/** * \file ExternalTemplate.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Asger Alstrup Nielsen * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "ExternalTemplate.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/path.h" #include "support/path_defines.h" #include #include namespace support = lyx::support; using std::endl; using std::for_each; using std::ostream; // We have to have dummy default commands for security reasons! ExternalTemplate::ExternalTemplate() : inputFormat("*") {} ExternalTemplate::FormatTemplate::FormatTemplate() {} ExternalTemplateManager::ExternalTemplateManager() { // gimp gnuchess gnuplot ical netscape tetris xpaint readTemplates(support::user_lyxdir()); if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::EXTERNAL)) { dumpPreambleDefs(lyxerr); lyxerr << '\n'; dumpTemplates(lyxerr); } } class dumpPreambleDef { public: typedef ExternalTemplateManager::PreambleDefs::value_type value_type; dumpPreambleDef(ostream & o) : ost(o) {} void operator()(value_type const & vt) { ost << "PreambleDef " << vt.first << '\n' << vt.second << "PreambleDefEnd" << endl; } private: ostream & ost; }; class dumpTemplate { public: typedef ExternalTemplateManager::Templates::value_type value_type; dumpTemplate(ostream & o) : ost(o) {} void operator()(value_type const & vt) { ExternalTemplate const & et = vt.second; ost << "Template " << et.lyxName << '\n' << "\tGuiName " << et.guiName << '\n' << "\tHelpText\n" << et.helpText << "\tHelpTextEnd\n" << "\tInputFormat " << et.inputFormat << '\n' << "\tFileFilter " << et.fileRegExp << '\n' << "\tEditCommand " << et.editCommand << '\n' << "\tAutomaticProduction " << et.automaticProduction << '\n'; et.dumpFormats(ost); ost << "TemplateEnd" << endl; } private: ostream & ost; }; class dumpFormat { public: typedef ExternalTemplate::Formats::value_type value_type; dumpFormat(ostream & o) : ost(o) {} void operator()(value_type const & vt) const{ ExternalTemplate::FormatTemplate const & ft = vt.second; ost << "\tFormat " << vt.first << '\n' << "\t\tProduct " << ft.product << '\n' << "\t\tUpdateFormat " << ft.updateFormat << '\n' << "\t\tUpdateResult " << ft.updateResult << '\n' << "\t\tRequirement " << ft.requirement << '\n' << "\t\tPreamble " << ft.preambleName << '\n' << "\tFormatEnd\n"; } private: ostream & ost; }; void ExternalTemplate::dumpFormats(ostream & os) const { for_each(formats.begin(), formats.end(), dumpFormat(os)); } void ExternalTemplateManager::dumpPreambleDefs(ostream & os) const { for_each(preambledefs.begin(), preambledefs.end(), dumpPreambleDef(os)); } void ExternalTemplateManager::dumpTemplates(ostream & os) const { for_each(templates.begin(), templates.end(), dumpTemplate(os)); } ExternalTemplateManager & ExternalTemplateManager::get() { static ExternalTemplateManager externalTemplateManager; return externalTemplateManager; } ExternalTemplateManager::Templates & ExternalTemplateManager::getTemplates() { return templates; } ExternalTemplateManager::Templates const & ExternalTemplateManager::getTemplates() const { return templates; } ExternalTemplate const & ExternalTemplateManager::getTemplateByName(string const & name) { return templates[name]; } string const ExternalTemplateManager::getPreambleDefByName(string const & name) const { string const trimmed_name = support::trim(name); if (trimmed_name.empty()) return string(); PreambleDefs::const_iterator it = preambledefs.find(trimmed_name); if (it == preambledefs.end()) return string(); return it->second; } void ExternalTemplateManager::readTemplates(string const & path) { support::Path p(path); enum TemplateTags { TM_PREAMBLEDEF = 1, TM_PREAMBLEDEF_END, TM_TEMPLATE, TM_TEMPLATE_END }; keyword_item templatetags[] = { { "preambledef", TM_PREAMBLEDEF }, { "preambledefend", TM_PREAMBLEDEF_END }, { "template", TM_TEMPLATE }, { "templateend", TM_TEMPLATE_END } }; LyXLex lex(templatetags, TM_TEMPLATE_END); string filename = support::LibFileSearch("", "external_templates"); if (filename.empty() || !lex.setFile(filename)) { lex.printError("ExternalTemplateManager::readTemplates: " "No template file"); return; } char const * const preamble_end_tag = templatetags[TM_PREAMBLEDEF_END-1].tag; while (lex.isOK()) { switch (lex.lex()) { case TM_PREAMBLEDEF: { lex.next(); string const name = lex.getString(); preambledefs[name] = lex.getLongString(preamble_end_tag); } break; case TM_TEMPLATE: { lex.next(); string const name = lex.getString(); ExternalTemplate & tmp = templates[name]; tmp.lyxName = name; tmp.readTemplate(lex); } break; case TM_TEMPLATE_END: lex.printError("Warning: End outside Template."); break; case TM_PREAMBLEDEF_END: lex.printError("Warning: End outside PreambleDef."); break; } } } void ExternalTemplate::readTemplate(LyXLex & lex) { enum TemplateOptionTags { TO_GUINAME = 1, TO_HELPTEXT, TO_INPUTFORMAT, TO_FILTER, TO_EDITCMD, TO_AUTOMATIC, TO_FORMAT, TO_END }; keyword_item templateoptiontags[] = { { "automaticproduction", TO_AUTOMATIC }, { "editcommand", TO_EDITCMD }, { "filefilter", TO_FILTER }, { "format", TO_FORMAT }, { "guiname", TO_GUINAME }, { "helptext", TO_HELPTEXT }, { "inputformat", TO_INPUTFORMAT }, { "templateend", TO_END } }; pushpophelper pph(lex, templateoptiontags, TO_END); while (lex.isOK()) { switch (lex.lex()) { case TO_GUINAME: lex.next(true); guiName = lex.getString(); break; case TO_HELPTEXT: helpText = lex.getLongString("HelpTextEnd"); break; case TO_INPUTFORMAT: lex.next(true); inputFormat = lex.getString(); break; case TO_FILTER: lex.next(true); fileRegExp = lex.getString(); break; case TO_EDITCMD: lex.next(true); editCommand = lex.getString(); break; case TO_AUTOMATIC: lex.next(); automaticProduction = lex.getBool(); break; case TO_FORMAT: lex.next(true); formats[lex.getString()].readFormat(lex); break; case TO_END: return; default: lex.printError("ExternalTemplate::readTemplate: " "Wrong tag: $$Token"); BOOST_ASSERT(false); break; } } } void ExternalTemplate::FormatTemplate::readFormat(LyXLex & lex) { enum FormatTags { FO_PRODUCT = 1, FO_UPDATEFORMAT, FO_UPDATERESULT, FO_REQUIREMENT, FO_PREAMBLE, FO_END }; keyword_item formattags[] = { { "formatend", FO_END }, { "preamble", FO_PREAMBLE }, { "product", FO_PRODUCT }, { "requirement", FO_REQUIREMENT }, { "updateformat", FO_UPDATEFORMAT }, { "updateresult", FO_UPDATERESULT } }; pushpophelper pph(lex, formattags, FO_END); while (lex.isOK()) { switch (lex.lex()) { case FO_PRODUCT: lex.next(true); product = lex.getString(); break; case FO_UPDATEFORMAT: lex.next(true); updateFormat = lex.getString(); break; case FO_UPDATERESULT: lex.next(true); updateResult = lex.getString(); break; case FO_REQUIREMENT: lex.next(true); requirement = lex.getString(); break; case FO_PREAMBLE: lex.next(true); preambleName = lex.getString(); break; case FO_END: return; } } }