/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 2000-2001 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== * * \file FormGraphics.C * \author Baruch Even, baruch.even@writeme.com */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "xformsBC.h" #include "ControlGraphics.h" #include "FormGraphics.h" #include "form_graphics.h" #include "xforms_helpers.h" #include "input_validators.h" #include "debug.h" // for lyxerr #include "support/lstrings.h" // for strToDbl & tostr #include "support/FileInfo.h" // for FileInfo #include "insets/insetgraphicsParams.h" #include "lyxrc.h" // for lyxrc.display_graphics using std::endl; static double const tol = 1.0e-08; typedef FormCB > base_class; FormGraphics::FormGraphics(ControlGraphics & c) : base_class(c, _("Graphics")) {} void FormGraphics::build() { dialog_.reset(build_graphics()); // This is the place to add settings of the dialog that did not go // to the .fd file. // Set the input widgets to issue a callback to input() whenever // they change, so we can verify their content. fl_set_input_return (dialog_->input_filename, FL_RETURN_CHANGED); fl_set_input_return (dialog_->input_scale, FL_RETURN_CHANGED); fl_set_input_return (dialog_->input_width, FL_RETURN_CHANGED); fl_set_input_return (dialog_->input_height, FL_RETURN_CHANGED); fl_set_input_return (dialog_->input_rotate_angle, FL_RETURN_CHANGED); fl_set_input_return (dialog_->input_subcaption, FL_RETURN_CHANGED); // Set the maximum characters that can be written in the input texts. fl_set_input_maxchars(dialog_->input_scale, SCALE_MAXDIGITS); fl_set_input_maxchars(dialog_->input_width, WIDTH_MAXDIGITS); fl_set_input_maxchars(dialog_->input_height, HEIGHT_MAXDIGITS); fl_set_input_maxchars(dialog_->input_filename, FILENAME_MAXCHARS); fl_set_input_maxchars(dialog_->input_rotate_angle, ROTATE_MAXCHARS); // Set input filter on width and height to make them accept only // unsigned numbers. fl_set_input_filter(dialog_->input_scale, fl_unsigned_float_filter); fl_set_input_filter(dialog_->input_width, fl_unsigned_float_filter); fl_set_input_filter(dialog_->input_height, fl_unsigned_float_filter); // Set input filter on rotate_angle to make it accept only // floating point numbers. fl_set_input_filter(dialog_->input_rotate_angle, fl_float_filter); // Create the contents of the choices string const width = " cm | inch | page %% | column %% "; fl_addto_choice(dialog_->choice_width_units, width.c_str()); string const height = " cm | inch | page %% "; fl_addto_choice(dialog_->choice_height_units, height.c_str()); // Manage the ok, apply, restore and cancel/close buttons bc().setOK(dialog_->button_ok); bc().setApply(dialog_->button_apply); bc().setCancel(dialog_->button_cancel); bc().setRestore(dialog_->button_restore); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_filename); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->button_browse); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->check_display); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_scale); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_width); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->choice_width_units); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_height); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->choice_height_units); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_rotate_angle); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->input_subcaption); bc().addReadOnly(dialog_->check_subcaption); } void FormGraphics::apply() { // Create the parameters structure and fill the data from the dialog. InsetGraphicsParams & igp = controller().params(); igp.filename = fl_get_input(dialog_->input_filename); if (lyxrc.display_graphics == "no") { igp.display = InsetGraphicsParams::NONE; } else { if (fl_get_button(dialog_->check_display)) { if (lyxrc.display_graphics == "mono") { igp.display = InsetGraphicsParams::MONOCHROME; } else if (lyxrc.display_graphics == "gray") { igp.display = InsetGraphicsParams::GRAYSCALE; } else if (lyxrc.display_graphics == "color") { igp.display = InsetGraphicsParams::COLOR; } } else { igp.display = InsetGraphicsParams::NONE; } } double const scale = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_scale))); if (scale < tol) { double const width = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_width))); if (width < tol) { igp.widthResize = InsetGraphicsParams::DEFAULT_SIZE; igp.widthSize = 0.0; } else { switch (fl_get_choice(dialog_->choice_width_units)) { case 2: igp.widthResize = InsetGraphicsParams::INCH; break; case 3: igp.widthResize = InsetGraphicsParams::PERCENT_PAGE; break; case 4: igp.widthResize = InsetGraphicsParams::PERCENT_COLUMN; break; default: igp.widthResize = InsetGraphicsParams::CM; break; } igp.widthSize = width; } double const height = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_height))); if (height < tol) { igp.heightResize = InsetGraphicsParams::DEFAULT_SIZE; igp.heightSize = 0.0; } else { switch (fl_get_choice(dialog_->choice_height_units)) { case 2: igp.heightResize = InsetGraphicsParams::INCH; break; case 3: igp.heightResize = InsetGraphicsParams::PERCENT_PAGE; break; default: igp.heightResize = InsetGraphicsParams::CM; break; } igp.heightSize = height; } } else { igp.widthResize = InsetGraphicsParams::DEFAULT_SIZE; igp.widthSize = 0.0; igp.heightResize = InsetGraphicsParams::SCALE; igp.heightSize = scale; } igp.rotateAngle = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_rotate_angle))); while (igp.rotateAngle < 0.0 || igp.rotateAngle > 360.0) { if (igp.rotateAngle < 0.0) { igp.rotateAngle += 360.0; } else if (igp.rotateAngle > 360.0) { igp.rotateAngle -= 360.0; } } igp.subcaption = fl_get_button(dialog_->check_subcaption); igp.subcaptionText = fl_get_input(dialog_->input_subcaption); igp.testInvariant(); } void FormGraphics::update() { // Update dialog with details from inset InsetGraphicsParams & igp = controller().params(); // Update the filename input field fl_set_input(dialog_->input_filename, igp.filename.c_str()); // To display or not to display if (lyxrc.display_graphics == "no") { fl_set_button(dialog_->check_display, 0); } else { if (igp.display == InsetGraphicsParams::NONE) { fl_set_button(dialog_->check_display, 0); } else { fl_set_button(dialog_->check_display, 1); } } setEnabled(dialog_->check_display, (lyxrc.display_graphics != "no")); if (igp.heightResize == InsetGraphicsParams::SCALE) { string number = tostr(igp.heightSize); fl_set_input(dialog_->input_scale, number.c_str()); fl_set_input(dialog_->input_width, ""); fl_set_choice(dialog_->choice_width_units, 1); fl_set_input(dialog_->input_height, ""); fl_set_choice(dialog_->choice_height_units, 1); } else { fl_set_input(dialog_->input_scale, ""); string number; if (igp.widthResize != InsetGraphicsParams::DEFAULT_SIZE) { number = tostr(igp.widthSize); } fl_set_input(dialog_->input_width, number.c_str()); int pos = 1; switch (igp.widthResize) { case InsetGraphicsParams::INCH: pos = 2; break; case InsetGraphicsParams::PERCENT_PAGE: pos = 3; break; case InsetGraphicsParams::PERCENT_COLUMN: pos = 4; break; default: break; } fl_set_choice(dialog_->choice_width_units, pos); number.erase(); if (igp.heightResize != InsetGraphicsParams::DEFAULT_SIZE) { number = tostr(igp.heightSize); } fl_set_input(dialog_->input_height, number.c_str()); pos = 1; switch (igp.heightResize) { case InsetGraphicsParams::INCH: pos = 2; break; case InsetGraphicsParams::PERCENT_PAGE: pos = 3; break; default: break; } fl_set_choice(dialog_->choice_height_units, pos); } // Update the rotate angle fl_set_input(dialog_->input_rotate_angle, tostr(igp.rotateAngle).c_str()); // Update the subcaption check button and input field fl_set_button(dialog_->check_subcaption, igp.subcaption); fl_set_input(dialog_->input_subcaption, igp.subcaptionText.c_str()); setEnabled(dialog_->input_subcaption, fl_get_button(dialog_->check_subcaption)); } ButtonPolicy::SMInput FormGraphics::input(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { if (ob == dialog_->button_browse) { // Get the filename from the dialog string const in_name = fl_get_input(dialog_->input_filename); string const out_name = controller().Browse(in_name); if (out_name != in_name && !out_name.empty()) { fl_set_input(dialog_->input_filename, out_name.c_str()); } } if (ob == dialog_->input_scale) { double const scale = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_scale))); if (scale > tol) { fl_set_input(dialog_->input_width, ""); fl_set_choice(dialog_->choice_width_units, 1); fl_set_input(dialog_->input_height, ""); fl_set_choice(dialog_->choice_height_units, 1); } } if (ob == dialog_->input_width || ob == dialog_->input_height) { double const width = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_width))); double const height = strToDbl(strip(fl_get_input(dialog_->input_height))); if (width > tol || height > tol) { fl_set_input(dialog_->input_scale, ""); } } if (ob == dialog_->check_subcaption) { setEnabled(dialog_->input_subcaption, fl_get_button(dialog_->check_subcaption)); } return checkInput(); } ButtonPolicy::SMInput FormGraphics::checkInput() { // Put verifications that the dialog shows some sane values, // if not disallow clicking on ok/apply. // Possibly use a label in the bottom of the dialog to give the reason. ButtonPolicy::SMInput activate = ButtonPolicy::SMI_VALID; // We verify now that there is a filename, it exists, it's a file // and it's readable. string filename = fl_get_input(dialog_->input_filename); FileInfo file(filename); if (filename.empty() || !file.isOK() || !file.exist() || !file.isRegular() || !file.readable() ) activate = ButtonPolicy::SMI_INVALID; return activate; }