/** * \file insetbox.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Angus Leeming * \author Martin Vermeer * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "insetbox.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "debug.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "metricsinfo.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "support/translator.h" #include using std::auto_ptr; using std::string; using std::istringstream; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::endl; namespace { typedef Translator BoxTranslator; BoxTranslator const init_boxtranslator() { BoxTranslator translator("Boxed", InsetBox::Boxed); translator.addPair("Frameless", InsetBox::Frameless); translator.addPair("ovalbox", InsetBox::ovalbox); translator.addPair("Ovalbox", InsetBox::Ovalbox); translator.addPair("Shadowbox", InsetBox::Shadowbox); translator.addPair("Doublebox",InsetBox::Doublebox); return translator; } BoxTranslator const init_boxtranslator_loc() { BoxTranslator translator(_("Boxed"), InsetBox::Boxed); translator.addPair(_("Frameless"), InsetBox::Frameless); translator.addPair(_("ovalbox"), InsetBox::ovalbox); translator.addPair(_("Ovalbox"), InsetBox::Ovalbox); translator.addPair(_("Shadowbox"), InsetBox::Shadowbox); translator.addPair(_("Doublebox"), InsetBox::Doublebox); return translator; } BoxTranslator const & boxtranslator() { static BoxTranslator translator = init_boxtranslator(); return translator; } BoxTranslator const & boxtranslator_loc() { static BoxTranslator translator = init_boxtranslator_loc(); return translator; } } // anon void InsetBox::init() { setInsetName("Box"); setButtonLabel(); } InsetBox::InsetBox(BufferParams const & bp, string const & label) : InsetCollapsable(bp), params_(label) { init(); } InsetBox::InsetBox(InsetBox const & in) : InsetCollapsable(in), params_(in.params_) { init(); } InsetBox::~InsetBox() { InsetBoxMailer(*this).hideDialog(); } auto_ptr InsetBox::doClone() const { return auto_ptr(new InsetBox(*this)); } string const InsetBox::editMessage() const { return _("Opened Box Inset"); } void InsetBox::write(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os) const { params_.write(os); InsetCollapsable::write(buf, os); } void InsetBox::read(Buffer const & buf, LyXLex & lex) { params_.read(lex); InsetCollapsable::read(buf, lex); setButtonLabel(); } void InsetBox::setButtonLabel() { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); BoxType btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); if (btype == Frameless) { if (params_.use_parbox) setLabel(_("Box") + " (" + _("Parbox") + ")"); else setLabel(_("Box") + " (" + _("Minipage") + ")"); } else setLabel(_("Box") + " (" + boxtranslator_loc().find(btype) + ")"); font.setColor(LColor::foreground); setBackgroundColor(LColor::background); setLabelFont(font); } void InsetBox::metrics(MetricsInfo & m, Dimension & dim) const { MetricsInfo mi = m; if (params_.inner_box || params_.special != "width") mi.base.textwidth = params_.width.inPixels(m.base.textwidth); InsetCollapsable::metrics(mi, dim); dim_ = dim; } bool InsetBox::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const { InsetBoxMailer(const_cast(*this)).showDialog(bv); return true; } void InsetBox::doDispatch(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { lyxerr << "InsetBox::dispatch MODIFY" << endl; InsetBoxMailer::string2params(cmd.argument, params_); setButtonLabel(); break; } case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: InsetBoxMailer(*this).updateDialog(&cur.bv()); break; case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button3 && hitButton(cmd)) { InsetBoxMailer(*this).showDialog(&cur.bv()); break; } InsetCollapsable::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; default: InsetCollapsable::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetBox::getStatus(LCursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: flag.enabled(true); return true; default: return InsetCollapsable::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); } } int InsetBox::latex(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { BoxType btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); string width_string = params_.width.asLatexString(); bool stdwidth(false); if (params_.inner_box && (width_string.find("1.0\\columnwidth") != string::npos || width_string.find("1.0\\textwidth") != string::npos)) { stdwidth = true; switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Boxed: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 2\\fboxrule"; break; case ovalbox: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 0.8pt"; break; case Ovalbox: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 1.6pt"; break; case Shadowbox: // Shadow falls outside right margin... opinions? width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 2\\fboxrule"/* "-\\shadowsize"*/; break; case Doublebox: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 7.5\\fboxrule - 1.0pt"; break; } } int i = 0; os << "%\n"; // Adapt to column/text width correctly also if paragraphs indented: if (stdwidth) os << "\\noindent"; switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Boxed: os << "\\framebox"; if (!params_.inner_box) { os << "{\\makebox"; // Special widths, see usrguide §3.5 if (params_.special != "none") { os << "[" << params_.width.value() << "\\" << params_.special << "]"; } else os << "[" << width_string << "]"; if (params_.hor_pos != 'c') os << "[" << params_.hor_pos << "]"; } os << "{"; break; case ovalbox: os << "\\ovalbox{"; break; case Ovalbox: os << "\\Ovalbox{"; break; case Shadowbox: os << "\\shadowbox{"; break; case Doublebox: os << "\\doublebox{"; break; } if (params_.inner_box) { if (params_.use_parbox) os << "\\parbox"; else os << "\\begin{minipage}"; os << "[" << params_.pos << "]"; if (params_.height_special == "none") { os << "[" << params_.height.asLatexString() << "]"; } else { // Special heights os << "[" << params_.height.value() << "\\" << params_.height_special << "]"; } if (params_.inner_pos != params_.pos) os << "[" << params_.inner_pos << "]"; os << "{" << width_string << "}"; if (params_.use_parbox) os << "{"; os << "%\n"; i += 1; } i += InsetText::latex(buf, os, runparams); if (params_.inner_box) { if (params_.use_parbox) os << "%\n}"; else os << "%\n\\end{minipage}"; } switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Boxed: if (!params_.inner_box) os << "}"; // for makebox os << "}"; break; case ovalbox: case Ovalbox: case Doublebox: case Shadowbox: os << "}"; break; } os << "%\n"; i += 3; return i; } int InsetBox::linuxdoc(Buffer const & buf, std::ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return InsetText::linuxdoc(buf, os, runparams); } int InsetBox::docbook(Buffer const & buf, std::ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return InsetText::docbook(buf, os, runparams); } int InsetBox::plaintext(Buffer const & buf, std::ostream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { BoxType const btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Boxed: os << "["; break; case ovalbox: os << "("; break; case Ovalbox: os << "(("; break; case Shadowbox: os << "["; break; case Doublebox: os << "[["; break; } int i = InsetText::plaintext(buf, os, runparams); switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Boxed: os << "]"; break; case ovalbox: os << ")"; break; case Ovalbox: os << "))"; break; case Shadowbox: os << "]/"; break; case Doublebox: os << "]]"; break; } return i; } void InsetBox::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.require("calc"); BoxType btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); switch (btype) { case Frameless: case Boxed: break; case ovalbox: case Ovalbox: case Shadowbox: case Doublebox: features.require("fancybox"); break; } InsetText::validate(features); } InsetBoxMailer::InsetBoxMailer(InsetBox & inset) : inset_(inset) {} string const InsetBoxMailer::name_ = "box"; string const InsetBoxMailer::inset2string(Buffer const &) const { return params2string(inset_.params()); } string const InsetBoxMailer::params2string(InsetBoxParams const & params) { ostringstream data; data << "box" << ' '; params.write(data); return data.str(); } void InsetBoxMailer::string2params(string const & in, InsetBoxParams & params) { params = InsetBoxParams(string()); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); LyXLex lex(0,0); lex.setStream(data); string name; lex >> name; if (!lex || name != name_) return print_mailer_error("InsetBoxMailer", in, 1, name_); // This is part of the inset proper that is usually swallowed // by LyXText::readInset string id; lex >> id; if (!lex || id != "Box") return print_mailer_error("InsetBoxMailer", in, 2, "Box"); params.read(lex); } InsetBoxParams::InsetBoxParams(string const & label) : type(label), use_parbox(false), inner_box(true), width(LyXLength("100col%")), special("none"), pos('t'), hor_pos('c'), inner_pos('t'), height(LyXLength("1in")), height_special("totalheight") // default is 1\\totalheight {} void InsetBoxParams::write(ostream & os) const { os << "Box " << type << "\n"; os << "position \"" << pos << "\"\n"; os << "hor_pos \"" << hor_pos << "\"\n"; os << "has_inner_box " << inner_box << "\n"; os << "inner_pos \"" << inner_pos << "\"\n"; os << "use_parbox " << use_parbox << "\n"; os << "width \"" << width.asString() << "\"\n"; os << "special \"" << special << "\"\n"; os << "height \"" << height.asString() << "\"\n"; os << "height_special \"" << height_special << "\"\n"; } void InsetBoxParams::read(LyXLex & lex) { if (!lex.isOK()) return; if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); type = lex.getString(); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); string token; token = lex.getString(); if (token == "position") { lex.next(); // The [0] is needed. We need the first and only char in // this string -- MV pos = lex.getString()[0]; } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'position'-tag!" << token << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "hor_pos") { lex.next(); hor_pos = lex.getString()[0]; } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'hor_pos'-tag!" << token << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "has_inner_box") { lex.next(); inner_box = lex.getInteger(); } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'has_inner_box'-tag!" << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "inner_pos") { lex.next(); inner_pos = lex.getString()[0]; } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'inner_pos'-tag!" << token << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "use_parbox") { lex.next(); use_parbox = lex.getInteger(); } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'use_parbox'-tag!" << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "width") { lex.next(); width = LyXLength(lex.getString()); } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'width'-tag!" << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "special") { lex.next(); special = lex.getString(); } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'special'-tag!" << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "height") { lex.next(); height = LyXLength(lex.getString()); } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'height'-tag!" << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } if (!lex.isOK()) return; lex.next(); token = lex.getString(); if (token == "height_special") { lex.next(); height_special = lex.getString(); } else { lyxerr << "InsetBox::Read: Missing 'height_special'-tag!" << endl; lex.pushToken(token); } }