/** * \file FormMathsBitmap.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author John Levon * \author Angus Leeming * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "FormMathsBitmap.h" #include "ControlMath.h" #include "xformsBC.h" #include "bmtable.h" #include "forms_gettext.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "lyx_xpm.h" #include extern "C" void C_FormDialogView_CancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long); extern "C" void C_FormDialogView_InputCB(FL_OBJECT *, long); using namespace lyx::support; using std::vector; using std::max; FD_maths_bitmap::~FD_maths_bitmap() { if (form->visible) fl_hide_form(form); fl_free_form(form); } typedef FormController > base_class; FormMathsBitmap::FormMathsBitmap(Dialog & parent, string const & t, vector const & l) : base_class(parent, t, false), latex_(l), ww_(0), x_(0), y_(0), w_(0), h_(0) { ww_ = 2 * FL_abs(FL_BOUND_WIDTH); x_ = y_ = ww_; y_ += 8; } void FormMathsBitmap::addBitmap(BitmapStore const & bm) { bitmaps_.push_back(bm); int wx = bm.bw + ww_ / 2; int wy = bm.bh + ww_ / 2; wx += (wx % bm.nx); wy += (wy % bm.ny); if (bm.vert) { y_ += wy + 8; h_ = max(y_, h_); w_ = max(x_ + wx + ww_, w_); } else { x_ += wx + 8; w_ = max(x_, w_); h_ = max(y_ + wy + ww_, h_); } } void FormMathsBitmap::build() { Assert(bitmaps_.size() > 0); h_+= 42; // Allow room for a Close button FD_maths_bitmap * fdui = new FD_maths_bitmap; fdui->form = fl_bgn_form(FL_UP_BOX, w_, h_); fdui->form->u_vdata = this; fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, w_, h_, ""); x_ = y_ = ww_; y_ += 8; int y_close = 0; for (vector::const_iterator it = bitmaps_.begin(); it < bitmaps_.end(); ++it) { FL_OBJECT * obj = buildBitmap(*it); bcview().addReadOnly(obj); y_close = max(y_close, obj->y + obj->h); } bitmaps_.clear(); x_ = (fdui->form->w - 90) / 2; y_ = y_close + 10; string const label = _("Close|^["); fdui->button_close = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, x_, y_, 90, 30, idex(label).c_str()); fl_set_button_shortcut(fdui->button_close, scex(label).c_str(), 1); fl_set_object_lsize(fdui->button_close, FL_NORMAL_SIZE); fl_set_object_callback(fdui->button_close, C_FormDialogView_CancelCB, 0); fl_end_form(); fdui->form->fdui = fdui; dialog_.reset(fdui); } FL_OBJECT * FormMathsBitmap::buildBitmap(BitmapStore const & bmstore) { // Add a bitmap to a button panel: one bitmap per panel. // nt is the number of buttons and nx, ny the nr. of buttons // in x and y direction. // bw, bh and data are the bitmap dimensions width, height and // bit pattern; these come directly from an .xbm file included // as source. // vert indicates whether the next button panel within this // window will be below (true, default) or next to this one. // // The scaling of the bitmap on top of the buttons will be // correct if the nx, ny values are given correctly. int wx = bmstore.bw + ww_ / 2; int wy = bmstore.bh + ww_ / 2; wx += (wx % bmstore.nx); wy += (wy % bmstore.ny); FL_OBJECT * obj = fl_add_bmtable(1, x_, y_, wx, wy, ""); fl_set_object_lcol(obj, FL_BLUE); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_UP_BOX); fl_set_bmtable_data(obj, bmstore.nx, bmstore.ny, bmstore.bw, bmstore.bh, bmstore.data); fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(obj, bmstore.nt); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_FormDialogView_InputCB, 0); if (bmstore.vert) { y_ += wy + 8; } else { x_ += wx + 8; } return obj; } int FormMathsBitmap::GetIndex(FL_OBJECT * ob_in) { int k = 0; for (FL_OBJECT * ob = form()->first; ob; ob = ob->next) { if (ob->objclass != FL_BMTABLE) continue; if (ob == ob_in) return k + fl_get_bmtable(ob); else k += fl_get_bmtable_maxitems(ob); } return -1; } void FormMathsBitmap::apply() { string::size_type const i = latex_chosen_.find(' '); if (i != string::npos) { controller().dispatchFunc(LFUN_MATH_MODE); controller().dispatchInsert(latex_chosen_.substr(0,i)); controller().dispatchInsert('\\' + latex_chosen_.substr(i + 1)); } else controller().dispatchInsert(latex_chosen_); } ButtonPolicy::SMInput FormMathsBitmap::input(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { int const i = GetIndex(ob); if (i < 0) return ButtonPolicy::SMI_INVALID; latex_chosen_ = latex_[i]; apply(); return ButtonPolicy::SMI_VALID; }