/** * \file insetcollapsable.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "insetcollapsable.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "debug.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "metricsinfo.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "frontends/font_metrics.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" using lyx::graphics::PreviewLoader; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::max; using std::min; using std::ostream; InsetCollapsable::InsetCollapsable(BufferParams const & bp, CollapseStatus status) : inset(bp), label("Label"), status_(status) { inset.setOwner(this); inset.setAutoBreakRows(true); inset.setDrawFrame(InsetText::ALWAYS); inset.setFrameColor(LColor::collapsableframe); setInsetName("Collapsable"); setButtonLabel(); } InsetCollapsable::InsetCollapsable(InsetCollapsable const & in) : UpdatableInset(in), inset(in.inset), labelfont_(in.labelfont_), label(in.label), status_(in.status_) { inset.setOwner(this); setButtonLabel(); } void InsetCollapsable::write(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os) const { os << "status "; switch (status_) { case Open: os << "open"; break; case Collapsed: os << "collapsed"; break; case Inlined: os << "inlined"; break; } os << "\n"; inset.text_.write(buf, os); } void InsetCollapsable::read(Buffer const & buf, LyXLex & lex) { bool token_found = false; if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token == "status") { lex.next(); string const tmp_token = lex.getString(); if (tmp_token == "inlined") { status_ = Inlined; token_found = true; } else if (tmp_token == "collapsed") { status_ = Collapsed; token_found = true; } else if (tmp_token == "open") { status_ = Open; token_found = true; } else { lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::read: Missing status!" << endl; // Take countermeasures lex.pushToken(token); } } else { lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::Read: Missing 'status'-tag!" << endl; // take countermeasures lex.pushToken(token); } } inset.read(buf, lex); if (!token_found) status_ = isOpen() ? Open : Collapsed; setButtonLabel(); } void InsetCollapsable::dimension_collapsed(Dimension & dim) const { font_metrics::buttonText(label, labelfont_, dim.wid, dim.asc, dim.des); } int InsetCollapsable::height_collapsed() const { Dimension dim; font_metrics::buttonText(label, labelfont_, dim.wid, dim.asc, dim.des); return dim.asc + dim.des; } void InsetCollapsable::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { if (status_ == Inlined) { inset.metrics(mi, dim); } else { dimension_collapsed(dim); if (status_ == Open) { Dimension insetdim; inset.metrics(mi, insetdim); dim.des += insetdim.height() + TEXT_TO_BOTTOM_OFFSET; dim.wid = max(dim.wid, insetdim.wid); } } dim_ = dim; } void InsetCollapsable::draw_collapsed(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { pi.pain.buttonText(x, y, label, labelfont_); } void InsetCollapsable::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { setPosCache(pi, x, y); if (status_ == Inlined) { inset.draw(pi, x, y); } else { Dimension dimc; dimension_collapsed(dimc); int const aa = ascent(); button_dim.x1 = x + 0; button_dim.x2 = x + dimc.width(); button_dim.y1 = y - aa; button_dim.y2 = y - aa + dimc.height(); draw_collapsed(pi, x, y); if (status_ == Open) { if (!owner()) x += scroll(); inset.draw(pi, x, y - aa + dimc.height() + inset.ascent()); } } } InsetOld::EDITABLE InsetCollapsable::editable() const { return status_ != Collapsed ? HIGHLY_EDITABLE : IS_EDITABLE; } bool InsetCollapsable::descendable() const { return status_ != Collapsed; } DispatchResult InsetCollapsable::lfunMouseRelease(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button3) { lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::lfunMouseRelease 0" << endl; showInsetDialog(&cur.bv()); return DispatchResult(true, true); } switch (status_) { case Collapsed: lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::lfunMouseRelease 1" << endl; setStatus(Open); edit(cur, true); return DispatchResult(true, true); case Open: if (hitButton(cmd)) { lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::lfunMouseRelease 2" << endl; setStatus(Collapsed); return DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); } lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::lfunMouseRelease 3" << endl; return inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); case Inlined: return inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); } BOOST_ASSERT(false); // shut up compiler return DispatchResult(true, true); } int InsetCollapsable::latex(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return inset.latex(buf, os, runparams); } int InsetCollapsable::plaintext(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return inset.plaintext(buf, os, runparams); } int InsetCollapsable::linuxdoc(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return inset.linuxdoc(buf, os, runparams); } int InsetCollapsable::docbook(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return inset.docbook(buf, os, runparams); } bool InsetCollapsable::hitButton(FuncRequest const & cmd) const { return button_dim.contains(cmd.x, cmd.y); } string const InsetCollapsable::getNewLabel(string const & l) const { string la; pos_type const max_length = 15; pos_type const p_siz = inset.paragraphs().begin()->size(); pos_type const n = min(max_length, p_siz); pos_type i = 0; pos_type j = 0; for( ; i < n && j < p_siz; ++j) { if (inset.paragraphs().begin()->isInset(j)) continue; la += inset.paragraphs().begin()->getChar(j); ++i; } if (inset.paragraphs().size() > 1 || (i > 0 && j < p_siz)) { la += "..."; } return la.empty() ? l : la; } void InsetCollapsable::edit(LCursor & cur, bool left) { //lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable: edit left/right" << endl; cur.push(this); inset.edit(cur, left); open(); } void InsetCollapsable::edit(LCursor & cur, int x, int y) { cur.push(this); //lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable: edit xy" << endl; if (status_ == Collapsed) { setStatus(Open); inset.edit(cur, true); #warning look here //we are not calling edit(x,y) because there are no coordinates in the //inset yet. I personally think it's ok. (ab) } else { if (y <= button_dim.y2) y = 0; else y += inset.ascent() - height_collapsed(); inset.edit(cur, x, y); } } DispatchResult InsetCollapsable::priv_dispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { lyxerr << "\nInsetCollapsable::priv_dispatch (begin): cmd: " << cmd << " button y: " << button_dim.y2 << endl; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: if (status_ == Inlined) inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); else if (status_ == Open && cmd.y > button_dim.y2) inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION: if (status_ == Inlined) inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); else if (status_ == Open && cmd.y > button_dim.y2) inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); return DispatchResult(true, true); case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: return lfunMouseRelease(cur, cmd); case LFUN_INSET_TOGGLE: if (inset.text_.toggleInset()) return DispatchResult(true, true); if (status_ == Open) { setStatus(Inlined); return DispatchResult(true, true); } else { setStatus(Collapsed); return DispatchResult(false, FINISHED_RIGHT); } default: return inset.dispatch(cur, cmd); } } void InsetCollapsable::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { inset.validate(features); } void InsetCollapsable::getCursorPos(CursorSlice const & cur, int & x, int & y) const { inset.getCursorPos(cur, x, y); } void InsetCollapsable::getLabelList(Buffer const & buffer, std::vector & list) const { inset.getLabelList(buffer, list); } int InsetCollapsable::scroll(bool recursive) const { int sx = UpdatableInset::scroll(false); if (recursive) sx += inset.scroll(false); return sx; } int InsetCollapsable::numParagraphs() const { return inset.numParagraphs(); } LyXText * InsetCollapsable::getText(int i) const { return inset.getText(i); } void InsetCollapsable::open() { if (status_ == Collapsed) // ...but not inlined setStatus(Open); } void InsetCollapsable::close() { setStatus(Collapsed); } void InsetCollapsable::setLabel(string const & l) { label = l; } void InsetCollapsable::setStatus(CollapseStatus st) { status_ = st; setButtonLabel(); } void InsetCollapsable::markErased() { inset.markErased(); } void InsetCollapsable::addPreview(PreviewLoader & loader) const { inset.addPreview(loader); } bool InsetCollapsable::insetAllowed(InsetOld::Code code) const { return inset.insetAllowed(code); } void InsetCollapsable::setLabelFont(LyXFont & font) { labelfont_ = font; } void InsetCollapsable::scroll(BufferView & bv, float sx) const { UpdatableInset::scroll(bv, sx); } void InsetCollapsable::scroll(BufferView & bv, int offset) const { UpdatableInset::scroll(bv, offset); } Box const & InsetCollapsable::buttonDim() const { return button_dim; } void InsetCollapsable::setBackgroundColor(LColor_color color) { InsetOld::setBackgroundColor(color); inset.setBackgroundColor(color); }