TocUi Qt::NonModal 0 0 202 332 0 0 Switch between available lists (table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and others) 0 0 0 0 Adjust the depth of the navigation tree 5 1 2 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBothSides 0 QLayout::SetMinimumSize 4 0 0 0 21 Sort 0 0 0 21 Try to keep persistent view of the uncollapsed nodes Keep 6 0 Update navigation tree ... ../../../../lib/images/reload.png../../../../lib/images/reload.png 20 20 Qt::Horizontal 16 20 Decrease nesting depth of selected item ... ../../../../lib/images/promote.png../../../../lib/images/promote.png 20 20 Increase nesting depth of selected item ... ../../../../lib/images/demote.png../../../../lib/images/demote.png 20 20 Move selected item down by one ... ../../../../lib/images/down.png../../../../lib/images/down.png 20 20 Move selected item up by one ... ../../../../lib/images/up.png../../../../lib/images/up.png 20 20 typeCO tocTV qt_i18n.h