/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 2000 The LyX Team. * *====================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "insettabular.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Painter.h" #include "font.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" extern void MenuLayoutTabular(bool, InsetTabular *); extern bool UpdateLayoutTabular(bool, InsetTabular *); extern void TabularOptClose(); const int ADD_TO_HEIGHT = 2; const int ADD_TO_TABULAR_WIDTH = 2; using std::ostream; using std::ifstream; using std::max; using std::endl; #define cellstart(p) ((p % 2) == 0) InsetTabular::InsetTabular(Buffer * buf, int rows, int columns) { if (rows <= 0) rows = 1; if (columns <= 0) columns = 1; buffer = buf; // set this first!!! tabular = new LyXTabular(this, rows,columns); // for now make it always display as display() inset // just for test!!! the_locking_inset = 0; locked = no_selection = cursor_visible = false; cursor.x_fix(-1); oldcell = -1; actcell = 0; cursor.pos(0); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = 0; init_inset = true; } InsetTabular::InsetTabular(InsetTabular const & tab, Buffer * buf) { buffer = buf; // set this first tabular = new LyXTabular(this, *(tab.tabular)); the_locking_inset = 0; locked = no_selection = cursor_visible = false; cursor.x_fix(-1); oldcell = -1; actcell = 0; cursor.pos(0); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = 0; init_inset = true; } InsetTabular::~InsetTabular() { delete tabular; } Inset * InsetTabular::Clone() const { InsetTabular * t = new InsetTabular(*this, buffer); delete t->tabular; t->tabular = tabular->Clone(t); return t; } void InsetTabular::Write(ostream & os) const { os << " Tabular" << endl; tabular->Write(os); } void InsetTabular::Read(LyXLex & lex) { bool old_format = (lex.GetString() == "\\LyXTable"); string token; if (tabular) delete tabular; tabular = new LyXTabular(this, lex); init_inset = true; if (old_format) return; lex.nextToken(); token = lex.GetString(); while (lex.IsOK() && (token != "\\end_inset")) { lex.nextToken(); token = lex.GetString(); } if (token != "\\end_inset") { lex.printError("Missing \\end_inset at this point. " "Read: `$$Token'"); } } int InsetTabular::ascent(Painter & pain, LyXFont const & font) const { if (init_inset) { calculate_width_of_cells(pain, font); init_inset = false; } return tabular->GetAscentOfRow(0); } int InsetTabular::descent(Painter & pain, LyXFont const & font) const { if (init_inset) { calculate_width_of_cells(pain, font); init_inset = false; } return tabular->GetHeightOfTabular() - tabular->GetAscentOfRow(0); } int InsetTabular::width(Painter & pain, LyXFont const & font) const { if (init_inset) { calculate_width_of_cells(pain, font); init_inset = false; } return tabular->GetWidthOfTabular() + (2 * ADD_TO_TABULAR_WIDTH); } void InsetTabular::draw(Painter & pain, const LyXFont & font, int baseline, float & x) const { int i, j, cell=0; int nx; float cx; bool reinit = false; UpdatableInset::draw(pain,font,baseline,x); if (init_inset || (top_x != int(x)) || (top_baseline != baseline)) { int ox = top_x; init_inset = false; top_x = int(x); top_baseline = baseline; if (ox != top_x) recomputeTextInsets(pain, font); calculate_width_of_cells(pain, font); resetPos(pain); reinit = true; } x += ADD_TO_TABULAR_WIDTH; for(i=0;irows();++i) { nx = int(x); for(j=0;jcolumns();++j) { if (tabular->IsPartOfMultiColumn(i,j)) continue; cx = nx + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(cell); if (hasSelection()) DrawCellSelection(pain, nx, baseline, i, j, cell); tabular->GetCellInset(cell)->draw(pain, font, baseline, cx); DrawCellLines(pain, nx, baseline, i, cell); nx += tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(cell); ++cell; } baseline += tabular->GetDescentOfRow(i) + tabular->GetAscentOfRow(i+1) + tabular->GetAdditionalHeight(cell+1); } x += width(pain, font); } void InsetTabular::DrawCellLines(Painter & pain, int x, int baseline, int row, int cell) const { int x2 = x + tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(cell); bool on_off; if (!tabular->TopAlreadyDrawed(cell)) { on_off = !tabular->TopLine(cell); pain.line(x, baseline - tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row), x2, baseline - tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row), on_off ? LColor::tabularonoffline:LColor::tabularline, on_off ? Painter::line_onoffdash:Painter::line_solid); } on_off = !tabular->BottomLine(cell); pain.line(x,baseline + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(row), x2, baseline + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(row), on_off ? LColor::tabularonoffline:LColor::tabularline, on_off ? Painter::line_onoffdash:Painter::line_solid); if (!tabular->LeftAlreadyDrawed(cell)) { on_off = !tabular->LeftLine(cell); pain.line(x, baseline - tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row), x, baseline + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(row), on_off ? LColor::tabularonoffline:LColor::tabularline, on_off ? Painter::line_onoffdash:Painter::line_solid); } on_off = !tabular->RightLine(cell); pain.line(x2 - tabular->GetAdditionalWidth(cell), baseline - tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row), x2 - tabular->GetAdditionalWidth(cell), baseline + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(row), on_off ? LColor::tabularonoffline:LColor::tabularline, on_off ? Painter::line_onoffdash:Painter::line_solid); } void InsetTabular::DrawCellSelection(Painter & pain, int x, int baseline, int row, int column, int cell) const { int tmp; int cs = tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_start); int ce = tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_end); if (cs > ce) { ce = cs; cs = tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_end); } else { ce = tabular->right_column_of_cell(sel_cell_end); } int rs = tabular->row_of_cell(sel_cell_start); int re = tabular->row_of_cell(sel_cell_end); if (rs > re) { tmp = rs; rs = re; re = tmp; } if ((column >= cs) && (column <= ce) && (row >= rs) && (row <= re)) { int w = tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(cell); int h = tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row) + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(row); pain.fillRectangle(x, baseline - tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row), w, h, LColor::selection); } } char const * InsetTabular::EditMessage() const { return _("Opened Tabular Inset"); } void InsetTabular::Edit(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, unsigned int button) { UpdatableInset::Edit(bv, x, y, button); if (!bv->lockInset(this)) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "InsetTabular::Cannot lock inset" << endl; return; } locked = true; the_locking_inset = 0; inset_pos = inset_x = inset_y = 0; setPos(bv->painter(), x, y); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; bv->text->FinishUndo(); if (InsetHit(bv, x, y)) { ActivateCellInset(bv, x, y, button); } UpdateLocal(bv, true); // bv->getOwner()->getPopups().updateFormTabular(); } void InsetTabular::InsetUnlock(BufferView * bv) { TabularOptClose(); if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); the_locking_inset = 0; } HideInsetCursor(bv); if (hasSelection()) { sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; UpdateLocal(bv, false); } no_selection = false; oldcell = -1; locked = false; } void InsetTabular::UpdateLocal(BufferView * bv, bool flag) { if (flag) calculate_width_of_cells(bv->painter(), LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_SANE)); bv->updateInset(this, flag); if (flag) resetPos(bv->painter()); } bool InsetTabular::LockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "InsetTabular::LockInsetInInset(" <GetCellInset(actcell)) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "OK" << endl; the_locking_inset = tabular->GetCellInset(actcell); resetPos(bv->painter()); inset_x = cursor.x() - top_x + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(actcell); inset_y = cursor.y(); inset_pos = cursor.pos(); return true; } else if (the_locking_inset && (the_locking_inset == inset)) { if (cursor.pos() == inset_pos) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "OK" << endl; resetPos(bv->painter()); inset_x = cursor.x() - top_x + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(actcell); inset_y = cursor.y(); } else { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "cursor.pos != inset_pos" << endl; } } else if (the_locking_inset) { lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "MAYBE" << endl; return the_locking_inset->LockInsetInInset(bv, inset); } lyxerr[Debug::INSETS] << "NOT OK" << endl; return false; } bool InsetTabular::UnlockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * inset, bool lr) { if (!the_locking_inset) return false; if (the_locking_inset == inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); the_locking_inset = 0; if (lr) moveRight(bv, false); return true; } if (the_locking_inset->UnlockInsetInInset(bv, inset, lr)) { if ((inset->LyxCode() == TABULAR_CODE) && !the_locking_inset->GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(TABULAR_CODE)) { UpdateLayoutTabular(true, const_cast(this)); oldcell = actcell; } return true; } return false; } bool InsetTabular::UpdateInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset) { if (!the_locking_inset) return false; if (the_locking_inset != inset) return the_locking_inset->UpdateInsetInInset(bv, inset); UpdateLocal(bv); return true; } int InsetTabular::InsetInInsetY() { if (!the_locking_inset) return 0; return (inset_y + the_locking_inset->InsetInInsetY()); } UpdatableInset * InsetTabular::GetLockingInset() { return the_locking_inset ? the_locking_inset->GetLockingInset() : this; } UpdatableInset * InsetTabular::GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(Inset::Code c) { if (c == LyxCode()) return this; if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(c); return 0; } bool InsetTabular::InsertInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * inset) { if (the_locking_inset) return the_locking_inset->InsertInset(bv, inset); return false; } void InsetTabular::InsetButtonRelease(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { if (button == 3) { if (the_locking_inset) { UpdatableInset * i; if ((i=the_locking_inset->GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(TABULAR_CODE))) { i->InsetButtonRelease(bv, x, y, button); return; } } MenuLayoutTabular(true, this); return; } if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetButtonRelease(bv, x-inset_x, y-inset_y,button); return; } no_selection = false; } void InsetTabular::InsetButtonPress(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { if (hasSelection()) { sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = 0; UpdateLocal(bv, false); } no_selection = false; int ocell = actcell; setPos(bv->painter(), x, y); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; bool inset_hit = InsetHit(bv, x, y); if ((ocell == actcell) && the_locking_inset && inset_hit) { the_locking_inset->InsetButtonPress(bv, x-inset_x, y-inset_y, button); return; } else if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); } the_locking_inset = 0; if (inset_hit && bv->the_locking_inset) { ActivateCellInset(bv, x, y, button); the_locking_inset->InsetButtonPress(bv, x-inset_x, y-inset_y, button); } #if 0 if (button == 3) bview->getOwner()->getPopups().showFormTabular(); else if (ocell != actcell) bview->getOwner()->getPopups().updateFormTabular(); #endif } void InsetTabular::InsetMotionNotify(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetMotionNotify(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); return; } if (!no_selection) { // int ocell = actcell, int old = sel_pos_end; setPos(bv->painter(), x, y); sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_end = actcell; if (old != sel_pos_end) UpdateLocal(bv, false); #if 0 if (ocell != actcell) bview->getOwner()->getPopups().updateFormTabular(); #endif } no_selection = false; } void InsetTabular::InsetKeyPress(XKeyEvent * xke) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetKeyPress(xke); return; } } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetTabular::LocalDispatch(BufferView * bv, int action, string const & arg) { UpdatableInset::RESULT result; no_selection = false; if (((result=UpdatableInset::LocalDispatch(bv, action, arg)) == DISPATCHED) || (result == DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE)) { resetPos(bv->painter()); return result; } result=DISPATCHED; if ((action < 0) && arg.empty()) return FINISHED; if ((action != LFUN_DOWN) && (action != LFUN_UP) && (action != LFUN_DOWNSEL) && (action != LFUN_UPSEL)) cursor.x_fix(-1); if (the_locking_inset) { result=the_locking_inset->LocalDispatch(bv, action, arg); if (result == DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE) return result; else if (result == DISPATCHED) { bool upd = SetCellDimensions(bv->painter(), actcell, actrow); the_locking_inset->ToggleInsetCursor(bv); UpdateLocal(bv, upd); the_locking_inset->ToggleInsetCursor(bv); return result; } else if (result == FINISHED) { if ((action == LFUN_RIGHT) || (action == -1)) { cursor.pos(inset_pos + 1); resetPos(bv->painter()); } sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; the_locking_inset=0; result = DISPATCHED; return result; } } bool hs = hasSelection(); HideInsetCursor(bv); switch (action) { // Normal chars not handled here case -1: break; // --- Cursor Movements --------------------------------------------- case LFUN_RIGHTSEL: if (tabular->IsLastCellInRow(actcell) && !cellstart(cursor.pos())) break; moveRight(bv, false); sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); if (!cellstart(cursor.pos())) { if (tabular->right_column_of_cell(sel_cell_start) > tabular->right_column_of_cell(actcell)) sel_cell_end = actcell+1; else sel_cell_end = actcell; } UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_RIGHT: result = moveRight(bv); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; if (hs) UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_LEFTSEL: if (tabular->IsFirstCellInRow(actcell) && cellstart(cursor.pos())) break; moveLeft(bv, false); sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); if (cellstart(cursor.pos())) { if (tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_start) >= tabular->column_of_cell(actcell)) sel_cell_end = actcell; else sel_cell_end = actcell-1; } UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_LEFT: result = moveLeft(bv); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; if (hs) UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_DOWNSEL: { int ocell = actcell; moveDown(bv); sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); if ((ocell == sel_cell_end) || (tabular->column_of_cell(ocell)>tabular->column_of_cell(actcell))) sel_cell_end = tabular->GetCellBelow(sel_cell_end); else sel_cell_end = tabular->GetLastCellBelow(sel_cell_end); UpdateLocal(bv, false); } break; case LFUN_DOWN: result= moveDown(bv); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; if (hs) UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_UPSEL: { int ocell = actcell; moveUp(bv); sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); if ((ocell == sel_cell_end) || (tabular->column_of_cell(ocell)>tabular->column_of_cell(actcell))) sel_cell_end = tabular->GetCellAbove(sel_cell_end); else sel_cell_end = tabular->GetLastCellAbove(sel_cell_end); UpdateLocal(bv, false); } break; case LFUN_UP: result= moveUp(bv); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; if (hs) UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_BACKSPACE: break; case LFUN_DELETE: break; case LFUN_HOME: break; case LFUN_END: break; case LFUN_SHIFT_TAB: case LFUN_TAB: if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv); } the_locking_inset = 0; if (action == LFUN_TAB) moveNextCell(bv); else movePrevCell(bv); sel_pos_start = sel_pos_end = cursor.pos(); sel_cell_start = sel_cell_end = actcell; if (hs) UpdateLocal(bv, false); break; case LFUN_LAYOUT_TABLE: { int flag = (arg == "true"); MenuLayoutTabular(flag, this); } break; default: result = UNDISPATCHED; break; } if (result!=FINISHED) { if (!the_locking_inset) { #if 0 if (ocell != actcell) bview->getOwner()->getPopups().updateFormTabular(); #endif ShowInsetCursor(bv); } } else bv->unlockInset(this); return result; } int InsetTabular::Latex(ostream & os, bool fragile, bool fp) const { return tabular->Latex(os, fragile, fp); } int InsetTabular::Ascii(ostream &) const { return 0; } int InsetTabular::Linuxdoc(ostream &) const { return 0; } int InsetTabular::DocBook(ostream &) const { return 0; } void InsetTabular::Validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { tabular->Validate(features); } void InsetTabular::calculate_width_of_cells(Painter & pain, LyXFont const & font) const { int cell = -1; int maxAsc, maxDesc; InsetText * inset; for(int i = 0; i < tabular->rows(); ++i) { maxAsc = maxDesc = 0; for(int j= 0; j < tabular->columns(); ++j) { if (tabular->IsPartOfMultiColumn(i,j)) continue; ++cell; inset = tabular->GetCellInset(cell); maxAsc = max(maxAsc, inset->ascent(pain, font)); maxDesc = max(maxDesc, inset->descent(pain, font)); tabular->SetWidthOfCell(cell, inset->width(pain, font)); } tabular->SetAscentOfRow(i, maxAsc + ADD_TO_HEIGHT); tabular->SetDescentOfRow(i, maxDesc + ADD_TO_HEIGHT); } } void InsetTabular::GetCursorPos(int & x, int & y) const { x = cursor.x() - top_x; y = cursor.y(); } void InsetTabular::ToggleInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (the_locking_inset) { the_locking_inset->ToggleInsetCursor(bv); return; } LyXFont font; // = the_locking_inset->GetFont(par, cursor.pos); int asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(font); int desc = lyxfont::maxDescent(font); if (cursor_visible) bv->hideLockedInsetCursor(); else bv->showLockedInsetCursor(cursor.x(), cursor.y(), asc, desc); cursor_visible = !cursor_visible; } void InsetTabular::ShowInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (!cursor_visible) { LyXFont font; // = GetFont(par, cursor.pos); int asc = lyxfont::maxAscent(font); int desc = lyxfont::maxDescent(font); bv->fitLockedInsetCursor(cursor.x(), cursor.y(), asc, desc); bv->showLockedInsetCursor(cursor.x(), cursor.y(), asc, desc); cursor_visible = true; } } void InsetTabular::HideInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { if (cursor_visible) ToggleInsetCursor(bv); } void InsetTabular::setPos(Painter & pain, int x, int y) const { cursor.y(0); cursor.pos(0); actcell = actrow = actcol = 0; int ly = tabular->GetDescentOfRow(actrow); // first search the right row while((ly < y) && (actrow < tabular->rows())) { cursor.y(cursor.y() + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(actrow) + tabular->GetAscentOfRow(actrow+1) + tabular->GetAdditionalHeight(tabular->GetCellNumber(actrow + 1, actcol))); ++actrow; ly = cursor.y() + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(actrow); } actcell = tabular->GetCellNumber(actrow, actcol); // now search the right column int lx = tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(actcell) - tabular->GetAdditionalWidth(actcell); for(; !tabular->IsLastCellInRow(actcell) && (lx < x); ++actcell,lx += tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(actcell) + tabular->GetAdditionalWidth(actcell - 1)); cursor.pos(((actcell+1) * 2) - 1); resetPos(pain); if ((lx - (tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(actcell)/2)) < x) { cursor.x(lx + top_x - 2); } else { cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); cursor.x(lx - tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(actcell) + top_x + 2); } resetPos(pain); } int InsetTabular::getCellXPos(int cell) const { int c; for(c=cell;!tabular->IsFirstCellInRow(c);--c) ; int lx = tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(cell); for(; (c < cell); ++c) { lx += tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(c); } return (lx - tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(cell) + top_x + ADD_TO_TABULAR_WIDTH); } void InsetTabular::resetPos(Painter & pain) const { if (!locked) return; actcol = tabular->column_of_cell(actcell); int cell = 0; actrow = 0; cursor.y(0); for(; (cellIsLastRow(cell); ++cell) { if (tabular->IsLastCellInRow(cell)) { cursor.y(cursor.y() + tabular->GetDescentOfRow(actrow) + tabular->GetAscentOfRow(actrow + 1) + tabular->GetAdditionalHeight(cell + 1)); ++actrow; } } cursor.x(getCellXPos(actcell) + 2); if (cursor.pos() % 2) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); cursor.x(cursor.x() + tabular->GetCellInset(actcell)->width(pain,font) + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(actcell)); } if ((!the_locking_inset || !the_locking_inset->GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(TABULAR_CODE)) && (actcell != oldcell)) { UpdateLayoutTabular(true, const_cast(this)); oldcell = actcell; } } bool InsetTabular::SetCellDimensions(Painter & pain, int cell, int row) { InsetText * inset = tabular->GetCellInset(cell); LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); int asc = inset->ascent(pain, font) + ADD_TO_HEIGHT; int desc = inset->descent(pain, font) + ADD_TO_HEIGHT; int maxAsc = tabular->GetAscentOfRow(row); int maxDesc = tabular->GetDescentOfRow(row); bool ret = tabular->SetWidthOfCell(cell, inset->width(pain, font)); if (maxAsc < asc) { ret = true; tabular->SetAscentOfRow(row, asc); } if (maxDesc < desc) { ret = true; tabular->SetDescentOfRow(row, desc); } return ret; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetTabular::moveRight(BufferView * bv, bool lock) { if (!cellstart(cursor.pos())) { if (tabular->IsLastCell(actcell)) return FINISHED; ++actcell; cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); } else if (lock) { if (ActivateCellInset(bv)) return DISPATCHED; } else { // before the inset cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); } resetPos(bv->painter()); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetTabular::moveLeft(BufferView * bv, bool lock) { if (!cursor.pos()) { if (!actcell) return FINISHED; cursor.pos(2); } cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); if (!cellstart(cursor.pos())) { --actcell; } else if (lock) { // behind the inset if (ActivateCellInset(bv, 0, 0, 0, true)) return DISPATCHED; } resetPos(bv->painter()); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetTabular::moveUp(BufferView * bv) { int ocell = actcell; actcell = tabular->GetCellAbove(actcell); if (actcell == ocell) // we moved out of the inset return FINISHED; resetPos(bv->painter()); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetTabular::moveDown(BufferView * bv) { int ocell = actcell; actcell = tabular->GetCellBelow(actcell); if (actcell == ocell) // we moved out of the inset return FINISHED; resetPos(bv->painter()); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } bool InsetTabular::moveNextCell(BufferView * bv) { if (tabular->IsLastCell(actcell)) return false; ++actcell; cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); if (!cellstart(cursor.pos())) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() + 1); resetPos(bv->painter()); return true; } bool InsetTabular::movePrevCell(BufferView * bv) { if (!actcell) // first cell return false; --actcell; cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); if (cellstart(cursor.pos())) cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); resetPos(bv->painter()); return true; } bool InsetTabular::Delete() { return true; } void InsetTabular::SetFont(BufferView *, LyXFont const &, bool) { } void InsetTabular::TabularFeatures(BufferView * bv, int feature, string val) { int i, j, sel_col_start, sel_col_end, sel_row_start, sel_row_end, setLines = 0, setAlign = LYX_ALIGN_LEFT, lineSet; bool what; switch (feature) { case LyXTabular::ALIGN_LEFT: setAlign=LYX_ALIGN_LEFT; break; case LyXTabular::ALIGN_RIGHT: setAlign=LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT; break; case LyXTabular::ALIGN_CENTER: setAlign=LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; break; default: break; } if (hasSelection()) { int tmp; sel_col_start = tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_start); sel_col_end = tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_end); if (sel_col_start > sel_col_end) { sel_col_end = sel_col_start; sel_col_start = tabular->column_of_cell(sel_cell_end); } else { sel_col_end = tabular->right_column_of_cell(sel_cell_end); } sel_row_start = tabular->row_of_cell(sel_cell_start); sel_row_end = tabular->row_of_cell(sel_cell_end); if (sel_row_start > sel_row_end) { tmp = sel_row_start; sel_row_start = sel_row_end; sel_row_end = tmp; } } else { sel_col_start = sel_col_end = tabular->column_of_cell(actcell); sel_row_start = sel_row_end = tabular->row_of_cell(actcell); } bv->text->SetUndo(Undo::FINISH, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->previous, bv->text->cursor.par()->ParFromPos(bv->text->cursor.pos())->next); int row = tabular->row_of_cell(actcell); int column = tabular->column_of_cell(actcell); switch (feature) { case LyXTabular::SET_PWIDTH: { bool update = (tabular->GetPWidth(actcell) != val); tabular->SetPWidth(actcell,val); if (update) UpdateLocal(bv, true); } break; case LyXTabular::SET_SPECIAL_COLUMN: case LyXTabular::SET_SPECIAL_MULTI: tabular->SetAlignSpecial(actcell,val,feature); break; case LyXTabular::APPEND_ROW: // append the row into the tabular tabular->AppendRow(actcell); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::APPEND_COLUMN: // append the column into the tabular tabular->AppendColumn(actcell); actcell = tabular->GetCellNumber(row, column); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::DELETE_ROW: tabular->DeleteRow(tabular->row_of_cell(actcell)); if ((row+1) > tabular->rows()) --row; actcell = tabular->GetCellNumber(row, column); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::DELETE_COLUMN: tabular->DeleteColumn(tabular->column_of_cell(actcell)); if ((column+1) > tabular->columns()) --column; actcell = tabular->GetCellNumber(row, column); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::TOGGLE_LINE_TOP: lineSet = !tabular->TopLine(actcell); for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetTopLine(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),lineSet); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::TOGGLE_LINE_BOTTOM: lineSet = !tabular->BottomLine(actcell); for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetBottomLine(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),lineSet); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::TOGGLE_LINE_LEFT: lineSet = !tabular->LeftLine(actcell); for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetLeftLine(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),lineSet); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::TOGGLE_LINE_RIGHT: lineSet = !tabular->RightLine(actcell); for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetRightLine(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),lineSet); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::ALIGN_LEFT: case LyXTabular::ALIGN_RIGHT: case LyXTabular::ALIGN_CENTER: for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetAlignment(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),setAlign); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::MULTICOLUMN: { if (sel_row_start != sel_row_end) { WriteAlert(_("Impossible Operation!"), _("Multicolumns can only be horizontally."), _("Sorry.")); return; } // just multicol for one Single Cell if (!hasSelection()) { // check wether we are completly in a multicol if (tabular->IsMultiColumn(actcell)) { tabular->UnsetMultiColumn(actcell); UpdateLocal(bv, true); } else { tabular->SetMultiColumn(actcell, 1); UpdateLocal(bv, false); } return; } // we have a selection so this means we just add all this // cells to form a multicolumn cell int s_start, s_end; if (sel_cell_start > sel_cell_end) { s_start = sel_cell_end; s_end = sel_cell_start; } else { s_start = sel_cell_start; s_end = sel_cell_end; } tabular->SetMultiColumn(s_start, s_end - s_start + 1); actcell = s_start; cursor.pos(0); sel_cell_end = sel_cell_start; sel_pos_end = sel_pos_start; UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; } case LyXTabular::SET_ALL_LINES: setLines = 1; case LyXTabular::UNSET_ALL_LINES: for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetAllLines(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j), setLines); UpdateLocal(bv, true); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LONGTABULAR: tabular->SetLongTabular(true); UpdateLocal(bv, true); // because this toggles displayed break; case LyXTabular::UNSET_LONGTABULAR: tabular->SetLongTabular(false); UpdateLocal(bv, true); // because this toggles displayed break; case LyXTabular::SET_ROTATE_TABULAR: tabular->SetRotateTabular(true); break; case LyXTabular::UNSET_ROTATE_TABULAR: tabular->SetRotateTabular(false); break; case LyXTabular::SET_ROTATE_CELL: for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetRotateCell(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),true); break; case LyXTabular::UNSET_ROTATE_CELL: for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetRotateCell(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),false); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LINEBREAKS: what = !tabular->GetLinebreaks(actcell); for(i=sel_row_start; i<=sel_row_end; ++i) for(j=sel_col_start; j<=sel_col_end; ++j) tabular->SetLinebreaks(tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j),what); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LTFIRSTHEAD: tabular->SetLTHead(actcell,true); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LTHEAD: tabular->SetLTHead(actcell,false); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LTFOOT: tabular->SetLTFoot(actcell,false); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LTLASTFOOT: tabular->SetLTFoot(actcell,true); break; case LyXTabular::SET_LTNEWPAGE: what = !tabular->GetLTNewPage(actcell); tabular->SetLTNewPage(actcell,what); break; } } bool InsetTabular::ActivateCellInset(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button, bool behind) { // the cursor.pos has to be before the inset so if it isn't now just // reset the curor pos first! if (cursor.pos() % 2) { // behind the inset cursor.pos(cursor.pos() - 1); resetPos(bv->painter()); } UpdatableInset * inset = static_cast(tabular->GetCellInset(actcell)); LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); if (behind) { x = inset->x() + inset->width(bv->painter(), font); y = inset->descent(bv->painter(), font); } inset_x = cursor.x() - top_x + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(actcell); inset_y = cursor.y(); inset->Edit(bv, x - inset_x, y - inset_y, button); if (!the_locking_inset) return false; UpdateLocal(bv, true); return true; } bool InsetTabular::InsetHit(BufferView * bv, int x, int ) const { InsetText * inset = tabular->GetCellInset(actcell); int x1 = x + top_x; if (cursor.pos() % 2) { // behind the inset return (((x + top_x) < cursor.x()) && ((x + top_x) > (cursor.x() - inset->width(bv->painter(), LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_SANE))))); } else { int x2 = cursor.x() + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(actcell); return ((x1 > x2) && (x1 < (x2 + inset->width(bv->painter(), LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_SANE))))); } } // This returns paperWidth() if the cell-width is unlimited or the width // in pixels if we have a pwidth for this cell. int InsetTabular::GetMaxWidthOfCell(Painter & pain, int cell) const { string w; if ((w=tabular->GetPWidth(cell)).empty()) return pain.paperWidth(); return VSpace(w).inPixels( 0, 0); } int InsetTabular::getMaxWidth(Painter & pain, UpdatableInset const * inset) const { int cell; int n = tabular->GetNumberOfCells(); for(cell=0; cell < n; ++cell) { if (tabular->GetCellInset(cell) == inset) break; } if (cell >= n) return pain.paperWidth(); int w = GetMaxWidthOfCell(pain, cell); // this because text insets remove the xpos from the maxwidth because // otherwise the would not break good!!! // w += getCellXPos(cell) + tabular->GetBeginningOfTextInCell(cell); // w += inset->x(); return w; } void InsetTabular::recomputeTextInsets(Painter & pain, const LyXFont & font) const { InsetText * inset; int cx, cell; cx = top_x; for(int j= 0; j < tabular->columns(); ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < tabular->rows(); ++i) { if (tabular->IsPartOfMultiColumn(i,j)) continue; cell = tabular->GetCellNumber(i,j); inset = tabular->GetCellInset(cell); inset->computeTextRows(pain); tabular->SetWidthOfCell(cell, inset->width(pain, font)); } cell = tabular->GetCellNumber(0, j); cx += tabular->GetWidthOfColumn(cell); } }