/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include #include "lyx_gui.h" #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "support/filetools.h" #include "combox.h" #include "lyx.h" #include "form1.h" #include "layout_forms.h" #include "print_form.h" #include "tex-strings.h" #include "lyx_main.h" #include "log_form.h" #include "debug.h" #include "version.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "lyxserver.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #if FL_REVISION < 89 #include "lyxlookup.h" #endif #include "bufferlist.h" #include "language.h" #include "ColorHandler.h" #include "frontends/GUIRunTime.h" using std::endl; FD_form_title * fd_form_title; FD_form_character * fd_form_character; FD_form_preamble * fd_form_preamble; FD_form_sendto * fd_form_sendto; FD_form_figure * fd_form_figure; FD_LaTeXLog * fd_latex_log; // from log_form.h Combox * combo_language; Combox * combo_language2; extern LyXServer * lyxserver; extern bool finished; // flag, that we are quitting the program extern BufferList bufferlist; extern GUIRunTime guiruntime; FL_CMD_OPT cmdopt[] = { {"-geometry", "*.geometry", XrmoptionSepArg, "690x510"} }; static int width = 690; static int height = 510; static int xpos = -1; static int ypos = -1; static char geometry[40]; FL_resource res[] = { {"geometry", "geometryClass", FL_STRING, geometry, "", 40} }; extern "C" int LyX_XErrHandler(Display * display, XErrorEvent * xeev) { // emergency save if (!bufferlist.empty()) bufferlist.emergencyWriteAll(); // Get the reason for the crash. char etxt[513]; XGetErrorText(display, xeev->error_code, etxt, 512); lyxerr << etxt << endl; // By doing an abort we get a nice backtrace. (hopefully) lyx::abort(); return 0; // Solaris CC wants us to return something } LyXGUI::LyXGUI(LyX * owner, int * argc, char * argv[], bool GUI) : _owner(owner), lyxViews(0) { gui = GUI; if (!gui) return; // setDefaults(); static const int num_res = sizeof(res)/sizeof(FL_resource); fl_initialize(argc, argv, "LyX", cmdopt, num_res); fl_get_app_resources(res, num_res); static const int geometryBitmask = XParseGeometry( geometry, &xpos, &ypos, reinterpret_cast(&width), reinterpret_cast(&height)); Display * display = fl_get_display(); if (!display) { lyxerr << "LyX: unable to access X display, exiting" << endl; exit(1); } fcntl(ConnectionNumber(display), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); // X Error handler install goes here XSetErrorHandler(LyX_XErrHandler); // A width less than 590 pops up an awkward main window // The minimal values of width/height (590/400) are defined in // src/lyx.C if (width < 590) width = 590; if (height < 400) height = 400; // If width is not set by geometry, check it against monitor width if ( !(geometryBitmask & 4) ) { Screen * scr = ScreenOfDisplay(fl_get_display(), fl_screen); //DefaultScreen(fl_get_display()); if (WidthOfScreen(scr) - 8 < width) width = WidthOfScreen(scr) - 8; } // If height is not set by geometry, check it against monitor height if ( !(geometryBitmask & 8) ) { Screen * scr = ScreenOfDisplay(fl_get_display(), fl_screen); //DefaultScreen(fl_get_display()); if (HeightOfScreen(scr) - 24 < height) height = HeightOfScreen(scr) - 24; } // Recalculate xpos if it's negative if (geometryBitmask & 16) xpos += WidthOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(fl_get_display(), fl_screen)) - width; //DefaultScreen(fl_get_display())) - width; // Recalculate ypos if it's negative if (geometryBitmask & 32) ypos += HeightOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(fl_get_display(), fl_screen)) - height; //DefaultScreen(fl_get_display())) - height; // Initialize the LyXColorHandler lyxColorHandler = new LyXColorHandler; } // A destructor is always necessary (asierra-970604) LyXGUI::~LyXGUI() { // Lyxserver was created in this class so should be destroyed // here. asierra-970604 delete lyxserver; lyxserver = 0; delete lyxViews; #if FL_REVISION < 89 CloseLyXLookup(); #endif } void LyXGUI::setDefaults() { GUIRunTime::setDefaults(); } // This is called after we have parsed lyxrc void LyXGUI::init() { if (!gui) return; create_forms(); if (lyxrc.font_norm_menu.empty()) lyxrc.font_norm_menu = lyxrc.font_norm; // Set the font name for popups and menus string boldfontname = lyxrc.menu_font_name + "-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-" + lyxrc.font_norm_menu; // "?" means "scale that font" string fontname = lyxrc.popup_font_name + "-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-" + lyxrc.font_norm_menu; int bold = fl_set_font_name(FL_BOLD_STYLE, boldfontname.c_str()); int normal = fl_set_font_name(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, fontname.c_str()); if (bold < 0) lyxerr << "Could not set menu font to " << boldfontname << endl; if (normal < 0) lyxerr << "Could not set popup font to " << fontname << endl; if (bold < 0 && normal < 0) { lyxerr << "Using 'helvetica' font for menus" << endl; boldfontname = "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"; fontname = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"; bold = fl_set_font_name(FL_BOLD_STYLE, boldfontname.c_str()); normal = fl_set_font_name(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, fontname.c_str()); if (bold < 0 && normal < 0) { lyxerr << "Could not find helvetica font. Using 'fixed'." << endl; fl_set_font_name(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, "fixed"); normal = bold = 0; } } if (bold < 0) fl_set_font_name(FL_BOLD_STYLE, fontname.c_str()); else if (normal < 0) fl_set_font_name(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, boldfontname.c_str()); // put here (after fl_initialize) to avoid segfault. Cannot be done // in setDefaults() (Matthias 140496) // Moved from ::LyXGUI to ::init to allow popup font customization // (petr 120997). fl_setpup_fontstyle(FL_NORMAL_STYLE); fl_setpup_fontsize(FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_setpup_color(FL_MCOL, FL_BLACK); fl_set_goodies_font(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); // all lyxrc settings has to be done here as lyxrc has not yet // been read when the GUI is created (Jug) // the sendto form if (!lyxrc.custom_export_command.empty()) fl_set_input(fd_form_sendto->input_cmd, lyxrc.custom_export_command.c_str()); if (lyxrc.custom_export_format == "lyx") fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_lyx, 1); else if (lyxrc.custom_export_format == "tex") fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_latex, 1); else if (lyxrc.custom_export_format == "dvi") fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_dvi, 1); else if (lyxrc.custom_export_format == "ps") fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_ps, 1); else if (lyxrc.custom_export_format == "ascii") fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_ascii, 1); // Update parameters. lyxViews->redraw(); // Initialize the views. lyxViews->init(); // in 0.12 the initialisation of the LyXServer must be done here // 0.13 it should be moved again... lyxserver = new LyXServer(lyxViews->getLyXFunc(), lyxrc.lyxpipes); } void LyXGUI::create_forms() { lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing LyXView..." << endl; lyxViews = new LyXView(width, height); lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing LyXView...done" << endl; // From here down should be done by somebody else. (Lgb) // // Create forms // // the title form string banner_file = LibFileSearch("images", "banner", "xpm"); if (lyxrc.show_banner && !banner_file.empty()) { fd_form_title = create_form_form_title(); fl_set_form_dblbuffer(fd_form_title->form_title, 1); // use dbl buffer fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_title->form_title, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); fl_addto_form(fd_form_title->form_title); FL_OBJECT *obj = fl_add_pixmapbutton(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 0, 425, 290, ""); fl_set_pixmapbutton_file(obj, banner_file.c_str()); fl_set_pixmapbutton_focus_outline(obj, 3); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj, "^M ^[", 1); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_NO_BOX); fl_set_object_callback(obj, TimerCB, 0); obj = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT, 248, 265, 170, 16, LYX_VERSION); fl_set_object_lsize(obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_mapcolor(FL_FREE_COL2, 0x05, 0x2e, 0x4c); fl_mapcolor(FL_FREE_COL3, 0xe1, 0xd2, 0x9b); fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_FREE_COL2, FL_FREE_COL2); fl_set_object_lcol(obj, FL_FREE_COL3); fl_set_object_lalign(obj, FL_ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); fl_set_object_lstyle(obj, FL_BOLD_STYLE); fl_end_form(); } // the character form fd_form_character = create_form_form_character(); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_character->form_character, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_family, _(" No change %l| Roman | Sans Serif | Typewriter %l| Reset ")); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_series, _(" No change %l| Medium | Bold %l| Reset ")); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_shape, _(" No change %l| Upright | Italic | Slanted | Small Caps " "%l| Reset ")); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_size, _(" No change %l| Tiny | Smallest | Smaller | Small " "| Normal | Large | Larger | Largest | Huge | Huger " "%l| Increase | Decrease | Reset ")); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_bar, _(" No change %l| Emph | Underbar | Noun | LaTeX mode %l| Reset ")); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_color, _(" No change %l| No color | Black | White | Red | Green " "| Blue | Cyan | Magenta | Yellow %l| Reset ")); // Appears to need initialising to avoid seg fault when dialog is // launched. Over-written by combo_language2, below fl_addto_choice(fd_form_character->choice_language, _(" English %l| German | French ")); fl_set_form_minsize(fd_form_character->form_character, fd_form_character->form_character->w, fd_form_character->form_character->h); lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing form_character::combox..." << endl; fl_addto_form(fd_form_character->form_character); combo_language2 = new Combox(FL_COMBOX_DROPLIST); FL_OBJECT * ob = fd_form_character->choice_language; combo_language2->add(ob->x, ob->y, ob->w, ob->h, 250); combo_language2->shortcut("#L", 1); fl_end_form(); lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing form_character...done" << endl; // build up the combox entries combo_language2->addline(_("No change")); combo_language2->addline(_("Reset")); for(Languages::const_iterator cit = languages.begin(); cit != languages.end(); ++cit) { #ifdef DO_USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE if ((*cit).second.lang() != "default") #endif combo_language2->addto((*cit).second.lang()); } // the preamble form fd_form_preamble = create_form_form_preamble(); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_preamble->form_preamble, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); // the sendto form fd_form_sendto = create_form_form_sendto(); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_sendto->form_sendto, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); // the figure form fd_form_figure = create_form_form_figure(); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_figure->form_figure, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_figure->radio_postscript, 1); // the latex log form fd_latex_log = create_form_LaTeXLog(); fl_set_form_atclose(fd_latex_log->LaTeXLog, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); // Show the main & title form int main_placement = FL_PLACE_CENTER | FL_FREE_SIZE; int title_placement = FL_PLACE_CENTER; // Did we get a valid position? if (xpos >= 0 && ypos >= 0) { lyxViews->setPosition(xpos, ypos); if (lyxrc.show_banner) { // show the title form in the middle of the main form fl_set_form_position(fd_form_title->form_title, abs(xpos + (width/2) - (370 / 2)), abs(ypos + (height/2) - (290 / 2))); title_placement = FL_PLACE_GEOMETRY; // The use of abs() above is a trick to ensure // valid positions } main_placement = FL_PLACE_POSITION; } lyxViews->show(main_placement, FL_FULLBORDER, "LyX"); if (lyxrc.show_banner) { fl_show_form(fd_form_title->form_title, title_placement, FL_NOBORDER, _("LyX Banner")); fl_redraw_form(fd_form_title->form_title); fl_raise_form(fd_form_title->form_title); // Show the title form at most 7 secs (lowered from 10 secs) fl_set_timer(fd_form_title->timer_title, 7); } } void LyXGUI::runTime() { if (!gui) return; guiruntime.runTime(); } void LyXGUI::regBuf(Buffer * b) { lyxViews->view()->buffer(b); } LyXView * LyXGUI::getLyXView() const { return lyxViews; }