PrefPathsUi 0 0 347 311 9 6 Relative and absolute paths are allowed. Relative paths will be expanded with respect to the working directory (WD). For all paths except the "TEXINPUTS prefix" the WD is the directory from which you start LyX, and thus could change for each LyX session. For the "TEXINPUTS prefix" path the WD is the directory containing the document. The path "." (without quotes) is a common example of a relative path and refers to the WD. true &PATH prefix: pathPrefixED Specify those directories which should be prepended to the PATH environment variable. Use the OS native format. TEX&INPUTS prefix: texinputsPrefixED Specify those directories which should be prepended to the TEXINPUTS environment variable. Use the OS native format. Browse... false T&hesaurus dictionaries: thesaurusDirED Browse... false &Temporary directory: tempDirED Browse... false Ly&XServer pipe: lyxserverDirED Browse... false &Backup directory: backupDirED Browse... false &Example files: exampleDirED Browse... false &Document templates: templateDirED Browse... false &Working directory: workingDirED H&unspell dictionaries: hunspellDirED Browse... false workingDirED workingDirPB templateDirED templateDirPB exampleDirED exampleDirPB backupDirED backupDirPB lyxserverDirED lyxserverDirPB tempDirED tempDirPB thesaurusDirED thesaurusDirPB hunspellDirED hunspellDirPB pathPrefixED texinputsPrefixED qt_i18n.h