#include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "filedlg.h" #include "insetinclude.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "error.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" // CancelCloseBoxCB #include "gettext.h" #include "include_form.h" #include "support/FileInfo.h" extern BufferView *current_view; extern LyXRC *lyxrc; extern BufferList bufferlist; extern void UpdateInset(Inset* inset, bool mark_dirty = true); FD_include *create_form_include(void) { FL_OBJECT *obj; FD_include *fdui = (FD_include *) fl_calloc(1, sizeof(FD_include)); fdui->include = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, 340, 210); obj = fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX,0,0,340,210,""); obj = fl_add_frame(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME,10,70,160,90,""); fdui->browsebt = obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,230,30,100,30,idex(_("Browse|#B"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Browse|#B")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,0); fdui->flag1 = obj = fl_add_checkbutton(FL_PUSH_BUTTON,180,70,150,30,idex(_("Don't typeset|#D"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Don't typeset|#D")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); obj = fl_add_button(FL_RETURN_BUTTON,120,170,100,30,_("OK")); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,1); obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,230,170,100,30,idex(_("Cancel|^["))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Cancel|^[")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,2); obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,230,130,100,30,idex(_("Load|#L"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Load|#L")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,5); fdui->input = obj = fl_add_input(FL_NORMAL_INPUT,10,30,210,30,idex(_("File name:|#F"))); fl_set_input_shortcut(obj,scex(_("File name:|#F")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_lalign(obj,FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); fdui->flag41 = obj = fl_add_checkbutton(FL_PUSH_BUTTON,180,100,150,30,idex(_("Visible space|#s"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Visible space|#s")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fdui->include_grp = fl_bgn_group(); fdui->flag4 = obj = fl_add_checkbutton(FL_RADIO_BUTTON,10,130,160,30,idex(_("Verbatim|#V"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Verbatim|#V")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,10); fdui->flag2 = obj = fl_add_checkbutton(FL_RADIO_BUTTON,10,100,160,30,idex(_("Use input|#i"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Use input|#i")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,11); fdui->flag3 = obj = fl_add_checkbutton(FL_RADIO_BUTTON,10,70,160,30,idex(_("Use include|#U"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,scex(_("Use include|#U")),1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj,FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj,include_cb,11); fl_end_group(); fl_end_form(); //fdui->include->fdui = fdui; return fdui; } /*---------------------------------------*/ FD_include *form = 0; void include_cb(FL_OBJECT *, long arg) { InsetInclude *inset = (InsetInclude*)form->vdata; switch (arg) { case 0: { // Should browsing too be disabled in RO-mode? LyXFileDlg fileDlg; string mpath = OnlyPath(inset->getMasterFilename()); string ext; if (fl_get_button(form->flag2)) // Use Input Button ext = "*.tex"; else if (fl_get_button(form->flag4)) // Verbatim all files ext = "*"; else ext = "*.lyx"; // launches dialog fileDlg.SetButton(0, _("Documents"), lyxrc->document_path); // Use by default the master's path string filename = fileDlg.Select(_("Select Child Document"), mpath, ext, inset->getContents()); XFlush(fl_get_display()); // check selected filename if (!filename.empty()) { string filename2 = MakeRelPath(filename, mpath); if (prefixIs(filename2, "..")) fl_set_input(form->input, filename.c_str()); else fl_set_input(form->input, filename2.c_str()); } break; } case 1: if(!current_view->currentBuffer()->isReadonly()) { inset->setContents(fl_get_input(form->input)); // don't typeset inset->setNoLoad(fl_get_button(form->flag1)); if (fl_get_button(form->flag2)) inset->setInput(); else if (fl_get_button(form->flag3)) inset->setInclude(); else if (fl_get_button(form->flag4)) { inset->setVerb(); inset->setVisibleSpace(fl_get_button(form->flag41)); } fl_hide_form(form->include); UpdateInset(inset); break; } // fall through case 2: fl_hide_form(form->include); break; case 5: if(!current_view->currentBuffer()->isReadonly()) { inset->setContents(fl_get_input(form->input)); inset->setNoLoad(fl_get_button(form->flag1)); if (fl_get_button(form->flag2)) inset->setInput(); else if (fl_get_button(form->flag3)) inset->setInclude(); else if (fl_get_button(form->flag4)) { inset->setVerb(); inset->setVisibleSpace(fl_get_button(form->flag41)); } fl_hide_form(form->include); UpdateInset(inset); current_view->getOwner()->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_CHILDOPEN, inset->getContents().c_str()); } break; case 10: fl_activate_object(form->flag41); fl_set_object_lcol(form->flag41, FL_BLACK); break; case 11: fl_deactivate_object(form->flag41); fl_set_object_lcol(form->flag41, FL_INACTIVE); fl_set_button(form->flag41, 0); break; } } InsetInclude::InsetInclude(string const & fname, Buffer *bf) : InsetCommand("include") { master = bf; setContents(fname); flag = InsetInclude::INCLUDE; noload = false; } InsetInclude::~InsetInclude() { if (form && form->vdata == this) { // this inset is in the popup so hide the popup // and remove the reference to this inset. ARRae if (form->include) { if (form->include->visible) { fl_hide_form(form->include); } fl_free_form(form->include); } fl_free(form); form = 0; } } Inset * InsetInclude::Clone() { InsetInclude * ii = new InsetInclude (contents, master); ii->setNoLoad(isNoLoad()); // By default, the newly created inset is of `include' type, // so we do not test this case. if (isInput()) ii->setInput(); else if (isVerb()) { ii->setVerb(); ii->setVisibleSpace(isVerbVisibleSpace()); } return (Inset*)ii; } void InsetInclude::Edit(int, int) { if(current_view->currentBuffer()->isReadonly()) WarnReadonly(); if (!form) { form = create_form_include(); fl_set_form_atclose(form->include, IgnoreCloseBoxCB, 0); } form->vdata = this; fl_set_input(form->input, contents.c_str()); fl_set_button(form->flag1, int(isNoLoad())); fl_set_button(form->flag2, int(isInput())); fl_set_button(form->flag3, int(isInclude())); fl_set_button(form->flag4, int(isVerb())); if (isVerb()) fl_set_button(form->flag41, int(isVerbVisibleSpace())); else { fl_set_button(form->flag41, 0); fl_deactivate_object(form->flag41); fl_set_object_lcol(form->flag41, FL_INACTIVE); } if (form->include->visible) { fl_raise_form(form->include); } else { fl_show_form(form->include,FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_FULLBORDER, _("Include")); } } void InsetInclude::Write(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "Include %s\n", getCommand().c_str()); } void InsetInclude::Read(LyXLex &lex) { InsetCommand::Read(lex); if (getCmdName()=="include") setInclude(); else if (getCmdName() == "input") setInput(); else if (contains(getCmdName(), "verbatim")) { setVerb(); if (getCmdName() == "verbatiminput*") setVisibleSpace(true); } } string InsetInclude::getScreenLabel() const { string temp; if (isInput()) temp += _("Input"); else if (isVerb()) { temp += _("Verbatim Input"); if (isVerbVisibleSpace()) temp += '*'; } else temp += _("Include"); temp += ": "; if (contents.empty()) { temp+="???"; } else { temp+=contents; } return temp; } bool InsetInclude::loadIfNeeded() const { if (isNoLoad() || isVerb()) return false; if (!IsLyXFilename(getFileName())) return false; if (bufferlist.exists(getFileName())) return true; // the readonly flag can/will be wrong, not anymore I think. FileInfo finfo(getFileName()); bool ro = !finfo.writable(); return ( bufferlist.readFile(getFileName(), ro) != 0 ); } int InsetInclude::Latex(FILE *file, signed char /*fragile*/) { string include_file; signed char dummy = 0; Latex(include_file, dummy); fprintf(file, "%s", include_file.c_str()); return 0; } int InsetInclude::Latex(string &file, signed char /*fragile*/) { string writefile, incfile; // Do nothing if no file name has been specified if (contents.empty()) return 0; // Use += to force a copy of contents (JMarc) incfile += contents; if (loadIfNeeded()) { Buffer *tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(getFileName()); if (tmp->params.textclass != master->params.textclass) { lyxerr.print("ERROR: Cannot handle include file `" + MakeDisplayPath(getFileName()) + "' which has textclass `" + lyxstyle.NameOfClass(tmp->params.textclass) + "' instead of `" + lyxstyle.NameOfClass(master->params.textclass) + "'."); return 0; } // write it to a file (so far the complete file) writefile = ChangeExtension(getFileName(), ".tex", false); if (!master->tmppath.empty() && !master->niceFile) { subst(incfile, '/','@'); #ifdef __EMX__ subst(incfile, ':', '$'); #endif writefile = AddName(master->tmppath, incfile); } else writefile = getFileName(); writefile = ChangeExtension(writefile,".tex",false); lyxerr.debug("incfile:" + incfile, Error::LATEX); lyxerr.debug("writefile:" + writefile, Error::LATEX); tmp->markDepClean(master->tmppath); tmp->makeLaTeXFile(writefile, OnlyPath(getMasterFilename()), master->niceFile, true); } if (isVerb()) { file += '\\'; file += command + '{'; file += incfile + '}'; } else if (isInput()) { // \input wants file with extension (default is .tex) if (!IsLyXFilename(getFileName())) { file += '\\'; file += command + '{'; file += incfile + '}'; } else { file += '\\'; file += command + '{'; file += ChangeExtension(incfile, ".tex", false) + '}'; } } else { // \include don't want extension and demands that the // file really have .tex file += '\\'; file += command + '{'; file += ChangeExtension(incfile, string(), false) + '}'; } return 0; } void InsetInclude::Validate(LaTeXFeatures& features) const { if (isVerb()) features.verbatim = true; // Here we must do the fun stuff... // Load the file in the include if it needs // to be loaded: if (loadIfNeeded()) { // a file got loaded Buffer *tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(getFileName()); tmp->validate(features); } } string InsetInclude::getLabel(int) const { string label; string parentname; if (loadIfNeeded()) { Buffer *tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(getFileName()); tmp->setParentName(""); label = tmp->getReferenceList('\n'); tmp->setParentName(getMasterFilename()); } return label; } int InsetInclude::GetNumberOfLabels() const { string label; int nl; if (loadIfNeeded()) { Buffer *tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(getFileName()); tmp->setParentName(""); label = tmp->getReferenceList('\n'); tmp->setParentName(getMasterFilename()); } nl = (label.empty())? 0: 1; return nl; } string InsetInclude::getKeys() const { string list; if (loadIfNeeded()) { Buffer *tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(getFileName()); tmp->setParentName(""); list = tmp->getBibkeyList(','); tmp->setParentName(getMasterFilename()); } return list; }