// -*- C++ -*- /* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 2000 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include #include "gettext.h" #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "xform_macros.h" #include "FormCitation.h" #include "Dialogs.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "insets/insetcite.h" #include "form_citation.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif using std::vector; using std::pair; using std::max; using std::min; using std::find; C_RETURNCB(FormCitation, WMHideCB) C_GENERICCB(FormCitation, OKCB) C_GENERICCB(FormCitation, CancelCB) C_GENERICCB(FormCitation, InputCB) FormCitation::FormCitation(LyXView * lv, Dialogs * d) : dialog_(0), lv_(lv), d_(d), h_(0), inset_(0), dialogIsOpen(false) { // let the dialog be shown // These are permanent connections so we won't bother // storing a copy because we won't be disconnecting. d->showCitation.connect(slot(this, &FormCitation::showInset)); d->createCitation.connect(slot(this, &FormCitation::createInset)); } FormCitation::~FormCitation() { free(); } void FormCitation::build() { dialog_ = build_citation(); } void FormCitation::showInset( InsetCitation * inset ) { if( dialogIsOpen || inset == 0 ) return; inset_ = inset; ih_ = inset_->hide.connect(slot(this, &FormCitation::hide)); textAfter = inset->getOptions(); updateCitekeys(inset->getContents()); show(); } void FormCitation::createInset( string const & arg ) { if( dialogIsOpen ) return; string keys; if (contains(arg, "|")) { keys = token(arg, '|', 0); textAfter = token(arg, '|', 1); } else { keys = arg; textAfter.erase(); } updateCitekeys(keys); show(); } void FormCitation::show() { if (!dialog_) { build(); fl_set_form_atclose(dialog_->form_citation, C_FormCitationWMHideCB, 0); } update(); // make sure its up-to-date dialogIsOpen = true; if (dialog_->form_citation->visible) { fl_raise_form(dialog_->form_citation); } else { fl_show_form(dialog_->form_citation, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_TRANSIENT, _("Citation")); u_ = d_->updateBufferDependent. connect(slot(this, &FormCitation::update)); h_ = d_->hideBufferDependent. connect(slot(this, &FormCitation::hide)); } } void FormCitation::update() { bibkeys.clear(); bibkeysInfo.clear(); vector > blist = lv_->buffer()->getBibkeyList(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < blist.size(); ++i ) { bibkeys.push_back(blist[i].first); bibkeysInfo.push_back(blist[i].second); } blist.clear(); fl_freeze_form( dialog_->form_citation ); updateBrowser( dialog_->bibBrsr, bibkeys ); updateBrowser( dialog_->citeBrsr, citekeys ); fl_clear_browser( dialog_->infoBrsr ); // No keys have been selected yet, so... setBibButtons( OFF ); setCiteButtons( OFF ); int noKeys = max( bibkeys.size(), citekeys.size() ); // Place bounds, so that 4 <= noKeys <= 15 noKeys = max( 4, min(15, noKeys) ); // Re-size the form to accommodate the new browser size int size = 20 * noKeys; bool bibPresent = ( bibkeys.size() > 0 ); setSize( size, bibPresent ); fl_set_input( dialog_->textAftr, textAfter.c_str() ); fl_unfreeze_form( dialog_->form_citation ); } void FormCitation::updateCitekeys( string const & keysIn ) { citekeys.clear(); string tmp; string keys = keysIn; keys = frontStrip( split(keys, tmp, ',') ); while( !tmp.empty() ) { citekeys.push_back( tmp ); keys = frontStrip( split(keys, tmp, ',') ); } } void FormCitation::updateBrowser( FL_OBJECT * browser, vector const & keys ) const { fl_clear_browser( browser ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i ) fl_add_browser_line( browser, keys[i].c_str() ); } void FormCitation::setBibButtons( State status ) const { switch (status) { case ON: fl_activate_object( dialog_->addBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->addBtn, FL_BLACK ); break; case OFF: fl_deactivate_object( dialog_->addBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->addBtn, FL_INACTIVE ); break; default: break; } } void FormCitation::setCiteButtons( State status ) const { switch( status ) { case ON: { fl_activate_object( dialog_->delBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->delBtn, FL_BLACK ); int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr ); if( sel != 1 ) { fl_activate_object( dialog_->upBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->upBtn, FL_BLACK ); } else { fl_deactivate_object( dialog_->upBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->upBtn, FL_INACTIVE ); } if( sel != fl_get_browser_maxline(dialog_->citeBrsr)) { fl_activate_object( dialog_->downBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->downBtn, FL_BLACK ); } else { fl_deactivate_object( dialog_->downBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->downBtn, FL_INACTIVE ); } break; } case OFF: { fl_deactivate_object( dialog_->delBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->delBtn, FL_INACTIVE ); fl_deactivate_object( dialog_->upBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->upBtn, FL_INACTIVE ); fl_deactivate_object( dialog_->downBtn ); fl_set_object_lcol( dialog_->downBtn, FL_INACTIVE ); } default: break; } } void FormCitation::setSize( int brsrHeight, bool bibPresent ) const { int const infoHeight = 110; int const otherHeight = 140; brsrHeight = max( brsrHeight, 175 ); int formHeight = brsrHeight + otherHeight; if( bibPresent ) formHeight += infoHeight + 30; fl_set_form_size( dialog_->form_citation, 430, formHeight ); // No resizing is alowed in the y-direction fl_set_form_minsize( dialog_->form_citation, 430, formHeight ); fl_set_form_maxsize( dialog_->form_citation, 1000, formHeight ); int ypos = 0; fl_set_object_geometry( dialog_->box, 0, ypos, 430, formHeight ); ypos += 30; fl_set_object_geometry( dialog_->citeBrsr, 10, ypos, 180, brsrHeight ); fl_set_object_geometry( dialog_->bibBrsr, 240, ypos, 180, brsrHeight ); fl_set_object_position( dialog_->addBtn, 200, ypos ); ypos += 35; fl_set_object_position( dialog_->delBtn, 200, ypos ); ypos += 35; fl_set_object_position( dialog_->upBtn, 200, ypos ); ypos += 35; fl_set_object_position( dialog_->downBtn, 200, ypos ); ypos = brsrHeight+30; // base of Citation/Bibliography browsers // awaiting natbib support fl_hide_object( dialog_->style ); if( bibPresent ) { ypos += 30; fl_set_object_position( dialog_->infoBrsr, 10, ypos ); fl_show_object( dialog_->infoBrsr ); ypos += infoHeight; } else fl_hide_object( dialog_->infoBrsr ); ypos += 20; // awaiting natbib support fl_hide_object( dialog_->textBefore ); fl_set_object_position( dialog_->textAftr, 100, ypos ); fl_set_object_position( dialog_->ok, 230, ypos+50 ); fl_set_object_position( dialog_->cancel, 330, ypos+50 ); } void FormCitation::input( State cb ) { switch( cb ) { case BIBBRSR: { fl_deselect_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr ); unsigned int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->bibBrsr ); if( sel < 1 || sel > bibkeys.size() ) break; // Put into infoBrsr the additional info associated with // the selected bibBrsr key fl_clear_browser( dialog_->infoBrsr ); fl_add_browser_line( dialog_->infoBrsr, bibkeysInfo[sel-1].c_str() ); // Highlight the selected bibBrsr key in citeBrsr if present vector::iterator it = find( citekeys.begin(), citekeys.end(), bibkeys[sel-1] ); if( it != citekeys.end() ) { int n = it - citekeys.begin(); fl_select_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, n+1 ); fl_set_browser_topline( dialog_->citeBrsr, n+1 ); } if( !lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) { if( it != citekeys.end() ) { setBibButtons( OFF ); setCiteButtons( ON ); } else { setBibButtons( ON ); setCiteButtons( OFF ); } } } break; case CITEBRSR: { unsigned int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr ); if( sel < 1 || sel > citekeys.size() ) break; if( !lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) { setBibButtons( OFF ); setCiteButtons( ON ); } // Highlight the selected citeBrsr key in bibBrsr vector::iterator it = find( bibkeys.begin(), bibkeys.end(), citekeys[sel-1] ); if (it != bibkeys.end()) { int n = it - bibkeys.begin(); fl_select_browser_line( dialog_->bibBrsr, n+1 ); fl_set_browser_topline( dialog_->bibBrsr, n+1 ); // Put into infoBrsr the additional info associated with // the selected citeBrsr key fl_clear_browser( dialog_->infoBrsr ); fl_add_browser_line( dialog_->infoBrsr, bibkeysInfo[n].c_str() ); } } break; case ADD: { if( lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) break; unsigned int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->bibBrsr ); if( sel < 1 || sel > bibkeys.size() ) break; // Add the selected bibBrsr key to citeBrsr fl_addto_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr, bibkeys[sel-1].c_str() ); citekeys.push_back( bibkeys[sel-1] ); int n = citekeys.size(); fl_select_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, n ); setBibButtons( OFF ); setCiteButtons( ON ); } break; case DELETE: { if( lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) break; unsigned int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr ); if( sel < 1 || sel > citekeys.size() ) break; // Remove the selected key from citeBrsr fl_delete_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel ) ; citekeys.erase( citekeys.begin() + sel-1 ); setBibButtons( ON ); setCiteButtons( OFF ); } break; case UP: { if( lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) break; unsigned int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr ); if( sel < 2 || sel > citekeys.size() ) break; // Move the selected key up one line vector::iterator it = citekeys.begin() + sel-1; string tmp = *it; fl_delete_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel ); citekeys.erase( it ); fl_insert_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel-1, tmp.c_str() ); fl_select_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel-1 ); citekeys.insert( it-1, tmp ); setCiteButtons( ON ); } break; case DOWN: { if( lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) break; unsigned int sel = fl_get_browser( dialog_->citeBrsr ); if( sel < 1 || sel > citekeys.size()-1 ) break; // Move the selected key down one line vector::iterator it = citekeys.begin() + sel-1; string tmp = *it; fl_delete_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel ); citekeys.erase( it ); fl_insert_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel+1, tmp.c_str() ); fl_select_browser_line( dialog_->citeBrsr, sel+1 ); citekeys.insert( it+1, tmp ); setCiteButtons( ON ); } break; default: break; } } void FormCitation::apply() { if( lv_->buffer()->isReadonly() ) return; string tmp; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < citekeys.size(); ++i ) { if (i > 0) tmp += ", "; tmp += citekeys[i]; } textAfter = fl_get_input(dialog_->textAftr); if( inset_ != 0 ) { inset_->setContents( tmp ); inset_->setOptions( textAfter ); lv_->view()->updateInset( inset_, true ); } else { string arg = tmp + '|' + textAfter; lv_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch( LFUN_INSERT_CITATION, arg.c_str() ); } } void FormCitation::hide() { if (dialog_ && dialog_->form_citation && dialog_->form_citation->visible) { fl_hide_form(dialog_->form_citation); u_.disconnect(); h_.disconnect(); } // free up the dialog for another inset inset_ = 0; ih_.disconnect(); dialogIsOpen = false; } void FormCitation::free() { // we don't need to delete u and h here because // hide() does that after disconnecting. if (dialog_) { if (dialog_->form_citation && dialog_->form_citation->visible) { hide(); } fl_free_form(dialog_->form_citation); delete dialog_; dialog_ = 0; } } int FormCitation::WMHideCB(FL_FORM * form, void *) { // Ensure that the signals (u and h) are disconnected even if the // window manager is used to close the dialog. FormCitation * pre = static_cast(form->u_vdata); pre->hide(); return FL_CANCEL; } void FormCitation::OKCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { FormCitation * pre = static_cast(ob->form->u_vdata); pre->apply(); pre->hide(); } void FormCitation::CancelCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { FormCitation * pre = static_cast(ob->form->u_vdata); pre->hide(); } void FormCitation::InputCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long data) { FormCitation * pre = static_cast(ob->form->u_vdata); pre->input( static_cast(data) ); }