/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-1999 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "gettext.h" #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "kbmap.h" #include "debug.h" // The only modifiers that we handle. We want to throw away things // like NumLock. enum { ModsMask = ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask}; // === static functions =================================================== /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : printKeysym Called by : kb_sequence::print and printKeyMap. RVDK_PATCH_5 Purpose : prints a keysym, including modifiers. Parameters: key - keysym mod - modifiers buf - string where the result goes maxlen - length of string (including '\0') Returns : length of printed string if ok, 0 otherwise. \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void printKeysym(KeySym key, unsigned int mod, string & buf) { mod &= ModsMask; char * s = XKeysymToString(key); if (mod & ShiftMask) buf += "S-"; if (mod & ControlMask) buf += "C-"; if (mod & Mod1Mask) buf += "M-"; if (s) buf += s; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : printKeyTab Called by : kb_keymap::print Purpose : print the keysyms found in the given key table. RVDK_PATCH_5 Parameters: tabPt - keytable pointer buf - string where the result goes maxLen - length of string (including '\0') Returns : length of printed string. \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void printKeyTab(kb_key * tabPt, string & buf) { unsigned int ksym, mod; /* -------> Print each of the slots into buf. */ for( ; (tabPt->code & 0xffff) != NoSymbol; ++tabPt) { ksym = tabPt->code; mod = tabPt->mod & 0xffff; printKeysym(ksym, mod, buf); buf += ' '; } } // === kb_sequence methods ================================================ /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::addkey Called by : [user] Purpose : add a key to the sequence, look up in map and return action Parameters: key - keysym of key mod - modifier mask nmod - modifier veto mask (unused now) Returns : action or -1 if error (no map defined or key not found) \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int kb_sequence::addkey(KeySym key, unsigned int mod, unsigned int nmod /*= 0*/) { if(length < 0) length = 0; if(length + 1 >= size) { unsigned int * nseq = new unsigned int[size + KB_PREALLOC]; size += KB_PREALLOC; memcpy(nseq, sequence, length * sizeof(unsigned int)); if(sequence != staticseq) delete sequence; sequence = nseq; nseq = new unsigned int[size]; memcpy(nseq, modifiers, length * sizeof(unsigned int)); if(modifiers != staticmod) delete modifiers; modifiers = nseq; } modifiers[length] = mod + (nmod << 16); sequence[length++] = key; if(curmap) return curmap->lookup(key, mod, this); return -1; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::parse Called by : [user] Purpose : parse a string that holds a key sequence and add the keys Parameters: s - string holding the key sequence Returns : 0 - if ok, error pos if error Note : Keys must be separated with whitespace; Use the keysym names used by XStringToKeysym Prefixes are S-, C-, M- for shift, control, meta \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int kb_sequence::parse(char const * s) { if(!s[0]) return 1; int i = 0; unsigned int mod = 0, nmod = 0; while(s[i]) { if(s[i] && (s[i]) <= ' ') ++i; if(!s[i]) break; if(s[i + 1] == '-') { // is implicit that s[i] == true switch(s[i]) { case 's': case 'S': mod |= ShiftMask; i += 2; continue; case 'c': case 'C': mod |= ControlMask; i += 2; continue; case 'm': case 'M': mod |= Mod1Mask; i += 2; continue; default: return i + 1; } } else if(s[i] == '~' && s[i + 1] && s[i + 2] == '-') { switch(s[i + 1]) { case 's': case 'S': nmod |= ShiftMask; i += 3; continue; case 'c': case 'C': nmod |= ControlMask; i += 3; continue; case 'm': case 'M': nmod |= Mod1Mask; i += 3; continue; default: return i + 2; } } else { string tbuf; int j = i; for(; s[j] && s[j] > ' '; ++j) tbuf += s[j]; // (!!!check bounds :-) KeySym key = XStringToKeysym(tbuf.c_str()); if(key == NoSymbol) { lyxerr[Debug::KBMAP] << "kbmap.C: No such keysym: " << tbuf << endl; return j; } i = j; addkey(key, mod, nmod); mod = 0; nmod = 0; } } return 0; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::print Called by : [user] Purpose : print the currently defined sequence into a string Parameters: buf - string where the result goes maxlen - length of string (including '\0') when_defined - only print when sequence is real: length > 0. Returns : 0, if ok, -1 if string too long \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int kb_sequence::print(string & buf, bool when_defined) const { KeySym key; unsigned int mod; int l = length; if ( l < 0 && !when_defined ) l = -l; for(int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { key = sequence[i]; mod = modifiers[i] & 0xffff; printKeysym(key, mod, buf); // RVDK_PATCH_5 if(i + 1 < l) { // append a blank buf += ' '; } } return 0; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::printOptions Called by : [user] Purpose : print the available key options from the current state in the sequence. RVDK_PATCH_5 Parameters: buf - string where the result goes maxlen - length of string (including '\0') Returns : 0, if ok, -1 if string too long \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int kb_sequence::printOptions(string & buf) const { print(buf, true); if (!curmap) return -1; buf += _(" options: "); curmap->print(buf); return 0; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::delseq Called by : [user] Purpose : mark the sequence as deleted Parameters: none Returns : nothing \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void kb_sequence::delseq() { // negative length marks sequence as deleted, but we can still // print() it or retrieve the last char using getiso() length = -length; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::getsym Called by : [user], getiso Purpose : get the keysym of the last key in sequence Parameters: none Returns : keysym \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ KeySym kb_sequence::getsym() { int l = length; if(l == 0) return NoSymbol; if(l < 0) l = -l; return sequence[l - 1]; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::getiso Called by : [user] Purpose : return iso character code of last key, if any Parameters: none Returns : iso code or 0 if none \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char kb_sequence::getiso() { int c = getsym(); if(c > 0xff) return '\0'; return c; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_sequence::reset Called by : [user] Purpose : reset sequence to initial state. RVDK_PATCH_5 Parameters: none Returns : void \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void kb_sequence::reset() { delseq(); curmap = stdmap; if (length > 0) length = -length; } // === kb_keymap methods ================================================== // This binds a key to an action int kb_keymap::bind(char const * seq, int action) { kb_sequence k; int res = k.parse(seq); if (!res) { defkey(&k, action); } else lyxerr[Debug::KBMAP] << "Parse error at position " << res << " in key sequence '" << seq << "'." << endl; return res; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_keymap::lookup Called by : [user], kb_sequence::add() Purpose : look up a key press in a given keymap Parameters: key - the keysym of the key press mod - the modifier mask of the keypress seq - the key-sequence retrieved so far Returns : user defined action; 0 for prefix key, -1 if key not found \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int kb_keymap::lookup(KeySym key, unsigned int mod, kb_sequence * seq) { #ifndef NO_HASH unsigned int hashval; #endif unsigned int ksym, msk1, msk0; kb_key * tab; //suppress modifier bits we do not handle mod &= ModsMask; if(!table) { // error - no keymap defined: seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->delseq(); return -1; } #ifndef NO_HASH if(size < 0) { // --- if hash table --- hashval = ((key & 0xff) ^ ((key >> 8) & 0xff)) % KB_HASHSIZE; tab = htable[hashval]; if(!tab) { seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->delseq(); return -1; } } else // --- else: linear list --- #endif tab = table; // --- now search the list of keys --- for(; (tab->code & 0xffff) != NoSymbol; ++tab) { ksym = tab->code; msk1 = tab->mod & 0xffff; msk0 = (tab->mod >> 16) & 0xffff; if(ksym == key && (mod & ~msk0) == msk1) { // match found: if(tab->table) { // this is a prefix key - set new map seq->curmap = tab->table; return 0; } else { // final key - reset map seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->delseq(); return tab->action; // ... and return action } } } // error - key not found: seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->delseq(); return -1; } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_keymap::print Called by : [user] Purpose : Prints all the available keysyms. RVDK_PATCH_5 Parameters: buf - string where output goes. maxLen - available length in string, including `\0'. Returns : updated maxLen. \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void kb_keymap::print(string & buf) const { // Return when keymap has no table. if (!table) return; // Process each of its slots recursively and return. #ifndef NO_HASH if ( size < 0 ) { // Hash table for ( int ix = 0; ix < KB_HASHSIZE; ++ix ) { if ( htable[ix] ) { printKeyTab(htable[ix], buf); } } } else // Normal table #endif printKeyTab(table, buf); } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_keymap::defkey Called by : [user] Purpose : define an action for a key sequence Parameters: seq - the key sequence action - the action to be defined idx - recursion depth Returns : 0 if ok. \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int kb_keymap::defkey(kb_sequence * seq, int action, int idx /*= 0*/) { unsigned int code = seq->sequence[idx]; if(code == NoSymbol) return -1; unsigned int modmsk = seq->modifiers[idx]; kb_key * tab, ** ptab; // --- get list------------------------------------------------------ if(!table) { // If we don't have any yet, make an empty one table = new kb_key[KB_PREALLOC]; table[0].code = NoSymbol; tab = table; ptab = &table; size = KB_PREALLOC; #ifndef NO_HASH } else if(size < 0) { // Hash table. int hashval = code & 0xffff; hashval = ((hashval & 0xff) ^ ((hashval >> 8) & 0xff)) % KB_HASHSIZE; tab = htable[hashval]; ptab = htable+hashval; if(!tab) { tab = new kb_key[KB_PREALLOC]; tab[0].code = NoSymbol; *ptab = tab; } #endif } else { tab = table; ptab = &table; } // --- check if key is already there -------------------------------- kb_key * t; int tsize; for(t = tab, tsize = 1; t->code != NoSymbol; ++t, ++tsize) { if(code == t->code && modmsk == t->mod) { // -- overwrite binding --- if(idx + 1 == seq->length) { string buf; seq->print(buf, true); lyxerr[Debug::KEY] << "Warning: New binding for '" << buf << "' is overriding old binding..." << endl; if(t->table) { delete t->table; t->table = 0; } t->action = action; return 0; } else if (!t->table) { string buf; seq->print(buf, true); lyxerr << "Error: New binding for '" << buf << "' is overriding old binding..." << endl; return -1; } else return t->table->defkey(seq, action, idx + 1); } } // --- extend list if necessary ------------------------------------- if(tsize % KB_PREALLOC == 0) { kb_key * nt = new kb_key[tsize + KB_PREALLOC]; // Set to 0 as table is used uninitialised later (thornley) nt[tsize].table = 0; memcpy(nt, tab, tsize * sizeof(kb_key)); *ptab = nt; delete[] tab; tab = nt; if(size >= 0) size = tsize + KB_PREALLOC; } // --- add action --------------------------------------------------- tab[tsize--].code = NoSymbol; tab[tsize].code = code; tab[tsize].mod = modmsk; kb_key * newone = &tab[tsize]; // --- convert list to hash table if necessary ---------------------- #ifndef NO_HASH if(size >= 0 && tsize >= 32) { kb_key * oldtab = tab; kb_key ** nht = new kb_key*[KB_HASHSIZE]; for(int i = 0; i < KB_HASHSIZE; ++i) nht[i] = 0; htable = nht; size = -KB_HASHSIZE; // --- copy old keys to new hash table --- int hashval; for(kb_key * tu = oldtab; tu->code != NoSymbol; ++tu) { // copy values from oldtab to htable hashval = (tu->code & 0xffff); hashval = ((hashval & 0xff) ^ ((hashval>>8) & 0xff)) % KB_HASHSIZE; tab = htable[hashval]; if(!tab){ htable[hashval] = tab = new kb_key[KB_PREALLOC]; tab->code = NoSymbol; } int ts = 1; for(kb_key * tt = tab; tt->code != NoSymbol; ++tt) ++ts; if(ts % KB_PREALLOC == 0){ // extend table kb_key * nt = new kb_key[ts+KB_PREALLOC]; memcpy(nt, tab, ts * sizeof(kb_key)); htable[hashval] = nt; delete[] tab; tab = nt; } tab[ts--].code = NoSymbol; tab[ts].code = tu->code; tab[ts].mod = tu->mod; tab[ts].action = tu->action; tab[ts].table = tu->table; if(tu == newone) newone = &tab[ts]; } delete[] oldtab; } #endif // --- define rest of sequence -------------------------------------- if(idx+1 == seq->length) { newone->action = action; newone->table = 0; return 0; } else { newone->table = new kb_keymap; int res = newone->table->defkey(seq, action, idx+1); return res; } } /* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Function : kb_keymap::~kb_keymap Called by : [destructor] Purpose : free keymap and its descendents Parameters: none Returns : nothing \* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */ kb_keymap::~kb_keymap() { if(!table) return; #ifndef NO_HASH if(size < 0) { for(int i = 0; i < KB_HASHSIZE; ++i) { if(htable[i]) { for(kb_key * t = htable[i]; t->code != NoSymbol; ++t) if(t->table) delete t->table; delete htable[i]; } } delete htable; } else { #endif for(kb_key * t = table; t->code != NoSymbol; ++t) if(t->table) delete t->table; delete table; #ifndef NO_HASH } #endif } string keyname(kb_key k) { string buf; printKeysym(k.code, k.mod, buf); return buf; } // Finds a key for a keyaction, if possible string kb_keymap::findbinding(int act) const { string res; if (!table) return res; #ifndef NO_HASH if (size < 0) { for(int i = 0; i < KB_HASHSIZE; ++i) { if(htable[i]) { for(kb_key * t = htable[i]; t->code != NoSymbol; ++t) { if(t->table) { string suffix = t->table->findbinding(act); suffix = strip(suffix, ' '); suffix = strip(suffix, ']'); suffix = frontStrip(suffix, '['); if (!suffix.empty()) { res += "[" + keyname(*t) + " " + suffix + "] "; } } else if (t->action == act) { res += "[" + keyname(*t) + "] "; } } } } } else { #endif for(kb_key * t = table; t->code != NoSymbol; ++t) { if(t->table) { string suffix = t->table->findbinding(act); suffix = strip(suffix, ' '); suffix = strip(suffix, ']'); suffix = frontStrip(suffix, '['); if (!suffix.empty()) { res += "[" + keyname(*t) + " " + suffix + "] "; } } else if (t->action == act) { res += "[" + keyname(*t) + "] "; } } #ifndef NO_HASH } #endif return res; } /* === End of File: kbmap.C ============================================== */