/** * \file kbmap.C * Copyright 1995-2002 the LyX Team * Read the file COPYING * * \author unknown * \author John Levon */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "kbmap.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "kbsequence.h" #include "debug.h" using std::endl; string const kb_keymap::printKeysym(LyXKeySymPtr key, key_modifier::state mod) { string buf; string const s = key->getSymbolName(); if (mod & key_modifier::shift) buf += "S-"; if (mod & key_modifier::ctrl) buf += "C-"; if (mod & key_modifier::alt) buf += "M-"; buf += s; return buf; } string const kb_keymap::printKey(kb_key const & key) const { return printKeysym(key.code, key.mod.first); } string::size_type kb_keymap::bind(string const & seq, int action) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::KBMAP)) { lyxerr << "BIND: Sequence `" << seq << "' Action `" << action << "'" << endl; } kb_sequence k(0, 0); string::size_type const res = k.parse(seq); if (res == string::npos) { defkey(&k, action); } else { lyxerr[Debug::KBMAP] << "Parse error at position " << res << " in key sequence '" << seq << "'." << endl; } return res; } int kb_keymap::lookup(LyXKeySymPtr key, key_modifier::state mod, kb_sequence * seq) const { if (table.empty()) { seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->mark_deleted(); return LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION; } for (Table::const_iterator cit = table.begin(); cit != table.end(); ++cit) { key_modifier::state mask(cit->mod.second); key_modifier::state check = static_cast(mod & ~mask); if (*(cit->code) == *(key) && cit->mod.first == check) { // match found if (cit->table.get()) { // this is a prefix key - set new map seq->curmap = cit->table.get(); return LFUN_PREFIX; } else { // final key - reset map seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->mark_deleted(); return cit->action; } } } // error - key not found: seq->curmap = seq->stdmap; seq->mark_deleted(); return LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION; } string const kb_keymap::print() const { string buf; for (Table::const_iterator cit = table.begin(); cit != table.end(); ++cit) { buf += printKey((*cit)); buf += ' '; } return buf; } void kb_keymap::defkey(kb_sequence * seq, int action, unsigned int r) { LyXKeySymPtr code = seq->sequence[r]; if ( ! code->isOK() ) return; key_modifier::state const mod1 = seq->modifiers[r].first; key_modifier::state const mod2 = seq->modifiers[r].second; // check if key is already there for (Table::iterator it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); ++it) { if (*(code) == *(it->code) && mod1 == it->mod.first && mod2 == it->mod.second) { // overwrite binding if (r + 1 == seq->length()) { lyxerr[Debug::KBMAP] << "Warning: New binding for '" << seq->print() << "' is overriding old binding..." << endl; if (it->table.get()) { it->table.reset(); } it->action = action; return; } else if (!it->table.get()) { lyxerr << "Error: New binding for '" << seq->print() << "' is overriding old binding..." << endl; return; } else { it->table->defkey(seq, action, r + 1); return; } } } Table::iterator newone = table.insert(table.end(), kb_key()); newone->code = code; newone->mod = seq->modifiers[r]; if (r + 1 == seq->length()) { newone->action = action; newone->table.reset(); return; } else { newone->table.reset(new kb_keymap); newone->table->defkey(seq, action, r + 1); return; } } string const kb_keymap::findbinding(int act, string const & prefix) const { string res; if (table.empty()) return res; Table::const_iterator end = table.end(); for (Table::const_iterator cit = table.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { if (cit->table.get()) { res += cit->table->findbinding(act, prefix + printKey((*cit)) + " "); } else if (cit->action == act) { res += "["; res += prefix + printKey((*cit)); res += "] "; } } return res; }