/** * \file XFormsView.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author unknown * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "XFormsView.h" #include "XFormsMenubar.h" #include "XMiniBuffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "MenuBackend.h" #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" #include "frontends/Toolbars.h" #include "support/filetools.h" // OnlyFilename() #include using lyx::frontend::Box; using lyx::support::LibFileSearch; using std::abs; using std::endl; using std::string; //extern void AutoSave(BufferView *); extern void QuitLyX(); extern "C" { static int C_XFormsView_atCloseMainFormCB(FL_FORM * form, void * p) { return XFormsView::atCloseMainFormCB(form, p); } } void print_metrics(std::ostream & os, std::string const & name, Box const & box) { os << name << " metrics:" << "\tx = " << box.xorigin() << "\ty = " << box.yorigin() << "\tw = " << box.width() << "\th = " << box.height() << '\n'; } XFormsView::XFormsView(int width, int height) : LyXView(), window_(Box(width, height)), icon_pixmap_(0), icon_mask_(0) { int const air = 2; // Logical layout of the boxes making up the LyX window. Box & top = window_.children().push_back(Box(0,0)); Box & middle = window_.children().push_back(Box(0,0)); middle.set(Box::Horizontal); Box & bottom = window_.children().push_back(Box(0,0)); Box & left = middle.children().push_back(Box(air,0)); Box & center = middle.children().push_back(Box(0,0)); center.set(Box::Expand); Box & right = middle.children().push_back(Box(air,0)); // Define accessors to the various boxes. box_map_[Top] = ⊤ box_map_[Bottom] = ⊥ box_map_[Left] = &left; box_map_[Center] = ¢er; box_map_[Right] = &right; // Define the XForms components making up the window. // Each uses the layout engine defined above to control its // dimensions. form_ = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, width, height); form_->u_vdata = this; fl_set_form_atclose(form_, C_XFormsView_atCloseMainFormCB, 0); FL_OBJECT * obj = fl_add_box(FL_FLAT_BOX, 0, 0, width, height, ""); fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_MCOL, FL_MCOL); menubar_.reset(new XFormsMenubar(this, menubackend)); getToolbars().init(); bufferview_.reset(new BufferView(this, width, height)); minibuffer_.reset(new XMiniBuffer(*this, *controlcommand_)); // Assign an icon to the main form. string const iconname = LibFileSearch("images", "lyx", "xpm"); if (!iconname.empty()) { unsigned int w, h; icon_pixmap_ = fl_read_pixmapfile(fl_root, iconname.c_str(), &w, &h, &icon_mask_, 0, 0, 0); fl_set_form_icon(form_, icon_pixmap_, icon_mask_); } fl_end_form(); // Update the layout so that all widgets fit. window_.show(); updateMetrics(true); view_state_con = view_state_changed.connect(boost::bind(&XFormsView::show_view_state, this)); focus_con = focus_command_buffer.connect(boost::bind(&XMiniBuffer::focus, minibuffer_.get())); // Make sure the buttons are disabled if needed. updateToolbars(); redraw_con = getDialogs().redrawGUI().connect(boost::bind(&XFormsView::redraw, this)); } XFormsView::~XFormsView() { if (icon_pixmap_) XFreePixmap(fl_get_display(), icon_pixmap_); minibuffer_->freeze(); fl_hide_form(form_); fl_free_form(form_); } Box & XFormsView::getBox(Position pos) const { std::map::const_iterator it = box_map_.find(pos); BOOST_ASSERT(it != box_map_.end()); return *it->second; } /// Redraw the main form. void XFormsView::redraw() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "XFormsView::redraw()" << endl; fl_redraw_form(getForm()); minibuffer_->redraw(); } FL_FORM * XFormsView::getForm() const { return form_; } // Callback for close main form from window manager int XFormsView::atCloseMainFormCB(FL_FORM *, void *) { QuitLyX(); return FL_IGNORE; } void XFormsView::show(int x, int y, string const & title) { FL_FORM * form = getForm(); fl_set_form_minsize(form, form->w, form->h); int placement = FL_PLACE_CENTER | FL_FREE_SIZE; // Did we get a valid geometry position ? if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { fl_set_form_position(form, x, y); placement = FL_PLACE_POSITION; } fl_show_form(form, placement, FL_FULLBORDER, title.c_str()); show_view_state(); } void XFormsView::updateMetrics(bool resize_form) { FL_FORM * form = getForm(); // We don't want the window to be downsized. if (!resize_form) window_.setMinimumDimensions(form->w, form->h); window_.updateMetrics(); fl_freeze_form(form); if (resize_form) fl_set_form_size(form, window_.width(), window_.height()); // Emit a signal so that all daughter widgets are layed-out // correctly. metricsUpdated(); fl_unfreeze_form(form); } void XFormsView::setWindowTitle(string const & title, string const & icon_title) { fl_set_form_title(getForm(), title.c_str()); fl_winicontitle(form_->window, icon_title.c_str()); } void XFormsView::message(string const & str) { minibuffer_->message(str); } void XFormsView::clearMessage() { message(getLyXFunc().viewStatusMessage()); } void XFormsView::show_view_state() { message(getLyXFunc().viewStatusMessage()); } void XFormsView::busy(bool yes) const { if (yes) { view()->hideCursor(); static Cursor cursor; static bool cursor_undefined = true; if (cursor_undefined) { cursor = XCreateFontCursor(fl_get_display(), XC_watch); XFlush(fl_get_display()); cursor_undefined = false; } /// set the cursor to the watch for all forms and the canvas XDefineCursor(fl_get_display(), getForm()->window, cursor); XFlush(fl_get_display()); /// we only need to deactivate to prevent resetting the cursor /// to I-beam over the workarea fl_deactivate_all_forms(); } else { /// reset the cursor from the watch for all forms and the canvas XUndefineCursor(fl_get_display(), getForm()->window); XFlush(fl_get_display()); fl_activate_all_forms(); } }