/** * \file insettext.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Jürgen Vigna * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "insettext.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "debug.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "intl.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "lyxcursor.h" #include "lyxfind.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "trans_mgr.h" #include "undo_funcs.h" #include "WordLangTuple.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "sgml.h" #include "frontends/Alert.h" #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" #include "frontends/font_metrics.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "frontends/screen.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxalgo.h" // lyx::count #include #include #include #include //#include using std::ostream; using std::ifstream; using std::endl; using std::min; using std::max; using std::make_pair; using std::vector; using std::pair; using std::for_each; using lyx::pos_type; using lyx::textclass_type; extern unsigned char getCurrentTextClass(Buffer *); extern bool math_insert_greek(BufferView *, char); extern int greek_kb_flag; // These functions should probably go into bufferview_funcs somehow (Jug) void InsetText::saveLyXTextState(LyXText * t) const { // check if my paragraphs are still valid ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (&*it == t->cursor.par()) break; } if (it != end && t->cursor.pos() <= it->size()) { sstate.lpar = t->cursor.par(); sstate.pos = t->cursor.pos(); sstate.boundary = t->cursor.boundary(); sstate.selstartpar = t->selection.start.par(); sstate.selstartpos = t->selection.start.pos(); sstate.selstartboundary = t->selection.start.boundary(); sstate.selendpar = t->selection.end.par(); sstate.selendpos = t->selection.end.pos(); sstate.selendboundary = t->selection.end.boundary(); sstate.selection = t->selection.set(); sstate.mark_set = t->selection.mark(); sstate.refresh = t->refresh_row != 0; } else { sstate.lpar = 0; } } void InsetText::restoreLyXTextState(BufferView * bv, LyXText * t) const { if (sstate.lpar) { t->selection.set(true); /* at this point just to avoid the Delete-Empty-Paragraph * Mechanism when setting the cursor */ t->selection.mark(sstate.mark_set); if (sstate.selection) { t->setCursor(bv, sstate.selstartpar, sstate.selstartpos, true, sstate.selstartboundary); t->selection.cursor = t->cursor; t->setCursor(bv, sstate.selendpar, sstate.selendpos, true, sstate.selendboundary); t->setSelection(bv); t->setCursor(bv, sstate.lpar, sstate.pos); } else { t->setCursor(bv, sstate.lpar, sstate.pos, true, sstate.boundary); t->selection.cursor = t->cursor; t->selection.set(false); } if (sstate.refresh) { } } } InsetText::InnerCache::InnerCache(boost::shared_ptr t) { text = t; remove = false; } InsetText::InsetText(BufferParams const & bp) : UpdatableInset(), lt(0), in_update(false), do_resize(0), do_reinit(false) { paragraphs.set(new Paragraph); paragraphs.begin()->layout(bp.getLyXTextClass().defaultLayout()); init(); } InsetText::InsetText(InsetText const & in, bool same_id) : UpdatableInset(in, same_id), lt(0), in_update(false), do_resize(0), do_reinit(false) { init(&in, same_id); } InsetText & InsetText::operator=(InsetText const & it) { init(&it); return * this; } void InsetText::init(InsetText const * ins, bool same_id) { if (ins) { setParagraphData(&*(ins->paragraphs.begin()), same_id); autoBreakRows = ins->autoBreakRows; drawFrame_ = ins->drawFrame_; frame_color = ins->frame_color; if (same_id) id_ = ins->id_; } else { for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::setInsetOwner, _1, this)); the_locking_inset = 0; drawFrame_ = NEVER; frame_color = LColor::insetframe; autoBreakRows = false; } top_y = 0; insetAscent = 0; insetDescent = 0; insetWidth = 0; old_max_width = 0; no_selection = true; need_update = FULL; drawTextXOffset = 0; drawTextYOffset = 0; locked = false; old_par = 0; last_drawn_width = -1; frame_is_visible = false; cached_bview = 0; sstate.lpar = 0; in_insetAllowed = false; } InsetText::~InsetText() { paragraphs.clear(); } void InsetText::clear() { // This is a gross hack... LyXLayout_ptr old_layout = paragraphs.begin()->layout(); paragraphs.clear(); paragraphs.set(new Paragraph); paragraphs.begin()->setInsetOwner(this); paragraphs.begin()->layout(old_layout); reinitLyXText(); need_update = INIT; } Inset * InsetText::clone(Buffer const &, bool same_id) const { return new InsetText(*this, same_id); } void InsetText::write(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { os << "Text\n"; writeParagraphData(buf, os); } void InsetText::writeParagraphData(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); Paragraph::depth_type dth = 0; for (; it != end; ++it) { it->write(buf, os, buf->params, dth); } } void InsetText::read(Buffer const * buf, LyXLex & lex) { string token; int pos = 0; Paragraph * return_par = 0; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT); clear(); while (lex.isOK()) { lex.nextToken(); token = lex.getString(); if (token.empty()) continue; if (token == "\\end_inset") { break; } Paragraph * tmp = &*(paragraphs.begin()); if (const_cast(buf)-> parseSingleLyXformat2Token(lex, tmp, return_par, token, pos, depth, font)) { // the_end read this should NEVER happen lex.printError("\\the_end read in inset! Error in document!"); return; } paragraphs.set(tmp); } if (!return_par) return_par = &*(paragraphs.begin()); paragraphs.set(return_par); while (return_par) { return_par->setInsetOwner(this); return_par = return_par->next(); } if (token != "\\end_inset") { lex.printError("Missing \\end_inset at this point. " "Read: `$$Token'"); } need_update = FULL; } int InsetText::ascent(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const &) const { insetAscent = getLyXText(bv)->firstRow()->ascent_of_text() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; return insetAscent; } int InsetText::descent(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const &) const { LyXText * llt = getLyXText(bv); insetDescent = llt->height - llt->firstRow()->ascent_of_text() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; return insetDescent; } int InsetText::width(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const &) const { insetWidth = max(textWidth(bv), (int)getLyXText(bv)->width) + (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); insetWidth = max(insetWidth, 10); return insetWidth; } int InsetText::textWidth(BufferView * bv, bool fordraw) const { int w; if (!autoBreakRows) { w = -1; } else { w = getMaxWidth(bv, this); } if (fordraw) { return max(w - (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET), (int)getLyXText(bv)->width); } else if (w < 0) { return -1; } return w - (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); } void InsetText::draw(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & f, int baseline, float & x, bool cleared) const { if (nodraw()) return; Painter & pain = bv->painter(); // this is the first thing we have to ask because if the x pos // changed we have to do a complete rebreak of the text as we // may have few space to draw in. Well we should check on this too int old_x = top_x; if (top_x != int(x)) { top_x = int(x); topx_set = true; int nw = getMaxWidth(bv, this); if (nw > 0 && old_max_width != nw) { need_update = INIT; old_max_width = nw; bv->text->status(bv, LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW); return; } } // call these methods so that insetWidth, insetAscent and // insetDescent have the right values. width(bv, f); ascent(bv, f); descent(bv, f); // repaint the background if needed if (cleared && backgroundColor() != LColor::background) { clearInset(bv, baseline, cleared); } // no draw is necessary !!! if ((drawFrame_ == LOCKED) && !locked && paragraphs.begin()->empty()) { top_baseline = baseline; x += width(bv, f); if (need_update & CLEAR_FRAME) clearFrame(pain, cleared); need_update = NONE; return; } if (!owner()) x += static_cast(scroll()); // if top_x differs we did it already if (!cleared && (old_x == int(x)) && ((need_update&(INIT|FULL)) || (top_baseline != baseline) ||(last_drawn_width != insetWidth))) { // Condition necessary to eliminate bug 59 attachment 37 if (baseline > 0) clearInset(bv, baseline, cleared); } if (cleared) frame_is_visible = false; if (!cleared && (need_update == NONE)) { if (locked) drawFrame(pain, cleared); return; } top_baseline = baseline; top_y = baseline - insetAscent; if (last_drawn_width != insetWidth) { if (!cleared) clearInset(bv, baseline, cleared); need_update |= FULL; last_drawn_width = insetWidth; } if (the_locking_inset && (cpar(bv) == inset_par) && (cpos(bv) == inset_pos)) { inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } if (!cleared && (need_update == CURSOR) && !getLyXText(bv)->selection.set()) { drawFrame(pain, cleared); x += insetWidth; need_update = NONE; return; } bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } x += TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; Row * row = lt->firstRow(); int y_offset = baseline - row->ascent_of_text(); int ph = pain.paperHeight(); int first = 0; int y = y_offset; while ((row != 0) && ((y+row->height()) <= 0)) { y += row->height(); first += row->height(); row = row->next(); } if (y_offset < 0) { lt->first_y = -y_offset; first = y; y_offset = 0; } else { lt->first_y = first; first = 0; } if (cleared || (need_update&(INIT|FULL))) { int yf = y_offset + first; y = 0; while ((row != 0) && (yf < ph)) { lt->getVisibleRow(bv, y + y_offset + first, int(x), row, y + lt->first_y, cleared); if (bv->text->status() == LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW) { lt->need_break_row = row; lt->fullRebreak(bv); lt->setCursor(bv, lt->cursor.par(), lt->cursor.pos()); if (lt->selection.set()) { lt->setCursor(bv, lt->selection.start, lt->selection.start.par(), lt->selection.start.pos()); lt->setCursor(bv, lt->selection.end, lt->selection.end.par(), lt->selection.end.pos()); } break; } y += row->height(); yf += row->height(); row = row->next(); } } else if (!locked) { if (need_update & CURSOR) { bv->screen().toggleSelection(lt, bv, true, y_offset,int(x)); lt->clearSelection(); lt->selection.cursor = lt->cursor; } bv->screen().update(lt, bv, y_offset, int(x)); } else { locked = false; if (need_update & SELECTION) { bv->screen().toggleToggle(lt, bv, y_offset, int(x)); } else if (need_update & CURSOR) { bv->screen().toggleSelection(lt, bv, true, y_offset,int(x)); lt->clearSelection(); lt->selection.cursor = lt->cursor; } bv->screen().update(lt, bv, y_offset, int(x)); locked = true; } lt->refresh_y = 0; lt->status(bv, LyXText::UNCHANGED); if ((drawFrame_ == ALWAYS) || ((cleared || (need_update != CURSOR_PAR)) && (drawFrame_ == LOCKED) && locked)) { drawFrame(pain, cleared); } else if (need_update & CLEAR_FRAME) { clearFrame(pain, cleared); } x += insetWidth - TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; if (bv->text->status() == LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW) { need_update |= FULL; } else if (need_update != INIT) { need_update = NONE; } if (clear) lt = 0; } void InsetText::drawFrame(Painter & pain, bool cleared) const { static int const ttoD2 = TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET / 2; if (!frame_is_visible || cleared) { frame_x = top_x + ttoD2; frame_y = top_baseline - insetAscent + ttoD2; frame_w = insetWidth - TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; frame_h = insetAscent + insetDescent - TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; pain.rectangle(frame_x, frame_y, frame_w, frame_h, frame_color); frame_is_visible = true; } } void InsetText::clearFrame(Painter & pain, bool cleared) const { if (frame_is_visible) { if (!cleared) { pain.rectangle(frame_x, frame_y, frame_w, frame_h, backgroundColor()); } frame_is_visible = false; } } void InsetText::update(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font, bool reinit) { if (in_update) { if (reinit && owner()) { reinitLyXText(); owner()->update(bv, font, true); } return; } in_update = true; if (reinit || need_update == INIT) { need_update = FULL; // we should put this call where we set need_update to INIT! reinitLyXText(); if (owner()) owner()->update(bv, font, true); in_update = false; return; } if (!autoBreakRows && paragraphs.begin()->next()) collapseParagraphs(bv); if (the_locking_inset) { inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; the_locking_inset->update(bv, font, reinit); } bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if ((need_update & CURSOR_PAR) && (lt->status() == LyXText::UNCHANGED) && the_locking_inset) { lt->updateInset(bv, the_locking_inset); } if (lt->status() == LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH) need_update |= FULL; if (clear) lt = 0; in_update = false; } void InsetText::setUpdateStatus(BufferView * bv, int what) const { // this does nothing dangerous so use only a localized buffer LyXText * llt = getLyXText(bv); need_update |= what; // we have to redraw us full if our LyXText NEEDS_MORE_REFRES or // if we don't break row so that we only have one row to update! if ((llt->status() == LyXText::NEED_MORE_REFRESH) || (!autoBreakRows && (llt->status() == LyXText::NEED_VERY_LITTLE_REFRESH))) { need_update |= FULL; } else if (llt->status() == LyXText::NEED_VERY_LITTLE_REFRESH) { need_update |= CURSOR_PAR; } // this to not draw a selection when we redraw all of it! if (need_update & CURSOR && !(need_update & SELECTION)) { if (llt->selection.set()) need_update = FULL; llt->clearSelection(); } } void InsetText::updateLocal(BufferView * bv, int what, bool mark_dirty) const { if (!autoBreakRows && paragraphs.begin()->next()) collapseParagraphs(bv); bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } lt->fullRebreak(bv); setUpdateStatus(bv, what); bool flag = mark_dirty || (((need_update != CURSOR) && (need_update != NONE)) || (lt->status() != LyXText::UNCHANGED) || lt->selection.set()); if (!lt->selection.set()) lt->selection.cursor = lt->cursor; if (clear) lt = 0; #if 0 // IMO this is not anymore needed as we do this in fitInsetCursor! // and we always get "true" as returnvalue of this function in the // case of a locking inset (Jug 20020412) if (locked && (need_update & CURSOR) && bv->fitCursor()) need_update |= FULL; #else bv->fitCursor(); #endif if (flag) bv->updateInset(const_cast(this), mark_dirty); if (need_update == CURSOR) need_update = NONE; bv->owner()->view_state_changed(); bv->owner()->updateMenubar(); bv->owner()->updateToolbar(); if (old_par != cpar(bv)) { bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->layout()->name()); old_par = cpar(bv); } } string const InsetText::editMessage() const { return _("Opened Text Inset"); } void InsetText::edit(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, mouse_button::state button) { UpdatableInset::edit(bv, x, y, button); if (!bv->lockInset(this)) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "Cannot lock inset" << endl; return; } locked = true; the_locking_inset = 0; inset_pos = inset_x = inset_y = 0; inset_boundary = false; inset_par = 0; old_par = 0; int tmp_y = (y < 0) ? 0 : y; bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } // we put here -1 and not button as now the button in the // edit call should not be needed we will fix this in 1.3.x // cycle hopefully (Jug 20020509) // FIXME: GUII I've changed this to none: probably WRONG if (!checkAndActivateInset(bv, x, tmp_y, mouse_button::none)) { lt->setCursorFromCoordinates(bv, x - drawTextXOffset, y + insetAscent); lt->cursor.x_fix(lt->cursor.x()); } lt->clearSelection(); finishUndo(); // If the inset is empty set the language of the current font to the // language to the surronding text (if different). if (paragraphs.begin()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->next() && bv->getParentLanguage(this) != lt->current_font.language()) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_IGNORE); font.setLanguage(bv->getParentLanguage(this)); setFont(bv, font, false); } if (clear) lt = 0; int code = CURSOR; if (drawFrame_ == LOCKED) code = CURSOR|DRAW_FRAME; updateLocal(bv, code, false); showInsetCursor(bv); // Tell the paragraph dialog that we've entered an insettext. bv->owner()->getDialogs().updateParagraph(); } void InsetText::edit(BufferView * bv, bool front) { UpdatableInset::edit(bv, front); if (!bv->lockInset(this)) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "Cannot lock inset" << endl; return; } locked = true; the_locking_inset = 0; inset_pos = inset_x = inset_y = 0; inset_boundary = false; inset_par = 0; old_par = 0; bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (front) lt->setCursor(bv, &*(paragraphs.begin()), 0); else { ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); while (boost::next(it) != end) ++it; // int const pos = (p->size() ? p->size()-1 : p->size()); lt->setCursor(bv, &*it, it->size()); } lt->clearSelection(); finishUndo(); // If the inset is empty set the language of the current font to the // language to the surronding text (if different). if (paragraphs.begin()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->next() && bv->getParentLanguage(this) != lt->current_font.language()) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_IGNORE); font.setLanguage(bv->getParentLanguage(this)); setFont(bv, font, false); } if (clear) lt = 0; int code = CURSOR; if (drawFrame_ == LOCKED) code = CURSOR|DRAW_FRAME; updateLocal(bv, code, false); showInsetCursor(bv); } void InsetText::insetUnlock(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->insetUnlock(bv); the_locking_inset = 0; updateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); } hideInsetCursor(bv); no_selection = true; locked = false; int code = NONE; #if 0 if (drawFrame_ == LOCKED) code = CURSOR|CLEAR_FRAME; else code = CURSOR; #else if (drawFrame_ == LOCKED) code = CLEAR_FRAME; #endif bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (lt->selection.set()) { lt->clearSelection(); code = FULL; } else if (owner()) { bv->owner()->setLayout(owner()->getLyXText(bv) ->cursor.par()->layout()->name()); } else bv->owner()->setLayout(bv->text->cursor.par()->layout()->name()); // hack for deleteEmptyParMech if (!paragraphs.begin()->empty()) { lt->setCursor(bv, &*(paragraphs.begin()), 0); } else if (paragraphs.begin()->next()) { lt->setCursor(bv, paragraphs.begin()->next(), 0); } if (clear) lt = 0; #if 0 updateLocal(bv, code, false); #else if (code != NONE) setUpdateStatus(bv, code); #endif } void InsetText::lockInset(BufferView * bv) { locked = true; the_locking_inset = 0; inset_pos = inset_x = inset_y = 0; inset_boundary = false; inset_par = 0; old_par = 0; bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } lt->setCursor(bv, &*(paragraphs.begin()), 0); lt->clearSelection(); finishUndo(); // If the inset is empty set the language of the current font to the // language to the surronding text (if different). if (paragraphs.begin()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->next() && bv->getParentLanguage(this) != lt->current_font.language()) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_IGNORE); font.setLanguage(bv->getParentLanguage(this)); setFont(bv, font, false); } if (clear) lt = 0; int code = CURSOR; if (drawFrame_ == LOCKED) code = CURSOR|DRAW_FRAME; setUpdateStatus(bv, code); } void InsetText::lockInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset) { the_locking_inset = inset; inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset_pos = cpos(bv); inset_par = cpar(bv); inset_boundary = cboundary(bv); updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); } bool InsetText::lockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "InsetText::LockInsetInInset(" << inset << "): "; if (!inset) return false; if (!the_locking_inset) { Paragraph * p = &*(paragraphs.begin()); int const id = inset->id(); while(p) { InsetList::iterator it = p->insetlist.begin(); InsetList::iterator const end = p->insetlist.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it.getInset() == inset) { getLyXText(bv)->setCursorIntern(bv, p, it.getPos()); lockInset(bv, inset); return true; } if (it.getInset()->getInsetFromID(id)) { getLyXText(bv)->setCursorIntern(bv, p, it.getPos()); it.getInset()->edit(bv); return the_locking_inset->lockInsetInInset(bv, inset); } } p = p->next(); } return false; } if (inset == cpar(bv)->getInset(cpos(bv))) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "OK" << endl; lockInset(bv, inset); return true; } else if (the_locking_inset && (the_locking_inset == inset)) { if (cpar(bv) == inset_par && cpos(bv) == inset_pos) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "OK" << endl; inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } else { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "cursor.pos != inset_pos" << endl; } } else if (the_locking_inset) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "MAYBE" << endl; return the_locking_inset->lockInsetInInset(bv, inset); } lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "NOT OK" << endl; return false; } bool InsetText::unlockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset, bool lr) { if (!the_locking_inset) return false; if (the_locking_inset == inset) { the_locking_inset->insetUnlock(bv); getLyXText(bv)->updateInset(bv, inset); the_locking_inset = 0; if (lr) moveRightIntern(bv, true, false); old_par = 0; // force layout setting if (scroll()) scroll(bv, 0.0F); else updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); return true; } return the_locking_inset->unlockInsetInInset(bv, inset, lr); } bool InsetText::updateInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset) { if (!autoBreakRows && paragraphs.begin()->next()) collapseParagraphs(bv); if (inset == this) return true; bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (inset->owner() != this) { int ustat = CURSOR_PAR; bool found = false; UpdatableInset * tl_inset = the_locking_inset; if (tl_inset) found = tl_inset->updateInsetInInset(bv, inset); if (!found) { tl_inset = static_cast(inset); while(tl_inset->owner() && tl_inset->owner() != this) tl_inset = static_cast(tl_inset->owner()); if (!tl_inset->owner()) return false; found = tl_inset->updateInsetInInset(bv, inset); ustat = FULL; } if (found) lt->updateInset(bv, tl_inset); if (clear) lt = 0; if (found) setUpdateStatus(bv, ustat); return found; } bool found = lt->updateInset(bv, inset); if (clear) lt = 0; if (found) { setUpdateStatus(bv, CURSOR_PAR); if (the_locking_inset && cpar(bv) == inset_par && cpos(bv) == inset_pos) { inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } } return found; } void InsetText::lfunMousePress(FuncRequest const & cmd) { no_selection = true; // use this to check mouse motion for selection! mouse_x = cmd.x; mouse_y = cmd.y; BufferView * bv = cmd.view(); FuncRequest cmd1 = cmd; cmd1.x -= inset_x; cmd1.y -= inset_y; if (!locked) lockInset(bv); int tmp_x = cmd.x - drawTextXOffset; int tmp_y = cmd.y + insetAscent - getLyXText(bv)->first_y; Inset * inset = getLyXText(bv)->checkInsetHit(bv, tmp_x, tmp_y); hideInsetCursor(bv); if (the_locking_inset) { if (the_locking_inset == inset) { the_locking_inset->localDispatch(cmd1); return; } #if 0 else if (inset) { // otherwise unlock the_locking_inset and lock the new inset the_locking_inset->insetUnlock(bv); inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; the_locking_inset = 0; inset->localDispatch(cmd1); // inset->edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); if (the_locking_inset) updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); return; } #endif // otherwise only unlock the_locking_inset the_locking_inset->insetUnlock(bv); the_locking_inset = 0; } if (!inset) no_selection = false; if (bv->theLockingInset()) { if (isHighlyEditableInset(inset)) { // We just have to lock the inset before calling a // PressEvent on it! UpdatableInset * uinset = static_cast(inset); if (!bv->lockInset(uinset)) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "Cannot lock inset" << endl; } inset->localDispatch(cmd1); if (the_locking_inset) updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); return; } } if (!inset) { // && (button == mouse_button::button2)) { bool paste_internally = false; if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button2 && getLyXText(bv)->selection.set()) { localDispatch(FuncRequest(bv, LFUN_COPY)); paste_internally = true; } bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } int old_first_y = lt->first_y; lt->setCursorFromCoordinates(bv, cmd.x - drawTextXOffset, cmd.y + insetAscent); // set the selection cursor! lt->selection.cursor = lt->cursor; lt->cursor.x_fix(lt->cursor.x()); if (lt->selection.set()) { lt->clearSelection(); if (clear) lt = 0; updateLocal(bv, FULL, false); } else { lt->clearSelection(); if (clear) lt = 0; updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); } bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->layout()->name()); // we moved the view we cannot do mouse selection in this case! if (getLyXText(bv)->first_y != old_first_y) no_selection = true; old_par = cpar(bv); // Insert primary selection with middle mouse // if there is a local selection in the current buffer, // insert this if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button2) { if (paste_internally) localDispatch(FuncRequest(bv, LFUN_PASTE)); else localDispatch(FuncRequest(bv, LFUN_PASTESELECTION, "paragraph")); } } else { getLyXText(bv)->clearSelection(); } showInsetCursor(bv); } bool InsetText::lfunMouseRelease(FuncRequest const & cmd) { BufferView * bv = cmd.view(); FuncRequest cmd1 = cmd; cmd1.x -= inset_x; cmd1.y -= inset_y; no_selection = true; if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->localDispatch(cmd1); int tmp_x = cmd.x - drawTextXOffset; int tmp_y = cmd.y + insetAscent - getLyXText(bv)->first_y; Inset * inset = getLyXText(bv)->checkInsetHit(bv, tmp_x, tmp_y); bool ret = false; if (inset) { if (isHighlyEditableInset(inset)) ret = inset->localDispatch(cmd1); else { inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; cmd1.x = cmd.x - inset_x; cmd1.y = cmd.x - inset_y; // note that we should do ret = inset->localDispatch(cmd1) // and fix this instead (Alfredo); ret = true; inset->edit(bv, cmd1.x, cmd1.y, cmd.button()); } updateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); } return ret; } void InsetText::lfunMouseMotion(FuncRequest const & cmd) { FuncRequest cmd1 = cmd; cmd1.x -= inset_x; cmd1.y -= inset_y; if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->localDispatch(cmd1); return; } if (no_selection || (mouse_x == cmd.x && mouse_y == cmd.y)) return; BufferView * bv = cmd.view(); bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } hideInsetCursor(bv); LyXCursor cur = lt->cursor; lt->setCursorFromCoordinates (bv, cmd.x - drawTextXOffset, cmd.y + insetAscent); lt->cursor.x_fix(lt->cursor.x()); if (cur == lt->cursor) { if (clear) lt = 0; return; } lt->setSelection(bv); bool flag = (lt->toggle_cursor.par() != lt->toggle_end_cursor.par() || lt->toggle_cursor.pos() != lt->toggle_end_cursor.pos()); if (clear) lt = 0; if (flag) { updateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); } showInsetCursor(bv); } Inset::RESULT InsetText::localDispatch(FuncRequest const & ev) { BufferView * bv = ev.view(); switch (ev.action) { case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: lfunMousePress(ev); return DISPATCHED; case LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION: lfunMouseMotion(ev); return DISPATCHED; case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: return lfunMouseRelease(ev) ? DISPATCHED : UNDISPATCHED; default: break; } bool was_empty = (paragraphs.begin()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->next()); no_selection = false; RESULT result = UpdatableInset::localDispatch(ev); if (result != UNDISPATCHED) return DISPATCHED; result = DISPATCHED; if (ev.action < 0 && ev.argument.empty()) return FINISHED; if (the_locking_inset) { result = the_locking_inset->localDispatch(ev); if (result == DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE) return result; else if (result == DISPATCHED) { updateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, false); return result; } else if (result >= FINISHED) { switch (result) { case FINISHED_RIGHT: moveRightIntern(bv, false, false); result = DISPATCHED; break; case FINISHED_UP: if ((result = moveUp(bv)) >= FINISHED) { updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); bv->unlockInset(this); } break; case FINISHED_DOWN: if ((result = moveDown(bv)) >= FINISHED) { updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); bv->unlockInset(this); } break; default: result = DISPATCHED; break; } the_locking_inset = 0; updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); return result; } } hideInsetCursor(bv); bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } int updwhat = 0; int updflag = false; switch (ev.action) { // Normal chars case LFUN_SELFINSERT: if (bv->buffer()->isReadonly()) { // setErrorMessage(N_("Document is read only")); break; } if (!ev.argument.empty()) { /* Automatically delete the currently selected * text and replace it with what is being * typed in now. Depends on lyxrc settings * "auto_region_delete", which defaults to * true (on). */ #if 0 // This should not be needed here and is also WRONG! setUndo(bv, Undo::INSERT, lt->cursor.par(), lt->cursor.par()->next()); #endif bv->switchKeyMap(); if (lyxrc.auto_region_delete) { if (lt->selection.set()) { lt->cutSelection(bv, false, false); } } lt->clearSelection(); for (string::size_type i = 0; i < ev.argument.length(); ++i) { bv->owner()->getIntl().getTransManager(). TranslateAndInsert(ev.argument[i], lt); } } lt->selection.cursor = lt->cursor; updwhat = CURSOR | CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; result = DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; break; // --- Cursor Movements ----------------------------------- case LFUN_RIGHTSEL: finishUndo(); moveRight(bv, false, true); lt->setSelection(bv); updwhat = SELECTION; break; case LFUN_RIGHT: result = moveRight(bv); finishUndo(); updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_LEFTSEL: finishUndo(); moveLeft(bv, false, true); lt->setSelection(bv); updwhat = SELECTION; break; case LFUN_LEFT: finishUndo(); result = moveLeft(bv); updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_DOWNSEL: finishUndo(); moveDown(bv); lt->setSelection(bv); updwhat = SELECTION; break; case LFUN_DOWN: finishUndo(); result = moveDown(bv); updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_UPSEL: finishUndo(); moveUp(bv); lt->setSelection(bv); updwhat = SELECTION; break; case LFUN_UP: finishUndo(); result = moveUp(bv); updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_HOME: finishUndo(); lt->cursorHome(bv); updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_END: lt->cursorEnd(bv); updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_PRIOR: if (!crow(bv)->previous()) result = FINISHED_UP; else { lt->cursorPrevious(bv); result = DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_NEXT: if (!crow(bv)->next()) result = FINISHED_DOWN; else { lt->cursorNext(bv); result = DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } updwhat = CURSOR; break; case LFUN_BACKSPACE: { if (lt->selection.set()) lt->cutSelection(bv, true, false); else lt->backspace(bv); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } break; case LFUN_DELETE: { if (lt->selection.set()) { lt->cutSelection(bv, true, false); } else { lt->Delete(bv); } updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } break; case LFUN_CUT: { lt->cutSelection(bv); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } break; case LFUN_COPY: finishUndo(); lt->copySelection(bv); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; break; case LFUN_PASTESELECTION: { string const clip(bv->getClipboard()); if (clip.empty()) break; if (ev.argument == "paragraph") { lt->insertStringAsParagraphs(bv, clip); } else { lt->insertStringAsLines(bv, clip); } // bug 393 lt->clearSelection(); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; break; } case LFUN_PASTE: { if (!autoBreakRows) { if (CutAndPaste::nrOfParagraphs() > 1) { Alert::alert(_("Impossible operation!"), _("Cannot include more than one paragraph!"), _("Sorry.")); break; } } #if 0 // This should not be needed here and is also WRONG! setUndo(bv, Undo::INSERT, lt->cursor.par(), lt->cursor.par()->next()); #endif lt->pasteSelection(bv); // bug 393 lt->clearSelection(); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } break; case LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPH: if (!autoBreakRows) { result = DISPATCHED; break; } lt->breakParagraph(bv, 0); updwhat = CURSOR | FULL; updflag = true; break; case LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPHKEEPLAYOUT: if (!autoBreakRows) { result = DISPATCHED; break; } lt->breakParagraph(bv, 1); updwhat = CURSOR | FULL; updflag = true; break; case LFUN_BREAKLINE: { if (!autoBreakRows) { result = DISPATCHED; break; } #if 0 // This should not be needed here and is also WRONG! setUndo(bv, Undo::INSERT, lt->cursor.par(), lt->cursor.par()->next()); #endif lt->insertChar(bv, Paragraph::META_NEWLINE); updwhat = CURSOR | CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } break; case LFUN_LAYOUT: // do not set layouts on non breakable textinsets if (autoBreakRows) { string cur_layout = cpar(bv)->layout()->name(); // Derive layout number from given argument (string) // and current buffer's textclass (number). */ LyXTextClass const & tclass = bv->buffer()->params.getLyXTextClass(); string layout = ev.argument; bool hasLayout = tclass.hasLayout(layout); // If the entry is obsolete, use the new one instead. if (hasLayout) { string const & obs = tclass[layout]->obsoleted_by(); if (!obs.empty()) layout = obs; } // see if we found the layout number: if (!hasLayout) { FuncRequest lf(LFUN_MESSAGE, N_("Layout ") + ev.argument + N_(" not known")); bv->owner()->dispatch(lf); break; } if (cur_layout != layout) { cur_layout = layout; lt->setLayout(bv, layout); bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->layout()->name()); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } } else { // reset the layout box bv->owner()->setLayout(cpar(bv)->layout()->name()); } break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_SPACING: // This one is absolutely not working. When fiddling with this // it also seems to me that the paragraphs inside the insettext // inherit bufferparams/paragraphparams in a strange way. (Lgb) { Paragraph * par = lt->cursor.par(); Spacing::Space cur_spacing = par->params().spacing().getSpace(); float cur_value = 1.0; if (cur_spacing == Spacing::Other) { cur_value = par->params().spacing().getValue(); } istringstream istr(ev.argument.c_str()); string tmp; istr >> tmp; Spacing::Space new_spacing = cur_spacing; float new_value = cur_value; if (tmp.empty()) { lyxerr << "Missing argument to `paragraph-spacing'" << endl; } else if (tmp == "single") { new_spacing = Spacing::Single; } else if (tmp == "onehalf") { new_spacing = Spacing::Onehalf; } else if (tmp == "double") { new_spacing = Spacing::Double; } else if (tmp == "other") { new_spacing = Spacing::Other; float tmpval = 0.0; istr >> tmpval; lyxerr << "new_value = " << tmpval << endl; if (tmpval != 0.0) new_value = tmpval; } else if (tmp == "default") { new_spacing = Spacing::Default; } else { lyxerr << _("Unknown spacing argument: ") << ev.argument << endl; } if (cur_spacing != new_spacing || cur_value != new_value) { par->params().spacing(Spacing(new_spacing, new_value)); updwhat = CURSOR_PAR; updflag = true; } } break; default: if (!bv->dispatch(ev)) result = UNDISPATCHED; break; } if (clear) lt = 0; if (updwhat > 0) updateLocal(bv, updwhat, updflag); /// If the action has deleted all text in the inset, we need to change the // language to the language of the surronding text. if (!was_empty && paragraphs.begin()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->next()) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_IGNORE); font.setLanguage(bv->getParentLanguage(this)); setFont(bv, font, false); } if (result >= FINISHED) bv->unlockInset(this); if (result == DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE && (need_update & FULL)) result = DISPATCHED; return result; } int InsetText::latex(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool moving_arg, bool) const { TexRow texrow; buf->latexParagraphs(os, &*(paragraphs.begin()), 0, texrow, moving_arg); return texrow.rows(); } int InsetText::ascii(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, int linelen) const { unsigned int lines = 0; ParagraphList::iterator beg = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); ParagraphList::iterator it = beg; for (; it != end; ++it) { string const tmp = buf->asciiParagraph(*it, linelen, it == beg); lines += lyx::count(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), '\n'); os << tmp; } return lines; } int InsetText::docbook(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool mixcont) const { Paragraph * p = &*(paragraphs.begin()); unsigned int lines = 0; vector environment_stack(10); vector environment_inner(10); int const command_depth = 0; string item_name; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; // paragraph depth while (p) { string sgmlparam; int desc_on = 0; // description mode LyXLayout_ptr const & style = p->layout(); // environment tag closing for (; depth > p->params().depth(); --depth) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name = "listitem"; lines += sgml::closeTag(os, command_depth + depth, mixcont, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth+command_depth, mixcont, environment_inner[depth]); } lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); environment_inner[depth].erase(); } if (depth == p->params().depth() && environment_stack[depth] != style->latexname() && !environment_stack[depth].empty()) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; lines += sgml::closeTag(os, command_depth+depth, mixcont, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_inner[depth]); } lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); environment_inner[depth].erase(); } // Write opening SGML tags. switch (style->latextype) { case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: lines += sgml::openTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, style->latexname()); break; case LATEX_COMMAND: buf->sgmlError(p, 0, _("Error: LatexType Command not allowed here.\n")); return -1; break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (depth < p->params().depth()) { depth = p->params().depth(); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (environment_stack[depth] != style->latexname()) { if (environment_stack.size() == depth + 1) { environment_stack.push_back("!-- --"); environment_inner.push_back("!-- --"); } environment_stack[depth] = style->latexname(); environment_inner[depth] = "!-- --"; lines += sgml::openTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_stack[depth]); } else { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; lines += sgml::closeTag(os, command_depth + depth, mixcont, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_inner[depth]); } } if (style->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT) { if (!style->latexparam().empty()) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "latexparam()); } break; } desc_on = (style->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL); environment_inner[depth] = desc_on ? "varlistentry" : "listitem"; lines += sgml::openTag(os, depth + 1 + command_depth, mixcont, environment_inner[depth]); item_name = desc_on ? "term" : "para"; lines += sgml::openTag(os, depth + 1 + command_depth, mixcont, item_name); break; default: lines += sgml::openTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, style->latexname()); break; } buf->simpleDocBookOnePar(os, p, desc_on, depth + 1 + command_depth); p = p->next(); string end_tag; // write closing SGML tags switch (style->latextype) { case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: if (!style->latexparam().empty()) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "]]>"; else lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, style->latexparam()); } break; case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (desc_on == 1) break; end_tag= "para"; lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + 1 + command_depth, mixcont, end_tag); break; case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, style->latexname()); break; default: lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, style->latexname()); break; } } // Close open tags for (int d = depth; d >= 0; --d) { if (!environment_stack[depth].empty()) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name = "listitem"; lines += sgml::closeTag(os, command_depth + depth, mixcont, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_inner[depth]); } lines += sgml::closeTag(os, depth + command_depth, mixcont, environment_stack[depth]); } } return lines; } void InsetText::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::validate, _1, boost::ref(features))); } int InsetText::beginningOfMainBody(Paragraph * p) const { if (p->layout()->labeltype != LABEL_MANUAL) return 0; else return p->beginningOfMainBody(); } void InsetText::getCursorPos(BufferView * bv, int & x, int & y) const { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->getCursorPos(bv, x, y); return; } x = cx(bv) - top_x - TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; y = cy(bv) - TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; } int InsetText::insetInInsetY() const { if (!the_locking_inset) return 0; return (inset_y + the_locking_inset->insetInInsetY()); } void InsetText::toggleInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->toggleInsetCursor(bv); return; } LyXFont const font(getLyXText(bv)->getFont(bv->buffer(), cpar(bv), cpos(bv))); int const asc = font_metrics::maxAscent(font); int const desc = font_metrics::maxDescent(font); if (isCursorVisible()) bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); else bv->showLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv), cy(bv), asc, desc); toggleCursorVisible(); } void InsetText::showInsetCursor(BufferView * bv, bool show) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->showInsetCursor(bv, show); return; } if (!isCursorVisible()) { LyXFont const font = getLyXText(bv)->getFont(bv->buffer(), cpar(bv), cpos(bv)); int const asc = font_metrics::maxAscent(font); int const desc = font_metrics::maxDescent(font); bv->fitLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv), cy(bv), asc, desc); if (show) bv->showLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv), cy(bv), asc, desc); setCursorVisible(true); } } void InsetText::hideInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (isCursorVisible()) { bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); setCursorVisible(false); } if (the_locking_inset) the_locking_inset->hideInsetCursor(bv); } void InsetText::fitInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) const { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->fitInsetCursor(bv); return; } LyXFont const font = getLyXText(bv)->getFont(bv->buffer(), cpar(bv), cpos(bv)); int const asc = font_metrics::maxAscent(font); int const desc = font_metrics::maxDescent(font); if (bv->fitLockedInsetCursor(cx(bv), cy(bv), asc, desc)) need_update |= FULL; } Inset::RESULT InsetText::moveRight(BufferView * bv, bool activate_inset, bool selecting) { if (getLyXText(bv)->cursor.par()->isRightToLeftPar(bv->buffer()->params)) return moveLeftIntern(bv, false, activate_inset, selecting); else return moveRightIntern(bv, true, activate_inset, selecting); } Inset::RESULT InsetText::moveLeft(BufferView * bv, bool activate_inset, bool selecting) { if (getLyXText(bv)->cursor.par()->isRightToLeftPar(bv->buffer()->params)) return moveRightIntern(bv, true, activate_inset, selecting); else return moveLeftIntern(bv, false, activate_inset, selecting); } Inset::RESULT InsetText::moveRightIntern(BufferView * bv, bool front, bool activate_inset, bool selecting) { if (!cpar(bv)->next() && (cpos(bv) >= cpar(bv)->size())) return FINISHED_RIGHT; if (activate_inset && checkAndActivateInset(bv, front)) return DISPATCHED; getLyXText(bv)->cursorRight(bv); if (!selecting) getLyXText(bv)->selection.cursor = getLyXText(bv)->cursor; return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } Inset::RESULT InsetText::moveLeftIntern(BufferView * bv, bool front, bool activate_inset, bool selecting) { if (!cpar(bv)->previous() && (cpos(bv) <= 0)) return FINISHED; getLyXText(bv)->cursorLeft(bv); if (!selecting) getLyXText(bv)->selection.cursor = getLyXText(bv)->cursor; if (activate_inset && checkAndActivateInset(bv, front)) return DISPATCHED; return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } Inset::RESULT InsetText::moveUp(BufferView * bv) { if (!crow(bv)->previous()) return FINISHED_UP; getLyXText(bv)->cursorUp(bv); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } Inset::RESULT InsetText::moveDown(BufferView * bv) { if (!crow(bv)->next()) return FINISHED_DOWN; getLyXText(bv)->cursorDown(bv); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } bool InsetText::insertInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset) { if (the_locking_inset) { if (the_locking_inset->insetAllowed(inset)) return the_locking_inset->insertInset(bv, inset); return false; } inset->setOwner(this); hideInsetCursor(bv); getLyXText(bv)->insertInset(bv, inset); bv->fitCursor(); updateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR|CURSOR, true); return true; } bool InsetText::insetAllowed(Inset::Code code) const { // in_insetAllowed is a really gross hack, // to allow us to call the owner's insetAllowed // without stack overflow, which can happen // when the owner uses InsetCollapsable::insetAllowed() bool ret = true; if (in_insetAllowed) return ret; in_insetAllowed = true; if (the_locking_inset) ret = the_locking_inset->insetAllowed(code); else if (owner()) ret = owner()->insetAllowed(code); in_insetAllowed = false; return ret; } UpdatableInset * InsetText::getLockingInset() const { return the_locking_inset ? the_locking_inset->getLockingInset() : const_cast(this); } UpdatableInset * InsetText::getFirstLockingInsetOfType(Inset::Code c) { if (c == lyxCode()) return this; if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->getFirstLockingInsetOfType(c); return 0; } bool InsetText::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const { if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->showInsetDialog(bv); return false; } vector const InsetText::getLabelList() const { vector label_list; ParagraphList::iterator pit = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator pend = paragraphs.end(); for (; pit != pend; ++pit) { InsetList::iterator beg = pit->insetlist.begin(); InsetList::iterator end = pit->insetlist.end(); for (; beg != end; ++beg) { vector const l = beg.getInset()->getLabelList(); label_list.insert(label_list.end(), l.begin(), l.end()); } } return label_list; } void InsetText::setFont(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font, bool toggleall, bool selectall) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->setFont(bv, font, toggleall, selectall); return; } if ((!paragraphs.begin()->next() && paragraphs.begin()->empty()) || cpar(bv)->empty()) { getLyXText(bv)->setFont(bv, font, toggleall); return; } bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (lt->selection.set()) { setUndo(bv, Undo::EDIT, lt->cursor.par(), lt->cursor.par()->next()); } if (selectall) selectAll(bv); lt->toggleFree(bv, font, toggleall); if (selectall) lt->clearSelection(); bv->fitCursor(); bool flag = (selectall || lt->selection.set()); if (clear) lt = 0; if (flag) updateLocal(bv, FULL, true); else updateLocal(bv, CURSOR_PAR, true); } bool InsetText::checkAndActivateInset(BufferView * bv, bool front) { if (cpar(bv)->isInset(cpos(bv))) { Inset * inset = static_cast(cpar(bv)->getInset(cpos(bv))); if (!isHighlyEditableInset(inset)) return false; inset->edit(bv, front); if (!the_locking_inset) return false; updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); return true; } return false; } bool InsetText::checkAndActivateInset(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, mouse_button::state button) { x -= drawTextXOffset; int dummyx = x; int dummyy = y + insetAscent; Inset * inset = getLyXText(bv)->checkInsetHit(bv, dummyx, dummyy); // we only do the edit() call if the inset was hit by the mouse // or if it is a highly editable inset. So we should call this // function from our own edit with button < 0. // FIXME: GUII jbl. I've changed this to ::none for now which is probably // WRONG if (button == mouse_button::none && !isHighlyEditableInset(inset)) return false; if (inset) { if (x < 0) x = insetWidth; if (y < 0) y = insetDescent; inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; inset->edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); if (!the_locking_inset) return false; updateLocal(bv, CURSOR, false); return true; } return false; } int InsetText::getMaxWidth(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset const * inset) const { #if 0 int w = UpdatableInset::getMaxWidth(bv, inset); if (w < 0) { return -1; } if (owner()) { w = w - top_x + owner()->x(); return w; } w -= (2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); return w - top_x; #else return UpdatableInset::getMaxWidth(bv, inset); #endif } void InsetText::setParagraphData(Paragraph * p, bool same_id) { // we have to unlock any locked inset otherwise we're in troubles the_locking_inset = 0; paragraphs.clear(); paragraphs.set(new Paragraph(*p, same_id)); paragraphs.begin()->setInsetOwner(this); Paragraph * np = &*(paragraphs.begin()); while (p->next()) { p = p->next(); np->next(new Paragraph(*p, same_id)); np->next()->previous(np); np = np->next(); np->setInsetOwner(this); } reinitLyXText(); need_update = INIT; } void InsetText::setText(string const & data, LyXFont const & font) { clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i) paragraphs.begin()->insertChar(i, data[i], font); reinitLyXText(); } void InsetText::setAutoBreakRows(bool flag) { if (flag != autoBreakRows) { autoBreakRows = flag; if (!flag) removeNewlines(); need_update = INIT; } } void InsetText::setDrawFrame(BufferView * bv, DrawFrame how) { if (how != drawFrame_) { drawFrame_ = how; if (bv) updateLocal(bv, DRAW_FRAME, false); } } void InsetText::setFrameColor(BufferView * bv, LColor::color col) { if (frame_color != col) { frame_color = col; if (bv) updateLocal(bv, DRAW_FRAME, false); } } int InsetText::cx(BufferView * bv) const { // we do nothing dangerous so we use a local cache LyXText * llt = getLyXText(bv); int x = llt->cursor.x() + top_x + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; if (the_locking_inset) { LyXFont font = llt->getFont(bv->buffer(), llt->cursor.par(), llt->cursor.pos()); if (font.isVisibleRightToLeft()) x -= the_locking_inset->width(bv, font); } return x; } int InsetText::cix(BufferView * bv) const { // we do nothing dangerous so we use a local cache LyXText * llt = getLyXText(bv); int x = llt->cursor.ix() + top_x + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; if (the_locking_inset) { LyXFont font = llt->getFont(bv->buffer(), llt->cursor.par(), llt->cursor.pos()); if (font.isVisibleRightToLeft()) x -= the_locking_inset->width(bv, font); } return x; } int InsetText::cy(BufferView * bv) const { LyXFont font; return getLyXText(bv)->cursor.y() - ascent(bv, font) + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; } int InsetText::ciy(BufferView * bv) const { LyXFont font; return getLyXText(bv)->cursor.iy() - ascent(bv, font) + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; } pos_type InsetText::cpos(BufferView * bv) const { return getLyXText(bv)->cursor.pos(); } Paragraph * InsetText::cpar(BufferView * bv) const { return getLyXText(bv)->cursor.par(); } bool InsetText::cboundary(BufferView * bv) const { return getLyXText(bv)->cursor.boundary(); } Row * InsetText::crow(BufferView * bv) const { return getLyXText(bv)->cursor.row(); } LyXText * InsetText::getLyXText(BufferView const * lbv, bool const recursive) const { if (cached_bview == lbv) { if (recursive && the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->getLyXText(lbv, true); LyXText * lt = cached_text.get(); lyx::Assert(lt && lt->firstRow()->par() == &*(paragraphs.begin())); return lt; } // Super UGLY! (Lgb) BufferView * bv = const_cast(lbv); cached_bview = bv; Cache::iterator it = cache.find(bv); if (it != cache.end()) { if (do_reinit) { reinitLyXText(); } else if (do_resize) { resizeLyXText(do_resize); } else { if (lt || !it->second.remove) { lyx::Assert(it->second.text.get()); cached_text = it->second.text; if (recursive && the_locking_inset) { return the_locking_inset->getLyXText(bv, true); } return cached_text.get(); } else if (it->second.remove) { if (locked) { saveLyXTextState(it->second.text.get()); } else { sstate.lpar = 0; } } // // when we have to reinit the existing LyXText! // it->second.text->init(bv); restoreLyXTextState(bv, it->second.text.get()); it->second.remove = false; } cached_text = it->second.text; if (the_locking_inset && recursive) { return the_locking_inset->getLyXText(bv); } return cached_text.get(); } /// // we are here only if we don't have a BufferView * in the cache!!! /// cached_text.reset(new LyXText(const_cast(this))); cached_text->init(bv); restoreLyXTextState(bv, cached_text.get()); cache.insert(make_pair(bv, cached_text)); if (the_locking_inset && recursive) { return the_locking_inset->getLyXText(bv); } return cached_text.get(); } void InsetText::deleteLyXText(BufferView * bv, bool recursive) const { cached_bview = 0; Cache::iterator it = cache.find(bv); if (it == cache.end()) { return; } lyx::Assert(it->second.text.get()); it->second.remove = true; if (recursive) { /// then remove all LyXText in text-insets for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::deleteInsetsLyXText, _1, bv)); } } void InsetText::resizeLyXText(BufferView * bv, bool force) const { if (lt) { // we cannot resize this because we are in use! // so do this on the next possible getLyXText() do_resize = bv; return; } do_resize = 0; // lyxerr << "InsetText::resizeLyXText\n"; if (!paragraphs.begin()->next() && paragraphs.begin()->empty()) { // no data, resize not neccessary! // we have to do this as a fixed width may have changed! LyXText * t = getLyXText(bv); saveLyXTextState(t); t->init(bv, true); restoreLyXTextState(bv, t); return; } // one endless line, resize normally not necessary if (!force && getMaxWidth(bv, this) < 0) return; Cache::iterator it = cache.find(bv); if (it == cache.end()) { return; } lyx::Assert(it->second.text.get()); LyXText * t = it->second.text.get(); saveLyXTextState(t); for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::resizeInsetsLyXText, _1, bv)); t->init(bv, true); restoreLyXTextState(bv, t); if (the_locking_inset) { inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } t->first_y = bv->screen().topCursorVisible(t->cursor, t->first_y); if (!owner()) { updateLocal(bv, FULL, false); // this will scroll the screen such that the cursor becomes visible bv->updateScrollbar(); } else { need_update |= FULL; } } void InsetText::reinitLyXText() const { if (lt) { // we cannot resize this because we are in use! // so do this on the next possible getLyXText() do_reinit = true; return; } do_reinit = false; do_resize = 0; // lyxerr << "InsetText::reinitLyXText\n"; for (Cache::iterator it = cache.begin(); it != cache.end(); ++it) { lyx::Assert(it->second.text.get()); LyXText * t = it->second.text.get(); BufferView * bv = it->first; saveLyXTextState(t); for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::resizeInsetsLyXText, _1, bv)); t->init(bv, true); restoreLyXTextState(bv, t); if (the_locking_inset) { inset_x = cix(bv) - top_x + drawTextXOffset; inset_y = ciy(bv) + drawTextYOffset; } t->first_y = bv->screen().topCursorVisible(t->cursor, t->first_y); if (!owner()) { updateLocal(bv, FULL, false); // this will scroll the screen such that the cursor becomes visible bv->updateScrollbar(); } else { need_update = FULL; } } } void InsetText::removeNewlines() { bool changed = false; ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { for (int i = 0; i < it->size(); ++i) { if (it->getChar(i) == Paragraph::META_NEWLINE) { changed = true; it->erase(i); } } } if (changed) reinitLyXText(); } bool InsetText::nodraw() const { if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->nodraw(); return UpdatableInset::nodraw(); } int InsetText::scroll(bool recursive) const { int sx = UpdatableInset::scroll(false); if (recursive && the_locking_inset) sx += the_locking_inset->scroll(recursive); return sx; } bool InsetText::doClearArea() const { return !locked || (need_update & (FULL|INIT)); } void InsetText::selectAll(BufferView * bv) { getLyXText(bv)->cursorTop(bv); getLyXText(bv)->selection.cursor = getLyXText(bv)->cursor; getLyXText(bv)->cursorBottom(bv); getLyXText(bv)->setSelection(bv); } void InsetText::clearSelection(BufferView * bv) { getLyXText(bv)->clearSelection(); } void InsetText::clearInset(BufferView * bv, int baseline, bool & cleared) const { Painter & pain = bv->painter(); int w = insetWidth; int h = insetAscent + insetDescent; int ty = baseline - insetAscent; if (ty < 0) { h += ty; ty = 0; } if ((ty + h) > pain.paperHeight()) h = pain.paperHeight(); if ((top_x + drawTextXOffset + w) > pain.paperWidth()) w = pain.paperWidth(); // w -= TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; pain.fillRectangle(top_x + 1, ty + 1, w - 1, h - 1, backgroundColor()); cleared = true; need_update = FULL; frame_is_visible = false; } Paragraph * InsetText::getParFromID(int id) const { ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->id() == id) { return &*(it); } Paragraph * tmp2 = it->getParFromID(id); if (tmp2 != 0) { return tmp2; } } return 0; } Paragraph * InsetText::firstParagraph() const { Paragraph * result; if (the_locking_inset) if ((result = the_locking_inset->firstParagraph())) return result; return &*(paragraphs.begin()); } Paragraph * InsetText::getFirstParagraph(int i) const { return (i == 0) ? &*(paragraphs.begin()) : 0; } LyXCursor const & InsetText::cursor(BufferView * bv) const { if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->cursor(bv); return getLyXText(bv)->cursor; } Paragraph * InsetText::paragraph() const { return &*(paragraphs.begin()); } void InsetText::paragraph(Paragraph * p) { // GENERAL COMMENT: We don't have to free the old paragraphs as the // caller of this function has to take care of it. This IS important // as we could have to insert a paragraph before this one and just // link the actual to a new ones next and set it with this function // and are done! paragraphs.set(p); // set ourself as owner for all the paragraphs inserted! for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::setInsetOwner, _1, this)); reinitLyXText(); // redraw myself when asked for need_update = INIT; } Inset * InsetText::getInsetFromID(int id_arg) const { if (id_arg == id()) return const_cast(this); ParagraphList::iterator pit = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator pend = paragraphs.end(); for (; pit != pend; ++pit) { InsetList::iterator it = pit->insetlist.begin(); InsetList::iterator end = pit->insetlist.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it.getInset()->id() == id_arg) return it.getInset(); Inset * in = it.getInset()->getInsetFromID(id_arg); if (in) return in; } } return 0; } WordLangTuple const InsetText::selectNextWordToSpellcheck(BufferView * bv, float & value) const { bool clear = false; WordLangTuple word; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (the_locking_inset) { word = the_locking_inset->selectNextWordToSpellcheck(bv, value); if (!word.word().empty()) { value += cy(bv); if (clear) lt = 0; return word; } // we have to go on checking so move cursor to the next char lt->cursor.pos(lt->cursor.pos() + 1); } word = lt->selectNextWordToSpellcheck(bv, value); if (word.word().empty()) bv->unlockInset(const_cast(this)); else value = cy(bv); if (clear) lt = 0; return word; } void InsetText::selectSelectedWord(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->selectSelectedWord(bv); return; } getLyXText(bv)->selectSelectedWord(bv); updateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); } void InsetText::toggleSelection(BufferView * bv, bool kill_selection) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->toggleSelection(bv, kill_selection); } bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } int x = top_x + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; Row * row = lt->firstRow(); int y_offset = top_baseline - row->ascent_of_text(); int y = y_offset; while ((row != 0) && ((y+row->height()) <= 0)) { y += row->height(); row = row->next(); } if (y_offset < 0) y_offset = y; if (need_update & SELECTION) need_update = NONE; bv->screen().toggleSelection(lt, bv, kill_selection, y_offset, x); if (clear) lt = 0; } bool InsetText::searchForward(BufferView * bv, string const & str, bool cs, bool mw) { bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (the_locking_inset) { if (the_locking_inset->searchForward(bv, str, cs, mw)) return true; lt->cursorRight(bv, true); } lyxfind::SearchResult result = lyxfind::LyXFind(bv, lt, str, true, cs, mw); if (result == lyxfind::SR_FOUND) { LyXCursor cur = lt->cursor; bv->unlockInset(bv->theLockingInset()); if (bv->lockInset(this)) locked = true; lt->cursor = cur; lt->setSelectionOverString(bv, str); updateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); } if (clear) lt = 0; return (result != lyxfind::SR_NOT_FOUND); } bool InsetText::searchBackward(BufferView * bv, string const & str, bool cs, bool mw) { if (the_locking_inset) { if (the_locking_inset->searchBackward(bv, str, cs, mw)) return true; } bool clear = false; if (!lt) { lt = getLyXText(bv); clear = true; } if (!locked) { Paragraph * p = &*(paragraphs.begin()); while (p->next()) p = p->next(); lt->setCursor(bv, p, p->size()); } lyxfind::SearchResult result = lyxfind::LyXFind(bv, lt, str, false, cs, mw); if (result == lyxfind::SR_FOUND) { LyXCursor cur = lt->cursor; bv->unlockInset(bv->theLockingInset()); if (bv->lockInset(this)) locked = true; lt->cursor = cur; lt->setSelectionOverString(bv, str); updateLocal(bv, SELECTION, false); } if (clear) lt = 0; return (result != lyxfind::SR_NOT_FOUND); } bool InsetText::checkInsertChar(LyXFont & font) { if (owner()) return owner()->checkInsertChar(font); return true; } void InsetText::collapseParagraphs(BufferView * bv) const { BufferParams const & bparams = bv->buffer()->params; LyXText * llt = getLyXText(bv); while (paragraphs.begin()->next()) { if (!paragraphs.begin()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->next()->empty() && !paragraphs.begin()->isSeparator(paragraphs.begin()->size() - 1)) { paragraphs.begin()->insertChar(paragraphs.begin()->size(), ' '); } if (llt->selection.set()) { if (llt->selection.start.par() == paragraphs.begin()->next()) { llt->selection.start.par(&*(paragraphs.begin())); llt->selection.start.pos( llt->selection.start.pos() + paragraphs.begin()->size()); } if (llt->selection.end.par() == paragraphs.begin()->next()) { llt->selection.end.par(&*(paragraphs.begin())); llt->selection.end.pos( llt->selection.end.pos() + paragraphs.begin()->size()); } } mergeParagraph(bparams, &*paragraphs.begin()); } reinitLyXText(); } void InsetText::getDrawFont(LyXFont & font) const { if (!owner()) return; owner()->getDrawFont(font); } void InsetText::appendParagraphs(BufferParams const & bparams, Paragraph * newpar) { Paragraph * buf; Paragraph * tmpbuf = newpar; Paragraph * lastbuffer = buf = new Paragraph(*tmpbuf, false); while (tmpbuf->next()) { tmpbuf = tmpbuf->next(); lastbuffer->next(new Paragraph(*tmpbuf, false)); lastbuffer->next()->previous(lastbuffer); lastbuffer = lastbuffer->next(); } lastbuffer = &*(paragraphs.begin()); while (lastbuffer->next()) lastbuffer = lastbuffer->next(); if (!newpar->empty() && !lastbuffer->empty() && !lastbuffer->isSeparator(lastbuffer->size() - 1)) { lastbuffer->insertChar(lastbuffer->size(), ' '); } // make the buf exactly the same layout than our last paragraph buf->makeSameLayout(lastbuffer); // paste it! lastbuffer->next(buf); buf->previous(lastbuffer); mergeParagraph(bparams, lastbuffer); reinitLyXText(); } void InsetText::addPreview(grfx::PreviewLoader & loader) const { Paragraph * par = getFirstParagraph(0); while (par) { InsetList::iterator it = par->insetlist.begin(); InsetList::iterator end = par->insetlist.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { it.getInset()->addPreview(loader); } par = par->next(); } }