/** * \file insetexternal.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Asger Alstrup Nielsen * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "insetexternal.h" #include "insets/ExternalSupport.h" #include "insets/ExternalTemplate.h" #include "insets/render_button.h" #include "insets/render_graphic.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "debug.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "latexrunparams.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "metricsinfo.h" #include "frontends/lyx_gui.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/tostr.h" #include "support/translator.h" #include #include "support/std_sstream.h" namespace support = lyx::support; namespace external = lyx::external; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::auto_ptr; using std::istringstream; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::vector; namespace lyx { namespace graphics { /// The translator between the DisplayType and the corresponding lyx string. extern Translator displayTranslator; } // namespace graphics } // namespace lyx namespace { lyx::graphics::DisplayType const defaultDisplayType = lyx::graphics::NoDisplay; unsigned int defaultLyxScale = 100; } // namespace anon namespace lyx { namespace external { TempName::TempName() { tempname_ = support::tempName(string(), "lyxext"); support::unlink(tempname_); // must have an extension for the converter code to work correctly. tempname_ += ".tmp"; } TempName::TempName(TempName const &) { tempname_ = TempName()(); } TempName::~TempName() { support::unlink(tempname_); } TempName & TempName::operator=(TempName const & other) { if (this != &other) tempname_ = TempName()(); return *this; } } // namespace external } // namespace lyx InsetExternalParams::InsetExternalParams() : display(defaultDisplayType), lyxscale(defaultLyxScale) {} namespace { template void clearIfNotFound(T & data, external::TransformID value, vector const & ids) { typedef vector::const_iterator const_iterator; const_iterator it = ids.begin(); const_iterator end = ids.end(); it = std::find(it, end, value); if (it == end) data = T(); } } // namespace anon void InsetExternalParams::settemplate(string const & name) { templatename_ = name; external::TemplateManager const & etm = external::TemplateManager::get(); external::Template const * const et = etm.getTemplateByName(name); if (!et) // Be safe. Don't lose data. return; // Ascertain which transforms the template supports. // Empty all those that it doesn't. vector const & ids = et->transformIds; clearIfNotFound(clipdata, external::Clip, ids); clearIfNotFound(extradata, external::Extra, ids); clearIfNotFound(resizedata, external::Resize, ids); clearIfNotFound(rotationdata, external::Rotate, ids); } void InsetExternalParams::write(Buffer const & buffer, ostream & os) const { os << "External\n" << "\ttemplate " << templatename() << '\n'; if (!filename.empty()) os << "\tfilename " << filename.outputFilename(buffer.filePath()) << '\n'; if (display != defaultDisplayType) os << "\tdisplay " << lyx::graphics::displayTranslator.find(display) << '\n'; if (lyxscale != defaultLyxScale) os << "\tlyxscale " << tostr(lyxscale) << '\n'; if (!clipdata.bbox.empty()) os << "\tboundingBox " << clipdata.bbox << '\n'; if (clipdata.clip) os << "\tclip\n"; external::ExtraData::const_iterator it = extradata.begin(); external::ExtraData::const_iterator end = extradata.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (!it->second.empty()) os << "\textra " << it->first << " \"" << it->second << "\"\n"; } if (!rotationdata.no_rotation()) { os << "\trotateAngle " << rotationdata.angle() << '\n'; if (rotationdata.origin() != external::RotationData::DEFAULT) os << "\trotateOrigin " << rotationdata.originString() << '\n'; } if (!resizedata.no_resize()) { using support::float_equal; if (!float_equal(resizedata.scale, 0.0, 0.05)) { if (!float_equal(resizedata.scale, 100.0, 0.05)) os << "\tscale " << resizedata.scale << '\n'; } else { if (!resizedata.width.zero()) os << "\twidth " << resizedata.width.asString() << '\n'; if (!resizedata.height.zero()) os << "\theight " << resizedata.height.asString() << '\n'; } if (resizedata.keepAspectRatio) os << "\tkeepAspectRatio\n"; } } bool InsetExternalParams::read(Buffer const & buffer, LyXLex & lex) { enum ExternalTags { EX_TEMPLATE = 1, EX_FILENAME, EX_DISPLAY, EX_LYXSCALE, EX_BOUNDINGBOX, EX_CLIP, EX_EXTRA, EX_HEIGHT, EX_KEEPASPECTRATIO, EX_ROTATEANGLE, EX_ROTATEORIGIN, EX_SCALE, EX_WIDTH, EX_END }; keyword_item external_tags[] = { { "\\end_inset", EX_END }, { "boundingBox", EX_BOUNDINGBOX }, { "clip", EX_CLIP }, { "display", EX_DISPLAY}, { "extra", EX_EXTRA }, { "filename", EX_FILENAME}, { "height", EX_HEIGHT }, { "keepAspectRatio", EX_KEEPASPECTRATIO }, { "lyxscale", EX_LYXSCALE}, { "rotateAngle", EX_ROTATEANGLE }, { "rotateOrigin", EX_ROTATEORIGIN }, { "scale", EX_SCALE }, { "template", EX_TEMPLATE }, { "width", EX_WIDTH } }; pushpophelper pph(lex, external_tags, EX_END); bool found_end = false; bool read_error = false; while (lex.isOK()) { switch (lex.lex()) { case EX_TEMPLATE: lex.next(); templatename_ = lex.getString(); break; case EX_FILENAME: { lex.next(); string const name = lex.getString(); filename.set(name, buffer.filePath()); break; } case EX_DISPLAY: { lex.next(); string const name = lex.getString(); display = lyx::graphics::displayTranslator.find(name); break; } case EX_LYXSCALE: lex.next(); lyxscale = lex.getInteger(); break; case EX_BOUNDINGBOX: lex.next(); clipdata.bbox.xl = lex.getInteger(); lex.next(); clipdata.bbox.yb = lex.getInteger(); lex.next(); clipdata.bbox.xr = lex.getInteger(); lex.next(); clipdata.bbox.yt = lex.getInteger(); break; case EX_CLIP: clipdata.clip = true; break; case EX_EXTRA: { lex.next(); string const name = lex.getString(); lex.next(); extradata.set(name, lex.getString()); break; } case EX_HEIGHT: lex.next(); resizedata.height = LyXLength(lex.getString()); break; case EX_KEEPASPECTRATIO: resizedata.keepAspectRatio = true; break; case EX_ROTATEANGLE: lex.next(); rotationdata.angle(lex.getFloat()); break; case EX_ROTATEORIGIN: lex.next(); rotationdata.origin(lex.getString()); break; case EX_SCALE: lex.next(); resizedata.scale = lex.getFloat(); break; case EX_WIDTH: lex.next(); resizedata.width = LyXLength(lex.getString()); break; case EX_END: found_end = true; break; default: lex.printError("ExternalInset::read: " "Wrong tag: $$Token"); read_error = true; break; } if (found_end || read_error) break; } if (!found_end) lex.printError("ExternalInset::read: Missing \\end_inset."); // This is a trick to make sure that the data are self-consistent. settemplate(templatename_); if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::EXTERNAL)) { lyxerr << "InsetExternalParams::read:\n"; write(buffer, lyxerr); } return !read_error; } InsetExternal::InsetExternal() : renderer_(new RenderButton) {} InsetExternal::InsetExternal(InsetExternal const & other) : InsetOld(other), boost::signals::trackable(), params_(other.params_), renderer_(other.renderer_->clone()) { RenderGraphic * ptr = dynamic_cast(renderer_.get()); if (ptr) ptr->connect(boost::bind(&InsetExternal::statusChanged, this)); } auto_ptr InsetExternal::clone() const { return auto_ptr(new InsetExternal(*this)); } InsetExternal::~InsetExternal() { InsetExternalMailer(*this).hideDialog(); } void InsetExternal::cache(BufferView * view) const { BOOST_ASSERT(view); view_ = view->owner()->view(); } BufferView * InsetExternal::view() const { return view_.lock().get(); } void InsetExternal::statusChanged() const { BufferView * const bv = view(); if (bv) bv->updateInset(this); } dispatch_result InsetExternal::localDispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd) { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_EXTERNAL_EDIT: { BOOST_ASSERT(cmd.view()); Buffer const & buffer = *cmd.view()->buffer(); InsetExternalParams p; InsetExternalMailer::string2params(cmd.argument, buffer, p); external::editExternal(p, buffer); return DISPATCHED_NOUPDATE; } case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { BOOST_ASSERT(cmd.view()); Buffer const & buffer = *cmd.view()->buffer(); InsetExternalParams p; InsetExternalMailer::string2params(cmd.argument, buffer, p); setParams(p, buffer); cmd.view()->updateInset(this); return DISPATCHED; } case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: InsetExternalMailer(*this).updateDialog(cmd.view()); return DISPATCHED; case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: case LFUN_INSET_EDIT: InsetExternalMailer(*this).showDialog(cmd.view()); return DISPATCHED; default: return UNDISPATCHED; } } void InsetExternal::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { renderer_->metrics(mi, dim); dim_ = dim; } void InsetExternal::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { cache(pi.base.bv); renderer_->draw(pi, x, y); } namespace { lyx::graphics::Params get_grfx_params(InsetExternalParams const & eparams) { lyx::graphics::Params gparams; gparams.filename = eparams.filename.absFilename(); gparams.scale = eparams.lyxscale; if (eparams.clipdata.clip) gparams.bb = eparams.clipdata.bbox; gparams.angle = eparams.rotationdata.angle(); gparams.display = eparams.display; if (gparams.display == lyx::graphics::DefaultDisplay) gparams.display = lyxrc.display_graphics; // Override the above if we're not using a gui if (!lyx_gui::use_gui) gparams.display = lyx::graphics::NoDisplay; return gparams; } string const getScreenLabel(InsetExternalParams const & params, Buffer const & buffer) { external::Template const * const ptr = external::getTemplatePtr(params); if (!ptr) return support::bformat(_("External template %1$s is not installed"), params.templatename()); return external::doSubstitution(params, buffer, ptr->guiName); } } // namespace anon InsetExternalParams const & InsetExternal::params() const { return params_; } void InsetExternal::setParams(InsetExternalParams const & p, Buffer const & buffer) { // The stored params; what we would like to happen in an ideal world. params_ = p; // We display the inset as a button by default. bool display_button = (!external::getTemplatePtr(params_) || params_.filename.empty() || params_.display == lyx::graphics::NoDisplay); if (display_button) { RenderButton * button_ptr = dynamic_cast(renderer_.get()); if (!button_ptr) { button_ptr = new RenderButton; renderer_.reset(button_ptr); } button_ptr->update(getScreenLabel(params_, buffer), true); } else { RenderGraphic * graphic_ptr = dynamic_cast(renderer_.get()); if (!graphic_ptr) { graphic_ptr = new RenderGraphic; graphic_ptr->connect( boost::bind(&InsetExternal::statusChanged, this)); renderer_.reset(graphic_ptr); } graphic_ptr->update(get_grfx_params(params_)); } } void InsetExternal::write(Buffer const & buffer, ostream & os) const { params_.write(buffer, os); } void InsetExternal::read(Buffer const & buffer, LyXLex & lex) { InsetExternalParams params; if (params.read(buffer, lex)) setParams(params, buffer); } int InsetExternal::latex(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, LatexRunParams const & runparams) const { // "nice" means that the buffer is exported to LaTeX format but not // run through the LaTeX compiler. // If we're running through the LaTeX compiler, we should write the // generated files in the bufer's temporary directory. bool const external_in_tmpdir = lyxrc.use_tempdir && !buf.temppath().empty() && !runparams.nice; // If the template has specified a PDFLaTeX output, then we try and // use that. if (runparams.flavor == LatexRunParams::PDFLATEX) { external::Template const * const et_ptr = external::getTemplatePtr(params_); if (!et_ptr) return 0; external::Template const & et = *et_ptr; external::Template::Formats::const_iterator cit = et.formats.find("PDFLaTeX"); if (cit != et.formats.end()) return external::writeExternal(params_, "PDFLaTeX", buf, os, external_in_tmpdir); } return external::writeExternal(params_, "LaTeX", buf, os, external_in_tmpdir); } int InsetExternal::ascii(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, int) const { return external::writeExternal(params_, "Ascii", buf, os); } int InsetExternal::linuxdoc(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os) const { return external::writeExternal(params_, "LinuxDoc", buf, os); } int InsetExternal::docbook(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, bool) const { return external::writeExternal(params_, "DocBook", buf, os); } void InsetExternal::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { external::Template const * const et_ptr = external::getTemplatePtr(params_); if (!et_ptr) return; external::Template const & et = *et_ptr; external::Template::Formats::const_iterator cit = et.formats.find("LaTeX"); if (cit == et.formats.end()) return; if (!cit->second.requirement.empty()) features.require(cit->second.requirement); external::TemplateManager & etm = external::TemplateManager::get(); vector::const_iterator it = cit->second.preambleNames.begin(); vector::const_iterator end = cit->second.preambleNames.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { string const preamble = etm.getPreambleDefByName(*it); if (!preamble.empty()) features.addExternalPreamble(preamble); } } string const InsetExternalMailer::name_("external"); InsetExternalMailer::InsetExternalMailer(InsetExternal & inset) : inset_(inset) {} string const InsetExternalMailer::inset2string(Buffer const & buffer) const { return params2string(inset_.params(), buffer); } void InsetExternalMailer::string2params(string const & in, Buffer const & buffer, InsetExternalParams & params) { params = InsetExternalParams(); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); LyXLex lex(0,0); lex.setStream(data); if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token != name_) return; } // This is part of the inset proper that is usually swallowed // by Buffer::readInset if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token != "External") return; } if (lex.isOK()) { params.read(buffer, lex); } } string const InsetExternalMailer::params2string(InsetExternalParams const & params, Buffer const & buffer) { ostringstream data; data << name_ << ' '; params.write(buffer, data); data << "\\end_inset\n"; return data.str(); }