PrefCompletionUi 0 0 400 404 9 6 In Math true 6 9 Show the grey inline completion behind the cursor in math mode after the delay. Automatic in&line completion Show the popup in math mode after the delay. Automatic p&opup Autoco&rrection In Text true 6 9 Show the grey inline completion behind the cursor in text mode after the delay. Automatic &inline completion Show the popup after the set delay in text mode. Automatic &popup Show a small triangle on the cursor if a completion is available in text mode. Cursor i&ndicator General true 6 9 6 0 After the cursor has not moved for this time, the inline completion is shown if it is available. 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 s inline completion dela&y inlineDelaySB Qt::Horizontal 40 20 6 0 After the cursor has not moved for this time, the completion popup is shown if it is available. 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 s popup d&elay popupDelaySB Qt::Horizontal 40 20 6 0 Words with less than the specified number of characters will not be completed. 5 24 6 Minimum characters for words that should be completed minlengthSB Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When the TAB completion is not unique, there won't be a delay of the popup. It will be shown right away. Sho&w popup without delay for non-unique completions Long completions are cut-off and shown with "...". &Use "..." to shorten long completions Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 0 16 inlineTextCB popupTextCB cursorTextCB inlineMathCB popupMathCB autocorrectionCB qt_i18n.h