Magic: 13000 Internal Form Definition File (do not change) Number of forms: 4 Unit of measure: FL_COORD_PIXEL SnapGrid: 5 =============== FORM =============== Name: form_graphics Width: 395 Height: 300 Number of Objects: 6 -------------------- class: FL_BOX type: FLAT_BOX box: 0 0 395 300 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_TABFOLDER type: TOP_TABFOLDER box: 0 5 395 260 boxtype: FL_FRAME_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Tabbed folder shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: tabfolder callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_BUTTON type: NORMAL_BUTTON box: 5 270 90 25 boxtype: FL_UP_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Restore|#R shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_SouthWest FL_SouthWest name: button_restore callback: C_FormDialogView_RestoreCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_BUTTON type: RETURN_BUTTON box: 110 270 90 25 boxtype: FL_UP_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: OK shortcut: ^M resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: button_ok callback: C_FormDialogView_OKCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_BUTTON type: NORMAL_BUTTON box: 300 270 90 25 boxtype: FL_UP_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Cancel|^[ shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: button_close callback: C_FormDialogView_CancelCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_BUTTON type: NORMAL_BUTTON box: 205 270 90 25 boxtype: FL_UP_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Apply|#A shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: button_apply callback: C_FormDialogView_ApplyCB argument: 0 =============== FORM =============== Name: form_graphics_file Width: 395 Height: 235 Number of Objects: 15 -------------------- class: FL_BOX type: FLAT_BOX box: 0 0 395 235 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_LABELFRAME type: ENGRAVED_FRAME box: 5 125 385 105 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_BLACK FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Output shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_West FL_East name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 60 10 225 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: File:|#F shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_NorthEast name: input_filename callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_BUTTON type: NORMAL_BUTTON box: 290 10 100 25 boxtype: FL_UP_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Browse...|#B shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_NorthEast FL_NorthEast name: button_browse callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_LABELFRAME type: ENGRAVED_FRAME box: 5 55 385 60 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_BLACK FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: LyX View shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_West FL_East name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_CHECKBUTTON type: PUSH_BUTTON box: 250 140 125 25 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_YELLOW alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Draft mode|#o shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_East FL_East name: check_draft callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_CHECKBUTTON type: PUSH_BUTTON box: 250 170 125 25 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_YELLOW alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Do not unzip|#u shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_East FL_East name: check_nounzip callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 85 70 70 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Scale:|#S shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_West FL_East name: input_lyxscale callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 85 140 70 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Width:|#W shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_West FL_East name: input_width callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_CHOICE type: NORMAL_CHOICE box: 155 140 60 25 boxtype: FL_FRAME_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_BLACK alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_East FL_East name: choice_width callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_CHOICE type: NORMAL_CHOICE box: 155 170 60 25 boxtype: FL_FRAME_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_BLACK alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_East FL_East name: choice_height callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_CHECKBUTTON type: PUSH_BUTTON box: 70 200 190 25 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_YELLOW alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Maintain aspect ratio|#M shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_West FL_West name: check_aspectratio callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 85 170 70 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Height:|#H shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_West FL_East name: input_height callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_TEXT type: NORMAL_TEXT box: 155 70 25 25 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_MEDIUM_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: % shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_East FL_East name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_CHOICE type: NORMAL_CHOICE box: 265 70 115 25 boxtype: FL_FRAME_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_BLACK alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Display:|#D shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_East FL_East name: choice_display callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 =============== FORM =============== Name: form_graphics_bbox Width: 395 Height: 235 Number of Objects: 10 -------------------- class: FL_BOX type: FLAT_BOX box: 0 0 395 235 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 120 55 50 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Right top:|#R shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_North name: input_bb_x1 callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 175 55 50 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_North name: input_bb_y1 callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 120 85 50 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Left bottom:|#L shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_North name: input_bb_x0 callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 175 85 50 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_RIGHT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_North name: input_bb_y0 callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_TEXT type: NORMAL_TEXT box: 130 30 25 25 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: X shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_North FL_North name: text_X callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_TEXT type: NORMAL_TEXT box: 185 30 25 25 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Y shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_North FL_North name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_CHOICE type: NORMAL_CHOICE box: 240 70 45 25 boxtype: FL_FRAME_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_BLACK alignment: FL_ALIGN_RIGHT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Units|#U shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_North FL_North name: choice_bb_units callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_CHECKBUTTON type: PUSH_BUTTON box: 40 165 200 25 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_YELLOW alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Clip to bounding box|#C shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_NorthWest FL_NorthWest name: check_clip callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_BUTTON type: NORMAL_BUTTON box: 245 165 130 25 boxtype: FL_UP_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Get from file|#G shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_NorthWest FL_NorthWest name: button_getBB callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 =============== FORM =============== Name: form_graphics_extra Width: 395 Height: 235 Number of Objects: 8 -------------------- class: FL_BOX type: FLAT_BOX box: 0 0 395 235 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_NoGravity FL_NoGravity name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_LABELFRAME type: ENGRAVED_FRAME box: 5 20 385 55 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_BLACK FL_COL1 alignment: FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Rotation shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_ALL gravity: FL_North FL_North name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 115 165 270 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: LaTeX options:|#L shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_West FL_East name: input_special callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_TEXT type: NORMAL_TEXT box: 140 35 35 25 boxtype: FL_FLAT_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: deg shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_North FL_North name: callback: argument: -------------------- class: FL_CHOICE type: NORMAL_CHOICE box: 245 35 135 25 boxtype: FL_FRAME_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_BLACK alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Origin:|#O shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_North name: choice_origin callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_CHECKBUTTON type: PUSH_BUTTON box: 5 105 110 25 boxtype: FL_NO_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_YELLOW alignment: FL_ALIGN_CENTER style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Subfigure:|#S shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_NONE gravity: FL_West FL_West name: check_subcaption callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: INT_INPUT box: 85 35 55 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: Angle:|#A shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_North FL_North name: input_rotate_angle callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 -------------------- class: FL_INPUT type: NORMAL_INPUT box: 115 105 270 25 boxtype: FL_DOWN_BOX colors: FL_COL1 FL_MCOL alignment: FL_ALIGN_LEFT style: FL_NORMAL_STYLE size: FL_NORMAL_SIZE lcol: FL_BLACK label: shortcut: resize: FL_RESIZE_X gravity: FL_West FL_East name: input_subcaption callback: C_FormDialogView_InputCB argument: 0 ============================== --------------------