// -*- C++ -*- /* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1998-2000 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "insettext.h" #include "lyxparagraph.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "layout.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Painter.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxcursor.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "font.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "intl.h" #include "trans_mgr.h" #include "lyxscreen.h" using std::ostream; using std::ifstream; using std::endl; using std::min; using std::max; extern unsigned char getCurrentTextClass(Buffer *); InsetText::InsetText() { par = new LyXParagraph(); init(); } InsetText::InsetText(InsetText const & ins) : UpdatableInset() { par = 0; init(&ins); autoBreakRows = ins.autoBreakRows; } InsetText & InsetText::operator=(InsetText const & it) { init(&it); autoBreakRows = it.autoBreakRows; return * this; } void InsetText::init(InsetText const * ins) { top_y = last_width = last_height = 0; insetAscent = insetDescent = insetWidth = 0; the_locking_inset = 0; cursor_visible = false; interline_space = 1; no_selection = false; need_update = INIT; drawTextXOffset = drawTextYOffset = 0; autoBreakRows = false; drawFrame = NEVER; xpos = 0.0; if (ins) { SetParagraphData(ins->par); autoBreakRows = ins->autoBreakRows; drawFrame = ins->drawFrame; } par->SetInsetOwner(this); frame_color = LColor::insetframe; locked = false; old_par = 0; } InsetText::~InsetText() { LyXParagraph * p = par->next; delete par; while(p) { par = p; p = p->next; delete par; } } void InsetText::clear() { LyXParagraph * p = par->next; delete par; while(p) { par = p; p = p->next; delete par; } par = new LyXParagraph(); } Inset * InsetText::Clone() const { InsetText * t = new InsetText(*this); return t; } void InsetText::Write(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { os << "Text\n"; WriteParagraphData(buf, os); } void InsetText::WriteParagraphData(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { par->writeFile(buf, os, buf->params, 0, 0); } void InsetText::Read(Buffer const * buf, LyXLex & lex) { string token; int pos = 0; LyXParagraph * return_par = 0; char depth = 0; // signed or unsigned? #ifndef NEW_INSETS LyXParagraph::footnote_flag footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; LyXParagraph::footnote_kind footnotekind = LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE; #endif LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT); LyXParagraph * p = par->next; delete par; while(p) { par = p; p = p->next; delete par; } par = new LyXParagraph; while (lex.IsOK()) { lex.nextToken(); token = lex.GetString(); if (token.empty()) continue; if (token == "\\end_inset") break; if (const_cast(buf)-> parseSingleLyXformat2Token(lex, par, return_par,token, pos, depth, font #ifndef NEW_INSETS , footnoteflag, footnotekind #endif )) { // the_end read this should NEVER happen lex.printError("\\the_end read in inset! Error in document!"); return; } } if (!return_par) return_par = par; par = return_par; while(return_par) { return_par->SetInsetOwner(this); return_par = return_par->next; } if (token != "\\end_inset") { lex.printError("Missing \\end_inset at this point. " "Read: `$$Token'"); } need_update = INIT; } int InsetText::ascent(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const &) const { long int y_temp = 0; Row * row = TEXT(bv)->GetRowNearY(y_temp); insetAscent = row->ascent_of_text() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; return insetAscent; } int InsetText::descent(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const &) const { long int y_temp = 0; Row * row = TEXT(bv)->GetRowNearY(y_temp); insetDescent = TEXT(bv)->height - row->ascent_of_text() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; return insetDescent; } int InsetText::width(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const &) const { insetWidth = TEXT(bv)->width + (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); return insetWidth; } int InsetText::textWidth(Painter & pain) const { int w = getMaxWidth(pain, this); return w; } void InsetText::draw(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & f, int baseline, float & x, bool cleared) const { Painter & pain = bv->painter(); // no draw is necessary !!! if ((drawFrame == LOCKED) && !locked && !par->size()) { if (!cleared && (need_update == CLEAR_FRAME)) { pain.rectangle(top_x, baseline - insetAscent, insetWidth, insetAscent + insetDescent, LColor::background); } top_x = int(x); top_baseline = baseline; x += width(bv, f); need_update = NONE; return; } xpos = x; UpdatableInset::draw(bv, f, baseline, x, cleared); if (!cleared && ((need_update==FULL) || (top_x!=int(x)) || (top_baseline!=baseline))) { int w = insetWidth; int h = insetAscent + insetDescent; int ty = baseline - insetAscent; if (ty < 0) { h += ty; ty = 0; } if ((ty + h) > pain.paperHeight()) h = pain.paperHeight(); if ((top_x + drawTextXOffset + w) > pain.paperWidth()) w = pain.paperWidth(); pain.fillRectangle(top_x+drawTextXOffset, ty, w, h); cleared = true; need_update = FULL; } if (!cleared && (need_update == NONE)) return; if (top_x != int(x)) { need_update = INIT; top_x = int(x); // owner()->update(bv, f, true); bv->text->status = LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW; return; } top_baseline = baseline; top_y = baseline - ascent(bv, f); last_width = width(bv, f); last_height = ascent(bv, f) + descent(bv, f); if (the_locking_inset && (cpar(bv) == inset_par) && (cpos(bv) == inset_pos)) { inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } if (!cleared && (need_update == CURSOR) && !TEXT(bv)->selection) { x += width(bv, f); need_update = NONE; return; } x += 1; // place for border long int y = 0; Row * row = TEXT(bv)->GetRowNearY(y); y += baseline - row->ascent_of_text() + 1; if (cleared || !locked || (need_update == FULL)) { while (row != 0) { TEXT(bv)->GetVisibleRow(bv, y, int(x), row, y, cleared); y += row->height(); row = row->next(); } } else if (need_update == SELECTION) { bv->screen()->ToggleToggle(TEXT(bv), y, int(x)); } else { locked = false; if (need_update == CURSOR) { bv->screen()->ToggleSelection(TEXT(bv), true, y, int(x)); TEXT(bv)->ClearSelection(); TEXT(bv)->sel_cursor = TEXT(bv)->cursor; } bv->screen()->Update(TEXT(bv), y, int(x)); locked = true; } TEXT(bv)->refresh_y = 0; TEXT(bv)->status = LyXText::UNCHANGED; if ((drawFrame == ALWAYS) || ((drawFrame == LOCKED) && locked)) { pain.rectangle(top_x, baseline - insetAscent, insetWidth, insetAscent + insetDescent, frame_color); } else if (need_update == CLEAR_FRAME) { pain.rectangle(top_x, baseline - insetAscent, insetWidth, insetAscent + insetDescent, LColor::background); } x += width(bv, f) - 1; if (bv->text->status==LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW) need_update = INIT; else if (need_update != INIT) need_update = NONE; } void InsetText::update(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font, bool reinit) { if (reinit) { // && (need_update != CURSOR)) { need_update = INIT; resizeLyXText(bv); if (owner()) owner()->update(bv, font, true); return; } if (the_locking_inset) { inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; the_locking_inset->update(bv, font, reinit); } if (need_update == INIT) { resizeLyXText(bv); need_update = FULL; // if (!owner() && bv->text) // bv->text->UpdateInset(bv, this); } int oldw = insetWidth; #if 1 insetWidth = TEXT(bv)->width + (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); // max(textWidth(bv->painter()), // static_cast(TEXT(bv)->width) + drawTextXOffset) + // (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); #else insetWidth = textWidth(bv->painter()); if (insetWidth < 0) insetWidth = static_cast(TEXT(bv)->width); #endif if (oldw != insetWidth) { // printf("TW(%p): %d-%d-%d-%d\n",this,insetWidth, oldw, // textWidth(bv->painter()),static_cast(TEXT(bv)->width)); resizeLyXText(bv); need_update = FULL; #if 0 if (owner()) { owner()->update(bv, font, reinit); return; } else { update(bv, font, reinit); } #else #if 1 update(bv, font, reinit); #else UpdateLocal(bv, INIT, false); #endif #endif return; } if ((need_update==CURSOR_PAR) && (TEXT(bv)->status==LyXText::UNCHANGED) && the_locking_inset) { TEXT(bv)->UpdateInset(bv, the_locking_inset); } if (TEXT(bv)->status == LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH) need_update = FULL; long int y_temp = 0; Row * row = TEXT(bv)->GetRowNearY(y_temp); insetAscent = row->ascent_of_text() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; insetDescent = TEXT(bv)->height - row->ascent_of_text() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; } void InsetText::UpdateLocal(BufferView * bv, UpdateCodes what, bool mark_dirty) { TEXT(bv)->FullRebreak(bv); if (need_update != INIT) { if (TEXT(bv)->status == LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH) need_update = FULL; else if (!the_locking_inset || (what != CURSOR)) need_update = what; } if ((need_update != CURSOR) || (TEXT(bv)->status != LyXText::UNCHANGED) || TEXT(bv)->selection) bv->updateInset(this, mark_dirty); if (old_par != cpar(bv)) { bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->GetLayout()); old_par = cpar(bv); } } char const * InsetText::EditMessage() const { return _("Opened Text Inset"); } void InsetText::Edit(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, unsigned int button) { // par->SetInsetOwner(this); UpdatableInset::Edit(bv, x, y, button); if (!bv->lockInset(this)) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "Cannot lock inset" << endl; return; } locked = true; the_locking_inset = 0; inset_pos = inset_x = inset_y = 0; inset_par = 0; old_par = 0; if (!checkAndActivateInset(bv, x, y, button)) TEXT(bv)->SetCursorFromCoordinates(bv, x-drawTextXOffset, y+TEXT(bv)->first+insetAscent); TEXT(bv)->sel_cursor = TEXT(bv)->cursor; bv->text->FinishUndo(); UpdateLocal(bv, FULL, false); } void InsetText::InsetUnlock(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); the_locking_inset = 0; } HideInsetCursor(bv); no_selection = false; locked = false; TEXT(bv)->selection = 0; UpdateLocal(bv, CLEAR_FRAME, false); if (owner()) bv->owner()->setLayout(owner()->getLyXText(bv) ->cursor.par()->GetLayout()); else bv->owner()->setLayout(bv->text->cursor.par()->GetLayout()); } bool InsetText::LockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "InsetText::LockInsetInInset(" << inset << "): "; if (!inset) return false; if (inset == cpar(bv)->GetInset(cpos(bv))) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "OK" << endl; the_locking_inset = inset; inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset_pos = cpos(bv); inset_par = cpar(bv); TEXT(bv)->UpdateInset(bv, the_locking_inset); return true; } else if (the_locking_inset && (the_locking_inset == inset)) { if (cpar(bv) == inset_par && cpos(bv) == inset_pos) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "OK" << endl; inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } else { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "cursor.pos != inset_pos" << endl; } } else if (the_locking_inset) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "MAYBE" << endl; return the_locking_inset->LockInsetInInset(bv, inset); } lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "NOT OK" << endl; return false; } bool InsetText::UnlockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset, bool lr) { if (!the_locking_inset) return false; if (the_locking_inset == inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); TEXT(bv)->UpdateInset(bv, inset); the_locking_inset = 0; if (lr) moveRight(bv, false); old_par = 0; // force layout setting UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); return true; } return the_locking_inset->UnlockInsetInInset(bv, inset, lr); } bool InsetText::UpdateInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset) { if (!the_locking_inset) return false; if (the_locking_inset != inset) { TEXT(bv)->UpdateInset(bv, the_locking_inset); need_update = CURSOR_PAR; return the_locking_inset->UpdateInsetInInset(bv, inset); } // UpdateLocal(bv, FULL, false); if (TEXT(bv)->UpdateInset(bv, inset)) UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); if (cpar(bv) == inset_par && cpos(bv) == inset_pos) { inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } return true; } void InsetText::InsetButtonPress(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { no_selection = false; int tmp_x = x - drawTextXOffset; // int tmp_y = y + TEXT(bv)->first + insetAscent; int tmp_y = y + insetAscent; Inset * inset = bv->checkInsetHit(TEXT(bv), tmp_x, tmp_y, button); if (the_locking_inset) { if (the_locking_inset == inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetButtonPress(bv,x-inset_x,y-inset_y,button); return; } else if (inset) { // otherwise unlock the_locking_inset and lock the new inset the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset->InsetButtonPress(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); inset->Edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); if (the_locking_inset) { UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); } return; } // otherwise only unlock the_locking_inset the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); the_locking_inset = 0; } if (bv->the_locking_inset) { if (inset && inset->Editable() == Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE) { UpdatableInset * uinset = static_cast(inset); inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset_pos = cpos(bv); inset_par = cpar(bv); uinset->InsetButtonPress(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); uinset->Edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, 0); if (the_locking_inset) { UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); } return; } } if (!inset) { TEXT(bv)->SetCursorFromCoordinates(bv, x-drawTextXOffset, y+TEXT(bv)->first+insetAscent); TEXT(bv)->sel_cursor = TEXT(bv)->cursor; UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->GetLayout()); old_par = cpar(bv); } } void InsetText::InsetButtonRelease(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { UpdatableInset * inset = 0; if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetButtonRelease(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); } else { if (cpar(bv)->GetChar(cpos(bv)) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { inset = static_cast(cpar(bv)->GetInset(cpos(bv))); if (inset->Editable() == Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE) { inset->InsetButtonRelease(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y,button); } else { inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset->InsetButtonRelease(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y,button); inset->Edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); } UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); } } no_selection = false; } void InsetText::InsetMotionNotify(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int state) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetMotionNotify(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y,state); return; } if (!no_selection) { HideInsetCursor(bv); TEXT(bv)->SetCursorFromCoordinates(bv, x-drawTextXOffset, y+TEXT(bv)->first+insetAscent); TEXT(bv)->SetSelection(); if (TEXT(bv)->toggle_cursor.par()!=TEXT(bv)->toggle_end_cursor.par() || TEXT(bv)->toggle_cursor.pos()!=TEXT(bv)->toggle_end_cursor.pos()) UpdateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); ShowInsetCursor(bv); } no_selection = false; } void InsetText::InsetKeyPress(XKeyEvent * xke) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetKeyPress(xke); return; } } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetText::LocalDispatch(BufferView * bv, int action, string const & arg) { no_selection = false; UpdatableInset::RESULT result= UpdatableInset::LocalDispatch(bv, action, arg); if (result != UNDISPATCHED) { // resetPos(bv->painter()); return DISPATCHED; } result=DISPATCHED; if ((action < 0) && arg.empty()) return FINISHED; if (the_locking_inset) { result = the_locking_inset->LocalDispatch(bv, action, arg); if (result == DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE) return result; else if (result == DISPATCHED) { UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); return result; } else if (result == FINISHED) { switch(action) { case -1: case LFUN_RIGHT: moveRight(bv, false); break; case LFUN_DOWN: moveDown(bv); break; } the_locking_inset = 0; return DISPATCHED; } } HideInsetCursor(bv); switch (action) { // Normal chars case -1: if (bv->buffer()->isReadonly()) { LyXBell(); // setErrorMessage(N_("Document is read only")); break; } if (!arg.empty()) { /* Automatically delete the currently selected * text and replace it with what is being * typed in now. Depends on lyxrc settings * "auto_region_delete", which defaults to * true (on). */ bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::INSERT, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); if (lyxrc.auto_region_delete) { if (TEXT(bv)->selection){ TEXT(bv)->CutSelection(bv, false); } } TEXT(bv)->ClearSelection(); for (string::size_type i = 0; i < arg.length(); ++i) { bv->owner()->getIntl()->getTrans()->TranslateAndInsert(arg[i], TEXT(bv)); } } UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); break; // --- Cursor Movements --------------------------------------------- case LFUN_RIGHTSEL: bv->text->FinishUndo(); moveRight(bv, false); TEXT(bv)->SetSelection(); UpdateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); break; case LFUN_RIGHT: result = moveRight(bv); bv->text->FinishUndo(); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); break; case LFUN_LEFTSEL: bv->text->FinishUndo(); moveLeft(bv, false); TEXT(bv)->SetSelection(); UpdateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); break; case LFUN_LEFT: bv->text->FinishUndo(); result= moveLeft(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); break; case LFUN_DOWNSEL: bv->text->FinishUndo(); moveDown(bv); TEXT(bv)->SetSelection(); UpdateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); break; case LFUN_DOWN: bv->text->FinishUndo(); result = moveDown(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); break; case LFUN_UPSEL: bv->text->FinishUndo(); moveUp(bv); TEXT(bv)->SetSelection(); UpdateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); break; case LFUN_UP: bv->text->FinishUndo(); result = moveUp(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); break; case LFUN_HOME: bv->text->FinishUndo(); TEXT(bv)->CursorHome(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); break; case LFUN_END: TEXT(bv)->CursorEnd(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); break; case LFUN_BACKSPACE: bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::DELETE, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); TEXT(bv)->Backspace(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); break; case LFUN_DELETE: bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::DELETE, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); TEXT(bv)->Delete(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); break; case LFUN_CUT: bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::DELETE, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); TEXT(bv)->CutSelection(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); break; case LFUN_COPY: bv->text->FinishUndo(); TEXT(bv)->CopySelection(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); break; case LFUN_PASTE: if (!autoBreakRows) { CutAndPaste cap; if (cap.nrOfParagraphs() > 1) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible operation"), _("Cannot include more than one paragraph!"), _("Sorry.")); break; } } bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::INSERT, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); TEXT(bv)->PasteSelection(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); break; case LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPH: if (!autoBreakRows) return DISPATCHED; TEXT(bv)->BreakParagraph(bv, 0); UpdateLocal(bv, FULL, true); break; case LFUN_BREAKLINE: if (!autoBreakRows) return DISPATCHED; bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::INSERT, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); TEXT(bv)->InsertChar(bv, LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); break; case LFUN_LAYOUT: { static LyXTextClass::size_type cur_layout = cpar(bv)->layout; // Derive layout number from given argument (string) // and current buffer's textclass (number). */ LyXTextClassList::ClassList::size_type tclass = bv->buffer()->params.textclass; std::pair layout = textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(tclass, arg); // If the entry is obsolete, use the new one instead. if (layout.first) { string obs = textclasslist.Style(tclass,layout.second). obsoleted_by(); if (!obs.empty()) layout = textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(tclass, obs); } // see if we found the layout number: if (!layout.first) { string msg = string(N_("Layout ")) + arg + N_(" not known"); bv->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(msg); break; } if (cur_layout != layout.second) { cur_layout = layout.second; TEXT(bv)->SetLayout(bv, layout.second); bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->GetLayout()); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); } } break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_SPACING: // This one is absolutely not working. When fiddling with this // it also seems to me that the paragraphs inside the insettext // inherit bufferparams/paragraphparams in a strange way. (Lgb) { LyXParagraph * par = TEXT(bv)->cursor.par(); Spacing::Space cur_spacing = par->spacing.getSpace(); float cur_value = 1.0; if (cur_spacing == Spacing::Other) { cur_value = par->spacing.getValue(); } #ifdef HAVE_SSTREAM std::istringstream istr(arg.c_str()); #else istrstream istr(arg.c_str()); #endif string tmp; istr >> tmp; Spacing::Space new_spacing = cur_spacing; float new_value = cur_value; if (tmp.empty()) { lyxerr << "Missing argument to `paragraph-spacing'" << endl; } else if (tmp == "single") { new_spacing = Spacing::Single; } else if (tmp == "onehalf") { new_spacing = Spacing::Onehalf; } else if (tmp == "double") { new_spacing = Spacing::Double; } else if (tmp == "other") { new_spacing = Spacing::Other; float tmpval = 0.0; istr >> tmpval; lyxerr << "new_value = " << tmpval << endl; if (tmpval != 0.0) new_value = tmpval; } else if (tmp == "default") { new_spacing = Spacing::Default; } else { lyxerr << _("Unknown spacing argument: ") << arg << endl; } if (cur_spacing != new_spacing || cur_value != new_value) { par->spacing.set(new_spacing, new_value); //TEXT(bv)->RedoParagraph(owner->view()); UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); //bv->update(BufferView::SELECT|BufferView::FITCUR|BufferView::CHANGE); } } break; default: result = UNDISPATCHED; break; } if (result != FINISHED) { ShowInsetCursor(bv); } else bv->unlockInset(this); return result; } int InsetText::Latex(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool, bool) const { TexRow texrow; buf->latexParagraphs(os, par, 0, texrow); return texrow.rows(); } void InsetText::Validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { LyXParagraph * p = par; while(p) { p->validate(features); p = p->next; } } int InsetText::BeginningOfMainBody(Buffer const * buf, LyXParagraph * p) const { if (textclasslist.Style(buf->params.textclass, p->GetLayout()).labeltype != LABEL_MANUAL) return 0; else return p->BeginningOfMainBody(); } void InsetText::GetCursorPos(BufferView * bv, int & x, int & y) const { x = cx(bv); y = cy(bv); } int InsetText::InsetInInsetY() { if (!the_locking_inset) return 0; return (inset_y + the_locking_inset->InsetInInsetY()); } void InsetText::ToggleInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->ToggleInsetCursor(bv); return; } LyXFont font = TEXT(bv)->GetFont(bv->buffer(), cpar(bv), cpos(bv)); int asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(font); int desc = lyxfont::maxDescent(font); if (cursor_visible) bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); else bv->showLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv)-1, cy(bv), asc, desc); cursor_visible = !cursor_visible; } void InsetText::ShowInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->ShowInsetCursor(bv); return; } if (!cursor_visible) { LyXFont font = TEXT(bv)->GetFont(bv->buffer(), cpar(bv), cpos(bv)); int asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(font); int desc = lyxfont::maxDescent(font); bv->fitLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv), cy(bv), asc, desc); bv->showLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv), cy(bv), asc, desc); cursor_visible = true; } } void InsetText::HideInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (cursor_visible) { bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); cursor_visible = false; } if (the_locking_inset) the_locking_inset->HideInsetCursor(bv); } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetText::moveRight(BufferView * bv, bool activate_inset) { if (!cpar(bv)->next && (cpos(bv) >= cpar(bv)->Last())) return FINISHED; if (activate_inset && checkAndActivateInset(bv, false)) return DISPATCHED; TEXT(bv)->CursorRight(bv); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetText::moveLeft(BufferView * bv, bool activate_inset) { if (!cpar(bv)->previous && (cpos(bv) <= 0)) return FINISHED; TEXT(bv)->CursorLeft(bv); if (activate_inset && checkAndActivateInset(bv, true)) return DISPATCHED; return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetText::moveUp(BufferView * bv) { if (!crow(bv)->previous()) return FINISHED; TEXT(bv)->CursorUp(bv); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetText::moveDown(BufferView * bv) { if (!crow(bv)->next()) return FINISHED; TEXT(bv)->CursorDown(bv); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } bool InsetText::InsertInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset) { if (the_locking_inset) { if (the_locking_inset->InsertInsetAllowed(inset)) return the_locking_inset->InsertInset(bv, inset); return false; } bv->text->SetUndo(bv->buffer(), Undo::INSERT, #ifndef NEW_INSETS bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next #else bv->text->cursor.par()->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->next #endif ); if (inset->Editable() == Inset::IS_EDITABLE) { UpdatableInset * i = static_cast(inset); i->setOwner(static_cast(this)); } TEXT(bv)->InsertInset(bv, inset); TEXT(bv)->selection = 0; UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); static_cast(inset)->Edit(bv, 0, 0, 0); return true; } UpdatableInset * InsetText::GetLockingInset() { return the_locking_inset ? the_locking_inset->GetLockingInset() : this; } UpdatableInset * InsetText::GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(Inset::Code c) { if (c == LyxCode()) return this; if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(c); return 0; } void InsetText::SetFont(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font, bool toggleall) { TEXT(bv)->SetFont(bv, font, toggleall); } bool InsetText::checkAndActivateInset(BufferView * bv, bool behind) { if (cpar(bv)->GetChar(cpos(bv)) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { int x, y; Inset * inset = static_cast(cpar(bv)->GetInset(cpos(bv))); if (!inset || inset->Editable() != Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE) return false; LyXFont font = TEXT(bv)->GetFont(bv->buffer(), cpar(bv), cpos(bv)); if (behind) { x = inset->width(bv, font); y = inset->descent(bv, font); } else { x = y = 0; } inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset->Edit(bv, x-inset_x, y-inset_y, 0); if (!the_locking_inset) return false; UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); return true; } return false; } bool InsetText::checkAndActivateInset(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { int tmp_x = x - drawTextXOffset; int tmp_y = y + insetAscent; Inset * inset = bv->checkInsetHit(TEXT(bv), tmp_x, tmp_y, button); if (inset) { if (x < 0) x = insetWidth; if (y < 0) y = insetDescent; inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset->Edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); if (!the_locking_inset) return false; UpdateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); return true; } return false; } int InsetText::getMaxWidth(Painter & pain, UpdatableInset const * inset) const { int w = UpdatableInset::getMaxWidth(pain, inset); if (w < 0) { return w; } if (owner()) { w = w - top_x + owner()->x(); return w; } w -= (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); return w - top_x; // return w - (2*TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); } void InsetText::SetParagraphData(LyXParagraph *p) { LyXParagraph * np; if (par) { np = par->next; delete par; while(np) { par = np; np = np->next; delete par; } } par = p->Clone(); par->SetInsetOwner(this); np = par; while(p->next) { p = p->next; np->next = p->Clone(); np->next->previous = np; np = np->next; np->SetInsetOwner(this); } need_update = INIT; } void InsetText::SetAutoBreakRows(bool flag) { if (flag != autoBreakRows) { autoBreakRows = flag; need_update = FULL; if (!flag) removeNewlines(); } } void InsetText::SetDrawFrame(BufferView * bv, DrawFrame how) { if (how != drawFrame) { drawFrame = how; if (bv) UpdateLocal(bv, DRAW_FRAME, false); } } void InsetText::SetFrameColor(BufferView * bv, LColor::color col) { if (frame_color != col) { frame_color = col; if (bv) UpdateLocal(bv, DRAW_FRAME, false); } } #if 0 LyXFont InsetText::GetDrawFont(BufferView * bv, LyXParagraph * p, int pos) const { return TEXT(bv)->GetFont(bv->buffer(), p, pos); } #endif int InsetText::cx(BufferView * bv) const { return TEXT(bv)->cursor.x() + top_x + 1; } int InsetText::cy(BufferView * bv) const { LyXFont font; return TEXT(bv)->cursor.y() - ascent(bv, font); } int InsetText::cpos(BufferView * bv) const { return TEXT(bv)->cursor.pos(); } LyXParagraph * InsetText::cpar(BufferView * bv) const { return TEXT(bv)->cursor.par(); } Row * InsetText::crow(BufferView * bv) const { return TEXT(bv)->cursor.row(); } LyXText * InsetText::getLyXText(BufferView * bv) const { if (cache.find(bv) != cache.end()) return cache[bv]; LyXText * lt = new LyXText(const_cast(this)); lt->init(bv); cache[bv] = lt; if (the_locking_inset) { lt->SetCursor(bv, inset_par, inset_pos); } return lt; } void InsetText::deleteLyXText(BufferView * bv, bool recursive) const { cache.erase(bv); if (recursive) { /// then remove all LyXText in text-insets LyXParagraph * p = par; for(;p;p = p->next) { p->deleteInsetsLyXText(bv); } } } void InsetText::resizeLyXText(BufferView * bv) const { if (!par->next && !par->size()) // not neccessary! return; LyXParagraph * lpar = 0; LyXParagraph * selstartpar = 0; LyXParagraph * selendpar = 0; int pos = 0; int selstartpos = 0; int selendpos = 0; int selection = 0; int mark_set = 0; // ProhibitInput(bv); lpar = TEXT(bv)->cursor.par(); pos = TEXT(bv)->cursor.pos(); selstartpar = TEXT(bv)->sel_start_cursor.par(); selstartpos = TEXT(bv)->sel_start_cursor.pos(); selendpar = TEXT(bv)->sel_end_cursor.par(); selendpos = TEXT(bv)->sel_end_cursor.pos(); selection = TEXT(bv)->selection; mark_set = TEXT(bv)->mark_set; deleteLyXText(bv, (the_locking_inset == 0)); if (lpar) { TEXT(bv)->selection = true; /* at this point just to avoid the Delete-Empty-Paragraph * Mechanism when setting the cursor */ TEXT(bv)->mark_set = mark_set; if (selection) { TEXT(bv)->SetCursor(bv, selstartpar, selstartpos); TEXT(bv)->sel_cursor = TEXT(bv)->cursor; TEXT(bv)->SetCursor(bv, selendpar, selendpos); TEXT(bv)->SetSelection(); TEXT(bv)->SetCursor(bv, lpar, pos); } else { TEXT(bv)->SetCursor(bv, lpar, pos); TEXT(bv)->sel_cursor = TEXT(bv)->cursor; TEXT(bv)->selection = false; } } if (bv->screen()) TEXT(bv)->first = bv->screen()->TopCursorVisible(TEXT(bv)); // this will scroll the screen such that the cursor becomes visible bv->updateScrollbar(); // AllowInput(bv); if (the_locking_inset) { /// then resize all LyXText in text-insets inset_x = cx(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = cy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; LyXParagraph * p = par; for(;p;p = p->next) { p->resizeInsetsLyXText(bv); } } need_update = FULL; } void InsetText::removeNewlines() { LyXParagraph * p = par; for(;p; p = p->next) { for(int i = 0; i < p->Last(); ++i) { if (p->GetChar(i) == LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE) p->Erase(i); } } }