/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include #include #include "support/FileInfo.h" #include "lastfiles.h" #include "debug.h" using std::ifstream; using std::ofstream; using std::copy; using std::ostream_iterator; using std::find; using std::endl; LastFiles::LastFiles(string const & filename, bool st, unsigned int num) : dostat(st) { setNumberOfFiles(num); readFile(filename); } void LastFiles::setNumberOfFiles(unsigned int no) { if (0 < no && no <= ABSOLUTEMAXLASTFILES) num_files = no; else { lyxerr << "LyX: lastfiles: too many files\n" "\tdefault (=" << int(DEFAULTFILES) << ") used." << endl; num_files = DEFAULTFILES; } } void LastFiles::readFile(string const & filename) { // we will not complain if we can't find filename nor will // we issue a warning. (Lgb) ifstream ifs(filename.c_str()); string tmp; FileInfo fileInfo; while(getline(ifs, tmp) && files.size() < num_files) { if (dostat) { if (!(fileInfo.newFile(tmp).exist() && fileInfo.isRegular())) continue; } files.push_back(tmp); } } void LastFiles::writeFile(string const & filename) const { ofstream ofs(filename.c_str()); if (ofs) { copy(files.begin(), files.end(), ostream_iterator(ofs, "\n")); } else lyxerr << "LyX: Warning: unable to save LastFiles: " << filename << endl; } void LastFiles::newFile(string const & file) { // If file already exist, delete it and reinsert at front. Files::iterator it = find(files.begin(), files.end(), file); if (it != files.end()) files.erase(it); files.push_front(file); if (files.size() > num_files) files.pop_back(); } string LastFiles::operator[](unsigned int i) const { if (i < files.size()) return files[i]; return string(); }