/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1998-2001 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "insetcollapsable.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Painter.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "support/LOstream.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyxtext.h" class LyXText; using std::ostream; using std::endl; using std::max; InsetCollapsable::InsetCollapsable() : UpdatableInset() { inset.setOwner(this); collapsed = false; label = "Label"; autocollapse = true; inset.SetAutoBreakRows(true); inset.SetDrawFrame(0, InsetText::ALWAYS); inset.SetFrameColor(0, LColor::collapsableframe); button_length = button_top_y = button_bottom_y = 0; setInsetName("Collapsable"); widthCollapsed = oldWidth = 0; need_update = FULL; } bool InsetCollapsable::InsertInset(BufferView * bv, Inset * in) { if (!InsertInsetAllowed(in)) { lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::InsertInset: " "Unable to insert inset." << endl; return false; } return inset.InsertInset(bv, in); } void InsetCollapsable::Write(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os) const { os << "collapsed " << tostr(collapsed) << "\n"; inset.WriteParagraphData(buf, os); } void InsetCollapsable::Read(Buffer const * buf, LyXLex & lex) { if (lex.IsOK()) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.GetString(); if (token == "collapsed") { lex.next(); collapsed = lex.GetBool(); } else { lyxerr << "InsetCollapsable::Read: Missing collapsed!" << endl; } } inset.Read(buf, lex); } int InsetCollapsable::ascent_collapsed(Painter & pain, LyXFont const &) const { int width = 0; int ascent = 0; int descent = 0; pain.buttonText(0, 0, label, labelfont, false, width, ascent, descent); return ascent; } int InsetCollapsable::descent_collapsed(Painter & pain, LyXFont const &) const { int width = 0; int ascent = 0; int descent = 0; pain.buttonText(0, 0, label, labelfont, false, width, ascent, descent); return descent; } int InsetCollapsable::width_collapsed(Painter & pain, LyXFont const &) const { int width; int ascent; int descent; pain.buttonText(TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET, 0, label, labelfont, false, width, ascent, descent); return width + (2*TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET); } int InsetCollapsable::ascent(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font) const { return ascent_collapsed(bv->painter(), font); } int InsetCollapsable::descent(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font) const { if (collapsed) return descent_collapsed(bv->painter(), font); return descent_collapsed(bv->painter(), font) + inset.descent(bv, font) + inset.ascent(bv, font) + TEXT_TO_BOTTOM_OFFSET; } int InsetCollapsable::width(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font) const { if (collapsed) return widthCollapsed; return (inset.width(bv, font) > widthCollapsed) ? inset.width(bv, font) : widthCollapsed; } void InsetCollapsable::draw_collapsed(Painter & pain, LyXFont const &, int baseline, float & x) const { int width = 0; pain.buttonText(int(x) + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET, baseline, label, labelfont, true, width); x += width + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; } void InsetCollapsable::draw(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & f, int baseline, float & x, bool cleared) const { if (nodraw()) return; Painter & pain = bv->painter(); button_length = widthCollapsed; button_top_y = -ascent(bv, f); button_bottom_y = -ascent(bv, f) + ascent_collapsed(pain,f) + descent_collapsed(pain, f); if (collapsed) { draw_collapsed(pain, f, baseline, x); x += TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; return; } float old_x = x; #if 0 UpdatableInset::draw(bv, f, baseline, x, cleared); #else if (!owner()) x += static_cast(scroll()); #endif if (!cleared && (inset.need_update == InsetText::FULL || inset.need_update == InsetText::INIT || top_x != int(x) || top_baseline != baseline)) { #if 1 // we don't need anymore to clear here we just have to tell // the underlying LyXText that it should do the RowClear! inset.SetUpdateStatus(bv, InsetText::FULL); bv->text->status = LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW; return; #else int w = owner() ? width(bv, f) : pain.paperWidth(); int h = ascent(bv, f) + descent(bv, f); int const tx = (needFullRow() && !owner()) ? 0 : int(x); int const ty = max(0, baseline - ascent(bv, f)); if ((ty + h) > pain.paperHeight()) h = pain.paperHeight(); if ((top_x + w) > pain.paperWidth()) w = pain.paperWidth(); if (baseline < 0) h += (baseline - ascent(bv, f)); pain.fillRectangle(tx, ty - 1, w, h + 2); cleared = true; #endif } top_x = int(x); top_baseline = baseline; int const bl = baseline - ascent(bv, f) + ascent_collapsed(pain, f); draw_collapsed(pain, f, bl, old_x); inset.draw(bv, f, bl + descent_collapsed(pain, f) + inset.ascent(bv, f), x, cleared); need_update = NONE; } void InsetCollapsable::Edit(BufferView * bv, int xp, int yp, unsigned int button) { UpdatableInset::Edit(bv, xp, yp, button); if (collapsed && autocollapse) { collapsed = false; if (!bv->lockInset(this)) return; bv->updateInset(this, false); inset.Edit(bv, 0, 0, button); } else if (!collapsed) { if (!bv->lockInset(this)) return; inset.Edit(bv, xp, yp + (top_baseline - inset.y()), button); } } Inset::EDITABLE InsetCollapsable::Editable() const { if (collapsed) return IS_EDITABLE; return HIGHLY_EDITABLE; } void InsetCollapsable::InsetUnlock(BufferView * bv) { if (autocollapse) { collapsed = true; } inset.InsetUnlock(bv); if (scroll()) scroll(bv, 0.0F); bv->updateInset(this, false); } void InsetCollapsable::InsetButtonPress(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { if (!collapsed && (y > button_bottom_y)) { inset.InsetButtonPress(bv, x, y + (top_baseline - inset.y()), button); } } void InsetCollapsable::InsetButtonRelease(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int button) { if ((x >= 0) && (x < button_length) && (y >= button_top_y) && (y <= button_bottom_y)) { if (collapsed) { collapsed = false; inset.InsetButtonRelease(bv, 0, 0, button); bv->updateInset(this, false); } else { collapsed = true; bv->unlockInset(this); bv->updateInset(this, false); } } else if (!collapsed && (y > button_top_y)) { inset.InsetButtonRelease(bv, x, y + (top_baseline-inset.y()), button); } } void InsetCollapsable::InsetMotionNotify(BufferView * bv, int x, int y, int state) { if (x > button_bottom_y) { inset.InsetMotionNotify(bv, x, y + (top_baseline - inset.y()), state); } } void InsetCollapsable::InsetKeyPress(XKeyEvent * xke) { inset.InsetKeyPress(xke); } int InsetCollapsable::Latex(Buffer const * buf, ostream & os, bool fragile, bool free_spc) const { return inset.Latex(buf, os, fragile, free_spc); } int InsetCollapsable::getMaxWidth(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset const * inset) const { int const w = UpdatableInset::getMaxWidth(bv, inset); if (w < 0) { // What does a negative max width signify? (Lgb) // Use the max width of the draw-area (Jug) return w; } // should be at least 30 pixels !!! return max(30, w - widthCollapsed); } void InsetCollapsable::update(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font, bool reinit) { if (reinit) { need_update = FULL; if (owner()) owner()->update(bv, font, true); return; } if (!widthCollapsed) { widthCollapsed = width_collapsed(bv->painter(), font); inset.resizeLyXText(bv); need_update = FULL; if (owner()) { owner()->update(bv, font); return; } } if (oldWidth != width(bv, font)) { oldWidth = width(bv, font); inset.resizeLyXText(bv); need_update = FULL; if (owner()) { owner()->update(bv, font); return; } } inset.update(bv, font); } UpdatableInset::RESULT InsetCollapsable::LocalDispatch(BufferView * bv, kb_action action, string const & arg) { UpdatableInset::RESULT result = inset.LocalDispatch(bv, action, arg); if (result == FINISHED) bv->unlockInset(this); return result; } bool InsetCollapsable::LockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * in) { if (&inset == in) return true; return inset.LockInsetInInset(bv, in); } bool InsetCollapsable::UnlockInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, UpdatableInset * in, bool lr) { if (&inset == in) { bv->unlockInset(this); return true; } return inset.UnlockInsetInInset(bv, in, lr); } bool InsetCollapsable::UpdateInsetInInset(BufferView * bv, Inset *in) { if (&inset == in) return true; return inset.UpdateInsetInInset(bv, in); } unsigned int InsetCollapsable::InsetInInsetY() { return inset.InsetInInsetY() - (top_baseline - inset.y()); } void InsetCollapsable::Validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { inset.Validate(features); } void InsetCollapsable::GetCursorPos(BufferView * bv, int & x, int & y) const { inset.GetCursorPos(bv, x , y); } void InsetCollapsable::ToggleInsetCursor(BufferView * bv) { inset.ToggleInsetCursor(bv); } UpdatableInset * InsetCollapsable::GetLockingInset() { UpdatableInset * in = inset.GetLockingInset(); if (&inset == in) return this; return in; } UpdatableInset * InsetCollapsable::GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(Inset::Code c) { if (c == LyxCode()) return this; return inset.GetFirstLockingInsetOfType(c); } void InsetCollapsable::SetFont(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font, bool toggleall, bool selectall) { inset.SetFont(bv, font, toggleall, selectall); } bool InsetCollapsable::doClearArea() const { return inset.doClearArea(); } LyXText * InsetCollapsable::getLyXText(BufferView const * bv, bool const recursive) const { return inset.getLyXText(bv, recursive); } void InsetCollapsable::deleteLyXText(BufferView * bv, bool recursive) const { inset.deleteLyXText(bv, recursive); } void InsetCollapsable::resizeLyXText(BufferView * bv) const { inset.resizeLyXText(bv); LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); oldWidth = width(bv, font); } std::vector const InsetCollapsable::getLabelList() const { return inset.getLabelList(); } bool InsetCollapsable::nodraw() const { return inset.nodraw(); } int InsetCollapsable::scroll(bool recursive) const { int sx = UpdatableInset::scroll(false); if (recursive) sx += inset.scroll(recursive); return sx; }