Álvaro Tejero Cantero - I suggest creating a different "kewybinding namespace" for the formulas, since you could put to good use all those keybindings from the menu (M-?, C-?) thath currently do their job PLUS getting you out of the formula. Seriously, it'd be great to have more keys free, so M-d t would be time derivative and M-d ? derivative with respect to the variable ?. And so on. Flattening macros. Sometimes it's annoying the fact that once you have written a macro, you can't touch at it's "constant parts". I call flattening to the process of substituting all macros with LaTeX code. Task: designing a macro substitution system that reads from a file (possibly the same file as the document's) the macros and parses the document doing the appropriate replacements This is very useful, because sometimes you have a big expression in a macro and you want to change an index only. What do you do then?. You retype everything (perhaps several times in the document) or you create extremely generic and parametrizable macros that aren't very fast to fill in the majority of cases. Jules Bean: The number of characters which need to be typed is the confusing nature of the command. 'M-c m', typed once, puts you into math-mode. However, typing 'M-c m' again doesn't put you out of math-mode --- it puts you into math-text mode. Then hitting it again puts you back into normal math-mode. IMO, 'modal' keys should either be idempotent (so hitting it the second time does nothing) or self-inverting. In fact, the inverse to 'M-c m' is either 'ESC' or simply a space typed at the end of the block --- which is confusing, since they're not of the same 'shape' as the command that got you in there. Now, I'm not saying that 'space' shouldn't be allowed as a short-cut to get you out of math-mode; it's a most useful and natural one, I like it a lot. However, on balance I think M-c m should also have that effect. 3) Math-mode inconsistencies Sometimes 'the same action' has the same keystroke both within and without math-mode. This is very sensible. However, it is very annoying when they don't behave the way you're expecting them to. For example, 'M-c e' puts you into 'emphasise' mode. Ignoring the fact that in text mode this is italics, and in math-mode it stands for the calligraphic character set, I think of these as the same action, so I like the fact that they have the same keys. However, in math-mode, 'M-c e' is idempotent, (and you need 'M-c space' to get back into normal) whereas in text-mode 'M-c e' is self-inverse. These are the two possibilities I listed as acceptable before, but consistency would be nice ;-) IMO, self-inverse would be best for both. 6) Scope macros: The current macro system is clever, but could be neater. One improvement I'd like is to let LyX know about TeX's scoping rules...