#include #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "insetbib.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "bibforms.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/path.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "font.h" using std::ostream; using std::ifstream; using std::getline; using std::endl; using std::vector; using std::pair; using std::max; FD_bibitem_form * bibitem_form = 0; FD_bibitem_form * create_form_bibitem_form(void); extern BufferView * current_view; // This is foul! // called from both InsetBibKey and InsetBibtex dialogs yet cast off // only to InsetBibKey holder. Real problems can ensue. extern "C" void bibitem_cb(FL_OBJECT *, long data) { InsetBibKey::Holder * holder = static_cast (bibitem_form->bibitem_form->u_vdata); holder->inset->callback( bibitem_form, data ); } FD_bibitem_form * create_form_bibitem_form(void) { FL_OBJECT * obj; FD_bibitem_form * fdui = (FD_bibitem_form *) fl_calloc(1, sizeof(FD_bibitem_form)); fdui->bibitem_form = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, 220, 130); obj = fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, 220, 130, ""); fdui->key = obj = fl_add_input(FL_NORMAL_INPUT, 80, 10, 130, 30, idex(_("Key:|#K"))); fl_set_input_shortcut(obj, scex(_("Key:|#K")), 1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); obj = fl_add_button(FL_RETURN_BUTTON, 20, 90, 90, 30, _("OK")); fl_set_object_lsize(obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj, bibitem_cb, 1); obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 120, 90, 90, 30, idex(_("Cancel|^["))); fl_set_button_shortcut(obj, scex(_("Cancel|^[")), 1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(obj, bibitem_cb, 0); fdui->label = obj = fl_add_input(FL_NORMAL_INPUT, 80, 50, 130, 30, idex(_("Label:|#L"))); fl_set_input_shortcut(obj, scex(_("Label:|#L")), 1); fl_set_object_lsize(obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_end_form(); //fdui->bibitem_form->fdui = fdui; return fdui; } int InsetBibKey::key_counter = 0; const string key_prefix = "key-"; InsetBibKey::InsetBibKey(InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(p) { counter = 1; if (getContents().empty()) setContents(key_prefix + tostr(++key_counter)); } InsetBibKey::~InsetBibKey() { if (bibitem_form && bibitem_form->bibitem_form && bibitem_form->bibitem_form->visible && bibitem_form->bibitem_form->u_vdata == &holder) fl_hide_form(bibitem_form->bibitem_form); } Inset * InsetBibKey::Clone(Buffer const &) const { InsetBibKey * b = new InsetBibKey(params()); b->setCounter(counter); return b; } void InsetBibKey::callback( FD_bibitem_form * form, long data ) { switch (data) { case 1: { // Do NOT change this to // holder.view->buffer() as this code is used by both // InsetBibKey and InsetBibtex! Ughhhhhhh!!!! if (current_view->buffer()->isReadonly()) { WarnReadonly(current_view->buffer()->fileName()); break; } string key = fl_get_input(form->key); string label = fl_get_input(form->label); if (key != getContents()) current_view->ChangeCitationsIfUnique(getContents(), key); if (key != getContents() || label != getOptions()) { setContents(key); setOptions(label); current_view->updateInset(this, true); // We need to do a redraw becuase the maximum // InsetBibKey width could have changed. current_view->redraw(); current_view->fitCursor(getLyXText(current_view)); } // fall through to Cancel } case 0: fl_hide_form(form->bibitem_form); break; } } void InsetBibKey::setCounter(int c) { counter = c; } // I'm sorry but this is still necessary because \bibitem is used also // as a LyX 2.x command, and lyxlex is not enough smart to understand // real LaTeX commands. Yes, that could be fixed, but would be a waste // of time cause LyX3 won't use lyxlex anyway. (ale) void InsetBibKey::Write(Buffer const *, ostream & os) const { os << "\\bibitem "; if (! getOptions().empty()) { os << '[' << getOptions() << ']'; } os << '{' << getContents() << "}\n"; } // This is necessary here because this is written without begin_inset // This should be changed!!! (Jug) void InsetBibKey::Read(Buffer const *, LyXLex & lex) { string token; if (lex.EatLine()) { token = lex.GetString(); scanCommand(token); } else lex.printError("InsetCommand: Parse error: `$$Token'"); if (prefixIs(getContents(), key_prefix)) { int key = strToInt(getContents().substr(key_prefix.length())); key_counter = max(key_counter, key); } } string const InsetBibKey::getBibLabel() const { if (! getOptions().empty()) return getOptions(); return tostr(counter); } string const InsetBibKey::getScreenLabel() const { return getContents() + " [" + getBibLabel() + "]"; } /** The value in "Key:" isn't allways set right after a few bibkey insets have been added/removed. Perhaps the wrong object is deleted/used somewhere upwards? (Joacim 1998-03-04) */ void InsetBibKey::Edit(BufferView * bv, int, int, unsigned int) { if (bv->buffer()->isReadonly()) WarnReadonly(bv->buffer()->fileName()); if (!bibitem_form) { bibitem_form = create_form_bibitem_form(); fl_set_form_atclose(bibitem_form->bibitem_form, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); } holder.inset = this; holder.view = bv; bibitem_form->bibitem_form->u_vdata = &holder; // InsetBibtex uses the same form, with different labels fl_set_object_label(bibitem_form->key, idex(_("Key:|#K"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(bibitem_form->key, scex(_("Key:|#K")), 1); fl_set_object_label(bibitem_form->label, idex(_("Label:|#L"))); fl_set_button_shortcut(bibitem_form->label, scex(_("Label:|#L")), 1); fl_set_input(bibitem_form->key, getContents().c_str()); fl_set_input(bibitem_form->label, getOptions().c_str()); if (bibitem_form->bibitem_form->visible) { fl_raise_form(bibitem_form->bibitem_form); } else { fl_show_form(bibitem_form->bibitem_form, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_TRANSIENT, _("Bibliography item")); } } InsetBibtex::InsetBibtex(InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(p) {} InsetBibtex::~InsetBibtex() { if (bibitem_form && bibitem_form->bibitem_form && bibitem_form->bibitem_form->visible && bibitem_form->bibitem_form->u_vdata == &holder) fl_hide_form(bibitem_form->bibitem_form); } string const InsetBibtex::getScreenLabel() const { return _("BibTeX Generated References"); } int InsetBibtex::Latex(Buffer const * buffer, ostream & os, bool /*fragile*/, bool/*fs*/) const { // If we generate in a temp dir, we might need to give an // absolute path there. This is a bit complicated since we can // have a comma-separated list of bibliographies string adb, db_out; string db_in = getContents(); db_in = split(db_in, adb, ','); while(!adb.empty()) { if (!buffer->niceFile && IsFileReadable(MakeAbsPath(adb, buffer->filepath)+".bib")) adb = MakeAbsPath(adb, buffer->filepath); db_out += adb; db_out += ','; db_in= split(db_in, adb,','); } db_out = strip(db_out, ','); // Idem, but simpler string style; if (!buffer->niceFile && IsFileReadable(MakeAbsPath(getOptions(), buffer->filepath) + ".bst")) style = MakeAbsPath(getOptions(), buffer->filepath); else style = getOptions(); os << "\\bibliographystyle{" << style << "}\n" << "\\bibliography{" << db_out << "}\n"; return 2; } // This method returns a comma separated list of Bibtex entries vector > const InsetBibtex::getKeys(Buffer const * buffer) const { Path p(buffer->filepath); vector > keys; string tmp; string bibfiles = getContents(); bibfiles = split(bibfiles, tmp, ','); while(!tmp.empty()) { string fil = findtexfile(ChangeExtension(tmp, "bib"), "bib"); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Bibfile: " << fil << endl; // If we didn't find a matching file name just fail silently if (!fil.empty()) { // This is a _very_ simple parser for Bibtex database // files. All it does is to look for lines starting // in @ and not being @preamble and @string entries. // It does NOT do any syntax checking! ifstream ifs(fil.c_str()); string linebuf0; while (getline(ifs, linebuf0)) { string linebuf = frontStrip(strip(linebuf0)); if (linebuf.empty() ) continue; if (prefixIs(linebuf, "@")) { linebuf = subst(linebuf, '{', '('); linebuf = split(linebuf, tmp, '('); tmp = lowercase(tmp); if (!prefixIs(tmp, "@string") && !prefixIs(tmp, "@preamble")) { linebuf = split(linebuf, tmp, ','); tmp = frontStrip(tmp); if (!tmp.empty()) { keys.push_back(pair(tmp,string())); } } } else if (!keys.empty()) { keys.back().second += linebuf + "\n"; } } } // Get next file name bibfiles = split(bibfiles, tmp, ','); } return keys; } // BibTeX should have its own dialog. This is provisional. void InsetBibtex::Edit(BufferView * bv, int, int, unsigned int) { if (!bibitem_form) { bibitem_form = create_form_bibitem_form(); fl_set_form_atclose(bibitem_form->bibitem_form, CancelCloseBoxCB, 0); } holder.inset = this; holder.view = bv; bibitem_form->bibitem_form->u_vdata = &holder; fl_set_object_label(bibitem_form->key, _("Database:")); fl_set_object_label(bibitem_form->label, _("Style: ")); fl_set_input(bibitem_form->key, getContents().c_str()); fl_set_input(bibitem_form->label, getOptions().c_str()); if (bibitem_form->bibitem_form->visible) { fl_raise_form(bibitem_form->bibitem_form); } else { fl_show_form(bibitem_form->bibitem_form, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_TRANSIENT, _("BibTeX")); } } bool InsetBibtex::addDatabase(string const & db) { string contents(getContents()); if (!contains(contents, db)) { if (!contents.empty()) contents += ","; setContents(contents + db); return true; } return false; } bool InsetBibtex::delDatabase(string const & db) { if (contains(getContents(), db)) { string bd = db; int const n = tokenPos(getContents(), ',', bd); if (n > 0) { // Weird code, would someone care to explain this?(Lgb) string tmp(", "); tmp += bd; setContents(subst(getContents(), tmp, ", ")); } else if (n == 0) setContents(split(getContents(), bd, ',')); else return false; } return true; } // ale070405 This function maybe shouldn't be here. We'll fix this at 0.13. int bibitemMaxWidth(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font) { int w = 0; // Does look like a hack? It is! (but will change at 0.13) LyXParagraph * par = bv->buffer()->paragraph; while (par) { if (par->bibkey) { int const wx = par->bibkey->width(bv, font); if (wx > w) w = wx; } par = par->next; } return w; } // ale070405 string const bibitemWidest(Buffer const * buffer) { int w = 0; // Does look like a hack? It is! (but will change at 0.13) LyXParagraph * par = buffer->paragraph; InsetBibKey * bkey = 0; LyXFont font; while (par) { if (par->bibkey) { int const wx = lyxfont::width(par->bibkey->getBibLabel(), font); if (wx > w) { w = wx; bkey = par->bibkey; } } par = par->next; } if (bkey && !bkey->getBibLabel().empty()) return bkey->getBibLabel(); return "99"; }