/** * \file insetfloat.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS */ #include #include "insetfloat.h" #include "insettext.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "debug.h" #include "Floating.h" #include "FloatList.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "iterators.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Lsstream.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "Lsstream.h" #include "support/LOstream.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/tostr.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" using namespace lyx::support; using std::ostream; using std::endl; using std::auto_ptr; // With this inset it will be possible to support the latex package // float.sty, and I am sure that with this and some additional support // classes we can support similar functionality in other formats // (read DocBook). // By using float.sty we will have the same handling for all floats, both // for those already in existance (table and figure) and all user created // ones¹. So suddenly we give the users the possibility of creating new // kinds of floats on the fly. (and with a uniform look) // // API to float.sty: // \newfloat{type}{placement}{ext}[within] // type - The "type" of the new class of floats, like program or // algorithm. After the appropriate \newfloat, commands // such as \begin{program} or \end{algorithm*} will be // available. // placement - The default placement for the given class of floats. // They are like in standard LaTeX: t, b, p and h for top, // bottom, page, and here, respectively. On top of that // there is a new type, H, which does not really correspond // to a float, since it means: put it "here" and nowhere else. // Note, however that the H specifier is special and, because // of implementation details cannot be used in the second // argument of \newfloat. // ext - The file name extension of an auxiliary file for the list // of figures (or whatever). LaTeX writes the captions to // this file. // within - This (optional) argument determines whether floats of this // class will be numbered within some sectional unit of the // document. For example, if within is equal to chapter, the // floats will be numbered within chapters. // \floatstyle{style} // style - plain, boxed, ruled // \floatname{float}{floatname} // float - // floatname - // \floatplacement{float}{placement} // float - // placement - // \restylefloat{float} // float - // \listof{type}{title} // title - // ¹ the algorithm float is defined using the float.sty package. Like this // \floatstyle{ruled} // \newfloat{algorithm}{htbp}{loa}[] // \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm} // // The intention is that floats should be definable from two places: // - layout files // - the "gui" (i.e. by the user) // // From layout files. // This should only be done for floats defined in a documentclass and that // does not need any additional packages. The two most known floats in this // category is "table" and "figure". Floats defined in layout files are only // stored in lyx files if the user modifies them. // // By the user. // There should be a gui dialog (and also a collection of lyxfuncs) where // the user can modify existing floats and/or create new ones. // // The individual floats will also have some settable // variables: wide and placement. // // Lgb namespace { // this should not be hardcoded, but be part of the definition // of the float (JMarc) string const caplayout("Caption"); string floatname(string const & type, BufferParams const & bp) { FloatList const & floats = bp.getLyXTextClass().floats(); FloatList::const_iterator it = floats[type]; if (it == floats.end()) return type; return _(it->second.name()); } } // namespace anon InsetFloat::InsetFloat(BufferParams const & bp, string const & type) : InsetCollapsable(bp) { string lab(_("float: ")); lab += floatname(type, bp); setLabel(lab); LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); font.setColor(LColor::collapsable); setLabelFont(font); params_.type = type; setInsetName(type); LyXTextClass const & tclass = bp.getLyXTextClass(); if (tclass.hasLayout(caplayout)) inset.paragraphs.begin()->layout(tclass[caplayout]); } InsetFloat::InsetFloat(InsetFloat const & in) : InsetCollapsable(in), params_(in.params_) {} InsetFloat::~InsetFloat() { InsetFloatMailer mailer(*this); mailer.hideDialog(); } dispatch_result InsetFloat::localDispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd) { InsetOld::RESULT result = UNDISPATCHED; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { InsetFloatParams params; InsetFloatMailer::string2params(cmd.argument, params); params_.placement = params.placement; params_.wide = params.wide; wide(params_.wide, cmd.view()->buffer()->params); cmd.view()->updateInset(this); result = DISPATCHED; } break; case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: { InsetFloatMailer mailer(*this); mailer.updateDialog(cmd.view()); } break; default: result = InsetCollapsable::localDispatch(cmd); } return result; } void InsetFloatParams::write(ostream & os) const { os << "Float " // getInsetName() << type << '\n'; if (!placement.empty()) { os << "placement " << placement << "\n"; } if (wide) { os << "wide true\n"; } else { os << "wide false\n"; } } void InsetFloatParams::read(LyXLex & lex) { if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string token = lex.getString(); if (token == "placement") { lex.next(); placement = lex.getString(); } else { // take countermeasures lex.pushToken(token); } lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "wide") { lex.next(); string const tmptoken = lex.getString(); wide = (tmptoken == "true"); } else { lyxerr << "InsetFloat::Read:: Missing wide!" << endl; // take countermeasures lex.pushToken(token); } } } void InsetFloat::write(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { params_.write(os); InsetCollapsable::write(buf, os); } void InsetFloat::read(Buffer const * buf, LyXLex & lex) { params_.read(lex); wide(params_.wide, buf->params); InsetCollapsable::read(buf, lex); } void InsetFloat::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { if (contains(params_.placement, "H")) { features.require("float"); } features.useFloat(params_.type); InsetCollapsable::validate(features); } auto_ptr InsetFloat::clone() const { return auto_ptr(new InsetFloat(*this)); } string const InsetFloat::editMessage() const { return _("Opened Float Inset"); } int InsetFloat::latex(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, LatexRunParams const & runparams) const { FloatList const & floats = buf->params.getLyXTextClass().floats(); string const tmptype = (params_.wide ? params_.type + "*" : params_.type); // Figure out the float placement to use. // From lowest to highest: // - float default placement // - document wide default placement // - specific float placement string placement; string const buf_placement = buf->params.float_placement; string const def_placement = floats.defaultPlacement(params_.type); if (!params_.placement.empty() && params_.placement != def_placement) { placement = params_.placement; } else if (params_.placement.empty() && !buf_placement.empty() && buf_placement != def_placement) { placement = buf_placement; } // The \n is used to force \begin{} to appear in a new line. // The % is needed to prevent two consecutive \n chars in the case // when the current output line is empty. os << "%\n\\begin{" << tmptype << '}'; // We only output placement if different from the def_placement. if (!placement.empty()) { os << '[' << placement << ']'; } os << '\n'; int const i = inset.latex(buf, os, runparams); // The \n is used to force \end{} to appear in a new line. // In this case, we do not case if the current output line is empty. os << "\n\\end{" << tmptype << "}\n"; return i + 4; } int InsetFloat::docbook(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool mixcont) const { os << '<' << params_.type << '>'; int const i = inset.docbook(buf, os, mixcont); os << "'; return i; } bool InsetFloat::insetAllowed(InsetOld::Code code) const { if (code == InsetOld::FLOAT_CODE) return false; if (inset.getLockingInset() != const_cast(this)) return inset.insetAllowed(code); if ((code == InsetOld::FOOT_CODE) || (code == InsetOld::MARGIN_CODE)) return false; return true; } bool InsetFloat::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const { if (!inset.showInsetDialog(bv)) { InsetFloat * tmp = const_cast(this); InsetFloatMailer mailer(*tmp); mailer.showDialog(bv); } return true; } void InsetFloat::wide(bool w, BufferParams const & bp) { params_.wide = w; string lab(_("float:")); lab += floatname(params_.type, bp); if (params_.wide) lab += '*'; setLabel(lab); } void InsetFloat::addToToc(toc::TocList & toclist, Buffer const * buf) const { ParIterator pit(inset.paragraphs.begin(), inset.paragraphs); ParIterator end(inset.paragraphs.end(), inset.paragraphs); // Find a caption layout in one of the (child inset's) pars for (; pit != end; ++pit) { if (pit->layout()->name() == caplayout) { string const name = floatname(params_.type, buf->params); string const str = tostr(toclist[name].size() + 1) + ". " + pit->asString(buf, false); toc::TocItem const item(pit->id(), 0 , str); toclist[name].push_back(item); } } } string const InsetFloatMailer::name_("float"); InsetFloatMailer::InsetFloatMailer(InsetFloat & inset) : inset_(inset) {} string const InsetFloatMailer::inset2string(Buffer const &) const { return params2string(inset_.params()); } void InsetFloatMailer::string2params(string const & in, InsetFloatParams & params) { params = InsetFloatParams(); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(STRCONV(in)); LyXLex lex(0,0); lex.setStream(data); if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token != name_) return; } // This is part of the inset proper that is usually swallowed // by Buffer::readInset if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token != "Float" || !lex.eatLine()) return; } if (lex.isOK()) { params.read(lex); } } string const InsetFloatMailer::params2string(InsetFloatParams const & params) { ostringstream data; data << name_ << ' '; params.write(data); return STRCONV(data.str()); }