/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich, * Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include "LString.h" #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "lyx.h" #include "layout_forms.h" #include "bullet_forms.h" #include "print_form.h" #include "form1.h" #include "lyx_main.h" #include "lyx_cb.h" #include "insets/insetref.h" #include "insets/insetlabel.h" #include "insets/figinset.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "combox.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "filedlg.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "lastfiles.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "support/FileInfo.h" #include "support/syscall.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/path.h" #include "lyxserver.h" #include "FontLoader.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "TextCache.h" using std::ifstream; using std::copy; using std::back_inserter; using std::endl; using std::cout; using std::ios; using std::istream_iterator; using std::pair; using std::reverse; extern Combox * combo_language; extern Combox * combo_language2; extern BufferList bufferlist; extern void show_symbols_form(); extern FD_form_title * fd_form_title; extern FD_form_paragraph * fd_form_paragraph; extern FD_form_character * fd_form_character; extern FD_form_document * fd_form_document; extern FD_form_quotes * fd_form_quotes; extern FD_form_preamble * fd_form_preamble; extern FD_form_table * fd_form_table; extern FD_form_print * fd_form_print; extern FD_form_figure * fd_form_figure; extern FD_form_screen * fd_form_screen; extern FD_form_toc * fd_form_toc; extern FD_form_ref * fd_form_ref; extern FD_LaTeXOptions * fd_latex_options; extern FD_form_bullet * fd_form_bullet; extern BufferView * current_view; // called too many times in this file... extern void DeleteSimpleCutBuffer(); /* for the cleanup when exiting */ extern bool send_fax(string const & fname, string const & sendcmd); extern void MenuSendto(); extern LyXServer * lyxserver; // this should be static, but I need it in buffer.C bool quitting; // flag, that we are quitting the program extern bool finished; // all cleanup done just let it run through now. char ascii_type; /* for selection notify callbacks */ bool scrolling = false; // This is used to make the dreaded font toggle problem hopefully go // away. Definitely not the best solution, but I think it sorta works. bool toggleall = true; /* This is the inset locking stuff needed for mathed -------------------- an inset can simple call LockInset in it's edit call and *ONLY* in it's edit call. Inset::Edit() can only be called by the main lyx module. Then the inset may modify the menu's and/or iconbars. Unlocking is either done by LyX or the inset itself with a UnlockInset-call During the lock, all button and keyboard events will be modified and send to the inset through the following inset-features. Note that Inset::InsetUnlock will be called from inside UnlockInset. It is meant to contain the code for restoring the menus and things like this. virtual void InsetButtonPress(int x, int y, int button); virtual void InsetButtonRelease(int x, int y, int button); virtual void InsetKeyPress(XKeyEvent *ev); virtual void InsetMotionNotify(int x, int y, int state); virtual void InsetUnlock(); If a inset wishes any redraw and/or update it just has to call UpdateInset(this). It's is completly irrelevant, where the inset is. UpdateInset will find it in any paragraph in any buffer. Of course the_locking_inset and the insets in the current paragraph/buffer are checked first, so no performance problem should occur. Hope that's ok for the beginning, Alejandro, sorry that I needed so much time, Matthias */ //void UpdateInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset, bool mark_dirty = true); /* these functions return 1 if an error occured, otherwise 0 */ // Now they work only for updatable insets. [Alejandro 080596] //int LockInset(UpdatableInset * inset); void ToggleLockedInsetCursor(long x, long y, int asc, int desc); //void FitLockedInsetCursor(long x, long y, int asc, int desc); //int UnlockInset(UpdatableInset * inset); //void LockedInsetStoreUndo(Undo::undo_kind kind); /* this is for asyncron updating. UpdateInsetUpdateList will be called automatically from LyX. Just insert the Inset into the Updatelist */ //void UpdateInsetUpdateList(); //void PutInsetIntoInsetUpdateList(Inset * inset); //InsetUpdateStruct * InsetUpdateList = 0; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* some function prototypes */ int RunLinuxDoc(BufferView *, int, string const &); int RunDocBook(int, string const &); void MenuWrite(Buffer * buf); void MenuWriteAs(Buffer * buffer); void MenuReload(Buffer * buf); void MenuLayoutSave(); void ShowMessage(Buffer * buf, string const & msg1, string const & msg2 = string(), string const & msg3 = string(), int delay = 6) { if (lyxrc.use_gui) { buf->getUser()->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(msg1, msg2, msg3, delay); } else { // can somebody think of something more clever? cerr? cout << msg1 << msg2 << msg3 << endl; } } // only called from this file, LyXView and LyXFunc char updatetimer = 0; // only called from BufferView_pimpl and LyXFunc void FreeUpdateTimer() { /* a real free timer would be better but I don't know * how to do this with xforms */ updatetimer = 0; } // Only called from LyXFunc void SetUpdateTimer(float time) { fl_set_timer(current_view->owner()->getMainForm()->timer_update, time); updatetimer = 1; } // // Menu callbacks // // // File menu // // should be moved to lyxfunc.C void MenuWrite(Buffer * buffer) { XFlush(fl_display); if (!buffer->save()) { string fname = buffer->fileName(); string s = MakeAbsPath(fname); if (AskQuestion(_("Save failed. Rename and try again?"), MakeDisplayPath(s, 50), _("(If not, document is not saved.)"))) { MenuWriteAs(buffer); } } else { lastfiles->newFile(buffer->fileName()); } } // should be moved to BufferView.C // Half of this func should be in LyXView, the rest in BufferView. void MenuWriteAs(Buffer * buffer) { // Why do we require BufferView::text to be able to write a // document? I see no point in that. (Lgb) //if (!bv->text) return; string fname = buffer->fileName(); string oldname = fname; LyXFileDlg fileDlg; ProhibitInput(current_view); fileDlg.SetButton(0, _("Documents"), lyxrc.document_path); fileDlg.SetButton(1, _("Templates"), lyxrc.template_path); if (!IsLyXFilename(fname)) fname += ".lyx"; fname = fileDlg.Select(_("Enter Filename to Save Document as"), OnlyPath(fname), "*.lyx", OnlyFilename(fname)); AllowInput(current_view); if (fname.empty()) { return; } // Make sure the absolute filename ends with appropriate suffix string s = MakeAbsPath(fname); if (!IsLyXFilename(s)) s += ".lyx"; // Same name as we have already? if (s == oldname) { if (!AskQuestion(_("Same name as document already has:"), MakeDisplayPath(s, 50), _("Save anyway?"))) return; // Falls through to name change and save } // No, but do we have another file with this name open? else if (bufferlist.exists(s)) { if (AskQuestion(_("Another document with same name open!"), MakeDisplayPath(s, 50), _("Replace with current document?"))) { bufferlist.close(bufferlist.getBuffer(s)); // Ok, change the name of the buffer, but don't save! buffer->fileName(s); buffer->markDirty(); ShowMessage(buffer, _("Document renamed to '"), MakeDisplayPath(s), _("', but not saved...")); } return; } // Check whether the file exists else { FileInfo myfile(s); if (myfile.isOK() && !AskQuestion(_("Document already exists:"), MakeDisplayPath(s, 50), _("Replace file?"))) return; } // Ok, change the name of the buffer buffer->fileName(s); buffer->markDirty(); // And save // Small bug: If the save fails, we have irreversible changed the name // of the document. MenuWrite(buffer); } int MenuRunLaTeX(Buffer * buffer) { int ret = 0; if (buffer->isLinuxDoc()) ret = RunLinuxDoc(buffer->getUser(), 1, buffer->fileName()); else if (buffer->isLiterate()) ret = buffer->runLiterate(); else if (buffer->isDocBook()) ret = RunDocBook(1, buffer->fileName()); else ret = buffer->runLaTeX(); if (ret > 0) { string s; string t; if (ret == 1) { s = _("One error detected"); t = _("You should try to fix it."); } else { s += tostr(ret); s += _(" errors detected."); t = _("You should try to fix them."); } WriteAlert(_("There were errors during the LaTeX run."), s, t); } return ret; } int MenuBuildProg(Buffer * buffer) { int ret = 0; if (buffer->isLiterate()) ret = buffer->buildProgram(); else { string s = _("Wrong type of document"); string t = _("The Build operation is not allowed in this document"); WriteAlert(_("There were errors during the Build process."), s, t); return 1; } if (ret > 0) { string s; string t; if (ret == 1) { s = _("One error detected"); t = _("You should try to fix it."); } else { s += tostr(ret); s += _(" errors detected."); t = _("You should try to fix them."); } WriteAlert(_("There were errors during the Build process."), s, t); } return ret; } int MenuRunChktex(Buffer * buffer) { int ret; if (buffer->isSGML()) { WriteAlert(_("Chktex does not work with SGML derived documents.")); return 0; } else ret = buffer->runChktex(); if (ret >= 0) { string s; string t; if (ret == 0) { s = _("No warnings found."); } else if (ret == 1) { s = _("One warning found."); t = _("Use 'Edit->Go to Error' to find it."); } else { s += tostr(ret); s += _(" warnings found."); t = _("Use 'Edit->Go to Error' to find them."); } WriteAlert(_("Chktex run successfully"), s, t); } else { WriteAlert(_("Error!"), _("It seems chktex does not work.")); } return ret; } int MakeLaTeXOutput(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) // return 1; int ret = 0; string path = OnlyPath(buffer->fileName()); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = buffer->tmppath; } if (!buffer->isDviClean()) { Path p(path); ret = MenuRunLaTeX(buffer); } return ret; } /* wait == false means don't wait for termination */ /* wait == true means wait for termination */ // The bool should be placed last on the argument line. (Lgb) // Returns false if we fail. bool RunScript(Buffer * buffer, bool wait, string const & command, string const & orgname = string(), bool need_shell = true) { string path; string cmd; string name = orgname; int result = 0; if (MakeLaTeXOutput(buffer) > 0) return false; /* get DVI-Filename */ if (name.empty()) name = ChangeExtension(buffer->getLatexName(), ".dvi", true); path = OnlyPath(name); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = buffer->tmppath; } Path p(path); // At this point we check whether the command contains the // filename parameter $$FName and if that's the case we // substitute the real file name otherwise the filename is // simply appended. rokrau 1/12/00 cmd = command; string::size_type i; if ( (i=command.find("$$FName")) != string::npos) { cmd.replace(i,7,QuoteName(name)); } else cmd = command + ' ' + QuoteName(name); Systemcalls one; if (need_shell) { #ifndef __EMX__ if (!wait) cmd += " &"; #else // OS/2 cmd.exe has another use for '&' if (!wait) { // This is not NLS safe, but it's OK, I think. string sh = OnlyFilename(GetEnvPath("EMXSHELL")); if (sh.empty()) { // COMSPEC is set, unless user unsets sh = OnlyFilename(GetEnvPath("COMSPEC")); if (sh.empty()) sh = "cmd.exe"; } sh = lowercase(sh); if (contains(sh, "cmd.exe") || contains(sh, "4os2.exe")) cmd = "start /min/n " + cmd; else cmd += " &"; } #endif // It seems that, if wait is false, we never get back // the return code of the command. This means that all // the code I added in PrintApplyCB is currently // useless... // CHECK What should we do here? ShowMessage(buffer, _("Executing command:"), cmd); result = one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, cmd); } else { ShowMessage(buffer, _("Executing command:"), cmd); result = one.startscript(wait ? Systemcalls::Wait : Systemcalls::DontWait, cmd); } return result == 0; } // Returns false if we fail bool CreatePostscript(Buffer * buffer, bool wait = false) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) // return false; ProhibitInput(current_view); // Generate dvi file if (MakeLaTeXOutput(buffer) > 0) { AllowInput(current_view); return false; } // Generate postscript file string psname = ChangeExtension (buffer->fileName(), ".ps_tmp", true); string paper; // Wrong type char real_papersize = buffer->params.papersize; if (real_papersize == BufferParams::PAPER_DEFAULT) real_papersize = lyxrc.default_papersize; switch (real_papersize) { case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: paper = "letter"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A3PAPER: paper = "a3"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: paper = "a4"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER: paper = "a5"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER: paper = "b5"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_EXECUTIVEPAPER: paper = "foolscap"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER: paper = "legal"; break; default: /* If nothing else fits, keep an empty value... */ break; } // Make postscript file. string command = lyxrc.dvi_to_ps_command + ' ' + lyxrc.print_to_file + ' '; command += QuoteName(psname); if (buffer->params.use_geometry && buffer->params.papersize2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_CUSTOM && !lyxrc.print_paper_dimension_flag.empty() && !buffer->params.paperwidth.empty() && !buffer->params.paperheight.empty()) { // using a custom papersize command += ' '; command += lyxrc.print_paper_dimension_flag + ' '; command += buffer->params.paperwidth + ','; command += buffer->params.paperheight; } else if (!paper.empty() && (real_papersize != BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER || buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)) { // dvips won't accept -t letter -t landscape. In all other // cases, include the paper size explicitly. command += ' '; command += lyxrc.print_paper_flag + ' ' + paper; } if (buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { command += ' '; command += lyxrc.print_landscape_flag; } // push directorypath, if necessary string path = OnlyPath(buffer->fileName()); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)){ path = buffer->tmppath; } Path p(path); bool ret = RunScript(buffer, wait, command); AllowInput(current_view); return ret; } // Returns false if we fail //bool MenuPreviewPS(Buffer * buffer) bool PreviewPostscript(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) // return false; // Generate postscript file if (!CreatePostscript(buffer, true)) { return false; } // Start postscript viewer ProhibitInput(current_view); string ps = ChangeExtension (buffer->fileName(), ".ps_tmp", true); // push directorypath, if necessary string path = OnlyPath(buffer->fileName()); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)){ path = buffer->tmppath; } Path p(path); bool ret = RunScript(buffer, false, lyxrc.view_ps_command, ps); AllowInput(current_view); return ret; } void MenuFax(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) // return; // Generate postscript file if (!CreatePostscript(buffer, true)) { return; } // Send fax string ps = ChangeExtension (buffer->fileName(), ".ps_tmp", true); string path = OnlyPath (buffer->fileName()); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = buffer->tmppath; } Path p(path); if (!lyxrc.fax_program.empty()) { string help2 = subst(lyxrc.fax_program, "$$FName", ps); help2 += " &"; Systemcalls one(Systemcalls::System, help2); } else send_fax(ps, lyxrc.fax_command); } // Returns false if we fail bool PreviewDVI(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) // return false; string paper = lyxrc.view_dvi_paper_option; if (!paper.empty()) { // wrong type char real_papersize = buffer->params.papersize; if (real_papersize == BufferParams::PAPER_DEFAULT) real_papersize = lyxrc.default_papersize; switch (real_papersize) { case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: paper += " us"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A3PAPER: paper += " a3"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: paper += " a4"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER: paper += " a5"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER: paper += " b5"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_EXECUTIVEPAPER: paper += " foolscap"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER: paper += " legal"; break; default: /* If nothing else fits, keep the empty value */ break; } if (real_papersize==' ') { // if (paper.empty()) { if (buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) // we HAVE to give a size when the page is in // landscape, so use USletter. paper = " -paper usr"; } else { // paper = " -paper " + paper; if (buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) paper+= 'r'; } } // push directorypath, if necessary string path = OnlyPath(buffer->fileName()); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = buffer->tmppath; } Path p(path); // Run dvi-viewer string command = lyxrc.view_dvi_command + " " + paper; bool ret = RunScript(buffer, false, command); return ret; } bool AskOverwrite(Buffer * buffer, string const & s) { if (lyxrc.use_gui) { // be friendly if there is a gui FileInfo fi(s); if (fi.readable() && !AskQuestion(_("File already exists:"), MakeDisplayPath(s, 50), _("Do you want to overwrite the file?"))) { ShowMessage(buffer, _("Canceled")); return false; } } return true; } void MenuMakeLaTeX(Buffer * buffer) { // Why care about this? //if (!bv->text) // return; // Get LaTeX-Filename string s = buffer->getLatexName(false); if (!AskOverwrite(buffer, s)) return; if (buffer->isDocBook()) ShowMessage(buffer, _("DocBook does not have a latex backend")); else { if (buffer->isLinuxDoc()) RunLinuxDoc(buffer->getUser(), 0, buffer->fileName()); else buffer->makeLaTeXFile(s, string(), true); ShowMessage(buffer, _("Nice LaTeX file saved as"), MakeDisplayPath(s)); buffer->markDviDirty(); } } void MenuMakeLinuxDoc(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) return; if (!buffer->isLinuxDoc()) { WriteAlert(_("Error!"), _("Document class must be linuxdoc.")); return; } // Get LinuxDoc-Filename string s = ChangeExtension(buffer->fileName(), ".sgml", false); if (!AskOverwrite(buffer, s)) return; ShowMessage(buffer, _("Building LinuxDoc SGML file `"), MakeDisplayPath(s),"'..."); buffer->makeLinuxDocFile(s, 65); buffer->redraw(); ShowMessage(buffer, _("LinuxDoc SGML file save as"), MakeDisplayPath(s)); } void MenuMakeDocBook(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) return; if (!buffer->isDocBook()) { WriteAlert(_("Error!"), _("Document class must be docbook.")); return; } // Get DocBook-Filename string s = ChangeExtension(buffer->fileName(), ".sgml", false); if (!AskOverwrite(buffer, s)) return; ShowMessage(buffer, _("Building DocBook SGML file `"), MakeDisplayPath(s), "'..."); buffer->makeDocBookFile(s, 65); buffer->redraw(); ShowMessage(buffer, _("DocBook SGML file save as"), MakeDisplayPath(s)); } void MenuMakeAscii(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) return; /* get LaTeX-Filename */ string s = ChangeExtension (buffer->fileName(), ".txt", false); if (!AskOverwrite(buffer, s)) return; buffer->writeFileAscii(s, lyxrc.ascii_linelen); ShowMessage(buffer, _("Ascii file saved as"), MakeDisplayPath(s)); } void MenuPrint(Buffer * buffer) { // Who cares? //if (!bv->text) // return; string input_file = ChangeExtension(buffer->fileName(), lyxrc.print_file_extension, true); fl_set_input(fd_form_print->input_file, input_file.c_str()); if (fd_form_print->form_print->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_print->form_print); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_print->form_print, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Print")); } } void MenuMakeHTML(Buffer * buffer) { // First, create LaTeX file MenuMakeLaTeX(buffer); // And now, run the converter string file = buffer->fileName(); Path path(OnlyPath(file)); // the tex file name has to be correct for // latex, but the html file name can be // anything. string result = ChangeExtension(file, ".html", false); string infile = buffer->getLatexName(false); string tmp = lyxrc.html_command; tmp = subst(tmp, "$$FName", infile); tmp = subst(tmp, "$$OutName", result); Systemcalls one; int res = one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, tmp); if (res == 0) { ShowMessage(buffer, _("Document exported as HTML to file `") + MakeDisplayPath(result) +'\''); } else { ShowMessage(buffer, _("Unable to convert to HTML the file `") + MakeDisplayPath(infile) + '\''); } } void MenuMakeHTML_LinuxDoc(Buffer * buffer) { // First, create LinuxDoc file MenuMakeLinuxDoc(buffer); // And now, run the converter string file = buffer->fileName(); string result = ChangeExtension(file, ".html", false); string infile = ChangeExtension(file, ".sgml", false); string tmp = lyxrc.linuxdoc_to_html_command; tmp = subst(tmp, "$$FName", infile); tmp = subst(tmp, "$$OutName", result); Systemcalls one; int res = one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, tmp); if (res == 0) { ShowMessage(buffer,_("Document exported as HTML to file `") + MakeDisplayPath(result) +'\''); } else { ShowMessage(buffer,_("Unable to convert to HTML the file `") + MakeDisplayPath(infile) + '\''); } } void MenuMakeHTML_DocBook(Buffer * buffer) { // First, create LaTeX file MenuMakeDocBook(buffer); // And now, run the converter string file = buffer->fileName(); string result = ChangeExtension(file, ".html", false); string infile = ChangeExtension(file, ".sgml", false); string tmp = lyxrc.docbook_to_html_command; tmp = subst(tmp, "$$FName", infile); tmp = subst(tmp, "$$OutName", result); Systemcalls one; int res = one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, tmp); if (res == 0) { ShowMessage(buffer,_("Document exported as HTML to file `") + MakeDisplayPath(result) +'\''); } else { ShowMessage(buffer,_("Unable to convert to HTML the file `") + MakeDisplayPath(infile) + '\''); } } void MenuExport(Buffer * buffer, string const & extyp) { // latex if (extyp == "latex") { // make sure that this buffer is not linuxdoc MenuMakeLaTeX(buffer); } // linuxdoc else if (extyp == "linuxdoc") { // make sure that this buffer is not latex MenuMakeLinuxDoc(buffer); } // docbook else if (extyp == "docbook") { // make sure that this buffer is not latex or linuxdoc MenuMakeDocBook(buffer); } // dvi else if (extyp == "dvi") { // Run LaTeX as "Update dvi..." Bernhard. // We want the dvi in the current directory. This // is achieved by temporarily disabling use of // temp directory. As a side-effect, we get // *.log and *.aux files also. (Asger) bool flag = lyxrc.use_tempdir; lyxrc.use_tempdir = false; MenuRunLaTeX(buffer); lyxrc.use_tempdir = flag; } // postscript else if (extyp == "postscript") { // Start Print-dialog. Not as good as dvi... Bernhard. MenuPrint(buffer); // Since the MenuPrint is a pop-up, we can't use // the same trick as above. (Asger) // MISSING: Move of ps-file :-( // And MenuPrint should not be used for this at all... } // ascii else if (extyp == "ascii") { MenuMakeAscii(buffer); } else if (extyp == "custom") { MenuSendto(); } // HTML else if (extyp == "html") { MenuMakeHTML(buffer); } // HTML from linuxdoc else if (extyp == "html-linuxdoc") { MenuMakeHTML_LinuxDoc(buffer); } // HTML from docbook else if (extyp == "html-docbook") { MenuMakeHTML_DocBook(buffer); } else { ShowMessage(buffer, _("Unknown export type: ") + extyp); } } void QuitLyX() { lyxerr.debug() << "Running QuitLyX." << endl; if (!bufferlist.QwriteAll()) return; lastfiles->writeFile(lyxrc.lastfiles); // Set a flag that we do quitting from the program, // so no refreshes are necessary. quitting = true; // close buffers first bufferlist.closeAll(); // do any other cleanup procedures now lyxerr.debug() << "Deleting tmp dir " << system_tempdir << endl; DestroyLyXTmpDir(system_tempdir); finished = true; } void AutoSave(BufferView * bv) // should probably be moved into BufferList (Lgb) // Perfect target for a thread... { if (!bv->available()) return; if (bv->buffer()->isBakClean() || bv->buffer()->isReadonly()) { // We don't save now, but we'll try again later bv->owner()->resetAutosaveTimer(); return; } bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Autosaving current document...")); // create autosave filename string fname = OnlyPath(bv->buffer()->fileName()); fname += "#"; fname += OnlyFilename(bv->buffer()->fileName()); fname += "#"; // tmp_ret will be located (usually) in /tmp // will that be a problem? string tmp_ret = tmpnam(0); pid_t pid = fork(); // If you want to debug the autosave // you should set pid to -1, and comment out the // fork. if (pid == 0 || pid == -1) { // pid = -1 signifies that lyx was unable // to fork. But we will do the save // anyway. bool failed = false; if (!tmp_ret.empty()) { bv->buffer()->writeFile(tmp_ret, 1); // assume successful write of tmp_ret if (rename(tmp_ret.c_str(), fname.c_str()) == -1) { failed = true; // most likely couldn't move between filesystems // unless write of tmp_ret failed // so remove tmp file (if it exists) remove(tmp_ret.c_str()); } } else { failed = true; } if (failed) { // failed to write/rename tmp_ret so try writing direct if (!bv->buffer()->writeFile(fname, 1)) { // It is dangerous to do this in the child, // but safe in the parent, so... if (pid == -1) bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Autosave Failed!")); } } if (pid == 0) { // we are the child so... _exit(0); } } bv->buffer()->markBakClean(); bv->owner()->resetAutosaveTimer(); } // // Copyright CHT Software Service GmbH // Uwe C. Schroeder // // create new file with template // SERVERCMD ! // Buffer * NewLyxFile(string const & filename) { // Split argument by : string name; string tmpname = split(filename, name, ':'); #ifdef __EMX__ // Fix me! lyx_cb.C may not be low level enough to allow this. if (name.length() == 1 && isalpha(static_cast(name[0])) && (prefixIs(tmpname, "/") || prefixIs(tmpname, "\\"))) { name += ':'; name += token(tmpname, ':', 0); tmpname = split(tmpname, ':'); } #endif lyxerr.debug() << "Arg is " << filename << "\nName is " << name << "\nTemplate is " << tmpname << endl; // find a free buffer Buffer * tmpbuf = bufferlist.newFile(name, tmpname); if (tmpbuf) lastfiles->newFile(tmpbuf->fileName()); return tmpbuf; } // Insert ascii file (if filename is empty, prompt for one) void InsertAsciiFile(BufferView * bv, string const & f, bool asParagraph) { string fname = f; LyXFileDlg fileDlg; if (!bv->available()) return; if (fname.empty()) { ProhibitInput(bv); fname = fileDlg.Select(_("File to Insert"), bv->owner()->buffer()->filepath, "*"); AllowInput(bv); if (fname.empty()) return; } FileInfo fi(fname); if (!fi.readable()) { WriteFSAlert(_("Error! Specified file is unreadable: "), MakeDisplayPath(fname, 50)); return; } ifstream ifs(fname.c_str()); if (!ifs) { WriteFSAlert(_("Error! Cannot open specified file: "), MakeDisplayPath(fname, 50)); return; } ifs.unsetf(ios::skipws); istream_iterator ii(ifs); istream_iterator end; //string tmpstr(ii, end); // yet a reason for using std::string // alternate approach to get the file into a string: string tmpstr; copy(ii, end, back_inserter(tmpstr)); // insert the string current_view->hideCursor(); // clear the selection bv->beforeChange(); if (!asParagraph) bv->text->InsertStringA(tmpstr); else bv->text->InsertStringB(tmpstr); bv->update(1); } void MenuShowTableOfContents() { static int ow = -1, oh; TocUpdateCB(0, 0); if (fd_form_toc->form_toc->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_toc->form_toc); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_toc->form_toc, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Table Of Contents")); if (ow < 0) { ow = fd_form_toc->form_toc->w; oh = fd_form_toc->form_toc->h; } fl_set_form_minsize(fd_form_toc->form_toc, ow, oh); } } void MenuInsertLabel(char const * arg) { string label = arg; ProhibitInput(current_view); if (label.empty()) { pair result = askForText(_("Enter new label to insert:")); if (result.first) { label = frontStrip(strip(result.second)); } } if (!label.empty()) { InsetLabel * new_inset = new InsetLabel; new_inset->setContents(label); current_view->insertInset(new_inset); } AllowInput(current_view); } void MenuInsertRef() { static int ow = -1, oh; RefUpdateCB(0, 0); if (fd_form_ref->form_ref->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_ref->form_ref); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_ref->form_ref, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Insert Reference")); if (ow < 0) { ow = fd_form_ref->form_ref->w; oh = fd_form_ref->form_ref->h; } fl_set_form_minsize(fd_form_ref->form_ref, ow, oh); } } void MenuPasteSelection(char at) { if (!current_view->available()) return; ascii_type = at; Atom data_prop = XInternAtom(fl_display, "LyX_Primary", false); if (data_prop == None) return; XConvertSelection(fl_display, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, data_prop, current_view->owner()->getForm()->window, 0); XFlush(fl_display); } // candidate for move to LyXView // This is only used in toolbar.C void LayoutsCB(int sel, void *) { string tmp = tostr(sel); current_view->owner()->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_LAYOUTNO, tmp.c_str()); } /* * SGML Linuxdoc support: * (flag == 0) make TeX output * (flag == 1) make dvi output */ int RunLinuxDoc(BufferView * bv, int flag, string const & filename) { string s2; string add_flags; int errorcode = 0; /* generate a path-less extension name */ string name = ChangeExtension (filename, ".sgml", true); string path = OnlyPath (filename); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = bv->buffer()->tmppath; } Path p(path); if (!bv->available()) return 0; bv->buffer()->makeLinuxDocFile(name, 0); // CHECK remove this once we have a proper geometry class BufferParams::PAPER_SIZE ps = static_cast(bv->buffer()->params.papersize); switch (ps) { case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: add_flags = "-p a4"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: add_flags = "-p letter"; break; default: /* nothing to be done yet ;-) */ break; } ProhibitInput(bv); Systemcalls one; switch (flag) { case 0: /* TeX output asked */ bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Converting LinuxDoc SGML to TeX file...")); s2 = lyxrc.linuxdoc_to_latex_command + ' ' + add_flags + " -o tex " + ' ' + name; if (one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, s2)) errorcode = 1; break; case 1: /* dvi output asked */ bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Converting LinuxDoc SGML to dvi file...")); s2 = lyxrc.linuxdoc_to_latex_command + ' ' + add_flags + " -o dvi " + ' ' + name; if (one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, s2)) { errorcode = 1; } else bv->buffer()->markDviClean(); break; default: /* unknown output */ break; } AllowInput(bv); bv->buffer()->redraw(); return errorcode; } /* * SGML DocBook support: * (flag == 1) make dvi output */ int RunDocBook(int flag, string const & filename) { /* generate a path-less extension name */ string name = ChangeExtension (filename, ".sgml", true); string path = OnlyPath (filename); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = current_view->buffer()->tmppath; } Path p(path); if (!current_view->available()) return 0; current_view->buffer()->makeDocBookFile(name, 0); // Shall this code go or should it stay? (Lgb) // This code is a placeholder for future implementation. (Jose') // string add_flags; // LYX_PAPER_SIZE ps = (LYX_PAPER_SIZE) current_view->buffer()->params.papersize; // switch (ps) { // case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: add_flags = "-p a4"; break; // case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: add_flags = "-p letter"; break; // default: /* nothing to be done yet ;-) */ break; // } ProhibitInput(current_view); int errorcode = 0; Systemcalls one; switch (flag) { case 1: /* dvi output asked */ { current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Converting DocBook SGML to dvi file...")); string s2 = lyxrc.docbook_to_dvi_command + ' ' + name; if (one.startscript(Systemcalls::System, s2)) { errorcode = 1; } else current_view->buffer()->markDviClean(); } break; default: /* unknown output */ break; } AllowInput(current_view); current_view->buffer()->redraw(); return errorcode; } void MenuLayoutCharacter() { static int ow = -1, oh; if (fd_form_character->form_character->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_character->form_character); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_character->form_character, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Character Style")); if (ow < 0) { ow = fd_form_character->form_character->w; oh = fd_form_character->form_character->h; } fl_set_form_minsize(fd_form_character->form_character, ow, oh); } } inline void DeactivateParagraphButtons () { fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->button_ok); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->button_apply); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_paragraph->button_ok, FL_INACTIVE); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_paragraph->button_apply, FL_INACTIVE); } inline void ActivateParagraphButtons () { fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->button_ok); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->button_apply); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_paragraph->button_ok, FL_BLACK); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_paragraph->button_apply, FL_BLACK); } inline void DisableParagraphLayout () { DeactivateParagraphButtons(); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->input_labelwidth); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_top); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_bottom); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_top); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_bottom); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_noindent); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->group_radio_alignment); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_right); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_left); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_block); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_center); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_above); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_below); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_above); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_below); } inline void EnableParagraphLayout () { ActivateParagraphButtons(); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->input_labelwidth); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_top); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_bottom); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_top); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_bottom); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_noindent); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->group_radio_alignment); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_right); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_left); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_block); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_center); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_above); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_below); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_above); fl_activate_object (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_below); } bool UpdateLayoutParagraph() { if (!current_view->available()) { if (fd_form_paragraph->form_paragraph->visible) fl_hide_form(fd_form_paragraph->form_paragraph); return false; } Buffer * buf = current_view->buffer(); fl_set_input(fd_form_paragraph->input_labelwidth, current_view->text->cursor.par->GetLabelWidthString().c_str()); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_right, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_left, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_center, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_block, 0); int align = current_view->text->cursor.par->GetAlign(); if (align == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT) align = textclasslist.Style(buf->params.textclass, current_view->text->cursor.par->GetLayout()).align; switch (align) { case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_right, 1); break; case LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_left, 1); break; case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_center, 1); break; default: fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_block, 1); break; } fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_top, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->line_top); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_bottom, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->line_bottom); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_top, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->pagebreak_top); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_bottom, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->pagebreak_bottom); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_noindent, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->noindent); fl_set_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_above, ""); switch (current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->added_space_top.kind()) { case VSpace::NONE: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 1); break; case VSpace::DEFSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 2); break; case VSpace::SMALLSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 3); break; case VSpace::MEDSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 4); break; case VSpace::BIGSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 5); break; case VSpace::VFILL: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 6); break; case VSpace::LENGTH: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 7); fl_set_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_above, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->added_space_top.length().asString().c_str()); break; } fl_set_button (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_above, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->added_space_top.keep()); fl_set_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_below, ""); switch (current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->added_space_bottom.kind()) { case VSpace::NONE: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 1); break; case VSpace::DEFSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 2); break; case VSpace::SMALLSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 3); break; case VSpace::MEDSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 4); break; case VSpace::BIGSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 5); break; case VSpace::VFILL: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 6); break; case VSpace::LENGTH: fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 7); fl_set_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_below, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->added_space_bottom.length().asString().c_str()); break; } fl_set_button (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_below, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->added_space_bottom.keep()); fl_set_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_noindent, current_view->text->cursor.par->FirstPhysicalPar()->noindent); if (current_view->buffer()->isReadonly()) { DisableParagraphLayout(); } else { EnableParagraphLayout(); } return true; } void MenuLayoutParagraph() { if (UpdateLayoutParagraph()) { if (fd_form_paragraph->form_paragraph->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_paragraph->form_paragraph); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_paragraph->form_paragraph, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Paragraph Environment")); } } } inline void DeactivateDocumentButtons () { fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->button_ok); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->button_apply); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_document->button_ok, FL_INACTIVE); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_document->button_apply, FL_INACTIVE); } inline void ActivateDocumentButtons () { fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->button_ok); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->button_apply); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_document->button_ok, FL_BLACK); fl_set_object_lcol (fd_form_document->button_apply, FL_BLACK); } inline void DisableDocumentLayout () { DeactivateDocumentButtons (); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->group_radio_separation); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->radio_indent); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->radio_skip); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_class); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_fonts); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_fontsize); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->input_float_placement); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_postscript_driver); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_inputenc); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->group_radio_sides); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->radio_sides_one); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->radio_sides_two); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->group_radio_columns); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->radio_columns_one); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->radio_columns_two); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->input_extra); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_language); combo_language->deactivate(); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->input_default_skip); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->slider_secnumdepth); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->slider_tocdepth); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->choice_spacing); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->input_spacing); fl_deactivate_object (fd_form_document->check_use_amsmath); } inline void EnableDocumentLayout () { ActivateDocumentButtons (); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->group_radio_separation); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->radio_indent); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->radio_skip); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_class); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_fonts); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_fontsize); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->input_float_placement); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_postscript_driver); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_inputenc); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->group_radio_sides); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->radio_sides_one); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->radio_sides_two); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->group_radio_columns); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->radio_columns_one); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->radio_columns_two); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->input_extra); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_language); combo_language->activate(); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->input_default_skip); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->slider_secnumdepth); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->slider_tocdepth); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->choice_spacing); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->input_spacing); fl_activate_object (fd_form_document->check_use_amsmath); } bool UpdateLayoutDocument(BufferParams * params) { if (!current_view->available()) { if (fd_form_document->form_document->visible) fl_hide_form(fd_form_document->form_document); return false; } if (params == 0) params = ¤t_view->buffer()->params; LyXTextClass const & tclass = textclasslist.TextClass(params->textclass); fl_set_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_class, textclasslist.DescOfClass(params->textclass).c_str()); combo_language->select_text(params->language.c_str()); fl_set_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_fonts, params->fonts.c_str()); fl_set_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_inputenc, params->inputenc.c_str()); fl_set_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_postscript_driver, params->graphicsDriver.c_str()); // ale970405+lasgoutt970513 fl_clear_choice(fd_form_document->choice_fontsize); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_document->choice_fontsize, "default"); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_document->choice_fontsize, tclass.opt_fontsize().c_str()); fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_fontsize, tokenPos(tclass.opt_fontsize(), '|', params->fontsize) + 2); // ale970405+lasgoutt970513 fl_clear_choice(fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle, "default"); fl_addto_choice(fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle, tclass.opt_pagestyle().c_str()); fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle, tokenPos(tclass.opt_pagestyle(), '|', params->pagestyle) + 2); fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_indent, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_skip, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_document->check_use_amsmath, params->use_amsmath); if (params->paragraph_separation == BufferParams::PARSEP_INDENT) fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_indent, 1); else fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_skip, 1); switch (params->getDefSkip().kind()) { case VSpace::SMALLSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip, 1); break; case VSpace::MEDSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip, 2); break; case VSpace::BIGSKIP: fl_set_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip, 3); break; case VSpace::LENGTH: fl_set_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip, 4); fl_set_input (fd_form_document->input_default_skip, params->getDefSkip().asLyXCommand().c_str()); break; default: fl_set_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip, 2); break; } fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_one, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_two, 0); switch (params->sides) { case LyXTextClass::OneSide: fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_one, 1); break; case LyXTextClass::TwoSides: fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_two, 1); break; } fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_one, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_two, 0); if (params->columns == 2) fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_two, 1); else fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_one, 1); fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_spacing, ""); switch (params->spacing.getSpace()) { case Spacing::Default: // nothing bad should happen with this case Spacing::Single: { // \singlespacing fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_spacing, 1); break; } case Spacing::Onehalf: { // \onehalfspacing fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_spacing, 2); break; } case Spacing::Double: { // \ doublespacing fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_spacing, 3); break; } case Spacing::Other: { fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_spacing, 4); //char sval[20]; //sprintf(sval, "%g", params->spacing.getValue()); #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM std::ostringstream sval; sval << params->spacing.getValue(); // setw? fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_spacing, sval.str().c_str()); #else char tval[20]; ostrstream sval(tval, 20); sval << params->spacing.getValue() << '\0'; // setw? fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_spacing, sval.str()); #endif break; } } fl_set_counter_value(fd_form_document->slider_secnumdepth, params->secnumdepth); fl_set_counter_value(fd_form_document->slider_tocdepth, params->tocdepth); if (!params->float_placement.empty()) { // buffer local (Lgb) fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_float_placement, params->float_placement.c_str()); } else { fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_float_placement, ""); } if (!params->options.empty()) fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_extra, params->options.c_str()); else fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_extra, ""); if (current_view->buffer()->isSGML()) { // bullets not used in SGML derived documents fl_deactivate_object(fd_form_document->button_bullets); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_document->button_bullets, FL_INACTIVE); } else { fl_activate_object(fd_form_document->button_bullets); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_document->button_bullets, FL_BLACK); } if (current_view->buffer()->isReadonly()) { DisableDocumentLayout(); } else { EnableDocumentLayout(); } return true; } void MenuLayoutDocument() { if (UpdateLayoutDocument()) { if (fd_form_document->form_document->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_document->form_document); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_document->form_document, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Document Layout")); } } } bool UpdateLayoutQuotes() { bool update = true; if (!current_view->available() || current_view->buffer()->isReadonly()) update = false; if (update) { fl_set_choice(fd_form_quotes->choice_quotes_language, current_view->buffer()->params.quotes_language + 1); fl_set_button(fd_form_quotes->radio_single, 0); fl_set_button(fd_form_quotes->radio_double, 0); if (current_view->buffer()->params.quotes_times == InsetQuotes::SingleQ) fl_set_button(fd_form_quotes->radio_single, 1); else fl_set_button(fd_form_quotes->radio_double, 1); } else if (fd_form_quotes->form_quotes->visible) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_quotes->form_quotes); } return update; } void MenuLayoutQuotes() { if (UpdateLayoutQuotes()) { if (fd_form_quotes->form_quotes->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_quotes->form_quotes); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_quotes->form_quotes, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Quotes")); } } } bool UpdateLayoutPreamble() { bool update = true; if (!current_view->available()) update = false; if (update) { fl_set_input(fd_form_preamble->input_preamble, current_view->buffer()->params.preamble.c_str()); if (current_view->buffer()->isReadonly()) { fl_deactivate_object(fd_form_preamble->input_preamble); fl_deactivate_object(fd_form_preamble->button_ok); fl_deactivate_object(fd_form_preamble->button_apply); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_preamble->button_ok, FL_INACTIVE); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_preamble->button_apply, FL_INACTIVE); } else { fl_activate_object(fd_form_preamble->input_preamble); fl_activate_object(fd_form_preamble->button_ok); fl_activate_object(fd_form_preamble->button_apply); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_preamble->button_ok, FL_BLACK); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_preamble->button_apply, FL_BLACK); } } else if (fd_form_preamble->form_preamble->visible) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_preamble->form_preamble); } return update; } void MenuLayoutPreamble() { static int ow = -1, oh; if (UpdateLayoutPreamble()) { if (fd_form_preamble->form_preamble->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_preamble->form_preamble); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_preamble->form_preamble, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("LaTeX Preamble")); if (ow < 0) { ow = fd_form_preamble->form_preamble->w; oh = fd_form_preamble->form_preamble->h; } fl_set_form_minsize(fd_form_preamble->form_preamble, ow, oh); } } } void MenuLayoutSave() { if (!current_view->available()) return; if (AskQuestion(_("Do you want to save the current settings"), _("for Character, Document, Paper and Quotes"), _("as default for new documents?"))) current_view->buffer()->saveParamsAsDefaults(); } // This is both GUI and LyXFont dependent. Don't know where to put it. (Asger) // Well, it's mostly GUI dependent, so I guess it will stay here. (Asger) LyXFont UserFreeFont() { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_IGNORE); int pos = fl_get_choice(fd_form_character->choice_family); switch(pos) { case 1: font.setFamily(LyXFont::IGNORE_FAMILY); break; case 2: font.setFamily(LyXFont::ROMAN_FAMILY); break; case 3: font.setFamily(LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY); break; case 4: font.setFamily(LyXFont::TYPEWRITER_FAMILY); break; case 5: font.setFamily(LyXFont::INHERIT_FAMILY); break; } pos = fl_get_choice(fd_form_character->choice_series); switch(pos) { case 1: font.setSeries(LyXFont::IGNORE_SERIES); break; case 2: font.setSeries(LyXFont::MEDIUM_SERIES); break; case 3: font.setSeries(LyXFont::BOLD_SERIES); break; case 4: font.setSeries(LyXFont::INHERIT_SERIES); break; } pos = fl_get_choice(fd_form_character->choice_shape); switch(pos) { case 1: font.setShape(LyXFont::IGNORE_SHAPE); break; case 2: font.setShape(LyXFont::UP_SHAPE); break; case 3: font.setShape(LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE); break; case 4: font.setShape(LyXFont::SLANTED_SHAPE); break; case 5: font.setShape(LyXFont::SMALLCAPS_SHAPE); break; case 6: font.setShape(LyXFont::INHERIT_SHAPE); break; } pos = fl_get_choice(fd_form_character->choice_size); switch(pos) { case 1: font.setSize(LyXFont::IGNORE_SIZE); break; case 2: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_TINY); break; case 3: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_SCRIPT); break; case 4: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_FOOTNOTE); break; case 5: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_SMALL); break; case 6: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_NORMAL); break; case 7: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_LARGE); break; case 8: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_LARGER); break; case 9: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_LARGEST); break; case 10: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_HUGE); break; case 11: font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_HUGER); break; case 12: font.setSize(LyXFont::INCREASE_SIZE); break; case 13: font.setSize(LyXFont::DECREASE_SIZE); break; case 14: font.setSize(LyXFont::INHERIT_SIZE); break; } pos = fl_get_choice(fd_form_character->choice_bar); switch(pos) { case 1: font.setEmph(LyXFont::IGNORE); font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::IGNORE); font.setNoun(LyXFont::IGNORE); font.setLatex(LyXFont::IGNORE); break; case 2: font.setEmph(LyXFont::TOGGLE); break; case 3: font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::TOGGLE); break; case 4: font.setNoun(LyXFont::TOGGLE); break; case 5: font.setLatex(LyXFont::TOGGLE); break; case 6: font.setEmph(LyXFont::INHERIT); font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::INHERIT); font.setNoun(LyXFont::INHERIT); font.setLatex(LyXFont::INHERIT); break; } pos = fl_get_choice(fd_form_character->choice_color); switch(pos) { case 1: font.setColor(LColor::ignore); break; case 2: font.setColor(LColor::none); break; case 3: font.setColor(LColor::black); break; case 4: font.setColor(LColor::white); break; case 5: font.setColor(LColor::red); break; case 6: font.setColor(LColor::green); break; case 7: font.setColor(LColor::blue); break; case 8: font.setColor(LColor::cyan); break; case 9: font.setColor(LColor::magenta); break; case 10: font.setColor(LColor::yellow); break; case 11: font.setColor(LColor::inherit); break; } string language = combo_language2->getline(); Languages::iterator lit = languages.find(language); if (lit != languages.end()) font.setLanguage(&(*lit).second); else font.setLanguage(ignore_language); return font; } /* callbacks for form form_title */ extern "C" void TimerCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { // only if the form still exists if (lyxrc.show_banner && fd_form_title->form_title != 0) { if (fd_form_title->form_title->visible) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_title->form_title); } fl_free_form(fd_form_title->form_title); fd_form_title->form_title = 0; } } /* callbacks for form form_paragraph */ extern "C" void ParagraphVSpaceCB(FL_OBJECT * obj, long ) { // "Synchronize" the choices and input fields, making it // impossible to commit senseless data. FD_form_paragraph const * fp = fd_form_paragraph; if (obj == fp->choice_space_above) { if (fl_get_choice (fp->choice_space_above) != 7) { fl_set_input (fp->input_space_above, ""); ActivateParagraphButtons(); } } else if (obj == fp->choice_space_below) { if (fl_get_choice (fp->choice_space_below) != 7) { fl_set_input (fp->input_space_below, ""); ActivateParagraphButtons(); } } else if (obj == fp->input_space_above) { string input = fl_get_input (fp->input_space_above); if (input.empty()) { fl_set_choice (fp->choice_space_above, 1); ActivateParagraphButtons(); } else if (isValidGlueLength (input)) { fl_set_choice (fp->choice_space_above, 7); ActivateParagraphButtons(); } else { fl_set_choice (fp->choice_space_above, 7); DeactivateParagraphButtons(); } } else if (obj == fp->input_space_below) { string input = fl_get_input (fp->input_space_below); if (input.empty()) { fl_set_choice (fp->choice_space_below, 1); ActivateParagraphButtons(); } else if (isValidGlueLength (input)) { fl_set_choice (fp->choice_space_below, 7); ActivateParagraphButtons(); } else { fl_set_choice (fp->choice_space_below, 7); DeactivateParagraphButtons(); } } } extern "C" void ParagraphApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; VSpace space_top, space_bottom; LyXAlignment align; string labelwidthstring; bool noindent; // If a vspace kind is "Length" but there's no text in // the input field, reset the kind to "None". if (fl_get_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above) == 7 && !*(fl_get_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_above))) { fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above, 1); } if (fl_get_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below) == 7 && !*(fl_get_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_below))) { fl_set_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below, 1); } bool line_top = fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_top); bool line_bottom = fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_lines_bottom); bool pagebreak_top = fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_top); bool pagebreak_bottom = fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_pagebreaks_bottom); switch (fl_get_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_above)) { case 1: space_top = VSpace(VSpace::NONE); break; case 2: space_top = VSpace(VSpace::DEFSKIP); break; case 3: space_top = VSpace(VSpace::SMALLSKIP); break; case 4: space_top = VSpace(VSpace::MEDSKIP); break; case 5: space_top = VSpace(VSpace::BIGSKIP); break; case 6: space_top = VSpace(VSpace::VFILL); break; case 7: space_top = VSpace(LyXGlueLength (fl_get_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_above))); break; } if (fl_get_button (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_above)) space_top.setKeep (true); switch (fl_get_choice (fd_form_paragraph->choice_space_below)) { case 1: space_bottom = VSpace(VSpace::NONE); break; case 2: space_bottom = VSpace(VSpace::DEFSKIP); break; case 3: space_bottom = VSpace(VSpace::SMALLSKIP); break; case 4: space_bottom = VSpace(VSpace::MEDSKIP); break; case 5: space_bottom = VSpace(VSpace::BIGSKIP); break; case 6: space_bottom = VSpace(VSpace::VFILL); break; case 7: space_bottom = VSpace(LyXGlueLength (fl_get_input (fd_form_paragraph->input_space_below))); break; } if (fl_get_button (fd_form_paragraph->check_space_below)) space_bottom.setKeep (true); if (fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_left)) align = LYX_ALIGN_LEFT; else if (fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_right)) align = LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT; else if (fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->radio_align_center)) align = LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; else align = LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK; labelwidthstring = fl_get_input(fd_form_paragraph->input_labelwidth); noindent = fl_get_button(fd_form_paragraph->check_noindent); current_view->text->SetParagraph(line_top, line_bottom, pagebreak_top, pagebreak_bottom, space_top, space_bottom, align, labelwidthstring, noindent); current_view->update(1); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Paragraph layout set")); } extern "C" void ParagraphCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_paragraph->form_paragraph); } extern "C" void ParagraphOKCB(FL_OBJECT *ob, long data) { ParagraphApplyCB(ob, data); ParagraphCancelCB(ob, data); } /* callbacks for form form_character */ extern "C" void CharacterApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { // we set toggleall locally here, since it should be true for // all other uses of ToggleAndShow() (JMarc) toggleall = fl_get_button(fd_form_character->check_toggle_all); ToggleAndShow(current_view, UserFreeFont()); current_view->setState(); toggleall = true; } extern "C" void CharacterCloseCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_character->form_character); } extern "C" void CharacterOKCB(FL_OBJECT *ob, long data) { CharacterApplyCB(ob, data); CharacterCloseCB(ob, data); } /* callbacks for form form_document */ void UpdateDocumentButtons(BufferParams const & params) { fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle, 1); switch (params.sides) { case LyXTextClass::OneSide: fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_one, 1); break; case LyXTextClass::TwoSides: fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_two, 1); break; } if (params.columns == 2) fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_two, 1); else fl_set_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_one, 1); fl_set_input(fd_form_document->input_extra, params.options.c_str()); fl_set_counter_value(fd_form_document->slider_secnumdepth, params.secnumdepth); fl_set_counter_value(fd_form_document->slider_tocdepth, params.tocdepth); } extern "C" void ChoiceClassCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { ProhibitInput(current_view); if (textclasslist.Load(fl_get_choice(ob)-1)) { if (AskQuestion(_("Should I set some parameters to"), fl_get_choice_text(ob), _("the defaults of this document class?"))) { BufferParams params = BufferParams(); params.textclass = fl_get_choice(ob)-1; params.useClassDefaults(); UpdateLayoutDocument(¶ms); UpdateDocumentButtons(params); } } else { // unable to load new style WriteAlert(_("Conversion Errors!"), _("Unable to switch to new document class."), _("Reverting to original document class.")); fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_class, current_view->buffer()->params.textclass + 1); } AllowInput(current_view); } extern "C" void DocumentDefskipCB(FL_OBJECT * obj, long) { // "Synchronize" the choice and the input field, so that it // is impossible to commit senseless data. FD_form_document const * fd = fd_form_document; if (obj == fd->choice_default_skip) { if (fl_get_choice (fd->choice_default_skip) != 4) { fl_set_input (fd->input_default_skip, ""); ActivateDocumentButtons(); } } else if (obj == fd->input_default_skip) { char const * input = fl_get_input (fd->input_default_skip); if (!*input) { fl_set_choice (fd->choice_default_skip, 2); ActivateDocumentButtons(); } else if (isValidGlueLength (input)) { fl_set_choice (fd->choice_default_skip, 4); ActivateDocumentButtons(); } else { fl_set_choice (fd->choice_default_skip, 4); DeactivateDocumentButtons(); } } } extern "C" void DocumentSpacingCB(FL_OBJECT * obj, long) { // "Synchronize" the choice and the input field, so that it // is impossible to commit senseless data. FD_form_document const * fd = fd_form_document; if (obj == fd->choice_spacing && fl_get_choice (fd->choice_spacing) != 4) { fl_set_input(fd->input_spacing, ""); } else if (obj == fd->input_spacing) { const char* input = fl_get_input (fd->input_spacing); if (!*input) { fl_set_choice (fd->choice_spacing, 1); } else { fl_set_choice (fd->choice_spacing, 4); } } } extern "C" void DocumentApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { bool redo = false; BufferParams * params = &(current_view->buffer()->params); Language const * old_language = params->language_info; params->language = combo_language->getline(); Languages::iterator lit = languages.find(params->language); Language const * new_language; if (lit != languages.end()) new_language = &(*lit).second; else new_language = default_language; if (current_view->available()) { if (old_language != new_language && old_language->RightToLeft == new_language->RightToLeft && ! current_view->buffer()->isMultiLingual() ) { current_view->buffer()->ChangeLanguage(old_language, new_language); current_view->buffer()->redraw(); } } params->language_info = new_language; // If default skip is a "Length" but there's no text in the // input field, reset the kind to "Medskip", which is the default. if (fl_get_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip) == 4 && !*(fl_get_input (fd_form_document->input_default_skip))) { fl_set_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip, 2); } /* this shouldn't be done automatically IMO. For example I write german * documents with an american keyboard very often. Matthias */ /* ChangeKeymap(buffer->parameters.language, TRUE, false, fl_get_choice(fd_form_document->choice_language)); */ params->fonts = fl_get_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_fonts); params->inputenc = fl_get_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_inputenc); params->fontsize = fl_get_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_fontsize); params->pagestyle = fl_get_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_pagestyle); params->graphicsDriver = fl_get_choice_text(fd_form_document->choice_postscript_driver); params->use_amsmath = fl_get_button(fd_form_document->check_use_amsmath); if (!current_view->available()) return; current_view->text->SetCursor(current_view->text->cursor.par, current_view->text->cursor.pos); current_view->setState(); LyXTextClassList::ClassList::size_type new_class = fl_get_choice(fd_form_document->choice_class) - 1; if (params->textclass != new_class) { // try to load new_class if (textclasslist.Load(new_class)) { // successfully loaded redo = true; current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()-> Set(_("Converting document to new document class...")); CutAndPaste cap; int ret = cap.SwitchLayoutsBetweenClasses( current_view->buffer()->params.textclass, new_class, current_view->buffer()->paragraph); if (ret) { string s; if (ret == 1) s = _("One paragraph couldn't be converted"); else { s += tostr(ret); s += _(" paragraphs couldn't be converted"); } WriteAlert(_("Conversion Errors!"), s, _("into chosen document class")); } params->textclass = new_class; } else { // problem changing class -- warn user and retain old style WriteAlert(_("Conversion Errors!"), _("Unable to switch to new document class."), _("Reverting to original document class.")); fl_set_choice(fd_form_document->choice_class, params->textclass + 1); } } char tmpsep = params->paragraph_separation; if (fl_get_button(fd_form_document->radio_indent)) params->paragraph_separation = BufferParams::PARSEP_INDENT; else params->paragraph_separation = BufferParams::PARSEP_SKIP; if (tmpsep != params->paragraph_separation) redo = true; VSpace tmpdefskip = params->getDefSkip(); switch (fl_get_choice (fd_form_document->choice_default_skip)) { case 1: params->setDefSkip(VSpace(VSpace::SMALLSKIP)); break; case 2: params->setDefSkip(VSpace(VSpace::MEDSKIP)); break; case 3: params->setDefSkip(VSpace(VSpace::BIGSKIP)); break; case 4: params->setDefSkip( VSpace (LyXGlueLength (fl_get_input (fd_form_document->input_default_skip)))); break; // DocumentDefskipCB assures that this never happens default: params->setDefSkip(VSpace(VSpace::MEDSKIP)); break; } if (!(tmpdefskip == params->getDefSkip())) redo = true; if (fl_get_button(fd_form_document->radio_columns_two)) params->columns = 2; else params->columns = 1; if (fl_get_button(fd_form_document->radio_sides_two)) params->sides = LyXTextClass::TwoSides; else params->sides = LyXTextClass::OneSide; Spacing tmpSpacing = params->spacing; switch(fl_get_choice(fd_form_document->choice_spacing)) { case 1: lyxerr.debug() << "Spacing: SINGLE" << endl; params->spacing.set(Spacing::Single); break; case 2: lyxerr.debug() << "Spacing: ONEHALF" << endl; params->spacing.set(Spacing::Onehalf); break; case 3: lyxerr.debug() << "Spacing: DOUBLE" << endl; params->spacing.set(Spacing::Double); break; case 4: lyxerr.debug() << "Spacing: OTHER" << endl; params->spacing.set(Spacing::Other, fl_get_input(fd_form_document->input_spacing)); break; } if (tmpSpacing != params->spacing) redo = true; signed char tmpchar = static_cast(fl_get_counter_value(fd_form_document->slider_secnumdepth)); if (params->secnumdepth != tmpchar) redo = true; params->secnumdepth = tmpchar; params->tocdepth = static_cast(fl_get_counter_value(fd_form_document->slider_tocdepth)); params->float_placement = fl_get_input(fd_form_document->input_float_placement); // More checking should be done to ensure the string doesn't have // spaces or illegal placement characters in it. (thornley) if (redo) current_view->redoCurrentBuffer(); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Document layout set")); current_view->buffer()->markDirty(); params->options = fl_get_input(fd_form_document->input_extra); } extern "C" void DocumentCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_document->form_document); } extern "C" void DocumentOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { DocumentCancelCB(ob, data); DocumentApplyCB(ob, data); } extern "C" void DocumentBulletsCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { bulletForm(); // bullet callbacks etc. in bullet_panel.C -- ARRae } /* callbacks for form form_quotes */ extern "C" void QuotesApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Quotes type set")); InsetQuotes::quote_language lga = InsetQuotes::EnglishQ; switch(fl_get_choice(fd_form_quotes->choice_quotes_language) - 1) { case 0: lga = InsetQuotes::EnglishQ; break; case 1: lga = InsetQuotes::SwedishQ; break; case 2: lga = InsetQuotes::GermanQ; break; case 3: lga = InsetQuotes::PolishQ; break; case 4: lga = InsetQuotes::FrenchQ; break; case 5: lga = InsetQuotes::DanishQ; break; } current_view->buffer()->params.quotes_language = lga; if (fl_get_button(fd_form_quotes->radio_single)) current_view->buffer()-> params.quotes_times = InsetQuotes::SingleQ; else current_view->buffer()-> params.quotes_times = InsetQuotes::DoubleQ; } extern "C" void QuotesCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_quotes->form_quotes); } extern "C" void QuotesOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { QuotesApplyCB(ob, data); QuotesCancelCB(ob, data); } /* callbacks for form form_preamble */ extern "C" void PreambleCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_preamble->form_preamble); } extern "C" void PreambleApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; current_view->buffer()->params.preamble = fl_get_input(fd_form_preamble->input_preamble); current_view->buffer()->markDirty(); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("LaTeX preamble set")); } extern "C" void PreambleOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { PreambleApplyCB(ob, data); PreambleCancelCB(ob, data); } /* callbacks for form form_table */ extern "C" void TableApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; // check for tables in tables if (current_view->text->cursor.par->table){ WriteAlert(_("Impossible Operation!"), _("Cannot insert table in table."), _("Sorry.")); return; } current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Inserting table...")); int ysize = int(fl_get_slider_value(fd_form_table->slider_columns) + 0.5); int xsize = int(fl_get_slider_value(fd_form_table->slider_rows) + 0.5); current_view->hideCursor(); current_view->beforeChange(); current_view->update(-2); current_view->text->SetCursorParUndo(); current_view->text->FreezeUndo(); current_view->text->BreakParagraph(); current_view->update(-1); if (current_view->text->cursor.par->Last()) { current_view->text->CursorLeft(); current_view->text->BreakParagraph(); current_view->update(-1); } current_view->text->current_font.setLatex(LyXFont::OFF); //if (!fl_get_button(fd_form_table->check_latex)){ // insert the new wysiwy table current_view->text->SetLayout(0); // standard layout if (current_view->text->cursor.par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { current_view->text ->SetParagraph(0, 0, 0, 0, VSpace (0.3 * current_view->buffer()-> params.spacing.getValue(), LyXLength::CM), VSpace (0.3 * current_view->buffer()-> params.spacing.getValue(), LyXLength::CM), LYX_ALIGN_CENTER, string(), 0); } else { current_view->text ->SetParagraph(0, 0, 0, 0, VSpace(VSpace::NONE), VSpace(VSpace::NONE), LYX_ALIGN_CENTER, string(), 0); } current_view->text->cursor.par->table = new LyXTable(xsize, ysize); Language const * lang = current_view->text->cursor.par->getParLanguage(); LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, lang); for (int i = 0; i < xsize * ysize - 1; ++i) { current_view->text->cursor.par->InsertChar(0, LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE); current_view->text->cursor.par->SetFont(0, font); } current_view->text->RedoParagraph(); current_view->text->UnFreezeUndo(); current_view->update(1); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Table inserted")); current_view->setState(); } extern "C" void TableCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_table->form_table); } extern "C" void TableOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { TableApplyCB(ob, data); TableCancelCB(ob, data); } /* callbacks for form form_print */ extern "C" void PrintCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_print->form_print); } static bool stringOnlyContains (string const & LStr, char const * cset) { return LStr.find_first_not_of(cset) == string::npos; } extern "C" void PrintApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; Buffer * buffer = current_view->buffer(); string path = OnlyPath(buffer->fileName()); string pageflag; if (fl_get_button(fd_form_print->radio_even_pages)) pageflag = lyxrc.print_evenpage_flag + ' '; else if (fl_get_button(fd_form_print->radio_odd_pages)) pageflag = lyxrc.print_oddpage_flag + ' '; // Changes by Stephan Witt (stephan.witt@beusen.de), 19-Jan-99 // User may give a page (range) list // User may print multiple (unsorted) copies string pages = subst(fl_get_input(fd_form_print->input_pages), ';',','); pages = subst(pages, '+',','); pages = frontStrip(strip(pages)) ; while (!pages.empty()) { // a page range was given string piece ; pages = split (pages, piece, ',') ; piece = strip(piece) ; piece = frontStrip(piece) ; if ( !stringOnlyContains (piece, "0123456789-") ) { WriteAlert(_("ERROR! Unable to print!"), _("Check 'range of pages'!")); return; } if (piece.find('-') == string::npos) { // not found pageflag += lyxrc.print_pagerange_flag + piece + '-' + piece + ' ' ; } else if (suffixIs(piece, "-") ) { // missing last page pageflag += lyxrc.print_pagerange_flag + piece + "1000 "; } else if (prefixIs(piece, "-") ) { // missing first page pageflag += lyxrc.print_pagerange_flag + '1' + piece + ' ' ; } else { pageflag += lyxrc.print_pagerange_flag + piece + ' ' ; } } string copies = frontStrip(strip(fl_get_input(fd_form_print->input_copies))); if (!copies.empty()) { // a number of copies was given if ( !stringOnlyContains (copies, "0123456789") ) { WriteAlert(_("ERROR! Unable to print!"), _("Check 'number of copies'!")); return; } if (fl_get_button(fd_form_print->do_unsorted)) pageflag += lyxrc.print_copies_flag; else pageflag += lyxrc.print_collcopies_flag; pageflag += " " + copies + ' ' ; } string reverseflag; if (fl_get_button(fd_form_print->radio_order_reverse)) reverseflag = lyxrc.print_reverse_flag + ' '; string orientationflag; if (buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) orientationflag = lyxrc.print_landscape_flag + ' '; string ps_file = fl_get_input(fd_form_print->input_file); string printer = strip(fl_get_input(fd_form_print->input_printer)); string printerflag; if (lyxrc.print_adapt_output // printer name should be passed to dvips && ! printer.empty()) // a printer name has been given printerflag = lyxrc.print_to_printer + printer + ' '; string extraflags; if (!lyxrc.print_extra_options.empty()) extraflags = lyxrc.print_extra_options + ' '; string command = lyxrc.print_command + ' ' + printerflag + pageflag + reverseflag + orientationflag + extraflags; char real_papersize = buffer->params.papersize; if (real_papersize == BufferParams::PAPER_DEFAULT) real_papersize = lyxrc.default_papersize; string paper; switch (real_papersize) { case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: paper = "letter"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A3PAPER: paper = "a3"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: paper = "a4"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER: paper = "a5"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER: paper = "b5"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_EXECUTIVEPAPER: paper = "foolscap"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER: paper = "legal"; break; default: /* If nothing else fits, keep an empty value... */ break; } if (buffer->params.use_geometry && buffer->params.papersize2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_CUSTOM && !lyxrc.print_paper_dimension_flag.empty() && !buffer->params.paperwidth.empty() && !buffer->params.paperheight.empty()) { // using a custom papersize command += ' '; command += lyxrc.print_paper_dimension_flag + ' '; command += buffer->params.paperwidth + ','; command += buffer->params.paperheight + ' '; } else if (!lyxrc.print_paper_flag.empty() && !paper.empty() && (real_papersize != BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER || buffer->params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)) { command += " " + lyxrc.print_paper_flag + " " + paper + " "; } if (fl_get_button(fd_form_print->radio_file)) command += lyxrc.print_to_file + QuoteName(MakeAbsPath(ps_file, path)); else if (!lyxrc.print_spool_command.empty()) command += lyxrc.print_to_file + QuoteName(ps_file); // push directorypath, if necessary if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)){ path = buffer->tmppath; } Path p(path); bool result; if (!lyxrc.print_spool_command.empty() && !fl_get_button(fd_form_print->radio_file)) { string command2 = lyxrc.print_spool_command + ' '; if (!printer.empty()) command2 += lyxrc.print_spool_printerprefix + printer; // First run dvips and, if succesful, then spool command if ((result = RunScript(buffer, true, command))) { result = RunScript(buffer, false, command2, ps_file); } } else result = RunScript(buffer, false, command); if (!result) WriteAlert(_("Error:"), _("Unable to print"), _("Check that your parameters are correct")); } extern "C" void PrintOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { PrintCancelCB(ob, data); PrintApplyCB(ob, data); } void Figure() { if (fd_form_figure->form_figure->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_figure->form_figure); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_figure->form_figure, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Insert Figure")); } } void Table() { if (fd_form_table->form_table->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_form_table->form_table); } else { fl_show_form(fd_form_table->form_table, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Insert Table")); } } /* callbacks for form form_figure */ extern "C" void FigureApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; Buffer * buffer = current_view->buffer(); if(buffer->isReadonly()) // paranoia return; current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Inserting figure...")); if (fl_get_button(fd_form_figure->radio_inline) || current_view->text->cursor.par->table) { InsetFig * new_inset = new InsetFig(100, 20, buffer); current_view->insertInset(new_inset); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Figure inserted")); new_inset->Edit(current_view, 0, 0, 0); return; } current_view->hideCursor(); current_view->update(-2); current_view->beforeChange(); current_view->text->SetCursorParUndo(); current_view->text->FreezeUndo(); current_view->text->BreakParagraph(); current_view->update(-1); if (current_view->text->cursor.par->Last()) { current_view->text->CursorLeft(); current_view->text->BreakParagraph(); current_view->update(-1); } // The standard layout should always be numer 0; current_view->text->SetLayout(0); if (current_view->text->cursor.par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { current_view->text-> SetParagraph(0, 0, 0, 0, VSpace (0.3 * buffer->params.spacing.getValue(), LyXLength::CM), VSpace (0.3 * buffer->params.spacing.getValue(), LyXLength::CM), LYX_ALIGN_CENTER, string(), 0); } else { current_view->text->SetParagraph(0, 0, 0, 0, VSpace(VSpace::NONE), VSpace(VSpace::NONE), LYX_ALIGN_CENTER, string(), 0); } current_view->update(-1); Inset * new_inset = new InsetFig(100, 100, buffer); current_view->insertInset(new_inset); new_inset->Edit(current_view, 0, 0, 0); current_view->update(0); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Figure inserted")); current_view->text->UnFreezeUndo(); current_view->setState(); } extern "C" void FigureCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_figure->form_figure); } extern "C" void FigureOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { FigureApplyCB(ob, data); FigureCancelCB(ob, data); } extern "C" void ScreenApplyCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { lyxrc.roman_font_name = fl_get_input(fd_form_screen->input_roman); lyxrc.sans_font_name = fl_get_input(fd_form_screen->input_sans); lyxrc.typewriter_font_name = fl_get_input(fd_form_screen->input_typewriter); lyxrc.font_norm = fl_get_input(fd_form_screen->input_font_norm); lyxrc.zoom = atoi(fl_get_input(fd_form_screen->intinput_size)); fontloader.update(); // Of course we should only to the resize and the textcahce.clear // if values really changed...but not very important right now. (Lgb) // All buffers will need resize bufferlist.resize(); // We also need to empty the textcache so that // the buffer will be formatted correctly after // a zoom change. textcache.clear(); current_view->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Screen options set")); } extern "C" void ScreenCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_screen->form_screen); } extern "C" void ScreenOKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { ScreenCancelCB(ob, data); ScreenApplyCB(ob, data); } void LaTeXOptions(BufferView * bv) { if (!bv->available()) return; fl_set_button(fd_latex_options->accents, int(bv->buffer()->params.allowAccents)); if (fd_latex_options->LaTeXOptions->visible) { fl_raise_form(fd_latex_options->LaTeXOptions); } else { fl_show_form(fd_latex_options->LaTeXOptions, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("LaTeX Options")); } } // This function runs "configure" and then rereads lyx.defaults to // reconfigure the automatic settings. void Reconfigure(BufferView * bv) { bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Running configure...")); // Run configure in user lyx directory Path p(user_lyxdir); Systemcalls one(Systemcalls::System, AddName(system_lyxdir, "configure")); p.pop(); bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Reloading configuration...")); lyxrc.read(LibFileSearch(string(), "lyxrc.defaults")); WriteAlert(_("The system has been reconfigured."), _("You need to restart LyX to make use of any"), _("updated document class specifications.")); } // // Table of Contents // struct TocList { int counter[6]; bool appendix; TocList * next; }; static TocList * toclist = 0; extern "C" void TocSelectCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { if (!current_view->available()) return; TocList * tmptoclist = toclist; int i = fl_get_browser(ob); for (int a = 1; a < i && tmptoclist->next; ++a) { tmptoclist = tmptoclist->next; } if (!tmptoclist) return; LyXParagraph * par = current_view->buffer()->paragraph; while (par && (par->GetFirstCounter(0) != tmptoclist->counter[0] || par->GetFirstCounter(1) != tmptoclist->counter[1] || par->GetFirstCounter(2) != tmptoclist->counter[2] || par->GetFirstCounter(3) != tmptoclist->counter[3] || par->GetFirstCounter(4) != tmptoclist->counter[4] || par->GetFirstCounter(5) != tmptoclist->counter[5] || par->appendix != tmptoclist->appendix)) { par = par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } if (par) { current_view->beforeChange(); current_view->text->SetCursor(par, 0); current_view->text->sel_cursor = current_view->text->cursor; current_view->update(0); } else { WriteAlert(_("Error"), _("Couldn't find this label"), _("in current document.")); } } extern "C" void TocCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_toc->form_toc); } extern "C" void TocUpdateCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { static LyXParagraph * stapar = 0; TocList * tmptoclist = 0; /* deleted the toclist */ if (toclist){ while (toclist){ tmptoclist = toclist->next; delete toclist; toclist = tmptoclist; } } toclist = 0; tmptoclist = toclist; fl_clear_browser(fd_form_toc->browser_toc); if (!current_view->available()) { fl_add_browser_line(fd_form_toc->browser_toc, _("*** No Document ***")); return; } fl_hide_object(fd_form_toc->browser_toc); /* get the table of contents */ LyXParagraph * par = current_view->buffer()->paragraph; char labeltype; char * line = new char[200]; int pos = 0; unsigned char c; int topline = 0; if (stapar == par) topline = fl_get_browser_topline(fd_form_toc->browser_toc); stapar = par; while (par) { labeltype = textclasslist.Style(current_view->buffer()->params.textclass, par->GetLayout()).labeltype; if (labeltype >= LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER && labeltype <= LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER + current_view->buffer()->params.tocdepth) { /* insert this into the table of contents */ /* first indent a little bit */ for (pos = 0; pos < (labeltype - textclasslist.TextClass(current_view->buffer()-> params.textclass).maxcounter()) * 4 + 2; ++pos) line[pos] = ' '; // Then the labestring if (!par->labelstring.empty()) { string::size_type i = 0; while (pos < 199 && i < par->labelstring.length()) { line[pos] = par->labelstring[i]; ++i; ++pos; } } line[pos] = ' '; ++pos; int pos0 = pos; /* now the contents */ LyXParagraph::size_type i = 0; while (pos < 199 && i < par->size()) { c = par->GetChar(i); if (isprint(c) || c >= 128) { line[pos] = c; ++pos; } ++i; } if (par->isRightToLeftPar()) reverse(line + pos0, line + pos); line[pos] = '\0'; fl_add_browser_line(fd_form_toc->browser_toc, line); /* make a toclist entry */ if (!tmptoclist){ tmptoclist = new TocList; toclist = tmptoclist; } else { tmptoclist->next = new TocList; tmptoclist = tmptoclist->next; } tmptoclist->next = 0; int a = 0; for (a = 0; a < 6; ++a) { tmptoclist->counter[a] = par->GetFirstCounter(a); } tmptoclist->appendix = par->appendix; } par = par->LastPhysicalPar()->Next(); } delete[] line; fl_set_browser_topline(fd_form_toc->browser_toc, topline); fl_show_object(fd_form_toc->browser_toc); } /* callbacks for form form_ref */ extern "C" void RefSelectCB(FL_OBJECT *, long data) { if (!current_view->available()) return; string s = fl_get_browser_line(fd_form_ref->browser_ref, fl_get_browser(fd_form_ref->browser_ref)); string u = frontStrip(strip(fl_get_input(fd_form_ref->ref_name))); if (s.empty()) return; if (data == 2) { current_view->owner()->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_REFGOTO, s.c_str()); return; } string t; if (data == 0) t += "\\ref"; else t += "\\pageref"; if(current_view->buffer()->isSGML()) t += "[" + u + "]" + "{" + s + "}"; else t += "{" + s + "}"; Inset * new_inset = new InsetRef(t, current_view->buffer()); current_view->insertInset(new_inset); } extern "C" void RefUpdateCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { if (!current_view->available()) { fl_clear_browser(fd_form_ref->browser_ref); return; } FL_OBJECT * brow = fd_form_ref->browser_ref; // Get the current line, in order to restore it later char const * const btmp = fl_get_browser_line(brow, fl_get_browser(brow)); string currentstr = btmp ? btmp : ""; fl_clear_browser(brow); string refs = current_view->buffer()->getReferenceList('\n'); int topline = 1; fl_addto_browser_chars(brow, refs.c_str()); int total_lines = fl_get_browser_maxline(brow); for (int i = 1; i <= total_lines ; ++i) { if (fl_get_browser_line(brow, i) == currentstr) { topline = i; break; } } fl_set_browser_topline(brow, topline); if (!fl_get_browser_maxline(brow)) { fl_add_browser_line(brow, _("*** No labels found in document ***")); fl_deactivate_object(brow); } else { fl_select_browser_line(brow, topline); fl_activate_object(brow); } if (current_view->buffer()->isReadonly()) { // would be better to de/activate insert buttons // but that's more work... besides this works. ARRae fl_hide_form(fd_form_ref->form_ref); } if (!current_view->buffer()->isSGML()) { fl_deactivate_object(fd_form_ref->ref_name); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_ref->ref_name, FL_INACTIVE); } else { fl_activate_object(fd_form_ref->ref_name); fl_set_object_lcol(fd_form_ref->ref_name, FL_BLACK); } } extern "C" void RefHideCB(FL_OBJECT *, long) { fl_hide_form(fd_form_ref->form_ref); }