// -*- C++ -*- /** * \file FormSearch.C * Copyright 2001 The LyX Team. * See the file COPYING. * * \author Edwin Leuven */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "xformsBC.h" #include "ControlSearch.h" #include "FormSearch.h" #include "form_search.h" typedef FormCB > base_class; FormSearch::FormSearch(ControlSearch & c) : base_class(c, _("LyX: Find and Replace")) {} void FormSearch::build() { dialog_.reset(build_search()); // Manage the ok, apply and cancel/close buttons bc().setCancel(dialog_->button_cancel); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_replace); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->replace); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->replaceall); } ButtonPolicy::SMInput FormSearch::input(FL_OBJECT * obj, long) { if (obj == dialog_->findnext || obj == dialog_->findprev) { bool const forward = (obj == dialog_->findnext); controller().find(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_search), fl_get_button(dialog_->casesensitive), fl_get_button(dialog_->matchword), forward); } else if (obj == dialog_->replace || obj == dialog_->replaceall) { bool const all = (obj == dialog_->replaceall); controller().replace(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_search), fl_get_input(dialog_->input_replace), fl_get_button(dialog_->casesensitive), fl_get_button(dialog_->matchword), all); } return ButtonPolicy::SMI_VALID; }