QMathUi 0 0 403 368 true 9 6 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 171 28 Qt::Horizontal 153 51 &Close Open this panel as a separate window &Detach panel Qt::Horizontal 95 22 3 0 0 0 Select a page of symbols Operators Big operators Relations Greek Arrows Dots Frame decorations Miscellaneous AMS operators AMS relations AMS negated relations AMS arrows AMS Miscellaneous 70 0 60 500 true 100 16777215 &Functions functionsLW 250 16 1 0 6 35 0 30 25 Insert root ../../../../lib/images/math/sqrt-square.xpm 35 0 30 25 Insert spacing ../../../../lib/images/math/space.xpm 35 0 30 25 Set limits style ../../../../lib/images/math/style.xpm 35 0 30 25 Set math font ../../../../lib/images/math/font.xpm 35 0 30 25 Set math font ../../../../lib/images/math/frac-square.xpm 1 1 0 0 25 25 Toggle between display and inline mode ../../../../lib/images/math/equation.xpm 25 25 Subscript ../../../../lib/images/math/sub.xpm 25 25 Superscript ../../../../lib/images/math/super.xpm 25 25 Insert matrix ../../../../lib/images/math/matrix.xpm 25 25 Show delimiter and bracket dialog ../../../../lib/images/math/delim.xpm symbolsCO closePB tearoffPB delimitersPB superscriptPB subscriptPB matrixPB equationPB fontPB stylePB spacePB sqrtPB