#include #include #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "debug.h" #include "lyx_sendfax.h" #include "lyx_main.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" // CancelCloseBoxCB #include "support/syscall.h" #include "gettext.h" /* Prototypes */ bool sendfax(string const &fname, string const &sendcmd); bool button_send(string const &fname, string const &sendcmd = string()); void show_logfile(string logfile, bool show_if_empty); const int LEN_PHONE = 20; const int LEN_NAME = 25; /* Global Variables */ string phone_book; string global_sendcmd; string filename; FD_xsendfax *fd_xsendfax; FD_phonebook *fd_phonebook; FD_logfile *fd_logfile; bool send_fax(string const &fname, string const &sendcmd) { // I put FAXCMD here to see if I can get rid of some strange errors. (Lgb) string FAXCMD = "sendfax -n -h '$$Host' -c '$$Comment' -x '$$Enterprise' -d '$$Name'@'$$Phone' '$$FName'"; string title = _("Fax File: "); string path; if (fname.empty()) return false; path= OnlyPath(fname); if (path.empty() || path == "./") filename = GetCWD() + "/" + fname; else filename = fname; if (sendcmd.empty()) global_sendcmd = FAXCMD; else global_sendcmd = sendcmd; fd_xsendfax = create_form_xsendfax(); fd_phonebook = create_form_phonebook(); fd_logfile = create_form_logfile(); // Make sure the close box doesn't kill LyX when being pressed. (RvdK) fl_set_form_atclose(fd_xsendfax->xsendfax, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_phonebook->phonebook, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_logfile->logfile, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); /* init Phone-Book */ string phone_book_name; if (lyxrc.phone_book.empty()) { phone_book_name = "phonebook"; } else phone_book_name = lyxrc.phone_book; phone_book= FileSearch(user_lyxdir, phone_book_name); if (phone_book.empty()) phone_book = AddName(user_lyxdir, phone_book_name); fl_set_browser_fontsize(fd_phonebook->browser, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_browser_fontstyle(fd_phonebook->browser, FL_FIXED_STYLE); fl_load_browser(fd_phonebook->browser, phone_book.c_str()); title += OnlyFilename(fname); /* show the first form */ fl_show_form(fd_xsendfax->xsendfax, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, title.c_str()); /* while(true) { obj = fl_do_forms(); if (obj == fd_xsendfax->Button_Cancel) break; else if (obj == fd_xsendfax->Button_Send) { if (button_send(fname, global_sendcmd)) break; } else if (obj == fd_xsendfax->Button_Apply) { button_send(fname, global_sendcmd); } else if (obj == fd_xsendfax->Button_SPhone) { cb_select_phoneno(0, 0); } } fl_hide_form(fd_xsendfax->xsendfax); */ return true; } bool button_send(string const &fname, string const &sendcmd) { string name = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Name), phone = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Phone), enterprise = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Enterprise), comment = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Comment), host = GetEnv("FAX_SERVER"), logfile, cmd; if (phone.empty()) return false; logfile = TmpFileName(OnlyPath(fname), "FAX"); cmd = sendcmd + " >"; cmd += logfile + " 2>"; cmd += logfile; cmd = subst(cmd, "$$Host", host); cmd = subst(cmd, "$$Comment", comment); cmd = subst(cmd, "$$Enterprise", enterprise); cmd = subst(cmd, "$$Name", name); cmd = subst(cmd, "$$Phone", phone); cmd = subst(cmd, "$$FName", fname); lyxerr << "CMD: " << cmd << endl; Systemcalls one(Systemcalls::System, cmd); show_logfile(logfile, false); remove(logfile.c_str()); return true; } void cb_hide_form(FL_OBJECT *ob, long) { fl_hide_form(ob->form); } void cb_select_phoneno(FL_OBJECT *, long) { int i, n= fl_get_browser_maxline(fd_phonebook->browser); char const *line; fl_hide_form(fd_phonebook->phonebook); line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, 1); if (!n || strstr(line, _("Empty Phonebook"))) { fl_clear_browser(fd_phonebook->browser); return; } i = fl_get_browser(fd_phonebook->browser); line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, i); if (!line) return; char *buf = new char [strlen(line)+1]; strcpy(buf, line); for(i = LEN_PHONE; (i > 0) && (buf[i] == ' '); --i) ; buf[i + 1] = 0; for(i = LEN_PHONE + LEN_NAME + 1; (i > LEN_PHONE) && (buf[i] == ' '); --i) ; buf[i + 1] = 0; fl_set_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Phone, buf); fl_set_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Name, buf+LEN_PHONE+1); fl_set_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Enterprise, buf+LEN_PHONE+LEN_NAME+2); delete [] buf; } void cb_add_phoneno(FL_OBJECT *, long ) { char const *line; char const *name = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Name), *phone = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Phone), *enterprise = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Enterprise); int i, n; if (!strlen(phone)) return; char * buf = new char [50 + strlen(enterprise)]; sprintf(buf, "%-*.*s %-*.*s %s", LEN_PHONE, LEN_PHONE, phone, LEN_NAME, LEN_NAME, name, enterprise); n = fl_get_browser_maxline(fd_phonebook->browser); if (n) { line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, 1); if (strstr(line, _("Empty Phonebook"))) { fl_clear_browser(fd_phonebook->browser); n = 0; } } for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, i); if (!strncmp(buf, line, 46)) break; } if (i > n) { fl_addto_browser(fd_phonebook->browser, buf); fl_set_object_label(fd_xsendfax->pb_save, _("Save (needed)")); } delete[] buf; } void cb_delete_phoneno(FL_OBJECT *, long ) { char const *line; char const *name = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Name), *phone = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Phone), *enterprise = fl_get_input(fd_xsendfax->Input_Enterprise); int i, n; if (!strlen(phone)) return; char *buf = new char [50+strlen(enterprise)]; sprintf(buf, "%-*.*s %-*.*s %s", LEN_PHONE, LEN_PHONE, phone, LEN_NAME, LEN_NAME, name, enterprise); n = fl_get_browser_maxline(fd_phonebook->browser); if (n) { line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, 1); if (strstr(line, _("Empty Phonebook"))) { fl_clear_browser(fd_phonebook->browser); n = 0; } } for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, i); if (!strncmp(buf, line, 46)) break; } if (i <= n) { fl_delete_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, i); fl_set_object_label(fd_xsendfax->pb_save, _("Save (needed)")); } delete[] buf; } void cb_save_phoneno(FL_OBJECT *, long ) { char const *line; int i, n; FILE *fp; if (!(fp = fopen(phone_book.c_str(), "w"))) { WriteAlert(_("Error!"), _("Cannot open phone book: "), phone_book); return; } n = fl_get_browser_maxline(fd_phonebook->browser); if (n) { line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, 1); if (strstr(line, _("Empty Phonebook"))) { fl_clear_browser(fd_phonebook->browser); n = 0; } } for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { line = fl_get_browser_line(fd_phonebook->browser, i); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", line); } fclose(fp); fl_set_object_label(fd_xsendfax->pb_save, _("Save")); fl_redraw_form(fd_xsendfax->xsendfax); } void show_logfile(string logfile, bool show_if_empty) { if (logfile.empty()) return; if (!fl_load_browser(fd_logfile->browser, logfile.c_str())) { if (!show_if_empty) return; fl_add_browser_line(fd_logfile->browser, _("NO OR EMPTY LOGFILE!")); } if (fd_logfile->logfile->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_logfile->logfile); } else { fl_show_form(fd_logfile->logfile, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Message-Window")); } } void FaxLogfileCloseCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_logfile->logfile); } void FaxCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_xsendfax->xsendfax); } void FaxApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { button_send(filename, global_sendcmd); } void FaxSendCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (button_send(filename, global_sendcmd)) FaxCancelCB(0, 0); } void FaxOpenPhonebookCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { int n= fl_get_browser_maxline(fd_phonebook->browser); if (!n) fl_addto_browser(fd_phonebook->browser, _("@L@b@cEmpty Phonebook")); fl_show_form(fd_phonebook->phonebook, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Phonebook")); }