).append(q->cell(0)); erase(i + 1); cur.adjust(i, -1); } } #endif return false; } void InsetMathNest::handleFont (LCursor & cur, string const & arg, string const & font) { // this whole function is a hack and won't work for incremental font // changes... recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); if (cur.inset().asInsetMath()->name() == font) cur.handleFont(font); else { cur.handleNest(createInsetMath(font)); cur.insert(arg); } } void InsetMathNest::handleFont2(LCursor & cur, string const & arg) { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); LyXFont font; bool b; bv_funcs::string2font(arg, font, b); if (font.color() != LColor::inherit) { MathAtom at = MathAtom(new InsetMathColor(true, font.color())); cur.handleNest(at, 0); } } void InsetMathNest::doDispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { //lyxerr << "InsetMathNest: request: " << cmd << std::endl; //CursorSlice sl = cur.current(); switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_PASTE: { recordUndo(cur); cur.message(_("Paste")); replaceSelection(cur); size_t n = 0; istringstream is(lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument())); is >> n; docstring const selection = lyx::cap::getSelection(cur.buffer(), n); // FIXME UNICODE cur.niceInsert(lyx::to_utf8(selection)); cur.clearSelection(); // bug 393 cur.bv().switchKeyMap(); finishUndo(); break; } case LFUN_CUT: recordUndo(cur); cutSelection(cur, true, true); cur.message(_("Cut")); // Prevent stale position >= size crash // Probably not necessary anymore, see eraseSelection (gb 2005-10-09) cur.normalize(); break; case LFUN_COPY: copySelection(cur); // FIXME UNICODE cur.message(_("Copy")); break; case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: lfunMousePress(cur, cmd); break; case LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION: lfunMouseMotion(cur, cmd); break; case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: lfunMouseRelease(cur, cmd); break; case LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT: cur.bv().cursor() = cur; break; case LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT: ++cur.pos(); cur.bv().cursor() = cur; break; case LFUN_FINISHED_UP: cur.bv().cursor() = cur; break; case LFUN_FINISHED_DOWN: ++cur.pos(); cur.bv().cursor() = cur; break; case LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD: cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT); cur.autocorrect() = false; cur.clearTargetX(); cur.macroModeClose(); if (cur.pos() != cur.lastpos() && cur.openable(cur.nextAtom())) { cur.pushLeft(*cur.nextAtom().nucleus()); cur.inset().idxFirst(cur); } else if (cur.posRight() || idxRight(cur) || cur.popRight() || cur.selection()) ; else { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); cur.undispatched(); } break; case LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD: cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT); cur.autocorrect() = false; cur.clearTargetX(); cur.macroModeClose(); if (cur.pos() != 0 && cur.openable(cur.prevAtom())) { cur.posLeft(); cur.push(*cur.nextAtom().nucleus()); cur.inset().idxLast(cur); } else if (cur.posLeft() || idxLeft(cur) || cur.popLeft() || cur.selection()) ; else { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT); cur.undispatched(); } break; case LFUN_UP_SELECT: case LFUN_UP: // FIXME Tried to use clearTargetX and macroModeClose, crashed on cur.up() if (cur.inMacroMode()) { // Make Helge happy cur.macroModeClose(); break; } cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_UP_SELECT); if (!cur.up()) { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_UP); cur.undispatched(); } // fixes bug 1598. Please check! cur.normalize(); break; case LFUN_DOWN_SELECT: case LFUN_DOWN: if (cur.inMacroMode()) { cur.macroModeClose(); break; } cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_DOWN_SELECT); if (!cur.down()) { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_DOWN); cur.undispatched(); } // fixes bug 1598. Please check! cur.normalize(); break; case LFUN_MOUSE_DOUBLE: case LFUN_MOUSE_TRIPLE: case LFUN_WORD_SELECT: cur.pos() = 0; cur.idx() = 0; cur.resetAnchor(); cur.selection() = true; cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); cur.idx() = cur.lastidx(); break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP_SELECT: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN_SELECT: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN: break; case LFUN_LINE_BEGIN_SELECT: case LFUN_LINE_BEGIN: case LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD: cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT || cmd.action == LFUN_LINE_BEGIN_SELECT); cur.macroModeClose(); if (cur.pos() != 0) { cur.pos() = 0; } else if (cur.col() != 0) { cur.idx() -= cur.col(); cur.pos() = 0; } else if (cur.idx() != 0) { cur.idx() = 0; cur.pos() = 0; } else { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT); cur.undispatched(); } break; case LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_FORWARD: case LFUN_LINE_END_SELECT: case LFUN_LINE_END: cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT || cmd.action == LFUN_LINE_END_SELECT); cur.macroModeClose(); cur.clearTargetX(); if (cur.pos() != cur.lastpos()) { cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); } else if (ncols() && (cur.col() != cur.lastcol())) { cur.idx() = cur.idx() - cur.col() + cur.lastcol(); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); } else if (cur.idx() != cur.lastidx()) { cur.idx() = cur.lastidx(); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); } else { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); cur.undispatched(); } break; case LFUN_SCREEN_UP_SELECT: case LFUN_SCREEN_UP: cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT); cur.undispatched(); break; case LFUN_SCREEN_DOWN_SELECT: case LFUN_SCREEN_DOWN: cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); cur.undispatched(); break; case LFUN_CELL_FORWARD: cur.inset().idxNext(cur); break; case LFUN_CELL_BACKWARD: cur.inset().idxPrev(cur); break; case LFUN_WORD_DELETE_BACKWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_DELETE_BACKWARD: if (cur.pos() == 0) // May affect external cell: recordUndoInset(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); else recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.backspace(); break; case LFUN_WORD_DELETE_FORWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_DELETE_FORWARD: if (cur.pos() == cur.lastpos()) // May affect external cell: recordUndoInset(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); else recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.erase(); break; case LFUN_ESCAPE: if (cur.selection()) cur.clearSelection(); else { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); cur.undispatched(); } break; case LFUN_INSET_TOGGLE: recordUndo(cur); lock(!lock()); cur.popRight(); break; case LFUN_SELF_INSERT: if (cmd.argument().size() != 1) { recordUndo(cur); string const arg = lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()); if (!interpretString(cur, arg)) cur.insert(arg); break; } // Don't record undo steps if we are in macro mode and // cmd.argument is the next character of the macro name. // Otherwise we'll get an invalid cursor if we undo after // the macro was finished and the macro is a known command, // e.g. sqrt. LCursor::macroModeClose replaces in this case // the InsetMathUnknown with name "frac" by an empty // InsetMathFrac -> a pos value > 0 is invalid. // A side effect is that an undo before the macro is finished // undoes the complete macro, not only the last character. if (!cur.inMacroMode()) recordUndo(cur); // spacial handling of space. If we insert an inset // via macro mode, we want to put the cursor inside it // if relevant. Think typing "\frac". if (cmd.argument()[0] == ' ' && cur.inMacroMode() && cur.macroName() != "\\" && cur.macroModeClose()) { MathAtom const atom = cur.prevAtom(); if (atom->asNestInset() && atom->nargs() > 0) { cur.posLeft(); cur.pushLeft(*cur.nextInset()); } // FIXME: Change to // } else if (!interpret(cur, cmd.argument()[0])) { // when interpret accepts UCS4 characters } else { std::string arg0 = lyx::to_utf8(docstring(1, cmd.argument()[0])); if (!interpretChar(cur, arg0[0])) { cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); cur.undispatched(); } } break; //case LFUN_SERVER_GET_XY: // sprintf(dispatch_buffer, "%d %d",); // break; case LFUN_SERVER_SET_XY: { lyxerr << "LFUN_SERVER_SET_XY broken!" << endl; int x = 0; int y = 0; istringstream is(lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument())); is >> x >> y; cur.setScreenPos(x, y); break; } // Special casing for superscript in case of LyX handling // dead-keys: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX: if (cmd.argument().empty()) { // do superscript if LyX handles // deadkeys recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); script(cur, true, grabAndEraseSelection(cur)); } break; case LFUN_ACCENT_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_ACUTE: case LFUN_ACCENT_GRAVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_BREVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_DOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_MACRON: case LFUN_ACCENT_CARON: case LFUN_ACCENT_TILDE: case LFUN_ACCENT_CEDILLA: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCLE: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERDOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_TIE: case LFUN_ACCENT_OGONEK: case LFUN_ACCENT_HUNGARIAN_UMLAUT: break; // Math fonts case LFUN_FONT_FREE_APPLY: case LFUN_FONT_FREE_UPDATE: handleFont2(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument())); break; case LFUN_FONT_BOLD: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textbf"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathbf"); break; case LFUN_FONT_SANS: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textsf"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathsf"); break; case LFUN_FONT_EMPH: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "emph"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathcal"); break; case LFUN_FONT_ROMAN: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textrm"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathrm"); break; case LFUN_FONT_CODE: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "texttt"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathtt"); break; case LFUN_FONT_FRAK: handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathfrak"); break; case LFUN_FONT_ITAL: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textit"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathit"); break; case LFUN_FONT_NOUN: if (currentMode() == TEXT_MODE) // FIXME: should be "noun" handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textsc"); else handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "mathbb"); break; //case LFUN_FONT_FREE_APPLY: handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textrm"); break; case LFUN_FONT_DEFAULT: handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textnormal"); break; case LFUN_MATH_MODE: { #if 1 // ignore math-mode on when already in math mode if (currentMode() == InsetBase::MATH_MODE && cmd.argument() == "on") break; cur.macroModeClose(); string const save_selection = grabAndEraseSelection(cur); selClearOrDel(cur); //cur.plainInsert(MathAtom(new InsetMathMBox(cur.bv()))); cur.plainInsert(MathAtom(new InsetMathBox("mbox"))); cur.posLeft(); cur.pushLeft(*cur.nextInset()); cur.niceInsert(save_selection); #else if (currentMode() == InsetBase::TEXT_MODE) { cur.niceInsert(MathAtom(new InsetMathHull("simple"))); cur.message(_("create new math text environment ($...$)")); } else { handleFont(cur, lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), "textrm"); cur.message(_("entered math text mode (textrm)")); } #endif break; } case LFUN_MATH_SIZE: #if 0 recordUndo(cur); cur.setSize(arg); #endif break; case LFUN_MATH_MATRIX: { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); unsigned int m = 1; unsigned int n = 1; string v_align; string h_align; istringstream is(lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument())); is >> m >> n >> v_align >> h_align; if (m < 1) m = 1; if (n < 1) n = 1; v_align += 'c'; cur.niceInsert( MathAtom(new InsetMathArray("array", m, n, v_align[0], h_align))); break; } case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: { string ls; string rs = lyx::support::split(lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), ls, ' '); // Reasonable default values if (ls.empty()) ls = '('; if (rs.empty()) rs = ')'; recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.handleNest(MathAtom(new InsetMathDelim(ls, rs))); break; } case LFUN_MATH_BIGDELIM: { string const lname = cmd.getArg(0); string const ldelim = cmd.getArg(1); string const rname = cmd.getArg(2); string const rdelim = cmd.getArg(3); latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(lname); bool const have_l = l && l->inset == "big" && InsetMathBig::isBigInsetDelim(ldelim); l = in_word_set(rname); bool const have_r = l && l->inset == "big" && InsetMathBig::isBigInsetDelim(rdelim); // We mimic LFUN_MATH_DELIM in case we have an empty left // or right delimiter. if (have_l || have_r) { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); string const selection = grabAndEraseSelection(cur); selClearOrDel(cur); if (have_l) cur.insert(MathAtom(new InsetMathBig(lname, ldelim))); cur.niceInsert(selection); if (have_r) cur.insert(MathAtom(new InsetMathBig(rname, rdelim))); } // Don't call cur.undispatched() if we did nothing, this would // lead to infinite recursion via LyXText::dispatch(). break; } case LFUN_SPACE_INSERT: case LFUN_MATH_SPACE: recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); cur.insert(MathAtom(new InsetMathSpace(","))); break; case LFUN_ERT_INSERT: // interpret this as if a backslash was typed recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); interpretChar(cur, '\\'); break; case LFUN_MATH_SUBSCRIPT: // interpret this as if a _ was typed recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); interpretChar(cur, '_'); break; case LFUN_MATH_SUPERSCRIPT: // interpret this as if a ^ was typed recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); interpretChar(cur, '^'); break; // FIXME: We probably should swap parts of "math-insert" and "self-insert" // handling such that "self-insert" works on "arbitrary stuff" too, and // math-insert only handles special math things like "matrix". case LFUN_MATH_INSERT: { recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC); if (cmd.argument() == "^" || cmd.argument() == "_") { std::string arg0 = lyx::to_utf8(docstring(1, cmd.argument()[0])); interpretChar(cur, arg0[0]); } else cur.niceInsert(lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument())); break; } case LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW_NEW_INSET: { string const & name = lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()); string data; if (name == "ref") { RefInset tmp(name); data = tmp.createDialogStr(name); } cur.bv().showInsetDialog(name, data, 0); break; } case LFUN_INSET_INSERT: { MathArray ar; if (createInsetMath_fromDialogStr(lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()), ar)) { recordUndo(cur); cur.insert(ar); } else cur.undispatched(); break; } default: InsetMathDim::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetMathNest::getStatus(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { // the font related toggles //string tc = "mathnormal"; bool ret = true; string const arg = lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument()); switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_TABULAR_FEATURE: flag.enabled(false); break; #if 0 case LFUN_TABULAR_FEATURE: // FIXME: check temporarily disabled // valign code char align = mathcursor::valign(); if (align == '\0') { enable = false; break; } if (cmd.argument().empty()) { flag.clear(); break; } if (!contains("tcb", cmd.argument()[0])) { enable = false; break; } flag.setOnOff(cmd.argument()[0] == align); break; #endif /// We have to handle them since 1.4 blocks all unhandled actions case LFUN_FONT_ITAL: case LFUN_FONT_BOLD: case LFUN_FONT_SANS: case LFUN_FONT_EMPH: case LFUN_FONT_CODE: case LFUN_FONT_NOUN: case LFUN_FONT_ROMAN: case LFUN_FONT_DEFAULT: flag.enabled(true); break; case LFUN_MATH_MUTATE: //flag.setOnOff(mathcursor::formula()->hullType() == lyx::to_utf8(cmd.argument())); flag.setOnOff(false); break; // we just need to be in math mode to enable that case LFUN_MATH_SIZE: case LFUN_MATH_SPACE: case LFUN_MATH_LIMITS: case LFUN_MATH_NONUMBER: case LFUN_MATH_NUMBER: case LFUN_MATH_EXTERN: flag.enabled(true); break; case LFUN_FONT_FRAK: flag.enabled(currentMode() != TEXT_MODE); break; case LFUN_MATH_INSERT: { bool const textarg = arg == "\\textbf" || arg == "\\textsf" || arg == "\\textrm" || arg == "\\textmd" || arg == "\\textit" || arg == "\\textsc" || arg == "\\textsl" || arg == "\\textup" || arg == "\\texttt" || arg == "\\textbb" || arg == "\\textnormal"; flag.enabled(currentMode() != TEXT_MODE || textarg); break; } case LFUN_MATH_MATRIX: flag.enabled(currentMode() == MATH_MODE); break; case LFUN_INSET_INSERT: { // Don't test createMathInset_fromDialogStr(), since // getStatus is not called with a valid reference and the // dialog would not be applyable. string const name = cmd.getArg(0); flag.enabled(name == "ref"); break; } case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: case LFUN_MATH_BIGDELIM: // Don't do this with multi-cell selections flag.enabled(cur.selBegin().idx() == cur.selEnd().idx()); break; default: ret = false; break; } return ret; } void InsetMathNest::edit(LCursor & cur, bool left) { cur.push(*this); cur.idx() = left ? 0 : cur.lastidx(); cur.pos() = left ? 0 : cur.lastpos(); cur.resetAnchor(); //lyxerr << "InsetMathNest::edit, cur:\n" << cur << endl; } InsetBase * InsetMathNest::editXY(LCursor & cur, int x, int y) { int idx_min = 0; int dist_min = 1000000; for (idx_type i = 0, n = nargs(); i != n; ++i) { int const d = cell(i).dist(cur.bv(), x, y); if (d < dist_min) { dist_min = d; idx_min = i; } } MathArray & ar = cell(idx_min); cur.push(*this); cur.idx() = idx_min; cur.pos() = ar.x2pos(x - ar.xo(cur.bv())); //lyxerr << "found cell : " << idx_min << " pos: " << cur.pos() << endl; if (dist_min == 0) { // hit inside cell for (pos_type i = 0, n = ar.size(); i < n; ++i) if (ar[i]->covers(cur.bv(), x, y)) return ar[i].nucleus()->editXY(cur, x, y); } return this; } void InsetMathNest::lfunMousePress(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { //lyxerr << "## lfunMousePress: buttons: " << cmd.button() << endl; BufferView & bv = cur.bv(); if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { //lyxerr << "## lfunMousePress: setting cursor to: " << cur << endl; bv.mouseSetCursor(cur); } else if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button2) { MathArray ar; if (cur.selection()) asArray(bv.cursor().selectionAsString(false), ar); else asArray(theSelection().get(), ar); cur.insert(ar); bv.mouseSetCursor(cur); } } void InsetMathNest::lfunMouseMotion(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { // only select with button 1 if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { LCursor & bvcur = cur.bv().cursor(); if (bvcur.anchor_.hasPart(cur)) { //lyxerr << "## lfunMouseMotion: cursor: " << cur << endl; bvcur.setCursor(cur); bvcur.selection() = true; //lyxerr << "MOTION " << bvcur << endl; } else { cur.undispatched(); } } } void InsetMathNest::lfunMouseRelease(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { //lyxerr << "## lfunMouseRelease: buttons: " << cmd.button() << endl; if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { //theSelection().put(cur.grabSelection()); return; } if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button3) { // try to dispatch to enclosed insets first cur.bv().showDialog("mathpanel"); return; } cur.undispatched(); } bool InsetMathNest::interpretChar(LCursor & cur, char c) { //lyxerr << "interpret 2: '" << c << "'" << endl; string save_selection; if (c == '^' || c == '_') save_selection = grabAndEraseSelection(cur); cur.clearTargetX(); // handle macroMode if (cur.inMacroMode()) { string name = cur.macroName(); /// are we currently typing '#1' or '#2' or...? if (name == "\\#") { cur.backspace(); int n = c - '0'; if (n >= 1 && n <= 9) cur.insert(new MathMacroArgument(n)); return true; } if (isalpha(c)) { cur.activeMacro()->setName(name + c); return true; } // handle 'special char' macros if (name == "\\") { // remove the '\\' if (c == '\\') { cur.backspace(); if (currentMode() == InsetMath::TEXT_MODE) cur.niceInsert(createInsetMath("textbackslash")); else cur.niceInsert(createInsetMath("backslash")); } else if (c == '{') { cur.backspace(); cur.niceInsert(MathAtom(new InsetMathBrace)); } else if (c == '%') { cur.backspace(); cur.niceInsert(MathAtom(new InsetMathComment)); } else if (c == '#') { BOOST_ASSERT(cur.activeMacro()); cur.activeMacro()->setName(name + c); } else { cur.backspace(); cur.niceInsert(createInsetMath(string(1, c))); } return true; } // One character big delimiters. The others are handled in // the other interpret() method. latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(name.substr(1)); if (name[0] == '\\' && l && l->inset == "big") { string delim; switch (c) { case '{': delim = "\\{"; break; case '}': delim = "\\}"; break; default: delim = string(1, c); break; } if (InsetMathBig::isBigInsetDelim(delim)) { // name + delim ared a valid InsetMathBig. // We can't use cur.macroModeClose() because // it does not handle delim. InsetMathUnknown * p = cur.activeMacro(); p->finalize(); --cur.pos(); cur.cell().erase(cur.pos()); cur.plainInsert(MathAtom( new InsetMathBig(name.substr(1), delim))); return true; } } // leave macro mode and try again if necessary cur.macroModeClose(); if (c == '{') cur.niceInsert(MathAtom(new InsetMathBrace)); else if (c != ' ') interpretChar(cur, c); return true; } // This is annoying as one has to press far too often. // Disable it. #if 0 // leave autocorrect mode if necessary if (autocorrect() && c == ' ') { autocorrect() = false; return true; } #endif // just clear selection on pressing the space bar if (cur.selection() && c == ' ') { cur.selection() = false; return true; } selClearOrDel(cur); if (c == '\\') { //lyxerr << "starting with macro" << endl; cur.insert(MathAtom(new InsetMathUnknown("\\", false))); return true; } if (c == '\n') { if (currentMode() == InsetMath::TEXT_MODE) cur.insert(c); return true; } if (c == ' ') { if (currentMode() == InsetMath::TEXT_MODE) { // insert spaces in text mode, // but suppress direct insertion of two spaces in a row // the still allows typing 'a' and deleting the 'a', but // it is better than nothing... if (!cur.pos() != 0 || cur.prevAtom()->getChar() != ' ') cur.insert(c); return true; } if (cur.pos() != 0 && cur.prevAtom()->asSpaceInset()) { cur.prevAtom().nucleus()->asSpaceInset()->incSpace(); return true; } if (cur.popRight()) return true; // if are at the very end, leave the formula return cur.pos() != cur.lastpos(); } // These shouldn't work in text mode: if (currentMode() != InsetMath::TEXT_MODE) { if (c == '_') { script(cur, false, save_selection); return true; } if (c == '^') { script(cur, true, save_selection); return true; } if (c == '~') { cur.niceInsert(createInsetMath("sim")); return true; } } if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '&' || c == '$' || c == '#' || c == '%' || c == '_' || c == '^') { cur.niceInsert(createInsetMath(string(1, c))); return true; } // try auto-correction //if (autocorrect() && hasPrevAtom() && math_autocorrect(prevAtom(), c)) // return true; // no special circumstances, so insert the character without any fuss cur.insert(c); cur.autocorrect() = true; return true; } bool InsetMathNest::interpretString(LCursor & cur, string const & str) { // Create a InsetMathBig from cur.cell()[cur.pos() - 1] and t if // possible if (!cur.empty() && cur.pos() > 0 && cur.cell()[cur.pos() - 1]->asUnknownInset()) { if (InsetMathBig::isBigInsetDelim(str)) { string prev = asString(cur.cell()[cur.pos() - 1]); if (prev[0] == '\\') { prev = prev.substr(1); latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(prev); if (l && l->inset == "big") { cur.cell()[cur.pos() - 1] = MathAtom(new InsetMathBig(prev, str)); return true; } } } } return false; } bool InsetMathNest::script(LCursor & cur, bool up, string const & save_selection) { // Hack to get \^ and \_ working //lyxerr << "handling script: up: " << up << endl; if (cur.inMacroMode() && cur.macroName() == "\\") { if (up) cur.niceInsert(createInsetMath("mathcircumflex")); else interpretChar(cur, '_'); return true; } cur.macroModeClose(); if (asScriptInset() && cur.idx() == 0) { // we are in a nucleus of a script inset, move to _our_ script InsetMathScript * inset = asScriptInset(); //lyxerr << " going to cell " << inset->idxOfScript(up) << endl; inset->ensure(up); cur.idx() = inset->idxOfScript(up); cur.pos() = 0; } else if (cur.pos() != 0 && cur.prevAtom()->asScriptInset()) { --cur.pos(); InsetMathScript * inset = cur.nextAtom().nucleus()->asScriptInset(); cur.push(*inset); inset->ensure(up); cur.idx() = inset->idxOfScript(up); cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); } else { // convert the thing to our left to a scriptinset or create a new // one if in the very first position of the array if (cur.pos() == 0) { //lyxerr << "new scriptinset" << endl; cur.insert(new InsetMathScript(up)); } else { //lyxerr << "converting prev atom " << endl; cur.prevAtom() = MathAtom(new InsetMathScript(cur.prevAtom(), up)); } --cur.pos(); InsetMathScript * inset = cur.nextAtom().nucleus()->asScriptInset(); // special handling of {}-bases // is this always correct? if (inset->nuc().size() == 1 && inset->nuc().back()->asBraceInset()) inset->nuc() = inset->nuc().back()->asNestInset()->cell(0); cur.push(*inset); cur.idx() = 1; cur.pos() = 0; } //lyxerr << "inserting selection 1:\n" << save_selection << endl; cur.niceInsert(save_selection); cur.resetAnchor(); //lyxerr << "inserting selection 2:\n" << save_selection << endl; return true; }